ap1 - j The Joiirnal Is read by all classes of people. MORS SOL.D Thftn any other Dally Faper at th Capital City. JOURNAL. ADVERTISERS CAPITAL Get the Best for Your Monej. THIS BESTIS THB OHEAPEST., Circulation open to the publlg. .11 VOL. 6. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." HALETUU. OREGON, MONDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1893. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." NO. 48. '1 yTrf-r--- ,' The underlying CASH. Cash up. 'Tis this Bavins BLUE FRONT to undersell all competitors. Have you 335 Commercial Street, IT KING SOLOMON WERE ALIVE He would be a mighty good customer of ours, for he was a wise maD, and knew a good thing when he saw it. Do you know a good thing when you see it? Look at this: Underwear and Hosiery For men, women and children as good lines as you will find in the city. In Infant's vests we have a special bargain in pure lambs-wool 60 cents, also several cheaper grades. In Ribbons we keep a full line in pure silk Baby Ribbon. Boys All Wool Suits, 1 3.60. A large Invoice of H. & S. Corsets- Office 1B6 Commercial street, In Willamette hotel building, nearly opposite the postofllce. Office Hours iron 8 a. in. to 5 p. m. All orders for water or other business will receive prompt attention at the offlco. Bills for water are payable the 1st of each month. It Is desired that as many consumers as possible pay their bills at the office. J. M. WALLACE, President. J. M. MARTIN, Superintendent. E. M. Waite Printing Co. Largest establishment In the city. OVER BUSH'S BANK, SAL.KM. ... OREGON. DO YOUR BANKING BUSINE8S WITH THE OLD BANK OF LADD & BUSH, SALEM, OREGON. 2-11-dw-lm WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, 1200,000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILJjIAMS President WM. ENGLAND ilUQUMoNARY .Vice President I'.RJiMfT. DIRECTOB8: Geo. Williams, Wm. Ene land.Ur. I. A. Richardson, J. W. HoOson, J. A. Maker. Bank In new Exchange block on Commer cial street. 8:1 J-U Authorized Capital (600,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Salem, Oregon. W. A. CU8ICK, Pres. W. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. H. ALBERT, Cashier. 8tate, County and City Warrant bought at Par. aw MONEY TO LOAN On Improved Real Estate, in amounts and time to sulu No delay In considering loans. FEAR HAMILTON, Boom 12, Bush Bank block. 6 13dw J. H. HAAS, THE WATOH3IAOE, 2tXCMrskI8l, !, Ortf (Next door to Klein's.) Rjiealalty el fortol . and revi Om . Principle-The unmatchable Power- of our Business is it the lever that moves the world. Kings bown dovr to it. Manufacturers doff their hats and drop in their prices like the "sensitive plant," when touched with the all potent CASH for Cash and Selling Damon Bros just in and prices reduced 20 per cent, on all numbers. Our Stock of Shoes is in much bet ter shape than eyer before. Wo have nothing to give away but always give our customers such low prices that they can sing without an Kid Gloves. We have guaranteed gloves at $1.00 in colors and $1.40 in colors or black. Every pair fitted on at the counter. Hair Pins Plain and fancy, curl ing Irons, curling iron heaters, kid curlers, etc. Soaps of all Kinds: We have extra Family Savon, Borax, Pumice Stone, Tar,Long Bar Toilet, and a great Yob Cannot Realize The convenience of a perfect FLAT OPENING ACCOUNT BOOK, until you have tried one. It is our desire to persuade ALL merchants .to give our patent back books "a trial. You will use no other. Manufactured by CAPITAL CITY BINDERY. Book Binders, Lithographers, Printers and Publishers. SALEM, ORBQON. NEWTON TANNER. White Tanner's Livery. (Successor to Ellis k Whitley.) Livery, hack and feed stable. A full supply of horses and buggies on hand. Horses boarded by day, week or month. Office at stable, Commercial and Trade streets, south of Willamette hotel. NOT IN IT ! The North Ralem Meat Market has not Joined the combine, but sella first-class meats froin 5 to 10 cents per pound, as It always has. Pitchford & Long, at Hunt's old shop, opposite W. L. Wade's store. r Eta. LEAVES SALEM from U. P. Dock at 6 o'clock a. m. every Mon day, HBaae&uayttuuDttbuiuu;, LEAVES PORTLAND street every Tuesday, Thursday andbunday, i tonrMrnlnf? freight and Dasseneer business. call on the agent, AL HKRREN . WISCOSIN CENTRAL LINES. (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD, Two Through Trains Daily. l45pm&25pn) kaopm 7:15pm 10tUm 4:15pm 1 Minn a I Btl'aul a lDulutba 0:15am 4:15pm &40pm 660pm SJOpm lOiSpm K3ua U.Mua LfiOpro 7pm 74iu9Jm I . Ashland, a I Chicago., sj S'fftyy 5.47pm nrkAtaiAid and tiuE&M checked throucb Steame to all points In the United BUtes and Canada. Clow connection made la Chicago with all trains going East and Houth. KorlulUnforinatlOB PPy Jo yew tutit tlefcet agent or JAB. O. iW(I, T3ePMS..and Tkt, Aft., Cfala?, HI offer. 'Tis this grand principle upon which the business of the BLUE FRONT has been built for Cash that enables the tried us? If not, why not? variety of fine toilet soaps. "Boss of Road" Overalls, button ade pants, blouses and shirts for men and boys. Infant's shoes from 35 cents to $1.60. We always have a nice line of Win sor Tits in all colors. Combs, brushes, whisk brooms, tooth brushes and all sorts of notions. You can saye money by buying of us. We could call special attention of our customers to our H& B. Corsets. When you want anything in the tin ware line, just look over our stock, and see if we cannot please you. Osburn's Racket Store, 261 Com mercial street. J. F. WHITE. Ml of Salem! To save you the trouble and expense of send. IngtoSanFranclsoo.wa have boughtacomplete line of MRS. NKTTIK HARRIBON'H world bmed TOILET ARTICLES. Every lady can positively have health and beauty by using IUCU1. L0LAM0NREZ 0REME. The SKIN FOOD and TI88UE BUILDER preserves and Im proves the complex ion. Prepents wrin kles, withering, dry. lng.aglngof tbeskln. Her FACE BLEACH removes freckles, tan, moth patches .yellow ness.yellow skin. Her HAIR VIGOR abso lutely prevents hair falling out, makes it fine and glossy, cures all scalp humor. Mrs. UAKKIBON'S LIV. EK UEQDLATOR TidU cures torpid liver, malaria, headache, nervous diseases, costlveness, ail female troubles. Only genuine vegetable remedy. Buy today. DROOKH LEGO, Druggist, Patton Block, Balem, Oregon. For any special or complicated blemish nf the face and form, write to MRS. HETTIE HAiUUHON, 3d Geary HU, Ban Francisco. Superfluous hair permanently removed. (MS. W0LZ, Proprietor of the GERMAN x MARKET South Commercial BL, Balers. AU kinds Fresh, Halt and Smoked Meats and Sausages. FREE DELIVERY. The only genuine Wlsaenrnrst in theeUy. A. D. PALMER'S Ne M?ai Market IN COTTLE BLOCK. Tb ht mU. tli bdat ssnrlee and the lowest ftitm, !- TODAY'S TELEGRAMS. Associated Press Report of News of the LAST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Mackay's Condition A Defection from the Republican Party. TheMackay Affiar. Ban Francisco, Feb. 27. John W. Maekay is still Improving and there Is thought to be no danger from his wound. Rippeyf who shot him, is still alive at the receiving hospital. Gone to the Enemy. New York, Feb. 27. A special from Grand Forks, N. D., says George Walsh speaker of the house of representatives has reuounced the Republican party and gone over to the Democrats. He de clares the senatorial contest at Blsmark ought to end the existence of the Re publican party in that state. THE LAST DATS. Indian Appropriations Passed Gold for Shipment. Washington, Feb. 27. The House today passed the Iudian appropriation bill under suspension of rules. A feeling of confidence prevades the treasury. As far as known only $350, 000 in gold has been engaged at the New York subtreasury for sbipment to morrow, while the free gold in hand is more than four million. The house has agreed to non-concur in the a senate amendments and the sundry civil appropriation bill sent in. The conference arrangement is to use this non-currence to force the senate to recede from action on the Sherman bond amendment. It is believed the amendment is not as strong as it was in the senate, and that a bold front on the part of the house will cause the senate to recede on that puiut in order to get other amendments through. NO SENATORS ELECTED. Montana Unchanged Allen Losing in Washington. Helena, Feb. 27. Senatorial ballet: Mantle SO, Ulark 23, Dixon 10. Others scattering. Olympia, Wn,, Feb. 27. Allen 40, Turner 20, Qriggs 20. Others scatter ing. Place for Mr. Harrison. New York, Feb. 27. Considerable correspondence has been going on be tween President Harper, of Chicago university, and John D. Rockefeller, concerning the best methods of pro moting the growth of the university. From a hint dropped by the million aire, it is believed a chair of constitu tional law will be endowed in connec tion with Chicago university, the sal ary to be paid (25,000 per year, and that Presideut Harrison will bo in vited to accept the position, and to lecture at least twice a week to students of the Chicago educational institution. Wrecked In a. Storm. San Francisco, Cal. Feb. 20. Dur ing the gale Saturday night the nap tha launch "Bob" was driven ashore at Bausalito and two of the crew drowned. One of these was Fred Lee, son of the owner of the launch, and an unknown man. The only survivor, a man named Crawford, reports the launch capsized in tho storm. Receivers Appointed, Philadelphia, Penn., Feb. 27. Reading rolling mill company passed Into receiver's hands this afternoon, on a bill of equity, filed by the Wellman Iron and Steel company and others, alleging tho company to be insolvent. J. H. Cofrodo and E. A. Ballard were appointed receivers. A $1,000,000 Bridge. Sioux City, Iowa, Feb. 27. The Pacific Short Line bridge, begun three years ago, suspended by financial re verses, is to be completed at once. It will be sixty feet wide, cost over II, 000,000, and it 1b expected to be com pleted by November 1. Switchmen's Htrike. D.CATUR, III., Feb. 27. All Vanda- lia switchmen hero have struck for ad vanced wages. Killed Two Greasers, Phoenix, Arlr,, Feb. 27. In the Placer district on the Hasayampe river, a man named Michael killed two Mex icans who tried to Jump his elal tu. HOME RULE CONCEDED. Fanners' Party Forcing Free Silver in Germany. London, Feb. 27, The results of the byo-electlons held since the Irish home rulo measure became known in its entirety have been so favorable to Mr. Gladstone that the government whips state that the plan of postpon ing tho dissolution of parliament for two years Is likely to be altered if the liberal managers find tho feeling of the country ripe for a challenge to the house of lords on the rejection of the home rule bill by that body. Should it be found that the Bentiment of tho coun try favors such a challenge, and that the chances for liberal success are as promising as the bye-elections indicate, then there will be no delay in dissolving the house of com mons and throwing down the gauntlet to the hereditary legislators. Intend ing candidates have therefore been warned to be ready for a campaign pre ceding a general election in July, The liberals are in the best of spirits. Mr. Gladstone's majority in the house of commons is now 44 and his supporters are working solidly, every time dis appointing those who had hoped that the home rule combination would go to pieces. The government whips find no necessity for whipping in, for their men are always ready at every division, The unionists, on the contrary, are dis contented and do not respond to the calls of their party whips. The union ist party organs are full of vehement appeals for unity and harmony, but somehow the appeals produce no impres sion. There Is a growing belief among the people who are observers, and who do not range with either side, that home rule is destined to win, German Affairs. Berlin, Feb. 27. Emperor William was present at an official dinner given by Dr. Von Boettlcher, secretary of the imperial home office and representative of tho chancellor. His majesty led the conversation, which was devoted to the absorbing topic in political circles the formation of the great agrarian party. Chancellor von Caprivi was the only minister not present. The emperor, of fering a toast to the absent chancellor, alluded to him in such terms as inspired the conviction that Caprivi will only be driven from office when the emperor is forced to succumb before the over whelming defeat of the imperial policy. The agrarian coalition, while affecting the loyalists' reverence for the emperor, practically demands a radical change in the imperial policy. The strength of tho agitation develops daily, and the plot tends to one denouncement the overthrow of Von Caprivi, protection to agricultural interests and tho return to bi-metalllsm. Leaders of the coalition already feel powerful enough to declare that noth ing short of a reverse of tho whole pol icy of the government will content them. As tho emperor cannot be ex pected to assent to the demands, the party alms at tho dissolution of tho relohstag at the earliest posslblo mo ment. Formidable in itself, the coali tion Is further fortified by union with fheautl-semltlcs. Tho emperor is fol lowing tho movement with close at tention. Princo Bismarck is In the closest touch with the agrarian leaders. Ho responded to expressions of devo. tlon Bent him from a number of meet tings with assurances that bo is in full sympathy with the agrarian agitation. The Hamburger NacbrichUm, is a series of articles obviously inspired by Prince Bismarck, incites the leaders of the movement not to abato their at tacks upon tho government, atid pre dicts their eventual triumph. Famine in England. London. Feb. 27. No such destitu tion as exists in Oldsham, owlug to tho prolonged struggle between tho cotton masters and operatives, has existed since the war in the United States, when the scarcity of cotton closed tho mills. Thousands aro out of food and fuel. Consul General London, Feb. 27. United States Consul General New will leave the con sulate May 15. Trains Collide. Washington, Feb. 27. A collision between a passenger and freight train on Causeway of Long Bridge over the Potomac this morning resulted in wrecking both engines, killing Fireman Simpson of the frleghtand seriously In juring the engineer and fireman of the passenger train. The telegraph operat or at the bridge has been arrested for failing to close the switch. Ship to Launch. Philadelphia, Penua. Feb.27. Great battle ship Indiana will be launched tomorrow, Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S Gov't Report J ABSOLUTELY PURE Six Men Drowned. New Bedford, Mass., Feb. 27. Six men were drowned off Culty Bunk, one of the Elizabeth Islands last night, while trying to rescue the crew of a stranded vessel. The men com Dosed the volunteer crew of the Massachusetts Humane society life boat. Tho names of the unfortunate men were: Capt. Timothy Aiken, Isaiah Taylor. Hiram Jackson, William Brightman, Freder ick Aiken, one unknown. Durintr the storm last evening a vessel was discov ered aground off Bowano Pigs reef. A boat belonging to tho Massachusetts Humane society got out and a volun teer crew men put off in her, despite tho heavy swell and warning of the captain of the life saving station. They succeeded in getting uudor lee of tho vessel. A rope was thrown to the boat butjustasa landing was about to bo effected, a great wavo capsized the boat and in an instant tho men were strug gling In ice cold water. One man of the boat's crew, Joseph Tllton, caught a rope thrown, and was drawn on board the vessel, but tho rest were lost. The captain and crew of the vessel were saved. Effect of the Kansas Decision. Topeica, Feb. 27. Tho decision of the court put an end to a condition of affairs more uniquo and exciting than anything which has thrilled Kansas since tho border wars, Tho rival houses will now probably unite in one body and transact much needed business. The present session expires by limita tion March 3, and it will be necessary to hold an extra session in order to transact the necessary business. It seems to be the general decision of the Populists to respect tho decision of tho court, and tho populist members will probably meet the Republican houso Monday. Tho leaders nil declare the court's decision is wrong, and that they will appeal from It to the people at the noxt election. The effect of tho opinion on tho election of Judge Johu Martin as senator seems to bo an uncertalu quantity. Tho Republicans nud stal wart Democrats, however, havo deter mined to make no election. There be ing no contestant for theeat, and Mar tin's credentials being regular upon the face, thoy will proonbly bo accepted by tho senate. It may bo a Joint session of the house and senate will be hold later to chooso a senator, and in that event the Democrats will doubtless Join tho Populists, Wooldridge's Slayer. Portland, Feb. 27. Twelve intelli gent men of Multnomah county de cided that Frank Oehlschlager, who killed W, H. Wooldrldgo, is guilty of murder in the second degree. They reached this conclusion after a deliber ation occupying one hour and fifty live minutes. At 3:25 o'clock tho caso was submitted to them, and at 4.20 they reported that a verdict had been agreed upon. Will Resort to Cloture. Washington, Feb. 27. After de. nounclng tho Republicans for two years tho Democrats are to go back on their record and resort to cloture. They will confine it to the sundry civil bill for the present, been use it Is upon that L111 the flllbutiterore aro b'ocklng legislation. It will cause a merry row, but the Democrats realign that some thing must be done to get the appropri ation bills through. Hunters Drowned. Ban Francisco, Feb. 27. It is thought that A. R. Church, a member of tho firm of Dolllno fc Co., leather dealers, of tills city, and Eugene Ffost, secretary of the MoNear's Electric Street Road, In Oakland, havo been drowned. Nothing has been seen or heard of thu missing men since thoy started out hunting. Water Works Worth Something. New York, Feb. 27. The Loug Is land water supply combination will make another effort to compel Brook lyn to pay fl.250,000 for their plant and franchise, The supreme court com mission recently declared that It was worth only $570,000. The attorney for the Water Supply Co., has served no tice that they would put tho commis sioners' reports aside, on (he ground Baking' rowaer that Edward Row, ono of the commls-J sioners, was a member of the boatd i education. Stevenson Starts. Bloominqton, Ills. Feb. 27. AU Bloomington was astir this mornlnsr to bid farewell to Vlco President Elect Stevenson, who started for on his Jour ney to Washington for inaugural. Prize Fighting Must Go. San Francisco. Cal.. Feb. 27. The! various prize fighting clubs of thi city nave ueoiared the prospective matches J on, ana tho flgnters have ceased train ing. The California Athletic club In closed and will retire from business. All this is one of tho results of the kill ing of Billy Miller by Dal Hawkins at tho Paciflo Athietlo Club last Filday nignt. Norwin Green's Estate. Louisville, Ky. Feb. 27. Dr. Nor-! vln Green did not leave a will. Hlal estato amounts to three-ouarters of million, under the Kontuokv laws! one-third goes to tho widow, whlou leaves $500,000 to be divided between! hIx children, four sons and two daugh-j tors. Coat of Government In Canada. Thoro is a growing impression that official salaries in Canada aro far too numorous and in some cases far too' high. Wo pay our governor general the samo salary as is receivod by the presi dent of tho United Btates $50,000!' though tho lattor is tho head of an in dependent nation with 18 times tho pop ulation or uuiaua, una our governor general has companitivo limited powers and responsibilities. Tho United Btates administration is mado np of eight ministers, with sala ries of 18,000 each, a total of $04,000.' Canada now has a cablnot of 13 salaried ministers, rocoiving $3,000 each, with an extra $1,000 to tho premier, besides which thoro aro two comptrollers and a' solicitor general, rocoiving $0,000 each.): In this is Included tholr sessional pay as i membors of parliament, for which Uiuted.!k M.HWH MluiUhUlH IVbUITH UU UUJIIUUUk," as thoy aro not members of congress. This makes tho total salaries of the Canadian administration as now consti tuted $115,000 as against $04,000 whick tho Washington administration receive!! Tho salaries of tho nrosldnnt nnd hlal soven ministers mako a total of $114,000.)' 'j. '; The salarios of tho governor general andW' '.' his 15 tninistors mako a total of $105,000,1 at. John Telegraph. The Tombstone of De Lesseps. If Ferdinand do Lessops bad completed tno Panuma canal, tuo wbolo world would havo bent tho knoo to him. Ho failed,! and tho world npbraids Idm. His fall has dogradod France, disgraced him and1 ruined his friends. Tiio Buoz canal Is a lasting monumont to his genius; tbe Panama canal is his tombstone. The world has forgotten tho abnso and rial culo hoapod upon him before ho carried, to successful completion the project of joining tho waters of tho Mediterranean to thoso of tho Rod sea, a project in which tho pharaohs, Darius tho Great,' Napoloon Bonaparto and Mehemet All had failod. llo was a nuartor of a century mal Ing his plans and ton years In building tho canal. Tho actual cost of tho canal was $87,500,000, and tho not profits in a slnglo year havo boon as much as $0,000, 000. England owns moro than two-tilt! of tho canal and has prontod more by than all tho othor nations of the worl put together. Now York Tribune, Signs of Health, You don't have to look! twice to detect them bright eyes, bright color, bright! smiles, bright in every ac tion. Disease is overcome only when weak tissue SCOTTS EMULSION! rrrrt is replaced by the healthy! A..UU. utuua j-tfMiuiaiuu v coci liver on enecta cure dvj building up sound flesh. It is agreeable to taste and easy of assimilation. PrptrdbrSM1l0VM,.Y'. AM rJ ,11 Tl 1 I i I 1 1. 1 i i li? i'j.i A. . ... - ...-fa-jp ?