Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 27, 1893, Image 2

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roBunnzo daily rxatrt bokdat,
CtprUl Journal Publishing Company,
Post OOc Week. Oewuiefclal ftrert.
Dally, 07 earner, per mootti..
. coo
Dall, b reall, per year..-
weekly, page, per jrr..
Tbo closing of Ibe lodUa rnlriU to
silver bj order of the EoglUb eovern
jnent l tbinoflt Importaut flnaadal
act Id modem times.
Tbo effect upon oor country cannot
h foretold. IU first Infience will tend
to drpredat allTer. Tbe prewnt ad-
minlBtration will probably take up tbe
mrctstlon and atop cninare bere.
Tbe Inevitable reecltr will be tbe ap-
nrooriation of the rare-metaVgow, asa
tbe practical elimination of onr silver
rarwiCT. Thla may produce a finan
cial revolution such a tbe new world
tec sever en. as t trot birds of all tbe
aweey, coia and pperi n tb band
of tbe people Is on a silver basis.
All tbe rotten frnit has fallen from
tbe baaiinjr tree by this time.
Mr. Downing fellow Democrat
have Hot removed blm from tbe Pent
The" number of people who smoke
two-bit dgara has fallen off sensibly
tbe last 30 days.
When times Improve people ought to
grow better. Bat tbey don't. Itls ad
versity that makes people Reed.
It la a terrible thing for a community
to have a thoroughly mean newspaper
to contend with; Pendleton for In
stance. Tbe greatest cause- of tbe" scarcity of
money Js well, we just had it on cur
tongue to say it to well is Its scarcity,
yon know.
Is) bis Oregon appointments Cleve
land evidently believes in taking care
of tbe rich and letting tbe rich take
care of the poor.
Bam L. Simpson of tbe Astoria Dally
Budget almost always expresses him
self in poetical language. But then,
be can't help that.
The much-mooted qnestlon whether
it Is possible for depositors to lose a
cent in a national bank Is likely to be
settled by tbe late flurry.
"Ned H. Pell". In the 8unday States
man is tbe com de plume of its genial
editor when be allows bis keen and
amusing sense of humor free flow.
Immense crops, more money in cir
culation and consequent prosperity
means mora young men aud women
sent to our excellent Oregon colleges
Hank Vaughn, of eastern Oregon,
who recently died at 'a good old age,
carried thirteen bullets in bis body.
Borne good man would have died from
Kay 0B8 of them.
Tbe special session of congress called
by Mr. Cleveland In September next is
not going to relieve tbe business Inter,
cats of tbe country. It was not elected
for that purpose. It was elected for the
very worst purpose, politically that of
perpetuating tbe Democratio party.
Dan Murpby says Cleveland gave
Russell, tbe Iowa man an office because
tbe private characters of bis opponents
were so bad. Ho no doubt feels It is to
be deplored that those eastern people
keep coming to Oregon at all, or If tbey
do come that they should brlog a good
Tbe Oregonian Is sound in its Annu
el! view. John 8herman is sound.
Cleveland U sound. The National
banks are sound. Tbe single standard
wen are sound. But all this soundness
does not prevent tbe country having a
devilish bard time of it and very little
eoafldenoe In tbe stability or sufficiency
of tue present finance system. Yet
very BM8 who doubts that Is at ouoa
branded an Inflationist. Theftcpubll
MM think the old war system of fl.
sanee Is Infallibly perfect The Demo,
erata don't know euough about flnauoa
to Improve upon It,
Tun's Pills
Regulate Th Bow!s.
Caf ivrnea tlcrasree tto whole, ays
u mmI VtMw.c, ancU M
Siok Hefc'isto!i,
PyajMipak, revere, Kidasy Ditww,
MUwu Colic, Hclaria, eta.
VsrlttoJMUu vroduee pxtiturb!t
vsxiyiiutu bvihi i(fon. ,," , "S
f olA hrerytrIiero
Orowers Meet at Bales to Disc&ftt
Insurance, Lice, Wafts, Etc
There was a large gathering of bop
growers at Balem Saturday. It was
tbe first meeting of tbe season, and as
sumed tbe proportion of a Wlilsmetta
valley convention, although early In
the season.
President Groves, of Dallas, calld
the meeting to order and former direct
ors and officers were cbowen again. Mr.
Groves thought that tbo president ftod
secretary should be from Salem or near
by and preferred not to srve again on
that account as be lived too far away
andooald not attend to tbe business.
Tbe by-laws were read by the secretary
for tbe benefit of tbe persons desiring
to become members. Tbe treaearers
annual report was read and accepted;
showing small balance on band, about
$37 having been expended for printing
Ibe by-laws, policies, etc.
Tbe board of directors re-chosen are:
W. H. Holmes, W. B. Putoara, Pierce
Biggs, 3L 8. Skiff and A. F. Groves.
The following were present at tbe
meeting and tbe amount of acreage in
bops represented by each: D. Craig,
Maclevy, forty scree, new; A. F. Groves,
Dallas, tblrty-tbree acres; T. P. Biggs,
Crowley, seventeen acres; A. P. Mag
ic, Wheatland, four acres; W. M. and
W. P. Putnam, Eola, sixty acres; J. A.
Richards, Mehama, sixteen andoce
balf acres; D. H. Johnston, Mebama,
twelve acres; W. D. McGee, Salem, five
teres: 8. J. Longcor, 8!em, six and
one-half acres; R. R. Temple ton, twen
ty acres; 8. R. Templeton, thirty-four
teres; A C. Hausman, sixteen and one
half acres, Brownsville; T. B. Jones,
Wheatland, twenty-seven acres; M.
dtutsman, of Harris fc Stutsman, Lin
coln, thirty acres; Ed. Dove, Eola, 140
acres: John Spong, Lincoln, seven acres;
M. a 8kltt, of Smith & Skifl, seventy
five acres; Alex. McNary, of Salem,
twenty-two acres; W. Dunnlgan, 611
verton, fourteen acres. A total of 600
Of this list nearly every section of
tbe Willamette valley is represented,
growers from Yamhill, Polk, Marlon,
Linn, and Lane counties.
From talks with growers it was
learned tbat lice will undoubtedly be
present In large numbers. It was said
tbat three years ago Hoe were unknown.
One grower said be knew of their ex
istence near Balem twelve years ago.
He Was acquainted with them back
East. As tbey did no damageere be
said nothing about it. Tbe lice have
still nearly 60 days to get to tbe front
and do a great deal of damage Tbe
value of sunshine as a hop louse deter
rent is conceded. Even If they are very
thick, tbo bops will not be discolored
by tbem without damp weather.
Moisture turns louse-Infected hops dark.
Tbey mould, ana mildew, it was
thought that at 60 cts. 8 box there was
still money in hops at 10 cts. a pound.
At those prices chances ae about equal.
Chinese pickers are not encouraged
much. Indians are the best and most
conscientious. Next year will come in
an Immense acreage of new fields, and
there la talk of many old fields being
abandoned and plowed up this fall.
Long poles are getting scarce and most
of the yards In Polk county are set to
short poles and twined eaab way.
busy this growing
Shirley Buck has a largo force at
work harvesting bis strawberry patch.
Hop vines are doing, nicely and no
lice yet.
Hubbard can boast of more roses than
any other town of Its aire In Marlon
J. L. Calvert Is having bis new house
(barnj nicely painted.
E O. Cross bos taken possession of
tbe Ohio House, and should now sub
scribe for Tiik Daily Journal.
Tbe Congregational church Is fast
assuming shape, and will be a band
some and commodious structure, wben
completed, which will be about August
C. Aiusworth baa remodeled bis
bouse and covered it with drop siding,
also putting on new shingles. John
Illlg Is doing the carpenter work.
Nellie Thompson, of Taooma, Wash.,
Is visiting her uncle, William Thomp
son. Mr. Priest la engaged In picking bis
crop of strawberries, which be is sell
ing at 16 cents per gallon, delivered.
Mrs. Wllklns has gone to Jolu her
husband at Vaucouver, where they will
engage In tho hotel business.
Mr. G. J, Wolfer has his mineral
bath houso fixed up In good shape with
hot and cold water shower baths, etc
He has also had bis beautiful grove
cleared up aud Is prepared for picnic
parttee, etc., etc. Mineral water free
at tliesprlug when It gushes out pure
anil cold at tho rate of 100 gallons per
Our road supervisor and gang of men
have bulILa new bridge west of town.
About M vo feet higher than the old one;
also graded the hills on each side.
Good roads aod bridges go a long
way toward waking good towns.
Prof. China got aboard tbe train en
routs for tbe "White City."
Vtot. Baker was in town last Bunday,
Mrs. Kershaw"! still very tick.
Mlnny Btlllwell smiles and says "its
girl," regulation size and weight.
Sometimes we smoke, Mlnny.
Miss M. Abraham Cbalnard says'be
got tbat hat" In Portland.
WlllUm Wolfsr is building a new
boose on bis farm, near this town.
Prices- Current by Telegraph Local
and Portland Quotations.
Balem, Juiie Vf, A p. m. Office
Daily Capital Jocbnal. Quota
tions for day and up to hour of going to
press were aa follews:
Good shipping strawberries 3 to 3; ct
a box. Shipper furnishes crate.
Peas 8 cents a gallon.
Gooseberries 15 cts a gallon.
Cherries 1 to 5 cts a lb. Continue
Veals dressed 4 to 6 cts.
Hogs dressed 6J to 6.
Live cattle 2 to 2.
Sbeen alive f2 to 12.50.
Spring lambs f 1.60 to 12.40.
Salem Milling Co. quetes:
In wholesale lots $3.20. Retail
Bran $17 bulk, $ 18 sacked. Shorts $19
and $20. Chop feed $10 and $20.
Market is flat at 68 cts.
Oats 40 to 43 cents.
Hay Wild, $10; timothy and clover,
$12. Baled $12 aud 114.
Barley No demand except for feed.
50 cents.
Wool Best, 10 to 12c No buyers.
Hops Small sale, 15 to 17c.
Eegs Cash, 16 cents.
Butter Best dairy, 20 to 25; fancy
creamery, 25 to 30.
Cheese 12 to 15 cts.
Farm smofeed meats Bacon 12;
bams, 14; sbouidera, IU.
Potatoes 75 cents.
Onions 1 to 2 cents.
Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c
Anise seed, 26c. Ginseng, $1.40.
Green, 2 ct; dry, 4 cts; sheep pelta,
75 cts to $1.25. No quotations on fun.
Chickens 7 to 10 cts; broilers 10tol2;
ducks, 12; turkeys, slow sale, choice,
10 cts; geese slow.
Grain, Feed, tc.
Flour Standard, $3.40: Walla Walla.
$3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.50
per barrel.
Oats blte,48c per bushel, grey, 46c;
rolled. In bags, $6 258.50; barrels,
$6 606.75; cases. $3 75.
Hay Best, $1617 per ton; common,
Wool valley. 13 to 14c.
MillstaOs Bran, $17.50; shorts, $22;
ground barley, $2624; chop feed, $18
per ton; whole feed, barley, S085 per
cental; middling, $2328 per ton; brew
Ingbarle, 9095c per cental: chicken
wheat. $1 221.24 per cental.
Hops 10tol7c
Butter Oregon fancy creamery,22
25e; fancy dairy, 1720c; fair to good,
!6lGc; common, llijc per pound; Cali
fornia, 3544c per roll.
Cheese Oregon, 11 13; Eastern
twins, 16c: Young American, 16o per
per pound; California flats, 14c
Eggs Oregon, 16c per dozen.
Poultry Cbickeus,oid,$3.60; broilers,
large. $3 00(4.0u: small. $2,00l2 50:
ducks, old, $4.606 00; young, $3 00
6 00; geese. $9.00: turkey, live. 121c:
reesed, 15c, per pound.
Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 12(5)
lie; no interior, ucsuic; ao vaney, iu(a)
Hops 1316c.
Potatoes Ordinary kinds of new in
sacks at S0c$1.15 per cental; new
Erly Roe, boxes, fl01.25; new Bur.
hanks, $1 00 1 25 per cental.
Onions 8590o per cental for red.
and $1.001 25 for eilvereklus.
Barley Feed, 8182Jo per cental
for good quality and 85c for choice;
brewing, 00 1.02 per cental.
Oats Milling. $1.601 65; fancy feed
$1 601.65; good to choice, $1.4j1.50;
common to fair. $1 15l.a5; gray, $1.30
1 45; black, $1.151.25 per cental.
Sick Ileadaehs and rllv all ik rnKI.. t-l.
dent to a bllioua uu of th (rateca. inch ai
D1f?lD N""- DrowslcsM. DUtrvas arter
aatlnr. Pain la toe Sid. 4c. Whllo then- roost
ramarkablo (uooeta has bea shown ta urior
ntadaean, vat Cabtes' Littlc tjvxa Pitxa
am ac-uaUy vahiabi la ConttipaUoo. curtcx
and pravsnunx this annoy iat; complaint, while.
they alao oorrsct aU disorders of tba stomach,
aihnulat th llrer and rsculata tho bowel.
JCfaa U tbey oay cured
cha thy would b almost prlceleas to EboM
who aur from thU cUUressuur caranialcti
bvt forlunatelv their coodnesj do4 out end
hr, and those, who ooca try then) will ftad
lhei UlU pills valuable In so many wan that
thay wlU not bo wilunjr to do without thats,
Dvit attar all tick head
iV Urea t
ww-masw our treat boa.
Our fatti car st
srauo ousn ao not.
CAkrasw Lrrrut Livet Tula are very (mall
aC" !. MWWIWOl
. OsMorlwottUtmak
i atriftlv wiA(tlft ud Aa
a aoaa. TMr
rlsiwsjl who w them. la vlaSatKceatt;
Vraforli BcJJeTarywuere.oraentbyjBr.
anw aeuani ca, rt
IvlHhatw hdrm
sn sraw ur MMfii. uu dt ihAip imaiu mriAt
. but trr thalr awn
In bulk, alt good sblpptog varieties
ofcbffrrJwi in the Willamette valley.
Oregon -Fruit & Produce Co,, Salem.
Before Ooiag to lao Wold's Fair
. EErtlr About
Tbe Limited Exprww trains of the Cbl
cago, Milwaukee A BU Paul Railway
between St. Paul and Chicago and
Omaha and Chirago.
These trains are vestibule!, electric
lighted and steam heated, with the fin
est Dining and Sleeping Car Service in
the world,
Tbe Electric reading light in each
berth- hr tbe successful novelty of this
progress! ve age, 4nd Is highly appreciat
ed by all regular patrons of lb Ik Hue.
We wish others to know Its merits, as
tbe Chicago Milwaukee & 8t. Paul Rail
way lathe only line in tbe west enjoy
ing the exclusive use of this patent.
For further information apply to
nearest coupon ticket agent, or address
C. J. Eddy, General Agent,
J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt,
225 8tark St., Portland, Or. tf
Is that misery experienced when
raddeoly made aware that you
possess a diabolical arrangement
called stofflack. 2fo two dyspep
tics hare the same predominant
symptoms, but whatever form
dyspepsia takes
The underlying cause is
inthe LTTEB,
and one thing is certain no one
will remain a dyspeptic who will
Xt wm comet
Acidity or ths
ExpIf oul cue,
Allaj Irritation,
'and at the laze
Start the IAver worMng and
aU bodilv ailments
will disappear.
tat nan than three yein I lugtrtd ith
Dpptfaia is its wont Tom. I tried imnj
docton.betthcrafibrdedDorelief. AtUttltried
Slsuoocs Liver Rtfulilor, which coral me in a
short nine. It is a (ood medicue. I would not
be wuhect It." Jambs A. Roans, PhDad'a, Pa.
"As a geaenl unily remedy for DyipeptU,
Torpid Lirtr, Constipation, etc, I harcly era
ese anything else, ana have never been dap
poraied in the effect produced; it seems to be
alaost a perfect care for all diseases of the Stomach
and Bowels." W. J. UcEaaoT, Ilacos. Ca.
Omncn0!r STIUXOBfaM wlta rrvy tvttU.
Cot. GOSOfclWCEA aj OLXTT t Oil U rmUri
&lWtnDECCCX8T3. Sut tauTaldimbxILa.
StsXTDOS Kuninnin Co. LAXCASTT2. Cilia
East and South
of the
Southern Pacific! Company.
I Morttu
8:18 p. m.
8:15 a.m.
Lv. l"orUanl at. I 7i4& a. ni
Lr. Balem Lv. I &28 a. m
At. 8n Fran. Lt.) 7.-00p. m
Above trains sUid onlv at (ollowlnf atalloni
north of Kosebnrg, East Portland Oregon City,
Woodbarn, tjaleni, Albany Tangent, Shedds.
HalJiey, HarrUbari.JanctionClty.IrylngaDd
&30 turn.
lL-17 a. m
&50 p.m.
Lv. Portland Ar. I 4uu p. n..
lv. Halem LT. 1; p. m.
At. Bulbars Lr. 7.-00 a. a
Albany Local, Dally Except tjaoday.
50Up. m.
732 p.m.
M0 p. m.
Lv. Portland At.
Lv: Balem Lv.
Ar. Albany Lv,
7:38 a. m
630 a. ni
Dluiug Cars ou Ogdea Route
Second Class Sleeping Cars-
Attached to all throur,h tnuna.
ffestSide Division, Betwetn Portlind
and Cemliis:
7au a, iu. I LV.
ttlO p. m. I Ar.
At Albany and Oorvallls connect
train nrOnvnn PhHOo Rallmad.
a v f w w tkai . i itj, m iiuKtuUMiA
4.-tu p. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I
735 p.m. I Ar. ilcMlnnvllIo Lv. I
To all points In the Kastera State. Canada
and Europo can be obtained at toweat rate
trom W W. bKlNNKK, A lent. Balem,
hVP.ROQEltS, AuLCl. K. and Paxa. Art
H. ROKHLKli, Msnsnr,
The Yaquina Route.
vaaw vitfuu nvniupaiea. oompnny a wVm
nip line. S mile horter. 0 hoar lata
Ume than hy anj otner route, Flrrt cUu
InH " .V... a J a
Portland and all lolnta In the Willamette
valley to and from ian Francisco. '
TIMK HCUtUULE, (Except Sunday.)
Lv Albany I-ftJ p m Lv OorralUa .1:40 p m
Ar Yaaulnaho p m Lv Yaquina 8tiS a m
Lv Oarvahlc lttsS am Ar AlbanylU10a m
O. AC train connect at Albany and Vor
TallU. Thsm saKAvaa (ln. A-.-u V...I-. -aa.
Ueyre(oai)caipmeat Oo,' lino oftiexnv
erm between Yaniiln anrl Man Vrnnri
,xffu "n,itr- from VonUnd and all
Willamette Yaliejr poinucau malioclo ood
YiMiSkIw Itwa ra.aK.l.eaa..X....l.- .
at AlUany or CbrrallU and 1 deaUned to Ban
the evening before date of aatllow.
i?IKJ. . JtonnaUoB apply to Uraar.
iitS 5L5- w'lht and Ticket Ajtau
lew-and va ITtmt ureet. Portland. Or, or
wviuyvyfaiisiuui' An
Or. Paoino K. It . Oorvalll. Or,
r. H. IIABWKLL, Jr, Oea'I rwbiht and
Pat. Axt, Ore. Development Ox,
194 Montgomery alt
r w&ra w?
Ml ii
v yoara tlie
IB.tessVYJ iX
It's economy to buy the Eagle
Completed and ready to wait on 'customers. Horses boarded by day or week,
at reasonable prieea. We keep a full line of Truck", Drays and (Express to
meet all demauds. Also keep tbe finest Stallions in tills countv, for 'service.
Barn and residence 2 block sooth of poatoffice. RYAN'&r CO.
If you would be clean-and- have-your clothes-done-up-in
the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to the
where all work is done by white
manner. COLOiS-EL J. OJjMSTJfiU,
Liberty Street.
m !
July 4, 5, 6 and 7.
PRIZES $3,500.00.
Pacing ?nd
Tiesday, Jily 4th.
Rcanlnr. apren-elsbrha-xtfledasb, purse $200
Pony rare, 400 yds, a best in X " 10U
Ponies not to exeeedrU hand high.
Trottine, iM clau,3 In-S
T'ottlop. a-y ear-olds, mlit dasb
Wedaesday, JulyDih.
Ran plnr, one-half mile.2year-olda, purse 1150
KnnnlOEVOe-halt mile and repeat,- " 300
Trottlngv2a claaa, 3 In 3 " 250
Trottlus, 121 clau, 3 mile tt " auo
Thursday, July 6th.
Banning, mile dash puiise,$100
Running, mile dash ' 250
Trotting, 229 class 2 In 3 " 300
Pacing, 2-v ear-olds, mllo daab, " 150
Friday, July 7th.
Banning, mile dash parse, $100
Gentlemen's roadster race 21n3 " 100
Horse without record, owners to drive
Novelty running raee.C miles.. " 200
This race is for ladles, entrance flee; they
can change horse a often a they wish.
ADMISSION: Gentlemen, 60 cents.
Ladies, 25 cts. Children over 12 years,
25 cts. Grand stand, 25cta.
President, H. W. COTTLE.
VKywPrraldent, W. J. ERWIN.
Secretary, F. N. DEBBY.
Treasurer, I. U. PATTERSON
The House Mover.
451 Marlon Street.
Ha the best facilities tor moving and rJ
Injr noose. Leave order at uray Broc or
Smith Premier Typewriter.
Sold on easy pay raat. For Eenu
W, . STALEY, Agent, Salem.
H.N.BUUPKB.Oen'1 Agent, in Third BU
ssssssssssissssr lflLfssssafV
PorUsad. Beadiforeauiocu.
"- -- -- - -i -"-Llfl-,l "1 "
I The question of the purity of food and
i ) the milk u-e drink. Par morr? than Tlilrtv
.has held first place In rthe estimation tf
the American People so far as Condensed
Milk Is concerned. Why? Because no
person who buy it Is ever disappointed
In Its uniformity of quality, and superior
richness. Every can is sterilized and Is
'Free from Disease Germs.
Your Grocer & Drunnist sell it.
brand as It goes farthest.
" " 'PJw-
labor and in the most prompt
(Norttera PacMc ft- R; Co., Lena.)
Two Through Trains Daily.
l&(5pm&25pml Minn al 8-.4am
iaupm7:upmu Ktrani, t-aJwun
IftUSam 4:15pm 1 Doluth a'lLtftUn
L0pm 7J5pm 1 Ashland. sl-Sjaam
7.15am 9 8am l Chica-oa &7pm
Tickets sold and haesace checked tnroeeh
toaupoiniiin tne united rJtates ana uanada.
Close connection made In Chicago with all
trains coin? East and South.
Kor roll information apply to your nearest
ticket agent or J AS. c. POND,
Gen. Paas. and Tkt, AgL, Chicago, 111?
Bids for Asylum fe
The board of trustee of the Oregon State In
sane asylum Invite sealed proposals Jorths
mrnlahlBK at the asylum near r-alem, "rtgon,
uj juuuwur auppun xor uieaix sioauia ena.
lng January 1. 1194 :
GOO yards
cotton flannel, Nashua i XXX
1 333 yard Amoskeag. mariners strioe. bine
and white.
600 yards PequotA sheetlngt, SS Itch, nn
bleached. AUO yanl Lownsdale sheeting, SI inch.
'jao yards Continental, checked flannel.
900 yards Ulaaa crash, U Inches wide.
700 yards bleached linen and French crash.
U inches wide
am yard Amotkrag blue denim.
aOOyard 9-1 bleached sheeting, Pequot. .
100 yard superior satlni damask; 66 inch
"aeo yards ManeiUea checks, York Ml?.
e Tarda Uraron cloth assorted colon!
i UdoL white stay binding J, Inches wide.
6 dnx. mystic Turkey red handkerchltls. 31
75 doc No. M white (Coat's) thread,
ados. No. 18 white (Coat's) thread.
3 doz. No. 50 wnlie (Coat'si thread.'
a d t. No. 0 white i Coat's) thread, r
10 doz. No. 3l b ack (Coat s) thtaadi
60 yard table oil, cloth, best quality light
13 dox. paper pins.
10X03 pounds beans, small white.
1,030 lbs granulated sugar.
lAnihsO.C sugar.
S-J59 '? otLin, in harrels, Creah ground.
8,000 ba cracked wheat.
ijxa lb Gold Dust com mtal (or as- good)
freh ground in barrels.
25 !? h.inr. rreah ground in barrel;
4,000 lbs choice Island rice.
aOw gallons New Orleans molatses, best
I fin lbs corn starch, Oswego,
0000 lb Liverpool aa.t.
UU lb cheese. Cranston's or aai rood.? fuh
cream. '
150 lbs C. Co's At A a. brand orb soda.
JH) lb cream tanar. J. A. Fo ger" beL
10 groes Vulcan Superior Safety matches.
15 dot brooms.
2 dox whisk broom.
15 doz. cans oysters, Bine Point, or as good.
aOdo can oysters. Held.
liidoz,en corn. aco or as good.
100 lb. art brley
WO lb. soda cracker XXX fteh.
100 lb, oyster cracker XXX lreh.
100 bl.(
20 boxes macaroni.
100 gallons kerosene. Pearl brand, in tanks.
SDgalloas Albany spindle oil.
6 gallon Albany cylinder oil.
880 barrels mora or leas, best roller prooas.
dtlivered a wanted. ,
500lbj per day. more or lesa.oi beet, aa re
quired in tquaf pan of fore and hind Q air-
fc?" Wiol'y'i ClTing price per pound tor
. pounds Kirk's 8a von or a good.
1.009 pound Proctor.'. t.. ....
gOO- -.-.,,..
1.00) lbs, prune.
lb, mace, ground.
60 lb, mustard, ground. .
3oo lb, black pepper ground,
ao lb. cinnamon, ground. '
to lbs. ginger, ground.
IW lb. Columbia brand, or as good,
COFFSJfc. ' n
0 m. Costa 'Rica, st grade.
Jt01. government Java, sUat grade.
S5a lb. Seal Mocha.
oo Ibe. csueery.
IA9 lb, tied Htmutt tmni.
J fro ti, Olllott'i Vo. M.
I troM Uad pencil, robber tip W.X
I crow lead pencil, tnbber tiR Ho, ,
I iix London ineaodeecvat rn, No, 4 (era.
I fr london iacandeeeent pe, Ho, 9 dtn.
1 box London lnndcnt pen, Wo. 7 uira.
I rn JnaLeap pap, (ealra good.)
1 Journal - -I
J4 ledjer - - -
dot) pen bolder.
wf?l.rflu?d?rt blU" ""'' r,M,0
X do qnart betlla Blaflord ' commercial
3 qnart botUe BaaJord. eowblned wrttU
lo Ort. tea etrp.
lodoa nccers,
& do, onaqnart 'trap bowls,
I doz. ona tat Ion pitcher.
Sdog, sonppiattais, (inch.
I doz. chamber pots.
a doz syrop i pitchers, I pint, glsa.
lo doz. torubier.
1 doz. lantern globes.
1 doz. halter salts.
1,000 prmnds white lead.
1 barrel Unseed oil, boiled.
lbarrel roof paint. Prince's mstallo brown.
ao gallons tarpentin.
3a pound Venstlan red..
10 pounds chrome green, dry In ft pound
3 pound chrome yellow. In oil.
61b burnt umber, In oil.
B lb dry umber.
4 cans rose pink. In oil.
3 can burnt sienna.
1 paper bronze.
M doz. Adam brushes No. So A. O. E.
doz. round sash tooL
3u lb. French ochre dry.
6 boxes glass 7x3o.
0 boxes glass 8x3o.
loo pounds putty.
a papers glaziers points.
3 doz. since car metal for Laelanch batterie.
S doz. nber washers.
2 doz. Yt "
drz. ljiva tips.
1 doz. Kibe burner cocks.
1 doz. gas plUer.
1 doz. Jjlead "S" trtp.
leo pound solder and K-
4d feet IX lead plpt , 6 pound.
4o fet 1 lead pipe 4 pounds.
pipe reamera.-irom a so 54..
6 pound asbestos caiidlewli-k.
1 jack
ackaon'a scratxr. S-lnch flue.
I extra Jaw each. 13 Inch. lS-iaea and -tnch.
Htlllson wrench.
2dos. JJeLs.
kdoz IfcU.
X dox socket.
1 doz I inch (ooketa.
X duz 3 Inch sockets.
X doz S flange unions.
3 dosXzX boshlngz.
ad. XxibushIag.
3 doz X'H bushing.
1 doz. Ji Jenkins .Bros. Talves,) movable
X doz X Jenxlns Bros, valves, movable
H doz, 3 Jenzlna Bros, valves, movable
square head stoo coexs.
r uiler hose bib finished.
1 doz H Fuller Iain bib finished.
1 doz 1 .top and waste.
I doz trr and waste.
Xdoz KalrcocKa, .
X dea K'olr eoexs.
3 doz. 4 Inch slim taper flies.
3 doz 5-Inch .&.
3 doz S Inch - u -1
each 7, 9 and 13 ox. riveting hammer.
1 one pound 4 oz. octagon ball pin hammer.
1,000 lbs. each No. 18, 2o aud 33 galvanlzad
sheet Iron, best brand. SoxVS.
3 boxe anxvg XXXX tin redlpped.
1 box 30X23 XX tin redlpped.
6 pacKages 3 1m. Uoned tivets. -
13 doz boiler handle.
1 pair 7 1 of drrlnc; copper.
1 pairs lb fcoldertng copper.
3.0 lb 8d Qnlrblng nail.
2oo a 6d finishing nails.
4oo ZM Sd common nails.
4oo lbs lod common nails.
loo 9 4d wire nail
, 8 groes eah screw 1 Inch No. lo and If Inch
No. 9
4 gross each screws Ji. IX and 3 No 11.
3 gross each screws braMiX No. 4 M No.
X doz. papers each 4 an d t oz. tack.
aco- leet Ji round Iron. Norway.
loo feet 7-10 round iron, Norway.
76 feet&i round iron, Norway.
bO feet jJzX flat Iron, Norway.
loo leet IXK flat Iron, Norway.
5o feet lxX flat iron, Norway.
XxegNu 3 hind shoes (Burden's).
X Keg No. 3 lront shoe "
X keg Na 6 front shoes u
X keg Na 6 hind shoe -
2 e Sweet American teel toe calXs-'No. i,
1 IS inch rasp (Heller Bros.)
1,000 Eu best blacksmith's coal.
lo lbs. X Iron washers.
lo lr. 6 js ir-n waaher.-
loo feet angle steel Xx& .
1 blackimlib steckiand dies from 5-l to 115
thread. 18, 3o,J4 and 83 to I Inch with -4 Up
and 4 dies.
1 Uellwles patent bolt clipper No. 3,
oo feet H manilla rope.
8 package X nd J No. 8 copper rivets.
it roll sole leather. Btnrktnn Ttm (imtt s
3 sides tr skirting; plump; 14 to 17 lbs, a side.
3 domestic calf sUns, brand-Il. B.
3 buck skins, mealum size shaved,
lo lbs absorbent cotton.
3 lbs acldum earbollcum pure.
1 lb acldum boracium.
1 lb acldum muriaticum O, P.
8 lbs acldum muriaticum commercial.
1 lb acldum sulpburlcum aromat.
6 lb aqua ammonias fort.
3 lb cbloroformum bqulbbs.
1,100 empty capsules No. 1,
loo empty capsule No. 3.
1 lb Aula extract cannahta in U7vh tim.
orP.D&Oo. .w-.-.-
3 lbs fluid extract buchu FoL WyethBro. or
P. D, A 120
1 lb fluid tra-t r1nrrli ti'..ih t. .
P.D.etCo. " """
1 ID fltlld extniflhvrkfLftfrainl XLr -, dm n.
Jt. D.Ai-o. " -.. w
1 lb flaid sSXlTAiH rlfrrvtrh Wvalh TJm a. D
i. Altx ww- .w.vMMM.WA
BlbS. Btlld iV. fAeevMH ww-
eth Broi oYpru.f3o7 r "
X lb fiald Xtra.rt slffnnsk Vvtk Dm aP 11
ACu. v """
3 lb fluid extract OmnllVlrr. WnlhDm
or P. U Co " .-..-.
ogalloH glycerine pure.
bo lb, flazsead mnl
1 dozen medicine glasses Kox.
3 gaUons jL rlelnC
8 oz. Ol. lemon.
JAp,p,lu8ccn- FlrchUd.
X B fhtnaceUne Btyer.
doxen PhiUlp Kmul, cod llrer oil, Uige
I Z??J?U1 .ooe. assorted size.
. J Pulv. Uoveri.
ao rjuT, acaeiae.
1 . Potaa. llrom.
3 Bu. Pataaa. eltraaL
a 8m. Potass, lodldum.
6oo PU. pooophyllin, ii grain raoh.
6o oz. quinine talpb. K. A M.
v3 auipnur BUDlim.
6 In. aodll bicarb.
5oss ealph magseslae.
1 pound M.L Tolntana for syrup.
Idoz syringe Da rldann'e No. 1.
6 pounds vaaelln (XXX) refined.
taniplrmaybeseenatther.fflea of board.
Osmutbelaacfofdfcne therewlihVand
opme in original package when pslble! The
tight 10 t) ct any er all bids I rcLarmi
BeUvery o( supplies will be iuuuTbJa'
lK,.,M,f o'aectPlaoee c-7 bldTA copy
Id and the name of cU of auppileWmnslbS
fS.'ftlJSVJSR9-. fnb,d nt Te"e all
Ibe iuma and totals in mil of the leaneeiiv
CUu, with the exoepUoiof flouJ, mea?i5?d
l.n.dli4l?.?0P, Trohlblted ftwa
a-aAAaSE 8UJDUUIILa tT nntwk..u . a.
5fi?iir-cts -ti isi
SaaTd mwx'Pa oao' article to be por-
Std wHI be opened at 3 o'clock -u.xa.oai
Monday, July a,Tw3. "'"
JeriiliftsatiUirt i. imwhr.-4