' At A fcaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarl , J 1111 &tt BookCoupon HAW lit) AY, f yajBjggP) TiiiiMliitjriHrg-Wi-inii Hfc VOSj, , tfttttgtfy.ftt.g''.-Wt-r-npi. 1 RACKET h !s Keeping Pace With the Times. Have your business accounts kept It PERFECT booki, such are The Froy Patent Flat Opening Books. Books tbnt ore wortby of the patronago and pralso of the Government Of flolals of the Stato of Oregon, aud the greater portion of the merobantllo men vi niu omiu, uru nuroiy ueoterving or a Manufactured In Oreron uaux Proprietors ot THE CAPITAL Binders to tho Stato of Oregon, Printers 500,000 TREES ! OSWEGO - NURSERIES. FALL. 1892, SPRING, 1893, We would call the attontlon of dealers, and large and small planters, to our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental, Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class In eyery resrect. Bend for catalogue and price list. Address, Walling & Jarisch, jU"Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon. Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons BROOKS & SALISBURY, (8UC0E8BORS TO BROOKS AND HARRITT.) Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting Base Ball Good?. Flags and FireWorks BOXING GLOVES, LAWN TEN NIS SETS, CROQUET SETS KNIVES, RAZORS, SCI8SOR8, DOLLS, TOYS, NOTIONS.1 LEATHER AND PLUSH GOODS. salem, - A. N. HALES, Proprietor. R. H. PRICE, Manager. A. N. HALES' LIVERY. (8ucoeaior to 11. B. Ryan.) Livery .Feed and Boarding Stable. on nana, .Horses Doaraea dv uay, weeK or monin. umce at stable, Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel. H. F. BROER, Proprietor of the DEPOT SASH AND DOOR FACTORY. All boHee-flulablng material made to order at the lowest Portland prices. Bee us before you buy. J. W. TflORNBORG, TMH IFIIwLSTKRIR. Recovers and repairs apboletered furniture. Long Experience In the trade enables me to turn out flret-olaae work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to give estimates. State Insurance block, Chemeketa street CHURCHILL Spraying Oiilfits, 103 BURROUGHS State Street. Dtigao Bros, F. T. HART, fj A 1f HP A I iW(iiy.iiti!njiiiTimi inii'inmwwimniiininirnrmi(i)iii-iuntn,iri-tLii. "tfi fJM 1' JfiOl' JM'tf jt'Al'J. JkV' i .ff.Tntnfniir- -r--f -,-- - "I 1 h inai uy everyone. by The Meston-Dygcrt Book Mfg. Co., CITY BINDERY. and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon. Oregon. A full supply of Horses and Buggies corner of SEE Future Copies. and Athletic Goods, LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. rawR" 1'j'rfllUwlWIirHiiiiK ii niIMn,mi i ftn1 n ntf itniiiiirrijtijiiJiiAtf S 1 YORK STORE). h is h Fought For His OoHntry. Last Saturday night H. C. Vaughn mndo tho acquaintance at a hotel of a traveling man who had the florid com plexlon, sturdy form and self-satlsfled air of a typical Britisher. It is related that very soon the latter began boasting of bl country's glory and greatness. Ho remarked that "our navy, you know, is much superior to the Hamer Ican navy, and the superiority of our hurmy, sir, over your barmy, Is not to be doubted." Hank became nettled, and said some thing patrlotlo to the effect that no war vessel flying tbeUnitedStates flag would ever yield to a Britisher or a ship of any other nation. Rather than do so it would sink within the briny deep with the Btara and stripes still unfurled. The Englishman was undaunted. He replied with a remark about the "superiority of the British tars over the Hamerioan tare," and Hank became still more nettled. Finally he said: "Your an Englishman are'nt you?" I was a lieutenant in Her Majesty's service sir. "Well I'm an American, and you weigh forty-flvu pounds more than I do, bnt I'm going to knock you down. Put up your props." They rushed at each other, Hank's fist struck the Englishman's bead, the latter's body struck the floor, and in this Utile affair Uncle Bom's ohani plon was the victor, Pendleton E. O. Eich, Bed Blood As naturally results from taking Hood's saraaparuia as personal cleanliness re .. . M sults from free use of soap and water. This great purifier thoroughly expels scrofula, salt rheum and all other im purities and builds up every organ of tuo Douy. iNowistne lime to take It. The highest praise has been won by Hood's Pills for their easy, yet efficient action. Sold by all druggists Price 26 cents. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed t Cutest. j HIGH PRICED TROTTERS. 1 Axtell was sold by C. W. Williams for $104,000. Sidney, tho great sire, sold not long igo for $37,000. Maud S, once the queen of the turf. sold for $40,000. Robert Bonner paid $41,000 for Sunol, the ex-turf queen. j Malcolm W. Forbes is said to have paid $100,000 for Arlon. It U said that $100,000 was refused for Nelson when he was the king of stal lions. I Nancy Hanks, the present qneea of trotters, waa sold to Malcolm W. Forbes for $15,000. kS&tt sw A 3 Temperance Drink Tor temperance people a health giving drink for the msaies, HiresM Not a harmful ingredient In Its make-up. Nothing but the pur est extracts of carefully selected kerb, roots, barks aad berries. I A M " " e2toMraDmiM, ttrtattb- ksiag, BatrvMMM awvtrac. Bt mm Mt t JUm' , inimmiliiwiwii .,.,,, ,... I.. ,,.,.,. MAiiJNlUi OilJMUOil WlfffiNKMilATf ht --'-J"t"' .. .. -... - -... . . .., TIB OLD flifi Ma i.l int IkfMmn Welcomed m Old I KcNlHcky Soil, , ! HI II II Hj Vmlttut ClarkxoH of the Na iletml C'IhIi Imgite, CALLING fan LONCJ XOLL. XejraenetBg Assembling in Battle Array tor the Future. Lotrnrrif,tB, Ky May 10. All the morning Republicans from tho distant states have been coming la till the streets, hotels and boarding houses are swafmlf with delegates. Ftoaty of Candidate. Ollioiao, May 10,-Candldaten for the pre)denay of tho National Repub lican League are becoming numorous. It Is anfiouced that I, Trumbell, of Cal ifornia, to In the field. A delegation ar rived from that state lait night and de cided this morning to put him in tho field. It is also announced that ex Senator John O. Spooner,of Wluconsln, will contest for tho office. Tho Illinois delegation will come lu a body tonight with Its candldato, W. W. Tracey. Tho Ohio delegation Is trylug to capture it for Hqulre. It Is reported that M. H. de Young, of California, 1b to make a tight for the chairmanship of tho na tional commltteo, though this is denied in some quarters. De Young Is expect ed to arrive tonight, Louisville, May 10. Tho conven tion was called to order by President J. S. ClarkBon. May or Tyler welcomed tho delegatea on behalf of the city and Col. D. L. Crawford, president of the Kentucky state league welcomed the state. Then President Clarkson arose and delivered his annual address. He dwelt ut some length on the transition wblch.badtbeen going on for ten years toward younger men and different methods in party managemept, and continued as follews: CLARKSON'S SPKEOII "As we begin here today, the march of victory lu 1890, wo have neither complaints nor apologies, nor explana tions to make for the defeat of last year. We have had a Democratic president and congress for sixty days, and Cleve land has hauled down the Ameri can flag where Harrison and Republi cans ran it up In tho namo of liberty on the Sandwich Islands. Ho and his secretary of the treasury, have already frightened the business world, created uneasiness and fear where safety and prosperity ruled before. As to money and banking, the coun try will depend on the Republican mi nority in congress for defense from threatened harm. Neither the extreme eastern view that would force this country to a gold basis, nor the view that would make money dearer and all other property cheaper, will solve the problem or save tho country. This Is a silver producing nation, and our money should be gold, silver and paper, every dollar of which Bhould be as good as the other, and the volume of safe money made and kept sufficient for the de mands of our expanding nation, Big Crowds Increasing. Chioaoo, III., May 10. The crowds of visitors to tho world's (air Increases dally. The attendance today was In creased by a large delegation from Vermont beaded by Governor Fuller, for the purpose of tiklng part In the dedication of the Vermont state build ing. The formtl exercises began at noou when the building was turned over to the exposition and accepted. Governor Fuller delivered an address. Chinese Immigrants. Portland, May 10. From the prea. eat outlook Collector Lotan Js likely to be occupied the greater part of the summer In examining the Chinese clr tlflcates. He bus landed 184 from the Danube, leaving 428 still aboard. The bark Tacora Is due from Victoria Thursday with 400 more Chinese. Eleven out of twenty-one Chinese aud 110 out 121 Japanese were landed from the Hay Man republic, Aaotker Religious Gathering. Indianapolis, Ind., May 10. In ternational bi-annual convention of the Young Men's Christian association met here at noon. The session la devoted chiefly to the election of officers and geBeral organlratlon. r. Oeafussd te Dtk Chicaoo, Stay 10-Gus Thomas tew, Corollas Wagaer & Au4nw J (..) I -- .1.., .... -, I..,...,.,. ., T.,.,T...T -MAY l(lt 1CHI0, HiMianaiMr ""- -- - - : HIS ' -" " - '"' -1-- "--- ai 11 f Oim, Mkrrteflf rreM 6ofutl by the f ApfdlS MovlflK Irftfaft i Ofafld Off Mtog And fifn ovef And k!lfd (did fnoffifng; Mm s-itJUAslw t Jk i nkM Affair At WAmmtOU, Alto ih DellHHMito in ifc Pension Dsrfoilent(HJrt ttn4i. WAflHtMaTow, May 10. thu prv Mon department UUearlhed what nix pearalo be a series ofgroM pension frauds, by V R Drewey, pension at torney, of Norfolk, Va., who k now under arrest, Investigation by the present administration, shows lie had 100 pensions granted, mostly to Illiter ate negroes.and that 99 per oent of them were fradulent. Frauds will probably reach a hundred thousand dollars. OT1IKR J-HAUD3, Washington, May 10. Secretary Herbert has authorised the statement that he will decline to extend leaves of absence to any officer of the navy who Is engaged in private business. He will not Interfere with the orders of hla pre decessors, but will grant no new leaves of this kind and will call In all those already granted at the expiration of mo terms assigned to mem. The sec retary says he does not think It right that officers educated by the govern ment should be permitted for thelrown prlvato advantage to utilize their knowledge and experience against the government and at the same time re main on Its pay roll. This decision re fers to no officers on leave who are em ployed by prlvato firms, but to those on lecturing tours and those employed in a prlvato capacity at the world's fulr. Sometime ago the secretary of the Intorlor requested the war department to send troops to tho Puyallup Indian reservation, to prevent a man named Ross from unlawfully constructing a railroad aoross the reservation. The department sent an officer to the reser vation to look into the matter and to day received a telegram stating thatRoss was preparing to do some grading and had cut some timber. On receipt of this Information Instructions were sent General Ruger, cemmanding: the de partment of the Columbia, directing him to take the necessary steps to pre vent Rots from further pushing work in violation of tho law. A Fool's Smart Trie. Vienna, May 10. During a perfor mance at the the theatre In Lomberg last night Hefr Delczuk, one of the actors, in a fit of Jealous rage, because an actress, who was enamored and, In sisted In flirting with a man In the audience, drew a revolver, and shot himself In full view of the horror stricken audience. Deserting Marines. New York, May 10. Men belonging to the ylsltlng war ships are deserting by the wholesale. Vloe-Admlral Sir John Hopkins said that the loss on each ship in his squadron will be from two to three per cent. He said that 100 men are missing from Blake's crew. Three Russian war ships have lost about 105 men. Killed By Els Pal. Sino Sino, May 10. The body of Frank W. Rohle, murdorer, under sen tence of death, who escaped from pris on April 20, was found badly decern- posea in mo iiuason river tnis morn ing, He bad been shot in tho head, It Is supposed Thomas Pal Hater, anoth er condemned murderer, who escaped at the same time, did the shooting to facilitate his own escape, MARKETS. Portland, May 10. Wheat valley $1.20 $1.22. Walla Walla, $1.12 $1.16. San Fbancisoo, May 10. Wheat active and excited, May 12S, December 1401. Chioaoo, May 10. Wheat cash .76 July .79. SEAL X8TA1S T&AKBFXXS. May B. Rutherford to Jay J, Cook, 8 a, $300. Matilda Braunlug and husband to H. A. Johnson, Jr., 1 10, 11, bl 0 Brooklyn add to Salem, $1000. New JBooks." Vest Pocket Diction ary" 26 oent ed. "Doctor Latimer" a story of Casco bay, By Clara Louise Dunham fl.OO ed. (new). Life of Jobs Paton missionary to the New Hebredes illustrated (new $2.00 ed). Mark Twain's "1,000,000 Bank Note" and other ster les (new). Mrs. Cutter's "Tenting Ml the Plains" (new $2.00. ed). "Bartletls Familiar quotation" (new $4.00 ed.) Ike MftDvehi "Reverie of a Kaebelor and "Dreams of Lite" (new 80 eeat ed) "Little Mies MuSet" by Res Cer, Detrbera's fceek (, J K V A - -m. -. , mu vjmttumm , MMMMMWMNMMIIM "'JMMJAIMJ itMWtf TO-DAY," .-i in it., t l .1 ijfc mBmmMMmtM f Holiest bt nil ftt LenVerilriK RoYal ssasm& ABSOLUTELY PURE IN THE SUPRBMB COURT. Testiig Ike (rear? Chinese Excln sIm Act. LAWYBU CHOATB'S TWO PROPOSITIONS Bloaat Appointed Minister to Hawaii. Eastern News. The OhiHeee Case. Washington, May 10. At a special session of the supreme court today, to bear arguments upon the constitution ality of the Geary Chinese cxoluslon act, argument was opened by Joseph H. Choate, of New York, for petition. era, for a writ of habeas corputt. Ho said there were two questions at Issue: Fhst, shall 100,000 unoffending, help less rcsldonts of this country, under au thority of an act of congress, without rovlew by our courts, be deported to their native country? Second, in caso the emperor of China shall tomorrow feel Inolined to follow tho example of this great enlightened country, and expel from his domains Amerloans residing therein, shall the voice of this people, either through its government or its press, or by Individ nals, be prevented from uttering a sin gle protest? TUB OTHER SIDE. Solicitor General Aldrlcb followed on behalf of tho United Stales. Ho con tended that the Geary act had not for Its purpose the deportation of Chinese laborers, but to provide a system of registration and Identification, which is the lawful purpose of tho act aud has never been disputed, lis methods are lawful and tho aot is reasonable and humane. Aldrlch maintained the right of congress to require registration and identification of olttaeus or allenr. In concluding Aldrlch said tho police power retted with tho state, nation or people, and Intimated that it would bo better for the Chinese if tho nation re tains control, for lu the present tec per of the people In some states, any aotlon taken by the people of those states would probably be drastlo In its char acter, having for its object the entire expulsion of the obnoxious race. lloufit Milliter. Washington, May 10. Commis sioner Blount baa been appointed min ister resident to Hawaii. Trouble in Nicaragua. Washington, May 10. The decis ion of the authorities to send the At lanta to look after American Interests In Nicaragua, shows that they are more concerned about the condition of affairs in that country than they were at first witling to admit, The proposi tion being seriously considered is to send the allhnoe from San Francisco to San Jose, on the Pacific side, to look after the Interests of the coifeo plant ers. The Derby, Louisville, May 10. Lookout wins the Derby by four lengths, Plutus sec ond, Bound lew third. Postal OMcer. Washington, May 10, Tho presi dent baa appointed Frank Jones, of Springfield, Ills,, first assistant post master general, Vice H. Clay Evans, resigned. A Portlaad Mas. Washington, D. C, May 10, - The president appointed Edward O. Rus sell, of Oregon, appraiser of the mer chandise district of Willamette, In Oregon and Washington. Tew Dstkeyad. Warsaw, Ind.,May 10,-The village of North Gal veeton, ten miles north west of this oily, was almost totally destroyed by S re yesterday. The reel deneeofj. J.JaekaoB aud his entire family, eoueleflBgof bhweelf, wife, two and a daughter, perlahed in the Several eifeer persons were b4iy bursed. Many fcaaUlea lost ihMr entire i-HiIt h BookCoupon 8AWHMY, NO ilO MHaMdMfaaHtabrfbaMMMtiiMai u. -.- , . .T. p6Wef, LMttt V, 8 Gov't fwrt Baking Powder 8ALKM IK THELKAOUI, Xif Baseball Mestlacs at Salem Week. Tfcta The temporary secretary, O. W. . Watts, of Albany has received letter from President Hammond stating that a meeting of the. base ball representa tives would be held at Salem next i Thursday forenoon. The differences at Balom have been adjusted' and that city will bo In all right. The team will be managed by Grant Wills. The Portland club has secured the old west end of tho grounds aud has its team all selected. , Tho Oregon City club has Its men all selected and are rapidly completing tholr new grounds. The Albany man agement tins Its eyo on seven players, being but thrco short. Immediately . after tho Balom meeting, at which time tbo constitution wllj be adopted and tho schedule agreed upon, the players will bo brought together here and pit- -, ted ngalnat tho Wlllamettes for a few ' practice games. FROM SCOTT'S MILLS. Uncle Bobby Scott and family bade us goodbye last week and moved to Woodburn, but undo Bob dropped la on ub Saturday, and , stayed over until today. Wo hopo to see him here fre quently, Newt Commons raised his barn to day. He will use it for a residence un til he can build a bouse. J. S. Rees has ordered from the saw mill n bill of lumber for a business house and work shop combined. Tho Oregon Land Company is hav ing the himbor hauled for their oflee. It Is to be 24x80, two stories high. Mr. Ong Is plowing the avenue pre paratory to grading It. Of tho 876 aorcu or land that has been sold about 160 acres have been planted In prunes. Tbo old foro bay In the water power saw mill was so badly decayed that It became necessary to remove it. A new fore bay is being put in aud the mill will bo ready to run in a few weeks. Scott's Mills has been on the move during tho pant week. When uncle Bob moved to Woodburn, John Beott moved Into the old homestead which be has bought. John Ferguson then moved from M. Reeoe's house Into the one vacated by John Scott. Mr. Hiles one of uncle Bob's workbands, moved toWoodbnrn and I. K. Vantress, of Newberg, moved Into the bouse Mr.H. bad occupied. Our hotel keeper, Mr. Ong,who has been occupying the home Mr.Nordyke bought, moved Into the fruit dryer, which has been fitted up for a temporary hotel. Then Mr. Nor dyke moved into his own home. Rev. J. H. Douglas being unable to t look after his work here on account of a severe cold wont home on Wednes day, He fulled to return for preaobias; service on Sunday, but Rev. Charles Boott of Marlon who waa lu the olty over Sunday preached a good sermoa for us from John 16th, 1-2 verses. About 00 persons were out to bear bin. B. S. Took, secretary and D. if, Smith, assistant secretary of tha Ore gon Land company spent last Monday with us. Dave and Mrs. Smith go east soon ta storm ridden Kansas with the hope ef brluglugback with them sense ef the remnants of the recent cyelones and lo cating thorn on the beautiful foot bill of the far fumed Willamette valley. ULCERS ..yd SCROFULA RHEUMATISM BLOOD POISON klftdi our id tnr that MfSr-laAit; Iwt or all melMsii, ladtiMt KMWffl ataaak fin mmUmdmA Bklaa mwwwM ww wat eaa swans) rnm wtfnr wstomto oa. mMum mm 00 ilil So Aa4swy Mm4 97 COMMERCIAL ITMttT. $