kMh tfntmnf ICVtfJN JLNCi OAVITAJj JOCnUTAL MONDAY, JTJNJ- 20, 1890. I a ii .avi.Aa i V& BE. L. L. OABMEE. Stricken Down with Hoart Disease. JDr. -tf Xedteal Co., JUlhart. Xnd. armjatswt I fccl It a? "Jury. elLaJfc" tlei-mro. to pubHsb, unsolicited, to Uio world tho eneflt rcctirad Com on. Macs- Hcvtomtivc ........... I was stricken down true : Jitarl Jjw m m m in THOUSANDSs .In the chest, j ranch pun cton of the heart and' below lower rib, pain in tho zzz. vziXSZSZZr i,M.ih ainonlMsnoiia. weakness J.IIMI, Bl' wesia tnroo violently, u wwuwub i7J miid " .v -i- Sure my whole body. I was so nervous thai 5wd n& bold my band steady. SSS' H?naoa yrrnr -B "- ---' -" Mile wmoiJIe. mT0Uken 1 assise- MDII Msajk tbreS bottlw of your E?wOUtt&.u SSayWS,ta"S5Sil. I have no more n3 two bottles . .,. Is. nApmft italMit ihrobbln of the heart, am .wru. atari. Srin'S'riSrSSojnmend every one with symptoms ef Heart Biaeaso to ink Dr.XUf Jlutora, aV Jlmtniin and bo curta. ., gypsum City, Kani. &- I Carmzb. BOLD ON A POSITIVE QUARANTCE. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, 50 DOSES 25 CTS. geld by D. J. Fry, drujrgist, Salem World's Fair, Chicago. . .. Calumet Aronuo and S9th8tret. nTEl m m Mroprooti 241 luorasi near Fwr nUlkla Grounds baths on crerjr floor. .. American and European Plans. IHPBflCTlItotSndar. Ii irst-class famuy JUlUnUr 1 hotel. Write tor circular. DR. GUNHS ONION SYRUP FOR COUGHS M r.mnn AND CROUP. GRANDMOTHER'S ADVICE Is railing a funllr of nln ebildren, ray only niudr for Doughs, Colds and Croup wm onion Trap. It ti lost u effective to-day ee It irn forty Stan aso. Ifow my take Dr. unn"e Onion Syrup, whleh is already prepared and mora cltaaant to tbe taata. Sold orery wher. Larf batuai BO eanla. TakanoauDaUtnlaforlL Bold by Buskett & VnnSlypo. CflflS. WOLZ, Proprietor of tho GERMAN :-: MARKET Bonth Commercial St., Salem, All kinds Fresh, bait and Smoked .Moats and Bauaageo. FIIKK OEUVEIiy. POWER HOUSE Meat Market, Fresh and Bait meats of tbp bent quality Poultry and stock. Free delivery. FRED WAYMIRE. DR. GUN WS IMPHOVXD LIVER PILLS A MILD PHYSIC OKE.PILL FOR A DOSE. a teoTamant of tht bowala oh day, la naaaaiary terhaalta. Than plllaaupply wbal tha ayittm laaka ta mak. it regular. Cur ilaadaoha, brlfUt.a tht r" and olaar tlia Oomplatlon battar tliaa Manallaa. Thay at mildly, neither (ripe nor tfekea aa Other pltla do. To eonrlnse you of their Mtrtu we mall eamplea frea, or full boi S6o. Bold TKywhara, Moeaako Uad.0, rtUladalpltla. t. Bold by BaHkett & Vtui'HIypo. SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & PLASTERERS, Vttrt orders atOottle-l'arkhuratblock.roont ,Htein, Oregon. II P. M. CARS. lip. 111. Cars lcavo Hotel ami Fetttco dally for AsyluiH, Fealteatlary au4 Comctory oi Capital City Railway. Car teaves a. in,, couaect laf Vrith verlaad tralu, and eara lmo Hetx'l every Q iiliHrt frtM V&Q a. m. to 11 p, m. flu allpeluts en tlio lines ttfeptliig Cemetery Car,Takea ilt-tm Mt. Yaeseiwtcr Trains. Itorm fair HJo er Trade. On iy trms, four miles esat or bubllmlty, iTBlBKHTacrw will trade for propsriy rNlin, B. O.. SOVB, . f Aluhllmltv. fir. OflU In ruri HHUlw 'ubUmity,Or. i:i vu tiki v T&iJ'W& Eij nipvjffvvvi. fWLdC-i sfczfcjr jotsnty ter . A 'JtJ&a-rmtt 1 1 r m f r TV tsbt THE fflHTll JOIIBML aaaaaaBaaseaaaaroeBiaaeanacaiBaaaineaEaaamcaMaaaai PUJILIHHKD DA1L.Y, KXCK1T BUWOAY, r this Capital Journal Publishing Company. I'ost Offlee llloek.Comtnerolal Rireet. MOFfR BROTHERS, Edltorir iMlly, by carrier, pur monthr torn BOO 1.40 Dally, by mall, per year,., weekly, s page, per year,., CAN IT 11E DOAB A number ofexotmDKcaaro dlaousalng tbo possibility of publlahlng a Ono Cent Dally at Balem. Tbo doubters seem to think it could bo dooo at Portland. The Jouhnal proposes to publish a Ono Cent Dally by mall at least, and perhaps a Ono Cent Dally by carrier. The largo circulation of Its Weekly mado the Ono Cent Dally by mall pos sible. Tho way the latter la growing In cir culation it may make a One Cent Daily possible by carrier, It now codts nearly 25 cts. a month to carry rh Daily In Balem and collect tho pay for it. X tie people of Oregon have now a chance to break np the press monopoly at high prices bo long imposed upon them at Portland; they are improving It by taking a Balem One Cent Daily 25 cts. a month by mall. W have the telegraph service, the press, tho pa per, the ability to get out the paper; the people can do tha rest. SUGUbSTED COMMENT. Everybody the banks. breathes easier. Bo do D. R. Murphy has returned and Ore. gon is all right. Those who do not cure to shoot this week can go to the races next. Newberg prefers colleges to saloons. Queer town that. Yet there are some very dead college towns. That South Commercial street vla duct should not bo let become a reposi tory for rubbish, as it now Is. Hurrah for the reduced railroad rates. Now people can go East, and immi grants can como to the coast and both have spending money left. Tho beautiful graded streets put down by the last couuoil area just source of pride. No such addition to the appear ance of our city was ever made. The Jouunal has a special from A, D. Charlton, General Passenger agent of the Northern Pacific Railway that the regular rate from Portluud to Chi cago will bo $33.00, tourist sleeper $4 00 more. Whenever the Oregonian bos not any other way of replying to an exchange, it credits its items to some othor paper. The Journal dislikes the illwillof even a dog and connot protect itself against such a practice. It is a little rough on exchanges however to ascribe any of our bright sayings to them. Of course it is perleotly plain that Interstate Commerce Commissioner General Wade Hampton coming to Oregon on a special train has a great deal to do with solving the freight problems. Tho farmer finds his wool freights east raised to an embargo point while the general goes Ashing. And the Chinese ttro enjoying the liberties of American citizenship aud society as much as though no Geary mw nau ever oeen enacted, nnu no su preme court decision deolarlng It con stitutional had ever been rendored. Great Is Cleveland, and all must bow to the will of tho Democratic Czar. Tho law waa evidently riot made for the Chinese. it is teiegraptieu with great gusto that Mrs. JJ. 8. Graut and Mrs. Jell. Davis met at a hotel and hud a visit, Mrs. Grunt taking the initiative. Why should thoy not? Tho war is over. Honorable terms wero given tho van quished confederate leaders, If they had triumphed would Mrs. Grant have, been as well received ? AN EASY WINNER. Tho solid vestlbuled trulus of the Chicago, Union Puulflo & North-Weel-oru Line distance all competition with ease. It has tho shortest line, fastest time. Union denots and no ahnnrrn or ueiay at me Missouri river, and Is the popular World's Fair route. 4-24-0t VI80R of MEN Eaillr. Quickly. Permanently Ritorau WEAKNESS, NERVOUSNESS, DEBILITY, and all tha train of arils from early errors or later xcaaaea, Ua mulls of (rrerweik. aloknese, vrorri.elo. eulletrutih. deTclopuient and tone Siren (u every organ and tKujloa of tha body.. filmple.naturalnieUioda. Immrdlatatrapratainakt aoro, failure Uapoeiild. LUU rrBrana. M.wvlr "mnatlon and proof I mau.4 (sealed) rr, I FRlF HPnM,ll rfl tHIt mkUit,AL CO. UrrAie, h, y, mflnir?T mm Jp-jhi TODAY'fl MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations., Juno 'JO, A p. m. Ofllco Daily Capital Jouknal. Quota tions for day and up to hour of going to press weroes follows; HALKM I'ltODUOK MARKET. MOIT. Good shipping strawberries 3 to 8 ct a box. snipper luruiBiies crute. Peas 8 cents a gnllon. Gooseberries 16 cIb a gallon. Cherries 8 to 10 eta a lb. Continue scarce. nUTOHEB STOCK. Veals dressed 4J to 5 cts. Hogs dressed 01 to 0. Live cattle 2 to 2J. Bbeep alive 2 to (2.60. Spring lambs $1.60 to $2.40. MILL PKIOES. Salem Mlllloe Co. quetes: Flour in wholesale lots $3.20. Rotail $3.60. Bran $17 bulk, $18 sacked. Shorts $ID and $20. Chop feed $10 and $20. WHEAT. Market is flat at 58 cts. HAY AND CHAIN. Oats 40 to 43 cents. Hav Wild. $10: timothy and clover. $12. Baled $12 aud $14. Barley JNo demand except for reed. 60 cents. FARM products. Wool Best, 10 to 12c. No buyers. Hops Small sale, 151 to 17c. Eirgs Cash, 16 cents. Butter Best dulry, 20 to 25; fancy creamery, 25 to 30. Cheese 16 to 18 cts. Farm smoked meats Bacon 12; hams, 13; shoulders, 10. Potatoes 76 cents. Onions 1 to 2 cents. Beeswax 34c. Caraway seed, 18c. Anise seed, 26o. Gimseng, $1.40. HIDES AND PELTS. Green, 2 ere: dry, 4 cts; sheep pelts, 75 cts to $1.25. No quotations on furs. LIVE POULTRY. Chickens 7 to 10 cte: broilers 10tel2i: ducks, 12; turkeys, slow sale, cbofce, 10 cts; geese slow. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Fred, etc. Flour Standard, $3.40; Walla Walla, $3.40; graham, $3.00; superfine, $2.60 per ourrei. Oats Wblte,60e per bushel, grey, 48c; rolled, in bags, $6 250.50; barrels, $C606.75; cases. $3 75. Hay Best, $1517 per ton; common, $1013. Millstuffs Bran, $17.50; shorts, $22; ground barley, $2024; chop feed, $18 per ton; whole feed, barley, 8085 per cental; middling, $2328 per ton; brew ing barle, 9005o per cental: chicken wheat. $1. 22 J 1.24 per cental. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamory,22J 25c; fancy dairy, 17J20c; fair to good, I516o; common, 12jo per pound; Cali fornia, 3544e per roll. Cheese Oregon, 11 13; Eastern twins, 10a; Young American, lOo per per pound; California Hats, 14c Eggs Oregon, 1416o per dozen. Poultry Chickens, old, $4; broilers, large, $3 004.5u; small, $2.002 5(); ducks, old, $4.500 00; young, $3 00 0.00; geese, $9.00; turkey?, live, 12Jo; dressed, Joe, per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 12 14o; do inferior, 9llc; do valley, 16 18c. Hops 1316o. Potatoes Ordinary kinds of new in sacks at 00c$1.15 per cental; now Early Rose, boxes, 00e1.25; new Bur banks, $1 00 1.25 per cental. Onions 8500o per cental for red, and $1.001 25 for silverskins. Barley Feed, 821833o per cental for good quality aud 85a for choice; brewincr. D01.02 per cental. Oats Milling, $1.601.05; fancy feed 9i.ou(o)i,ua; goou loouoice, $i.4d(a)i.uu; common to fair, $1,151.85; gray, H.30 fa)i.4o; oiacK, ti. io(2)i. w percental. GOOD Food - - -Digestion- -Complexion - are all intimately connected j practically inseparable, i Though the fact is often ignored, it is nevertheless true that a good complex ! ion is an impossibility with ; out good digestion, which in turn depends on good : food. y: There is no more common i ; cause of indigestion than ; lard. Let the bright house- ' : keeper use GOTTOLENE The Nw Vegotabl Shortening and substitute for lard, and her cheeks, with those of her family, will be far more likely to be " Like a rose in the snow," Cottolenk is clean, dell cate, healthful and popu lar. Try it for yourself. Send three cents la stamps toN. K. Falrbank 6 Co., Chicago, lor handsome Cottolene Cook liook, containing six hundred recipes, prepared by nine eminent author, ltlea oa cooking. flade only by N. K. Falrbank & Co., ST. LOUIS and CHICAGO, NEW YORK, BOSTON. MAKE NO MORE MISTAKES. 0HARLK3 A. SMITH HUNS The Rustler food Saw And lis doesn't burn un half Tour wwi in fuel, when tie aawa It. Uaka your oolricu I ." iwuuuiy u-irv ortiera at voatcba lolfarstore Oearboru't book ators.tH Summer avrssttoraddms mi by mall. Mi U aiiiiiiiH Wood Wanted. At Illlnd School HO cd. body nr. 26 cdi. pole oak. Bids received until Jiny 1st. V., H. JlOLMWlKU, Hup. fl.22-2d.lw Blind School. WANTED. In bulk, all good shinning good varieties of cherries In tho Willamette valley. Oregon I'ruit & rroduce Co,, Haicm. 0 18dw Eeforo Going to tho Wold's Pair Enqnlro About Tho Limited Express trains of the Chi cago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway between St. Paul and Chicago and Omaha and Chicago. These trains are vestlbuled. elcctrio lighted And steam heated, with the fin est Dining and Bleeping Car Service in tbo world, The Electric reading light in each berth is the successful novelty of this progressive age, and Is highly appreciat ed by all regular patrons of this lino. We wish others to know Its merits, as tbo Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail, way is the only lino in the west enjoy ing the exclusive use of this patent. For further Information apply to nearest coupon ticket agent, or address C. J. Eddy, General Agent, J. W. Casey, Trav. Pass. Agt. 225 Stark St., Portland, Or. tf Children of Sir. and Mrs. M. H. Sollor Altoona, Pa. Both Had Eczema In Its Worst Form After Physicians Tailed, Hood's Saraaparllla Perfectly Cured. Great mental agony is endured by parents who see their children suffering from diseases caused by impure blood, and for which there seems no cure. This is turned to joy when Hood's Sar saparilla is resorted to, for it expels the foul humors from the blood, and re stores the diseased skin to fresh, healthy brightness. Read this: "To C. I. Ilood & Co., Lowell, Mass.: "We think Ilood's Sarsaparllla Is the most valuable medicine on tho market for blood and skin diseases. Our two children suffered terribly with tho Worst Form of Eczema for two years. AVo had three physicians, but neither of them succeeded in curing them or oven In (living them a little relief. At last wo tried Hood's Sarsaparllla and In a month both children were perfectly cured. Wo recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla as a standard family medicine, and would not bo without it." Jin. aud JIns. JI. M. Boller, 1-112 2nd Avenue, Altoona, Pa. HOOD'O PlLLS cure Constipation by rostor Insr the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS CARDS. 1'. II. D'AUCY. Of O. 0. 111NOII AM. l-vtinnV X. TirKTrat, Wr ltln,n... , Inn, JJ Rooms 1, 2 and 8, D'Aroy Building. 14 i mate Btreet, Special attention given to Dual noss In the supreme and circuit courts of the siaie. ii R P.BOISE Attorntynt law, Balem, Ore- Kon. umce ctj commercial street. mlLMON FORD, Attorney at law, Salem, j. wregon. umce up Biuirn m miwu uiuck K J. BiQOKIt, Attorney nilaw.Balem, Ore gon, umce over uusu s dhdk. T J.8UAW.M. W.HUNT. 8UAW4UUNT tl . Attorneys nt law. Omeo over Capital nauonii DanK,Haiem,uregn. C T. RICIIAIIDSON. Attorney at law of- O. flee up stairs in front rojms ol new Bush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, naiem, urcgon. JOHN A. OAR-JON, Attorney at law, rooms t n ana ), uuHn uanK Duuaing, Baiem,ur, 11. r. BOMHAJI. W. H. ilULMlia BON HAM & IIOL.MKS, Attorneys at law. Olllce In Bush block, between State and i.ourt, on Commercial street. E, POOUK, Stenographer aud Tjpe- w.llu.t l.oa, tvnAurrltlni. nf. Ich but onn In flrpirnn. (IVAr Uunh'A bank. Salem, Oregon. (J1ELLA SHERMAN Typewriting and tiv. room 11. Qrav O oommnrclalsienoe block, r Irst-clnss wor Rates reasonable. Q O. BROWNE, M. D.. Hhysiclan and cu Q. cron. DHUe, Murphy blojk; residence, 168, omuitrclul street. rR.T O SMITH, Dentist, 92 SUto street Oregon. Finished dental opera. XJ Balem, Oregon. tlons of every description. Painless opera tions a upeclalty. T U. PUvitl, Anhlioct, plans, specldca- ll , lions and HunArlntBudonre for all classes ol buildings. Ofllce 290 Commercial street, up stairs. CI A. ROBERT, Arcbl ect, room 421 1, quain building, Pi nlaud, Oregon P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Repairing a Spoolalty. Huop 43 8 Late strret. -pilOlKOUON LODGE NO. 2 A.O. U. W. JT Meets lu their hall In Htnte Insurance building, every Wedorwday evening. . . .... A. W.DENNltf, M.W. J. A. BKbWOOD. Ileoorder. Deutscher Advocat. P0ST0FFICE BLOCK, - - SALEM, OR. Admitted to practloe In all the courts. Bpeolal attent on given to German speak ing people aud buaineas at trie county and slate offlcea. E. HOFKH, NoUry Public, Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Kalem, Oregon. W. A. CUHIOK, Pies. W. W. MARTIN, Vloe Prea, J. H. ALBKRT, Uaabler. BtAte, County and City Warrants bought at Par. dw MONEY TO LOAN On tmprorsd Real Estate, In amounts and Urns to suit. No delay In considering loans. hEAR & FORD, Boom , Bush Bank block. 61Mw i u iimi i r " fWMsFw a Bf WB Hr A 1 1 W S for Infants "Caorl a Is to well adapted to children that I reoonunand 1 1 as superior to any prescription known to mo." JI. A., IT. D., HI So. Oxford Bt, Brooklyn, H. T. "The use of 'Castcrla' Is so universal and Its merits so well known that It seams a work of supererogation to endorse it. Fair are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reaah." duos ItinTTW, D. D , New York 6ty. Lata Pastor Kc-omlngdalo Iteformed Churoh. Trn CairrAnn THE NEW WILLAMETTE STABLES Completed and ready to wait on customers. Horses boarded by day or week, at reasonable prices. We keep a full line of Truck", Drays and Express to meet all demands. Also k.eep tbo finest Stallions in this oountv, for service. Barn and residence 2 block south of postoffice. RYAN & CO. CLKAN. . If you would be clean and have your clothes done up in the neatest and dressiest mannar, take them to the SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY where all work is done by white manner. UOLUJNifiL. J. OLMSTJfflU, Liberty Street. Spring Races! FAIR GROUNDS, SALEM, July 4, 5, 6 and 7. PRIZES $3,500.00. Trotting, Pacing a5 ' Running CONTESTS. PROGRAMME. Tuesday, July 4th. Running, seven-eighths mile dash, purse $200 Pony rare, 400 yds. 3 best in 8... " 1CJ Ponies not to exceed 13 bands high. Trotting, 2 45 clasa. 2 In 3 " 350 T'Ottlntr. 2-veur-olds. mile dasb " 150 Pacing, 'i:2i class, a .n3 . " 250 Wednesday, July 5tli. Runnln;. one-half mile. 2-vearoldB. onrse SIKu Running, one-halt mile and repeat, " 300 Trotilng,23" oias,2in3 ' 250 Trotting, 3 24 class. 2 mllo daab " 300 Thursday, July 6th. Running,! miiedasht purse,$100 Running, mile dueh " 250 Trotting, 2:29 clasa 2 In 3 " 800 Pucing, 2-year-olds.mllo dash, " 150 Friday, July 7th. Running, J mllo dash purse, (100 Gentlemen's roadster race 2in3 " 100 Horses without record, owners to drive Novelty running race.O miles.. " 200 Ibis race Is for ladles, entrance flee; they can change horses as often ns they wish. ADMISSION: Gentlemen, 60 cents. Ladles, 25 cis. Children over 12 years, 25 cts. Grand stand, 25uts. OFFICERS. President, H. W.G'iTTLE. Vl06-Iresldent, W. J. KRWIN. Secretary, F, N. DKRUY. Treasurer, I. L. PATTKBBON. HOWARD, The House Mover. 151 Marion Street. lias (he best facilities tor moving and rais ing houses. .Leave orders at Uray Bros., or address Balem, Oregon. Smith Premier Typewriter. Bold on easy payment. For Rent. W, I, STALEY. Anmt. Ssl.m. JT,N.BrjRPKK,aea'lAgeat, 101 Third Bt, rortlaad, Ea4torwt4C)raa, and Children. Castorla cnres Colto, ObtvrllpatloB, BourBtomach, Dlarrbcsa, ErnetaUoa, Kills Worms, glras sleap, anal pretnotas d TP.ihout Injurious mtdloatieai. " For seTeral years I hav) racommerKtai your ' Castorla. ' and shall always oontlnu to do so as It has invariably produoed bsnefloaal results." Edwik T. raaon, M. D " Tha Wlnthrop," lIth Btnat and Tth Ave., KswTorkaty. Com-urr, 77 MtrasutT Brasrarr, Ksnr Yoar. labor and in the most prompt V1SC0S1N CENTRAL LINES, a (Northern Pacific R. R. Co,, Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Trains Daily. 12:45pm 1:30pm 10: Hum 160pm 7.15am 625pm 7:15pm 1:15pm 7.25pm l.Mnn al 9.45am 4:15pm 3:40pm 660pm 3 30pm 1 .. Duluth alll.40am 1 . Asbland. al SJiOam lChlcago..a 6.47pm 9 C9am 1U.)PC1 Tickets sold and baggage checked through vo an poiuiB in tuo uiiiieuouiies anauanaaa. Close connection made In Chicago with all trains eolne East and Bouth. For lull information apply to your nearest ticket agent or J AS, O. POND, Oen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt., Chicago, III; Bids for Asylum Supplies; The board of trustees of the Oregon State In sane ruiyium invite leaieu proposals lor tne lurumuinic ki iuo tuyiuin itearraiem, -regon tbe lollowlng supplies for the six months end' ing January 1,1894: DRY GOODS. 500 yards cotton flannel, Nashua XXX oruwu. 1,200 yards Amoskeag, mariners stripe, blue and white. 600 yards PequotA sheetings, S6 Inch, un bleached 600 yards Lownsdale sheeting, ty Inch, Dicucuru. suo yards Continental, checked flannel. 300 yards Ulass crash. IS Inches wide. 700 yards bleached linen and French crash, JO luvuva wiuo 210 yards Amoskrag blue denim. 200 yards 9-1 bleached sheetlne. Prnunt. 100 ynrds superior satin damask, 65 inch. WIUO. 200 yards Marseilles checks, York Mfg. t00 yards Dragon cloth assorted colors. 12 dor. white, stay binding , Inches wide. 25 doz. ladle' o tton hose. 6 dnz. mystlo Turkey red handkerohlets, 91 incbes. "75 doz. No. 83 white (Coat's) thread. 2 doz. No. 16 white (Coat's) thread. S doz. No 60 while (Coat'si thread. 3d. z No. CO while (Coat',.) thread. 10 doz. No. 3fl b ack fOont thrajrt. 60 yards table oU cloth, best quality, light eolor. - 12 doz. papers pins. OR0CEUIK3. 10,000 pounds beans, small white, 6,000 lbs granulated BUgar. 6,0001b3O.O augar. , 00 lbs. rolled oat, In barrels, fresh ground. 8,000 bs cracked wheat. 4.0O) lbs Gold Dust corn meal (or as good) fresh ground in ban els. ?9iiJ !? "ommy, fresh ground In barrels. 4,000 lbs choice Island rice. 200 gallons New Orleans molatses, best qu llty. ' l,0c ibs corn starch, Oswego. 6 000 lbs Liverpool sa.t. 600 lbs cheese, Cranston's or as good, full cream. ' l&OJbs O. A Co' A. Sc II. brand orb soda. sou lbs cream tartar. J. A. Po gei's best, SOgrosa Vulcan Superior Barely matches. 25 doz brooms. 3 dnz whisk brooms. 16 doz. ens oysters, fllno Point, or as good. 20 doz cans oysters, fields. l"doz. in corn, taco or as good. 100 lbs. pi arl b triey 7iO Ibe. boda crackers XXX fresh. i ios. uj sier cracaera JtAJt lresh, 100 bs. Oswego slots vtaroh. 20 boxes macaroni. OIL. 100 gallons kerosene, Pearl brand, In tanks. 20 gallons Albany spindle oil. 5 gallons Albany cylinder oil, FLOUB. AnnhnrntT. mama. I... k&.. ,, mi7 r.i ""i , weak ruuer process, delivered as wanted. ..v.., MEATS. n.Vr.H i u f' raoro.or 4ess ot beef, as re- j,.vU.Uvu. yaiM ui oro ana nina quar- pish. .?SlVniL?P Iff!"??' P9. to.' ind sound. ' P""80 ln SOAP. 3.000 nniinria 1TlrVaD..,nn M. . .. a 030 pounds Proctor & Gamble's Ivory, or as good. DRIED FRDIT, 2,000 "SS rund aPPles, best quality. 1.000 lbs. prunes. 100 lbs. raisins. SPICES. 25 lbs. mace, ground. 60 lbs. rntisUr i, ground. Soo Iba. black pepper ground, 20 lbs. cinnamon, ground. 30 Iba. ginger, ground. TEA. 1,000 lb. Colombia brand, or as good, OOPPKE. i 000 lbs. Costa Rica, fl at grade. SCO lbs Government Java, ftrstgrad. Uo lbs. Kaal Mock, ava ibs, rsuswy, TO HA COO. JVxi IN. Iladss flamntr brand. TAT10rtlir, 3 gross pan, Olllotl's Ho, 404. I gross Mad pencils, rnbbsr tip Urn, I grOM lead pencils, nibbar llh No, t, 1 box lvjndfia lnfta.nd.iu.atti. tjmm M a ... tjlne.) -- .- i r.x uwaon lscandsoenlMai,No,(jsi. nine) w i mix Lonaoa incanaMenipenf,No.7(ca. tllLS,) 1 ream lgal-csp paper (extra good.) 1 ' journal 1 ledger - - (dos penholders. U dot. quart bottles Banford's prsmlunt wntlng fluid. Stlos quart bettlsa nutTord's commercial Ink, 8 ouart bottltm Haulord's combined wrltlag CROCK Kit Y. lodos tea caps. lodoa saucers. 6 doz, hne quart oup howls, 1 doz, one i allon pitchers. Sdos, souppiatteis,81nch. l doc chamber pots. Sdos sjrup pitchers, 1 pint, glass. lo dos. tumblers. 1 doz. lantern globes. 1 dos. shaker sails. PAINTS AND OIM. pounds white lead. 1 barrel Unseed oil, boiled. U'JIiEJ P'nt. Prince's metallo brown. 2o gallons turpentine. 2o pounds Venetian red. 10 pounds Chroma a-reem. drv In K nonnil cans. ' 2 pounds chrome yellow. In oU. 6 lbs burnt umber, In oil. 6 lbs dry umber. 4 cans rose pink, In oil. 2 cans burnt sienna, 1 paper bronze. Jf doz. Adams brushes No. So A. O. K, w doz, round sash tool. 23 lbs, French oohre dry. 6 boxes glass 7x3o. ' 6 boxes glass 8x2o. loo pounds putty. 3 papers glaziers points. PLUMBING. 2 doz. ilnca car metal for Laelanoh batteries, Sdos 4 fiber washers. 8 doz. JJ 6d x. Lava tips. 1 doz. Klbo burner cooks. 1 doz. gas plllers. 1 doz.4 lead 8" traps, loo pounds solder H and . 4o feet IK lead pip , 6 pounds. 4o feet 1 lead pipe 4 uounds. 4 pipe reamers, from H to . 6 pounds asbestos cai.dlewi.-k. 1 Jackson a scraper, S-inch flue. 1 extra Jaw each, 12 Inch, 18-lnch and 24-lnch, HtlUkOu wrench. 2 doz shells. doz iji ells. Udoz Sells. H doz i sockets. 1 doz 1 inch sockets. K duz 2 inch so'kets. Y doz S flange unions. '2iuzi buahlugs. 2d s v.xA bushlBira. Sdoz.VbushlnKS. 1 dos. Jenkins Bros. dlsKs. K doz X JenKlns Bros. dl-KS. valves, movable valves, movable Vi doz, 2 JenKlns Bros, valves, movable ft 5 doz square head stop cocks. . doz " r uiler htwa bibs flnlahtd. 1 doz H Fuller luln bibs finished. i aoz i .top ana waste. 1 doz Ji stur and waste. hi doz y, air cocks, ' Jidoz'Jf air cocks. HARDWARE. 3 doz. 4 Inch slim taper flies. 8 doz 6-inch " " 8 doz 6 Inch " " 1 each 7, 0 and 12 oz. riveting hammer. 1 one pound 4 oz. octagon ball pin hammer, lbs, each No, 18, 2o aud 22 galvanized sheet Iron, best brand Sox9S 2 boxea iixJ XXXX tin redlppsd. 1 box aoxffl XX tlu redipped. 6 paoKitges 2 ft, tlonad tlvets. 12 doz boiler handles. ' 1 pair 7 ft Boldf ring coppers. 1 pair 6 ft soldering coppers, 3o ft 8d flnl.hlng nails. 2oo ft 6d finishing nails, 4oo fts 8d common nails. 4oo fta lod common nails, loo bs 4d wire nails 3 gross eaeh screws linoh No. lo and Mlnch No U , -r- 4 gross each screws Jf, i and 3 No 11. 2 gross each screws lirass H No. 4 No. 6 J4 doz. papers each 4 and k oz. taoks. 200 Joet Ji round iron, Norway. loo feet 7-16 round Iron, Norway. 76 feet round iron, Norway. b0 feet JJiJi Bat Iron, Norway. loo teet ijjav flat iron, Norway. 60 feet lxJ flat iron, Norway. K Keg N11 8 bind shoes (Burden's). H Keg No. Blront shoes " X keg No. 6 front. hoes " H keg No. 6 hind shoes 2j fts Sweet American steel toe calx No. 4. 1 IB inch rasp (Heller bros ) 1,000 ft, best blacksmith's coal. lo lbs. K iron washers. lo lbs. b 16 lrm washers. loo feet angle steel Jixji. 1 blacksmith stock aud dies from Ms to 1-18 thread. 16, 2o, 3,1 and 83 (o 1 inch vwlth 4 taps and 4 dlrs. 1 Hellwlg's patent bolt clipper No. 9, 600 feet manlllu mpe. 6 packages Ji and No. 8 copper rivets. SnOElIAKER'S SUPPLIES. . JiTpll '8 leather, Stockton extra heavy SS to 27 lbs. a side. 3 sides ornclrtlng, plump, 14 to 17 lbs, a side. 2 domestlo calfskins, brand II. B , 3 buck skins, mealum size shaved, DRUGS. lo lbs absorbent cotton. 2 Iba acldnm ojrbolicum pure. 1 lb acldum boiaclum, 1 lb acldum muriallcum O, P. 8 lbs acldum murlaticuin commercial. 1 lb acldum sulpburicum aromat. 6 lbs aqua ammonlae fort, 8 lbs chloroformum rjqulbbz, l,3oo empty capsules No. 1, l.itoo empty capsules No. 2. 1 lb flulu extract cannabis Ind. Wyeth Bros. orP.D S Co. 2 Iba fluid extract buchu Fol. Wyeth Broi.or P. D. a Co. 1 lb fluid extract zlngtberia Wyeth Bros, or P. V. ii Co. 1 lb fluid extract hyosoyaml Wyeth Bros, or P. D. v 1 o. 1 lb fluid extract glycyrrh Wyeth Bros, or P. 1), dt a. eth Brrw. or P. U. A Co. X lb Aula extract senna Wyeth Bros, or P D. A CO. 2lbsfluidxtract prunlsVlrg. Wyeth Bros. or it. D. A Co 6 gallons glycerine pure. ouiua, u.iiotarncai. 1 dozen medicine glasses K oz. 3 gallons ol. rloini. n 8oz Ol. lemon. 8 x.01.aurantll. 1 ft pepsin Saooh. Falrchlld. X ft ttherJacetlne Biyer. ' " iljedJn.pnMipsiEmul, cod liver oil, lair 2 gTpes pill boxes, assorted sizes, lib Pulv. Doverl. 1 ft Pulv. acaelae. 6 lbs. aoda Boiat. 3o fts Potass. Brom. 3 fts. Pataas. citrus. 3 lbs. Potass, lodldum. coo nirpoaopnyinn, m grain eac o. K. nr quinine ruipu. rw, AM. a lKj aiilntini. .,il.lln. 6 Ib, sod II bicarb. 00 10a suipu iiiKcnesine. 1 pound scLToliitana for syrup. Xdos uf riugefc Davidson's No. 1. 6 pounda vaseline (XXX) renned. 8oz. at-tlftbrln bamplramaybeseenattheofflco of board. Goods inuot be I11 aerq oauve therewlib. and comelu original packages wbeu paible. lbs rlgntio rfj.ct any or all bids Is retsrved. Jiellvwy.ot supplies will be irqnlred wHJiln ten days notice of acceptance of bid. A copy ifJh8 d'-",'ment roust accompeny ach bid and the name of class of Buppilesniustbe on h envelope. Each bid must iTolrde all dah -.wj.muu.ui uuur, uioaiauu . A'.,1,tln fOoers are prohibited from can- .nW.Vi.ri Tf ". "."T aui contain a mil ana compleu description of the article to be pur- ..- . L, npruea at a o'clock p. in. on Monday, July i,UV3. v j-.wj.v- 111.,, wttl u . . . BYLVE8TEB PRNNOYEB, GKO. W.M"BK1D, PHII, MKTcjrAirL - ? V i iiiiiistMrti msi m ti safci --j u.aS.axtWSU.