"1 JL pWWrlWi WW mwi fff Pj iwWwsaMrti-i & JMBPW, WiwWf fl&fj Afrit ffft by- k . ., . .,. . i &-tzl rr., .",.' v .. v ' iparrffWrtfrwi uf no it WW www aiw wmm m JkvA- Am , mty Htk mn k (wihwiMi folk f ywm ImtHHMfrtVtMHllikt hflttf fttff m m HtmUiUiiitHHhiinnm tomb aM MriiKiftM Kilftfl MMMk lit tf fi(tti Iff ffWffAl tffl, wmmi mfUkWi&f fiutm imi iwiwpf m wjrfnfrflt wntf 'Wiwwy fff ftrfi iff fit 'Wfcwftwifi.h'xt.ffjw mi Hie IWtKMt'M MfettfHT ff ifK'ffl fill, .HM wi mhIhi W jm a W 'i - m - gf m'iHfli nfcr ftfffrfi1flrvrrfilfljr JNM PWffWP) W I III M lllirry. fftw W4 tfrW Ml liiAll, qMllfl fcffrWt KrWl tfrf'fil, M iwnn Mm mi mnhU of lhtwt In hfP for" i ''nrmm-m" IfHf.rwilHfKi'flto, mm wwr imt tmiit mummy lfrW(Ml lhl ciffco WW Ht Irrtrlfllilfil'Mfkl Wlllf(f liolr- tiuitinUi all ffm luiitiiM Hnmi, rt WIIH kf lfy. tllM jlotf, lir'rty ittiiiiwiito wovtfl wwirJ Htiil noofd wny m mt wild iiiiovkimi niAOrity, uhi Pty rfjyWM(Wott WHWil fof R Ifl0 MMtfr, All li(i U) (Hik hlM WUdll 0k JW1, Mi W NO Hi) A IKwwjV ftywl tyw of tlwtl(cf, Kjr kfH1 vufaU tmM Ut mi, Hurt Ht whi lfti look fur Ixtyorid, nud UM KtffmW WffHfillOlli'ly HM'llWl- JHflf WHlwJlJf t ittltllllil, (iirtT (lifdialil llihifcffirfi Unit 22? fa i4ri rfM'iiftt ui(filMH(l wlmt tlioy litjkm lor, lmt xlio nlwnj'H iniiiof ik1 hikI nevyf iiirt( my mlftUikort. (tf1l tiwrw wN n IHIIo Momolliliitf ; HhiUl htfr, Mi If lil) Wold looking far Wywid Iioj HiiiYdimdliiM of Iwtuii iMy of wnlt))i of dmiinfiitf, Tim wwt wind (!imi iiIhIiIhk in ovw tljH low Jutland liontli, It liud mn rolling Iouk, licHvy wivoh all ' ' Ww wny ovot' llio Norlh wm, Holt 7-HHd mt villi froth mid fomn, It thrww llwlf Hcriwi llio coimt and WWIt HftllOlU llllt IlllllICf llio lllltll klHtr i.'ovomd with Jimiolnilm, It J!l Imunw dry nd lmvy with MHltf hikI h llltlo (hud, ho tlmt when 1 N wwhwt KrHnip Inn It vn rdl It 'Mll1 tin lit iium (tin 1rivii l.n mi Jiiotm. fWIIUl Jltrt thoy Jmd k fdvo wny, mid tlio wwl filled llio wholo lmni and terud llrf wy In through tlio kltohou Am, which Mtool itjar, mid ut hint "Ht itrMMtit' hWHitio mo Krmt (hut HM (10111)18 (loom tit tlio OtllOf 011(1 of MM Iwni burnt oi'Uii, mid now (ho '-:wwrt wind Hvojit IHlitnphnrilly , 'UirotiKh, hwIiikI'ik tho luntorn wliloli hntiK ri'om tno roor, toiiriiiK oir too koHUwV eii mid currying it nway i "mi in (ho diirkncM, hlowhiK tlio lmnkWovr tlio Iioiwuh' lioailMiind (tttthhiK ft wlille lion olf tlio roont down Into tlio wntor IioiihIi. llio fowl m. tip h lorrlhlo cacltllnif, tlio -kothjf HWoro.thoKlrldlii (ho kltohon wwh iittfirly oliokod with fiiiioko, mid Uw homi Iwchiihi tintnmiiiKuuhlo h1 tiiii)(Ml HiwrkH from (ho Htono item. Kvpii tlio duokH (hut hud laid IM togetliop Ht'oiuid tlio inmiKorH, m Mi U lto on liHtid for (ho oatii tliat Wtnild 1)0 hiI1U1, took to tnmukiiiKi mi (ho wind xwi'jit through with a frkhtful km tintll two iniin cauio Mt from (ho wiiowt hull, put tholr 4 IxuikM HffuhiMt (hodrKira mid fml Uiom UnnUnT hohIii, wlillo tlw) HjmrkM hlww alwait tholr twunlH hWH tlolrlHrKOilit, Aftw (Iimh HchlevoinontM tlio wind wmi down hiikmo Dim hmthor, run llOMK tlitf lwi iiitoliM mid (avo u krk to tlio iiihII concIi, which it mot k tmf4o of hillDM HWuy, H k nlwityri In Htmh n dovllkdt kMtry to gut l tlmt Uvuin," Krtmi M4 Andw, (ho drlvor, a nil maokiHl U whip over IholipHdfi of (lloBttm- IWPB fMFl t Fw It wwi HtxHlt th (wentinth Mhmi tiwt tlio umtl lwk In tlio ccmoh v (hhI ktwwwl tlio wlmlow mid ui-god .ahiiiiwi wi. At nmt ii wan h irionuiy ?' MUfUdUim to h unit at (MifTtm tiiim-li EC! &A U- l-iil iu-iliilli Al... ..i. a am mil) imv (jimumjiy uio ixir AiUlw littil&Jitn wiiatfuf until llio ih wAt 4pw iwnm down with h orHKh. MM MVfMl 1rkf (HKonit'iiN on ImImmIMIm1 dHvw. whlnh iHit tlooolv Mb Al4fH' MMH4tlVH WHll, llflwwulh Wie wihu nwpjit hIoiik to uw KttHitHi ami WKiuxi mm! emhmly 1h tlw dry . TtHt MMMHl WAM full, hilt v(k4 Ujt rkwk i tlott It I ly fiUMt, wM; kHhuhit to IOMMM r UHt Ha, trf Xmwn hm wm m tt vrtth jiil of dark h.h( hiv! MMffMt IH44W lrtrt Wltk'U m hum mm A mnp w mtnmi , Mm war tkreuftk tk IntWr, h maUvtmi nA Imt It wm : d, IW It trmlHUd t im Mtt lKM WkfeM WM MrIM w'W'IBji WW wr WT WMlUy WW HH H4MMMM. IMUr r nij Uili. Mf Hft H h ?( M HI tf4rlf1 If- ftftfl 'nt.M fi'-lfti ffWhK wfwM Mhsfw HI MflWI it'l Mfww pfH Mi IW Mfiirntff vp m iri mi mt itfot rlfiM dint! ,4 f IA I0f IH pt? 'W fifi!i0' lit ! fr f Mfln rf "df 11(11 '( hinl nMrwi fo ffHl.f fv Wf Mlft hrfi? h(Mf lMfVlft1l mrtm ift Tfttwl in mornlfirf, wf JiH wlff M f- W ffwtMwl ny MRif htif iim Mfhm iinw it fifiifl MfMlHfftWf fM rt lW ff mum Uimn Ihn hfi mi rt ifirtilf .f Im4hi, rffid M Ii Wftrt Hfif Hi ,.frtiw liM wlff fl r1tll In Ifi" 01" fttilMhyi!r'iiiiffif f or ww Mid i4t ffithf for mi wwiojy Ifrf porlMO' Nfff 'Itll Of Wllldll miiIp(0' lyWjIdwfliftr' llr-fitn llifi IJffififilCH ftlxKnf ft lrflfl- r Hi ci rotifxtf Mutt, ft'iftiifiK for rt pif Mm at WJrt WilN lto nh ImynfH Itfid IhfMi lllfiwt frfrtfirwl fOttiiiio ff Mirtf WiffWi Ui lortflflf wot Mood oir willi an mh fit y lunfMi In Mu hHiid. Wfllllnf for ft IfllhiW wiifdlfl tilid n Irtll, H'ifl ffiMiit followed Kiitt'll wlllf hit hniuM look ifo woi ( hfivft iilxly Ihii'o oro huok f-n 6 kronw Jul Kffii wrnl liiifk ml forth WlillOtll hfisto Of iWiliflMltlll, Itwoiiid -iil iilduml. lfiiKfllliM.,for iim Ui lonlinf hll thlrt. ''ho Inrrfo. VtutWltr iif o,VM m'Miiffl In ho (dniliifd wuli I'Xjioolrttlon. who iioJii li"r niio iif Mo head no firmly find Unfifivftldy, mi If not loho dlidtfldhyhll flfifj lidd to Ihllik of. Ifor hllio hofrtfftiim fjoWH Win ruthor IIkIiI, mid inmlo n red ct UfiM itdrosH Jior ijW'k, JohI Iwlo w tlioliRlrV , "Thowi A Wf fth'l liro nil po fair," Hald Olio Of thd HhIi IrtiyorM. Tlu-y Woro yotinif won mid dlwimwd Karon Vi inorlU with llio air of con iiolwotirn. Btimdlwx at llio window wnnuoiuii who ohporved, an ho looked nth In waloh, thuf'thopoflt wiw oarly to filjjht.'' Thoro wan u nimbllfitf ovor tho Hlono iiavemoiit oiia1(1qi tho laro but ti (looig woro ihtOwn ojkiIi, and tho wind shook tho kltchon dooroneo woro and Wow tho nwoko out of tho Btovo. Kalcii htlpjwd Into thukltclion just UM tho front door viw opom-d, Tho wall clork Bloptwd Into tho mtoHt hull, and hid h f'oiioral fjood ovonlng With u touch of luilioiiiiKc uh ln-llt-tlnf an odlclal of IiIh iirotoimlotiH. Ho waa a tall, haiidciomoinaii, with hlaok oyt'H, hlnok curly hoard and hair. Tho loiiff capo, with amplo folda of tho gorgooim rod cloth of tho DiuiIhIi Kovormnotit, wiw ornaiuontcd hy ftvolhtruf doemkin. which reached down ovor hln nhoitldom. Tlio Biiarco iiiy from tho two pnrnf (In lainpri hatiRluit ovur tho lon onkoli tuhlo Boomed all in middt.n In- fntiintlon to Kook' tho hrlftht rod of tho capo, which uontrostcrt nhnrply Willi tho Bonihur uray and liluck of (ho room. Ah (ho tall form wltli tho mall, curly head, tho broad collar mid tho long, rod foldti paused through tho low Hinoky room It Bootn.-d a vorltablo nmrvolor beauty and hiiIoh dor. Karon Boon camo back from tho kitchen with Lor tray, 8ho bout hor head forward partly ct needling bor face, an niio huniod from one. guewt to anothor. Hho iilacod tho rouated rabbit 1)0- foro tho two HhIi huyei-H, and brought a bottlo or whm wulor for ton drum-inoi-H, who iiat In a llltlo room by thoMwdvoH, Thon nho gnvo tho mix tool farmer a tallow candle, mid as llio hurried out again bunded bixty throo oro (o tho htraugor at tho lire plaeo. Tho ImikeoiKir'a wlfo' wni In do ijwilr. Trilo, hho had utiexja'ctedly found her keyn, but Immediately ftor lHt tho lawyor'H letter, and now (WioyUiliig wiw In an upmar. Kohody had it'ooivod what ho had ordorul, and ovorylnnly talked at diiiu Tho di uimnorri mug their Ih11 Inoowmntlyi tho IIhIi buyorn nearly tpllt their elihii laughing over tho roftsled rabbit, which lay on tint plat ter oororu iiiem, looiiug an uueom fortnbloiiH a kiiiuII boy on hoiKobaok, tvhllo tlio auxlotiH fariiuir tapjH tho boater eautloiixly on tho Hhoulder tvlth tho (allow eandh- ho wom tivm tiling for hla hlxtV-thn-o oi. And In llio mlihtt of thlH eonfunlou Kaivn ntddoiily dlwipimmtHl. Andviv, tho driver, wiwon hla high Kat In front of (ho mall ixtueh, tho jhoro hoyHtiHxl rewly (ooihui tlio (Mtrtl (loon, tho two paiwoiigviii In llio coaeh Ikkuuuo imiatleut to bo WT, and tho honw. tot)- although Ihoy woro bettor off whoro they iveio - and tho wind nlook tho doom Hid whUtlwl through cmolw and At hiat tho liiitll clerk eama Ah tio BtopiKHl up to the comh ho mndo Mlsht niKilogy Ikh'uuwj bo had kept them waiting. Tho light from tho intern fell upon hU faco; holooke KHrni, and toado mono ivmark to t)wt nflfwt with h faint mnllo as ho put on hi coat and mounted bosiilo ikfl driver. Tho doom wero ofwnod, and tho MUl wwh rumbled out, Andew ! & tho Ihh( (o go at an ray ft(, tor nuw thoit) wmitio longer uty hurry, from llmo to (imo ho HC- M tk wall clerk by hU nldA wk m4 MwtUtHf In m alwHtwiiuhHt Uh k QovwiMMut Bend, highwr ntU of iuUroat, indoiuntty Ytm eMuwtW a tlolkr in up YHm fpmmmi Mh ytr, Mr, H, G. Life IttMmuw flptoy, k U fttt ! An f HSftffHiil , . , 'fhff W MMw Hi"h f'r f UmI lyt if I iff rtfdi IIIMI i !?! "If. WiWP tm t,m nod jihNl Will Wghrt MfiMiV fitmU iIh ilr-y lit , ww M M III fMl- AM liMl frf-MI w ffly MlilH(if Hm ruMiii www In iof iiifMH Kmi fiffnmi Hwlii itf hrtl,wf Jh"iWfrfrajmiil ortily utilmfffwl, 'Hi f lw Ufwnt fM fill fif UM Irtllffw iifiif, nwi wnx .fcivw liii iifylliffl im, '' Ww dfimiiof-M mitdf ft fiKrw Ifftfi filfumilmfiihllf Tlio l(llllff'iyi Wlf" WltllflflffWl ft lllllo, Irfif hn flldiri Unm iwrnni im urn i-wr IhMitfhl of hlufnlflif ffarMi fftf fifirlhifrK HWly ai wlUio(illotflolif wflt h find fm nml llio wimforlflhkirt'l' hirf wlilnh tvofylily mwiifi ffill III lifir fifwncfl Hfion irnl llirwidliottt (lift fllinly llghlfd W'I hrtll fine Hm f wo Hull Irtijow, whff hud fiifh liml ft glitM of f'figllflf Willi (lltllf Miltf'fi, waro fiillo Jfifiiltmfod wllh hff Tlifff Wfld woro I hull Iho Hfniil lfif in hor riliM'kn A half hlddan glim lliaf of ft Miillo III liji liff ftw. and whan i mim In ft Ktma whlln mlnw I lief pyi' limy IwikffJ iKiwIldored Hill M Miff wimcoiiiIotH tliat lliclr oyprt follmvfd hiif. xlio want Into llio room whoro tlmdriimmarrf worn f III fflfliif, and iK-gnn to jiollnh koiiiorII' VUf OJKKOIfl, "Uidyoii nollco tho wall clorkl" nnktil ono of (ho driiwliiorrt. "Not 1 Mlovo ho noon wont out again, "aimwnred llio other wllh hH mouth full. "A d(ivillh good looking follow that I I danced at hla wedding." "Ho ho In married I" "Why, yes I ill wlfo IIvoh In lm vlg. t hollo vo (hoy huvo (wo chll drou. Hho Ih a daughter of tholiiu koopcrat Ultrup, and I chanced to lio thoro (ho ovonhig of (ho wedding. Tliat wiw a Jolly night." Karon dropjiod (lioKpoomt and wont out of tho room. They Milled her from tho gilcwt hall, but rIio did not hear. Hho went Htraluht to hor room and locked tho door. Half conscious, tho iilood niotionlcriH in tho dark. Then alio caught at her head, nho caught at hor broaut, gunplng for breath ) who could not undortaud no, Hho could not uudorutand. But when hIio heanl tlio keepor'a wlfo calling pitifully, "Karon 1 oh, Iittlo Karen I" then Hho was urou?od. Hho ran ncroai tho fnrtuyurd, bohind tlio burn and out out into tho heather. In (ho dim light a strip of gram wound ita way through tlio heather aH If it woro Home neglected road, but it wiih not a road, for it only led to tho edgo of tho deep peat hole. Tlio rabbit jumped up it had heard a nphiHli. It dashed away by long leaps im if it had gono mad, now with logH drawn yp and tho back rounded, now btrotchod to nn incrcd lbl6 length like a piece of India rub bor it leaped ou ovor tho heather. Tho fox ralbcd his pointed hohoiuhI Htared at tho rabbit in iiHtoniHhniont. Ho liad not heard any Hjilatjh. In accordanco with tho most aiprovcd method, ho had como listleasly along tho bottom of a deep ditch, and t ho waH not conscious of any liiistako, ho was unablo to account for this unexpected move of the rabbit. For boino time ho Htood in this po Bition, wlthhlH bead raised --(ho hind part of hi i body and tho largo bushy tail hidden in tho heathorand ho began t() (utuitlou if pot hups it were tho rabbits who woro becoming wiw and tho foxes moro stupid ovary day. Hat when tho west wind had run Bomo distance it became u north wind, later an cant wind, then a south wind, and at last it camo again ovor tho son as a west wind, ran in lictween tho sand dunes on tho coast mid sighed and moaned strangely In tho heather. Dul two gray oyc woro missing in Kraruiiiuu. And theiuu- koopor's wifo whnniK'ivd more than evert she could not understand; no Iwdy could understand excopt An durn, tho driver, and ono Iwsidos. Hut when tho old people wanted to admonish tho young seriously it win their custom to begin thus, "Thoro wiw onco a girl m Krarup inn of tlio naino of Kiuvn."--'l,iiuislatetl from tho Danish of Thygo Sogam for "Poot Ix)iv." JUUIilK l'luiluffrnili l.uiiiliiiiiia. It is found that a photograph can easily bo niado luminous in tlm ilnrlf by taking a white mount, and after coating it with starch isto sprinklo over it luminous jMiwdor and press it down llrmly to tnnko it iidliom All iitii m now necessary Is to nmko tho Dninoutitcd silver print as transixii- Mltlld noMSlhlo III" ctuttinir II nn tint Irnek with castor oil and wiping nwny mo surplus nil, uy placing this ovor tho projuircd mounting cnnl and oxposlng It to daylight a lmni tjoua kmIUvo hi obtained. Now York mm. Wmuru miiiI l"Ur Trrtli. lnv lihio ovwt lHtnil mil tnlil i bo ctdor blind, uud wo aro told that women, as a rulo. lmvo hotter eve right than men, but, ou tho otiier I hand, thrco women have fuL) teeth ' looverytwo men that wear them, nils, w. tak it, U owing to their jreaier rcgam lor iiersonal Hjivar inoo than that tho lair sex is moro lonlally iWtlck'Ht than their admlr Hr, CltaMilwm' JmirmU. ilHhusU compuny. Cwh ColUm, Gm Amit of the 0 oily wwi if yon nm Uuuking 4 fWfcfw' mt m,Amm, ftttoMUJ to ft n ttif Wf nn um mi funniirfi fit uw Htif m w aMit ItMil Nftrifft Iff 'l ftoMtf.niw wf IlimV n Md JJt hi ht In IM wr II f , tmtrt w (in in mmp " WjTA 'Miwm W fill tUhi M Hoj lh' . n fiuffi ffftmrfii iiuf on in; "r" Uf ,, ff w m wiwinif iimi ft o. wf Mutiny tiM Wf "Ml l' '' m t nmf tm imrwmg n "" '"'" fff 1 m 1w wlinl jl fmM n a fiff im rtwiwui iw M f'ff'rii ii th (m tof frm Kp ww fwl mmffim mrmM hMf It lff f (ftfi tf4y, fmi Ktnld wm fwl 'HMffff1frtlinM !fiM Mlli tnt . M fifm wn In rtflfl ffHfJfl fi mffu vrtffi him, flrf I"'" rcwi nifi-l IM f"1 jWtfw '" ",m7 ftihM. HI"! dM HU it mm '! m turn mm rer if nianu wnn mni id li mmm limit Afnfili Wo lo thu iHfrt, HM fwf friM f.lirt ti WH Winwtflif Hrtftl, f nfi M Wffil letf 10 Hli Iwwfl nd Mid Rtti fi Wfil fttwiit tlif fiAJf. fl ifMilff K In flM wo to an Ui IliM fHlfitir4 fltmnl f'tinfff llfiifl flfid M li"W in rh Hf Im fmd III liM Imfli. llf" M iii rttti h'Of it fan on itll fafffild oyif tlaf Hrtf1, llifi ntt ttm Hint tlili inna ffH" ' to l(Hl Idiu lirt did liM e1lor(i and lff( i lid imy mi I hfl floor ai nifinl. When (lis fiimi Ml nialtli'u lioiU'J to K lioifif, Hinlili wmit dot Crircfitlly (0 tlm OtlifC iililfi nf Ida bHfti tthefo 1m cmild Iwik ntniiiiii llio eoftipfn nrtd ffo tho manll ilnof oil Hint did". ftll a ho lookffj Mfoiiiid tlio (jorfipf lio caw rt laindlo of Imjr eoliltf out of tlio doof) Hipii die adtflibof (initio out aftrf It, shutting Hid ilfidf, mid uliouhlcrlng tlio Imy went Bcrfni lotfi la tlio now to Ills Imrn. Hinitli let him go and did not my ono word, but lio put on lock (vhUbara doom llio next day. In tho spring wlion tlio snow thawed thoro wnia road iktom tlio field covered wltli scattered bay to till man's barn. Ono fluadfly as they came from meeting this man was along and sovoral other of tlio neighbor'. Hmltli Invited tlictn to ooiao to bis barn) ho wanted to hov tliorn a curiosity. They all went. Ho look thorn Into the barn and opened tliu Hindi door tliat the bay went ont of, and showed them tho stn i'rof scattered hay, saying, "Tho curio- wan that it led from his bam to neighbor So-aml Bo's bum, mid all tho trucks went tho saiiio way from Bmlth's barn to this man's barn." Smith said, "Now, good neighbors, can you solvo this great mystery' I leavo yon to find thocanso." They gavo tholr verdict then and there, saying, "That explained how this man lmd kojit hU two cows on ono ton of hay anil hud tnrt of it left at this tlmo." This man did not cull on Hmltli any more, neither was Smith's hay missing after that. Hut Smith could not forget tho Iocs of hla hay, especially by n man tliat claimed to enjoy religion and would got shouting happy every tlmo that ho went to meeting. It puzzled Smith how this man could bo so happy and not make restitution to him for tho hay ho had fitolon from him in tho p.ist. Smith made up Ida mind that tho next tlmo this man shouted ho would shout too. After u whilo thero was a meeting at tho school house. This hay man was there. An soon as tho preacher gave tho liberty to epenk, up got this man that took Smith's hay and shouted. "Bless God, glory, htdlelulah, glory to God. I nm eo happy that 1 know that all my sins nro forgiven and I am froo from sin." At this Smith shouted, "My hay will bo sufo now." This caused a laugh. This man tried to shout ngaiu, but failed. Smith shouted, "Oo ou, brether: my hay will bo safe if yon do not back slide." Luwlftton Journal. Murto Up Tlirlr Uunrrrl. A hardware storo on Main streot. Manayuuk, is tho hoiuhuiarlors of sev eral old citizuns, who coagregato daily to gossip politics, ancient history, and tell stoilca of tlieir individual trials aud troubles before thoy retired from active Inibltiesi life. Jokes aud tricki, inno cent and harmful, aro constantly prac ticed on each other, much to tho amuse ment of tho purchasers of nails, paint and putty. About thirty years ago Hen Davis and Jon Wlnnunnv illlTnriMl nvi- a statement mado by tho Utter. Davis, who doubted tho story, requested Win penny to put tt in writing beforo ho would bolwvo tho yarn. Winpetmy, who was au;;ry that hN voracity couid Ihj quistiond hy auy present, resented th i cuariru and left tlio store, with a vow nover to kjieak to Davis until ho asked his pardon. Yesterday Davis relented after tho long spacu of timu and the ihook hands ovor tho wide chasm. Tears woro in tho eyes of tho old vota present at tho reuulon. Philnduljihlu Ilecord. Sniiivtlilni; New In Slirarn ut t.nal. It i uot often that an ammrentlv ns?- fid innovation m tho art of beissor or shear uiauufuctiiro U heard of, or.d donbtloss for that reason wo huvo be como apt to rautidcr thebo Indispensable adjuncts to civilization as probably un improvable Instruments. la a now kind of shears which has Iwen brought on tho market by an ingenious mechan ician, tho cutting blades aro connected liy a cajuiilo. tu which a simple lover movement, on tho cloiug of tho iuktm inent, chuwm tho ono blade to be drawn under tho other. Tho lower cheek then nets uaaupjKirt and tho upper cheek as a knife, which severs tho object ou thesupport. Compared with tho ortho dox sctiAoni a much k'mitrr efHcleuoy U johiiined for tho uov form of htara. 'Iron. lllukt Nut Surprln.l. JttiVrt (rivtiliti.l (LtvmiML. i... i i - chekcu with fonr wings and four legs, ninkst What of it? m1"'' t.h3t"? very itmarkable, llluks-'lliiit It l,ouW huvo so few wings aud lej? Jiukk-That It should have so laiiay. 11 i-vij, in vKI HJ0 atid mid Umchu of owry U M rif tMmt ,(!! , w flffrf ( m w 1 ifftfT n mm Ann mf V lf nn HWIIWF f.ffOm tf-lflllfifi S M iwki ( tm fnrnilf rm fMf i f''f, "tf f'M """' fh mm m wMlfrtl in thf Wlo"W f 111 f t - "ft "t ,M (.of-rr ffffffflf f'w,, Hm to ht wm Fwmdi m i.inJ ilia rflffaffffMM lit Wrtlfll fif Mill fiflBtWhllH "w'WjfJ Mffiwimr itn- Pro"H in wmfif In nfflrwfif otf nmttom Mitfhl In Imf c MiWthr 111 nil ktftf Hi" wflf nWa r?nl flifKl mm Tlifl nfrWgm of mmh maim ihfi m wnftl nlirtiitMoff'liIflni1inff NfilNand (JUM4M f l,S MlffflHW Hl FflfO 'j'lifl ummtn wiffifl In flw WW mw dhnfffi flf mUuntnym lim (Am m-U (Irtffrwn frel lmitf and law nwniili f itdfnll Ut In-xly of n mm t onllflitry riA Jto Dlih-fl IhW two fowPM flflso at olthof sldo In ft IiPltflil of foflT W fool It wan IritlK In "ia Mirly fluyn wlin l freight waft hauled ffow AH'wottrl river liolnlaacrowi tho ti1hm with o. (cnw Ono mm pnl I" I "I 'tny work on if mat auolvM provlilons only fof IiIh labof. It low hlfflii nil dcrgoln; iwfiroVMnout fof llm lim thlrty-flvo of forty ycat St. ixitiln Hepubllc. A Very iflifMnt " Tlio old gontlnian who tuek his car truuijt nlwvo tho j . i -len wall to hear what was going on, and re ceived in his i.r the gallon of milk which tho iinUii'nti supposed ho was emptying iol' t"0 hoiiiwnald's pail, waa ft vory .. ;' icd wan. Harper's Young Vo('j'. Tuinj t.n mill (ulrMilrm. Onco every year llio park at Far rlngford was thrown open to all cotnora. Tho Freshwater ilower hIiow was lield f'i." in Augtwt, but Ten nysoii did not npiwar on this occa Bion. Ho left the managomeut of tlio affair mid tho duties of host to his sou Ilallam, who for yearn acted as his father's nocrotary and confi dant. Thero is ti good deal ki bo said in support of tho resentment Ten nyson showed to intruders. Cor. Boston Herald. Dinner tables and conversaziones aro tho places for wit, humor and brilliant talks aud general bonhomie between the guests. Tho funny or droll man in eocicty is not tho ele gant gentleman. General George G, Meado wore glasses and was speedily dubbed "I''our Eyed George" from that and from tho fact that ho was keen and quick and very Iittlo escaped his ob servation. Thoro nro ir,000,000 adult malo 'wluto inhabitants of tho United ' States and 2,000,000 colored, Chinese and Indian inhabitants above the ago of twenty-ono. It is Bhown that out of $23,000,000 paid yearly for mechanics in the building trades of Now York city, less than $0,000,000 goes to American ! born men. At tho exhibition at tho Photo graphic Bocioty of Groat Britain there is a photograph of Mont Blauo taken at u in.;t-"" of liftv-oiy inih" SIK SPA&M8 A DAY. Or. JflM Jir(tcal Co., EUtharf, Intt. OnTuaiKiiI ncTcrlow an orrortunltT to vc ormtai Or. Milw' KettoraiiTe Ntrrlne to but 1.' .'A ",,!,fnl'-'U,iiwlilnnonecnipllnu r-LO V. h 'b0 ?" 0 It will not ' . j'ar:cnili..oi(llefiuitJckci1lthTloiit -in. -oui-niaw ho oud bars tlo or t'.z .i.rsil-tr.6u.iort.y Wc Tnito uny ph,,. 's vi'V1UT ""ttiT flntlly our dnuriit , ,i v J 1 1 l" r or. sillet'Ri .0 0 Ker I II I W I. II vino W.tHM t Hit, Unit l """ " rnul.l .. th.it '.VVf "tV.'.T'o fqHTHt riMT ooic. We nil ii ri'ii iMiiiiei. ami I am hdr.nw. .r- . . ui .; . rr,,,1t-" cured, we usedno niier ri mtdy, auJTili cure U complcla. Uo 0 i,.'l ..:: T. "... i. "" "l'P7 T IL !M THOUSANDS lyliMUhj. Yoaureitlltrt7tou.iam7nimeln OUNDINO THS rSAIIK Of THI WONOmrul "utDT' RCHeacoi, Aent rclo LiprcM Co. Uutlnp, NebruU, AptU 61b, ISi Dr. Miles Nervine, HOST CtSTlIX CPRt Xg HEADiCHi; HCTRAMU, KESV0U3 rK03- TRATI0H, WZ2IKES3, BP1BMB, 6IXEPLES3- HES3, DULLNESS, BLDE3, tal OPIUM MiBO, 8010 ON A POSITIVC OUARANTCC. TRY DR. MILES' PILLS, SO DOSES 23 DT& "old hy p. J, Fry, (lniiat, Sal,uj ???3iinnr'3 UTWTMTtMIS M4T 'tTN EUtTM- HmniK WrMVftKNTS. sir , -..,. Wfcl S'jsmMtir. - r w w H41CIM 1 f ffVOjMMTff Ii w www-mis wmwwMwmm .J 1 rf'.a ell.. .; sm mu wWmmiSELsmm Siail 2?ftKV 1-4 Xllw, t..- . MttHS UMl&iMMLSMMS I'Vm'KHH U tP1l iiKpf M " eMl.t-rt IM mmmm II ifwf f" (inf fifHeflfUaft Hi J ItrfrtH , fluwWfi, . 1. ltl mrm tnnm MxiW.h.K 'ii f AM ?Mm litSMrtfrte-HIo ItefsMWOW Kirch. 'IMS' t' fats W-rfittit ttoriMHf, if Mrlrty HittftH, tit font, C LEAN! tt 4you Would bo olwvti ftttd hnyo yourciotlion dono uj ,n tho lifmtostfifid drossiest iimimor, tnlco thorn to tho HMHM 8TIJAM IiAVNftV whore all work Iff dofic by whito labor nnd hi tlio most orowpt ti-amiBt. 0OLONKT .1. OLMSTKD l.ihmtv t-trfot pnn'iwywwujwpti"" niiirwfWWWttrrrrwttM?r i-- j.jjwjuxjwiiiwtiiMWi Oil 1 81 We will olte Awiy ai- h II K rljnl..lv I'.m. ,.f rn4l. nn ll-l li. in miii. tiiiti'lt (ir oiloreii DRESS Ilk lirrn juttern nf 111 Mininlonnyyoiinglndvln Wittv town In AuicrlcH. rnrn Hwlioixwilllugloiiitrodiin (Krr BUmnur li"r irlends "I lie I liuui WiIoiikIimUI I'lliit "ft lnrut rgmS!3SiWPi Vx iOe-ilmnti.lllnstra-im i.tmnli'iiil una fttrm .lonrniil, ono n liBl"it pulillili !. H"W IliM lllhyenr u inuheHili great ollfrln oidvrlo inlro lucoour pipr ut onco into in my tluni mil nuw h'ltnen. 1I sure lo netid !i'i reals r.irlliipnp'ri'iinyfarou trial uud siunplr .f -Ilk ineirt from I'llot rub, Co.. an I Center St., Nmi llutrii, Ct. 1'2-1-Jut Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. iVarm ileal? at All Hours ol the Daj None bat while labor emoloyed In thl Ktabllsluuunt. A k'ood Hubsuntlal racal cxtlted In arm ihhh stylo rweuty-nv cen In per meal, HUD PROMT Vinrt utrwit, tietwi.n tipcra .House anU Mlnto' I.lvmy Ailininislrator's Notice. NOTIOK Ih lien by given tlmt the under-i-lyiit-d tins b tu duly xpp.uuied b uuojuiily ciuitoi .Murlou uiuuly, hlute I Oregon, aduilulstiatui ot Uie esnito ol Ouenu Ouou, deie.istd. All rei"H bin iiveluliiiKup.lui t.ud ebtitiejiei.qui-hled ioirt!eiit lliu xiuiie, dul) lerllled lo in. ii my uttlceiu Mtleui, UrKiii,n'iibln six mint Ij- lmni ilitjdii eoftUix nonce OaU-diil -ii o u,vjieou, ihlr 21 day of lmmr, .69,1. T o sIlVW. XiiiuiulstiHiorof the emaleol Uuena Monti, deceuhed. l5t Admiiiibtrntui-'s Notice. NOTICE is heieby given that tho under Hncd hm been Uuiy .. ,ncilmetl by lie count n.url i.l ibo kb.tu ol iiton, orlheciiuuty ui Miir.uu, adiuliiUtnilur . I ili mlule com IIooh, dio.ii ud, All pur 10J8 h vlDff cliilnm nimltit wild etuto mu r.quested tupretentlhHiuiiuiluo Veritted lotiieutiuy utniij lu ro mi ho. u, umj Itiouk.rnlem, OnBou Mltliln mx inuutbn from tn date 1 1 .bis untlro. i-i ii. . 0 I'. MANIjini-O.N. AdmlnlKtratori.riUe estaiooi Ooru Hod, de.i-ued, DaudHit-nleni, OreROn, tbU 2d day of Juuuary. I8W, j.j Administrator's Notice. NOTIOK in ben by ulvru that the under fclKued bun been nulj uip-lm-a bv ihectiuiity court of tlio ktuiV of ur.iroil. V,nt.C,.)U''.tf i,ar! " loMr4ti7r of All crMitiH hnvli g cihIiiih miiuiib ,ald e .it i1."vr.S,''1.u,.8t' u '" I'f-'-'it the Mine, Dated at Halcm, January 2, ISA I. 15 EAST AND SOUTH -VIAI Southern Pacific Route Shasta Line CAUrOKNIA KXt-nKMS TRAW-Kira IIAJM Itprurvpv ,.,... ... .. , Aiuui,u AXDtt, y. boutb. 7s' p. ui. :H p. 111, MS ft-m. i'ortlaud iMiletn vv., w . riff r uv ".n'J'w'iiSwnrlrtS ..vuo Ml,. Ill lin. -. PULLMAN BCFFET slrrprrg Second Class Slbonino-Poro. J,OTttvnini4.h..k., -. O . C .-TuelWrKSffift? ipre. tnilai. ffest Side Division Uttwcco Portia Iktal Hi V Kill U. t. . . . . . , V ' Ar. ,BfgJjSA i"P-;i;:l:;.: UTrn-" tr-fflftiiflMiIWll8 r, &. , 1H...I 11.111 I l.ii tAllnMM rff Wlftfhroii," H6II1 fllfcH l"l tih AW 1 KeitTotkCK II iv Wauled. Halnry and oxponse, III A 11 l'efiimtipiit plaeo. Apply now Duly itroweri of tannery stock on both Amrrlean and Canadian sells Hardy vn-rU-tle our specialty. IIIM WW JIIMW. CO., t)-'2-d-t &-'M Nur-ierymcn, Clilcago. ONLY LINE RUNNING THROUGH i( w DAILY TRAINS Leav'ng Portland, 8:45 - M, 7:30 P, M. DAYS TO CHICAGO 3& 72 Hours Quicker to St. Paul, 23 Hours Quicker to Chicago, 40 Hours Quicker to Omaha and Kansas City. PULLMAN .and TOURIbT SLEEPERS FREE RECLINIMG CHAIR CARS, DINING OARS. Kornuet) aud general lntormatlon call tiornaareiss, Jloiso & Unrlier, 270 Coinmcrclal street, Haletn, Or. Or W. H UUHLiiUUT, Asst, U. i. A 'ill Washington St., l'OKll.ANU, (KKIiO. From Terminal or Interior Points the Xortliera Pacific Railroac Inline, line to tako To all Points East and South, It Ik thedlnlug car route, ltruns throum ostlbulo tratn;eery day In the yearn ST. PAUL AXD CUICAGO (No change of cars.) Corared ,of dining care unsiirnawea. I'uUman drawing nxim sleojiers .01 latmt eiiuipmeri' TOURIST Sleeping Cars. Heat that can be constructed and In whlcl accpwmodatlcvnfc sro both lrfce und lur !loicbMtoortatM&Wi ELEGA2JT DAY COAOHEB. Acontlnuots 1H.9 connectluir with m, JJSaf0""" toc 4 uulnteWrr.u,teo JltlilZ ons am be se the nMd, L " &" ' mSri'aiSld0 SS SSSS PurctoMd u't aJV uSkS? SS'Sfu.lfS,. Kulllnfornictlnnconcernine ratei iim. Jan.'rrte,or,'COr- &&'$$& BHAW&DOWxVINQ.AKeitU, THE YAnuiNA ROUTE. , OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD oi1.?.'TK.?n Uevelopment comn. ri forouBU paweuiier mm hiui,.',?1 roniaud and all poiuu in .1,- ? Umttte vallevito and lfiin.iS. i. .w .TIME SCHEDULE, (Except annoay.j. -ivaivlT taLiorallU . Anive Ynquin L-COPJj 1:13 I'M fc-OPil l(trt a u r"" iiuina lfft CorvullU . ,..,v A4UIUiy CtoV&& UalM t AlbMylni, lUlUAil Krndn. utweB ianuln uud K wniit:S?ffflnml'iri!.i.d -, -A..":r' uy poinu .r, ,r .- AouijKoirrw:tii lrln of tfai 4 ' '''ffitfvfyki mmmJ rn mu l.l'ld ) CD CD CO o C5 13 ' GO g5 Through Tickets iMVllIbtgMtutMjMtx CiOI t lh WilUaU,, HoUi or 4 tb. KAHT m HJT tf-m:i t ."