Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, March 21, 1893, Image 1

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The Joiirnal
Qel the Oct! fit Your Mmj,"
Is rend by all classes of people.
. J x I 1 .1 JjL J
THlfl MltaTIS
Thn any other Dully Paper At lb
Cnpltal City.
OlroulAllori opon to tliopubtlt. )
VOL. 6.
NO. G7.
He Buys for Cash. -:- cr He
Men's Suits $5. Never sold for loss that 7.50. Men's Suits Double breasted square
cut $9, worth 13.50. Youth's Good Suits $4.50, worth 6 everywhere. Youth's Fine Suit"
$5, always sold for $7.50. Boys' Josies $1.50, cheap at $2.50. Boys' Kast Iron Suits (with
two pair pants) Never Kip, Only $5, absolutely worth $7.50.
Tbe above goods are all clean stock, just arrived, aud are absolutely the best bargain ever given in Oregon Cash
buys goods lower tban any time store can sell at and live. We want CASH Trade Only, and make inducements tbat
annot be met elsewhere.
I W. TflOMflS, ftt tb? Old Forstner Store.
Keeping Pace With the Times.
Have your business accounts kepi it PERFECT books, such are
The Frey Patent Flat Opening Books.
Books that are worthy of the patronage and praise of the Government Of
ficials of the State of Oregon, aud the greater portiou of the mercbantile men
of the State, are surely Herservinfr of a trial by everyone.
Manufactured in Oregon ONLY by The Mestou-Dygert Book Mfg. Co.,
Proprietors ot
Binders to tbe Slate of Oregon, Printers and Lithographers, Salem, Oregon.
FALL. 1892.
We would call tbe attention of dealers, and large and small planters, to
our large and varied assortment of Fruit Trees, aud Small 'Fruits, Ornamental,
Shade, Nut and Evergreen trees. Our trees are clean, smooth, and first-class in
every rearect. Send for.Catalogue and price list. Address,
Walling & Jarisch,
2T"Mention this paper. Oswego, Oregon.
White & Tanner's Livery.
(Successors to Kills & Whitley.)
Livery, back and fend stable. A full supply of horses and bugeleson band. Horse boarded
by day, week or month. Office at stable, Commercial und Trade streets, south
of Willamette hotel.
Recovers and repairs upholstered furniture. Long Experience in the trade
enables me to turn out first-class work. Samples of coverings. No trouble to
give estimates. State Insurance block, Cbemeketa street.
Tinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters;
Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift pump.
100 Checeketa Street.
CflflS. W0LZ,
Proprietor of tbe
South Commercial 8t, Salens.
All kinds Fresh, oalt and Smoked Meats
and Sausages.
Tbe only genuine Wienerwurst In the city.
The North RIem Meat Market has not
Joined the combine, but sells flrst-clasi meU
Irum 6 to lOcenu per pound, as It always has,
Pitchford & Long,
at Hunt's old shop, opposite W. I Wade's
T ADIE3 who will do writing lor me at Ibelr
JJ homes will make good wages. Reply with
teTfaadrexMsJ. stamped envelope. MIBHMIL-
unt.u miller, Houin nana, ma.
TIT-ANTED to trade a flue
V good much cow.
Inquire at Jouknai.
FU BALE-Very cheap, good, oew bouse
and barn. Asylum mve. Junction. IB'
quire at JI. rmbltt't Men. MM-lsa
(Successor to JB. Forstner & Co.)
SPRING, 1893.
Will Surrender.
New York, March 21. Judge In
graham in the supreme court made an
order confirming Everett W. Hadley,
of Corvallis, Or., as receiver of the Ore
gon PaciHo railroad, and directing ex
Receiver Hogg, of New York, to sur
render the books of the company to tbe
Farmers' Loan and Trust company.
Hogg's counsel said the order would
be obeyed.
Killed .By Oars. '
Tacoma, March' 21, Benjamin
James, a coal miner, was run over and
killed by the overland passenger train
at Cascade Junction at 1:30 a. m. Sun
day morning. He had been drinking
and lay down on the track to sleep.
You cannot do effective work with
out a clear head, and for this take Sim
mons Liver Regulator.
Advice to the Aged.
A iro brings lunrmltles.aucto mbbIhs;
itli bouelH. wc-uli kidney aad bld
ler suid toruid liver.
Tutt's Pills
taw. ?lf loef feetoBU7oorKS
griping, svbI
a the kidneys. Bladder aad live,
klyui adapted to old or youaar.
Saves You Cash.
Burdette Wolfe Hiding
in Oooo
j. County.
Buena Vista, Ga., March 21. Dav
id J. Shippy was waylaid and murdered
by members of tbe Hogg family. Tbe
tragedy was the result of an old feud.
WooDviLLB, Tex., March 21. Albert
Durham and Anderson Barclay, young
-jnen of pioneer families quarreled in a
saloon and emptied their revolvers at
each other. Durham was shot through
tbe heart and Barclay wounded in tbe
Marshfield, Or., March 21. Al.
Smith and Si. Noah same to town Mon
day from Coos river and reported that
tbey had located Burdette Wolfe, who
murdered Miss Birdie Morton at Port
land in October last. They inquired as
to tbe reward oflered for Wolfe, and
when they were assured that it was all
right, Marshal Durham started with
them to where tbey think Wolfe is ir
Portland, Narch 21. Every now
and then some report reaches here rela
tive to the Rev. J. C. Read, formerly of
the East Portland Baptist church, who
created a sensation last summer by al
lowing the impression to gain ground
tbat be was drowned in tbe Willlam
ette river, while in fact he was being
speedily wheeled to tbe Eastern states
oo one of tbe trans-continental rail
ways. Tacoma, March 21. W. E, Nadeau,
Albert Stenger and Grant Hessey were
arrested in this city, and Peter Gewaurtz
in Portland Monday afternoon. While
employed as salesman in Brager Broth
ers clothing store tbey are charged with
having systematically taken clothing
and dry goods and selling them to a
second-band dealer named Eller, of
Portland. It la claimed tbey began
these operations in January.
Albert Stenger disclosed facts and has
turned state's evidedce. PeterGewaurtz
departed for Portland Monday morning
and is alleged to have taken with him
two trunks of stolen clothing. Cbelf of
Police Davis departed in the evening
for Portland to bring him back. The
warrants were sworn out by Solomon
Jacoby, manager for Prager Brothers.
In the Flames.
BitiSTOL.Pa., March 21. Mr. Brockjs
residence was burned last night, and
bis mother, Margaret Brock, aged 85,
and two adopted sons perished. A
daughter dropped from a window and
escaped with trifling bruises,
Luck for Mrs. Langtry.
New York, March 21. A special
from Nice says Squire Abingdon left
Mrs. Langtry f 200,000 a year with the
whole of bis racing stud and magnifi
cent establishment at New Market.
Free School Victory.
New York, March 21. Bishop Wig
ger, of the diocese of Newark, has is
sued a circular letter addressed to each
priest in bis diocese, reclndlng his
former order In which the priests were
ordered to refuse absolution to those
members of the parish who ent their
children to public schools In preference
to parochial schools.
Bark Ashore.
London, March 21. The British
bark Beemah, from Astoria, Is ashore
on tbe rocks, near Falway. The decks
are covered at high water.
PJIIspiomote constipation SlramouB
Liver Regulator cures constipation.
Dr. Contrls Alia teetb without pain.
Spring JackeU The Palace.
Hafe you seen tbe elegant line of
ladtoa foot wear at the new Columbia
hoe store, 118 State street.
Explosion Felt
for Fifty
Caused by 'Milling Dust Catching
Litchfield, III., March 21. The
most frightful calamity a tbe history
of this city occurred at an early hour
this morning. It resulted in tbe loss
of a million dollars' worth of property
and a number of lives, besides practi
cally wrecking half of tbe town and
damaging property for miles around.
Shortly after 8 o'clock flre was dls
oveled in Kohler's "Planet" steam
flouring mills, the largest of the kind
in the world. The Are department bad
scarcely arrived on the scene when an
explosion of terrible violence shook the
earth for miles around, the shook being
felt even as far as Decatur, 50 miles dis
tant. It broke the plate glass windows in a
majority of the stores in tbe oity, pros
trated almost every one on the streets,
shook houses loose from their founda
tions, jarred the machinery in the
Litchfield car and machine shops to
iuob ah extent that work bad to be
suspended till tbe necessary repairs
can be made.
It is supposed the flre originated
from a passing locomotive, and that
the subsequent explosion was caused
by the flames coming in contact with
an accumulation of mill dust.
Head Mill Wright Johu Carve was
stunned by tbe explosion. He was
thrown against tbe smoke stack,
pinned there, and burned to death, his
limbs being burned oil.
It is not yet known whether there
are any other fatalities, though a num
ber who were seriously injured are
reported. "-"
The grain elevator adjoining the mill,
containing a quarter of a million bush
els of wheat, was burned to the ground
with its contents, together with a dozen
Wabash freight cars standing along
side the track.
The track is blockaded and tbe tele
graph wireB are disabled. Tho city is
in a state of chaos, and the peoplo are
paralized with terror and fright.
Koblr Bros, estimate the loss at half
a million. Tbe Insurance on tbe mill
and elevator is $350,000.
Effect of Warm Rains and Melting
Snows at Various Points.
San Diego, March 21. Last night
rising streams washed out the Santa Fe
track near Delmar, damaged tbe bridge
at Caplstrano, aud washed out the mo
tor roads.
Ban Bernardino, March 21. The
Santa Ana river Is booming, owing to
melting snow and warm rains, and it
is feared dozens of railroad aud county
bridges along its course will be swept
away. Considerable damage between
here and Colton, is reported.
Merced, March 21. The water has
gone down a little but still is from one
to three feet deep iu portions of the city.
The only damage yet reported was
caused by filling up of cellars. Indica
tions are for more rain, and more dam
age is feared.
Santa Ana, March 21. But little
damage has been done here. A few
feet of the Southern Pacific bridge over
Santiago creek Is washed out.
Stockton, March 21. High water
prevails In the San Jouquln Valley,
A great part of this city Is flooded.
The damage if any will be slight.
Later: At noon in the business por
tion of the town water is running
through the streets to a depth of two
feet, but seems to have reached iU
greatest height. Many basements are
flooded. It Is the highest slnoe 1602,
The Mangled Man Dies.
Oregon Citv, March 21. Louis
Stapler, who was caught by the rapidly
revolving shaft at the Crown Paper
mill lost Saturday and wus terribly
mangled, died this morning. Ills
remains will be embalmed aud taken
to Missouri.
The Panama Oases.
Paris, March 21. The Jury In the
Panama cases today rendered a verdict
of guilty in the cases of Charles D.
Lease pa, Balhut and Blondin, and ac
quitted the others,
Strike Oil.
Spbinofield, O., The Big Four
striking switchmen this morning de
clared the atrlKe of! unconditionally.
Thoy Doiy tho Democrats to Organizo
tho Sonato.
Washington, March 2u Ropubll
cana of the senate met in caucus to con
aider the threatened attempt of tho
Democrats to rcorgaulze tho elective
ofllcers of tho Benato. Thero was a full
attendance, Sherman presiding. It was
declared this was contrary to all prece
dent at a special session, and would
seriously Interfere with publlo business.
It was unanimously agroed the chair
man should wait on Gorman, chairman
of the Democratic caucus, and notify
him that any attempt at reorganization
would be very distasteful to the Repub
licans. There would bo no objection to
the election of Harris as president pro
tempore. The committees and clerks
have been changed, and tbe Republi
cans say reorganization is complete for
this sosslon. If tho Democrats try to
go further, the Republicans "will quote
from tho records of 1881 when the
Democrats opposed any eflort on the
part of the Republicans, who Anally
abandoned their eflorts In this direction.
If this Is not sufllcient, auother caucus
will be held, with the probability of a
decision to Alibuster as the Democrats
did in 1881. The Republicans say they
have the power to prevent a new organ
ization If it comes to a pinch.
new senators, '
WASHlNGiT0N,March 21. The senate
committee on privileges and elections
held a meeting yesterday afternoon in
regard to the credentials of the appoint
ed senators from the new states. Sen
ator Allen appointed by the governor
of Washington, appeared before the
committee and recited the faots con
nected with his appointment and gave
the committee the benefit of his opin
ion as to the legal questions involved.
Mantle, of Montana, and Beckwlth, of
Wyoming, also appeared and told the
history of the contests that resulted iu
their appointment. After looking up
precedents, the committee took a vote
which resulted as follews: for giving
senatore seats Turpie and Pugh,
Democrats, and Chandler, Hoar and
Higglus, Republicans; against seating
Vance, Palmer and Gray, Democrats,
and Mitchell Republican. Chandler, in
order to prevent a tie and secure a re
port to tho senate, voted in favor "of
seating the senators, but reserved the
right to take such action aa he thought
best on tho floor of the senate.
Rhodo Island Republicans.
Providence, R. I., March 21. The
Republican state convention today
unanimously re-uomlnated D. R.
Brown for governor aud E. R. Allen
for lieutenant governor,
Rhode Island Democrats.
Providence, R. I., March 21. The
Demosratlo state convention today
made the following nominations unan unan
ieously: Governor, David S. Baker,
Jr; Lieut. Gov., Dal ton E. Young.
Mackay's Condition.
San Francisco, March 21. John
W. Maokay'B physicians this morning
announced their patient's condition as
not at ail alarming aud that ho is rapid
ly improving. Tbey do not th Ink arty
operation will be necessary.
She Goes Out in Style.
New York, March 21. Princess
Victoria Kaiaulanl has Issued a farewell
Address to the American people, thank
ing them for their kindness and ex
pressions of sympathy. The prlnceps
sails for England tomorrow,
Cold Blooded Murder.
Kalamazoo, March 21. About noon
Louis Schilling, while alono in his
meat market, was murdered, had his
throat cut and skull broken. His
pockets were rifled. No clue.
The Minnesota Coal Combine.
St. Paul, Minn., March 21. Mon
day afternoon Judge Egati dismissed
tho whole proceedings lu tho coul com
bine case, and peace reigns once more,
although tho temper of tho legislature
Is still yory much ruffled. Tho Judgo
read a decision on tho case of tho rep
rescutative, admitting the power of the
legislature, aud the legislative commit
tee to retain possession of the letter
book, When the whole matter was
thrown out of Judge Egan's court, a
new proceeding wan instituted by At
torney O'Brien for Mr. Rhodes, of the
coal comblue, in tho shape of damages
agalust the Investigating committee
aud lis olllclals for the seizure of Its
books and papers, in which the dam
age are laid at 160,000.
A maw meeting to denounce the
combine is to be held Wednesday even
ing. Dyspepsia in all Kb forma
is not only
relieved but cured by
Bitumens Liver
Highest of nil in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report
in Spanish Political
Other Interesting Items of For
eign ftows.
Key West, Fla., March 21
podltlou to liberate Cuba,
-The ox-
rrom present movements, is not to end
in rnero talk. It is suid that 12,000 has
Just been carried away from hero for
tbe purposo of purchasing munitions of
war. Cans of dynamito In wo been
found at the revolutionists' headquar
ters. Tho annexation of Hawaii and
tho revolutions ponding lu Honduras
and Peru "have added so much flre to
the embers of rebellion among the Cu
bans that the departure of tho filibus
tering expedition is dally expeoted. A
revenue cutter has beeu ordered to re
main at Key West for an Indeflnlte
period and will be ready to sail at a
moment's warning.
Madrid, Maroh 21. Tho cabinet
mot in extraoruiDary session in conse
queuce of tho report that tho French
troops bad landed at San Domingo.
The question of American aud Freuoh
intorterference lu Sun Domingo con
tinue to cause much excitement in
Spanish political circles. The ministry
are, it is understood, determined to re
sent any aggression either on the part
of tho United States or Franco iu San
Domingo, but tho report that tho
French had landed troops there does
not appear to havo been confirmed
Thero are, however, important differ
ences in tho ministry upon various
questions of finances, tho colonies and
tho navy,
Bremen, March 21. Tho British
steamer Coventry arrived hero from
Fernaudlna, bringing news making
certain tho loss of tho White Star
steamer Naronic, which sailed from
Liverpool for Now York February 11th
and was not heard from thereafter un
til now. Tho Coventry reports that on
March 4tb, southwest of Sable island,
off tho coast of Newfoundland, sho
sighted two life-boats bearing tho name
of the Naronic, keel upward, giving
ovldoucesof having passed through a
very sovero storm. Appearances indi
cated that neither boat hud been loug
adrift. Thero is a chance tbooccupants
wero picked up by a passlug vessel.
Ono of tho boats was passed at 2 o'olook
In tbe afternoon. That the Naronic Is
at the bottom of the sea Is not doubted
but tbo causo of tho disaster, of course
Is still a matter of coujocturo. It is
thought possible, judging from tho
route of tho Naronic, she may have
struck an Iceberg, though It is rather
early in the season for them to bo float
ing in that latltudo.
London, Muroh 21. A sensational
report was circulated this morning thut
Lord Salisbury was dead, Tho report
Is without foundation. Salisbury con
tinues to improve
Berlin, March 21. Chancellor GV
prlvl's organ states on authority thut
unless the army bill passed the relchs
tag would bo dissolved at the end of
Ottawa, Out.. March 21. The rum.
or is current here that Sir Charles Tup
per will sail for Canada at mice In con
nection with the trouble which has
arisen over the British-French troaty
signed by the high commissioner on
behalf of Canada.
Sydney, March 21. A destructive
hurricane swept over the New Hebrides
islands aud Caledonia on tbe 0th of
March, destroying many villages aud
causing groat Iom of life.
Victoria., B. 0., March 21. Th
steamer Mystery returned from Clayo
quot, where tho weather oft the coast ,
Is very severe. Seventeen schooners
are lying in Clayoquot sound. '
Will Be Heard at the World's1 Fair
Through a Phonograph.
Rome March 21. Stephen Morlarliy
hud a private uudience with tho pope,
Monday, at w hlcli he was introduced
to Mouslgnoro Merry Dclaval. Moriur
ity hud a phonograph with him, by
means of which ho delivered an ad
dress in Italian congratulating his holi
ness on his epiecopal jubilee, and say
ing, that he felt deeply honored at be
ing tho bearer of two messages, one
from the luto Cardinal Manning and
another from Cardinal Gibbons, of
Bultimore, both expressing devotion to
the person and sacred ofllco of tho suc
cessor to St. Peter. Morlarlty entreated
his holiness to speak Into the phono
graph nn expression of lovo and bles
sing which might bo delivered to tho
Catholics of America, on the occasion
of opening tbo Chicago exposition. Ho
pointed out that if tho popo granted
this request it would be the first time
lu the history of the church that tbe
voico of tho sovereign pontiff would be
heard in America. His holiness then
listened to the messago of tho late Car
dinal Manning, iu which his eminence
asked for a blessing and expressed tbe
hope that tho Catholic faith might
soon spread all over the world. The
popo was greatly aflected at hearing
the voice of tho dead cardinal as it was
brought from tho grave to his ears, and
then listened to a messago from Cardi
nal Gibbous, in whloh ho asked tbe
blessUig of God upon the popo. His
holiness promised to grant the request
aud to soud a message to tho United
States by means of tho most wonderful
Invention of that wondorful country.
Curiosities Contributed by tho Span
ish Government.
New York, Maroh 21. The steam
ship Cludad Coudal, of tho Companle
Transatlantic AEspana has lauded a
group of exhibits consigned by the
Spanish government to the Columbian
world's fair. Thero are, besides valu
able paintings, ono representing Colum
bus before Isabella, and several rcruark
nblecontrlbutlons in tbo shapo of models
tho first of the kind over shipped out of
tho country. One of the most striking
Is a perfect reproduction of tho world
famed bridge over tho Guadalquivir at
Cordova. There are 10 arches and two
turrets, tho foundation of tho originals
of which were laid when Christ was a
boy in Nazareth. Special Interest at
taches to this work owing to the fact
that Cordova Is suid to be the oldest
paved city In Europe. Of Interest to
experts as well as tho geueral publlo
will bo a complete model of the fortress
of Monjulssh ut Barcelona, long con
sidered Impregnable. Tho most min
ute details nro faithfully produced.
From Barcelona also comes a modol of
tho stutuo of Columbus, whloh repre
sents tho navigator standing upon the
globe, tbo right pointing to tho west
while tho loft grasps tho cliurt. Also
models of the north unit south fortress
es nt Corunua, tho originals of which
duto buck to tho tlmo of tho Moorish
Invasions. Other interesting fortresses
represented in tho collection are those
of Sun Krneudo and Pueto Tiera at
Cudii. Tho Moorish castle at Alicante,
dating buck to the 12th century, will
also be presonted. Tho models be
long to the royal engcuceni of Spain,
Publlo exhibition of these plaus of nat
ional defenses Is noteworthy from the
fact that tho Spanish government
watches with a Jealous eye any at'
tempt on the part of foreigners to close-
ly vxumlue the Medlteraneau fortltlcjt-
Lung Dried Up.
Cincinnati, March 21. In perform
ing the rare aud almost always fatal
Erianaer operation on Charles Hot-
man, at tho city hospital, the startling
discovery was made that lu tome way
the luuir had beeu doubled back on It
self and had shrunken to the size of a
t- .. - a ..ii.. ii
I mans itanu, anu was virtually tmtMi
I up.
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