Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 06, 1893, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    ,.;jWisfe -
. U-
am iiiy'"i""t'l""l"'l!i!,?Wl1 '
Our sUr in full of ths ehoiotwt, frohMt nnd Intent stylo
4ood, Wo offer rare Ur'flln in overy daprtrtmemt, And call
ntlontion to tfici following
Fine MarwiUes eBlefpsri enly-
Ifniiftteoaib '
Bopfrtor Ilue. tow4
Fancy towel, (well worth! IM).
Turkey lied TM Linen (00 !")
Auntfin :: idoii)...
t.....-u it ii in 7T inane)..
'-'...'.. ..
The nboY are only few namplw of
lor IIm of gout., whlehare In many places oomior ongw ioinw
bjr UThe Udlea ofBalom are Invited to limine tbwe goods fe'ore btiylpg where
307 Commercial Street.
- IF -
You are golatto build or mike any Mod of
improvement, call on the -naden coed lor
nuterlaL We ha ve a com plete stock, and are
resdy to supply any prepared contract, sewer
trork, rn&iax, etc
Salem Improvement Co.
Today July 6.
Currency Is ecarce.
Banks continue to fail.
City council meets tonight.
Batolll it at Ban Francisco.
Admiral Tryon was deaf.
Gold found at Fulford, Conn.
I. O. Q. T. Lodge. Sire. E. M. Van-
devert, D. G. C. T., organized Progres
sive lodge of Good Templars at the
Rickey school bouse, four miles east of
Salem, with twenty-two charter mem
bers, and the charter will not be closed
until after their next meeting to give
others an apportuuity to become char
ter members who wished to but could
not be there last night. The follow
ing officers were elected and installed:
Mr. A Bowermau, C. T.; Miss May
Btaley, V. T.; J. D. Horner, Chap; H.
Btaloy, Bee.; Miss Martha Bowerman,
A. L.; Grant Keatereon, F. B.; Etbel
bert Miller, Treas.; Ralph Bowerman,
M.; W. R. Pflnnlg, C; C. H. Horner,
Bent; O. C. Hutchens, L. .; Mrs.
JennIeHutchens,8.J. W.; N.Bbrum,
P. C. T.
Road Machine. The county Judge
and commissioners were out Wednes
day afternoon to witness a trial of the
Austin road grader. A half mile of
road was thrown up with six horses in
a few hours. The machine is made en
tirely of steel and after the ground Is
plowed It throws up a 40 foot road in
five rounds of the machine. Oak roots
two to three Inches In diameter wero
taken off smooth and fir roots three to
four inches in diameter. The machine
1b a great success In tho opinion of the
court. The machine costs $3-50 and
takes six heavy horses. Judge Hub
bard says it will make road without
plowing where tho ground is dry.
i m
Stolen. A golden spangled Poland
hen, Bhe was a great pet and belonged
to Mao Hofer of South Balem. If the
person who was seu with her will re
turn her no questions will be asked; If
any one has bought her they will con
fer a great favor by leaving word at the
Journal ofilce. This fowl was award
ed 11 rat premium in her class at the
poultry show last winter and was so
perfectly tame unyoue could pick her
up anywhere. Bhe would slug about
tho house all day In the most delighted
manner and as a layer sho was un
equalled by any In the Hock. A pentou
who would steal such a pot to kill Is not
lit to live.
Tkutu. There Is a publication called
"Truth" on sale at tho news stands In
Oregon that should bo driven out of
the trade. It Is filled with pictures In
high colon that border upon the loud
and suggestive If not positively obsceno.
There Is an opportunity for the W. C.
T. U. or Christian Endeavor societies
or police magistrates to do some good
Probate, Petition for the confirm
ation, of the aalo of real proerty In the
estate of Martha Ashcroft, deceased, J.
I). Dhnlck being the admlulrator,
ant u tod. J. B. Early, guardian of
the minor helm, Ivy May, Francis and
Edgar Walter, filed his Inventory.
The value of tho property was found to
bo $3,702.
ThbSd IIeot. Band. It has been
rendering exceptionally flno musloat
the races aud Street parade at the
booh hoar dally does much to draw
out lauueuw numbers. A march
played by the baud at tho fair grounds
yeelerday sella well today reeled otTthe
phonograph at tho cigar stores.
r-ww i-ww-
Gitv Bonds. The advertisement
entered by the city council for bids ou
city bond to refund the city debt has
sot been Issued, Mayor Ualcti not liav
ing signed tbtaaame.
I prescribe SIshbjous Liver Regulator
and it deserves all the praUfl It receives.
-vDr. D. W. Atkinson, Sllcam, Ark,
I 9ft
iota to JVVt
- weanu
- x,;',;
ftOc and (KM
rjlrt ami lift
...- .- --- "W - -r
the exceptional dHcm made on
No city prisoners Jailed today.
Sheriff Knight and hU force are dally
pushing the delinquent tax sale.
The One Cent Daily Is simply Im
mense as a bard times offer.
The One Cent Daily Is the biggest
and best newspaper ever oflered tr.e
people by a hundred percent.
The circus Is located just south of the
Commercial street viaduct.
There was a bigger crowd In town to
day than yesterday. There will be Im
mense crowds all the rest of the week.
F. B. Dearborn has a complete line of
fireworks which will be closed out at
A good choice house to Bell on easy
terms. Will take carpenter work In
part payment. G. M. Beeler. tf.
Don't sicken people with that bad
breath. Take Simmons Liver Regula
te sweeten it.
An Albany man lost $ 70 on the shell
game at the circus.
Get a brick of bisque ice cream at the
Spa for your dinner.
Blondie. the Oregon horse that low
ered the world's record of 4:48 for two
mile trot to 4:48 at Salem Wednesday,
is not standard bred. .But a dash of
Oregon blood does not seem to have
Sumpter camp Sons of Veterans meet
at their hall in Turner block this Thurs
day eveulng to elect' some much-needed
otllcers and muster now recruits.
Cant. Flavel. a wealthy pioneer of
Astoria, is dead.
Miss Nellie McCormack, who has
been visitiugold frlendsof the Hawkeye
colonv at Balem. for the past three
months, will return to her home In
Prlmgbar, Iowa, leaving today at 1:40.
Miss McCormack la one of Iowa's tal
euted lady Journalists and has written
about the Pacific coast for the press of
that state.
Mm. Mills, who has been visiting at
the home of her father Capt. J. Q
Barnes, returned to Eugene today.
The sheriffs sale of property for taxes
baa been deferred until Friday at 1
o'clock, and the sale for school taxes
until Saturday, at 1 o'clock, this week
R. G. Coo'iran, of Brownsville, was
in the city today.
Miss Stelta Robinson, who has been
tho guest of E. F. Onburn's family, re
turned to Eugene today.
Get a brick of bisque Ice cream at the
Spa for your dinner.
Harry Singleton and Frank Van
Duyu start for the world's fair today.
Tho states plculo general committee
will meet at The Journal ofilce to
settle all bills.
Thero ueve'r was more perfect weath
er for racing.
The county court is still in session
on routine business.
City, County and State warrants are
at par, but not much sought after by
Salem banks, as money Is worth more
than 8 per oeul at present.
Swell Visitors. It may swell
them up in their own estimation aud
look bigger In print but It don't make
them any bigger In reality Salem peo
pie who register at the World's Fair as
comlug from Portland.
City Bond3, There Is a hitch about
refunding Salem's city debt The at
torneys differ aa to the amount of bonds
that should bo Included In the tender
of bids asked. Mayor Gatoh's opinion
Is that the advertisement for bids In
el'idea tho warrants for street Improve
ments and lu all It amouuls to (57.000.
He la of the opinion that a warrant
drawu against a special fuud cannot be
counted In fuudlng operations aa city
debt. The present !s not a good time
to hell bonds.
Painting the town red means head
arthe In the. morulnir. Simmons Liver
Regulator prevents It
In hulk, all good shipping varieties
of cherries lu the Willamette valley,
Oregon Fruit fc Produce Co., Balem.
i. 1 1 n i nynwipiiwmu iiiii(iiiMiiwatwMtyiByw'fiiiwiiMBipPliii HMi ii iJU"JHMM
nonnovixvRAi ummnara.
SUM and Count tfoelttlM to Mt
M 0lm 11 to 13th.
Horticultural IriteresM wlllffi'uma'itl
attention at the capital olty next wwk
and Balem Jortleulturlol are prtpar
lug for the proper reeeptlAU tt mem
bttnat the Htate Bootaty on the oeea.
ion of IU annual gatbfflnc. There will
to prominent mn and women here
who are practical fruit growers. The
fruit Interests of Marlon and Polk
counties should be well reprmnled.
President Cottle I working hard to
enlist all tho workers, He has ap
pointed the following committee on de
corations for tbo meetingn which con
vene at the county court heuse: Mrs.
Olive B. England, Mrs. U. E. Wahds,
Mrs. Ida M. Babcock, T. L. Black,
Bunt Miles, E. Hofer, C. B. Moores.
Mrs. England has been asked to act as
chairman of the committee. The stale
meeting has not been enthuslastlally
received heretofore at this city, and It
is desired that the ball be decorated
more grandly than a room ever was de
corated before In tbe state of Oregon;
that the decorations be got from tbe
woods consisting largely of Oregon
grape (which baa been made the state
flower of Oregon) and beautiful bunches
of ferns, of cedars and pines, wild
flowers and vines from the woods. In
fact it is desired that there be such de
corations at this meeting as were never
before seen gathered together in the
Northwest, and such as will be a sur
prise and a revelation, as it were, to
not only the society but to all the citi
zens of Salem. This can be done.
Several of tbe committee have teams
and propose to see what the woods con
tain and make a grand earnest effort
and perhaps surprise themselves with
the array of wild flowers and flower
lug native shrubs that can be pro
One of the features of the state meet
ing will be the opportunity oflered for
all to visit tbe orchards in tbe vincinity
of Balem in the mornings and even
ings. For this reason, aud through tbe
kind invitations of the citizens' and
fruit growers of Salem and Marion
county. The program has been ex
tended and so arranged that it will oc
cupy three days instead of two, as here
tofore, leaving the early forenoons for
driving and tbe Inspection of orchards.
Much benefit will be derived from these
drives, and all fruit growers are ear
neatly requested to be present.
L. H. Bailey writes about strawber
ries received at Chicage: "On June
17lb, a lot of Clark's Early, a new
variety, was received by the Oregon
people In good condition, after having
traveled 2,500 miles without refrigera
tion. Six days after its arrival this
berry Is still Arm. It is medium in
size, exceedingly solid and tough, re
minding one somewhat of the Glen
dale. Tbe color of both exterior and
flesh is very dark dull red. Tbe berry
is not high In quality, but it certainly
gives every promise of being a good
There is more catarrh In this section
of tbo country tbau all other diseases
put together, and until tbe last few
years was supposed to be incurable
bora great many years doctors pro
nounced It a local disease, and pre
scribed local remedies, and by constant
ly lading to cure witn local treatment,
prouounced It incurable. Science has
proven catarrh to be a constitutional
disease, and therefore requires consti
tutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh
Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney
!t Co., Toledo, Ohio, is tbe only consti
tutional cure on the market. It is
taken Internally In doses from 10 drops
to a teaspooniui. it acts directly on
the blood and mucous surfttct-s of the
system. They oiler one hundred dol
lars for any case it falls V cure. Send
for circulars aud testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
JESTeold by druggist, 75c.
Wednesday, July 5th, 1893, Mies
Susie Garrison, of Alsea, to Grant
Watson, of Salem.
Do Not Be Deceived.
Persons with weak lungs those who
are constantly catchlug cold should
wear an Allock'a rorous fluster over
the chest and another between tho
shoulder blades during cold weather.
Remember they always strengthen and
never weakeu the part to which they
are applied. Do do not be deceived by
imagining any other plaster like them
they are not may look It, but looks
deceive. Insist always on having All
cock's, the only reliable plaster ever
Tho family medicine
of tho world J
ftp.alll Baking
The only Pure Cream of. Tartar Powder, No Ammonia; No Alam,
Used in Millions of Home ao Years the Standui
At Salem
Are a Phenomenal
PrMny tlio Jmt Day With
raoiiHO Program.
Wednesday made ao Oregon horse
worth 3),000 In Iww than five minutes.
Blondie, sired by Lemont, lowered
the world's racing record for a two mile
dash from 4s48J to 4:19, and had speed
to spare.
It was the last trot of tbe day and
anywhere but in Oregon would have
been heralded as a world-wide event
and telegraphed acrosi tbe continent
Here It Will probably occupy three
lines in "the Oregonian." It was the
last race of the day and attracted no
unusual attention. But It proves that
Oregon breeding is coming to tbe top.
Tbo management of the July races
has been excellent and the meetings
are a great financial success so far.
Friday U tbe last day and the crowning
events of tbe meeting will take place.
There should bean Immense attendance
and all lovers of racing should give over
tbe afternoon to their favorite pleasure.
Tbe program for today's races Is as
folio wb:
Tbree-elghth mile running race
horses entered, Black Alder, Lancer.
Roan Oake, Innocence Abroad, Black
Prince, Lida M., Arago, Viola, Sleepy
Dave, Ben.
One mile running horses entered,
Nipper, Silvia, Nebalem, Undine.
2:29 trotting Pbalmont Boy, ""rank
O'Nell, Kate Lee, Walter, Pandora,
Two-year-old pacing Alta Wood,
Prihirose, Addle R., Aun Alene.
Ladles were admitted free to tbe
grounds and grand stand and it was
taxed toils utmost
Running, half-mile aud repeat Pad
dy Ryan won, Lancer second, Rocklan
Boy third; time, 0:49J. Billy Ayres al
so run.
Three-year-old special Daisy II, won
Springsteen second, Multnomah Boy,
third, Daisy D. fourth; time, 2:39.
2:35 trotting Hamrock won, Anita
second, Tybalt third, best time, 1:26.
Half Fare. The B. P. railroad will
sell half-fare round trip tickets for tbe
Salem races from all points between
Portland and Eugene. Tbe tickets will
be on sale beginning tbe 4tb and will
be good to return until tbe 8th.
Persons wishing to trade wood for
dally or weekly newspapers, and also
parties owing us wood on account are
hereby notified that we are now in a
hurry for it Bring in your wood (or
some fruit will be taken.) Hofer
Bros., Pubs. Journal. dw-tf
S. M. Archer vs. California Lumber
Co., appeal from Coos couuty;afflrmed;
opiuion by Lord; C. J.
LarsClemenson, vs. Dora Holcomb
etal., appeal from Coos county; af
firmed, opinlou per curiam.
R. F. McConnaughy vs. H. C. Wil
son, appeal from Lake county affirmed,
opinion per curiam.
Emma Cosper vs. Ballstla Sblpps et
al., appeal from Jackson county;argued
aud submitted.
Licensed. Permits to wed were Is
sued today to Miss Susie Garrison and
Grant Watson; also to Louisa Schwartz
and Charles Busier. Besides forever
renouncing his bachelorhood, be fore
swears allegiance forever to Emperor
William of Germany.
Rich, Red Blood
As uaturally results from taking Hood's
Saraaparilla as personal cleanliness re
sult from free use of soap and water.
This great purifier thoroughly expels
scrofula, salt rheum and all other Im
purities and build up every oran of
the body. Now Is the time to take It
Tbe highest praleo has been won by
Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient
action. Bold by all druggists. Price
25 cento.
Hon. B. F. Glltnei returned today
from a trip to Portland and Forest
Jtfl.V (I.
Report f rtopt GWurit Ytm V.
BtevsnM MM ftltowfd and report
ff h ..... a .iluss lt?i f AfAf
road; awptl sm! rid ordered
pnel. I
14 ptltlen ff rond of J?pi Uox tt
!.; cranial and rtewers apnelnted, V.
V. Hull, C. C. Mulkey, Frank Tat, to
niMt July 10th. a. tit.
In petition fef tmi of T. M. Dun
Basnet at,; granted, K. Ite, J. O.
Moore, F. M. Cox vlewM, to meet July
IS, 10 a. m.
In petition of John O. Khx et al.;
for road, continued,
Claim of Minnie J. Bonney for (ax
rebate of 0 39; continued for verifica
tion. In application for aid for M. B. Per
kins: allowed 110 for July.
In petition of T. W. Davenport et al
for road; dismissed for want of Juris
diction. The Merriest Girl that's Ont.
"Bonnie sweet Bessie, the maid of
Dnndee," was no doubt tbe kind of a
clrl to ask. "What are the wild waves
saying?" or to put "a little faded flow-
er" In your button bole, she was so full
of vivacity, and beaming with robust
health. Every ar in the land can be
Just as full of life, Just as well, and Just
as merry as sbe, since Dr. Pierce has
nlaced his "Favorite Prescriptlon"wlth
In tbe reach of all. Young girls in their
teens. Dasslnc the age of puberty, nnd
it a erea. aid. Delicate,pale and sickly
girls will find this a wruderful in vigor
ator, and a sure correc'ive for all de
rangements and weaknesses incident to
Narrow Escape of a Salem Young
Man from Highwaymen.
W. H. Butcbard, the photograph
man was waylaid last night about 11:25
as he got off tbe car on State street and
was going across to bis home at J. P.
Johnson's on Asylum avenue.
Two men followed him a block,
when be stepped into a yard, and they
stopped. The men bad run after him
to overtake him, down tbe middle of
tbe road. He ran about half a block,
when they were right onto him.
Thinking it was his home, they tried
to turn it ofl, and asked for a light
for a cigarette. They were hard
looking characters. It was very dark
and Mr. Butcbard feels sure tbey
wanted something besides a light. He
had nearly a hundred dollars on bis
person, and as one tried to head him
off, tbe other was just behind him. It
was a narrow escape for Mr. Butcbard,
as the city was full of hard cbaracteis
attending tbe races and circus.
NOTICE 1 hereby given that by virtue oran
executlo t duly Issued oat of the Circuit
court of the State of' regoa, for the county ot
Marlou, and to me directed, on tbe 23th day
ofJnoeA. D 189:1, upon a Judgment and de
creeof foreclosure duly rendered, entered of
record and docketed in aud by said circuit
court on the 2'h day of June, A. D. 1S33, in a
' ert&ln suit then In said court pendin where
in W. F. Barrows was plaintiff and Norton
R, Gaylord was defendant In favor of plalntin
and aealnsi defendant, by which execution 1
am commanded to sell tbe mortgaged prop
erty hereinafter described, and out oi the nro-
ceeds of such sale to pay the uiti and ex
penses of sale, tin sum of four hundred fifty
seven and O-10u (JIS7..'jO, dollars principal. In
terest and taxes with lnieret 'hereon al
tbe mteofS per cent, per annum frm tbe
12th day ot June, ISO, until paid, the costs
aud disbursements of said ult taxed at $18 1 ,
and Ji5 00 attorney's lee. 1 have levied upon
ana win an
Saturday, tho 5th Dav oflAogutt, A. D 1893,
at the hour ot 1 o'clock p. m. f said day, at
tbe west door of of the ouuty court house. In
Salem Marion county, Oregon, sell at public
Mud, ii vj tun ujub uiuuer lor c sa in nan l
on tbe day of sae.all the rUht. title and in
terest which said defendant bad on or after
tbe execution ot said mor esf e. ami Ml wr.
sons claiming from or under thcmsnbsequ-iit
wj iu- cc;uiir-ii ui uiiu murigvge. in ur to tne
following dovcrlb-d property, to-wlb Begin
nlng on the eat line oi U'h slree. In far
rlb,sadiUtloo,"B" to tbe city of Balem, at
tbeN. W corner of O. U and Eliza Darlings
one acre tract, thence N' following the E Hue
of said Httj street,. 1 0GJ chains easterly, Ht
right angled to said Utu street, 2.41 chains,
tbenoe toutberly parulell wl b .aid H street,
lOSJf chains, to the 'orth line ol said Dar
ling's one acre tract, thence westerly following
lunuunuiiuoui leaning one acre tract, Z.41
chains to tbe Dlaceof bevlmilnt- and mnmin.
Ing onf Mirth sere more or lens, being part of
J. L. farrUa and wife's donation land claim.
..--.ifed w, ui n iiuiuieiiB menatan .aiarion
countv. O egon.
Dated at Balem, this 3rd day of July, A. D
Sheriff, Marion County, i reeon.
By A. T. Wain, Deputy. 7-6-5-w
No Thler.
A lady from Buffalo had quite an ex
penenco in a large Berlin hotel. She
was a brave little woman "doing" the
continent alone with her two children,
without being able to speak a word of
any language except United States. One
night, having retired early with the lit
tle ones, she was suddenly awakened by
a peculiar noise, which she soon became
convinced was caused by some one try
ing to open tho door between her room
and the one adjoining. She "wasn't a
bit scared," but got np quickly, turned
on too electrics light ana rang the bell,
which resounded through the whole!
house. The sound at the door ceased
suddenly, and after a slight delay al
"Dutchman," as she called him, ap
peared to answer tho boll. I
"Speak Englishr (the usual question.)
"I sbpeaks heem a leetle," was the re
ply. "There is some ono in the next room
trying to open my door," excitedly.
"No, he is ont," positively.
"But there is Borne one there a robber,
a burglar. Don't you understandf
"Ho is oudtl He vill bo een at halluf
past iwelf."
"No, a robber! a burglarj a thief a
thief, I tell j-ou a thief in the next
"Veil," meditatively. "I do not tir.v
heeesfst'ief, but he ees oudt Ho Till
be ten at halluf past rwelf , and I vill--
nee-n, jxcaange,
iiyiynnf jwypw ijiiifjn)i mi.wiiinniii
yoino utorou nrc imving great
UlfiOllltjr in boflrillg tip
titnos iw thtwo.
ii fluoh
Good Honest riom?
Made Goods
At low piicoa enables tho
bear up and increase
business every year.
M.00iEl ftUi STORi,
Mme. Rennn is torecelro $1,200 a year
from the French government
Thomas A. Edison recently said that
bo never owned a watch in his life. "I
never want to know what time it is," so
he says.
Oscar D. Wetherell, the new comp
troller of Chicago, is a native of New
England and 65 years old. Ho is presi
dent of tho Globe National bank and a
Republican in politics.
Dr. Naville, the explorer, has discov
ered the burial chamber of Thothmes I,
eighteenth dynasty, at Thebes, with a
massive altar at the entrance thought to
have been erected by his daughter, the
famous Queen Hatasu.
In Virginia, where Heretofore only one
woman 'white) had been admitted to
practice medicine, Sarah G. Jones, a
mulatto of Richmond, has been licensed.
It is said she will practice exclusively
among people of color.
The new Earl of Derby, formerly
known as Lord Stanley of Preston, is a
popular and easy going nobleman, a type
of the "jolly good fellow." While gov
ernor general of Canada he was dis
tinguished chiefly for his love of outdoor
Sir Julian Pauncefote's salary has been
increased from $30,000 to $35,000 in con
sequence of his promotion to the rank of
an embassador to this country. This
makes his compensation exactly double
that paid to our embassador to the court
of St. James.
Mrs. Christine Ladd Franklin is one
of the few women who have won well
deserved reputations as scientific think
ers and writers. She is an American by
birth and the wife of an American sa
vant, and her name is frequently found
in German periodicals.
, Mrs. A. M. Mankly has bequeathed to
the city of Washington a large sum of
money for the erection and maintenance
of a home for destitute women as a me
morial to her mother. In memory of
her husband she has willed to the Chil
dren's Aid society $30,000 for the erec
tion of a home.
He had just received a letter from his
son at college and was reading it aloud
to his family, when he came to this pas
sage: "I am taking lessons in fencing, and as
the fee must be paid in advance will need
another remittance."
"Waal, now, that do beat all," said
the old man, "what on airth does any
body need to take lessons in fencing for,
Td like to know? I've been fencing for
40 years and never had to go to college
to learn how."
"But times have changed, father,"
said his wife. "Fences ain't made as
they used to was when we clim' them in
Root hollow."
"That's so," said the old man. "Ed
don't say if it's a wire fence or a rail one,
but I reckon he'll 'larn both ways. But,
I Turn, I never expected a boy of mine
would hev to go to college to learn fenc
ing. It do seem queer."
Then he wrote ont another check and
forwarded it by the next mail. Detroit
Free Press.
An Outward Evidence.
Husband Do you know that every
time a woman gets angry she odds a new
wrinkle to her face?
Wife No. I did not, but if it is so I
presume it is a wise provision of nature
to let the world know what sort of a
husband a woman has. Louisville Com-
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
N. W. Cor. St-te and Liberty St.
The season is rapidly advancing, and as we have on hand
Joo many Spring Jackets, we have determined to cut the prices
in two, and sell them quick. Wo are now selling
$3.60 Jackets for 12.00
44.50 " $3.00
16.60 " M $4.60
$7.60 " $5.60
Please call early and get your choice.
nne line of Dre Goods, Clothlnjr,
wt(Ur, always 0n band.
m m iwi imm
T&HShS!' 'Shafts
Something Wrongl
There Is something suspicious about It
wnen you are onerea BO'oemine lornoin-
Ing. We are not doing business tbatwtj
but let us say that nowhere among nonnl
dealers can you get more for your moner
man you aoirom us. we are now msxisi
Dig run on
We have Just received a large stock ol sip-
piles direct from the East. Notice all the:
dally papers for our advertisement Wr
repair ota stamps, uome ana see uisna,
ketnur prices. We will take pleasure Is
quoting mem to you.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers,
R 8 ALE. Fair young matched dart grar
uaii-rercneron norses. J, Ji. ionr, tuo
State street. They weigh about 21 T. na
will go at a bargain. 7-64t
Office 3IoCommerilal street,ln Eldridge block.
Residence 47o Commercial street.
A BARGAIN A flnst-claJWo33 model Colum
i. bla bicycle, aa good aa new, w milted
for one year Has been usnd only tnree wette.
Will be sold at a Urge discount. Call on W.I.
Btaley. Capital Business College. 7-338
LOST. Eyeglasses and chain on 'ihurtdi)'
aflernoon. Finder please leave at Joux-
aL office.
FR 8ALE. 2 choice lots. 4 blocks south of
M. E. church, 8a em. Big bargain, or
will trade for span ot hordes.
o-m oi
South Balem.
C)R SALE. A very nicely located lot. with
Jj house, on Mill street south ol Willamette
university For terras and particuIars.pIesM
Inquire at this office. 5-23-lm
3 "mis PAPER Is kept on file at E. C. Date
. Advertising Agency, 64 and 65 Merchants
xchange. Ban Francisco, California, where
contract for advertising can be made for it.
HELP WAN TED. Agents paid a good com
mission, and fcixo dnidend among
them next winter. Special attractions iom
pushed this year for which we want the Mr
vice of best agents everywhere.
Room 31, Chronicle Bblldlng, Ban r ranclKO.
of sn
kinds on sale at 32o LJberty street.
buttles, old Iron ai
iey paid for rPi
buttles, old Iron and all kinds of metsli.
& nn htriftx. at old f Vinrt Hnniu Halem
Regular 8eventbX)..y Advent st services !
old Unitarian Hall opposite oi-era bnuie,Es
lem, Batur- ays. Baboath school at las. at,
followed by Bible reading and other sy,'2
Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:33 p. m.
On easy terms and cheap. A 10 acre crcbari
ondunny bideNo. one. Smllessoutli
of fcSaiem.
Leave orders atCotUe-Parkhurst block .too"
15, Balem, Orrgon.
Carpets, Hosfcry, Glove, and UndW
r "
l"WHHUiM'l'S"Hi W
jsssisbif; v jsmasn
a jiSbpajMr'lK''?