"t ; EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. lif2iiM VMOPltWti PAPER." RAIiEM, OBEGOK, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 18, 1898. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." '" " " ' ' - - - i -i-j-rJLlllW ilsBJJBBBBBBJ xama If you do not purchase your HOSIERY, UNDERWEAR, RIBBONS, LAOE, SHOES, etc., at Osborn's Racket Store, They have SPECIAL VALUES in Ladies' Fine Shoes at $2.50 and $3. Thoy also have a line at $1,45 that id the best in the city for the money. Soe what they have in CHILDREN'S SHOES before making your purchases, and you will SAVE MONEY. 261 Commercial St., - Saaln and. Door Factory Front. Street, Salem, Oregon. The best class of work in our with the lowest. Only N. CHURCHILL CHURCHILL & fTinners, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters; SHEET METAL WORKERS.. Agents for the celebrated economic force and lift Pump. 100 ChemekeU Street. Salem Truck & Dray Co. lem Iron works. Drays and tracks th corner of State and Commercial F. T. HART, 247 COMMERCIAL STREET. THE Evening t. Ha -IT All ttie And does not pervert, disguise or cover up what the public is interested to know. not resort to sensationalism. A Live, .Clean Newspaper At the time of day when eyeryone has the most liesure to read, have the JOURNAL left at your door. Only 2 Cents a Day. TBI M Will be found laboring earnestly for practical reiorras in city, county, state, and national government It believes in making the burdens of taxation upon the people as light as possible. It does not believe in rings, bosses or political machines monopolizing the political powers that belong solely to the people. The disinterested and patri- oti eitis always t joys n$og THE JOURNAL. YOU ARE MISSING BARGAINS line at prices to compete the best material used T S. BURROUGHS BURROUGHS, DRAYS AND TRUCKS always ready for orders. Soil and deliver wood, hay, coal and lumber. Of fice State St., opposite 8a- may be found throughout the day at l Btreets. LEADING MERCHANT TAILOR. HAS - News At the same time it does If you want i - u t km A Salem, Oregon. NEWTON TANNER. White 4 Tanner's Livery, (Successors to Livery, hack and feed stable A lull Horses boarded by day, week or month, streets, south of Willamette hotel. Ed. C. 1ER A ISO STATE STREET. TINWARE, ROOFING, STOVES, Creamery and Dairy Sup plies, Steel Ranges, Parlor Heaters in all Styles a Spe cialty. CLOTHES WRINGERS AND WASHERS -The call. best on earth. Give us a 10:3tf. For Rent. New house of 4 rooms, Ndrth Balem, on car Hue, two blocks north of school, $7.00 a month In advance. Geo. Escustruth. 12-29-lin. White's No. 60, SALEM'S FINEST TRUCK, Now ready for bnslness. specialty. Careful work a J, F. WH1TK. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN, South of "Willamette Hotel, SA1VBM ... OHEQOM WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sabscribed, J200.000 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILLIAMS President Wm. EN GLAND Vice Presides iiUGUMoNARY Cashier. DIRECTORB: Geo. WUUams.Wra. Eng Iand,Dr. J. A. Richardson, J. W, Hodson, J, A Baker. Bank in new Exchange block on Com mercial street. &U-U J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 2I5X Commercial St, lm, Ortg on. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing docks, Watnhas aad Jwlry, B. K. HALL, Paper Hangorand Decorator. OStoe at Chaa. C4 vertVMUlfemery , ftelasa. OreoB. M. T, RINEMAN IXAUMt im v h J. F. WHITE. Ellis 4 Whitley.) supply of horses and bucetes on hand. umcu nt Buiuie, Commercial and Trade Cross, loice Meats. Wholesale anil Retail Dealer, in Fresh, Salt and Smoked Meats of allliinds 05 Court and 110 State Streets. Ten acres of good garden land near Sa lem. Apply at once to HOFEttBUOS, Jouiinai. office. 15 Good garden land three miles southenst of the penitentiary on Macleay road. K25Q down and balance on 5 to .10 years time. Or trade for city property. D. A. Harris, Salem. 12-13 tf W. Taylor, Iloaso Cleaner, Gardner and General Jobber CARPET LAYING AND CLEANING, WHITE WASHING AND WINDOW CLEANING A SPECIALTY. Leave orders at Thomas & Johnson's 260 Commercial street. MONEY TO LOAN On improved Real Estate, In amounts and time to suit. .No delay In considering loans. FEAR & HAMILTON, Room 14, Bush Bank block. 6 12dw Authorized Capital $500,000. CAPITAL NATIONAL BANK Balem, Oregon. W. A. CUHIOK.'Pres. ;W. W. MARTIN, Vice Pres. J. 11. ALBERT, Cashier. Btate, Couutyand City Warranto bought at Pur. dw THE WILLAMETTE, SAZFM, OREGON. Rates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Day The boat hotel between Portland nndHan Francisco. First-class In all its appoint ments. Its tables are served wltti Choicest Fruits Grown In the Willamette Valley. the A. I. WAGNER, Prop. Residence 882 Church Bt. J. J. SIGN AND MUTTON,. PAINTER, Decorator, KnlBomliier and Pa- per Hanger. Leave orders at A. B, Buren A Bon's Fur- nlture store or Broat A Pile, Grocers, .. tn !. .. Notice of Dissolution. THE grocery, firm of B. Karrar A Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent, fcMjuIre Karrar retiring from said business, and John A. Van Eaton continuing thu business at the same place. All persons owing said firm can settle their accounts with either Bqulre Kurrar or J. A. Van Eaton. Balem. Oregon, Jan, 7, 1861. MO-St H. PARUAR4CO, ur Little Men and Women. -for jaoa Is made expressly tor the younger boys and girls, who read their magazine at home audio sehool. livery number will contain stories, spir ited pictures, poetDS.vorws andJInglMtnd plee to ptk in school." il.ldes all these there will ie the following serial": lure Little Uold-JJIggws. It 7 olive Har pr. AU about the reHirlu.Weailfeutures ol some ohlldrsn who sailed around Cap Horn to Callforula. The Houm We J-Jre la. By IavIbIa 8. Goodwin. All about our "ha4s, hands, ajid the ret o u;" not Ilk studying nytoly, A Lit IM Col u rob tan arsndpapa. Br '. Tbforyorsbuy wbonuKM iv wurtbv ut bis umuut. urn ui ry rr. bliuMr tuiy wunby ut bi iwumi. 'IM Uom o' Mam Xm. r JOuwbisUi IRES I'HOFKSStONAXj AND mSINESS AI)B rntLiMUN roilO, attorney nt law. Salem, I Oregon. Office up-stnlra in ration's block. T F. CONN, Attorney at law, room 7, XJ, Murphy Block. TT 3, UiauUR. Attorney nt law, Salem, A.-..... ill.. ... t ., A. tlll.1.1. bank. 2Mf m VIlKUUl UIIITOUTUI UAUU l 1MIBU O JJ.HUAW, M. W. HUNT. BHAW A , HUNT, attorney At law. OMlcoover Capital Nnlloual bank, Halem, Oregon. CI T. UlUUAllDSON, Attorney at law, p. office up stairs in front roomi of new llush block, corner Commercial and Court streets, Salem, Oregon. TUHN A. OAUSON, Attornoy at law. t) Itooms 8 and i, Ladd A Hush's bank building, Balem, Oregen. 8 1 lyr II. V. 110NHAM. W. H. 1I0LME8. Boniiam A Holmks, Attorneys at law. Office In Hush's block, be twee u State and Court, on Coin'l Ht, MK. POQUK, Stenographer and Type . wrltlst. Best equipped typewriting otlleo, but one, In Uregon. Over Ladd & Hush's bank, Halem, Oregon. H. BRADSUAW, PHYSICIAN AND Burgeon, Malom. Oregon. Office In xh-llreyman block, unstulrs Residence corner Htateand H, K corner Winter street. SK. W. goon i, Oregi 8. MO IT, physician und sur- ;eon. Office In Eldrldge Block, so ireeon. Olllco hours 10 to 12 a. m. 2 to 4 p. in. D turn U. T. O. SMITH, Dentist, 91 State Btrcet, Hulein. Or. Finished dental onera- ons or everv description. Painless oiera tlous a specialty. WD. Pirail, Architect, Plans, Speol , ficutions anil superintendence lor asses of buildings Ollloe a Com- mcrciai mi., up stairs, c, A. HUBERT, Architect, room 421. Mar quam building, Tortland, Oregon. pv V. TOWNHEND. Civil Engineer and JL, surveyor. Olllco with Oregon Land Co , Silent, Oregon. PJ. liARSEN & CO,, Manufacture of all . kinds of vehicles. Repairing a special ly. Hhop V Stale street. "PROTECTION LODGE NO.2. A. O. U.W. I Meets In their hall In State Insurance building, every Wednesday evening. H. A. MoKADDUN, M. W. J. A. BEL WOOD, Reooidey. pi PROVED .ORDER OF RED;MEN, 1 Kumlakun Trlbo No. B, Balem. Holds council every Thursday evening, at 7:30. Wlgwum In (state Insurance hall, F. C. BAKKU, Prophet. FKNK a-WATERS, Chief of Records The Pacific Detective and Collecting Bureau. 3-A.LICIvI, - I- - Oregon. C.B.CLEMENT, Manager. Office room 3. Gray Block. Rates reasonable. Publto and private work done. EDUCATIONAL. Go to the Best. The pluce'J'or! young! ladles and gentle men to tecuro aiihorougtCeducntlon Is the old, but cverjnew. . WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY. Long and still the leading institution ol the North West. Better than ever I New course of Instruction in Oratory, Theology and Post-Graduated. HTUDIEy. Normal, Business, Academy, College, and Law courses greatly enlarged and improved. Faculties increased and Improved. For Catalogue of OolUige of Law write Dean B T. Richardson, Esq , Halem, Or. For Catalogue or College of Medical and Pharmacy write Dean Richmond Kolly.M. D.. Portland, Or. For general Cataloguo wrlto Rev. Geo. Whltaker, D. D., President, Balem, Or. 7-liWm-dw FRIENDS POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE Will be opened to students Bept, 13, 1802. Oilers the most practical courses of study ol any school in the Btate, viz: Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Academic ana Grammar school courbcs Students practice dally In wood shop, machine shop, and labora tories. Tuition and Honrd per Year, (ISO, Special inducements to a few young men who wish to work for their board und tui tion during vucatlous. Forprospectusand further information, address EDWIN MOKRIHON, M. S , Presdeut, Halom, Or. IVIiss Ballou's KINDERGARTEN. THIRD YEAR Opens Monday, Bopterauer 10j.li, at Kin- uurgurieu Jlull uji(iosiiu opera uousa. Children received at three years of age and over. A connecting class will be es tablished lor advanced Kindergarten pu- 8 us ana mose ueginmng primary work, nly the best modern Kindergarten meth ods employed. Prang's system ot drawing and color work introduced. ENGINE AND BOILER niOK sale. The boiler Is an S-'iorse up 1, rigui iiiuuiar. 11 liiirivnrifal ltn.,i and the enirino it 6-hoise htirizonlnl. llo'.h are In edod condition. and uwt 1700 when new.' Apply U) A. II. KOItUTtiEIl A O0.,5oppo slte First National liank. JAPANESE CURE Anew and Complete Treatment, consist ing of suppositories, olattuentln,oapsuU, aikoa bozand tllhi;aiKMltlfeeure for ex ternal. Internal, blind or bleeding, Iteblsg, chronic, recent or hereditary Files, aud many other dlsasM aud Munale weak dhms; KUalvraysa great bsseat to tbe general hstuth. The ilrst dtocovury ot a Htedlcal our rendering an operation with the knlfa uuneceasary brettiur. Tbts reioady baa never bean knotru to all. tl perMig.CiorK; stoi by wail. Wiiyaal trom thia erribl disease wbaa a wrtti ypHNUS 'me CAPITAL JOURNAL. II0FER BROTHERS, Editors. PUIILI8HED DAILY. EXCEPT BUNUAY, BT TUB) Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In P. O. Building Knterod at the postofllco at Balem, Or., as seioud clais matter. T11E LADY CLERK QUESTION. Many persons can eeo no objection to employment of ladles In tho pub lic service. There Is to ground why such persons, or in tho broader Benao women, shall not bo employed upon equal terms with men In all branches of the public service But there Is good ground to insist that they shall bo ladles that they shall he women, and that they shall conform iu certain respects as to qualifica tions and personal conduct and ap pearance In such positions. They should bo women of mature age. They should dress iu n modest busi ness dress. Thoy should have at least some reputation for clerical skill and possess ability in penman ship. As gentlemen must conduct themselves as such, so women In the publio service should bo gentlowom en In all respects. A legislature or publio office or institution is no place to display paint, powder, ruf fles and lace. Ladies appearing in ball costumes or in tho -finery of re ception dress are not fit to be em ployed in the state bouo where public business is transacted. Trains and decollette dresses have no proper relation to publio business. All these accoutrements of love-making are proper iu their place but they becomo a distuiblng element in the publio Bervlce, which also works lm justice aud hardship to mature and really deserving women who will not resort to such devices to secure employment. Business is business and the accomplishments and flirta tions of the drawing room belle are as much out of place In tho business service as a bull in a china shop, If the law required that ladies who seek employment In publio places, should appear In a plain business costume and were of a certain uge, whether married or single, and the element of frivolty nnd romance should be eliminated from their ap. pqarance in the halls of legislation and publio institutions when they seeK employment at the handa of men and in competition with them, thero would be fewer scandqls con nected with women in publio life than today. SHOULD HE SET ASIDE. There is no doubt that If tho state officials who make the state tax levy were to set aside tho work of the stato board of equalization where it is clearly Illegal they would be upheld by the peoplo In bo do ing. It Is clearly not in tho power of the board of equalizers to mako a horizontal raise on the valuations all over this state. They are created by law to equallzo valuations be tween counties, and not to mako an after assessment by adding, as they did, ten dollars to ono hundred dollars to tho real property of the state. Thoy have Increased tho valua tion of tho stato (31,000,000, and in an unlawful manner. The board of 1801 exercised no such power aud able lawyers say this board has not any right to mako a horizontal raise. Their after assessment will Increase school taxes about (300,000. TllATTlJKNKDlhWltT. Tho Balem Jouhnai says the leg islature should knock oil Just (1000 on the bill of tho clerk of the board of equalization of 1802. If Coolldge can staud that he must have had a pretty good bill to start with. Eu gene Register, Jan. 14. Tub Jouhnal did not report to tho clerk of the board of 1802 Mr, Coolldge. It named tho clerk of the board of 1601, who was the busi ness partner of President Bhelton. Ho put in a bill of over $1000. That bill should bo cut (1000 at least. The president put in a bill that was near ly a thousand dollars. The cost of tho whole board was oyer $600, This year tho board cost only (3000. Tho flrdt board cannot legally draw four teen hundred dollars more than tho board. of 1802 under the samo act and for the samo service? That ought to be inquired into by the leg lalature before they pay that Lilt. CITYKiNAM!KS. The Journal- perforins a valu able service In giving the greatest publicity to the carefully prepared report or the ways and ruenuB com mlttee found iu these coluins. It is the Information the people ought to have, It gives everybody warning of Just what Is to be ex pected from the council for 1808, We have Iturfated that then is no good reason why SaUro should not be one of the beat governed olllaa on theooaat. The element for good eWy gov- rouMmt n In 'JBJBJBJBk. Ml sjHI SSSJ SSS7 SSA pSj BS r BS SSl YDiaKJii(r7 1 ABurecr PURE vll si wCsOHH Where the best Royal Baking Powder only can be used. I have found the Royal Baking Powder superior to all Others. ft Gorju,late Chef, Delmoitico't, iV. Y. ministered. The Journal will heartily support an administration looking to pure economy and ro form. LETTER LIST. Following aro tho letters remain ing in tho Balem postofllco uncalled for Jan. 18, 1803. Persons culling for samo please soy "advertised." Aron, A M Bohauon, J O Benson, Cbas Barker. Mr Bruce, Mrs U E Blaukeuship, Jno Bailey, Jno Basey, Miss Lizzie Cook, Oial Cornelius, Miss L Cook. W Corck. O Chandler. C A Dexter. J W Egorton, Dr W Edwards, Miss I'ox, it j l arris, l runic Fulton, O F Hunter, W G Hurst, W V Hobbs, Miss M Hocket, Wm Hussey, MIbs G Hubbard, C M Henderson, Wm Henderson, Mr and Mrs W liarmns, u u iiaii, ornery ttanson, liertna Johnson, E A jonnson, Hi u Johnson, H A Ireton, O Kern, Bertha Lyons, Jno Lealmau, V '2 Morgan, J F McCoy, Jno Rlchsond, Mr Stiver, Perry Jones, GeoF2 Jermluo, D Logan, Russol Lewis, Dan Little, H H Moore, Thos A Putroan, Marlon Mheel, Jf G Stewart, MIbs Ida Shauits, N J 81m w, Mrs A Thacker, Mrs E Vanclove Mrs E Westacott, W Weston, Jennie Ward, W O Waite, O C Warren, Henry Warner, Geo Ward, Harry Yourch, Leo A, N. GILBERT, P. M. A Man Thormomctor. Lean men make tho best ther mometers. Fahrenheit nover invent ed better ones. If the. weather is warm and sunny, they are cheer ful. If cold aud frosty, they aro irritable and snappish. If damp and cloudy, thoy aro downcast and gloomy. But if either lean or fat men are suffering from bllllousness headache, constipation, or indiges tion, tho weather will always bo damp and cloudy in their locality, unless thoy uso Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. These Pellets aro small sugur coated grauules, calculated to start the liver and digestive organs into healthy activity, aud thereby raise low spirits, nnd blspel gloom. Firo in a School. CmrjAao, Jan. 18. Fifty young ladles, attending the fuslilonublo Kenwood institute on Madison ave nue, were routed from their beds at six o'clock this morning und forc ed to liustou Into a zero atmosphere dud for tho most part only iu the scanty garments they could snatch n a hasty flight from tho dormitory when the alarm of fire was given. An overheated flue set fire to tho woodwork in tho basumonl, and In spite of tho strenous oflorts of tho fire department the instltuto, a three story brick building, was almost totally destroyed. Thero was no pan to among the pupils, hut they were compelled to cast aside all thought of uppeuranco and forsake treasured trinkets and costly wardrobes allko. Sympathizing neighbors threw op en their doors to take tho suflering and shivering girls in; Tho loss by fire will probuly not exceed 6000, fully co vend by liitunmre. Nature's Surest Ally. Uuatuib did not struggle against dis ease, even iu weakly constitutions, swllt lodeed would be the oounre of a uiulacty to IU fatal termination. While naturo thus struggles let us, lest worse bebtlls us, uld all efforts with judicious meUlclual help. Experience must be our guide In battles Willi disease, aud that "lamp to our feet" Indicates lloitettei's Htnmaih Hitters as a ate, trlea and thoroughly slly of nature. If the blood be Infected with bile, If the bowels aud stomach are Inuoilve. if the kidneys full toexi! Impurities of wlitnn thuy are th natural outlet, a course nf the illiterate mesuresirejianeeouuesuifsrsr, one. moreover, that Is sanctioned by pro fessional Indorsement aud use for nearly half a century. No Ainerleauor foreign remedy has earned greater UMIiiMlmias a teiuedy for aud prevenlitlva of ehroalo liver oowplslut, tselarla, eoastluattoa, kidney and rheumatic trouble and debility To My Patrons, All accounts due me niuat be ( tied nt onoe a I shall place all that M not laald lor collection un Kab. i carry awn food is required, thev m A PAIR OF "JINCn!'? 'I tfx''p 4- An Incident Showing How TlierV A ffltl,ilrl:ta In All tl.iltin Cl-...u ' "They lntin't no convention mg nothiu in town, 19 thoy!" asked, a lonjj haired rorm who, with, an older, ly lfuly carrying nn enormous rett" ' cult, stepped falteringly up to ti counter in n Lewiston hotel Friday evening nnd looked tho proprietor fair in his weather oyo. , "Not that I loiow of," said the, proprietor. "What kind of conven tion, mister, were you Jooldng forf "Waal, Daptis'. Baptis' is ary first pick, I'm Baptis1. Hesty hese nodding at his wifo, "she'sgot H' MQth'dis' leanin, hut 'hvouldn't mat tor much either -way. would it?" be) replied, smiling at his modest'part nor- V,J "Did you como to tovrn expectiaf a convention?" asked tho proprietor. "No! Oh, nol Not's I kaoif on. Wo'ra both Y. M. C. A., ye 'see, and she's temporanco, and I'm consider ahlo iu tho Grange, and she's a Re bokah, and I'm ouo of tho G.A. X. post up iu ray town. We comeTia itiu, but tho folks is away. "We'd ortor lot 'em 'a' knowed, but we didn't We've alius had good luck conven tional ; alius staid a good while and-. I'll" iiivuiy iw uuv Jiuu tl iUJUJU-sssr-- time, aud it hain't never cost nothin. Wo generally intend te tw most o' our visjtin Jn strange piece as dellygates, hut hero wo be, and tho folks wo wasn-goin tovMthai gono away, and, thoughts I,'. if thoro's a convention in town itfe mighty slim show, but I'd be one of tho brethorin and sho'd bo a sister te less'n two minutes after we .Bee, headquartors. I thought I'd ask the quostion. No harm, yo know.ntt thoro was a convention o' any kia4 Republican or Domocrat, Uaitaa on, Congrogationalist, old school Baf . tis', Good Tomplnr, Sons o' Temp unco, Templo er Honor, Patrone of HuBhaudry, P. U. O. W. F.,G.,i. R., Sons o' Vot'rans or onytainf of tho kind you'd know it, wonlder,l you)" , "Thoro is no convention of ;ay kind." "Como on then, Hesty," aal.(he wearily, "wo'll havo to stay ,here f ' and sottlo." . ri "Sam," said tho landlord, "gif this couplo tho bridal chamber.!'1 Lowiston Journal. , , A Oruwsomo Thing. -v ; It was a ratlior unusual onuunens for a room, if it could l0 called an ornament; but bachelors often 'aatfyF DlillllU Villi!) Ill I.IIVIL ivwumt , was a human skull, polished mado into a recoptnelp for stray of paper or anything olso that wanted to put into it, The top bo removed nt pleasure, It was a grewsorao thing to on a wnting desk, and it att: a trrcnt deal of attention. Bhttddored as thoy looked at it ant ouo day ono of thorn asked the fP" olor why ho had it around. j,av "Oh, it's a sort of a keopeakeJfe said carolcRsly. "It was ray bepaV ' or's." "Your brother's 1" Ho looked surprised as he saw ory ono iu tho room edging m(Nfi from him. "Whv. vos." ho said. "Do you moan to say tbattkni your hrothor's skull?" demaadeij "Certainly: what's tno raawaw, it?" ho asked with apparent mont. "Ho gavo it to roe wl was married. Ho Kot it was a modical student, but Wi wouldn't have it around tan -Lifo. The Cdtrcct AtlHu. Winks Sea that fellow on a all doublet! up like a jaokkuUef Jinks xes; lies on New York Weekly. J Tutt's Pi ltairaMUr bMSIuavsMlitMal mmmIIiIom uwu iMrr. Trass i bjm Umj aaas as srowas. sms mvv IJD.XI Si ' -p-i f e r tSa i&