Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 31, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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4 V -v
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SScta. a. month bjr XH
Prepaid la Advance.
No Paper Boat WkM
Time is Out.
The 1 Cent
Daily. '
OiA-1 11 AJu
NO. 179.
r- TfrriTTT
' jWlttiuk
Wo are still in it when it conies to low prices on
Shoes, Clothing, Dry Goods,
In fact all lines of General Merchandise at the
BonanzaBargains inBroken LinesStrawHats
297 Com' 1; St:,
General Insurance Agency
Representing the following
8TA.TK INSURANCE CO., .rtttna Insurance Co.,
Traders' Insurance Co., ' dun Insurance Co..
National Insurance Co., rattOMfhr Westchester Klre Ins. Co.,
Lion Klre Insurance Co., Imperial Klre IoBurance Co.,
London xLuncasblre Flrelus.Soo., London Assurance Corporation,
Alliance Assurance Co., Norwich Union Fire Ins. doc.
Oldest and Leading Firm In the City Devoted Exclusively to Insurance,
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience In tbe trade
enables me to turu out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
Kive estimates.' fitafe Insurance block, Cheraektta street.
fcvD. O.
jJBBHk. Choice Meats.
CHURCHILL Spraying offlffls,
Ss 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
Lamoureux's Stables,
At the Commercial street bridge near Willamette Hotel. New stock and ve
bides beiug added constantly. Only tlie best service rendered. No shabby
rigs nor poor horses. H. L. LAMOUREUX, Proprietor.
West Printing
First-class Work.
303 Commercial 8t.,
Unimproved Real, Estate, in amonnU and
UtneiOKulU Wodelay lutou.lderlBg'Ioani.
Room 12. Buih Bank block. IMw
Proprietor of tbe
South Commercial St., B Ji m.
All kind Fresh, olt and fcnoked MeaU
Mid bosace.
well-known and reliable Cempanies:
Wholesale and Retail
Dealer In Fresh, Salt and
Smoked Meats of allKinds
OS Court and
110 State Streets.
Book and Job
Reasonable Prices.
Balem, Orecon.
' Leaveorders atCottl-I'arktaur8tblock,room
15, Balem, Oregon, x
Manufacturer of Wagons, Car-
rlages, etc'
Repairing a Specialty.
unop hum itrteu
A BABOMN-ltocrewHhlnipmTemeiiU
ovVrbaifnud rculUvaiion, ret putoreand
Lome good Umber. Term, very ty. Ad-
fS4w WhUMd,Or,
Will Liquidate All Indebt
Eastern Oregon and East Port
land Banks Close.
Situation in Salem
Joins tlio Interesting Procession
of "Closed Doors."
A Boomer.
Skattld, July 31. The Bellingham
Bay National bank of YVhatoomb sus
pended today.
Another Bunchgrasser.
Pendleton, July 31 The Pendle
ton Savings bank has temporarily bub
pended. R. T. Cox is appointed re
ceiver. The suspension 1b caused by
unexpected drafts. Assets foot up
$250,000; liabilities other than stock
holders $160,000. The public is perfectly
confident the bank will liquidate all of
Us indebtedness and have money to
At East Portland.
Poutland, July 81. The First Na
tional Bank of East Portland failed
to open its doors this morning. O Ill
cere of tbe bank say the suspension is
temporary. A statement published
July 12tb, shows resources of tbe bank,
$325,000. depslts $160,000. This Is the
bank organized by Arthur Breyman
and others, but the Breymau Interest
n as sold to others some time ago.
In Eastern Oregon.
The Daises, July 31. The First
National bank closed its doors this
morning. Notice was posted on the
door and states that tbe bank Is closed
only temporarily, until it can make
collections. There has been no run on
any bank here and it is (supposed the
suspension of tbe Commercial National
of Portland is the direct cause of the
trouble here. Joo. 8. Schenck Is presi
dent, H. M. Beall, cashier. D. P.
Thompson of Portland is one of the
heaviest stock holders. All other banks
are open and no runs anticipated,
In Salmontown.
Astoria, July 31. I. W, Case bank
suspended thla morning. Depositors
are assured of being paid in full. No
uneasiness is felt.
Bans in Brooklyn.
New York, July 81. This morning
savings banks of this city, aa a rule, be
gan to take advantage of the 60 day.
time clause. There did no eem to be
aiy run anywhere, in u.ook yn, me
elect is tomewbat different and the
notice caused several runs. Greatest
was on tbe Brooklyn Savings baufe.
Slight run on South Brooklyn Saving's
institution and Dime Havings bank.
San Francisco, July 31. Wheat
quiet, December $1.25, seller .03, new
Chicaoo, July Si. Cash, 67J; Sep
tember 61.
Portland, July 31. Wheat valley,
l.02ifl.0j, Walla WalU .05.
In wiui njw '-- L JJiien io fr ln
iXM W?" &
utKiu.Umifi i"xb?t?'&a'i
Crop? YOU
i r l r - " " tCT"
BK otctironiottood troubto. for wbfcb
EH i ha ummI wlou otter rrmfdk
(,.,-,. .(tod. Mr mlzbt aattjun, w;
amitb improved lo titrt wjr. 1 coaUiIm . -
Uta tU tonia
- . ... -. !.. n. "
s. a. w'woht. tW"r. ,Vvi'
Ttuun on blood, tl
ssfflBospa .u. a,, -
Democratic Senator Says It Stands
for Free Oolnago.
Raleigh, N. C, July 31. Senator
Vance in a letter Bays: "That charge
that a Democrat Is at Variance with his
party who refuses to favor uncondition
al repeat of the SbBrmau law depends
for truth upon what the party laid
down in Its platform at Chicago.
If promises or pledges amount to any
thing, the Chicago platform demands
the repeal of tbe law as an obstruction
to free coinage of silver. That Is its ob
vious meaning. If the law were out of
the way we, could have free coinage.
That is one of the things I propose to
put iu tbo place, of the Sherman law
and I propose to vote against repeal un
less that is to be done."
Gloomy Financial Outlook in the
East Continues.
Chicago, July 81. Another panicky
slump in the price of wheat on the
board of trade ths moaning. Septem
ber opened at 59$ against 51 at close
Saturday, quickly slid ofl to 67$ and
almost as quickly rallied to 60, there
after it became quiet and comparative
ly steady.
The same causes which have pre
vailed for some time controlled today,
to-wlt: Gloomy financial outlook, In-
ability of longs to get money to carryAfranea to guarantee the payment of the
wheat, and inability to take advantago
of ofters for cash wheat, because It Is
Impossible to jell New York exchange.
Two Sundays a WceK.
Omaha, July 81. Hereafter Satur
day will be a full holiday without pay
In the Union Pacific shops all over the
road. This is done In .order to not re
duce the working force. It affects over
6000 men.
In- Receiver's Bands.
Akron, O,, July 81. W. A. Lynch
has been appointed receiver of tbe
Pittsburg, Akron and Western railroad.
The road has a capital stock off 3,
600,000. White Olty Failures.
Chicago, July 31. Chapman Bros.,
publishers and managers of two world's
fair hotels, confessed judgment $25,000
assets, estimated $000,000, liabilities
Feared Starvation.
Antioo, Wis., July 31. Wm. Nune
macher, a farmer, killed lib wife, babe
and two boys aged 6 and 3, by dashing
out their bmlns and then plunged
bead first from tbo window, he is still
alive but paralyzed. The cauBO was
fear of starvation. Iloneity.
A point which Boon uttractB tbo at
tention of travelers in Sweden is tho
punctilious honesty and truthfulness
of tho inhabitants. This is best soon
in tho many little incidents of daily
life. When asking for places at a
theater, for instance, tho ticket clerk
never fails to inform tho applicant if
owing to tlio crowded state of the
house a better jiosition would bo so
cured with a choaper ticket than the
ono asked for. Again, when parcels
aro taken out by steamers from Stock
holm to couutry places in tho neigh
borhood, they are just thrown out on
to tho quay, where they frequently
remain half tlio day without being
It never seems to occur to any one
that thoy could j)os8ibly bo token by
anybody but their rightful ownors.
On u canal trip of any length a little
book lies in tho saloon of tho steam
er in which each passenger koops his
own account of tho number of meals,
cafes, cognacs, eto., ho may toko dur
ing tho journey. Temple Bar.
CritlcUlue Reproduction.
Sensible people sometimes make
very odd mistakes which a littlo re
flection would havo enabled them to
avoid, while people who aro not
sensible tako very startling views of
things generally. At tho centennial
exhibition two country girls stood
before a copy of tbe Flemish artist
Paul Potter's great masterpiece, and
ono of them read from her catalogue,
Tho Young Bull, After Potter."
"Yes," sail the other, "there's tho
bull, 1nit whore's Potter j"
WOU I you new uuu, u
companion, pointing to tho
tho herdsman, "behind the
TVm'r vnti KfiO him. ' OHlrnd nor
ww J" " ? . -K ..V.
figure of
io treol"
Harper's Young People.
Cleveland B. trotting record 2:24 and
r ",n" n,conl 2sl.mad lt seawn,
in cfc nm0ng the trotters thU
j Un QottlJiUlith
baa selected tbe
Poaghkeepsle (N
Y.) track on which to
Complete Terms of the French
German and Russian Tariff Strug
gle Tlio Now lloickstag.
Bangkok, July 31. The Siamese
government has accepted the full terms
of the French ultimatum, the substance
of which is as follews:
Flint Recognition of the rights of
France Iu Annam and Cambodia on
the left or eastern bank of tho Me-Kong
river, as far north as the 23d parallel of
Second Evacuation within a month
of the forts held by tbo Siamese on the
east bank of the river.
Third Full satisfaction for various
Siamese aggressions against French
ships and French sailors on tbe Mel
nam river.
Fourth Punishment of culprits and
provision for peouniary Indemnity to
the victims.
Fifth Indemnity of 200,000 francs
for various damages sustained by
French subjects.
Sixth Immediate doposlt of 800,000
fourth and fifth clause, or the assign
ment of taxeB in certain districts in
lieu of a deposit of 800,000, francs.
This ultimatum was sent July 10th,
and forty-eight hours was allowed for
Slam to mnke answer to tbe French
demand. July 21st Pavl, French min
ister at Bungkok, presented the ulti
matum to Prince Delvongae, Siamese
foreign minister. July 28d Slam replied,
stating the King was at a loss to under
stand what the rights of Annam and
Cambodia were on the left bank of the
Me-Kong river. The king expressed
bis willingness to abandon all terri
tories oyer wbioh the existence of those
rights could be proved, and called at
tention to the" fact that five months
previously he had proposed to submit
all contested terrltora) questions to in
ternational arbitration, Iu tho inter
terest of peace, however, tbe king of
fered to surrender territory as far north
as tbe 18th degreo of latitude, but no
further, and proposed that the islands
in the Me-Kong river be used in com
mon by Slam and France. All other
points of tbe ultimatum are conceded.
Tnls answer was not satisfactory to
France, and subsequently Pavle with
drew from Bangkok on a gunboat, and
tbe Freucb warships In tbe Melnam
river went to Koh-Sl-Chang island,
near the head of the gulf of Slam whore
they joined the French fleet under com
mand of Admiral Humann. France
thon determined to blockade the Sia
mese coast. There is a serious doubt as
to the time tbe blockade was to be
made effective. Tbe French govern
ment informed tbo British foreign of
fice It bad commenced July 20th. Lord
Roseberry, British foreign minister yes.
terday asked the French government
for a prompt explanation of this con
flict in dates. The answer Is not yet
madepobHo. With tbe acceptance of
the ultimatum by the Siamese govern,
ment, tbe war cloud in the East will of
course, pass over.
Bangkok, July 31. It Is stated hero
that England has protested to France
that her threatened blockade of tho
Siamese coast would not be a legal act,
and that France conceded the point
made by Great Brltlan. France, it Is
said, has undertaken that British com
merce will In no wise be Interfered with
byFrenoh warships. English vessels
will be allowed to cross tbe Melnam bar
Inward for Bangkok.
l'ARiB,July 81. A seml-ofilcial state
ment was given to the press saying
that Slam's acceptance gives complete
satisfaction to France and all who are
not desirous of making the Siamese
difficulty the occasion of fresh colonial
enterprise. Tbe statement adds: '-The
French government, desiring to give
proofs of Its good will to Slam, proba
bly will not raise further objections in
the affair."
Another semi-official statement says
tbo publlo will find proof that Great
Britain has not Intervened. The Jour
nal accepts the statement with a grain
ot salt. It says something was done
behind tbe scenes and tbe French are
likely to awake soon to tbe fact that
Great Britain after all got the better of
them iu tbe diplomatic negotiations,
Action ot Xsc laad.
London, July 3l.Beyond question
tbe Slsmese affair brought Frauce and
is - ssrjnssa -
EoitUud much nearer hostilities than
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report.
Rosebery, British foreign secretary, has
had virtually a free hand In tho nego
tiations with France, and he has found
an able supporter in the Marquis of
Duflerln, British ambassador In Paris.
Each has maintained a dignified atti
tude far removed from bluster, but
firm beyond any misunderstanding.
Together they Impressed on French
officials' minds unmistakably their In
tention not to let anybody ride rough
shod over British interests In tt e
east. Great Britain's protest that the
blockade of tbe Siamese coaBt was Ille
gal and her suggestion that Interfer
ence with British commerce would not
bo tolerated, were made with such un
qualified plalness that tho Freuoh min
isters were sobered at once and Conced
ed the Justice of the British govern
ment's contention. There now Is littlo
doubt that a paclflo settlement of tho
dispute will be accomplished soon.
That such Is tbo case Is attributable no
less to Groat Britain's attitude than to
Siam's surronder. The territorial ar
rangements between France and Slam
are uot likely to cause any difficulty.
They will bo a matter of diplomatic
agreement. Among tho suggestions of
a compromise, the moat plausible one
is that France, nominally In gracious
nees to Slam, but really in respect to
British intervention, will leave to Slam
tbe territory north of tho 18th parallel.
Tbe principal burden of the enterprise
will bo found by the French govern
ment In convincing tbe French voters
at tho oomlng elections that they have
achieved a victory. Their success must
depond largely upon tbe present affair.
Will DamagO'RusHla.
Brrlin, July 81. It Is generally
held here that the tarlll war whloh has
been started betweon Russia and Ger
many is more likely to cause damago
to the former country than tbe latter.
It seems that Russia, in applyiug her
maximum tarlfl on German produots,
was mainly influenced by the unfavor
able early reports regarding tbo bar
vest prospects In Germany. These re
ports, It Is said, led Russia to believe
that Germany, desiring Russian grain,
would not retaliate. In this belief,
however, she was disappointed, as the
federal council raised the German taritt
on Russian produots, showing that
Germany is not so dependent on Rus
sian cereals as tbe IatUr country minus.
If the crop reports turned out to be cor
root, the situation might have been dif
ent. Rusala's belief was Justifiable In
May, but the considerations then taken
Into account do not hold now. Tho
condition of tho crops bus greatly Im
proved. It Is, therefore, argued that
Germany can bide her tlmo until Rus
sia reooanlzos that whatever Injury Is
done Is mainly upon herself. Com
menting upon tbe question of tax re
forms, tbe Germanla, an organ of tho
centrist or Cathollo party, says that
the party Is determined to combat any
sckemo tJiat will not reduce tbe Imports
to the lowest level It adds that the
apparent disposition to tbo contrary,
shown In the govermnout circles, will
be opposed.
An analysis of the new relchstag re
veals that only four Hebrews hold seats,
all of them socialist. Rather more
than a quarter of the members aro of
nnl.ln iiirth. Thero is a iireimuderance
of land owners and farmers, thd num
ber reaching 145. but there are no fewer
than 110 lawyers in the new house.
Among the other members Is a master
chimney sweep.
Gladstone Will Rest.
London, July 31. Lord Roseberry,
secretary of state for foreign nitidis,
was at the foreign oflloo st a very early
hour this morning. He remained there
several hours. Gladstone concluded
that his presence In London was not
necessary, and be has gone to make a
promised vUlt to Stuart Rendul, at
Hatchland's place, near Gueldfurd.
Why Will You
Allow your health to graduolly fall?
If you are closely oouflued Indoor with
little or no exercise, and desire good
i.oiii. urn, mii.i bii nam of votirself.
t t u.!iv.tnt uittoin mill vou will hare
a sound, Blind and a strong body.
$250,000 in Gold Received from
A Quieter Feeling and Confidence
At tho MotropUs.
Portland, July 31. A quieter feel
ing prevails Iu thin city today. Couil
dence In tho banks Is beiug restored,
and It Io generally felt that the crisis Is
over, A consignment of a quarterof
a million dollars was received this
morning, from San Francisco, to be
used In an emergency.
Big Mills Closed.
Oiieoon City, July 31. Tho Wil
lamette Pulp and Paper Compiny Pa
per Mill aud Ground Wood Pulp Will
olosod last night to enable them to
work ofl stock. The Crown Paper
Mill has also closed for same reason.
Length of the shut down is Indefinite.
Tbo Sulphite Pulp Mill will close on
Thursday for tho samo reason.
Rub a creaking ltinjro with a very soft
lend pencil.
Vandyko's fatlior was a merchant of
limited means.
Diving bells woro invented by a Dutch
muriuor in 1501).
Beside one deed of guilt, how blest Js
gnileloss woel Bulwor.
Condors havo boon killed In Peru with
wings of 40 feet spread.
Daniol Lambert, tho fattest man ever
known, weighed 739 pounds.
Clean plaster of paris ornaments with
wet starch; brush oil whon dry.
Avoid coarseness and rudeness of,
speech and langnago and harsh laugbler.
Summer flirtations nover amount to
anything, although they cost a great
Tho rifle was inventod by Whltworth
in 1600; tho repeating riflo by Sharp,
Eight counties in Missouri are named
in honor of presidents of tho United
There are six women factory inspect
ors in New York whoso pay averages
$23.40 a week.
Tlio total number of colored troops in
tho United States army during the civil
war was 180,017.
A snuko "25 feet long and a foot in
dlamotor" is said to bo terrifying people
near Blanchcster, O.
Tho "Boys In Bluo," a military or
ganization in Kansas, admits to mem
bership wives, daughters and sons of
Man has been generous and nature
lavish in our country, and the town or
city or village that is not worth mora
study, exploration and investigation than
Us inhabitants commonly vouchsafe to
it Is rnro indeed.
If you are melancholy or down with
tbe blues you need Simmons LI yerRsR
ulator. ft i1rt'J'-----'lii 1 1 l I II liif
Said the
to himself, "If the
moon I could get,
whenever I'm dry
my throat I could
...a. Mt.M .t.fii Ian
YVkfc, 4UKM1WVM w -- . -
quarter wiujh twu
purchase nvo gal
lons of
Root Bc!"
mco.TKtftt HUfiMmt,
Good tor MHf wm
A 5. pcUg mV fiUoa, fc mh mJ
r i