Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 15, 1893, Image 2

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A MAttf !
.toW. tutor.., l.m
MiMfteT: I1W, fortHt
2S, lh
Mt(4 Ahil ftri e,irlttf).W
rl Ut
Wtfrfirwr" W(rfr
IM Fitlf f(iflf, 4-sM 01
JtVv t4 Mr ti, ti nUAHm
'6i fMratfttV Hi Ti
HitoArfdjjnd Wife
eth Cured by Hood's
r)Hflll '
Catamite Kidney Complaint Heart
Jfallttre, Ilver Trouble
"1 ttilnk It my duty 4 voluntarily tell
what Hood' Hartapaf III ha deno tut my
self nd wife. Last spring my wife wa fna
very tad way with kidney complaint) felt
Miserable All th Time
asd eeajd hardly get around tiie home. She
began to take Hood's Barssparllla. and Im
M'WHk thewM Improving. When tho
had tAkrn but three botlle of Hood' Harnv
Mfllla she was ewred of that dreadful dlv
Me. A tor pie, I ws troubled, with Ca
whtIi, Heart Failure arid Liver Complaint.
Bocered o intensely Uiat
I Could Not Steep
at night, nor get any rent through the day.
A loua a
1 1 1
lay down, my heart would beat
so hard 'it
i wouia nays vo get up,
would hays to Ret up,
woiiiu nays to get up. I n
very severe raecm
sweat and nolics In my head Ilka
f Mack Mrda all singing atones.
lai IM ifc rasall
r my
) flock
ne neat ones. Ho you
wm hard up. I alio experienced bono
St from flood' Bsrsaparllla within m
wHk after I be gnu taking It. I hare Im-
oved rapidly and can new sleep hotter
an i nave iot a rear, enn
lost as I used to. Wo oralis
Hood's Sarsaparllla
for wo think there Is no medlclno like It"
Hbnkt 0. and Maky IS. Riciiaiidson,
Blloam, Madison County, JJ, Y.
HOOD'S PlLLB are purely vegetslile, care
fully prepared from tho bed ingredient.
'A Nevr Remedy
A tra Specific potttlr and permanent elimination
f ell poton from the blood, and a rutorallon of healthy
vigor to the tiuuel u offend (o mfTerert for the fint time
In a remedy which hai been undergoing the moil eerere
private expciimcnli for the put three en. It hai not
71 fatted, and It "will not fU, aa t( It a True Hpedlo
lor Syphilitic poiton and all blood tllieates. Do you be
lieve it t Sen for full particular, and proof free. Stop
(iliac your trttem with mercury ami other poltotu.
TW remedy wl) cur you in jo to oo day without fail.
eve uaraieA cure ur roiuiiu wuhii
IT tint aHreet PORTLAND, OX.
July 4, 5, 6 ,and 7.
PRIZES S3.500.00.
Pacing i
fawe., i i,i ml
jtunnlnv, aeveulghtha mllo diuli, puree KOO
roHyr,00ydi,lt)etm8. . ICJ
I"onli not toeieeea 3 bauds high.
TroUlnf, Jcl.ain.1 . vo
Trotllntt, 9-IJ14,. jollo diuti J to
-rst ttr. i f sk - i .
Kunolnr, on4m)f mil. 3 yeur old, purse f tiki
KunnlDf, onc-hal mile and repeat, " VM
Trotllnt,SUioliuM,aiu8 . . " Stt)
XrotUBc, JM eta, H tulle dtub. " MU
Tkursday, My Gtli.
Spiff Races!
Hunulng, mllo dash puree.flOO
JtunnlUKi mile dash " 250
Trottlug. 2M olaes a In 3 " 800
. IiMlng, a-year-oUIs.mllo dash, " 160
j) Friday, Jyjih.
Bunnlng, mile daslf.: purso, (100
entlemen'i roadater tce,lilu3 " lou
Maraai without pawrtt, jiwiiei to drive
Koveltyninnlng'Uob.O miles.- " S00
TtiUrae Is for Uadle entranoe ftre: tbey
7 ehaug horses aa orito i tbey wUU.
'ADMI88I0K: .Gebtlemen, 60 cent.
Ladle, 3S ots. Chlldreh over 12 years,
M eta. Grand Maud, iificls.
!( orviOKHa.
rralaat, li. w.bo-rriiE.
VlM-Pmldsnt. W. J. KllWIN.
srr.P.N. DKKUY.
Treasurer, I, I I'ATTKIUiON,
tvwtmatlerof LowUvltU,. and
kjL tui SBBSSMSUiBaMtt tWP JhtJ alKMI I
toesT tariufiur Va JTiloeklaud" lui I
lwul hib Wf la iulk, eouuty, '
wm N le IM fter awe. All
d oa thai
"oVu oa r addrSs t
aw-a-isvu auu
in Land.
ML W. atatlth
ttjfj MMSl
iJitiiiii i I II li
w, mm, mmi
t'Utrt.MttH) iMiiV, kiiim'i ttVHUAi,
nt in -
hpM wm hiMMiln Corripariy,
hxrt bttlei lt!9ck.'(ftitt!efMf t)titU
MtnMotHtM, Mm,
ii." jjl m ' jcjj
txtt Wrlhtrf, ..-fJ(
iMllr br ttiftll
Wf(iiy,l rM, i
t year, uwu JW
r?r rmri.i.i......uj..u i "'
Tie Onr C'r.M-f UAjLY eults (lie peo-
MweMwWBaew "
(Motir tfftrrberi' to.tbfj W If you
imrHot tii lit, " m
Tlio country ecema (oo lefigon ftweH,
(oo abort of tiiouey.
Tills Is (he oeliool clilldron'fl nnd col
lege graduato'n week,
Tweti(y-(hoOf)utl people will vrltneiw
Baletu'fl Columtilnti Fourth.
An editor should be cither tane, hon
cat, or uot mean. Hotter all three.
MM mrm W
Will the rose that blooms over the
garden wall be at Ihe roeeBbow?
The Ford'- theatre that collapsed was
not Tlltnon Ford's at Haletu. His Is all
This JouitNAti will not exchange
with an editor who is a fool, a liar, and
mean too.
There is a real uttuteboom In the
Itose and BlrHwberry show If we could
move it to the world's fair for one day.
i i
If this city council will Just fir one
street, the peoplo will try to forget its
foolishness. And that's a good deal.
The young man will 11 ud his favorite
(lower nt the roso show. t)he will be
there whether he take her or not.
Tho Fuslutilsts aro getting the feder
at ofllcesln Oregon. But wbore do the
fused come in ?
Jl ,, ., U '-la !
It is about time the Oregon Ian had
another outburst of allectlou for the
union soldier and his pension.
If you should find yourself getting
enthusiastic over the Itose show and
Strawberry fair don't get excited. It
won't hurt you. ,, , ,
1 -U4 ." ,,
The Rose show nud Strawberry fair
is u ouium melt, it buouiu raaKe.our
city famous. Tho dlspiuys should be
photographed and sent all over the
Elghtcetidnoh ruses and thirteen
luoh strawb'errles In circumference will
bo shown in this city this week. Don't
smile. It is a fuct. '
Th? Wlllametto vulley Is uot great
nn bllzzttrds and cyclones. But please
notice our rows and strawberries.
Tho fulr women of Merlon county
will have to hump themselves to match
the beauty of the roses at tho armory
(his week.
Why not ship u car load of roses aud
Btruwberrlea from Salem this week to
to the world's fair? They never would
bo rniseed.
Tho city oouucll before this at last
did something. The present ouo has
fooled away Its time until it Is too late
to do street work cheaply.
It Is to bo hoped the school board
will select the beBt teachers for tho lit.
tie tots. Children cau staud It better
to bo spoiled later in life.
Harpers Weekly says the monster
Herod was an angol In his treatment of
little child ron compared to tho publlo
schools of tho city of Brooklyn where
00 to 00 llttlo ones ure placed uuder
ouo teacher, and Incompetent at that.
Ono end the front end of tho Roae
burgandCiKw Buy railroad remind
us of a road in Iowa onoo upon a time.
It began nowhere aud euded lu a com.
A man lu eastern Oregon started las(
spring with seven cowa. By fall he
rounded up his herd with about forty
calves, ull branded as his own, That
fellow reminds us of the Democrats In
Oregon. The Populists aro all "sleek
en re.''
The "ploueera" of the Portlapd Tele
gram have got it bad. Hear J:
"Bunker Bush has Joined tho pfilce.
seekera at Washington. Banker BtfSh
doesu't waul u poatoMoo, but ho would
like to be United Slates senator, and
has au Idea that G rover the good euqwld
help along his asplratlous by Making
( n.u inui mivrai patronage in
uncoil, we will see what we will
There may possibly be a show (or a
whltv man to get work on a railroad lu
Oregon after awhile. The Qregou p,t.
clflo Railroad company receutly cm.
ployed Japanese section meu on the
mountain dvJJou eaU oflbapynwho
took' the places of white mm,' Recently
sect lou gang ef Japanese at Detroit,
eastern terminus, fearing violence
the hands of the whites, brokecamp
jcji. i is uuuenioou me two ot.
tf MiiKl hip .fft1flfjtf (fj(Jo(ii Mine
"TiA Mam Ktf Jkmak."
Ul'idff (fie cnfilfo'ti of4 "cowflfdtr
method." (lid Evening flitleputidetit
hfrtwrf rl iMlfotf tilMb Wllllri HnliouU
(ri "fendy Cfy bt fnlf play" ( tnrv
llciou?ly accuses TliH JoiftittAL bt ail
objectionable nfllcie under a nom 6c
plutneafid Ilk fallier Adam plHcltfg
IlieslU Oil A woiriflfi, Till) sweeping
fiwflf lion (hat "(he Use Of a iioiti de
plume Is a oownfd" wlf( bo chai'enged
by (he lnte)llgeii( public, TUe, "A
coward is not holiest, never willing1 to
be a man" but this Iriridiid6 agsloit
Thh JotMAfy Is ungoudemahly and
cowardly, and utJnUtlloflzed In consid
eration of (ho fact that Tilfii iotiftNAii
has uot sliuncd to declare (ho (rutu In
regard (o persons or things, even at the
risk of its own popularity a lid tho for
felture of sums of bush money ad some
other papers have been constrained to
Nor has Tjib JoUimAii ever bo far
demeaned ((self as to kIvo vent 16 sUch
ebullitions' of Intelligent and Ungentle
manly criticisms of a lady's privileged
expressions of Just Indignation that
the defenders of our country should be
openly and with "mallco aforethought"
aspersed as a set of unprincipled cormo
Rev. Kellerman Inflicted wounds In
loyal hearts, which his attempts at am.
elloratlon cannot heal. Yes, "wounded
birds will flutter," and tho hearts of
those who have been pained by the
"colli us hollow moan and tho dying
soldiers groan" cuii not soon forget the
unkind apd uncalled for memorial ser
mon of Rev Kellerman He need, no
luvectives from any one there he Is,
behold him for yourselves a foreign
fungus daring to stand before an In
telllgent audience of loyal, native bom
Americans who have placed blm in
green pastures, dure to Insult those
who, when "war's bloody vulture
flapped Its black pinion" above our fulr
land, offered their lives on the altar of
freedom. Unkind words at a time
when all the patriotism of a man's soul
answers to the echo of pathetic, palu-
ful memories of dying warriors cry
Auaunt ye Prunslan pessimist 1 Bow
before your God and pray. If yet your
prayers may avail.
Go face the feoiful form of death
Aud trembling meet his chilling
And tlieu for once with truthful breath
give praise to them who maintained
our' nation's glory.
A W. R. C, whose nom de plume Is
Jab. Batohklor,
R. C. Qper goes (o Portland Friday to
attedd the pioneer's meetlug.
Children's day exercises was a seccess
In every respect. A lunch was Berved
In tho grove which was relished by all.
Mr. Curtis and Mr. Clapp was up and
added much to the success of the day.
They returned to Portland Monday.
Wm. Haberly, who was Injured by a
fall from his horse, Is able to be around.
Mr. L. C. Pooler has painted his
windmill tower.
Mr. Thompson is repainting his
The organ for thoC. E. & 8. S. came
Saturday and has won the hearts of all.
Several of the farmers aro waiting for
a time that they can make hay while
the buu shines but have had but little
Mrs, Low left for her home lu Call,
fornla Tuesday.
Miss Lena Bergman returned to Sa
lem Tuesday.
Lost. Bay mare, weight 000 lbs.,
black mane aud tall, no white. Will
pay for return of the animal. Thomas
Holman, 670 High street, Salem.
1 called tho "Father of Discaacs."
It ia cauBed bj a Torpid Liver,
and ia generally accompanied with
To treat constipation successfully
It ia a mild laiativo and a tonio to
tho dlgoBttve organs By taking
Simmons Liver Eogulator you
promote- digestion, bring on a reg
ular habit of body and prevent
Biliousness and Indigestion.
, "M y U vu sere) dWtrewed wUh Cowtle.
HMandceughlag, Mlewed with Meeting Pi.
" yi'.Miir ievea, hium ttreacta
-W, ft, Lira, rMawut.Utio,
r?-, ""I4 " Uvet KeauUtw foe
j" "!" w "7 www, cau4 oy I
y temporary
r Uh de
. V. J " ejvee.Ma aiwa
eee. HUL4JM Waa
dOUttXAtit tfttttt.9l)Ay, JtfttM 16, ltm
. (atiMon to daatomeffi
HiAUikghf offtlrwil tit MiMof merit hot
hfrilM lml(A(4o And counterfeit, etenlo
iMferftfa: M health of eummtmitlH, tot
t4iM reMti the ftopfleM of iloeleiter's
tftWt Mitt oAtjtlon their" patrons to tern
ifriftt tittf bolile bnred (and li In old only
lfibf)(tMand Ttrlfy 1(1 many marks oien
AmilHcletil waftiln to thote meditating
fraud eaubs found In the nnbroken line of
Jtldlclal deefiilfin, epolhf and sererely pnn
lhlaif fy one detected In ronntencitimr
the HitifM(na(l the
iiihled eflorta that are
ueina; ma
iff made to protect the publio fiom the de-
ccptlorJ ol tbceej unprincipled pirate. .
, itemetiibcf thaii(tler4ieold in bottles omf
hdrer by the gallon or In bulk.
Notcm to Bbkhy Gioweks. Do
not order your berry boxes and crates
until you have seen samples nnd price
list of Oregon Fruit A Produce Co,, 177
Commercial St., Salem. 0 8-dw tf
lltihy cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed t Castorla
Sick Headache and rellere all the troubles tad
dent to a bilious state of the system, such as
Dizziness, Nausea. Drowsiness, Distress after
eatlnj, 1'aln in the 8Ide, Ac While their most
remarkable success has been shown in curing
Headache, yet CiRTaVs Littli Lrrca Pills
are equally raluable In Constipation, curing
and preventing this annoy In; complaint, while
they also correct all disorders of the stomach,
stimulate the llrer and regulate th bowels.
Eien if they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint;
but fortunately their goodne-B does not end
here, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valuable In so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them.
But after oil sick head
is the bane of so many lives that here is where
we make our great boast. Our pills cure it
while others do not.
Cabter's Lrrru LtTtti Pills are very small
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
a dose. Tbey are strictly vegetable and do
not gripe or purge, but by their gentle action
S lease all who use them. In vials at SS cents;
re for $1 . 8old everywhere, or sent by maiL
CASUS lOSlcnn CO., Kit Tcrt
UHL Utm, U Prin
Dr. Powell Reeves S Co.,
The Old Reliable Specialists,
Late of New York Ho.pl tale. Graduate with
High Honors. Twenty years' experience
as I'roieuor, Lecturer, Author and
Specialist In Chronlo Diseases.
Cough and
Difficulty of
ly treated
lo remedies
tested and
proved by
Who is one of nature's noblemen,
thoroughly devoted to his profession
and ever ready to help the afflicted.
middle aged men. The awful effect of early In
dUcretlou. producing weakness, LOST MAN
HOOD, nlcht emission., exhaustlnc drains.
nlgnt smlutons,
eu. lou of enenn
baehfulneM, lou of energy, weakuesa of both
body and brain, unfitting one for tudy, bualnosi
and marrUKe, treated with never falling sucoess.
aet eureU una be a man.
BLOOD AND bKIN SSTaaro1ula!pMSi;
syphllltlo taint, rheumatUm, eruptions, etc., of
cured promptly, leaving the system pure and
der, aedlmeut In urine, brickdust or white: pain
while urluatlng, frequency of; Urlgbt' dUease
and all dliuAiio( of the Madder of both aexca.
P 1T1 PR U throat, lungs, liver, d) spepela, Indl
UAlAnfln gt.tlou, and all disease affecting
the bowels, .tomaoh, etc.; dlatthoea, dysentery,
to. Trouble of tUUcharacterrellorcdatono;
cure effrctrtl assoou aa possible.
PRIVaTR diseases, gleet, gonorrhoea, syphilis,
liuiniu h)drocle. varlocele. tenderness,
swellings, weaVuen of organs, and piles, flitula,
rupture, quli kly cured without auy pain or de
lation from btisliu'sa.
WRITR ur trouble If living away from the
Hllllu city. Tboutamts cured at home by
correspondence and medicines tout secure from
observation, hueloee 10 cents in stomps for
book ou Bexual Secrets. Addruas,
Now Located at 216 Com'I St, Salem.
from U. P. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. overy Wed
neaday and Maturday.
from the Central dock at foot ot Washlagton
mtci vicry onuuay aua luursaaj,
for Albany eo-y Monday and Tueaday, re
turning tame dtya.
itmoerutug rrelgbt and passenger business,
call on the aeut, Al. HKRRKNlT
Meat Market.
Freehand Salt' meat of the beat ouAtltv.
tVultry and stock. Fr dellvwy.
If? ii
J A k- C J
Steamer Elwood.
,.. - -"- -- -- -- - - "-
?- ..
TWtotojtiatt. M
v tit73-
! unen. kaiB aj i-
Give a three months old baby loto ia
a' rwi
rVimnlolfd iitul rpndv ti wait, nn cuetimpra TTnrnofl rmerrlprl hv rlnv nr nb.
at reasonable prices. We keep u full
meet an demands. aio Keep tuo nnesi
Barn and residence 2 block south of
0 m
If you would bo clean and have your clothes done up "in
the neatest and dressiest manner, take them to tho
-a. Jb'l
where all work is done by white labor and in the most prompt
Liberty Street.
Authorized Capital $500,000.
Balem, Oregon.
W. A. CUHICK, Pies. W. W. MARTIN, Vice
ITes. J. H. ALliKKT, (ashler.
State, County nnd City Warrants bought
it Pur. dv
I'roprletor of the
South Commercial HU, Bilera.
All kinds Fresh, salt and Smoked Meats
and Sausages.
Leaveordera ntCotUe-l'arkaurstblock.room
15, Balem, Oregon.
The House Mover.
451 Marion Street.
Uaa the beat facilities lor moving and rais
ing bouses, iveave orders at oray Bros., or
address Halem, Oregon.
2l5XCommerc!ilSt., - Sslem, Oregon,
(Next door to Klein's.) i
BpecUlty of Bpectaoles, and repairing Clocks.
Watohea nnd Tnwnlrv
Deutscher Advocat.
Admitted to practice In all the courts.
lng people and
suae omces,
(Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lestes.)
Two Through Trains Dally.
8-25nmll Minn al B:45am
7:15pm I Jtl'nm a H.J0am
411pm l Dulnthajll.40am
7.2.1pm I . Aehland. al 8 20am
9f8aml..,bl04gnal 5.47pm
Tickets sold and baggage checked through
to all points In the United Stateej and fJanada.
Cloae connection made In Chicago with all
trains going Fast and Houth.
For lull Information apply to your nearest
Ueket agent or jas. O. POND.
Uen Pass, and Tkt AgU, Chicago. Ill
Smith Premier Typewriter.
owa on eaajr pay msau. ForCReat.
W. I.STALEY.Agent, Salem.
n K. BURPKK, Oea'UAgaat, lul Third s
rertlaaiL lidferttefua.
- " '"' ' "'
Arc a great blessing, jSJX clilldrcn
will be perfectly rugged and healthy
if raised on the
Condensed Milk, for it is the most
nourishing, rich and., natural food
for infants that canbc found. Re
member the Eagle brand.
Your Grocer and Druggist sell it.
part water to one of Eagle condensed milk.
line of Truck", Drays and ExpVese to
ataiiions in mis countv, rorBervioe.
poatofilce. RYAN k CO.
Bids for Asylum fc'
The board of trustees of the Oregon" State in
sane nsylum invite tealed proposals for the
furnishing hi the asylum nearalem, Oregon,
toe lonowing supplies ror inesix monins ena
lng January 1, 1891 :
600 yards cotton flaunel, Nashua iXXX
1 a j ards Amoskoag, mariners stripe, blue
and white.
SOyards PequotA sheetings, SS inch, un
bleocbed 6C0 ya-ds Lowntdale sheeting, 38 inch,
'Mi yards Continental, checked flanneL
300 yards U lass crush. 18 Inches wide.
700 yards bleached linen ana French crash,
18 inches wide
2C0 yards Amoskeag blue denim.
200 yards M bleached sbeetlng.'Pequot, --,.
loo yards superior satm damask, 6g inch
wide. - , - -
2a yards Marseilles checks, York Mfg.
600 yards Dragon cloth, assorted coiors.
12 doz white stay binding Inohes'wide.
25 doz. ladle' o tton hose.
5 doz. my stlo Turkey red handkerchlels, 94
75 doz. No 36 white (Coat's) thread.
2 doz. No. 16 whlus (Coat's) thread.
3 doz. No U white (Ooat'sj thread.
2dz No. 60 while iCoatV) thread.
10 doz. No. SA b ack (Coat ) ttiread.
3 yards table oU cloth, best quaUty, light
color. .
13 doz. papers pins. '
10,000 pounds beans, Bmall white.
6.001) lbs granulated sugar.
6,moibsti.O sugar. '
B i O) ibs. rolled oat, In barrels, fresh ground.
3.CC3 bs cracked wbeat,
4.CO0 lbs Gold Dust corn meal (or as goed)
fresh ground in barrels.
2.0CJ lbs hominy, fresh ground in barrels, .
4,000 lbs choice Island rice. "
200 gallons New Orleans molasses, best
l.OX) lbs oorn starch, Oswego,
6 COO los Liverpool sajt,
600 lbs cheese, Cranston's or as good, full
150 lbs C. &. Co' A. fc II. brand ctrb sodar
au ids cream tanar. j. a. Fuiger's best.
vu gross vuican
25aoz brooms.
20 gross Vulcan Superior Safety matches,
2 doz whisk brooms.
15 aoz. cans oysters, Blue Point, or as good.
Mdoz. um com. , , ,
icj lbs. jM-wri btrieyt w ,
7i 1 1 b . soda crackerOCX X fresh.
IPO lbs. oyster crackers XXX iresh.
1C3 bs. Oswego glofes starch
0 boxes macaroni.
100 gallon kerosene, Pearl brand, la tanks.
20 gallons Albiny spindle oil
6 gallon Albany cylinder oil.
600 barrels more or less, best roller process,
delivered as wanted.
MEATS. , t
600 lbs per day, more or less of beef, aa'fe
qui.ed In tqual parts of fore and hindquar
ters. FISH.
Fish as required, giving price per pound 'for
furnishing tne different kinds, perfectly lresh
and sound.
2,000 pounds Kirk's Pavon or as good.
1,000 pounds Proctor i Gambia's Ivory, or aa
2,000 pound apple, best quality.
1,C.J lbs. prunes.
100 lbs. raisins,
75 lbs. mace, ground.
50 lbs. muslar , ground.
Soo lb, black pepper ground,
.v iua. oiuuumou, ground.
30 lbs. ginger, ground.
1,000 lbs, Columbia, brand, or aa good.
4 000 lbs. Costa Rica, 0 st grade.
SU) lbs. Govern meni Java, Hist grade.
ISo lbs Real Mocha,
Soo lbs. chicory.
l,6oo lbs. Bledne Hammer brand.
3 gross pens. GllfoU' No. 401.
1 ifro&s lead DenMla mhh..iinil. o
1 grOM lead pencils, rubber tin Noi'S.
1 box London Incandescent pens. No. 4
ulne.1 r
ulne !X London 'aeandeacent ras,No. 6 (gen
ulieO IBaon InMndeacent peos. No. 7 (gaa-
1 ream egl cap paper (extra good.)
1 Journal "
I " ledger m n .
fdox penholder
wiitlugnu?" bMle -8anf0Jd' premium
loJklaOX' qU't bett,e.s'ffbfd,1 oomraerctaj
jjwtboltlea Sanlnrd combined writlag
to dox teacups.
Jo dox saucer. ,s ,
6 dos oue quart ioup howls.
1 doz one . lloa plleher,
3dnt,oupplatte ,9lach.
I dus chamber pot
lo dox. tuubiera. .
da laillai ll Inhaa
wv ntwOT. sevens.
I do. iliAkCrsaffK,
rAlNTfl ANtl OILS.
1hxj ttonnd whits lad.
1 barret llnf ml oil, boiled.
1 barrel roof paint,
'It tallon turpentine',
in ptintl Venetian re'd "
ID founds chrome rrj, dry In 1 pound
a pound ohrome yellor dr In 1 pound
6 los raw umber, in I pound cant,
- H lb burnt umber, dry In I pound cans.
6 Ibl dry Uinbei1. In I txiiihrl nnna.
4 can ruse pink, In 1 pound cans
'Jean burnt sienna,
1 pa
i,. ii
mper oronae.
dua. Adam brushes No. 8 A, 0. K,
dos, round sash tool,
u oeb fa art.
a boxes glass 7xlo. S
9 boxes glaai Sx2o, '
loo pound putty.
1 paper glaziers points,
3 doz rfnei eaHmeUI tor Iaolanch batteries.
J Ant, Jf fiber washer.
atit.il ; &
fld' t. Java tip,
I dozKlbe burner cock,
ldoz. gas plller.
1 doi.fj 'ead H" trap.
leo pounds solderK and M.
4o feet IK lead pip ,0 pounds.
4o feet IVi lead pipe 4 lounds,
4 pipe rcHmers, from iiU.
6 pounds aab'atoi cai.dlewinki
1 Jacason's crivr. s-lncu flue.
1 extra Jaw each, 13 inch, lSinoh and JMnch,
Htlilson wrench.
aaoz Jicus.
H doz tk ells.
Hdos a ell.
1 doz 1 inch sockets.
ii doz 2 Inch sockets.
doz $ flange union.
U doz f,iK bushings.
2dzyii4bushlagv ,
adozkbushlnKS." '
I doz. Jenktn Bros
valves, movable
dox Jonxlns Bros, valves, movable
lilt. ' '
doz. 3 Jenxln Bros, valves, movable
4Aoxninqtiato head tor cocxa.
iuuik ruuernoee DiDsnnisnru.
1 doc Faller 1 Inln bibs finished.
1 dox 1 stop snd waste.
1 doz Ji ator'and waste.
hi doz air cocks;
doz H air cocks
3 diz. 4 inch slim taper flies.
8 doz 6-lnrh "
Sdoz 6 inch ' "
1 each 7,9 and 12" or. riveting: hammer.
1 one-pound 4 or. octagon ball pin
1,000 lbs. each No. 18, 20 and 22 galvan
lzedhcet!inu 'bet irntl,ax96.
2 boxes 20x28 XXXX tin redlpped.
1 box 20x28 XX tin. redlpped.
6 packages 2 lbs. tinned rivets.
12 doz. boiler handles.
1 pair 7 lb soldering coppers,
pair 5 to solderlnn coppers.
200 its 8d nnlshlng- nails.
2U0 lbs 6d finishing nails.
400 Ids 8d common nails.
400 lbs. lOd common nails.
100 ,tt3, 4d wire nails.
3 groai each screws 1 inch No. 10 and
94 inch No. 9.
4 gross each screws , 1H and 2 No. 11.
2 gross each screws brass i No. 4 "4
No. 6.
V, doz. papers each 4 and 6 or. tacks.
200 feet Vi round Iron, Norway.
100 feet 7-16 round Iron, Norway.
75 feet round Iron, Norway.
60 feet. xM"ttsit Iron. Norway.
100 feet l'.ixVi flat iron, Norway.
60 feet lxH Hat Iron, Norway.
V, keg-' No. 3 hind shoes (Burden's).
H keg No. 3 front shoes (Burden's).
keg No. 5 front shoes (Burden's).
H keg No. 6 hind shoes (Burden's).
25 Itjs. Sweet's American steel toe calks
No. 4.
1 16 Inch rasp (Heller Bros.)
1,000 lbs. best blacksmith's coal.
10 lbs. U iron washers.
10 Ids. 6-16 iron washers.
ICJ feet angle'sicel lV,
1 blacksmith stock and dies from 5-16
to 1-16 thread. 16. 20, 24 and 33 to 1 inch
with 4 taps and 4 dies.
1 HhvU'a puni bolt clipper No. 2.
600 feet manllla rope.
6 packages and 4 no. 8 copper riv
ets. 3 doz. each of 4 inch, 6 inch and 6 inch
slim taper flics.
. K roll solo leslbcr.' Btockton exits
heavy 25 'to 27 lbs. a side. J i
3 sides of skirting, plump. 14 to 17 lbs.
a side.
2 domestic calf skins, brand H. It.
3 buck skins, medium size shaved.
10 lbs. absorbent cotton.
2 lbs. acldum carbollcum pure.
1 lb acldum boraclum.
1 lb acldum murlatlcum C. P.
3 lbs. acldum murlatlcum commercial.
1 lb acldum sulphurlcum aromat.
5 lbs. (aqu' ammonlae fort.
3 lbs. ;chloroforrtum Squlbbs.
1,200 empty 'capsules No. 1.
1.200 empty capsules No.'! ' "'
1 lb fluid extract cannabis Ind. Wyeth
Bros or P. D. & Co.
2 lbs. fluid extract buchu Fot. Wyeth
Bros orP D &Co.
1 tb fluid extract xlngloerls Wyeth
Bros, or P. D, & Co.
1 lb fluid extract hyoscyaml Wyeth
Bros, or P. D. & Co.
1 lb fluid extract glycyrrh. Wyeth Bros,
or J. D. & Co.
3 lbs. fluid "extract Sarsap. Co! for syr
up Wyeth Bros, or P. D: & CO.'
1 tb fluid extract aenna -Wyeth Bros,
or P. D. & Co.
2 lbs. fluid extract prunls Virg. Wyetb
Bros, or P. D. & Co.
6 gallons glycerine pure. .
60 lbs. flax seed meat.''
1 dozen medicine glasses oe.
8 oz. Ol. lemon.
8 or. Ol. aurantli.
lb pepsin Sacch. Palrchlld.
li pound phenacetlne Bayer.
UrKfsIz'c.'PhlU,IS EmUl- Cod ilver "'
? BJ.S P1 Pxes. assorted sizes.
lh Pulv, Covert,-,
1 tb Pulv1 aeaciaeA
5 rbs. soda Borat,
20 lbs, Potass. Brom.
2 tbs. Potass, cltras.
2 lbs. Potass, iodidum.
600 Pit. podophyllin, i grain each.
60 oz qululue KUlph, k. A M.
5 tbs. sulphur sublim.
6 tbs. sodll bicarb.
60 lbs. sulph magnesiae.
1 poun 1 f 1 to ulsu for syrup.
1 dox. syringes, Davidson's No. 1
. "? vaseline CXXX) raflned.
8 ox. antl febrln.
Samples may be seen at the office of
Soai,i.fi00lsJ m,ut De accordance
therewith, and come In original nack-
?eS J!hen P0?8- . The r'Kht to re
ject any or all bids Is reserved. Dellv-
fy 5r ""PI'1'" wilt be require within
ten dava no Mr a nr onn,,.n. .i
inJSPZJ'S E-vPtUaementmUst ac
epmpanytxach brd' and the name of
S!S?8 S "i'PPi'il8 ww-b m the envel
? Ettc.h'W9n,uJ, teclude all the
Items and totaJstBiftfrf-of the respect-
dCfVh"UJ!WtHFkf 2r. t
AudltlrwjftmceVf' are ffrohlWtei from
rfS flrmln.eounta purchases wlien
full and complete description of the ar
ticles to be purchased.
Bids will ha nnnnMt ol 4 A'tlriMr n m.
uinuwnet-oNi not contain
on Monday, July 3. 1893.
a Board of trustees.
Wm. A. MUNLT, Clerk of Board.
On improved Real Batata, la amounts and
Umetoautt.' Npd4ay lnooaeWwlaf loons.
Reojfi li Busb Rank Moek. 5 llw
r&H 5-MPW ! ttautw are funds
2L?r! 9iiBaUa;d Noi Paid
&JS'0llftrtft UOfceTtaalBdlBg
.. NsT,aHls)t all saeh warraa s will
'V rala nnnn nrratinlnllini ( iiu Mm. 1b.
i!tl.2,J".1 warratu wut sat be allowed
after the daU of this nolle.
--,..... .- , .,.,,....,-,..,