Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 08, 1893, Image 1

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BookCoupon (HAPTTATj
VOIi. 6.
NO. 108,
Wo will not pay your way along
Midway Plaisance
-.- CASH -:- STORK
Will save you money so you can pay your own way.
This Means You!
297 Commercial
Keeping Pace With the Times.
Have your business accounts kept it PERFECT books, such are
The Frcy Patent Flat Opening Books.
Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
flclnlfl of the State of Oregon, and the greater portion of tbe mercbantile men
oftbe State, are surely derserving of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
FALL 1892.
We would call the attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to
our large and varied 'assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental,
Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in
every resrect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
jS""Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
Baby Carriages, Bicycles, Tricycles, Velocipedes, Boys Wagons
Guns, Fishing Tackle, Sporting and Athletic Goods.
Bise Ball Good. Flags and FireWorks
A. N. HALE8, Proprietor.
(Successor to K. R. Ryan.)
Livery, Feed and Boarding Stable. A full supply of Horses and Buggies
on hand. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Office at stable, corner of
Liberty and Ferry streets, East of Willamette hotel.
Proprietor of the
All house-finishing material made to order at tbe lowest Portland
prices. Bee us before you buy.
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture." Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street.
CHURCHILL! Spraying Outfits,
DtiganBros. Mm
SPRING, 1893.
R. H. PRICE, Manager.
State Street.
Salem, Or.
Raw eggs are good for a cut.
There is no cure for color blindness.
The German army will soon comprise
6,000,000 men.
Only two Amoricans were naturalized
in England lost year.
If there is any sport calculated to stir
your blood it is tobogganing,
Chenier killed himself by thrusting a
largo brass key down his throat.
Vigor of constitution is indicated in
the hand by a long, clear life line.
Forest fires in this country destroy ev
ery year $12,000,000 worth of timber.
He that is good for making excuses is
seldom good for anything else. Frank
lin. Intensity of the emotions and excesses
of all kinds increaso the tendency to bald
ness. Whosoever speaketh fair words hath
many friends, but the harsh man hath
but few.
As soon as a preacher begins to get
proud of his head, he becomes moldy in
the heart.
The deaths from explosions in mines
last year numbered 120, against 51 in
1891 and 290 in 1890.
British 6oldiers will wear seamless
socks in the future, as they insure greater
marching efficiency.
Franklin's story about "Paving Too
Dear For the Whistle" should bo read
by boys whose hero is Samson.
Never enter any sleeping room with
out first knocking to ascertain if the per
son within is at leisure or presentable.
Homer, it is said, hanged himself in
extreme old ago because after long trial
he could not solve the "Fisherman's Puz
zle." Tho highest railroad in the United
States is tho Denver and Rio Grande.
At Marshall Pass it is 10,855 feet above
tho sea.
I Willow, moss, salad, stem and apple
greon toilets of elegant or dainty textiles
will be in highest vogue.
Toilo Parisienne is used by French
dressmakers for foundation skirts and
sidrt linings to summer toilets. This fab
ric is much like a heavy batiste with a
linen finish.
I As a rule, those who elect for sorgo
dresses do not like tho coarse weaves,
preferring the finer, softer grades, yet
this season it seems almost impossible to
obtain the latter.
I For summer uses in mourning are new
semidiaphanous silk and wool fabrics
imitating crepons and china crapes that
that are very handsome, also grenadines
with alternate stripes of silk veiling or
craped luster less silk.
I Some of tho French zephyrs havo fino
brocho designs, which are not printed,
bat thrown in relief upon the sarfaco by
a now and peculiar weaving of tho goods.
A beautiful design to in roses shading
from sea shell pink to a rich crimson on
ia ground of palest golden green. New
York Evening Post.
- - "--
Said the
to himself, "If tho
moon I could get,
whenever I'm dry
my throat I could
wet: The moon is a
quarter wiin a quar
ter I bear; you can
purchase five gal
lons of
M f J.
Root Beer."
Seed for tay Urn f r.
A ce. -"- malum
"- ' nlHiW,
fkmWu. TV
Faces Dentil With tho Coolness
of Desecration.
Evidence That his Victim Was a
Morphine Fiend.
Albany, N. Y.; May 8. Tho report
of Commissioner Raines, appointed to
take testimony in) the coso of Carlisle
Harris, and upon which tho governor
based bis refusal to extend clemoy was
made public Saturday. It Is a volum
inous and exhaustive review of tbe
testimony in the case, particularly that
tending to prove that the murdered
girl was a confirmed morphine user.
His conclusion was as follews: "I am
compelled to say that a careful and
conscientious discbarge of my duty
compels my mind to the conclusion up
on the evidence before me that the
deceased took morphine medicinally as
prescribed for her and not otherwise."
SiNdSiNa, May 7. Arrangements
for tbe execution of Carlisle W. Harris,
are about completed and it Is probable
the exeoution will take place Monday
morning before 11 o'clock. Harris
passed a very restless night. He seem
ed to derive pleasuro from the prospect
of a visit from his parents Sunday.
Harris Electrocuted.
Bind Sing, N. Y., May 8.- Carlyle
Harris, the young medical student
whose trial and conviction in New
York City for poisoning Helen Potts,
to whom ho bad been secretly married,
attracted so much attention, was elec
trocuted m prison here today. Throngs
of people gathered on the hillside over
looking tbe gray prison walls, though
the only thing which they could hope
to see was tbe display ot a black flag
above the tower, after he hud been of
ficially pronounced dead.
Every possible cflort was mado to se
cure a reversal of the sentence, and that
falling, to induce Governor Flower to
mitigate the punishment, but without
He slept little during tbe night, rose
parly this morning and looked over
some manuscript he had prepared to be
given to tbe press after death. He
seemed cooler Ibis morning, and ate a
light breakfast at 8 o'clock.
The death warrant was read to him
at 8:30. Tbe reading had no visible ef
fect on the condemned man, A half
hour later the prison chaplain spent an
hour with him, then one of the medi
cal examiners visited blm, and found
him showing some signs of nervousness,
but nothing more. Harris did not ask
for morphine or any stimulant.
The witnesses numbered 27, consist
ing of seven physicians, ten newspaper
men, ten state officials and friends.
When tbe warden arrived in the exe
cution chamber, the witnesses took
their seats in a semi-circle around tbe
death chair, and everything being in
readiness two keepers brought Harris
into the chamber, accompanied by tbe
chaplain. He looked pale as he entered
the room, but paused an Instant on tbe
the threshold and calmly surveyed tbe
assembled witnesses.
One of the keepers indicated the
chair to him, and without even a
glance of curiosity at the death-dealing
machine, he stepped forward and took
his seat. As be did so he requested
permission to speak. Thli was accord
ed him. He said, speaking as if eyery
word cost him a great effert: "I have
no further declaration to make, I de
sire to say I am absolutely innocent."
Then he settled back in the
chair, and tbe electrodes
were quickly attached, tho signal
given and the lever clicked sharply
The form of tho condemned man stif
fened till tbe straps creaked, while 1700
volts posted through his frame. At
tbe end of two seconds tho current was
reduced to 150 volts, which was con
tinued 64 seconds longer, when Harris
was pronounced dead. As the current
was fully shut off the body dropped
back limp. An. examination showed
no signs of life, and it was evident that
It had been instantaneous. The execu
tion was most successful. His relatives
will take tht body away this afternoon.
Henderson Will Not Hang.
OiteaoN City", Muy 8. (Special)
William Henderson who murdered
Cy. Suter In Can by last fall, and wbo
was convicted of murder in the first
degree at tbe November term of
court and the verdict of tbe
lower court reversed in the Supreme
Court, was today permitted to enter a
plea of murder In tbe second degree
and, waiving lime, was sentenced to
penitentiary for life.
Six Hoars' Battle Which Was Claim
ed by Both Sides.
Valparaiso, May 8. A battlo
wbloh lasted six hours was fought near
Uruguayana, Rio Grande do Sul, Bra
zil, in which 4000 government troops
and 6000 Insurgents wore engaged tbero
was no decisive result for either army
until nightfall, when tbe revolutionists
attempted to retreat and were complete
ly routed. It is bolioved In .Buenos
Ayrcs this settles the revolution. In
formation, however, from revolutionary
sources is to tho contrary of tho above
dispatch. They claim to have won tho
Revolt in Nicaragua.
Panama, Columbia, May 8. With
Santiago Morales at its head, the revo
lutionists of Nicaragua have established
a provisional government over that
republic, and are preparing to strike a
crushing blow to President Sacassa,
The headquarters of the provisional
governmeut have been established at
Granada. Santiago Morales is the pro
visional president, ex-president Joa
quin Zavalois minister of war and
Eduardo Montlel, general-In-chlef of
tbe revolutionary army. Around
Granada has been concentrated the
leading divisions of tho revolutionary
aamy, and from that point, of course,
all operations nro conducted.
Closed Sunday.
Chioaoo, May 8. The rule closing
tho gates of the world's fair Sundays
was rigorously enforced, so far as the
ticket-purchasing public was concerned.
The fortunate thousands wbo held
passes were admitted, however, and al
lowed to wander about the grounds at
will. Largo crowds, of workmen with
their families, who went to the fair
in tbn morning were greatly aggrieved
at being denied admission. Charles
Klingman, a stockholder, notified the
management that he would appta! to
the courts to compel the exposition to
open Sundays.
The Kaiser's Organ.
Beblin, May 8. The Zeltungsaya
tbe Relohstag just dissolved was the
worst parliament since the foundation
of the empire and should tbe electors
give in to the triumvirate composed of
Rebel, Ricbter and Lleber, the ruin of
Germany will be effected, its peace
menaced and tbe achievements of tbe
years 1860 and 1870 will be destroyed.
Train Wrecking.
Lafayette, Ind., May 8. One of
tbe most horrible wrecks in the history
of railroading occurred on the Big Four
road as tbe result of which 10 men are
now dead and many more are injured.
The train was tho pastbound passenger
leaviug Chicago at 9 p. m. The acci
dent was caused by tho failureof the
air-brakes to work.
Steamer Accident.
Cairo, 111., May 8. The steamer
Ohio collapsed a flue near Belmont Mo.
scalding 22 men, six of whom died be
fore reaching tho hospital hero. The
dead white men are Thomas Woods,
Captain Watch, Hampton Collins, W.
W. Hurshman and three others, names
Sugar Going Up.
London, May 8. Reports from tbe
Continent show that drought aud beat
havo spoiled tbe beet root crop, and
that an enormous Increaso in sugar
prices is in progress. Grain speculators
declare that all hopes of saving tbe
winter wheat crop Is gone.
Jack Accepts.
Portland, May 8. -Jack Dompsey
has decided to accept the Coney Island
club contract for tho Smith fight. He
has received (500 and expenses and
thinks they would not send tho money
unless they had Smith secured.
Laxnon Dead.
WASHINGTON, D. C.,May 8 Colonel
Ward H. Lamon, President Lincoln's
private secretary, and author of the life
died at Mar-
01 wiu iuBrtyiu jicbiusui,
tin burg, Va., today.
World's Pair.
CiUCACio, May 8. The day dawned
brlKhtontho "White City" and pros
tata of a decidedly increased attend
ance during tbe current week are good.
Compared with tltat of last week it
seems very good Indeed.
Btovemakers Idle.
Littlb Rock, Ark., May 8. The
abolishing the convict lease system In
this state, went Into effect and 700
convicts were turned over to the care
of the tale.
Raskin Honored.
London, May , Gladstone baa of
ferred tbe place of poet laureate to the
distinguished art eritlo and writer, John
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
Preceding Another Possible Fi
nancial Storm.
Another Shipload of Chinoso at
Flurry in Stocks.
New York, N. Y., May 8. There
was a little flurry In stocks at the open
ing, duo to the sudden break lu general
electric from 88 to 77, which unsettled
tbe market, caused liquidations
throughout the list in which electric
fell to 74, decline 7 points from Satur
days. Close raid on this stock is due
to the developments concerning com
panies' light ,wlth Westing House peo
ple. Feeling Relieved.
New York, May 8. Tho manager
of tho stock exchange clearing house,
announced that the brokers' sheets had
passed all right. This meant that tho
dreaded Monday settlement had been
effected without any delinquencles,and
a great feeling of relief went through
the exobange.
More Mongols.
Portland, May 8, The steamer
Haytlen Republio arrived this morning
from Vancover, B. C, with 21 China
men and 121 Japanese.
Still Exists and Cleveland Still Mak
ing Appointments.
Washington, May 8. Tho designs
for the three gunboats authorized by
tbe last congress were completed by
tbe bureau of construction and repair
and it ia not necessary for the issuing
of any advertisements as they were ap
proved by the secretary. They are to
be about 1200 tons displacement, fitted
with triple expansion engines, light of
draught and intended for service on the
Asiatic station, wberolthey will bo ablo
to ascend far up tbo rivers where
Amerlcanllnterests have been several
times jeopardized In recent yean, and
tho government is unable to give them
proper protection on account of the
great draft of her naval ships.
Tbo president appointed Alexander
McDonald, of Virginia, minister to Per
sia; W. 8. Jones, of Florida, consul
general to Rome; A. S. Jones, of North
Carolina, consul general to Shanghai;
Stephen Bonsai, of Maryland, secretary
of legation to China.
Postmaster-General Blssell appointed
A. W. Macbon, of Toledo, assistant
superintendent of tbo free-delivery sys
tem. Tbo president mado the followlngap
polntmeuts: William U. Renfrew, of
Oklahoma, governor of Oklahoma;
Charles 0. Richards, of Utah, secretary
of Utah; Charles M. Brlsco, of Arizo
na, secretary of Arizona; John Goode,
of Virginia, commissioner on the part
of tho United States, under the treaty
for claims commission between the
United States and Chilli; Robert B.
Bowler, of Ohio, first comptroller of the
Secretary Carlisle received the resig
nation of General Rouccrans as register
of the treasury, to tako eifect Muy 31st.
lu tendering bis resignation, General
Rosecrans refers to his impaired physi
cal condition and encloses a certi
ficate from his physician which states
that General Roseoraus Is unable to un
dertake tho long Journey to Washing
ton from California aud does not hold
out any hope that he will bo able to so
In tbe near future.
Secretary Carlisle accepted tho resig
nation in a letter In which he expressed
regret at the general') continued Illness
and hopes he may soon recover.
Secretary Carlisle decided to appoint
a committee of three prominent men,
familiar with tbe intricacies of the tar
iff law and cuMom bouse methods, to
sake a thorough and complete Investi
gation of the eustoms bouse appraisers'
stores and the nayal ofllce at tbe port
of New York,
A Model of All tlioTWanf.
A minlaturo representation of all the
oceans and seas as well as their tides and
currents is a f eaturo of tho hydrograpbio .
aispiay at mo worms lair. Tula model, '
which all must confess must be of great,
practical valuo, if not of scientific inter-,
est, Is a hugo tank, mode so as to repre
sent tho surface of the earth spread out
over an area of about 80 feet square. The
oceans, seas and lakes, which of course
are tho main objects thus displayed, an
represented by real water. Through
those at propor intervals smaller stream
of water are ejected, tho idea being to
represent tho different currents just aa
they flow in nature. . ,
Tho direction of theso currents is shown'
by stroaks of white powder on the ear-
face. In order that the whole may be
Doner unuorstooa, a large map will Dt
placed within handy roach, with a man
to oxplain tho forco, volumo, etc, of the
various "arteries of the deep." It is ex
pected that this display will be an in
valuablo object lesson to those who hare
novor lookod into such matters and whose ,
timo and opportunities will not admit of,
personal investigation. St. Louis Re
public ,'j
To Elect m Freildent lu February.
I proposo that tho national electic
day, instead of bolng sot for the
Tuosday after tho first Monday in No
vomhor, bo sot for tho 22d of February.?
If wo adopt George Washington's
auguration day for our national revo
tion, why shall wo not adopt his bl
day as tho dato for its all important
llminary? If tho persons who favor i
ting inauguration day for tho 1st of Ja
nary really desiro thus to reduce the' fail
terval between election and inaus
to two months, my plan would
substantially tho satno purpose.
It would provide an election day doff
tag just as much of an "off season"
the present one. Farmers and
who find early November the most '
venient timo to go to their polling
would bo just as littlo bound down
work at the latter end of February aa I
the beginning of November, and
weather and tho roads would ce
be in no worso condition. V. T, '.
in Kate Field's Washington.
A PrlaiUjr Kara.
Father William P. Treaoy, who
mado such a sturdy fight for his choral
at Swodosboro. N. J has won the ayaj
pathy and admiration of many who
believo him wrong, and his life's
shows that he is a hero. Three times
has risked his life for othors. Hie
heroic act was to rescue a colored
from death in tho Chesapeake bay dtu
tag a terrible storm when even
trained llfo guards fllnohod. In 18781
Driest jumped into tho Bronx
Fordham college and saved the life
James Murphy. When the village
Aeganhovon in Bolglum was d
by fire, Father Treaoy directed the
of the rescuers from tho roofs of
burning buildings and left them
after every man, woman and child
been accounted for. Philadelphia
A KeHeotlon oh Woman' SkUl.
Mrs. Figg Go to your father, To
and ask him what ho thinks of tbe :
hair out mamma gavo you,
Mr. FiKtr (after inspection) It
much as a hair cut. but the job would!
very well as an oxhibit in the wo
work department at the Columbian 1
Indianapolis Journal.
i.a lusemuu ixjro.
Tht lato Lord Essex, of England, '
.inlto a mechanician, ana some
ago, whon tho croquet fever waa a I
hotoht. ho made thousands of
from a niallot which he invented. J
light open hearso constructed fcf
was used at his funeral, and am
was of open trellis work, after I
which ho drow. ,
Not content with ncldevlng sue
iituraturo. Mr. J. M. Barrio is
linvn tnliticul ambitions and tot
to ropresont wis native place ia i
in parliament.
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PMTfirormM ap;w
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flMHXH! CH"'fJ
li will b Ml fraa. a4ir "fl.?!
Una larta. K ooataaUai film
liaputafaaleaa. An4eaF
mvrwAMJ, ji. at
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