Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 31, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 3

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    'ipntnyiwi sssw
,totstaAh, uotfiuv, jTttttiai, ib&o.
.A .- .- 4 J J. . , A .., - ITfi I i.
u-x.u-j.iuui iriin iti urn 1 1 .mi m n it swwrtpi llgj?l?11 J''ltfl! " ?" "! ' 1 " "''i',' l!JgL'! JSSitferifeJ!
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The (Ucrlflta of f ei1itliati's tUitglilcr Was
Imt a Type of Million of C'lillil Srrlfip
' l.jr UnwU Training or Mrael Nftlrl Ii
Brooklyn, July 80. Uov. Dr. Tnl
mage, who la now on his vacation tonr
?n the went, has chosen for a topic for
his morning, "Children's Rightu," tho
text tidtig Judge xl, 80, "My father,
if thou hast opened thy mouth unto tho
Lord, do to mo according to that which
hath proceeded ont of thy month."
Jophthah won a frcohootor. Early
turned ont from n homo where ho ought
to havo been cared for, ho consorted
with rough men and wont forth to earn
hia living as best ho could. In thoso
times It was considered right for a man
to go ont on independent military expe
ditions. Jophthah was a good man ac
cording to the light of his dark ago, but
through a wandering and a prodatory
life ho became reckless and precipitate.
Tho grace of God changes a man's heart,
but nover reverses his natural tempera
Tho Israelites wanted tho Ammonites
driven out of their country, bo they Bent
a delegation to Jophthah, asldug him to
become commander in chief of ajl the
forces. He might have said, ' 'You drove
mo out when you had no use for me, and
now you uro in trouble yon want me
back," but he did not say that. He takes
command of tho army, sends messengers
to tho Ammonites to tell them to vacate
tho country, and getting no favorable
response marshals his troops for battle.
Before going out to the war Jephthah
makes a very solemn vow that if the
Lord will give him the victory then on
his return home whatsoever first comes
out of his doorway ho will offer in sacri
fice as a burnt offering. The battle
opens. It was no skirmishing on the
edges of danger, no unlimbering of bat
tories two miles away, but the hurling
of men on tho point of s'words oud
spears until the ground could no more
drink tho blood and tho horses reared to
leap over the pile of bodies of the slain.
In those old times opposing forces would
fight until their swords were broken, and
then each one would throttle his man
until they both fell, teeth to teeth, grip
to grip, death stare to death stare, until
the plain was one tumbled mass of
corpses from which tho lost trace of
manhood had been dashed out.
Jephthah wins the day. Twelve cities
lay captured at his feet. Sound tho vic
tory all through tho mountains of
Gilead. Let the trumpeters call up the
survivors. Homeward to your wives and
children. Homeward with your glit
tering treasures. Homeward -to have
the applause of an admiring nation.
Build triumphal arches. Swing out flogs
all over Tttirpeb. Open all your doors to
receive 'the captnred treasures. Through
every hall spread tho banquet. Pile up
the viands. FJ11 high the tankards.
The nation is redeemed, the invaders
are -routed, nnd the national honor is
Huzza for Jephthah, tho conqueror!
Jephthah, seated on a prancing'steed,
Imro dun m .loplitlmh illtl." If today
yoli woro utafitflfftf On Inn ItntifM of the
Onngcw and ydHinittl Imh Itorrt Iti tmltn,
yon mfght havo farm throtfliifc ymir
children to (hi! woIIIm, It I fiot !)
cahco wo ro naturally miy Wipr, but
lioontiM wo linve inura rrwpl Unlit
wr ntrirKunrTMiAY.
Now, I make very practical tiro of this
qnetlon when I tell yotl that tho sttcri
fieo of Jophthah's dstighier was a typo
of the physical, mental ami spiritual
iwierilko of 10.000 children in this day.
There nre parents all unwittingly bring
ing to bear upon their children m Itwuof
inUneiires t Inch will as certainly rnln
them as ktii'o nnd torch destroyed Jepl
t am spwkliiK, Imt II Is only lighter nt tragedy innfiy of tho jfoiitli of thU cotin
the moiimnt of BtwrlfW Would Or. , try art) ruined.
therowKreoMlymi9Jrjlit!irtirdrttihlor ' Fitrtltnf ntithotiii'lniltoiiofthoit-
tnnMtotviMiMrirt. naiidn of th tii.tiKht-r of Arnnrlcn mo
Again, there nro many parent who uwirfnertt to worldling. ThftynrtUnght
am .ii-irloitif ft.nif rliilrlfAii with wrotiif Id lialn 'svnitiathy with all the artificial!'
nttoM of dlsdiillno -too trrei rigor or tied of oolty. They are Inducted Into
too trrMt leniimry". There are rhlldren
In families who rnle tho household. The
conio to the Htithorlty. Tho high chair
In which thu infant sits Is tho throno,
and the rattle is tho scepter, and tho
other childi en mukc np the parlluiuunt
whero father and mother have no votel
finch children come up to bo miscreants.
Thero is no chance in this world for a
rhlld that has never learned to mind.
thnh's daughter. While I speak, the Such people liecoino tho botheration of
...l.r.1 n,J. lt1.A4,f Mllllllnn ttlfl tflfftll.l If - t 1. f 1 ...1 .a h .1 .1. u,fr tt tllM
out Minnie looks npon the stupendous
11 thn hollownesit of what I, callod fash
ionsble life. They nro taught to bolfora
that Idstory In dry, but that flO cent sto
ries of ndvffltnrutis fovo nr delicious,
With tipicl'y fhM inl-ht hRvtfrirnlM
a FloftitO IflKh'.Jngale lit heovenly mln
Istrleo, or iniklo tho father's litmso glad
villi filial nnd sisterly demeanor, thefr
life is waste, tholr bonuty a curse, their
eternity a demolition.
advances amid acclaiming multitudes,
but hiseyo is-noton tho excited popu
lace. Rfemembering'that he had made a
solemn -vow ihatt xeturning from vic
torious battle, whatsoever first cameqnt
of tho ddorway of lis, home, that shquld
he sacrifice as a burnt offering, ho has
his anxious look upon the door. I won
der what spotless lamb, what brace Kf
doves, will bo thrown upon the fires of
the burnt offering. Oh, horrorsl idle
ness of death blanches his cheek. De
spair seizes his heart. His daughter, his
only child, rushes out the doorway to
throw herself in her father's arms and
shower upon him more kisses than there
wero wounds on his breast or dents on
his shield. All the triumphal splendor
vanishes. Holding back his child from
his heaving breast and pushing the locks
back from the fair brow and looking in
to tho eyes of inextingnishablo affection,
with choked utterance ho says; ""Would
God I lay stark on tho bloody plain. My
daughter, my only child, joy of my
home, life of my life, thou art the sacri
fice I"
Tho whole matter was explained to
ber. This was no whining, hollow heart
ed girl into whoso eyes the father looked.
All the glory of sword nnd shield van
ished in the presence of tho valor of that
girl. There may have been a tremor of
the lip as a roso leaf trembles in tho sough
of the south wind, there may have been
the starting of a tear liko a raindrop
shook from tho anther of a water lily,
but with a self sacrifice that man may
not reach and only woman's heart can
compass she surrenders herself to fire
and to death. She cries out in the words
of my text, "My father, if thou host
opened thy mouth nnto the Lord, do
unto mowhatsooverhath proceeded from
thy mouth." ,
Sho bows to the knife, and the blood
which so often at the father's roico had
rushed to the crimson cheek smokes in
;the fires of tho burnt offering. No one
can tell ns her name. There is no need
that we know her name. The garlands
that Mispeh twisted for Jephthah, the
warrior, had gono into the dust, but all
ages are twisting this girl's chaplet. It
Is well that ber name came not to us, for
no ono can wear it. They may take the
r.amo of Deborah or Abigail or Miriam.
but no one in all tbe Hges can n o un
title of this danghtcr of eacnflce,
, Of courfo this offering was not pleas
ing to tlu Lerd: but before you hurl
remember that in olden times, when
... . mnri. men thought they must
execute tbeui. perform them, , wbethffl
tlwy were wickwl or gow.
two wrong things about Jephthah'syow.
Ffrt im nnpht never to havo made It.
ww i.nvintr miulB it. it wero better
lM-nVn tlian Vent- But do not
Ill tho flret placo, 1 remark that much
of tho system of education in our day Is
a system of sacrifice. When children
spend six or seven hours a duy in school,
and then must spend two or three hours
in preparation for school the next day,
will yon tell me how much time they
will have for snnshino and fresh air and
the obtaining of that exuberance which
is necessary for the duties of coming life?
No ono can feel moro thankful than I
do for tho advancement of common
school education. Tho printing of books
appropriate for schools, the multiplica
tion of philosophical apparatus, tho es
tablishment of normal schools, which
provide for our children teachers of lar
gest caliber, are themes on which every
philanthropist ought to be congratu
lated. But this herding of great multi
tudes of children in ill ventilated school
rooms and poorly equipped halls of in
struction is making many of the places
of knowledge in this country huge holo
causts. Politics in many of the cities gets into
educational affairs, and while tho two
political parties are scrabbling for tho
honors Jephthah's uaugiuer pensnes.
It is so much so that there are many
schools in the country today which are
preparing tons of thousands of invalid
men and women for the future, bo that
in many places by the timo the child's
education is finished the child is finished!
In many places, in many cities of tho
country, thero are large appropriations
for everything else and cheerful appro
priations, but as soon as the appropria
tion is to bo made for the educational or
moral interest of the city we are struck
through with an economy that is well
nigh the death of us.
In connection with this I mention what
I might call the cramming system of the
common schools and many of tho acado
mjeachildren of delicate brain com
pelled to tasks that might appall a ma
tnre intellect, children going down to
school with a strap of books half as high
as themselves. The fact is, in some of
the cities parents do not allow their
children to graduate for the simple-rea
son, they say, "We cannot afford to al
low our children's health to be destroyed
in order that they may gather the honors
of an institution."
Tens of thousands of children educated
into imbecility, so connected with many
such literary establishments there ought
to be asylums for the wrecked. It is
push and crowd and cram and stuff
and jam until tho child's intellect is be
wildered, and the memory is wrecked,
and the health is gone. There are Chil
dren turned out'from the schools who
once wero full of romping nnd laughter
and had cheeks crimson with health who
are now turned out in the afternoon pale
faced, irritated, asthmatic, old before
their time. It is one of tho saddest sights
on earth, an old mannish boy or an old
womanish girl.
Girls 10 years of age studying algebra!
Boys 12 years of age racking their brains
over trieonometry ! Children unacquaint
ed with their mother tongue crying over
their Latin, French and German lessons!
All tho vivacity of their nature beaten
out of them by the heavy beetle of a
Greek lexicon! And you doctor them
for this, nnd you give them a little med
icine for that, and you wonder what is
the matter with them. I will tell you
what is the matter with them; they are
finishing their education.
In my parish in Philadelphia a child
was sopuBhed at school that sho was
thrown into a feyer, and in her dying
delirium, all night long,"6ho was trying
to recite tho multiplication table. In
my boyhood I remember that in our
plftss at school there was one lad who
knew more than all of us put together.
If we wero fast in our arithmetic, he
extricated us. When wo Btood up for
the spelling class, he was almost always
the head of the class. Visitors came to
his father's house, and ho was almost
oi,ova hrnnaht in as a nrodicy. At 18
years of ago he was an idiot. He lived
10 years an idiot and died an idiot, not
knowing his right hand from his left, or
day from night. The parents and tho
teachers made him an idiot.
thv. ninilTS or cmunooD.
You may flatter your pride by forcing
your children to know more than any
n.- i.i,i.-n vni: vnii are making a
sacrifice of that child if by the additions
to its intelligence you are making a sub
faction from its future. The child will
go away from such maltreatment with
no exuberance to fight the battle of life.
Bucb children may get along very well
while you take care of them, but when
you are old or dead, alasl for-them if,
throuch tlw wrontr system of education
which yon adopted, they have no swarth
luess or force of character to tako
care of themselves. Be careful how you
make the child's head'ache or its heart
I hears great deal about-black men's
rights and Chinamen's rights and In
dians' rights and women's rights. Would
God that somebody would rise to plead
for children's right! The Carthaginians
used to sacrifice their children by put
ting them into the arms of an idol which.
thnt forth it hind. The child was put
into the arms of the Idol, and uo sooner
touched the arw than it dropped into
theflra. Bat It wai tho art of the moth
ers to keep the children smiling and
lanihlnir until the mowenv v "
tho church of God and the peat of tho ' In tho siege or Charleston, (luring tno
world. Children that do not learn to civil war, a lieutenant of the army stood
obey human authority are unwilling to on tho floor .beside tho daughter of .thu
learn to obey divine authority. Children ' ex-govcruor of tho state of South Caro
will not resnect narcnU whoso authority Una. Tuoy wero taking the vows
hlectric ugms B A LID H E ADS I
On VeUv System, wtii u (ft
thov do not respect. Who are theso , marriage. A DomosuoiisirucKinorooi,
young men that swBgger mrougii mo
street, with their thumbs in their vest,
talking about their father as "the old
man," "tho governor," "the squire,"
"tho old chap," or their mbther as "tho
old woman?' They are those who In
youth, in childhood, never learned to re
spect authority. Ell, having heard that
hia sons had died In their wickedness,
fell over backward and broke hia neck
and died. Well ho miEht. What is life
to a father whose sons are debauched?)
The dust of the valley is pleasant to hisi
taste, and tho driving rains that drip
through tho roof of tho sepulcher are
sweeter than tho wines of Helbon.
There must bo harmony between the
father's government and tho mothers
government. Tho father will bo tempt
ed td too greaf rigor. The mother will be
tsiripted to too great leniency. Hor'ton
dernCsS will overcome her. Her voice is
a little softer; hor hand seems better fit
to pull out a thorn and soothe a pang.
Children wanting any thing from tho
mother cry for it. They hope to dissolve
her will with tears. But the mother
must nbt interfere, must not coax off,
must not beg for tho child when tho
hour comes for the assertion of parental
supremacy and the subjugation of a
child's temper. There comes dn the his
tory of every child an hour when it is
tested whothor the parents shall rule1 or
tho child shall rule. That is the crucial
hour. Iftho child triumphs in that hour,
then he will 6omo day make you crouch.
It is a horrible scene. I havo witnessed
it a mother come to old fcge, Shivering
with terror in the presenco of a son who
cursed her gray hairs and mocked her
wrinkled face and begrudged her the
crust she munched with her toothless
How sharper than a serpent's tooth ft is
To hate a thankless child!
But, on tho other hand, too great rig
or must bo avoided. It is a sad thing
when domestic government becomes cold
military despotism. Trappers on the
prairie fight fire with fire, but you can
not successfully flsht your child's bad
temper with your own bad temper. We
must not be too mlnuto in our inspec
tion. Wo cannot oxpect our children to
be perfect. We must not see every
thing. Since wo have two or three faults
of our own, wo ought not to be too
rough when we discover that our chil
dren havo as many. If tradition be
true, when wo were children we were
not all little Samuels, and our parents
wero not fearful lost thoy could notraiso
us because-of our premature goodness.
You cannot scold or pound your chil
dren into nobility of character. The
bloom of a child's heart can never be
Been under a cold drizzle. Above all,
avoid fretting and scolding in tho house
hold. Better than 10 years of frettifag
at your children is one good, round, old
fashioned application of the alipperl
That minister of tho gospel of whom we
read in the newspapers that he whipped
his child to death because he would not
say his prayers will never come to 'can
onization. Tho arithmetics cannot cal
culate how many thousands of cnlldren
havo "been ruined forever either through
too great rigor or too great leniency.
The heavens and the earth aro filled
with the groan of tho sacrificed. In this
Important matter seek divino direction,
O father, O mother. Some ne asked
tho mother of Lord Chief Justice Mans
field if she was not proud to have throe
such eminent sons and all of them 'so
good. "No," she said, "it is nothing to be
proud of, but something for which toibe
very grateful."
Again, there are many who nro sacri
ficing their children to a spirit of world
llness. Sonio one asked a mother whoso
children had turned out very well what
was the secret by which sho prepared
ThHlm i.Ulit arid nVittE'VKiJIJ
,lc nt tlmil Willi the rti t nodrii ft'l ft
nd r now slila to nlJyr thu jxiblln fc bt r
IKht lhn sar ytmlsn(l at i ft mwf
tuna nor city on tna oaiiw
Arc ftiiil iHCftiKlc.Hccnt I (glit
Jh. Mcr.trlc Motors lor nil J
-purposes where power is required
iR,ldeu w bs wired ror as inonr lmnis
KeVTIitMii m are ited. ruli telo real.lfred
fcyanK ccino-Meter. Office
179 Commercial St.
them for nsefulness and for tho Chris
tiau life, and she eald: "This was the
secret. When in the morning I washed
my children, I prayed that they might
be washed in the fountain of a Saviour's
mercy. When I put on their garments,
I prayed that they might be arrayed In
tho robe of a Saviour's righteousness.
When I gave them food, I prayed that
tii mifflit bo fed with manna from
heaven. When I started them on the
road to school, I prayea'tnat iseir paw
dropped into the group, and nine Wero
wounded and'slatn; among the woun.led
to death, tho' bride, While tho bride
groom knelt on tho carpet tryteffi to.
Btanch the wounds the brldo demanded,
that the ceremony bo cornpled, that
sho might tako the vows before hor de
parture, and when the minister said,
"Wilt thott bo faithful unto deathT with
her dying lips bo said, "I'will,"-and ia
two hours sho had departed. That-was
the accidental slaughter and tho sac
rifice-of tho46dy, btifAt thousands of
marriage altars there are daughters slain
for timo and slain for eternity. Itlls not
a marriago; itlsa massacro.
Affianced to (some one who la only
waiting until his father dies so ho .can
get the property. Then a little while
thoy jwing around in he circles, bril
liant circles. Then the property is gone,
'arid having 'no' power to earn a liveli
hood thetavaln sink Into some coruef of
society tho husbandtan Idler and -a sot,
tho wife a-drudgOf-a slave and a sacrifice
All, sparo ydnr'denunclirtions'f roin Jeph
thah's head nnd expend theinbllonthis
wholesale modern martyrdom!
I lift pp my voice today against the
sacrifice of children, I lpok out of my
window on a Sabbath and I boo a group
of children unwashed, uncombed, un
Christianized. Who cares for them?
Who prays for them? Who utters to
them one kind word?
When the city missionary passing along
the park in New Yprk saw a ragged lad
and heard him swearing, ho said to him:
"My sop, stop swearing! You ought to
go to the house of God today. You oughi
to bo good. You ought to be a Chris
tian." Tho lad looked in hlsfaco and said,
MAb, it. is easy for you to talk, wel
clothed ae you aro and well fed, "but wp
chaps "liain't'got no chance!" Who lifta
them to the altar for baptism? 'Who
goes forth to-snatch them up from crime.
ana aeath auu woer w no touay win go
forth and bring them into echools anjl
churches? No. Heap them up, great
niles of racsand wretchedness and filth.
Put underneath them tho flres'of sacri
fice, stir up tho blaio, put on moro fag-i
ots, and while we sit in tho churches
with folded arms antl maltterent crimo
and disease and death will go on with
the- agonizing sacrifice
During tho early French revolution-at J
Bourges there was a conipany or boys
who used to train every day as yourig
soldiers, and thoy carried a flag, and thoy
had on tho flag this Inscription! ''Trem-'
ble, tyrants, tremble! We are growing
up." Mightily spggestlve! This gen
eration is passing off, and. a mightier
generation is coming on. Will thoy be
the foes of tyranny ,the foes of sin and
tho foes of death, or will they bethe'foea
of God? They arocomkignp!
I congratulate all parents whp are do
ing their best to keep their children
away from tho altar of sacrifice. Yohr
prayers nre going to bo answered. Yopjr
children may wander away from God,
but they will come back again. A voice
comos from the throne todajr encourag
ing you, "I will be a God to thee, tmaito
tby seed after thee." And though -wbbh
you lay ynsr head in death thero may bo
some wanderer of the family far away
... nw1 an1 vnu tthav tin QO vpnrfilln
heaven beforo salvation shall come'to'l
J. l.AHi 1.a irltl Ita itmnrrltf. Infn ltk
kingdom, and beforo tho throno of God
you will rejoice that yon wore faithful.
Come at last, although so long post
poned his coming. Come at last!
I congratulate all thoso who are Wil
ing for tho outcast and tho wandering.
Ypur work will soon be over, but the in
fluence you aro sotting in motion rill
never stop, Long after you havetyon
garnered for thosklea your nrayers, your
teachings and your Christian influenco
:; '1KW1I
iho cM&Utan (A vowta? U votif faff Atv.
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itotvwxoltl&vtu Ktiooknm"emftiriitiirmlnerlswrell.. II
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eteen, heHhr. m4 free f mm Irrlutlnf ernetlM). t
11 aetuvs yarotii to !, kk m
U tow drastut eMftst tufplr TWJ ! dtreot to , aM weyin rerwjrt 1
Mid, on receipt ot pile. Orewtr, Loapr bottle 1 lor W. Soip.we. ,
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Geo. Fendrich,
Best eat and free dell very.
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and jonniNa.
'Xrley& Win'sforaley.
Bhop 216 High street.
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Good meats. Prompt delivery.
David HcKillop,
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uphoUtored nirulttue. Firvt
clans work. I'hfti'rtfenta trce t.
Mtato iusuru'.iru blix-lc.
S'AIWV & BINGHAM. Attorneys at Law.
Booms 1, 9 nd 8. D'Aroy Uulldinic. J
teiUeX Bpeclal attflntlon .fcivea tqbu.l
nerfln'ttoBWremeand otroult conns of the
tta. H
P.BOItiK. AtUirnty at lay. Baiem, Ore
son. Ofllce 374 Commercial street,
JL Oregon
FORD. Attorney at tavr, Men,
, vrnce up stairs ln'Patton block
. gon. Dfljce oVer Utah's btrfik.
wJ . Attorneis.Jt law. Office over Capital
National .bank, Halem, Oregon.
-rrkii-u a 'auktiVj Attnrnev at law. r
I -a and. 4. BusU.banli building, Baleru.Or.
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Specialty ol Spectacle, and repujrlni! Clocks.
Watohna and Jewelry
Smith Premier Typewriter
D OUloelnButU block, between Btateand
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tt9grapher and Tjpe-
lippea lypewriuuK "-
over bu)
rolttat. llAt. AH 11 In
nAjJL VTVV' -"-!
flee bat one in uresoa.
Halem, Oregon.
ivor Bush's bank,
O com in
mock. Kli
BUKRMAN.-Typowrltln JM"
merclal stehosraphy, room 11, oray
Klrstrolaas work. JMitas, reasonable.
TU A. DAVIH. Late Post Graduate or nw
.1 I vw., nivAa flnnial BttAnllnn to the dU
iTr'i- ZY2TJJ2... '-JTa hUilt.n vnu. throat.
iZXZ. i,M.i... .vin iiiuum and inraery.
OfllSe afrenldenoe. loi State treeUConulta-
tinn from Bio 12 a.m and a to 5 p.m. 7-liom
ce 81o CommerclalatreeVJn Kldrldgp block,
tiuM.HM Atn IVtmtnM.plal street.
,MVMV w .......w- w-- T "
ftli, 1 ommerclal street.
n T.n. HMITH. Uentlal. W suwa sireei
- '".1..1 l..l n.UM
Salem. ureffon. rinmueu iuiu-,
one of every description.
lalnleM topera-
XT D-PUOH, 'Architect- pJlUJ RJ."?ST
VV. lions, and superintendence for al
cfawes ST btilldlBgt. -Oo aeflOomerclal
Deutscher Advocat.
Admitted to practice In all the courts.
Special attention given to German speak
tate otttre
Ing people and baiineM at the county and
reg, xu. xxud li.iv, fiuuiry jtuuiju.
The Yaquina Route,
Anrl nnurnn Dnvfilfjtimnnt l
khlo Hue. 22S miles shorter, at) hoars lew
Bold on easy payments. For Rent
W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem,
U.NilUURPKK.Gen'Ugont, 101 Third BU
Portland. Hend fnrcalalrKiin.
Stealer mm.
oomrany's steamt
rter. 20 hoars lewt
tlwe than by any othr route, Klrst clans
through pasaengor and freight line from
I'oruaua ana an 101111 111 iuo vriuaiuevio
valley to and from lanFranclco.
1'lMK 80UKDULE, (Except Sunday.)
tjv Albany IM p m I f oorvallls 1: p m
Ar Yaaulna-JJ-.TO p m Uv yaqulna6:45 a m
LvCorvallU.10:am Ar AlbanyU:10 m
O. A O. trains connect at Albany and Cor
The above trains connect at Yaquina with
the Oregon Development Co.'s line of steam
ers between Yaquina and ban Francisco
N. U. l'as.ennani from l'ortland and all
Willamette valley volnta can make close con
nection with the trains of the Yaquina llouto
at Albany or Oorvallli and If destined to Ban
KranolBco, should arran.eto arrive at Yaquina
the eveulng berorn date of sailing.
Passenger and Freight Itaten always the
lowest For Inforruntlon apply to Meair?.
I1ULMAN A Co., Freight and Ticket Agent
XO and 302 Front street, Portland, Or., or
0. O. ilOUUK, Ao't Gen'l Ft. A I'ftM. Agt
Or. 1'acino It. It. Co . Oorvallls, Or.
C. U. HAHWKLI., jr., Gen'l Freight and
Pass, Agt. Ore Development Co.,
SOI MonteoweryHt
istreetf up stain.
its in tneir nan m diw iwuiuiw
J, A, BBfjWOOD. Keooraer.
oitAStfea A. "atirsU kima
the tete food Saw
And he doesn't barn vp half 'your wood, In
rael.VtleiTSJ sws It. fMakejfeur 'wntraoU
with bin persOaally orleave MPr at V eatchi
otar sMr( atbgrnTii book tor,M "'
stwtior Mds, me by waU, Mi-U
will co on and help to peoplo heaven
-with bright inhabitants.
Which would you rather boo which
scene would you rather mingle in in ibo.
hut great day being nblo to say, "I
added honsa to housa and land -to laud
and manufactory to manufactory! I
owned half the cityj whatever my pyes
saw I liad, whatever I wanted J got' or
on that day to havo Christ Joolc you full
in the face and say, "I was hungry, and
ye fed me; I was naked, and ye clothed
mieht be as the shining light, brighter me; I was sick and in prison, and ye via-
and brighter to tno penoc uay. u -1 e; innnnutu u ya um ik w
I put them to sleep, I prayed that they ieMt 0f my brethren, ye did it to mel"
miuht be enfolded in tbaSaviour's arms." .
"Oh " you say, "that was very old fash-1 MU Uediog's ylthfuloc. .
loned" It was quite old fashioned. But On being asVedbyan English Inter
do vou supriose that a child under such riewer, "What is your favorito role'
nurture as that ever turned out bad? Mme. Jane Hading replied: "I havo
too much worwlcI!88. ' no favorite role, or, rather, nil my roles
In our day most boys start out with no ore favorites. I couldn't play a charao
Meahieher than the all encompassing tr unless I Hkod it sufficiently to ldenti
dollar They start in an age which fy myself with the porsonago it repre
boastfl'it can scratch the Lord's Prayer gented. Of course thero are parts in
.a -.. noA ami ino cn viwt- wriii!ii 1 ire imjwv ihwi v ,v..v ..
Baton, $2.50 (o $. per y
in..diinui htw-a Portland and Ban
'KranctMe: FiV-clas In ail Its appolatmentf .
1U Ubles are utrvea wu w
Choicest JFruite
Omrn.ln the WUltt VaUsy.
A J. WAGNER, Prop.
from U. P. Dock at 0 o'clock a. in, every Wed
nesday ana uaiuraay.
trow the Central dock at foot ol Washington
street every Uttnday and Thursday,
for Albany every Monday and Tuesday, re-
tnmlnv lama flaVll.
Concerning froight and paaienger builneiu.
East and South
call on the agent,
Private work a specialty.
0. U. CLKMEHT, Manager.
Th8 House Mover.
451 SfHrlon Street.
lias the best faollltleH lor moving and rais
ing bouses. tave orders at Uray llroe., or
addrens Halem. Oregon.
Southern Pacific Company.
cALiroitviA kxpnrss tbath nuw baimt bk
7,-u; p. m.
:18 p. ro.
8:18 o.m.
Ban Kran.
6:3 a. in
' Above tralna stop only at folloWlng stations
north of lloseburg.Kast 1'orUand Ormoa City,
Woodburn, bnlem, Albany Tangent, Mhedds,
8 30 a. m. I I.V.
11:17 a. m I Lv.
i 60 p, m. I Ar.
Tr. I 4:so p. m.
l.v. I 1:40 p. in.
LY. 7,
Albany lcal,
Meat Market.
Krssb and Bait meatsiof the best quality,
Poultry and stock. fTrtm delivery.
Fren TerinaJ or hlerior PoisU ik
Is the Una to.tuke"
To all Points East and South.
n la ih-rilnln-ear ronte. ltruns through
vestlbnlo drains, every day in the year to
nrn mm im nr
.M..,rtt r,n a 10 cnt piece. Oiildren
are taught to reduce morals and religion,
time and eternity, to vulgar fractions.
It seems to bo their chief attainment
that 10 cents make a dime, and tO dimes
make a dollar. How to get money la
only equaled by the other art, how to
keep it. Tell me, ye who know, what
chance there is for those who start out
inllfowitb such perverted sentiments?
The money market resounds again and
again with the oownian oi oc j-vj"
Ll er.mayboa-oandBbUarl- IM l-ad drop of blood on th. Up or a
taiooa There may ibo H . m h - u ,, 6 ,rwht awful
in others. I first endeavor to under
stand tho character tlmt I propose to
portray, and it is not until I feel that I
understand them that I attempt to learn
the' words that nro put into their
months. I may tell yon that all .my
ttndy is done at night."
A QdtluM of Time,
Scribble 1 say, Van, you'll be there
the night they produce my playT
Van Trump Can't promlso, old ma.
But li Tm not my graadchlldrw trill
pe.-JCaU Fttld'i Wtoftoi,
-j- s3NXf
m KflB yW, j-
fK W AwyJttj
01. GUHN'S
Fit corns
(No caangs of cars.)
Composed of dining cars unsurpassed,
ullman drawing room sleepers
lof latent equfemt
Sleeping Cars.
Beat that can be conslructud and In wbleh
aocomtnodatlens are both, tree and lur
nlshed for holdkn of first and ocond-cla-J
tickets, and
6-ou p. m.
7.62 p.m.
vvj p, in.
Dally Ksoept Sunday
70 a. in.
BIhIhk ih oh OgdcK RoMte
Second Class Sleeping Cars
Attached to all through tMlM.
vVestSide Dividtwtti MuA
a.4 Cmtllis:
1.10 p.m.
LvT" oixIaaST
Ar. Corvallls
At Albany and Oorvallls ooaneet
trains of Omeon I'anlnn lUllroad.
-.raawaTtJAiN inAtLy sotowoav
4:40 p. in. I Lv.
. m.
IjV.I &:4&a.m
To all polnU In the Eastern tRafes. CaDs4
and Europe can be obtained at lowest rata
iron. V. W. bKIMNKH, . "WUfUf.
K.1'. KOQKU-, As4.r.tUtjrw,A't
. Irill S0. '
H. A.ja.ll.t.l. 0M---r
I at oouBSHln. with all
direct rrd, unlutwrnpUd
Alm . Vh
.7-V.Jg-.-J-- .TTF
ti-i , V-MMMO
'goW Wy it i VAHlHyf
A ooutlnnor
lines, anordln
I'uiluian U f urratiiiiat'n teso
eured lu advt tlo b uy agent of
Through tiokoU U .nd from all points
In Auierlca, togland anil Hurupe Jan b
purcbai4 at any Uoket ofll'4 of this wu.
Aseletant Oenerl luentvr Attni.No,
(North. Pacific H. B, Co., Lnms-)
Two Through Trains Daily.
I --Mmi
1 43pir
H airirn
7 OJpiu
iu rain
l,fun.f KMaKt
I tl -ui &aiw
I .. Dulutb a ll.tOai
l A.hland. a S.utaw
ariilwgn..l &.
"'- !' -
e-aetd t-M-c.
riin,i su-iltl Anil ha-Tiniirfi
Ui all iln' In tho UnUel sHJs -4
CloMioriin(Hilon made la CUl
iratns going riui-4i.
Kormll lSfortaaltoa aytoSfrjMSM
tentious airs and r, "I could
uld notiryDounu-7-v. ,--, ; ,-i--i s...
-t--.... ....