llgpw Evuxixo uai'itaju JomiAJuioDAYMJViiX i7, mm. " IJ.J.'- the airim jobrjui u nttuMtim MUt. Ktt&rt bwsat. Captol iosrnaf PWfeMflg ComfHfljr. IW 48 Bs ftcwif""1 HOfER BROTHERS, - u3jr,frr.-rw.r"rf (Mja.tr aa. ftfJMT . rs, per year- EM . a tut Lilian a Mn EEaixncw are M njaHlfartea tfeat tt h laipcaeiWc to give pM "yen gees fit to writ, er er all the rwdta Uob pawed by varices bodies, upon pabHe malt. Bat Uk fcitoriog preunMe ad what follaw brini op to moebftf what-U before the public triad, err rioce the last Jfjkiitare adjoarced that we priDt en tire tbe resolatkKi adpid by I4bett AlliBJoIyllf : Wbirea!. Tbe opJe are dissatis fied wilb ibe ianaKMt of affair i thU atai br tbo United to hce and raeulaet them. du-: Tbe Ure i- propriUkja of the t5 legislature, the der fraud, tbe bfe Ustiesand perqabites of rta u.e official. ' charge for fa.l time. oy oa of tbe Bxsuber of tbe Mat Urd of cquallz tSoaor91, beo be pure tbe tat U thanooe cUj' actsl rrio?. Tb tc&adais ai tbe atsylom and fraud at Ur penitentiary, are t.Mptee, and WhekkaS, S tne of wr Derpapra. ik1 rtrr-ra hare had tbe eearasre U exrxxe. eritfe. and bring plainly to tbe atteatfao of tbe tax payers. certaii. mbdoinga, orer rtacob.gs, and frod eC tbe same, aad, tnentby Jscurrtd tb ill will of those exposed, rberefore U ft Resolred, That we, tbe taxpayer and members of IJberty alKaaee. be lieve it oar daty to iland by tbe editor aud other who. by tbeir kuowledztr sad courage bare, or will expose ras cality, or tricfcery in office, to tbe ena that we may know bow we are being Wheekas. Report are rife and bare been for several months, of scandal at tbe asylum, and sharp practice, if not down right rascality at tbe penitentiary, in the discredit of the management ot both inttitnUoas,and tbe good name of tb state. Therefore be it Beaolved. That while we hesitate iq uoaitire accusations we believe there U too ranch troth In the reports to go unheeded by those having autborlty to recall and appoint other men to these posiUoos. Tbe alliance is a non-partisan body and tbe state institutions and state offi cials referred to are not all of one politi cal comDtexion. It Is adorned that tbe particular occasion of these resotatioi is tbe attacks that are being mde opon Geo. S. Downing' management of the State Prison. Aim frof t t) nrly tay that by all fair rols rew Yci-,.'DowuIne has been ac quitted. A Republican legislature, suc cessive grand juries mule op Urgely of Republicans, who bad all tbe witnesses and all the official ana unofficial, pub lic and private, actual and hearsay tea Umony and gossip laid before them, af ter fully considering, and bearing the worst that can be said, or that has ever been said, they refu to find Mr. Downing guilty. Tbe resolutions are very sweeping. They Indict our whole late govern ment, No words are wasted upon the legislature. It was a badly organized and badly conducted body. No one seemed able to stem the strong tide of corrupting influence that started with tbe speakership centest: Marion coun ty bad a strong delegation but they were oot strongly united or at least not strong enoagh to resist tbe combina tion of boodle and Ignorance that al ways naturally coalesces iu such bodies. It was feared by some people that this county would get speakers of both houses. No one doubu now, after all that baa been said about Salem as wanting to bog tbe government of tbe whole state, that it would btwe been better for the whole state If Geer and Hirsch had both been elected presiding officers. But It could not well be and tbe state baa paid the heavy penalty of a far-reaching ooiruptlug combination In tbe legislature. Tub Journal believes in pursuing a fair and cons native cour?, but it is also a firm believer In the doctrine tha' animates a great many people in Ore gon and all over tbe country, to-wlt: that with all tbe growth of schools and churches and circulation of books and aewspapers there Is not a good and suf ficient reason why government should cost so much and be worth so little. Iu other word, tbe people are entitled to more actual busluess results from government. They should be taxed IM for ludiflulte and unknown pur poses of political suolls. They should fet better results from what tbey do pay Id the way of belter roads, better wools, better markets, cheaper rail- ItoMkfc feres, cheaper postage, better Uy to M&tcllltUu, have their letters and VMimypers free delivered along at fruit tvwy mall poat route. Now, of mmrt, tula Is what all the poll tier' parti promise more or less. But as a", Usm of fact tbe promises are made I wmjly by tuen who do not understand tawir Inport beyond that It Is a good votaa, aud who never lu- fc4 after ty v Into ofaoe to redeem thorn. But Q this way our govern momi h a fraud and were better termed Mia-fvrBWut. If all the propoUIouB tuj. rwm nlatforma that were nev- ot im4$i la tbe laat hvr yearn oouUl bo 1- ht4 Msf rtA4tn H weM tRifete. Tbey U tlxr bssdt to th Uhth'tn. Tber wafd (lww thtrittomi 4 er t&n and tpetU fevl ! mad UM & PaJklct ban t&xrtB tfJ lsst i awrr m jperpt. ft If a mI (bst U MUd from prwtn b seld of lb tWWj MMsfrr. f wfcteb tbH" wb ptsy ma tbe & f tbe irttt are oly tbo l4nio lewis. Tbe real tenders staad cbetpefa-wett bat be easjbever rre task ed tti'damb waiters reerfve tbe' tbe people otberwtw tbss Im a coa (affraxn eftfee people. Tie mHMev dsry etfaritf, Perbips tkls wttl at aim and mtfrilB Uwyers that Is j wayn be m It b-sM neitesnaraesg tbe jbrewdly orraard brains aad cap- b iatelUent pnpte. Ral f tbe esantry seek ta staUte tbe ketia of bkb for Ute aad oBty flkea wbo will prwTe pfebleand de peadesl to -rre tboM laterest Isstead of tbe mia wba are oot organized, wlo have very Mttle meeey aad as a rale still leas potiUest sagacity. Tbere areexf-ptfons to this rote, to be sure, bat II tbey are notabte they are erusbed. It will be said tbU U sceUKscn, pe-"im Inn, populism and what not. Let any candid thinking man answer if it is cot a true statement of government ever ince time began, as it is today in Eng land, sod still more so In our con ntry btaa-e here tbere is more wealth and more inleMiceuce, and our boaatful dream of a government of tbe psople. by tbe people and for tbe people l pretty nearly as great a myth as that of Jack the GUnt-kilkr. With farm products brinziug nothing to speak of, with Ubor poorly employed or not at iH, with flsance constantly manipu lated for tbe increase of tbe wealth in tbe great money centers, with public offldils getting more and more.almcet -mall fortunes annually out of public 'I (See, with legislation In state and coa tresis leas aad kss representative, wilb taxes growing heavjer and heavier. Have the people no cause to complain? ( It looks as the' tbe Giant was killing i Jack. Is legislation anv lonzerreore- " sentaiive; Aia tne peopteever aurnor-i ize tbe last Oregon legislature to appro-1 priate f 120,000 for military purposes? W tbere ever a word said about it in a state platform ? We , do not blame any of the militia organizations for get-) ting this money if tbey ran. Tbe mil itia may be necessary and tbe men at the bead of It are honorable gentlemen. But we do not believe tbe people of thh county would elect a man to vote that sum for that purpose, or anywhere ex cept in Portland ? And why should tbe whole t-tate be taxed to maintain a militia etablubment to protect tbe corporations and foreign money-lenders of Portland against tbe poeaibilityof a cooley or bread riot ? It is not tbe mil itia the people protest against, so much as tbe fact that tbey are no long er their own masters but must pay taxes wbieh tbey never consented to pay. Of course, this is oaly an illustration of tbe character of mueh of the work of the legislature in this state. There was no determined well organized fight ev en among tbe reform elements of that body to keep down extravagance and improper appropriations. Tboje who made a flbt on the mifilia bitU and tbe clerkship :vil were not so effective but that in each case tbey were not only voted down but bad tbe evil doubled ' up on them in spite oi tbeir utmost ex-i ertions. Their failure is reeretted bv all tut will hardly amount to hero'sm in defence of the taxpayer, c-o far aj the state officials getting immense sal aries tbere ts no help for it. Tbey take no more than they are allowed oy Uw and that any man would take. Tbe fa gtorej awj- a portrait of this hand constitution should be amended so that ' gome woaaa for which she Tid the ar- salaries be substituted and all feo go to tbe state. Tbere should be a tax an tbe gross earnings f tbe Insurance com pan le i and common carriers, at least enough to defray expense of tbe state govern ment in exercising proper supervision over them and not as is now done, give mem tne beuent of state control and regulation at tbe expense of the laxpay-! with all sorts aad coaditious of pa.en er. Officers elected by the people Kers. conspicuous among them being a should have no right to coltect fees. I wif Jor university students. Op The fraud committed by tbe state board ,' Pte tkf a 'tared fe ofeoualitton In taking about UW jrSSSLS St that was never earned, was committed j tt faoed woaaa taiidas th a by men appointed by Governor Peunoy- fnnd. Natarally tbe talk drifted upon er. Tbe secretary of state Is only a cler-! the subject of the revival meetings, and leal officer who Is required to Issue bis the friend asked, "I tapposo you have warrant upon proper voucher. The ' been to mow of theinr "No, I have treasurer cannot pay a cent except i DOt" lh othr "Pbed. "I havent had UDon nroDor voucher of the rfre tiuJ-" nd M sbe sPke sh sna!l the nr.it. Vu. .. ,.,. , Z ' of state. The responsibility for sueb unjust bills must rest somewhere. Tbe governor will probably say It rest) upon (be legislature. We are discussing this with perfect freedom and ouly giving our opinion about IL We doubt If Mr, Pierce were secretary of state be would have done any dlflerent. It It said by one who knows that he was no sooner elector than he wanted the job of being messenger rf tbe electoral college to Washington and bis son for clerk. As It was, an old Portland politician got It and got all there was in It prob ably for himself and his family. It I doubtful If we bad a Populist govern ment throughout whether tbere would bo any higher itate of morals In our state government aud If the members of the legislature would steal any ls ruile- Rei Jack-knivts, code, supreme court reports, or clerkahip salaries for their relatives and Portland prottitutcs. Tbe dUcutaion of tbe resolutions baa drawn out much more than we In tended. A book could be written about the misdeeds of the legislature and wa would perhaps sec no better one there. At tbe root of the whole evil la offlee eklug. Whsu men seek public office aud get It at auy price no reform Is po. emt U nsrti a d-ttff- tby d setj i rtaB irw vsrv vm fp'. i iey tHB-t serve their jMtr m tb Me . hiad b4 tb wtfceA'y ffl mken efltbAber. Ami wtw fbtaKtV) ret (&& hwt wrve Mm-tU and other ' - - - "Narve? Shattered ttaeiaST Uokea down; at uses I wecJJ faS erer lUs a tooea of Jta Tera?9; a pstaiteto caasf tSstaaeefrca tbe bocae. IminiKnUfwu. Tbtdsrlcocr txsctd cany Kesed boCJe f Uoot Sv laparsla. I bejxa to tl bttur aM I tern Hood's Cures ft Hke a ce as-1 in orkis ajaia zA to ZfiZ texre acr ct ST tad PEv. I tare a rr1tt cmnj Chaelej it. Lacxa. 65Q Wt Marfcat Strfcit. Yarx. Pa, Hood's Pills Cn Mt i&a-ttzzsr Mil. auUt ficessoc, certb-artyrN. ZSc WORLD'S FAIR, CHICAGO. .. , . -r. w - UnTpI -- TOtvroatj H nana: tear Fxtr I1U I CL Orecs.li: rt.Y aa ercy itxx. A.rrxaa aaa ccu nilinHriCTir- .-Mia4i7 i USnWllWi I acr ft. nnuu;cRzar. Steamer Elwooi . leaves salem fmniU.H.Dociat o'clock a.m.eTerT "Wed- olar and &lurlxT- LEAVES POETI-iXD troRi tbe Central AocX at fixx or Washtajton trtt eTtrx Sasclsy acd Tbsrvl7. LEAVES SALEH for Albaar everr Mosiaj- aad Tceidar. n- tcxrJnj lame dan. t and ran on ice accoi. ajTherbes. Tad Far Larze PortniU. The proper captr just at present is to have one's portrait dose in cd, a very de bgbtfel caper if one can aaoni it. It is about tbe costbest fad, however, which has fastened itlf on the money lockers of the f&shioaabtes. Still society, so called, is always wiBiag to amuse itself with fads. Nooe of the fashionabl4 portrait artist care to devote their time to a portrait for which tbey will receive leas than $1, 000. Porter, wbo so exquisitely painted Mrs. Dancaa Elliott when she was Miss Sallie Hargous. has just completed one of Mrs. Abram 5. Hewitt. Mrs. Theodore Have meyer causbt tbe craze and has hanging at tbe end entrance to the art gallery in her town bouse on Madison avenue a life size portrait of herself, for which the j ts said to have paid the artist, Mulkr- IVry, over to.CuO. The same artist's por trait of Dr. Depew cost the latter gen tleman nearly $4,000. Mrs. Havemeyer's ! is life size, and the canvas, together with ! the frame, covers a space fuDy 15 feet in width and length. 3Ir. Vry is. very shortly to commence 1 a portrait of Mr. Charles Yeries, and mnrwsi nt tltfis i- . ttiiijl tliat in ttA Inm: , uTr iTL . y v, irt rx, -i, tut some $15,601 The story of the pic ture is similar to that rezardiaz Mrs. ! Mackay's picture by a famoos artist it too truthfully nemMed her. New York Press. Would ee Her Later. Coming over from the east side the other day a university car was filled conductor to It her off the car. Ather , words the hard featured female sitting I next her quickly turned, and leaning f or ' ward aid in solemn tones; "Haven't had time! Will you have time to go to hell?" Tbe car bad .stopped, aad as the lady reached tbe door she hurriedly retorted, "If I have. Til we you later."" Then she teppttl into the street perfectly con scious of haviag been abl to squelch a woman who didn't know eaoagb to mind her own business. MianeapoH Tribune. A Sailor la Coart. A sailer was a witness, and the croa exaadaiag lawyer asked: "Do yen know the plaintu? er de fendant?" Witness Kaw. What's thatJ Lawyer You don't know the meaning of plaintiff aad defendant; "Jaw." "And yf yoa weuld give testimony against tbe fOaintuTf Tba witness ia in compcteat frm ignorance, your honor." "Avast boaria, ahipauite. Stand athwart ship aad let me ask you a ques tion." "Ge ahead. " "What is abaft of the bisaac4r "What ha-i that to da with the ea&e? I don't knw." "A pretty lawyer ye be. Any bloody land lubber ought to know that the com pass is abaft of th binnacle." Texas tL V Mr. Oct, it. Zauer la t&iitit tfaea rrtry SHttsreb aad prksee, $mt er Wtt-, kept bfo (sddwr ma. wb tetsdf-J ut m tbe fwtoro ia ffes4rs e wnW etw. We have zw pssaB wi-s & i V4 s4 to fewtH thfifatare, bat tfc great 44ffr- j bet weva ttw aa4 tM pr?at ia ti rgarj to that taa tbe grat sa4 , eftea vr mn ot tbe earth bettered la tb rxXaMiyers. vkfltstv aJy tfce f4-1 M aaI feeMe hare aay eoa&leaee ia tb-HlL Tbe decks? ia tbecrrft ac I beaor of iMOtbssriag dotes ia aceaaderaUe aM : oreiperaaps freaa a ceruia ptrfortaaace H " 7.' I f Jobs Galeazze, dake of ilflos. i too, bad a scoibsarer. Oae dar tbe reader f tbe tan caxae to bte aad said: M3Iy lerd, make baste to arraaze year earthly affairs." "And wbThafl I do tbaj?" asked tbe duke. "B-came tbe stars teB in tbat you have not long to Hve." "Indeed! And what do tbe stars tell you about yosr own feae of hf eT asked DckeJoha. Tfcey promise me many years more of Kf e.- "TfeeydoT" So I have read them, my tord.'" "TVell. then," ssil the dnke. it ap pears that tbe stars knew very little abont these things, for you will be hangsd within half sn bocrr He sent tbe soothsayer to the gallows with prcoptsess and lived many yean afterward himself. Star reading fell into disuse in Milan from that time. Teeth's Companion. : The Smell Coarjored tbe Judge, j Sanexkrant has hitherto ben consider i ed the most oJoriierooi compound iea ' ported from Germany, because, as an i old saag says, it is Cabcae which baa lata is a "err daap eeflar. ' TQI it tzcB to bjK cas sseil zo ssejer. j But a very formidable rival has now been found to the national diih is a pe culiar kind of herring-, duly label!, is ' accordance with the act, "made ia Gr ' many," which formed the rabjws! of a ' law cae before tha assistant judge of I tbe Westminster county court. The ! mysterious herrings are sold in tins, their technical name bin3 "Denttche deb- ".- u uuaaa 47 bits." A firm in the fatherland sent over some of these delicacies to Mr. Lin gen, a restaurant keeper in the city, and when that gentleman failed to sell them, owing to their 93-horse power odor, it seed him for the price 5 lis. 6d. The restaurant keeper's defease was simple: "Dey smell the schoppe out, and I vcnld get dree months if I sell them. I never smell anyricg dat vaa so high." His shopman's opinion was: "Mein herr. if you no get rid of dem smelleren&st fish as ever I smeiled. ve will all die of de cholera." Srronser testimony was still produced in the shape of a tm of the "delicatessen,'" which was opened for the judge's edifi cation. The court held its nee until the box was carried out of tbe building and then gave a verdict for the defend ant. Mr. Lingen said he sold only one tin, and the customer who purchased it brought it back and declared that it was more powerful than all the Si odors of Cologne combined. London Letter. EnslUb Jlllltarj- Panithuienta. Out old nglish military punishments were not destitute of ingeniously de vised discomfort. For instance, there was the wooden horse on a movable stand, made in the similitude of that animal, with head and tail attached to increase the likeness, of planks nailed together and meeting in a sharp ridge. Upon this ridge, as upon the back of a horse, the culprit rode astride with his hands tied behind him and his legs dragged down by attached muskets to prevent, according to a ghastly joke of that time, his horse kick ing him. There was also the picket, a kind of torture in which one band was fastened to a book in a post above the head of the criminal, while his suspended body was supported by bis bare heel resting on a wooden stump, narrowed, to cause him the greater inconvenience. These punishments werejiiscontinued as leading to rupture and lameness. In running the gantlet or the gantlope the wretched soldier ran between two lines of his comrades and was beaten by switches ami insulted by the worst of them a form of torture degrading sol diers to executioners, and perhaps the most cowardly and intolerable ever con ceived. London Tit-Bits. A Woman' Gift. Another princely gift has been made to the Teachers' college, to which Mr. G. W. Yanderbilt presented the building lots near the site of the Columbia col lege. The gift is from a woman living outside the ctty. and her only condition is that her name shall be kept a secret. Two hundred thousand dollars have been subscribed by the unknown donor for a building to be known as the Department of Mechanic Arts. The main building for the college will cost f&O.OCO. and of this amount 150. 000 has been collected, $53,000 having been subscribed on condition that the remaining amount shall be collected. This the trustees are confident of doing within the year. An important phase af the work in tha Teachers college will bo the alliance already provided with Columbia college. Xew York Sun. llUtorical Inaccuracy. A small boy with an inquiring and analytical mind, residing on a farm about s'teen miles in tha country, sends this in; Dasa Sea I aetba la ta abuuy that we are ttBdiijia that Rome was utU by tbe tacitta ot a In U pe. bat 1 dool belter it Car I tan Uvea ee a (ana all my fc aad I oerrer bird a cooee cackle yet. Doanl they laeaaabtaj Vooxa truly. Detroit Free Press. Last year 2.730 persona set, ia claim tor um maple aagar boantyoflered by the government Tina yxur 3, WO persona lira entitled to boontiea. and theywill recve m the aggregate about fTO.OOa I 1 VUUHSWiB THAT BOY. tfh Wm floa-l. and U Canted n r.m- tnrrwttaaraU 1 roi ae very swt oa a pretty girl who was aafortaaate eaoagh to be btg titter te a 6nmA of tbe HaaU hoy kiad. The pretty girfs aaate was ifabi, aad oar Bttie lave affair was progresaia laaUallr waea I west "ail'ia my baaAay beet" oae eveaiag t escert her 'to a theater. Befare I eoW risg the bell the saaM boy palled tbe froat door opea aad popfd oat. "Yoa Mabel's yoaag raaar be asked. with aa abrapass that took my breath ; away. -Is Mks Mabel toT I asked, with freez ing dsity. He leered at me eat of his left eye. stock his tongae ia ats cheek and whirled three times around oa his left he! before sayiagt "That's tsbat be lit She's up stairs risgin herself oot too fiae' for anything. She's got ob xna's rmss aad Aunt Sa rah's goid chain and" "Botr came in sharp, asenized tones from the hd of tba stiri. 'And she bad h'-T fringe bating on hairpins f t over au bocr, aad"' "You BoberT eriedthe voice of Bib"s mother, but Bob wtnt on pitifeay: s Ad she's gat tibe stuqai'est new dress, and it isn't paid for rwttber, aad won't pa go it wfc- a tbe bfli conies in for the new hat Ma says he will, bet May says ' she don't rare if be does. May's plucky, j he i ,:. il fiml it n: if sv rnll r her httUf scbeaie of marrvine voo. and" "Bobert James, come up here- this in staatr io sac-uted from the stair landing, but Bobert Jaates gees on placidly: "You've come to taka Mar to the the ater, ain't you? I know it, 'cause May's bren jawui "cause you didn't get dresa circle tickets instead of tbe front row ' in the upper boxes. I said Tdtell oa her "cause she gave me crack oei the head for i with. I hid her plate that's get her three front teeth, but pa thrashed me in to giving them up before he went to town. Ma says" Bob's mother came hastily down the stairs, very red In the face and very wiH of eye. Bob bounds down the steps and disappears round the house, but thrusts his head out to say: "How sweet you are! Oh, my, you dear little thing! Better get that' mus tache under cover 'fore the frost nips it. Whose flarriTig is co?" "Walk in, Mr. H.," says dear Mabel's mamma, making a frantic e5ort to ap pear calm. "Our Bobert ia in one of his playful moods. He is so full of spirits. Mabel is so sorry, but a sudden indispo sition has" "Pickles an cheese an cucumbers for supper, cries Bob, appearing at an open window. "The deer child has a most wretched headache. So sorry, but you will excuse her for this evening." "Take me instead, won't vou, sweetv?" asks Bob. I drag my wounded vanity away. I am as broken and bruised in spirits as I wish Bob was in the head. Mabel and I meet no more. We have not the moral cour age to do so whale Bob is above ground. Yankee Blade. Only a MUtake. An amateur archaeologist one day es pied tte dat 1061 carved oa a stone in serted above the door of a stable and persuaded the peasant who owned the property to let hita haTe it for a good round sum of money. A few days after- j wari tne peasant delrrered the stone to the purchaser. Why," said the latter, "this ia not the stone I booght frost you the other day. This one bears the date 160!. I won't haTe it." "Beg your pardon." answered the peasant, 'this is the very stone, only the bunder in a mistake pat it upside down. Yoa can do the same, yoa know." Petit Francais niustre. A Thorough Sport. Pclham Parker Charlie Meadow brook's horse ran away with him at the last hunt, and he rode down the bounds and finally overtook and passed the fox. Reggy Westead Couldn't he stop? Prfham Parker That's what the whip per in asked him. but Charlie said he couldn't think of stopping when he wa ahead of the game. Life's Calendar. ,11 1 Reason. Attorney Now, sir. can't vou remem. ber all that was said on that evening? Witness Xo, indeed! But yon heard it? Yes, Imt there wero six wemen talk ing. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Specified. Aunt When are yea going to have dinner todays Dotty? Dolly When yoaVe gone, auntie, raammn said. Flan. No I1UC "Waal, no w U ye terday, Mistah John bob? "iOa'able.Jamea. "DU j evah try a countah irritaatr "Va. mt T un .a.L 1 . P"4 to, aa di " ?E5'iBJr. paaa fi' a week, as dat douS do bo I GOING TO HOUSEKEEPING? Foe.- to Stc parts vratn to oce of Food. Ladie mix) c8tr from Cn'tlo Vim it. and -xhta sen ' U'flnd J M'S. Harrison's t L5a Vor.t Cremei Tlie kln Food I Th ha t itrndy for kerl ether-re ceo! aDd frtc fr m lnl-a- ; U-t a 11 H-h aid ' comforts tbf-kinaad p ev ct int. K e r . oi.ta . It MOOt a 7 u.5t?.-j r.t i riutrU'. .---- - ( iTbtacna rb-:t a tea i nv'ot&sue ica pre- ervaUTe. I' a lcte Montez C erne H rnbetl l31tJ3 aid thoroofhlj- -artrtl cCazaln. lot before asrtylni-BoxCer. th cnc3 9lzton I i l be-ift-, atKl lh ?otIkt ultl re i ala kMrr. dile preresU ;t.e poa'dr from eJgrmj lh pores of tbe Eln- Pri etewoU. Forsleby IKED LGG, TtToz&it, Pattoa , Bloek. ralrtn. Ore. roraTypcal or corapiic&ted biembh of iae.or6rm,irnte MRS. NETTIE HARRIS0K, JLXaS.CA'S BXACTT DCCTOS, ' t Geary it aa Frasctuo. Cat , SoperCooes Hair Permanenlly Rucored. I RheumatTsrri Lumbago, Sciatica, Kidney Complaints Lame sack, &Ce DR. SAKDEH'S ELECTRIC IELT WWi Etectro-Masnetlc SUSPENSORY Lalst PmltA ! IZx T... ! i.,. ISnn -ii sirtSirfa , iifiiim TMBagtrco CTg-unrraet SnjKTatcm, etjucrtsJi. ertocn. mx oerrma cU. y. JpZe w jiua. b-xcr Uxx tafC taafctfo. -.,ii'i-i. x3 -- ctxiSxzm V ?i ia.blja' 5 ria tjcrzm &a t w n Ml. fimmttti cTer a. ttifn. CVinul u Ilkaj3.t fnwiir or t-r-.as. ttnt.m. ud nlanaat tie m jjnst c? u fr. Tica- nrctirfm m luM, z&d w rir bimavU to Tmrtti tm4 tzivrtx stsrrroxr. tft t aa i 'ir sctmi ctazaxtho u a m fars taaaterL uaa Pas,. ciiuJ.jtU. tree SAHDEH ELECTRIC CO., Wa. 1 TS Flint Street. 1-OHTLAiD OSS, THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTING BUREAU SALEM. Oregon Private work a f pec ally. a B. CLEHXT. Manager. BLOOD DISORDERS A New Remedy A trae Scdfis a codmt aa Te-Taa-cl amtia I taatua&ceathe bicod. asd a mtcntua of hcali&r ticv 07 loc iisfanunccTu io KaenmcriMui: use is a reaed j tdi kaa beta caicrfoiEf the most ktttt porajt cxpcriacscs far the nut tart yan. Itfcastxx S(i2x. and a iB oae tut unu True Speclac SrpiiUK pacua aad afi Mood aixxm. l yoa be Bcre u t Seal or rail pantnUn asd proof . Step kse jtaar rrcca m& nenxrj aal otbrr potuoi. Tan rcaciir il) cbir )i hi ya u o? dars wcia.'ct fa. AVe etiarantoe a care or rvfund tho tuoner. Address MOFFAT CHEMICAL CO., 1?0 rt Street POKTLXXD, OS, Electric Lights On Meter System. TO CONSUMERS : TneSalm Light and Power Company at rreat eipeme have equipped their Elertn Went plant with ln n t niodtrn apparatca andatenowahle 10 ofler the publnabeti.r urht than anj- riem and at- a rat iower uu uj oa U9 coast. Arc and Incandescent Light in?. Electric Motors lor all purposes where power is re quired. Rl ttaee can be wired or as many UxhU w.11?1 mnd Ul ronnmer pay for oy aaei UshUa. are caed. TaU belnj resUter5 by an tsectne Meter. Offlce q 179 Commercial St. CflflS. WOLZ, iroprtetor of tha GERMAN :-: MARKET Sooth Commercial SL, Balcm. AB kind Freatuoaltand Bmoaveii anJSfaaac. FREE OEUVERV. VeaU J. H. HAAS, TILE TVATCHMAKEB, SUKCuuanUSt, Sa!a,Orac. (Sut doer to Kleta'v) Bpedaltjot tpeetactts, asd rvpalrtax rwfc. Vtuom &!&. Skin "v v w .r - irr ii7 -- If so you will thank us for tilling your attention to the necessity of keeping the OAILBORDEH OGLE W:M Condenrcd Milk always on hand In the sick room or the nursery, in the kitchen or on the breakfast table it is always ready for jsc. Your Grocer and Druggist sell il. Eagle CoBdeased MBk rail-rs rob nr 1. .p .. ii . .i,,. V IT? W. L. DOUGLAS S3 SHOE nov4'lhVp. Do ru tar fcta? Viei text b seed irj a pair.; Best in tho world. $3.00 2.50 5Z00 $2.00 FOR ESYJ 1-75 &S ifjwviitifca D3SS SHOE, caij bfte Uteri tijfe, fer-t ?ij 5 ts S3, t7 cy S3, S340, $4.C0tr SSSice. Tlefltpilt3CvtetacziaV!dcAvi vtir 11 wrS. Ifywmaiisecseecis'iyxrixtirtif, iittij rttubg W. L rterltt Sicei. Ki ai roe itiaped esi tt iettsc, txJc fee "t xfea pi hj TV.I-DOCGLAS, Brockton, 2Xaai. Soliij KKACS5E BROS. W:rie Picist B- S. Cs Leat-' LATEST TIME CARD. o Thrwidi Trains Dz'.'f. Ilipm55p:n I M nn a. S-tSc C-5pai tSKpm7:bprD;i tlaal a. Jiins km Tlkeu told ard -osae cheeked th-casb to all poin In Lh United sta'f ad Canada, Clo eniiceetionisade in Chicago -r.U all trains pJc Ean and -octb. i ormll laforoaUoa apply to jonr nrartrt ticket agnt or JAj. C POMi. I Otn- Pass, and Tkt. ArL, Chicago. Ill HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Marion Street. Has the best faciUUe lor roaring a-d ris lnr booia. Ieave orders at Urar Bros- or address Salem. Oregon. Smith Premier Typewriter. Sold on easy payment. Fc r imu W. I. STALEY, Agent, S.lerr. H.K. BURPEE. Gen I acnt, K Th'rd 8U, PorUasd. Sendlfbiralakvne. The LINE That LEADS: ALL OTHERS FOLLOW. ROUGH TRAINS IEWING P03TUNDfgj J; I DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO m. 3 llniinn'ihe OuicVesi to Chicaeo and UUU1 the Eait. DoilFS u'c'ccr t0 Pm?a an" Puldnaa aad Tourist SIepet, Tnt Ptc Wg Chak-Cin, DaiagCarj. "or rai and seacral IciormaUoB eat. oracdrtaa, W.R.HURLBVRT,At-t P'-4 IVMrTI n ntJ" MAKE NO ilORE MISTAKES CHARLES A. SMITH ItUXS The Rostlcp food &t An4 be doeiat bra ophatryear W-" ral,wba h mm P. lUae yoorroetraru dsarnore leajtom' took aior,jaoonir atractfOratfirewBe 1-ymaU. H .$5J0r" tmumm a 43.50 SR .. T 2.50 SSV! 12.25 Seki 49 nn S-PPKi O TH L DAILY t