Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 09, 1893, Image 1

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tflVM CJflNtf f
BookCoupon ( A PTT A 1 .
VOL. 0,
NO tOo
The- people have rebelled against high prices
and are seeking for a
To buy their goods.
297 Commercial St., - - - Salem, Or,
Keeping Pace With the Times.
Have your business accounts kepi it PERFECT books, such are
The Frcy Patent Flut Opening Books.
Books that are wortby of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
ficials of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of the merchantilo men
of the 8tate, are surely derserylne of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured In Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
FALL. 1892.
We would call the attention of dealers, 'and large and small planters, to
our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental,
Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in
every resrect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
jdgnMention this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons
Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic Goods.
BiS6 Ball Good. Flags and FirtWorks
salem, - -
A. N. HALES, Proprietor.
(Successor to K. B. Ryan.)
Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Bungles
on hand. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Office at stable, corner of
Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel.
-r Proprietor
All house-finishing material made to order at the lowest Portland
prices. See us before you buy.
I Iwff I IJ f 1 m-mW WiA w.'i
cl. W. IIlUmiUUlYVDK v
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture! inilg Experience in the trade
enables mo to turn out first-class work. Samples bfcoverlngs. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbeniektta street
CHURCHILL! Spraying Outfits,
SB 103
BURROUGHS State Street.
DtoganBros, uml
SPRING, 1893.
- - Oregon.
R. H. PRICE, Manager.
of the-
1 Wr m k
Beef 5 to 12 cts., choicest stall fed,
Including choicest cuts.
Pork 10 to 12.
Mutton 7 to 12.
Vea 6 to 12.
These prices only to be had at Mc
Crow & SteuulotC's market, 310 Com
mercial street. 6 0 d-tf
Hambletonian Mare.
Fok Sale. One of the best horses in
the city for delivery, sound, kind, gen
tie and tough as hickory, fine roadster,
will work single or double, weight 1050
pounds, will also sell my de'lvery wa
gon, with curved top, with both pole
and shaves, also some bay and oats
which I have on hand, call early at
Davison's fish, game and poultry mar
ket 01 Court street.
World's Fair Travelors Will Have It.
The public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fashioned to
"Change Cars.", On the through, .solid
vestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union
Pacific & North-Western Line from or
to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate
points there is no change. This is tho
finest and fastest service between the
points named. - 4-10-Gt
For Sale.
Good team, wagon and harness.
Also 4-year-old filly, well broke single
or double, fine driver. Apply to M.
C. Cone,Slmpson's addition, 26th street.
Address Salem. 5-4-lm
If you want extra choice dry granu
lated sugar, you can set tho best at
Clark & Eppley's, as they handle it In
Chipped beef, such as was neyer e
fore seen in Salem, fresh at Clark &
Can't Stand the Kodak.
A Boston paper has adopted an effect
ive method of ridding publio places of
well dressed loafers. Only a fortnight
ago it was not possible-for a lady to walk
on Washington street without being
ogled and perhaps addressed by one of
this genus, who, with fashionably dressed
companions, haunted some corner or
doorway from which to practico his im
pertinences. Directing public attention
to the nuisances, the Boston journal gave
minute description of the dress and ap
pearance of these loafers day by day, so
that its readers began to rccognizo and
staro at them. Posts of observation that
hod known them for months knew them
no more, for their impudence was not
nroof against ridicule
Thoso who linger receive such atten
tion as this: "The young man who was
described on Saturday in tho long blqo
box coat and tanned shoes is still bang,
ing around, but his stand is not so steady
by any means. Tho man in tho long gray
coat, who wears a silk tilo a littlo the
worse for wear at all hours of the day,
is still holding his place patrolling tho
coast from the Adams House to Boyl-
ton street." Exchange.
is the rl eh t time
for everybody to
11119 Beer
A temperance drink.
A home-made drink.
A health-giving drink.
A driuk that k popular everywhere. I
Delicious, sparmiap, ukttmccbu
A Ai-lr.. cdaL. t nHuM of thltl
I diUdout UkiiiTUda'i b deemed if dtaltr, 1
lot tb um rt larger proM. uut you mm i i
1 Hod it tail Mr-'lt Um. N Imtntiwi i
I at gaoa a m awrhi Miaar. I
-. . .. ... .i i
Democrats te Investigate
Robber Tariff,
The World's Fair Bank Suspends
Monetary Stringency.
Republicans Moot.
Louisville, Ky., May 0. Republi
can leaders of various national Repub
lican organizations continue to arrive.
It is estimated by tonight there are to
beat least six thousand strangers in the
city. Tho Republican national com
mltteo will hold an Informal meeting
tonight. But it is not probable it will
elect officers before tomorrow or Thurs
day. The national league of Republi
can clubs will moot tomorrow to elect
officers Thursday.
Quite a Failure.
Sioux City, Iowa, May. The as
signee of the Uuiou Loan and Trust
Co. has completed a schedule of assets
and liabilities. The latter are enor
mously greater than at first supposed,
amounting is actual and contingent
to nearly $8,000,000 dollurs,
Chicago Bank Busts.
Chicago, May 0. As soon as news
of trouble lu the aflalra of the Chemical
National bank became known at the
world's fair grouuds this 'morning, an
auxious crowd gathered around tho
branch of the bank which Is the official
bank of the world's fair aud located In
tho administration building. The door
however, was tightly closed and no
body could learn anything as to pros
pects of getting mouey.
As anticipated he main bauk Is also
closed. The capital of tho bank is n
million dollars. It is expected the de
positors will be paid In full. The fail
ure had no effect lb fiuaucial circles.
Poor judgment lu milking loanB and
monetary stringency caused failure.
Tho German Emperor Addresses
Officers of the Army.
Berlin, May 0. While reviewing
some troops in tho field at Temple
Hofer today, tho German emperor or
dered the principal officers of the Im
perial guards to gather around him,
and addressed them as follews: "I
have been seriously disappointed in the
patriotism of tho late Reichstag, I
hope the coming Reichstag will adopt
the military bill, but If It should refuse
to adopt it, I am determined to carry
the bill."
A Lynching Party,
Camden, Ark., May 0. Three ne
groes were lynched at Dearden early
this morning by a mob of 800, for a
murderous assault made Saturday on
Jesse T. Norman, a prominent young
business man of that place. Norman
died from the wounds, inflicted with
an axe upon his head, as he was return
ing home from his store at midnight.
Catholic KnightsV
r'ninAfirt Tllfl..Mav 0, The sunreme
council of Catholic Kulghls of Amer
lea began an Important session here to
day, with representatives present from
every state lu the Union.
Prohibition Sustained.
B'SMACic, N. D.. May 0. The su
preme court today decided the proba
tion law constitutional and valid.
Washington, May 0. Secretary
Carlisle has appointed Charles 8. Fair
child, New York City, Daniel Magone,
Ogdeuburg, N. Y and Polndexter
Dunn, Arkansas, a committee to inves
tigate New York custom house charges
of incompetency, fraud and corruption.
Jeff Davis Buried Again.
Richmond, Va.. May 0. Arrange
ments for reinterment of remains of
Jefferson Davis hero on May 81 are
completed. On the 28tl Governor Fos
ter in a brief address will commit the
remains to escort special Nixon who
will leave New Orleans at 8 at night,
mammoth demonstrations will be made
all along the route. The body will be
in state here one day after arrival.
Another British Bank.
Meluouknk, May 0. The bank of
Victoria limited iias suspended. This
failure is a very Important one. ine
bank has branches and a London office.
The capital of the bank Is a million,
two hundred thousand pounds; liabili
ties double that sum,
Innocent or Guilty He 1a Under the
Nkvt Yohif, May 0. l'rlvaleservloes
over tho body of Carlisle Harris, in tho
prison nt Blng Sing, woro held tills
morning, at which only his mother and
broth or Attended. A dramatic Inol
dent In connection with tho service was
tho dropping Into the coffin, In accord
anco with Harris' directions, an afflda
vit of ono of tho Jurors In tho case of
application for a new trial.
Hino Sinci, N. Y.. May 0. The re
mains were burled in a highly polished
oak casket, which was carried Into tho
death chamber where tho body of Har
ris, dressed In a dark suit of prison
made goods, reposed upon a table. Tho
body was placed in tho casket. Tho
undertaker refusod to disclose his plans
foi tho disposition of tho body. The
silver plato upon tho cover of tho cas
ket, contained this Inscriptien:
"Carlyle W. Harris,
Murdered May 8, 1803.
Aged 23 years, 7 months, 15 days.
Wo would not if we had known."
Attondanc6 at the World's Fair Rap
idly Increasing.
CuiOAao.May 0. Old Solsentbrlght
cheerful rays upon tho WhltoClty today
Up to noon the estimated visitors al
ready upon the grounds would Indicate
that yesterday's attendance of 20,073
has already been exceeded. In com
paring tho attendance here yesterday
with a corresponding day at tho Phila
delphia centennial, It is shown that
8873 more persons paid for admlflulou
hero than at tho centenuial. Tho pro
gram for the day lucludes exercises by
the Catholic Knights of America, this
being tbelr day at the fair,
Colorado Rate War.
Chicaoo, May 0. A strong eflort Is
being mado by all concerned In the
Colorado railroad war to patch up peace
and neither the Rock Island nor the
Burlington are disposed to begin aotive
hostilities until they see the outcome
of tho attempted reconciliation. The
Atchison mado a sweeping reduction
yesterday by making a rate from Don
ver to Leadville, Aspen aud Glenwood
Springs of 25 cents.
Omaha, May 9. The Union Paclfio
took a hand In tho Colorado rale war
by Issuing an.order to sell tickets from
Utah common points to Colorado com
mon points for $13 round trip instead
ot $20, Prevailing rates had been $25
aud $35.
Poutlamd, May 0. Wheat valley
$1.22J $1.25. Walla Walla, $1.12J
San Francisco, May 0. Wheat
Chicaoo, May 0. Wheat cash .70,
July .701.
' '
Salem Land Co. to H. V. Matthews,
It 11 blk 0 Engluwood, $300.
W. T. Grimm and wlfo to J. Dlslrow,
2 a, $200.
Helen M. Ruby to James II. Elgin,
10 a, $100.
J.J. Shaw, admr. to E. P. Walker,
wj It 0blkC8 Salem, $50.
E. P. Walker and wife to Evallno
Ilerren same, 100.
Bleb, Red Blood
As naturally results from taking Hood's
Sarsaparllla as personal cleanliness re
sults from freo use of soap and water.
This great purifier thoroughly expels
scrofula, Halt rhuum and all other Im
purities and builds up every orgau of
the body. Now Is tiio time to tako It.
The highest praise lias been won by
Hood's Fills for their easy, yet efficient
action. Bold by all druggists- Price
26 cents.
New Books. "Vest Pooket Diction
ary" 25 cent ed. "Doctor Latimer" a
story of Casco bay, By Clara Louise
Burtham M.00 ed. (now). Life of John
Palon missionary to the New Hebredes
illustrated (new $2.00ed).Mark Twain's
"1,000,000 Bank Note" and other stor
ies (new). Mrs, Custer's "Tenting on
the Plalna" (now $2 00 ed). "Bartletts
Familiar Quotations" (new $3.00 ed.)
Ike Manvels "Reverie of a Bachelor
and "Dreams of Lite" (new 80 cent ed)
"Little MJaa Mullet" by Rosa Carey.
Dearborn's book store.
. m
Loan Wanted.
I want to set a loan of $170) or sell an
Interest In or all of the Red, Star Mill
aud water power, witli from 2) tn 012
acres of land, Joining the town of Turn
er. All oommuurcatlons answered
wllli nrnmntlfuiln and filarial ah.
Address, J, C. Rohkrtsok,
4-27lr TMrwr, Or.
Highest of nil In Leavening Power. Latest V, S Gov't Report
Spnrgcon Will Visit tho Chicago
World's Fair.
Deporting Chinese Tho State
Case An English Duko Falls in
Love "With a Circassian Tele
graph Operator.
Spurgeon at Chicago.
London, May 0. -Thomas Spurgeon
will sail from Auckland, "New Zealand,
for San Francisco May 20. He will
pass soveral days In Chicago and assist
Dwlght Moody In evangelical work lu
that city.
Deporting Chinese
Tacoma. May 0. Two hundred and
ninety-three alleged Chlncso actors aud
merchants wcro turned oyer to tho
steamship Victoria, which brought
them oyer, to bo deported to China, by
order of Collector WaBson. Tho Wall
Yung company of Chicago, who aro im
porting the actors, sent a telegram to
the steamship agents to hold the ship
twenty-four hours and they would fur
nish proof sufficient to land them.
Tbo agent wired back they would de
tain the vessel twenty-four hours for
$1,000. To this messago no roply was
received, but it Is thought tbo vessel
will be detained.
The Itata Oase.
San Fhanciboo, May 0. United
States Judges McKlnna, Morrow aud
Hawley, sitting as a circuit court of
appeals, affirmed tho Judgment of tho
United States district court of South
ern California dismissing the llbol
against the Chilian steamer Itata and
releasing the vessel and two thousand
cases of rifles which she had aboard
when seized by tho United States mar
shal In San Diego harbor two years ago,
Tho libel suit in tbo Itata cave charged
a deliberate violation of section 6,283 of
tbo United Slates revised statutes und
set forth that the Itata had been fitted
out with tbo Intent to cruiso and com
mit hostilities against the government
of Chill, with whloh the government
of tbo United States was at peace. Tbo
court fluds that the state of aflalra as
alleged Intho libel Is not borno outJu
the evidence.
Duke in Love.
London, May 0. The Moscow corre
spoudent of the Dally Chronlclesays:
It is rumored that Grand Duke George
(the second eon of tho czar)becamo en
amored of a pretty Circassian telegraph
clerk In Caucus where ho stayed for his
health. Ho determined to marry her.
Ills parents aro annoyed but t hoy, aro
expected to give their sanction as the
grand duke Is not expected to recover.
Nicaragua Aflalrs.
WAHHlNOTON.May 0. The disturbed
condition of aflalrs in Nicaragua will
probably result In tho United States
neudlng a war vessel to tho west coast
of that country. Such action Is being
considered by Seoretary Gresham, but
no Information has been received at
thestato department concerning tho
uprising since Consular Agent Holman
wired Secretary Gresham last week
that a serious revolt had occurred,
German Army Bill.
Bkkmn, May 0, The North Ger
man Gazette expresses the belief that
"the coming elections will repair tho
attack on the prestige Germany made
by the vote In relchstag against tho
army bill, The people will surely roc
ognlze tlTat a completion of tho defeu
ses ot the country are necessary to Us
continued existence.
English Bhip Wrecked..
Comjmho, Ceylon, May 0. The
HrltUh ship Earl of Shaftesbury, which
arrived at Bombay March IS.from New
York, has been wrecked In deep water
oft AmblanKoode on the southwestern
eoaat of Ceylon. Captain Marquart
asd five of the erew were drowned.
Bkkmn, May 9. rrlvy Councilor
Voa Blsmarek, the eldest brother of
Um tx-ebftBeller, to dd.
Pheobe Oozsona Kicks Up a Xpw
Axnosg the Women.
Toronto, Out,, May 0. Sir James
Long, proprietor of the Sheffield (Eng
land) Telegraph, who visited the'
world's fair last week with a party ot
British Journalists, has given bis im
pression of aud tho prospeots of the ,
fair. He said he considered the Chica
go show tho greatest ever held, the
most extensive, the moat costly, and
architecturally tho most Imposing. It
was n question of monoy and never be-!
foro hud so much money been contrib
uted fur such a purppse. The buildings
were much ahead of those at Paris, but
he Was disappointed at tho unready
H'nto f tlio exhibition. Strangely
otiough, tiio most backward exhibits
were llioeu which tue Americans them
selves wero making. In his district in
Sheffield, all but, two manufacturers
had practically boycotted tho Oblcagb
fair on account of tho MoKluloy acti
preventing them from selling goods in I
tho United States. He approved this
actlon'at tho tlmo thoy decldcd'it,but
ho now thought It was A mistake.
Many BrlllHfi merchants were losing
tho opportunity ofa lifetime fur adver
tising. If It had not been for tho Mo-1
Kinloyact, England's exhibit at Cbl-I
oago would have beon the best that
country had ever made. He did not
think the exhibition of paintings equal
to that mado at Vienna. He did not
think it would bo a financial success.
Phoebe's Kick.
Chicago, May 0 The featureof the
day lu official circles of the world's fair
was tho ellort of Phoobe Cozzons to
abrogte the action of the board' of lady
managers in adjourning tine aie. one .
appeared hoforo tho national commls-1
slon, but the point of order was made
against her and she was ordored;to pre
sent tho matter In writing.
The reports of committees directed to
inspect tho condition of tho several de
partments wero received. Most of the
committees asked for further time and
others mado veibj.1 statements.
Moot of the exhibits in agricultural
building will be In position by the end
of this week. The executive commit
teo on awards submitted a report favor
ing a Judge lu placo of a Jury.
The matter of Sunday closing was
brought up when Commissioner Bund
ley, of Alabama, offered a resolution
that tho commission regard the rule
requiring that tbo gates be closed Sun
day as tho binding and final determin
ation of the subject both In law and
prolonged debateETAOIN ETAQ78
and fact. At the clow was an animat
ed and prolonged debate. Matters be
camo so Involved the resolution was
withdrawn, quiet reigned for a moment
only, as Commissioner Way, of Geor
gia, ottered a resolution that the com
mission having passed upon the mat
tor it could not be brought up again.
After debate, this resolution was also
Commissioner Forsythp, of Cajlfor
ula, complained of tho domestic wines
not receiving fair treatment on ihe
grounds, particularly California pro
ducts, owing to the exhorbltaut prices,
and ollured n resolution that a commit
tee bo appointed to Investigate. After
u brief debate, the resolution was refer
red to tho commltteo ou horticulture.
Why stiller with dyspepsia, billions
uess or utiy disease of the liver when
you cuii be cured oy Simmons Liver
-" '"-""""T X.JLm.MJU
At Lit r. mxtlcal work hl ''J,MKj
I. wUllflealiy lt.o III"' L!f 'KrthflTSTK
iri imiii iMWtuiuui. inmo ij . - mm-
. h.fi tiMH lllu.tnll'Mi In Hau. ."
- r?"-" .'- tt..w.i. iiAixim
IK !& Mirt.. A OM H4trH on !
uiiui uuiuki Miiir ( v( iv mr
rlitl Ur. thit wouU (it"
rwl LVr. AU wwti 1 '"ETXZ
rmr urnir.iL CO..
ub'xcu irewu r p'"- V.TuCTSiiJ.Tti
Uuer, HtBrllitr, lJetllJ. Yf74'
Mle.lMUa.TDOM lUWliniB mmrwnm w
J 1 I