wv yjlMINO CAPITAL JOUK'iiAI,, MONDAY, JIAYI B, 1898, 32Bl Uh i ,T ft 1 .1 I IP rtLMKND DAILY, XJtOKlT BUNUAY, BT THU Oapftaf Journal Publishing Company, ' ttst OiM Wock.-Comtserelal Blreet. MQfEII MOTHERS, - - Editors. If , by earrtor , per month,. .tOO) r. BV BUIII. iw wnur. . ow ly. , per year,....- IM TUB DEMOCRAT. Hpwiking of wlmt Tim JoVKNALhad rted up to'Baturday evening of si we-k Bga the &lem Democrat says: ''It published a very oolorleoa article, taking care to say nothing that cast re- flection whatever upon Mr. Bbaw. The article ts the earno lu eutatauce aa that puWIb4 Id the other Balem papers." "Let the public rollout that tho Joint- HAL bad not one word to Bay against .Mr. Hbaw until that gentleman accused one of IU edltors.through the columusof the" Democrat, of trying to blackmail him. Then, and not until then, did it open up its mud batterlea." This la a correct statement. It was not until Mr.fihaw attaoked Tub Jouit nal through the Dewocrat,and charged oeof Itsfdltors with trylntr to black mall him, that; Thk Journal fired back" in self-defense. This riaper was charged Itf prlnt with a crime and pro- : eaecied to defoud itself. After confess iDg to taking 124 of Mr. Suuw's money to circulate 800 copies of the Democrat, , takmCa the charge of blaokuiall upon Th Journal, the Democrat Is stir prfeed that It should strike back, or tat there should be such a reaction gainst it m there manifestly has been. ' The Democrat owea the press of this oliy an apology for Its attempt to black ea the reputation of Thh Journal. Its own statement, as Mr. Bhaw'a per gonal organ, relieves The Journal of all charge of any unfair treatment of that gentleman. For as tho Demo crat Bays, up to Saturday ulght Thk ', Journal had printed "not a Mrord against Mr. Sbaw." After tho oaso got into the police courts, of course-, we printed a police court report. BHS NKYY BLOOD NKKDED. The Dallea Times Meuntutncer: Tho Oregouian bad a timely article- yester : clay In relation to tho lack of enterprise in this state in not passing tho appro ' prittfton bill two years ago for a proper xblblt at the world's fair. Washing - tan's building on tho grounds Is the N wonder and admiration of all visitors, and Oregon could have constructed ono aqually aa good in every respect, and Which would have ailorded a line dls- play of our native woods. Tho taxes .par capita would have been hardly ap preciable, and this opportunity of ud vartlalng to the world tho varieties of our forest trees would not havo been IMgleoted. If 1250,000 had been spent for tbU) purpose It would have returned ton-fold. As it la, Oregon will hardly be known In Chicago, and Washing ton, Idaho and Montana will be con Meredtho great states or the north west. The reason of this failure to appre- '' olatesuch opportunities for advertising our resources the Oregonluu lays to the lack of Immigration lu the last few yaara, and the aversion felt by our peo ns to any change from old methods. -"liu .tMlltuili0 atatn linu rilfwlvAil All (jUiuhuiiii.i" - .-...-- .... lnruMon or new uioou, una in uause fuenee, she has rapidly developed. Crag on la better adapted to farm lug, ha mora mineral wealth and richer natural reaouroes; but she remains lu Mtiv and desires no Innovation. This aay be a severe criticism upon tho old H!aena of this state, but facts Will aub Btaatiate Its correctness. , If the ploueers hud fouud n leas fruit ftol region In tho Willamette valley tbey would have acquired more energy, tod tbe development of the state would have been farther advanced, Perhaps Uil may be true of Eastern Oregon lu onto particulars, for there are many Methods followed east of the niouut aiM that are not conducive to growth jslid, development. Thla rcglou was set fttod principally by Immigrants from western counties of tho state, and carried with them their notions of aaa and oulet. It Is not ouly In regard to tho world's flMr appropriation that the need of new la abowu. Until recently there vary few manufacturing ludustrles Oregon, aud thousauds nt dollars sent East auuually for articles eo-Jkl have easily beeu made at There has beeu a little Improve it la thla recard but there are not half the factories lu operation that be wltH the numerous woiiiuea water power that exist. Iluyat Ml thus keep all tbe money 1st circulation lu the locality, Is rule for any community to fol. totos) ink le almost completely lg- in Oreaen. On the shelve of al- ay store ean be aeeu foreign r- MMt eonW be waoe at heme; ana Mil neswse, letter beads aud envel if targe number of buetnease tie are printed in Uuknuco or liven tax reeelpte are aowe- fatas tbeee aawe eltlea. nrstoto sUttenery weed by smh- toave been narnwite by swen wetnosX) nave to kit) leeal Udnetrlea. and no country can prosper while the money paid for clothing, canned fruits and vegetables, printed stationery and household commodities Is a constant drilu from the earnings of the people. The lake that onlyfiM outfetn will soon become dry. Oregon need active, en terprising men, who understood tbe rules of business, and who will not send a dollar away when It .can be spent at home to advautage. Immigration will accomplish this, and, with a proper ex hibit at Chicago, tbe state would, In a few years, havo eojoyed a much needed impulse toward Industrial advancement. MODERN UUHINKSS-MRTBODS. ' Mercantile btteibess Is dos nowadays with push, snap and (enterprise. The old methods of tang-windon" book ac counts with wide margins of profits Is passing away. The now system Ira plies small profits, quick sales, and cash business. The man who sits In bis store day after day waiting for peoplo to come in and be buncoed out of CO and 100 per cent, profits will wait lu vain while trade passes on to bis more enterprising neighbor. Inducements lu tho way of low prices, great variety, fresh goods up to date, and frank open methods of dealing with tbe people are the keynotes of success nowadays. BETWEEN THE HI10WER8. Home men can with safety jump on a nowspaper. Others cannot. Thero Is a field In Balem for a fairly Intelligent evening Deroocratlo paper. Tub Journal has more friends than all of its ungenerous enemies put to gether. You should be broad between the eyes whether nature built you that way or not. For ono editor to publish another as a liar, perjurer or thlof does not make It so unless it Is no. It would seem us though two news papers ought to bo able to vindicate anybody. If two can't two hundred can't. The dlflereniie between Governor Peunoyer and Grovor Cleveland seems to bo that tho one Is running this coun try and the other Isn't. President Clevolaud seems to have put lu lost week making a lot of brand new governors. No doubt he'd llko to make ono for Oregon. Why this government goes on build ing warships Is a mystery. There Is not war enough In sight to engage a good nest iff yellow Jackets. Cleveland's loaves and fishes aro not llko those lu tho bible. Thore are not ouly no baskets full loft over, but not half enough to feed tho multitude Tho managor of u Tucoma corporation Is under arrest for currying dead men on tho payroll. Most businesses aro suflering from carrying dead men who aro not dead, While tho stato of Oregon may bo en riched, tho couvlcts are not benetlted particularly by learning stove making at the stato prlsou. It Is uot a bualuens auy of them can go at wheu they get out. Secretary Carlisle will appoint a com mission to Investigate tho custom houso at Now York. They are not invesll gating tho robber tarld, but the Ilepub llcuus who aro enforcing it against for elgn manufacturers. It will bo a consolation to old vets to know that the sail at Itosoburg around the uow soldiers' homo Is of a rich saudy character. It will also bo a splendid placo to breed their old ao quututouoo, tho graylmck. L--U' 0.1 1 1 Could uot Governor Penuoyer Issue a nworlpt against tho Clevolaud admin istration aud declare It dissolved? A Gorman Kaiser would make short work of auy ono who dared to asaumo that he was uot properly onforolng tho laws of his country. The Balem Democrat oxporieucou the chagrin of an unfair aud uusucoeea ful assailant of another. Not being ablo to oouvlct Thh Journal of black mail himself, tho M Fat Hoy seems to bo angry with the Stuteemau because It would uot also break its own neck, The Chlld-Gardeu for May Is a May Day Issue for sure aud will carry the Joy of flowers, the song of hints and the sunshine of love into every homo It en ters. The only Kindergarten Magaxlue for children lu tho world, f 1.00 a year, by Kindergarten Literature Co., Chic ago. Bample cau be Beeu at this' ottlce, or Dearborn's bookstore. 1 - -lid L- J - LI President Cleveland must have a good deal of respect for the Chinese minister at Washington. That otUoial secured the siwpeuslou of the photo graph oUuee of tbe Geary law. Next he had set aside the fVature that made tbe Chinese pay the expense of regis tration. Now If tbe courts give hint naif a ebauoe Cleveland will aeolUb the whole registration business. imannKninanns The bill of tbe Helen Democrat for publishing the flnanolal statements of the county offlccrs Is $4G, These state ments have heretofore been published for 12 In Tjik Journal and States man, No one will blame a newspaper for getting all It can according to law, bttt It tloea seem as tho' thero can-be no Justice In paying a Democratio'weekiy b tot publishing an advertisement whleh has for a long time nevereost tho taxpayers over (12 for Insertion In both a dally and Weokly paper, with the largest circulation In the county. After allowlpg that bill tbe county court could afford to glvo the big bridge a coat of palnf. 8UI1UE9TEI) COMMENTS. In tho great dividing line between Cieah dhd dirty Journnllsm the newspa pers of tho stute are rapidly taking sides. U , , . sat HUlsboro Independent: Tho Balem Journal has unearthed a good sized scandal in private life at the capital which seems to havo brought to it the united opposition of Its contemporaries. While tho Journal Is bold and defiant yet there is a glimpse ef libel suite and actions for blackmail abead. A Democratic advertiser tells the peo ple that Cleveland's election insures free trade and low prices. The balance of trade Is already against this country and Is draining the gold out about as fast as tbe ships can carry it. Mer chants, wholesalers, importers will make their profits under free trade as well as under protection. But labor will not be employed nearly as well. Tbe more we Import that could be made at home, the less are the chances of a working man making a living and tbe less chances has a poor man of get ting a start In the world. Representative Upton In the Port Orford Tribune says of tho new tax law: "Portland demanded it, and, by a combination with Eastern Oregon Re publican members, who ask for a sec ond Insane asylum, und for 123,000 to boro artesian wells on each other's farms was ablo to control tho caucus and thereafter pass the bill." But what prevonted tho governor from vetoing It, If it is true, as ho says, that It increases the taxes on lands and allows the capit alists to still further shirk the burdens of taxation. Tho law as It now stands is unjust If not unconstitutional lu that It taxes credits of residents only. Eith er all credits should bo taxed or none. That is clear. DISEA8ES OP WOMEN. Treatment and Curobyan Entirely New and Successful Method. Hundreds of women cborish grateful rememberenco of the health they have derived from eleotrlc-magnctlsm as ad ministered by Drs.X)arrin. The following aro a few extracts from testimenials: Mn.C. Msgvnaon, Merchant Hotel, Fort Und, rhoumutUtu, neuralgia and female Iron hies, cured permanently one yer ago. Mm M.Hubo. 143 Water street, Portland pimples and blotches on the fuco lor yean, pains In tbe buck and dlioace peculiar to her sex cured; ulso, lior son was cured ol cross eyes. Mrs. K. E. Uewoy. SOI 18th Ht., I-ortland, ner vom and general debility heart SUeum, dys rpU, liver complaint iiud female trouble In all various complication, permanently cured Mrs. Marv Cllne.McMlnnvllle.Oreiron.(rortn- erlyofHauvle's ialard, Or.,) comrllciitlon of dlKouNM peculiar to her rex; liver and Kidney trouble, rbeuniatlim and dyspepsia restored. Otlloo hours from 10 a. m. to 6 p. m, evening, 7 to 8; Sundays, 10 to 12. Most coses can recelvo homo treat ment after a fow days at tho doctor's ofllco. Inquiries and circulars sent frco. Ollice at 310 Commercial street Salem Oregon. The reduced rates only two weeks longer, lime limited. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed : Costoria Is Life Worth Living? That doponds upon tho Ltvor. If tho Liver is inaotivo tho wholo sys tem is out of order tho breath is bad, digestion poor, hoad dull or aching, cnorgy and. hopofulneea gono, tho spirit is do pressed, a heavy weight exists nftor eating, with Sonorul despondency and m blues. Tho liver is tho housolcoopor of tho health; and a harmless, simplo remedy that acta liko Naturo. doos not constipato aftorwards or require constant taking", does not interforo with business or ple&suro dar ing its use, inakos Sim mons Liver Regulator a medical perfection. , I bar tattal He vtrtups jaronlly. an te&? ifiateaSSiS eta ihewerMoYwraaw. Um triodjorty other rraeiH-M bem ptutoeM IJiTsr KviruUtor, u4 Bene of tfceui save u wo ttuui lewporary reft, but Uw) ttatruE-ter M. JL Joaas, liaeea.Ues Mow's This! We ofler One Hundred Dollars Ho ward for any case of Catarrd that can not bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. V. 3. CHKNI3V A CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned, havo known F. J. Cheney for tho last 16 years, and be lieve him perfectly houorablolnall bus Ifiess transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West it Truax, Who!alo Druggists, Toledo O., Waidlng, Kinnan A Marvin Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curo Is taken Internal ly, acting directly upon tho blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 76c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Testimonials free. Hood's Cures Frank C. Stuart- Marshall, Mich. A Business Man's Letter Great Prejudice Overcome InUnae Mtsery WUh Dytpepstsk "C. L nood Si Co., Lowell, Mass.: " I have been led to address yoa from a deep sonse of gratltudo for tlio great benefit I havo received (rom Hood's Baraaparllla. "For 20 years I have been a constant sufferer from dyspepsia, nave spent many hundreds of dollars for medlclno, with only temporary relief. I have always boen an enemy to patent medicines. But note In my homo Hood's Barsaparllla bos A Hoarty Wolccmo. "Thoso who havo not been nffllcted with dyspepsia, havo no conception of the misery I endured, and thoso that have need no description of tho horrors of the unfortunato dyspeptic. " This Is why I changed my mind In regard to patent medicines : An old friend had been afflicted formany yoars with dyspepsia, and for a few months I noticed that ho had been wonderfully improving. I ascertained that the great cliango had been wholly wrought by tho uso of Hood's Barsaparllla. He ad vised me to 'try It by all means, but tho Idea of m taking ' patent medicine ' was a very bitter pill to swallow. Hut urged by my great sufferings to do tomcthlng, I anally yielded and began to tako Hood's Sarsaparllla I am now using my fourth bottle, and feel better than I havo In twenty years, and con sider myself cured. Use this statement as you please. I havo been in business her over 40 years." Fkank C. Stuaut, Mar shall, Mich. Get Hood's Hood's Pills net easily, yet prompUy and efficiently, on tho liver and bowels. Strayed or Stolen. One big bay gelding with two white hind feet, alo one dart blown gelding, with one vhltfl hind foot. ench welffhlntr about 1200. A liberal reward will be given for the return of ameto u, w. tuubab, 4 17 (it dw Aaylum Avenue. Balem , Oregon. Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W.A. CUHICK, l'res. W. W. MARTIN, Vice ITCH, j . li , A L u Kit 1 , jai a icr. Btate, County and City Warrants bought at Piir. dw Smith Premier Typewriter. Bold on euy pay men U. For Rent W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem. ll.N. UUKl'EE, den' t Agent, 101 Third Ht, Portland. Bend for catalogue. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to 5.00 per Bay The beat hotel between 1-ortlaad amd Baa Franclioo. Klrtt-cln in all lu appointments, lit tables are served with the Choicest Fruits Umwh In the Willamette Valley. A. I. WAGNER. Prop. WISC0S1N CENTRAL LINES. (North Pacific R. R, Co., Int-) LATEST TIME CARD. Two Through Train DtHy. liDUl .l)al Mlnn S-.(4S9 lAH.m r.PBi i NU-mui ltPBil Uuluth, t.en ISpai T.Uam rWIU I . AUUBd. asspaa y Mm 1 1 ffilo &.4Tpaa w TlekMs malA m.ntt k.M.M .kMh. ttirniiafc t u m im.a .h .u. ur7... 2CtaJ.LT CW connjtlou md U ChUa wtUl aw BBBBBBBsHn TW'-WaSSFSste-aasssslaX sbbbbbbbbbbbbVIbw-1jbbbbbbbb"""" MB I "?" .? A"- " --"H.O. re lull iBferwaUea apply ta tow at-yl U. Vast ul Tkt. AM- OMsaae. JU Morloj k WlnstMiloft Carpenters and Builders, Shop (S HUts street. StoreFlttlnirs aSpoclally T. .1. Klttm HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGING, Natural Wood Flmthlng, 0or, th and Cliemeketa Street, Geo. FendriBli, CASH "'MARKET Dent meat and free delivery, 13G btate Street. J.L.ASHBY. Meat Market, SOS Commercial Street. Good meats, i'rompl delivery. mm1 rt EniAOMMI Of Standard Books By the Most Famous Authors. A FREE .BOOK COUPON WORTH FIVE GENTS GIVEN TO OUR READERS EACH SATURDAY. gjr Head Directions on Coupon Carefully. H THE) JtJRN-AI;'S PREMIUM BOOKS. A book.coupon is printed in tbe Daily Journal every Saturday, whleh is numbered differently every week. Save 5 of these coupons having different numbers, aud send them, with 5 cents to pay postage, etc., to the Journal of fice, and your chrice of the following; books will be sent you. It is best to make 1st, 2d and 3d choice, so in case we are out of the flrst'we can send you the second or third. These books are the b st 25 cent book printed and tbat means a great deal these days of cheap books. Call and see them, or seud your order by mall. We know they will please you. By simply cutting out the coupon in each Satur day's Journal and enclosing 6 cenU to pay postage and package we give you each month free what would cost during book store or news stand. 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 17 18 10 20 21 23 23 24 25 28 27 28 20 30 31 32 Called Back. Article 722; by F. du ltolsgobey. Had to Beat. Master of the Mine. Love's Martyr. Case of Reuben Malscbl. A Fight for a Fortune. Tbe Ma apan Allrtlr. A Woman's Sacrifice. Karma. A Dark Deed; A Tale ef the Feasant's War. A House Pa-ty. The Gray and tbe Blue. The Detect ve s Ky e, and Cecil's Fortune ABteel Mecklace. Jess. . Hbe. King Solomon's Mines. Dark Days, Death or Dishonor. The One Thing Needful. Tbe Evil OenlUD. Fedora; or, Toe Tragedy In the Rue de la Palx. Life of Henry Ward Beecner. Allan Quanerma'n. Only a Farmer's Daughter. A Commercial Trip. West of the Missouri. Fast and Loose. A Modern Circe. A Puritan Lover. As In a Looking Glass. For Her Dnllv ilrQd ju as inaixKking Glm 34 For Her Dally Gr-ad, A Lucky Young Woman. 86 37 88 3 40 41 42 4.) 44 45 40 47 48 40 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 60 SO SI G2 6.1 64 65 B7 63 00 70 71 71 73 74 75 78 77 7H 78 SO 81 81 K M 8) 83 A Cu amltv Rnw Dr.Jekylland Mr. Hyde, Texar's Revenge; or, North against A Baton for a Heart. Marriage aud Dlv rce. Marsa. the Gypsy Bride. The Great Uesper. A Prince of the Blood. Jack and Three J Ills, Mona's Choice. , Ansel ma; or, In Spite of All. Marvel. Thj Story of Antony Grace. AFalBeHtart A Ltle Interest, A Flurry In Diamonds. lUrbara. The Passenger from Scotland Yard. Herr 1'aulus. Tbe Partners. The Wrong Hoad. King or Knave. A Real Good Thing. Napoleon and Marie Louise. Chris. Old lllaxar's Hero. Li Tsca. Tbe Blackhall Ghosts. The Mjstcrv of a Hansom Cab. TheHelrofLlnne. By MUHdventure. Lady Mutton's Ward. Tracking tbe Truth. Mr. Mcc.od's Will. Dr. Glennle's Daughter. In all Shanes. Joe; A Remarkable Case. Danlra Living or Dead. Valrle; or. Hall a Truth, A Mere Child. Fairy Oolrt. Madam's Ward. 1 he Htory of an African Farm, The Unpopular Public. Iht Dream (LeKeve). The Rogue. Miss llrethrrton. A Dangerous Caupaw. HOWARD, The House Mover. 451 Main Street. Has the best facilities lor moving and rals lnA ho-- -fv orders at Uray flroor address Balem, Oregon. , ur SMITH BROS., CONTRACTORS & FLA8TERER8. lWn!'10lU'"Lkumblocl?'ron CflflS. W0LZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET South Commercial 8U. Balem. 411 kin,.. Ww ... . . sidBausaies. "MX Bl"- --t TREE DKUVKRV. , Ths'osHyge-iuiBe Wleoenrurrt la the dty. Money to Loan. SSropt, brtaV' " JJre -ty or IjOMRARQ I.yE8TMErT CO. J. E. Mtmi'JIY. Tile for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOIITJI RALt-M, Take It I EVENING JOURNAL, Only 3 cents a day delivered at yonr door, JOHN C, MARTIN, Horseshoeing. BLAOKBMITHING. I State Street, - - the year from J2.50 to 3.00, at any 87 88 (9 90 19 92 9J 91 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 1CJ 101 105 106 107 108 109 no in 112 113 115 118 117 118 120 121 122 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 138 137 133 1S9 140 141 141 141 144 145 146 147 148 149 160 151 152 1M 164 155 166 167 168 169 160 101 IfcJ 161 lftl 165 lift 167 lt-8 169 170 171 172 173 Raleigh Rivers Jack Dudley's Wife. The Maddozes. A 'lam Bede. Ths Queen's Token. The Ladles' Gallery. The Knellshman of theRue Cain. Is Mairlsge a Failure? Almeda. Mademoiselle Solange. The Reproach of Annesley. Three Years. Vcre: 1 he Leading Lady. The Girl from Malta. Cleopatra. Tho Ten's ol Shem. A Crooked Path. Marooned Could Aught Atone. The Golgotha of tbe Heart. Dr. Wilbur's Note Book. Roland Oliver. Rhea; or, The Case of Dr. Piemen. Mrs. Annie Green. For Live of Her. Al an's Wife. j2HIan.,rartyior' Wedded and Wooed The Salvation Army. Trollope's Dilemma. Blind Love. Pyrrha; A Story of Two Crimes. The Danvers Jewels. Hayne Home. TrovaW. Beatrice. Hurrltt Durand, Cloister Wend husen. Kvolutlnn of "Dodd." Who.'0 HFUdher Forward- From Darkness to Light. Stairs of Sand. Ein BHck in die Zukunlt: German trans. D.ii05.'uLSPk,D.? Kunber forward." A Fellow ot Trinity. Three Men In a Boat The Phantom 'Rickshaw. TheMairiageatsea. T,he 5.rmn Treasure. Black Beauty. ! Ma"lage of GabrleUe. The Judge. Baroerlne. consunce Winter's Choice. The Light that Failed. A Marriage for Lore. Hoodwinked. Hcrtense. Wee Willie Winkle. Idl Time Tales. An Ideal Fanatic. n A.meJlcn ar- In London. Danlt-1 Trentworthy. The Slaves of Follyf Up Terrapin River. My 1-ady Nicotine. Thie1.I.l?m,,ln.c1 0,n Child. A Little Rebel. What's Bred In the Bone. Hints for the MUUons. KlJl, Diana of the Crossways. AMatterofSkUl. Mlfjudged. Better Dead A Reporter's Romance. The Treasure Tow??. Helen Young. The McDermot? A Daughter ol Karth The Brack Tulip Mr.andMrs.Bewer. Tlomaiif a ni.i . n 174 "4 KingBt lyofBallkfat ir m. mif-.v::; x ":. Modest Little Sara. ot Farm for Sain nr Tio.i w Bubllmltyl Or. ONLY LINE RMNING THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A.M. " 7.Qfi D U 31 DAYS TO 2 CHlOAP,n 7 Hours fiuirlAr ct n.. i 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Ouicker to lOmaht ud iNttusaj uuy, PULLMAN tad TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINING CHAIR . CARS, DINING CARS. or adirS; Ma BMM --"aUoii osil DISTRIBUTION mjMBk 2 J, L DENNK1T k SON, VAKDim, Frnit aid Cigars, K. T. MUMI'HKKYB, ClffAri aHdTdbacee, I3ILLIAIU) PAULOR, 048 Oom'l Straat, T. W. THOfJNBURG, The Upholsterer, Ilemodcls, re-covers and repairs nnholiterod mrnlture. rirst. street, cuts work, Oliemeketa Btate Insuranoe block. Balem. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE the Southern Pacifid Company. a CALirOBHIA XXPRKSS TBAIK BtTW DAILT SX TWCBN POKT1.AND AND B. F. SmUb. I wortn. 7M: p. m. 9:18 p. m. 8:15 a.m. LV. Lv. Ar. .Portland Balem Ban Fran. Ar. I 7:35 a. in Lv. I 6:26 a. m 1.v. I 7:00 p. m Above trains stoD only at following stulloni north of Roseburg, East Portland Oregon City, Woodburn, Balem, Albany Tangent, Sbedds. Halsey, Uarrlsbnrg, JunctlonClty, Irving and Mugene. ROHEBCKO MAlL. DAILY. 8 JU a. m. 11:17 a. m 6:50 p. m. Lv. Lv. Ar. Portland Balem Roseburg Ar. I 4:dU p. ni. Lv. I 1:40 p. m. Lv. 7:00 a. m Albany Local, JJally Cxceit auuday. 5'UU p. m. 72 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Lv. Lv: Ar. Portland salem Albany Ar. I lu.JUu.in. Lv. 1 7:3B a. m. Lv, I 6.30 a. ni. Dining Cars on Ogdcn Koutw PULLMAN BDFFBT SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeping Cars- Attached to all through trains. West Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: KAII.T (EXCEPT SUNDAY). 7:dU a. ill. JLiV. Ar. iortlana Corvallis Ar. Lv. a:M p. in, 12.58 p. m. lifelO p. m. At Albany and Corvallis connect wltn trains of Oregon Panlflo Railroad. giVKEnrtTiiAiN (daily kxckithunda) 4:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. 1-v. Ar. Portland McMlnnvllle Ar. I Lv. I 8:aja. m 5:45 a. m TUKOUOU TICKETS To all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irvw w. w. Bii.iiMisii. Aeeai. eaiem. K.F.ROQBKS, AssUG. . ana lasa.Ag'l 11. KOEHLEB, Manager. The Yaquina Route. IC R. R. And Oregon Development company's steam ship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any other route, First class through passenger and freight line irom Portland and all joints In the Willamette valley to and from Han Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany 1.00 p m I Lv Oorvallls 1:40 p m Ar YaQulna&30 p m Lv Yaquina 8:4-S a m Lv Corvallis. 10:35 am Ar Albany 11:10a m O. A O. trains connect at Albany and Cor vallls. The above trains connect at Yaquina with the Oregon Development Co.'s line of steam ers between Yaquina and Han Francisco dm'p.a"sen-!era from Portland and all Willamette valley points can make close con nection with the trains of the Yaquina Route atAlbany or Corvallis and If destined to San Francisco, should arrange to arrive at Yaquina the evening berore dateof sailing. Passenger and Freight Kates always the l?,H Kor Information apply to Messrs HU--MAN & Co., Freight and Ticket Agents M0 and 502 Front street. PorUand, Or., or 0. 0. HOGUE, Ao't Oen'l Ft. 6 Pass. Agt., Or. Paclflo R. K. Co . Corvallis, Or. C. H.HA8WJLLL, JrM Gen'l Freight and Pass. Agt. Ore. Development Co., 804 Montgomery St. From Terminal or Interior Points the Is tbe line to take To all Points East and South. ST. PAUL AND CHICAGO (No change of cars.) Oompesed of dining cars unsurpassed, Pullman drawing room sleepers '.Ot latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. SSmSi5?. - constructed and In which Sekeu,and fc,t Rnd eoon--lM ELEGANT DAY COACPES. n A25i55?f HP .oonne-ting with all servteiT a u-h-errupted Si1"lmto --" any agent of panj Mr Ueke-omeeothUoom. --1T5.1'i1lDr-?aUonconcernlnir i iim. oilot-itrdeullsmm'lsbed -oeauon to any agent or uWSt?TSp-u,fnK-- Agenf", Ifo. Isid.OritSi ' rasfingta; 1'oit- Mexican War OREGON PAG1F Northern Paciflc Rai torn o Pensions! i O-C SHERMAN, Zl. aalAn, JItValUw,OTWi,gS0i:0rf W-HH2ftSA.