Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 05, 1893, Image 4

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jjiuiiiii iiiiiii'i'i fiftf.if
Spring Jackets.
Oil? Illie ot &t'Ug ihokbln ftf Ufa novVosl Mid irioat coin
jilU, WJ offof llio olillw lino flt npmul prititf iof
Our Stock of
Laird, Schober & Mitch Shoes
Af flUll tinfjrokuti and wo can fit nny Jndy woiiring from AA
to tili '1'ho finest Shoo la tlio markot
THE PALAcOo? Com. St
Burr A Pclw-'J have (he best pumps
In the market for tin purpose.
214 Commercial Street.
- IF -
you re going to build or make any Undof
Improvement, coll oil the undtMlgnod, (or
material. Wfl Jiave a com plote Hf , and re
rdy to supply any prepmod contract, sower
work, grading, to.
Salem Improvement Co,
Portland, May 6. Friday,
oochsIo&I light ralu. Saturday, fulr ami
U. S. Wkatiikji Bkuvick.
PitniiATK Couut.Ih tho estuto of
Henry Bbrum, deceased, a petition for
the resale of tho property was grunteti,
In tho matter of tho Kuardlun
' tttp- of Mury T. and Albert L. Elson
Jrt,' minora, tho court uppolnlt'd Ml
otwei Sfcalfe, CJIiuh. Hicks ami Oliver
Grace appraisers A, O. Condi t,
guardian of tho estuto of LouIh Jl.
Simpson, James il. Simpson and Ar
tbur Olover, minors, llled his bond In
the sum of f 700 on huIo of reul estute
with 0. A. Gray as surety.
Why Not. Tho Democrat of last
night in Its report of the trial of Elmer
Worlck, for assault on Shaw, omits all
that portion rolutliiK to Worlok's con
fession to tho police, on wliloh ho wan
bound over, or their statements ns to
what Worlck confessed to having heurd
and seen of Shaw's doings at Miss For
rls'B room. Why not jrlvo your reudum
tho news? Or uro you Hlleuoed by Mr.
Bbaw? Why not tell the truth? Are
you blackmailed ?
Not Fair. TIiIb piper bus never at
tacked Its contemporaries unfairly. It
has never trumped up Imaginary crime
against thorn, and when u brother pub
lisher has been In real trouble In this
county it ban not houkIiI to add to his
hardship. It Is always willing to take
a anuare blow when it can lie fairly kIv
en and baa been fulrly provoked. lie
yund tbla we do not believe In quurrels
of any sort between newspapers. The
publlo wants fuels not controversies.
i m
GKTTirta Low. Thai remnant stock
of boota and shoes Is kcUIiik lower every
day, and tho flual cut In prices bus been
Bade, which glvfea the people cheaHr
goods than over oflered In Oregon In
Uhta Hue. This cannot Inst long, so bo
aura to get In now and lit yourself out
before tho opportunity Is gone forever,
E. Willis agout, opera house block. S t
Natural Wllholt water by tho glass,
bottle or case at the Spa.
Blohel A Mayor, a wholesale cigar
Arm at Portland, talk of opening uusl
uess iu Baleiu.
Who soils llsh ? Davison.
II. J, Sharp's dairy Is furnishing tho
beat Jersey tullk ut low rates.
Acrobats sluud on their heads; so do
earpot tacks; aud, as a general thing,
both are accompanied by muslo. Wo
aeldom stand people on their heads but
weofteu make their bends swim with
our oflerltig In dally speclul salo wlu
4w. Our quotation are (topular,
Tbe goods displayed uro tho best.
For ueat, attraotlvo parlor tables we
bad la thU Hue. Always sometitlng
We are opening up parlor good to
dky. Foe a pretty divan come and sea j
M Deaeit Ia4M Ihorn bata In Blaek and Wblte-a Hue quality. We
ball oflW for a short lime at iM cents each.
it'.itj"'ji' k .-''-?' :f.. - jl jga!
Miss Julia Metocban Is at Portland.
Mrs. Chas. Gray Is at Portland today.
Frank' Dearborn, the bookseller Is at
Portland on business.
Johu Gray tho contractor, Is at Port
Salmon Egs Davison's markot.
Dr. Harvy Lane of Portland, was In
tho city yesterduy.
W. It. Bllyeu of Albany, Is In the
Choice Appleu Blue Front.
Butem's $U4 fat boy should return Mr.
Bhaw's money.
Michael Egan In In town, tho guest
of his brother, County Clerk Egan.
Bridge Contractor Iloyal will build
a now brldo near Clackamas.
Dr. Powell Reeves went to Woodburn
this afternoon,
Clunis, Clams- Davison's market.
Mrs, W. C. Holding, bf Portland,
who has many friends at Salem, Is Iu a
very critical condition from her recent
Injury by u street car accident.
A number of Baleiu ladles aro pro
gressive and wear tho 1830 full skirl
It Is to bo hoped Mr. Bhaw has got
his money's worth of notoriety iu pay
lug the Democrat (24 to churgo the
Journal with blackmail.
Who will bo proseou ted next Is what
tho people of Salem want to know.
Cruds, crabs Davison's market.
F. Xtivicr Mathleu of Uuttevlllo, u
pioneer of 1812, was Iu tho city today.
Tbo nowHpaper llrst to cry blackmail
was the only one to tuko money by Its
own confession.
Davison's address Oi Court street.
Judge II. P. Boise left today for a
vUH to Albany ami Corvallls.
Will llabcoclc went to Albany this
Mrs. G. J. Ilnskett went to Eugene
this morning for a short visit.
Fat hens Davison's markot.
Col. T. C. Bmlth returned today
from Portland. )
J, B, Uenluger wont to Woodburn
this nfleriioon.
Standard Fashion Sheet for Juno at
the Palace call and get cue.
E. Cooke Pattou wont to Woodburn
this afternoon lo look after his business
preparatory to leaving for a tour ofitho
East Monday next.
Dr. Bhaw admits that ho oiiered tho
Journal money to hush nphlsscun
dul. Tho Fat Boy admits getting t'2A
for that purpose. They are a pretty
pair to charge anybody with blackmail.
Kev. j. T, iiennett.or XSeoroska, ar
rived Iu the city today, ami is visiting
with the family nfCupU D. C, How
ard. He is a brother of Kev. Jesso
Bennett of Mehuma, and will also visit
there. Mrs. Bennett accompanies
hi m.
If receiving money to shield V man
charged with au otieiico against publlo
morals constitutes blackmail there Is h
paper at Bulem that baa been guilty of
that crime. But It Is not tho Journal.
Canned beans 6 cents; peas 0 cents;
pears 10 cents Blue Front.
Cooko Pattou expects to leave on
Monday for a tour of tho clllesof the
East, ex)cctlng to be absent a couple
of months. Ills grandmother, Mrs. E,
N, Cooke, and his idstcr, Mrs. McCully,
may accompany him.
Aiueimaii m, v, uuui was touay
a t 1 k
called to Oakland. Oiv., to tho bedeldo
of bis sister, Mrs. J, It, Hunt, who Is
not cxpeotiHl to live.
JHMfUKU OA1'1Aj MVMXAIj, mttiktt atAY
mt mt mn mm,
AIvIm llimrtnH DfsNiWd Atcf
A flcrttclilHg Trial.
'Did ioitrnnl IVciiinJi itm Hoik'
tug to i;o Willi rio Bbootfh
lliit Jfo liii(lcrrt(ool Wlint Biiim
Was tf To,
Tho examination of Alvfti Uowmnii,
clinfgcd with lmvln committed an
satilt Upon W A. Bhaw, being armed
with n dangerous weapon, was con
llnuiul before Ileeof der Eden, at 4 o'clock
Thursday afternoon, Tho court room
was packed, ns on preceding days,
Ho lestlfled Ut having known Bow
man over since ho arrived In Balcni
about four years ago. He said ho had
no aflldavlt of Bowman concerning the
shooting nllnlr. The court ruled that
any affidavits of Bowman, Hofer might
havo concerning or in relation to the
Bhaw aftalr beforo tho shooting would
not bo admitted an evidence. Hofer
admitted having aflldavils but tho con
(eutlon of the defense was that they
wero foreign to tho case. Hofer had
no objection to producing tho affidavits
but ho said they did not concern Bow
man's connection with the crime
charged. They related to Bhuw. Un
less Hofer voluntarily choso to reveal
tho contents of tho nflldavlts the
court would not demand them. Tho
aflldavlts wero not produced. Hofer
had had several conversations with
Bowman about tho shooting. They
talked about It Buturday morning.
Hofer proceeded to find out from all
sources all that he could about the af
fair. Bowman did not tell him that lie
knew tho shooting was going to take
place or that Worlck had prepared for
It. Bowman said ho wasn't thero that
night. He know Bowman and Worlck
woro chums. Bowman never men
tioned Worlck to him. 'Half tho time
tho Jouknal olllco upstairs aud down
Is unlocked. There Is no particular
system of locking. Worlck was not
working fjr Hofer; Worlck was not at
tho office Friday to his knowledge. He
didn't know Worick went through the
offlcn Friday night, but didn't learu it
from Bowman. He said Bowman was
a very quiet gontlemau.
Bingham asked Hofer If bo had any
Information from Bowmau before the
sheOtlm: that It was to tuko place. He
had not,
Anything regarding Hofer's visit to
Miss Ferris Saturday morning after the
shooting, was ruled out. Hofer made
no objection to testify on this matter,
but Bowman's attorneys said It had
nothing to do with the case.
Ho had worked for Tjie Jouhnai,
about live years. He said ho was ut
Mrs. Ball's, No. 101 High street, Frl
day night, all eveulng aud until 0 a,
in. Saturday morning. Ho did not
see Worlck until next morning. He
knew nothing about tho loading of the
tilstohdld not seo tho pistol; did not
know that uny cartridges had been
Mis. Bull took tho stand. Bald she
resides ut No. 101 High street. Bow
man rooms at tho house. He was at
his room Friday evening after 0:30 un
til 12. He never went out. alio was
reudlug and was positive. He bad no
visitors that night. She did not know
wliero ho was prior lo about 0:30
Bowmau was recalled. Ho had
nothing to do with tho shootlug, he
said. Ho hud been at Worlok's room
soveral times. Ho was thero lust
Tuesday evening for the last time be
foro tho shooting. The night of the
shooting the key to tho composing
room was In ills pocket. Tho back
door key was In tho door. Never
loaned bis key. There was a ladder at
the rear of tho olllco by which any one
could get In through a window at any
time. He bud seen Worlck every day
for several mouths. They boarded at
tho same place. Baw him lust ln'foro
the Bhootlug after supper ou Friday
evening. They walked dowu street
together as fur us (he armory, when
Bowman went to his room. He knew
Bhaw had been up to the girl's room.
Worlck spoke about It said some
thing about scaring him. It was after
Tuesday that Worlck llrst talked about
scaring Bhaw. They talked about
him on tho street, walking from meals.
Beverul ways of souring him wero sug
gested; didn't know who first men
tloued It, ho or Worlck. They talked
about tying a siring so Bhaw would
trip over It when bo left the room;
then they would hollow aud laugh at
him, and let blm know somebody was
onto him.
A great many petty details of
no Interest to our reader wero
drawn out by the attorneys at great
Blugham asked bow It came to bo
sutfgvsttHl to stretch thestriug. Bow
man said It was something that be bad
seen Tuesday evening, accidentally, be
gurased It was. Didn't remember who
llrst suggested scaring Bhaw by shoot
lug; had nothing to do with the shoot
lug or loading the pistol, didn't know
any shooting was going to be don.
Ford asked what Bowman saw Tue
day1 night iistmto 6(jJ(etl. The
Cotifl ppfm-lifxi the qtlelloii Id P"
What-Bowmau tart m while ne was
Iff Worlok's footiij samelhhig he s.w
while In WMfck'ff zoom on Ttie1ay
evening abolil 0 o'clock, He and Won
Ick both mW il, Bhnw wn not In Hie
fcohi trllli iehi, They wero alone.
That something wbloli they eatf wns
In Worlok's room,
Hero the defense rested and the court
staled Hint lie believed no arguments
would be required by the attorneys)
but Mr Ford Announced that the pros'
eoutlon hnd something to offer In re
btitlfll and proceeded to announce that
If tho court would view tho premises
(Worrlek'n room) tho witness In re
buttal would then lie produced,
The court disliked logo through the
streets with a procession to view the
scene, but would go down and hok
through the stovepipe hole before 7 this
(Thursday) oveulug in company with
the attorneys If they liked at which
time tho examination would be con
cluded, it possible. Court adjourned
until 7 o'clock,
Tho court reported having viewed
the premises and considered no argu
ment by tho attorneys would bo neces
sary, Ho said considerable testimony
had been oflered of a nature foreign to
the chargo upon which Bowmau was
having a bearing; that there was some
testimony going to show that Bowman
was an accomplice, but he did not feel
Justified in binding him over to await
the action of the grand Jury, aud there
fore discharged the defendant
Sons of Veterans Elect New State
Officers, are Banqueted, Speeches,
When Colonel Charles Emmett
Druke, of Portland, division commuud
er culled the stato onoampment to or
der at Oregon City, Muy 2d, every
camp was represented.
W. E. Johnson of the local camp
Introduced Mayor Sullivan, of the
beautiful city of five thousand nt the
fulls of tbo Willamette, and he extend
ed a cordial welcome to the visiting
delegates and members of tho division.
At each side of Colonel Drake, who
presided wilb great ability and fair
ness, sut bts division adjutaut, J. W.
Wilson, his quartermaster, Leonard
Becker and other members of his stall
iu full dress, the fatigue uniform of the
regular ofllcers of the Hue, with
glittering side arms and splendid mili
tary bearing. The Portland camps
were strongly represented from both
sides of the river. Among the most
prominent members of the order were
J. V. Scott Bebee, Judge advocate gen
oral ou the stall of the national com
munder, aud Past Commander Melviu,
of Phil Sheridan camp, both of whom
showed abilities for leadership thut re
sulted materially In brlueing about
greater harmony aud tho good of tbo
soon came to the surface and a sharp
but good-natured struggle for supre
macy soon cleared the Held of all but
two Captain H. L. Wells of Portland,
andou the stall of the.Oregonlan, aud
Cupt. C. A. Hermann of Oregon City.
They fought to a llnlsh,both command
ing the respect of their friends and the
admiration of tho encampment, al
though neither Anally succeeding to
the greut honor, which went unsolicit
ed to E. Hofer, commander of Sumpter
oamp at Salem.
Tho strife to be the lieutenant colonel
and tho nmjor of tbo division was uot
so warm, the former golug to Major D.
M. Dwlor, of Bilvertou camp, the lutter
to L. W. Briges, of Heppuer camp.
Tho dlvlslou council was composed of
Cupt. Adams, of Bilvertou, Cupt. Strum,
of Lebanon, Leonard Becker, of Port
laud. Delegates to national eucamp
ineut at Cincinnati. August next, T.
M. Johusou, La Grande; J. L. Ayer,
Portland, E. Hofer colonel of tho di
vision. Alternates: Adams, of Bil
vertou, Hermann, of Oregon City.
was upon Invitation of the G. A. It.
council of administration, decided to be
held at Roseburg, or wherever tho
Grand Army meets, and at same date.
There Is to be a grand rcuulou ou that
occasion of all the loyal and patriotic
orders In tho state, Including Woman's
Belief Corps, ladles auxllllary to tbo Q.
A. It., and Ladles Aid society, auxll
llary to the Sous of Veterans. Time
aud place will be aunouueed In due sea
Bhlrley'a ojeru house was tbe pcono
The only Pare Ctaa of Tartar IWer.-No AbhhobLj No Alum.
Uwd iu Millions of Howi 40 Ydars tlie Standard
offt grand banquet. TheLfldiw' Alt
Boclety, the new mllllnfy order, erved
lunch ftMU fi lo 8 o'clock when the
speeolf.mnklbg begun, There was
tonb) responded fo In honor of the
Grand Army, the Indies' societies and
the society of the ladled, the mst, pres
ent and future of tho Bonn of Veterans,
which to Judge from the remifksof all
tho speakers is an Important orgnulzn'
Comrades Wemple, Davis, Drake,
Johnson, Melvln, Hermann, and the
Colonel Elect mndo spenches. A tele
gram was received by tho Inst named
which was rend and the encampment
gnvo three cheers loped ofrwlth a
rousing tiger,
BAiitM, May 3, 1802.
Colonel E. Hofer! Accept congratul
ations as Commander of the Bons of
Veterans, department of Oregon.
11, B. CoMrsoN,
Brigadier General Oregon National
The encampment ordered the divis
ion ofllcers to procure sliver badges for
past commander, and the retiring ad
jutant was voted a gold badge. They
will bo beautiful and desirable souvenirs
of tho order in this stato aud highly
prized by the fortunate recipients.
The Oregon City camp, named in
honor of Col. E. D. Baker, entertained
tbo state encampment In good style.
They furnished the beautiful grand
array ball for meetings, secured re
duced rutes at tho hotels, aud arranged
tho grand reception with music at the
opera house. The encampment was
tho largest and most successful yet
hold in the state and ll left its sessions
with renewed zeal for tho good of the
New Books. "Vest Pocket Diction
ary" 2S cent ed. "Doctor Latimer" a
story of Casco bay, By Clara Louise
Burthuoi 1.00 ed. (new). Life of John
Puton missionary to tbo New Hebredes
Illustrated (new 2.00 ed). Mark Twain 'a
"1,000,000 Batik Note" and other stor
ies (uew). Mrs. Custer's "Tenting on
the Plains" (uew 2 00 ed). "Bartletts
Familiar Quotations" (uew $3.00 ed.)
Ike Munvels "Iteverle of a Bachelor
and "Dreams of Life" (uew 30 cent ed)
"Little Mlas Mullet" by Rosa Curey.
Childhens' Day. Beginning to
night Mrs.Fiester starts a special sale of
cbildreii'ti huts to lust only over Butur
day. It will be tbe rare opportunity to
get spring hats for tho little ones. The
beauty of tho goods Is only exceeded
by tbe low prices. Cash buys cheap.
Opposite opera house.
Who Will Go? It is very evident
thut either Andy Hofer or W. A. Buuw
iu a candidate for tbe penitentiary, aud
the Democrat feels positive that it is
not Mr. Bhuw. Democrat. Tbe Demo
crat Is very positive 24 dollars worth
ut least, for that is what it says Shaw
paid it.
appreciated. The 11 p. m. carson
thejCapital City Electrio railway were
In great demaud lust night, the occu
slon of tbe Columbian dress party ut
Mrs. A. N. Gilbert's.
Bad Road Case. Au appeal In the
celebrated roud case, of G. W. Vedder
vs. Murlou couuty, which bus been ap
pealeu to the circuit courL twice and
tbe supreme court once, Ib being taken
The Difference. The Democrat
took Shaw's money to keep still about
him. The Journal did not.
AN A li ui. The head of the bouse
was at J. A. Van E.itou's laying iu a
supply of groceries for tbo family. He
fouud great bargains at this house.
Youthful Pair. The county clerk
has issued a marriage license to Miss
Ida H. Gouldlng and Win, B. McCor
mlck, by written consent of both par
euts. They are aged 10 and 18 respec
Choice poultry, Davlsou's market.
New colored luces at Mrs. Flester's.
Natural Wllholt wuter at the Spa.
Still another piano to be given away
at Krausse Bros, Shoe store.
Found today -fresh clams and crabs
at Davison's market, 01 court street.
Natural Wllholt water by the gloss at
me spa.
ton Balk or Tradk.-a first class
horse aud carriage. Will sell cheap or
irauu ior woou. uui at this oflli-e.
Why not try soma nf tim ti,,o,..
deosed mluce meat at Clark & Eppley's,
A Line That
Chinese Registration. Captain
Phillips, tho deputy collector who bos
been Iu the city for a few days register
ing tbe Chinese, returned to Portland
this afternoon. Ho says there are about
15,000 Celestials In Oregon aud Wash
ington and the estimate Is made that
not over 10 per cent of them will regis
ter. They are very superstitious, and
are afraid to register, as they are led to-
believe it Is In violation of the law of
loyalty to the Empire, which ofleuse
costs a head either of the violator or his
next male kin. There are 1200 Chinese
in Salem.
Davison's market Is well supplied
with extra choice poultry aud plenty of
It. Leave your order.
Tearino Up. The Salem Motor
company is today tearing up its old
truck ou Commercial street between
State and Ferry. Tbo track on Center
street lms been taken up, and all the
old materials will be taken to Morning
side, where the new car house Is to be
Chinook salmon, halibut, cod fish,
sea bass, Eastern oysters, at Davison's
market, 04 Court street.
Shaw hired the Democrat for $2-1 to
attaek the Journal, iu order to divert
attention from his own aftalrs. The
Democrat Is now dragging In other
mutters to screen Itsowu guilty conduct
In taking Shaw's money only to get
him in the soup.
Hello John, going fishing? No, I
can catch em quicker at Davison's
New French flowers at Mrs. Flester's.
Chipped beef, such as was never be
fore seeu in Salem, fresh at Clark &
Laying bens for sale at Davison's
market, 04 Court street.
Incorporated. The Pacific banker
and Investor publishing company, with
capital at $5,000, Portland, Hied articles
CHOICE RAISINS are selling at 10
pounds for $1.00 at the BLUE FRONT.
It takes something besides a lying at
tack In a newspaper that was paid $24
for Its dirty work, aud the unsupported
assertions of tbe man who pungled up
tbe money to convict a newspaper of
New placques at Mrs. Fiester's.
Concealed Weapons. One Lud
wig Murdock, a resident of Salem who
Is a butcher by trade, was sentenced to
floe of $10 and costs for carrying con
cealed weapons. He had a pistol aud
went to jail.
One Drumc.-Iu recorder's court
Judge Edes senteuced one drunk this
morning to five days hard work on the
Hambletonian Mare.
For SALE.-One of the best horses iu
the city for delivery, sound, kind, gen
tle and tough us hickory, fine roadster,
will work single or double, weight 1050
pouuds, will also sell my de'lvery wa
gon, with curved top, wltb both pole
and shaves, also some hay and oats
which I have on hand, call early at
F WlIho3 Bii"'.gAWe DM' Y"
ur THE
DRESS GMns sm f
SvifflK-'gto secure a dress at the re
ItlvVu. ,J Te ""d bu' this week to seVX ViU? our rw8 e anothre
JUvely close Saturday u!Kbt. May 6th. Iow 1'r,ceB " le will pos-
JJanraln. lnrUl.t .' " " BALEM, OREGON,
B"Pta. la Clothing, Carpeu, Oil Cloth,, Trunk. and Vita.
Has no End
'Hint is tlio way it itf nt tho
They havo na endless line of
Moil's and Boy'a all Wool
At tho lowest Prices.
Samples sent on application,
Isn't necessary to convince people who
know us that no where else can you gel
Fine Stationery
equal In quality to thut wenre selling. We
have all of Geo. B. Kurd's Stationery. W e
can give you a bargain in this line uwe
buy In S cose lots. Notice our display of
this paper In the latest lines.
Patton Bros.,
Booksellers and Stationers
URNI8HED It'JOM.-A few desirable
Rooms, with or wl bom board, near busi
ness centre. Call at S3i Wuter stre-t. 5-5-0i
HAH (iUir HUilNE-W HERK.-Dr Wing
Lee, who was formerly located on Ferry
street In this city, has hold his MocHof drug
and all of bis furniture to Foou Kura and will
shurtly leave 8alem. M-lw
FOR SALE. A very nlcelr located lot, with
house, on Will street somn of Wlllumetlo
unlveilty. Forterzj.saijd parllculurs, plrass
Inquire at this otHce. -MUMm
31HIB PAPER Is keptou rile at K. O. IUtce'8
. Advertising Agency, 61 and 65 Merchants
zchange, 8an Krauclsi o, California, where
conirac- ior aavertuing can he made for It.
TTENTION. Cash money paid for rags,
I bottles. Old Iron nnrt nil blniia nt m.lnl.
a so hides, at old Court Houre, Hulem. '
'-"J I. JUiifUljAH.
kinds on sale'at82fl Liberty street.
of all
On improved Real Estate. In amounts and
time to suit. .No delay In considering loans.
Room 12, Bush Bank block. 5 lZdw
II p. in. Cars leave Hotel and
Postoffice daily ior Asylum,
Penitentiary aud Cemetery on
Capital City Railway.
Car leaves 5 a. in , connect
ing with Overland train, and
cars leave Hotel every 20
minutes from C:20 a. m. to 11
p. m. for all poii, ts on the lines
excepting CemcteryCar, 'I aken
off to meet Passenger Trains.
Meat Market.
Fresh and Bait' meats of the best qua'lty.
Poultry and stock. Free delivery.
rtt tam