Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 15, 1893, SUPPLEMENT, Image 1

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BookCoupon CAPITA! J
VOL. 6.
NO. 89. A
That the
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for CASH, we
Books can be
Cut out this coupou, and when you
have five of different numbers send the five
coupons with 6 cents (a nickel or stamps) to
cover cost of postage, clerical work, etc., to
The Journal. Salem,
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Have your business accounts kept it PERFECT books, such are
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Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
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Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Meston-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to the State of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
500,000 TREES I
FALL 1892, SPRING, 1893.
Wo would call the attention of dealers, and largo and small planters, to
our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees and Small Fruits, Ornamental,
Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class In
every resrect. Send for catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
jJ3Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
. Proprietor of the
All bouse-flnisbing material made to order at the lowest Portland
prices. See us before you buy.
Dtigan Bros. m
Mechanic's and
Best Place to Save
we sell you better goods
money than any
can do.
That in buying of the best houses, for CASH, and selling
can and do sell lor a smalUr ma
J.W.THOMAS, - - 297 Commercial St., Salem.
(Successor to B. Forstuer & Co.)
seen at this office.
No. 5
ur., aua any dook
pace will be sent you Free, postpaid.
orders for any hook, the supply al
il.t l ...111 l.n l. 4-...M f.. m rt nl.vn
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Write your own name and address
liooK. iNuniDer oi book.
different numbers and 5 cents (a nickel
to taKe advantage oi tnis oner,
Spraying Outfits,
State Street.
Great Preparations for a Two Days'
Convention at Salem.
Tuesday and Wednesday of the com
ing week should be made great events
by Salem city and suburban people and
all who can get in from the surround
ing towns. It will be the occasion of
the quarterly meeting of the Marion
County Fruit Growers, and interesting
programs are prepared.
Papers and addresses are promised
from some more or less distinguished
persons. Here they are In part: Presi
dent John M. Bloss, of the State Agri
cultural college; R. D. Allen, of Silver-
ton, the horticultural commissioner for
this district; J. E. Shepherd, of Polk
county. An address will also be given
by H. W. Cottle, the president of the
society, and it is probable that Judge
Walton, of Salem, and A. H. Carson,
of Grants Pass, will discourse after their
own sweet will. A paper or talk on
what he does not know about small
fruit by the Journal writer. Attend
these meetings the 18th and 10th.
Look for the program.
The Salem Florlcultural club has ac
cepted the invitation to furnish a pro
gram for one meeting and every effort
is being made to include initsomeof
the best talent in Salem. The club is
very active and will do their part. The
program will probably be arranged to
not conflict with any other meetings
that lovers of flowers and fruits may
wish to attend.
The day sessions are to bo held at
Society Hall, State Insuranco block,
evening sessions at Y. M. C. A. rooms,
Following program of the spring
meeting of the Marion county Horti
cultural Bociety is announced, the la
dies evening floral program yet to be
TDESDAY. APHIL 18, 10 a. m.
I. Opening address by H. W. Cot
tle, of Salem.
II. Discussion.
III. Talk by Judge J. Walton.
I. Address by Prof. John M. Bloss,
State Agricultural College.
IT. Discussion.
III. MIbs Murgaret E. Snell, pro
fessor of culinary, science and hygiene,
suggestions on Fruits in the Domestic
I. How to Get Best Results out of tho
Present Growing Crop., R. D. Allen of
II. Discussion.
III. Shipping Fruits, J. M. Wallace,
I. Small Fruits, E. Hnfer, Salem.
II. Pruning, A. H. Carson, GrantB
III. Organization, J. E. Shepard,
Zen a.
IV. Routine business.
The ladies executive committee are
working bard to make the meeting a
success, and there should be a large at
tendance at all these meetings to em
phasize the Importance or fruit culture
at Salem ana surrounding country.
The reputation of the Capital City for
enthusiasm, enterprise ana nospiiamy
is at stake when we invite guests from
abroad. Let it be maintained.
Red Men. The degree team of Kam
lakln tribe are requested to meet at
their hall tomorrow(Sunday) afternoon
at 3 o'clock for drill.
Hood's Cores.
In saying that Hood's Barsaparllla
cures, its proprietors make no idle or
extravagant piaim. Statements from
thousands or reliable people or wnai
Hood's Sarsaparlll has done for them
conclusively prove the fact HOOD a
Sarsaparilla CURES.
Hood's Fills act especially upon the
liver, rousing it from ordldlty tolls
natural duties, curt constipation and
The Strikers RepuTsed After a
Fierce Fight.
Shippers Hejoct all Overtures for
Brussels, April 15. A bloody riot
occurred at Jolimont last nlht, the
strikers attaoked the police with stioks
and stones, until they were finally com
pelled to draw swords and lay about
them before the mob dispersed. One
woman was killed and three strikers
severely wounded. Further trouble is
feared. In Ghent today the strikers
wore incensed by a number of weavers
who quit work and attacked them,
severely injuring many. When the
police interfered the mob turned on
them.' They wounded some with
stones and put them to rout, leaving
the rioters in possession of that part of
town, until finally a detachment of
cavalry appeared on the scene and
charged the rioters, scattering them,
trampling on some aud wounding
others with sabres.
London, Aprllv 15. A meeting of
representatives of the various uuion
men in the shipping trade of London
decided to go on a sympathetic strike
Monday all over Great Britain in nid
of the Hull strikers. It is doubtful if
the unions will endorse this action.
The Hull strikers, seeing their strike a
failure, have made overtures to the
shipping masters today, but their over
tures were rejected.
Beautiful Snow,
New York, Apirl 15. Advices from
various points in the western and
northern part of the state to effect that
snow began fulling last night and still
continues with no apparrent prosptct
of ceasing. It is already four to six
inches deep. Temperature is down to
Cleveland, Ohio, April 15. A
blinding snowstorm prevailed in north
western Ohio since last evening. Snow
is six inches deep and still falling.
Spanish Sons
New York, April 15. The steamer
New York arrived this morning, with
the duke of Veragua, a Lineal de
stsendant of Columbus, on board, ac
companied by his wife, son and a num
ber of other Spannah grandees, direct
descendants of the famous discoverer.
No More Notes.
New Yokk, April 15. Instructions
received at sub-treasury from Secretary
Carlisle are that no more gold certifi
cates bo Issued by tho treasury. This
the law forbids, when net gold in the
treasury is reduced to one hundred
Mongol Murdered.
Oregon City, April 15. Word was
brought from Muilno this morning
stating that a chinaman had been mur
dered there yesterday, it b thought by
other Chinese. The coroner and sheriff
have gone to the scene of tho crime to
bold an inquest. No more particulars
are known.
The Big Show.
Chicago, April 15. Tho report of
the world's fair auditor, to tho end of
March.shows that tbo work has already
cost over sixteen millions, and the cost
up to date ot opening, will be about
twenty millions.
At the Golden Port.
Washington, April 15. President
has sent to the senate the nomination
of John H. Wise of California, for col
lector of customs at Ban Francisco.
Ool. Dudley Dead.
Camden, N.J. April 15. Hon. Thos.
H. Dudley, ex-consul to Liverpool,
dropped dead at Broad Street Station,
Philadelphia, today.
Lost tbo Left Flipper.
Chicago, April 15, If anybody be.
tween Chicago and Seattle should hap
pen to stumble over the left flipper of a
humpbacked whale they will confer a
great favor upon Dr. Calhoun, Percy
V. Rochester and several other world's
fair conimlftlonera from the state of
Washington by reporting the discovery
at once. Telegrams were flashing back
and forth yesterday between Jaokson
Park and Seattle bocausa of the failure
of that left flipper to show up when it
was wanted, and when tha oily was
shrouded in darkness the hunt was
still oa.
The Quostlou Propounded in the TJ.
S. Senate. '
WA8HINOTON, D. C, April 15. In
the senate Piatt spoko at length on the
proposed Investigation of record of Sen
ator Roach, of North Dakota, arguing
tho right of tho senate to make an in
vestigation. It was the plain duty of
the senate to do so. On agreement, a
yea and nay will be taken on tho Roaoh
matter before adjournment. A resolu
tion passed for tho appointment of a
committee to wait on the president to
Inform blm that the senate is ready to
adjourn. Harris and Sherman were
The committee to wait on the presi
dent reported that the president Bald be
had no further communication to make
to the seuate.
After further speeches in the Roach
matter, Lodge offered a resolution di
recting the secretary of state to inform
the senate by whose authority the
American flag was hauled down from
the government building at Honolulu.
On demand of tho Gorman resolution
it wus laid over under the. rules. But
ler moved to amend by adding the
words "Also by whose authority the
same was hoisted on said buildings'"
Internal Ravnues.
President sent senate nomination Jo
seph 8. Miller, West Virginia, commis
sioner Internal revenue.
Runaway Street Oars.
Chicago, April 15. A runaway ca
ble train with passengers aboard
whirled unchecked ten squares through
the most crowded portion of the city
last evening. Its wild career ended by
a plunge down the grade into the Las
alio street tunnel, where the train wus
derailed and the wreaked cars were
strung aoross tho track near the bottom
of a sharp incline, thesoutbbouud train
being involved in rhe general wreck.
There was a train Just ahead of the run
away and a collision with the horse car
crossing Randolph street. Tho rear
car of the train was derailed and the
runaway, coming up immediately after
crashed into this car, turning It right
angles to the traok and directly in the
path of the train coming outof the tun-
uel on the next track. Tho result was
an awful smash and all three trains
went to the bottom of the tunnel to
gether. Their Journey ended finally
when the grip of the runaway train
broke oft. The driver of the horse car,
Frank Mack, and throe passengers on
the cable cars, Max and Aunio Roas
and an unkuowq womau, wero very
seriously Injured aud over a dozen oth
er people suflered painful bruises.
May Ue Postponed. The program
of the ladies of the floncultural society,
to be given at the Horticultural meet
ing next Tuesday evening, may be
postpoued until Wednesday evening,
owing to tbo lecture by Miss Jenness
at the ojxira house Tuesday evening,
Who Pickett Is. It is further
learned that the Portland man said to
have inherited 120,000 from Grandfath
er Parrish at Salem, is not his grandson
uud only got (200, so the Telegram is
only $10,800 from being correct.
PnouATE. In matter of Mrs. Ed
mundson's estate, by stipulation of
counsel, tho contest before Judge Hub
bard is over.
Miss May Wilkinb. Fashionable
dressmaker, parlors in room 2, new
Hughes block. Cutting aud fitting a
specialty. Agent for the New York
tailor system.
All Admit It. What? Why, that
tho French Ice cream soda mado only
by Jones & Beruardl is the very best
In the world.
Out of Boai. Soap has advanced 20
cents per box In the market but you can
get the full weight best and royal savon
at the old price of Clark it Eppley,they
having bought in a large quantity b
fore the raise. In buying soap be sure
you get full weight bars.
Savk Youk FitiriT, Wm. Wright
has a good spraying outfit, and Is pre
pared to spray family orchards on stunt
notice- Prices reasonable. The fruit
saved on one tree will more than pay the
expense of caring for fifty trees. Leave
word with Gray Bros. tf
BeBuke and hear Grant at the Y.
M. C. A. Monday night on Evnlutl&D.
General admission 25 cunts. Members
Business fok Sale. I desire to
dispose of my stock of millinery in this
place and will sell ut a discount, the
stock including show coses and fixt
ures. Good jMlnt to sell goods. Ad
dress. Mrs, E. Ilacey, Jefferson, Or.
Foit Rent. One good dwelling at
No. 17 Court street, opposite Cottage.
Call at Oiburn's Racket store.
Bo easy In its action, harmless and
effectual in relieving Is Simmons Liver
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
PoYaI Baking
V&M Powder
At Hawaii Was Part of a Prev
Opening of Hostilities in tho Gor
man Reichstag Other
Vasuinqton", April 15. Tho start
ling news from Honlulu via San Fran
cisco of the hauling down of tho United
States flag, it Is said, was the subject of
an alinated discussion at tho cabinet
meeting last evening. Before golnp
Into the cabinet - room, Secretary
Gresbam said to a reporter he had re
ceived no information whatever except
that printed lu tho papers. When ques
tioned further as to the truth of the
statements contalued In tho special dls
patches to Western newspapers that
Blnuut was conniving at tbo restoration
of Queen Lluluukalnl, and would sup
port her return to tho throne, If need
be, by the forces of the United State
ship Boston, he said he kuew nothing
about it. He declined to express any
opinion upon the subject. In regard to
hauling down the United State
flag, attention is called to these pas
sages In the instructions issued under
the previous administration by Secre
tary Foster to Minister Stevens, under
date of February 11, 1803:
The phrasoiogy of your proclamation
in announcing your notion in the as
sumption of the Hawaiian Islands In
the name of the United States would ap
pear to be tantamount to the assump
tion of a protectorate over these islands
in behair of the United States with all
the rights and obligations which the
term Implies. To this extent it goes be
yond tho necessities of tho situation
and the instruction heretofore given
you. So far as your action amounts to
in according at the request of the de
facto sovereign government of the Ha
wailan islands, the co-operation of the
moral and material forces of tho United
States for tho protection of life and
property from apprehended disorders,
your action Is commended; but so far as
it may appear to overstep that limit by
sotting the authority and power of the
United States above that of the govern
ment of the Hawaiian islands in the
capacity of protection, or to Impair In
any way the Independent sovereignty
of the Hawaiian government by sub
stituting the flag and power of the Uni
ted States as a symbol and manifesta
tion of paramount authority, it is disa
Washington, April 16. Up to the
hour of closing at tho department of
state no information had been received
there regarding tho action of Commis
sioner Blount in Honolulu. Carter,
tho annexation commissioner from Ha
waii, had an interview with Secretary
Greshaui, in which ho said the reported
action was quite satisfactory. He re
iterated tho statement that the removal
of tho flag was duo to the condition of
affairs In Honolulu, which no longer
warranted Its floating oyer the govern
ment buildings.
"The provisional government can
and ought to sustain Itself," he said.
"I am uot at all discouraged over the
situation and hello vo wo shall come nut
all right In the end-"
The news from Hawaii attracted a
great deal of altentlou among the sen
ators, though there was much reticence
manifested when an effort was mude to
draw them out. Democrats refrained
from giving utterance to whatapitcurcd
to be the reul sentiments and Republi
cans, especially cautious, said more for
private ears than they were willing to
see produced in cold typo. Morlll
does not condemn the proceedings un
qualifiedly, but it is easy to see he dis
approves the act which resulted In the
lowering of the Awerloau colors.
Senator Culloui deprecated the act
p OoMtuUsioBer Blount and said: "J,
am not surprised tho present Demo
cratic administration should order the
stars aud stripes to be hauled down.
They have taken the flag down when
ever they had the opportunity and
there were times when they hail it
down In several states for quite a
Senator Dulph, of Oregon, who is
pronounced in his views In favor of an
nexation, said: "I am strongly In favor
f (ukiug euro of those Islands now, as
have ever been, and would be vety
sorry to see unytulug done that would
frustrate their annexation to the United
States. I have been afruld tho with
drawal of tho Hawaiian treaty and
other acts by this administration have
beou detrimental to the end and I can
not in the light of the press dispatches,
nay what cHeot Blount's action will
liavo. Blount's action may be simply
(he result of n deslro on Cleveland's
part to put negotiations on a basis from
wiilch ho can deal with tho native au
thorities anew."
New Yoiiic.Aprll 14. A Boston spe
cial says: Hawaiian Minister Mott
Smith, who is in Boston, says the pro
visional government of Hawaii will
now appeal to England or Germany for
support, and that each of these nations
stands ready to respond to any over
tures. Will Not Deliver.
Bkuno3 Ayiiks, April 15. The Ar
gentine Times states that theArgeBtlM
overnmeut has refused the request ef
Great Britain for the extradiUoa of
Jabez Spencer Balfour. It is stated
that hn Wnlllfl lliivn luan itnllmul' ..
to the British authorities had Palw.
ham been willing to guarantee that
Great Britain would deliver up alleged
criminals charged with similar offenses
on tho requestor the Argentine authori
ties. In the Beichstag.
Berlin, April 16. There was a
3 crowded attendance at tho opening of
reiohstag, owing to tho interest excited
by the statement of Herr Ahlwardt
that ho would present tho documents
he promised Implicating high German
officials In corruption. Upon the open
ing of tho proceedings Ahlwardt pre
sented a written statement, which the
president scanued and returned to Ahl
wardt, announcing, amid general
luughter, that tbo house would proceed
to ordinary business. It la understood
Ahlwardt withdrew the documents of
which he had spoken, although the
generul hubbub aud laughter rendered
It difficult to ascertain whether Ahl
wardt had really dono so or not.
Earthquake Damage.
Vienna, April 15. Earthouako
shocks continue to bo felt in Hervla.
Tho people living In the valley of the
Moravia river aro panic stricken, and
hundreds uro encamped in tho open.
Tho reports from every direction Jndl
cato that the shocks caused an appall
ing amount of damage.
Anarchist's Sentence.
Pakis, April 15. In the anarchist
trial which concluded, Brlcou was
found guilty as charged in the indict
ment, and was sentenced to 20 years'
penal servitude. Francois and Marl
de Lang were acquitted,
Fire in Hungary.
Vienna. Anrll 16. A fire at Vnnw.
prim, Hungary, destroyed 140 house.
Loss, 600,000 llorlns. Ono thousand
people ure Homeless.
Dr. Contrla fills teeth without p$n.
Compressed yeast Clark &
Delsarte corsets and waists. MeCabe
corsets utid waist, Hygelu combination
shoulder brace, corsets aud waists.
Electric corsets and waists, nroowlv
aiijiislcil free of charge. Orange Nlos
wiiiih, Eglantine Mus-sge,Cream Bloom
of Hoses, Lungtry Lotion, at Mri.
Frank Con urn, 2S0 Commercial street,
iin lnlnwV next Van Eutnns More.
Salem, 4 16 d3t
- m
The partnership heretofore exlstlutr
between J. C. Robertson and F. B. Bar-
zee at Turner has been dlsolved by Mu
tual consent, j. u. uoueruoa will re
ceipt for allmoulM paid onaacouatdue
said firm aud pay all ontstaMUag
debU. 4-lMw
ft i