im& fcWfc srs tiaa. '''' fc - iflVJCNINO CAPITAL JOVi&AL, MONDAY, MWICJJJ 12 J 81)11, THE CAriTAL JOURNAL rtJUUHHKU JMIMT, BXOKIT HUNDAY, BY TMM CtpHal Journal Publishing Company. let Office WoekvCointnerekt Street. HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. IS lly, by wirier, pr nonth - tow mall, per jmr,.... ow efcly(8 pages, per yeiir,.-... . MO KAKKIKD WUMK.V AM WAUB KAKNKR8. In (IIhcumsIoii of tho proposition that slurried women wbull not teach school, which It favoro, the OreKonlau consilient teacher under the clusalllcatlon of wage earner. Ruling married women out of the field of wage earners, Is a new proposition and a more unjust one than discriminating agnluHt married women m educatorn, The mother In naturally the child's first educator. Iluppy Is tho mother, and happier for the child, If that rela tion continue. Meal motherhood im plies that she ulotm Is the proper educa tor, and In most chwh she, more than the teacher at the school, does uncoti aeioiialy educate her children. Of course married woman In charge of such u borne, does not think of seeking em ployment as a teacher. As tho Oregon uu says: "It in a side lsuo merely as compared with the (travor reasons that may properly bo urged against the oou tlauanoo of wbmeu In wage-earning occupations after man luge," It is not so much to married women H teachers as It Is to murrled women as wage earners that the Oregonlau objects. This proposition contains a graver ele ment of injustice to womanhood than to merely object (o her In the one sphere of education. Whut Is to become of a married woman whose husband through iguoranco, dissipation, sickness or misfortune falls to provide for her and tier child ron? The Oregoulan argues that sue ahull not becomo a wage earner. What shall sho become? If the home Is not blessed with children, nor with wealth, Is a woman to remain idle if she can earn wages? Tho theory that woman Is to remain an idle doll for man's pleasure belongs to the past. It Is not suited to Amorl 4can ideas of human liberty, freedom, and independence. Woman has the same right to be a wage earuor in a free country as man. The fact that sho Is or was married may bo the very cause why she must become a wage earner to exist aaan honest aud upright citizen. WW -J.-W REQARD FOR TilK IMHJSTUIKS. Not only does tho Cleveland admin titration propose to louyo "tho robber tarlfl" severely alone, but even the so called tariff reformers' uro come to hold a healthy regard for the Industries, The New York Iteform club la pre paring a tariff bill to submit to Secre tary Carlisle on a "revenue only" basis, Ib harmony with the Chloagn national Democratic platform, drawn by Mr. Cleveland himself. This new tarlfl re form bill, that shall satisfy the free traders, reformers, Democracy aud all, U to be so drawn that "no Industry will be crippled." The reformers aud free traders have at last come to regard the Industries. They are convoked to Ilepubllcau tarltl doctrines. Thutls all there Is to the protection idea to have a proper regard for every American ludustry. AGAINST AN OMAN. The exeoutlvo council of the Farmers Alliance at Oregon City sat dowu upon the numerous schemes for establish ment of a state organ that was to feava a monopoly of publishing the truth, They wisely refused to force the people to take any one newspaper M authorised stato organ of the People's party. They decided to leavo publishers free and the people frets to receive or reject, discuss or dissect, People's party tueas- urea upon their merits. The day of the established and reoogulxed authorl. fativft party orgau Is passed, The word organ is at varlauco with perfect nvmxjr mo prens niiu uint irecuom aad quality characteristic of American laetltutlous. People like to do their ewa thinking In plaoo of receiving Mmr Ideas ready made, HJL-.J J l I- .JJL. W.l NHHJLAK KLKCTIQN OF SENATORS. Senator Mitchell has struck another . Mew for eteeUon of Uultwl Btatee u- nee by vote of the iwonj. The late ItftelatHre patted a constitutional MNeadaaentto the same etteet. The VZt .. I., ....... n i vvmv pmm ui vm rent uimi vivgoil in MManeuldbe sent a the result or a papular vote, Tfcetv hi Hothlng more certain than bat, iu standing for free silver coinage mh! eteetlen of senator by popular vetee, Kenatur Mitehell iYjraHU the warn m a yhh majority or ue people rOfetoa. Aetwjorpartofall parttai Ms OregoM are eppoMU to the xe4ulu faMvM lawful mousy aud to Wo HftttwCany wore eerperatloN aanatont. Mm Mek vol be heard, r stitUdf asswswssiuimux a Am mi TWC K W f NK TIOK. Tbe ynai Army wwuWslp k de- TMraU JbUal - UImI " sJld e ssrw ess nvHf j uw fjnwl PIP covered, Up to this last year the growth of the order exceeded the deaths. Now the great tide of this re markable organization has turned, the high-water mark has been reached and the ebb has commenced. !;, And yet fi'ls a wonderful record that almost three decades should have gone Into history since the awful conflict of North aud South ended before theso veterans should have witnessed the weakening in the lines of an order which has been almost an much their pride as tho flag that they so gallantly defended. Iu battle after battle they met the enemy and won; for five years they contended with men who wero worthy focmen, and who believed con scientiously that, they were .right, and conquered them; through these twenty following years they have experienced prosperity or poverty, jtiXmem, mis fortune and disaster, or triumph in life's ordinary pathway all with still increasing numbers as an order until now tho limit is reached. They cannot conquerdcath. No pen sion and no hospital can save thorn from that. The Inevitable disintegra tion Is begun. But as their numbers grow less tho prouder will the nation be of them. As the surviving list Is com posed of older men, and as tho only vet erans left become grizzled and decrepit, we shall bang upon their words and stories of a strife in which they engaged long ago as If spellbound, and we shall treasure the Inheritance of bravery and devotion to country which they leave to us more than ever beforePortland Telegram. OOEPOEAL PUNISHMENT. This question has received consider able attention on account of recent oc currences In our city sohools. I am certain that wo all rejoice In the fact that this mode of punishment Isslowly, but certainly relegated. Tho teacher who favors corporal punishment de serves relegutlon also. This sounds vory well, and meets popular Bentl merit. The theory Is good admit It Ib true. There Is good In every boy, It Is tho teacher's duty to find that good, train It, cultivate it and mako It un adornmont of tho boy's character. Nobloworkl Godlike! Hut suppose he falls I Tho best of earth have fulled In somo of their efforts. Remember, yo critics, school super intendents and directors, tho "Greut Teacher" failed ignomlnlously in some Instances. What then? Tho common school teacher sometimes Is placed In environments of which others kuow positively nothing. Bpeak about pa tience, love, endurance, skill and adaptability of the teacher, all very flue you perceive! I may havo them all In abundance, but an Imprudent, Ill-mannered and unfortunately Ill- bred urchin vquures upbeforo mo and Is on "the fight," supported by an ally on tho parental throne. Whut now? Only tho ouo who has been iu nlmllar positions can Imagine. The buIiooI board will orillclzo, I may bo prosecuted, my good namo as a chris tian and teacher Is at stake! Borne ouo says "suspend I" Suspend him, and ho will go away master of tho sit uation declaring, "That teacher could not whip me, tho 'softy' hud to sus peudme." The boy that guts simply "thrashed," porhiis leaving the marks of his well deserved punishment, may bo sent to another school In tho district and gets along remarkubly well with tho next toucher. Parents and dlrectoiH will compare the two teachers to tho great disadvantage of tho former, but tho thrashing did it, nevertheless. Onk Who Knows. Htatm op Ohio, City ar To.kio, . Luuah County, KkankJ. Ciiknky makes an oath that lis Is the senior partner of the firm of V. J, Ciiknky A Co,, d olng buemcftfl in too uuy or toicuo, uouniy and state aforassld. and that Mid firm will pay the s fori 'of ONK HUNDltKD DOLLAltd for each and every case of Catakkii that cannot be cured by the use or iiau.'h uatakuh uukk. 1'llANK J.CllKNEY, Bworn to before mo nod subscribed In my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D 1880. A. w, ux.babon, Notary Public j HKIj Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally aud acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Bend for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. jfgrHold by druggists, 76c. 8ALKM MARKBT8. Wheat- 67c per bushel. Oate M40o per bushel. Potatoes 6000o per bushel. Flour $3.60 per bbl. Bran (Backed) f 18.00 per ton Shorts (Backed) 20.00 per.ton. Eggs 20c per dozen. Chickens 8 to 10c per Hi. Chopped feed -(Bucked) (20.00. Ducks 12jo per lb. Qecso 7c per lb. Turkeys 10o per lb. Lard 12J16o per lb. Butter 2530c per pound Beef 7(2)12je dressed, Veal 10 to 12Jc, dressed. Pork 712Jc dressed . Wool-lftl8o per lb. Hops lC18Jc per lb. TUTT'B PILLS griping. cause no nausea or Too Late. Perhaps Tennyson has written no thing which appeals to tho hearts of all who read his ioems more than the lyrlo of "Too Late." The burden of the sad refrain cornea homo with telling force to tho hearts of thoso who lmvu Iimi friends by that drrad disease consump tion. They realize, "too late" tho r sull of neglect. They feel that the dear uuu might havo boon saved If they had heeded the warning of the lucking cough, tho pallid cheek, aud weakening system. They feel this all the more keenly because they see other being rescued from tho grasp of the destroyer, and they think whut la savong others might havo saved their loved ouo. Whan tho first signal of danger Is seen, take steps to avert the catastrophe. Be wlso In time. Dr. Pleroe'a Golden Med leal Discovery will drive away cotuump- hum. ju uuv nun mm I it is 100 mie m. fore putting Its wonderful efficacy to the test. It succeeds whew other reme dies fall, Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed I Caesoria Hum In Tobacco Hlnoko. "Is there anything more blissful in all this world than that condition in which a man looks dreamily upward into a cloud of smoko and vIows tho world through a palo, hazyfllmV itfild Oram Molvalo as ho did likowisd. "Wo speak of viewing tho world through a colored glass and making it look beautifully rod and bluo orgreon, but viewing iUhrough smoko makes ono not only bco a richly colorod world, but also ono lp which evil is not contemplated, arid pain is forgot ten. To mo tho smoKo is half magic, for it makes tho tireiomo hotel corridors along my routo fado into nothing. In their plnco it leaves a kind of an en chanted gardort in which I linger in per fect rest. Friends come- back and bring with their coining old days of sunshine and country sconory through which wo nsod to travol together. "Everything is warm, mellow, rich in its perfection, and then I feel as I imag ino a man ought to fcol wero ho perfectly successful and famous. I ltfilf beliovo iu tho old transmigration of souls theory when I think of it. Just imagino somo soul living und growing in a tobacco plant and being released only in the smoko of itl Can't you Imagino that tho smoko might bo n thankful, blissful soul that lingers in tho film over yon and brings back beautiful visions? I confess such speculations nil charm mo Into missing my train." St. Louis Globo Domoonit. The Best System of Fortification la that adopted by nople In precarious health who wisely fortiry their ayntenn agalnit dlteass with that acceptable and ef fectual barrier againm IU Inroad Iloetetter's Btomaoti Hitters. Precautionary measures, when the health In but nightly impaired Is, as physicians well kuow, worth any amount of medication afterward. A premonitory ma larial ohlll, a fit of Indigestion, Increasing Ir regularity or the bowels, a warning rheumatic twinge, Inactivity ol the Moneys, slight at flrnt, bilious aaflowness accompanied wllh furred tongue these are appeals to the sense Of Self-uroteCtlntl wllteh no nnvin nrmmmnn Judgment will disregard. Jloslettet'a HUim- acn itinera prrLervea tnoae who take It from malaria, dyapeptl, chronic constipation, rheumatism, kidney and bladder trouble and liver complaint. Nervous lnTaiids. Ytersoss troubled with Iheluflrmltleii Incident toad- vanoea years, ladies in delloale health and convaleioentsdeiivo lutlulto benem Irotn tne Hitters. I niN WI'ltllJK I. Mr. Wnu X. Cola Fsrmlrjgdale, it, J, Word7 Fail To Express My Gratitude Eczema and Dyspopsla Cured by Hood's Sarsapurillo. Mr. Wm. E. Cole Is well known all over the town of Farmlngdalc, N. I., and vicinity. He is a veteran of tho war and highly respected. He says : " I cannot find words of pralao In the Ka gllth language sufficient to cipreii my gratitude for tho curatlro powers of Hood's Sanapirllla. For many years I was Severely Afflicted With eczema; spent many dollars to get cured but found very little relief until last year I read about Hood's Rarsaparllla and immediately bought two bottles from 17. LoU'j store, Farmlngdale. I took ono bottle and felt much better, then I bought another, Which not only cured me of Eozema, but Dyspepsia piles, and garo relief from constipation. All praise for Hood's Bariaparllla. What I have written to you nre facts, and ycu Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures may mako use of my namo In praise of Hood's Harsaparllla If you so desire." Wu. E. Cole, Farmlngdale, Monmouth county, Now Jersey. HOOD'B PlLLS are pureljr vegetable, ctro fallr prepared from the belt lngrsilisaU. Smith Premier Typewriter, aBBBjBBBstfiSSiiBlB Hold on easyipaymenhi. Ilented. W. I. STALEY, Agent, Salem, H.N.UUlU'KK.OenMAgent, 101 Third HL, fortland. Bend for catalogue. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, J200,00f Transact a general banking business In all IU branches. CJKO. WI1.UAMH lresldent Wat. KWILAJU) Vice iresident uuau McNAitvrr:: hi r. Fresh Air and Exercise, uciau tnai's possible of boll!, if in need of flesh strength nnd nerve force. There's need,too, of plenty of fat-food. Scott's Emulsion of Coil Liver Oil builds up flesh and strength quicker than any other preparation known to sci ence. Seott's multt'0it it tonttantly . fttting Curt 0 CcmumptioH, Brenthitit and kinittJ dittatts whtrt ethtr mtthtdt fail. iTrJrH)RB.!.T. Alt tfmaauu. uinwijuira ueo. winiama. wm. Kng land,Ur. I. A. Illohardson, J. W. Hodson.J. Uank In new Exchange block on Oommer cial street. ttll-tf DO YOUll HANKING BU8INE88 WITH THE OLD UANK OF LADD A BUSH, 8ALEM, OIlEGON. 2-1 ltl w-1 in Authorized Capital 1500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Batem, Oregon. W. A. CUHICK, I'jw. W. W. MAKTIN, Vice lrea. J. H.AUIKUT, Outlier. HUte, County and City Warrants bought at ar. (I asaSaLlwij kill .SBBfc L..1 fa after w m A WIFTSSKimt isassstisyvs ZttZstez& The HOWARD, House Mover. 431 Street. i!f,!Ul,U,l.l,llllM hwuiovlng and raU. ''roratgfcte hmMIu I 84 a iTgsTsaW iwjswh, HaJUrtaa,Tw. srsssg ss(sejrat mM 8r5Ssa. NOT IN IT ! ?t,.ort Hsleen Meat Market baa sot Me4thenwWB..but aWla BrVti? waul ftvtu to Wreots r, a. ttilVaVrfcaA! Pitchford & Long, Money to Loan. taan. wilt bo made on Improved city or rarm property by the ' LOilHAnD INVESTMENT CO. For terms, etc., apply to . ., JOHN A. OAlWt).S, Attorney at Uw, over Hush's Hank, Salem, Or, MONEY TO LOAN uo loiprovevi i;ei Ksuts, In amounts and -U...U.U11. ioaeiay in nHUiaenng leans. FEAR fc HAMILTON, IVvim II, Uu.u Baak block. 6 13d w atHuafsaMatw!,, etjJU W. U Wade's CHflS. W0LZ, l'roprltor uf the GERMAN x MARKET South CotsMercUl etc, tateat. aVLtLa,K"-,,',8H84 tikJ sau KKKi! OHUVHMr. Tksely(eiBUi,wunnii ta Dm . LATEST TIME CAIIO. 1m Through Tralni Dlly rtwrmuMii ami iiijA.NrMitiip r. Kill's M(r, MWr IIIHHIWMi, D: Hisle sir Iim in IjiIc Itfimnfl li a Mfitl , U'AfV ilillirtllir. M tiHi.ti.HiniitUMi Autumn l '( 1'itnsii a sni , nnrvr iiniiuniri i" fN-t, t-wlsi atleriif'm t Irrfi l 'VfJ lirnfissii(l cliciiirtrjiirMijI i Jl IMIOHK. Afinst hw, finm,Utf toil, OfflreWIUrnriinefclslMrrM, M I'p'ri, liWprn, (At!l I t4tt 7 Kxirri flttimi I'lAurn 7.HSIIHI II H'Kitm I ...M'nri. .n , Mtl'siil ..a ltiliitli..n . AMilntid. h ( lilfiK'i x (t.HMin iMOittri If a w in MJrmi .l';itrl IrWpm D Wplrl 10 1'-I'tn Tickets Mid and tmttnto checked throuiti t nil points in llm UnlieifMlslM smf WisfJ Clfiiineptlii ipsds I" C'lilos') with all trains iroliKrVwt and rvmili, for lull liifornmllon apply to tt nmi tlckelsgerilor -'A". '' "" iitn, I'riM. nnd Tkt Asl., OlilcnK'), 111 To TflXimyorH. NfrrfUK Is hereby given K the liiyers of Marlon county, Hist His Isw iftjulrlriK tun slierirr to visit enoli precinct for the coh lection of county taxes has been repwiledby act of the lAt icslslnlurc, which,. Uxtk efffct Kebrusry87.fB,l,cn'jiienilv all to te reiuirru 10 no imia nt me snrrius imhud iu fllHiMON KUIU), Attorney s(Mtf')Psliii, I (union, utiles up slnlM In ration blwk r ftCONf,AlfoMiellw,foorrt 7, Miin J, bhyblooki Mi, lllOdrlll. Attorney at Irtwnlein.Orp- J-It ii East and South VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE Of tfi Soutliom Pacific! Company, t'AMrollMIA KJIflirM TJlAtK-lltm lMll.f tit, TWRRX f'OlirfiAMIlArfflfl, V, (ton, Offlcsovef Htih bnnk. J.SlfAW.MiWillUNT. V bi MHAWAIIUNT Atiiffiflts at law, OfTtre over UnMUl tlonal bnnk,HAlem,OrCKri, Of- ft V. KlrIIAtiriM(lM. Allirnenllaw pi flcoiipstalrs In front rooms ol new Hush blwk, corner Commercial and Court streets, HAlem, Oregon, In tlm amnt V court houne slierlirwlfl not visit the Precincts Used by notices, JU KcbnmrySH,18in. Hnlern, and the as BUTef HUN KNIUI1T. Hlicflfl Marlon Co.. Or, liwuw iaitams 111 mi tl ,11 ..M.n., .1 I A.(a.fl11 MM W. 1', Murphy, offiiilein, tinve for sale about i.iAAjncrm ni K(mki inrmiOK unu huick inna ,o tho I.iirklurniili ( 011 11 try in l'olk county, l'rlccs rniiL'd from tfl 10 S'.l) ncr acre. All eood fropcrty, nr d on the market for tne first line. (Heat barimlns. Call on or addrrns the above. dw-2-l&-tf Farm lor Hulc or Trade. On enry terms, four miles ent of Hubllmlly, contalmriK Il7ucref, will trade for property in or neurruiurn, u. u. uuvk, T-iKlw Hnbllmlty.Or, ELraiC LIGHTS On Meter System. TO CONSUMERS: The Halem Unlit find I'owcr Comnanr nt ereat expcii'n havo equipped their Hlectrlc Unlit plaDt with the must modern oppttratus and urn now able to oirer the public a belter lliiht than uny.syhtm xnd at a rote lower man any city on the coast. Arc and Incandescent Lighting, Electric Motors for all pur poseswhere powerisrequired many Hunts y for only Kesldencescan be wired for as rnany Hunts umers pay for only '1 his being registered as desired and the consumers sucn iiKiiiM us are tired, by an Electric Meter, ofllce 179 Commercial Street, 2 ONLY LINE RUNNIiYG THROUGH DAILY TRAINS Leaving Portland, 8:45 A- M, " " 7:30 P. M. 31 DAYS TO 2 CHICAGO 7 Hours Quicker to St, Paul. 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Ouicker to Omaha and Kansas City, PULLMAN and TOURIST SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING CARS. oraddrew " BW,eml 'nftrniatlon call on n. ji. uyniiuunT, Aut, Q. 1, A. .. naauingion St., I'OKTI.ANI). OKKI , Okkiio. Mexican War Soldiers Increase of Pensions! Under Actol January 8, 1803, are entitled lolncrrute. Apply to O. C.8IIKHMAN, ltoora II, Oray. lllock, claim Attorney, J Jberty St. Halem, Ore. ujoim JOHN A, (M1HON, Attorney at law, room n and 4, HiiaIi bank building, Balerfi.Or, Jl, K, HOMJfAM, W.If.flOUtKa rjO.NIIAM A IIUI-MKH, Attorneys at law, J Oillce In Hush block, between Stale and court, on Commercial street. K, 1'OUtJK, Htenogranher and Tlpe- f all SB jaf ll.Ji JHJSSl. t-tAtt ! JhSll I I VI wm wf- 1 rjL TTIIlnii UVrlh riJUIJ'ftrVU J ironilvlUI, Wi ll M but ono In Oregon, Over iiuMi't. bnK, nuiern.urrKun m Ousti A, 11. UlfjLIS.SDeclallstln diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat, Itoora 10 bans mniairig, raiem. Hrttiffii 1K U III, (MS p, in, HilA n.ln, liV, fV, Af, I Hortfi? rllnlirl A. .. - II' I l'..ln'" 'JTi l a ITirtmiiu Hniorn Man Krnn JjV, l.r, n. tn 7.00 p, m Afxivn trnliiH stoji miTy nf folio wlnu sutions north nfitosebiirf(KniNt I'ortlruid OroiiClty Worn! burn, rtnlem, Albimy 'fniiaoMt, Hliedus llitlsey, lfarrlsburg, Jiiiiotlout'lly, Irvlmr nnd KiiKCne, nmnuvnu mam, iiaii.v, ti: JiV, J'.aoniit I'orlliuid Ar, I enlum l,v. jp, m, Ar, Albntiy l,v,l 1) a, in, l.v, I'orlliiiKr IU17 n, in 1 liV, Hnlern 5:00 p, tn, I Ar, Itosoburjr AlliiiyT.7ipl, ITnily VJA 1(1, 111, II iV. 1 p.m. ILvi ) p, m. I Ar. M V. in, 7;K) n, m lir, lwnjn.u7. 7;'W a. m,, JMiiing i'at'H on Ogdcn Itoiilu PULLMAN BDFM SLBEPfiRS AtfD Socond Class Sleeping Carsi Tl(, W,H. WOTT. Physician and Hurgcon, j uiiiLV iu ciuriUKU uii, nnivui, urvKUU. ulllco hours 1 0 to 12 a. m. ana 1 to 4. p in. HMlTJf, Dentist, W Btato street, JU Salem, Urexon. Finished dental opera, lions of every description, rainless opera tions a specialty. r D, l'UUU, Architect, plans, speclflcn- li, iium iuu superinuiunence ior an classes ol buildings, street, up stairs. OIQce 21W Commercial c. A. IIOBEHT. Archllect, room 421, Mar. quam building, l'urtlaud, Oregon. P. J. LARSEN & CO., Manufacturer of Wagons, Car riages, etc. Kvpalrintr. u Spaalalty. HUop 45 State street. PIIOTKOTIONUIDOBNO. 2 A.O.U. W X Mtcts In their hall In Btate Insurance UUI junuiDg,eYery weancsaay evening. a.A.8KLWOOD.HeAcorderNW1BlM' W. THE PACIFIC DETECTIVE AND COLLECTION BUREAU BALEM, ... Ortton. Ofllce removed to 211 Commercial Ht. 'J?,.,I'U.D!10 BDd private work O. B. CLKMENllManager. Ailoched to nll.fhrqugu trofne, iVestSide DmsioD, Between Portland anil Cervallis: PAILy- (KXCK1T SUNDAY). 7 MO U. 111. j 12:10 p. m. j JUv. Ar. I'ortlrtiiu I'orvnllls Ar. I.v. bUV) n. iii. 12.5B p. ni, At Albany and Corvallta connect trains of Oroiron I'aririo llnllrond. with EXFKKMHTHAIN ( DAILY KXCKHTHUMIAV 4:40 p. m. 7:25 p. m. Ar. I'ortluuil McMlnnvllIo Ar. IjV. k:AlH. m fiMSn.m TUKOUOU IICKKIS To all points In tbo Knstern Htntcs, Cnnndn nnd Europe can bo obtulnrd nt lowest rates Irom w. W. BKINNHIl, Agent, Halem. B.P.H00E118, AmhUU. K.uudi'ttss.Ae't It. KOEHI.Klt, Manneor. The Yaquina Route. 11 R. Kates reasonable. aone. MISS BALLOU'S KINDERGARTEN THIRD YEAR 0pen,niB2plem.ber mVftl Knder. gartcn Hall, opposite opera house. ovCll1IeS.recly.e,1 at.thrM ye" of age and, An.ell?C class wilt bo established Rl!&tWlVWllto& ar in J Tt. ''""f ur. wniy mo .... "i"1"""' employed, yswiMi ui umwiag ana color UUttU. best i'rane's work Intro- Fop Rent. A&?y?t'o Steiner & iw 130 STATE STREET TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Supplies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all styles a.specia ty. CLOTHES WR1XCERSASD WASHEKS u,fS,obcstt",ea"h-Gi" And Oregon Dovelopmont company's steam ship line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any other route, First class through passenger and lrelght lino from Portland and all points In tho Willamette valley to nnd from nan Francisco. TIME SOilKDUliE, (Except Sunday.) Lv Albany.l.00 pmlLv Corvallis 1:40 p m A.r Yaaulnn..6:30 p in Lv Yuqulna 0.45 8 111 Lv Corvallis. 10:5 am j Ar Albany 11:10a m 0.4 0. trains connect nt Albany nnd Cor vallis. The above trains connect at l'aqulna with the Oregon Develnpmcnt Co.'s lino of steam ers between Ynqulua nnd Ban Fmnclsco ur,i,i1,i.aMenierB from 1'wtlond and all Willamette valley points can inaKooloie con nect on with the trains of the Yuqulna Route at Albany or Corvallis and if dontlucd to San ITranciscp.should arrange to an lvo nt Yaquina the evening before date of snlllng. i ,enBSr B?d, F'e'But, ilntes always the SmH0i,nrtKlnallon "PP'y to Messrs lV..lofSvCoVrelBllK'in1 'i'oket Agents 20U und 202 Front sire? t, Portland. Or or O. O. UOUUB. Atft Oon'l F?Ui "ass. Agt., C. U. UA8WKLL, Jr., Gi-n'i Freight and Pass. Agt. Ore .Development Co., Wl Montgomery Ht. From Terminal or Interior Points the Northern Pacific Ra u Is the line to tako To all Points East and South, veVtlbrinfveVnno1 ST, PAUL AND CHICAGO' (No change of cars.) Compesed of dlningcars unsurpnssed, rullinun drawing room sleepers ;oi latest equipment TOURIST Sleeping Cars. accmmortf?!. "trated "nd In which niCSm.woaallong are both tree and iur. Uckheu,anrdh,0lle" f flrst ""t&2Ki ELEQANT DAY COACHES. Acontlnuota line conno:tlurr with nil ilewc?.QrdlDi5 dlrw i uniBnteWrrupted cudTn ad'vi 9CTtoM m " w the road. "" ny agent ol PurcntSedat'?.dwa?,, Klropo can be puronaseaatany ticket ofllce of this oom- Und.Oreifon ' mgion; fort- BHAW A DOWNING, AKciit8 PACIFIC LAND AND ORCHARD CO. UK TOWN LOTS: $2.00 lrrdoin tortbeflntatflautted PlIOTOOIUPHHtnUecMy. MONTEB BROSL, 1W Commercial Btrret, T. J. KRESS. HOUSE PAINTING, PAPER HANGINO, NttualWoec! finljj,, Cor. tli anil Cl....v.. . ' - " xrect. undertaking Embalmine;. -.".IWVUH, - lButJiKl ERUIT TRACTS AND -FARMS. HOEYE & MILLS, PORCELAIN BAT II 8 SHAVING 150. ayCoB- W, HaUm, Or. Carpenters and Buil4crs, Shop oShuu stmt. BrUtljv.aBput, O CENTS A DAY, Evening Journal. U4 at; Towj XKt. J. K. 3CUKP1IY. T'le for Sale, Brick and Tile Yard, NOKTII BALtU. Take It EVENING JOURNAL, Horseshoeing. "AUKSMITHING. J. L. BENNETT k SON. CANDIES, Fruit and Cigars, P. O. Bloolc K. T. liUMPHIJEYS, CIkm nnd Tobacco. BILLIARD PARLOR, a8 Com'l atro.t. T. W. THORNBURG, The Upholsterer. SSrieSg-WE ... . . fc fiaSiS1 lmW'faCiTVtmmWmyfTW '" ' ismsm sam ' idsBiMBsBiiMsBsBsWBBBsWllfc 1 mm i -- -" --- , Jt .... . . ffiilsWsMjWiiimfiiMHiiBf rfMssMssBlsollBwlMlrawiiiilliiittsiisii'si i. jjmiaE" " ssssjT- -- jc -!, .' " ' 7" "' WsssMssssssssMsslsKSSssWr",sssMssssssssM K, , r