- -rsrrji EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 5. "THE PEOPHE'S PAPER." 8AXEM, OREGON, SATURDAY, APRIL 23 1892. "TO-DAY'S JOSWS TO-DAY." mo. t; . i3 '"T"f"3W-'''w-"'' To Close Out 4r Mtaiw URrBIBLES To Make Room for New Stool. WK W1XI, OFFER A. LIBERAL DISCOUNT. NEW LINE OF POCKET TESTAMENT -JUST RECEIVED. PATTON'S State Street Book Store, lo. 98. THE RACKET STORE GRAND SHOE SALS; Men's Rubber Boots 52 00 worth 52 75 ' Plow Shoes 90 " 125 Better " " 115 " 1 50 Oil Grain Plow Shoes - 1 45 " 1 75 Men's Congress - 1 45 aud up Bov's School Shoes 51 10, 1 30 and 1 45 " Drvss Shoes 1 40 "1 80 Children's Fine Shoes 35. 55c, 05 " Heavy " - 80,5100,110 Ladles' Glove Calf Shoes $1 15 worth 51 40 " Oil Grain " 145 " 175 " Calf Shoes 145 " 175 " Dongola Shoes 1 45 " 1, 75 " Tipped Shoos 1 80 2 25 " Flexible Dongola " 2 15, 52 40, 2 75 " Fine Domrola Kid " 2 60, 3 00, 3 25 " Oxford Tics 1 25, 1 45, 1 65 Children's Rubbers only 25 l The above list offers some of the greatest bargains ever known west of the Rooky mountains. To be convinced call and examine.- No trouble to show goods. 261 Commercial Street. E F. OSBURN. PLEASANT- Home Addition You can buy propei'ty in this most popular Addition on any terms. It is high and dry and has the advantage of street cars and city water. Remember it is within ten minutes walk of the Postoffice or Court House. Over thirty lots sold this spring. Call on W;ffiHL One-half block south of Bush's bank, up stairs. Harrtt -SUCCESSORS TO Iclntire, WELLER BROS. -HEAD QUARTERS FOR RED STAR- staple m Mcuiiil At the old Stand, next door to Post Office. You can get tho latest MUSIC J Finest Line of Pianos, Organs, Banjos, Violins, Guitars and Mandolins. LOWEST PRICES AT EASTON'S, 3IO Oommerolal Street. Send for Oatalogue IRECK NAILS I LOCKS ! HINGES ! BUILDER'S HARDWARE l AT Barf k Pctzel Plumbers and Tinners, ) 214 fc 210 Commercial St., Salem. Garden Hose and Laws Sprinklers. A complete line of Stoves and Tinware, Tin rooflug aDd plumbing a specialty. Estimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. SNOW THE VEAR ROUND At 143 Cou t Street. HOUSE - and - SlON - PAINTING, CARRIAGE PAINTING IN ALL IIS URANCHE8. Paper JIauglug, Kalsomluiug, Wall Tintug, etc Varnishing aud Natural Wood Finish. Only Firw-ulo Work. E. E. SNOW. r l rn 1 n I li DRAYS AND TRUCKS Salem Truck k Dray Go. sass V rice State Su.nppoflloSa. lem Iron works. Dravs and truer- uv be fnuml throughout tueUav a ths corner ef State and Oiiini-vUr wtrwta. Sash and Door Factory Front Street, Salem, Oregon, The beat class of -work in our line at prices tn a uipeti with the lowest. Only tho best material used GETTHEJ.&M.LAWNMQWER Zn Three Sizes. ALSO AN IMMENSE STOCK OF BUILDER'S HARD WARE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS GRAY BROTHERS, N. W. CORNER STATE AND LIBERfY STB., SALEM, OREGON. n lv A IsmJH m f ' 1 Jtt W A H for Bnfants "hnd Children. " Cat torla la to weU adapted to children that I recommend It u superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnin, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St,, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' la go unlrenial and Its merits eo well known that it seenis a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach " ClBLOS MiTtTTN, D. D , New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Reformed Church. Castor! cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d restion. Without injurious medication. For several years I have rocommendeo. your ' Castoria, ' and shall always continue to do so as It hag Invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Pabdii, M. D., " Tho Winthrop," 125th Street and 7th Avo , New York City. Tub Centaur Company, 77 MuniUY Stbeet, New Yore. HOHHHHHi T. G- PERKINS, General Superintendent IRON WORKS, B. F. DRAKE, Proprietor. SALEMVI SALECtvI, ... Manufactures STEAM ENGINES, Mill Outfits, Water Wheel Governors, Fruit Drying Outfits, Traction Engines, Cresting', etc. Karm mhohluery made and repaired. General agents and manufacturers of the celebrated Wahlgtrom Patent Middlings Purifier and Keels. Farm machinery made and repaired. OREGON, H. GLASSFORD. AND VI WUlUIUiU 4Ji.llV ViliyiXlJJJ. mi-lXl.UI.Vj BANES, STORES AND OFFICE3 FITTED UP IN Georg'a Pine, Walnut, Cherry, Red Wood, Etc, AND FAMILY ICE BOXES, VIRE SCREENS. JOBBING ATTENDED TO, Rearof 200 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon. MANTELS, BUTCHERS' J. M. Needham, HOUSE PAINTINO, KALSO MINING, PAPER HANGING, NATURAL WOOD FINISHING. Leave orders-J. Irwin's, rear oftsmllh Btelner's drug store. B. KHALL, Paper Hangerand Decorator, Office at ChasTCal ert's Mllllopery store, Halem, Oregon. TM PROVED OHDER OF ItED MEN. I Kninlakun Tribe No. 8, Halem. Holds council every Tliumday evening, at 7.30. Wlgwum In state Insurance ball. K. 0. 11 AK Kit. Prophet. PItNK (1. ATEIW, Chief of iUcords. NEW DAILY MAIL STAGE ftutween Aurora, ButtcvUle, 'ImiiitHicg,'rt. Paul and Fairfield. . leaves Aurora dally at 10 W a. m Ar. riViHi Fulirield p. in. lU-turulus leate Ku.rfltrld' n( 4 p. m. Arrive ut Cliaiupoex Ob.m L-tCiiiiiiej;fa.in. Arrives ni Aurora, via flulteville.nis a. m. Connect- witi inrulr.g. P Pa trains gains' ii'Tlli iiml -,itn. I'ts'engeis, Ullage aud fivllit rttrrlnl ut rt-gulur rates. rJcrvicw Uylus Monday, Match 17. 1102. OU.S.JIOKKKU, hopr. M' l il ti Bail 8ALEM, OREGON. GENERAL BANKING NAIOLEON DAVIH., Da. W, II. HYltD JOHN MOIll Presldent. .Vice President. Cashier WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sabscribed, $200,006 Transact a general banking business In all Its branches. GEO. WILXJAMfi Preslden WM. KNOLAND- HUOII MCNAHV. .Vice President OHIKCTORS: Geo. WHIUms.Wm. En land, Dr. J. A, itlchardson, J. W, Jiodson, J. A. liuker. Unnk. ill new Kxchange block on Com rnrnlaltrrnt fcl-tf Those Afflicted With the habit of using to exce, LIQCOR, OPIUM OR TOBACCO Can obtain COMPLETE, PERMANENT CURE AT THK KEELEY INSTITUTE Korest Orove, Or., Cull write. Btrlctir conndentlal. THE CAFITAL JOMAL. H0FER BROTHERS, - Editors. I UBLI81iEDDAJL.Y.EXOEPTBl7NDA ST THK Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Street, In I. O. Building Entered at the postoffice at Balem,0r.,ftf second-clBEs matter. OUH BATOrtDAT NIOUT. Tho question wtiat wo live for is always Interesting. It Is a dlileront proposition to each bumnu bolug and no two will answer alike. If we were to say the object of life was to live well, it would bo disproved by the fact that most people do not live by any means well, either from tho standpoint of morals or comfort. If wo Bay to lead useful lives the answer Is just as incomplete because more are useless than useful, if we Uiko tho thousands of millions on the globe. We must consider them all If we speak of tho human race for who are we to call ourselves the chosen race. If there was a chosen race it was Israel and as they have rejected the founder of ourdomlnaut modern religious civilization, we cannot admit that there is any longer any chosen nice. So what we live for brings up the whole con troversy of tbo existence of the entire human race. As wo cannot well agree that we live for any reasonable fJnltecnd the purpose of our creation as a race must Involve an Infinite purpose. We are more than the animal. But how do you prove this ? Because we progress. We pass beyond in stinct. Wo do not stop with the beaver at the erection of mud huts. We arise to tho noblest conceptions of architectual art and as the Greeks built the Parthenon, whoso ruins oven the earth is proud to bear, we build each man's cottage from an artintlo point of view. We are inoro than the animal because we do not keep slaves as the nut, or support drones like the honey bee. We abolish slavery for moral con siderations and declare all men free before the face of the sun aud wo in America cry In tho homerio voice of the Inspired Walt Whitman to nil the oppressed, down-trodden aud outcasts of the world "until iho sun excludes you from his rays, I will not exclude you from my sym pathy." So we are infinitely higher bo. Iurs than the animals, We are ca publu of progress. Wo strive towar3 higher ideals. We prefer the good to the bad as a race aud in the long ruu. While but tho few attain to the Ideals of morality and upright living und make the golden rule their own life law, tho tendency of the imperfect many Is .still upward uud forwaid. Tho race goes on. It pur.Miea a divine impulse. It will not rest with tho merely good. It mufat seek the ultimate best as the magnet geeks the pole. What shall we call this tendency to the better? Is It not the '.evidence of the divine itself manifesting itself in a weak and erring human race? Are wo not face to face with what wo llye for, when we recognize this great truth that wo ure above tho beasts of the field? Is there not in each human being a smouldering spark of Unit nobility and divinity which has through all the ages forced man" kind onward and upward to triumph over evil, vice and tiie mere beast or animal nature! The new education that begins with the kindergarten and ends with the highest christian philos ophy recognizes tho divine principle! for the development of which and tho working out of which within ourselves we are upon earth. If that Is not what wo live for what iu it? Our Saturday night has been a valuable one If we can como any uearor to this problem, what do we llvo for. We all live to die but wo live for something more than that. We llvo for more than merely to have lived and died. CKOWDKD INSTITUTIONS, The rapid growth of tho popula tion of tho state and constantly in creasing stream of Immigration from the eastern states und Cauuda renders tho condition of nearly all Oregou Btate Institutions qultoovur crowded. The otato prisou lias now 4Q0 convicts aud at present ratio of increuso tho next legislature will have to provide for from 000 to 700 beforo the next biennial period ex pires. An additional wing' of at least one half the present size of tho prison will have to be built, unci a hospital has utmost beoomo a crimi nal necessity. At the asylum for tho insane tho conditions are much worw), as It Is doubtful if tbo wards of Blank well's Island are any more crowded than tlioy are in the Institution at Salem. The asylum hero is well equipped with lands and tho cottages on tho farms accommodate tamo to attord relief. But In winter and bad weather the state of affairs at the asylum will border on the terrible. With the present ratio of lucreose from GOO two year ago to 762 yeotor terdoy there will be needed almost another new asylum before tho eud of the next biennial term. Tbo state is almost forced to the necessity of orecting before tho leg islature meets aDbthor reform school, as the present ono has been filled to overflowing for nearly a month. The cheap plea of economy dictated the erection of a building for fifty boys and it should have been built for two hundred to begin with. Tho principle that our prisons shall be reformatory rather than punitive is nowhero so well Illustrated as in tho excellent workings of tho reform school aud it must be enlarged. The same review could be extended to other institutions, but it Would only arouse the usual ory agalnbt Salem that Is raised Whenever state Institutions are mentioued, But we dare Bay no rational man will oppose a cotnprehoustve aud liberal policy of caring for tho unfortunates of the asylum and the cllmuto is as salubiiousat Salem as anywhere In the state. Thero Is tho further fact that tho constitution fixes tho capi tal as tho place for theso Institutions. It will be well for persons intend Ing to become legislators to look into this matter, whether the state is not better served by having them together at the Beat of government, where the state officials in chatgn and tho legislature itself can easily and frequently visit them and ob serve their working, and whereby log-rolling and corruption always practiced when tho state institutions are scattered in dlflerent parts of the state id "htlrely obviated. We believe it will bear investigation und the result will not bo unfavorable to the present system. ECONOMY AND PROQKESS. No factor will advance tho pros pect of a now charter enlarging the boundary of Salem so much as an econbmibal and progressive city ad ministration. Unless it Is estab lished (1) that mouey raised by the city tax6s will not bo wastefully employed; and (2) that the city gov ernment is sincerely devoted to the progress and upbuilding of tho city, tho suburban portions that really ought to be in the city proper will resist being brought in as they should bo If assured of those safe guards. Tho Big Four should not long stand alono on this proposition. And indications aro that they will not. BTATE TAX BOARD CASK. A case Is pending for trial in Un ion county that will test tho state board of equalization law. It is brought on a writ of review before Judge Fee, of tho circuit court, to be ucard-probably at the-' May terra. That will bring it beforo the su preme court at tho June term and an early decision may be awaited, as the Oregou supremo court is well up with its work and usually acts promptly upon important mattern. The decision will bo awaited with great Interest, as thero was a strug gle over tho levy made upon tho work of tho state board aud Mult nomah and several other counties have refused to pay their taxes at that levy. Electric Bittora. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who havo used Electric iiitters sing tho eatfio sons of praise. A purer medicluo does not exist nnd it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electrlo Bitters will cure all diseases of the Llvor and Kidneys, will rcmovo pimples bolls,salt rheum and other atlecllons caused by impure blood, Will dmo malaria from the system and prevent us well as cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electrlo Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refunded. Price 60c. and $1 per bottle at Dan'l J.Fry's drugstoro, 225 Commercial street. Baby cried, Mother sighed, Doctor prescribed j Castoria! J. P. Blalze, a real estate dealer In Des Moines, Iowa, narrowly escaped ono of tho severest attacks of pneumonia whllo in tho northern part of that state during tho recont blizzard, Bays tho Saturday Itevlow. Mr. Blalzo had occasion to drive several miles during tho storm and was so thoroughly chilled that ho was unablo to get warm. Insldo of an hour ho was threatened with a severe case of pneumonia or lung fever. Mr. Blalzo sent to tho near est drug store an got a bottle of Clmmbcrlulu's Cough Remedy, of which bo bad often heard, and took a number of large doses, He says tbo eflect was wonderful and that In a short time he was breathing quite easily. lie kept on taking tho medicine and the next day was able to come to Des Moines. Mr. Blalzo regards Ills cure as simply wonder ful. 60 cent bottles Bold by Geo. E. Good, druggist. Ha. rsli purgative remedies are fust glv-lng-vay Co Ino gentle notion aud Inlla ef foots of Carter Wttle i-iver Pills. If 700 try them, the will certainly j!eae you, If you lisd taken two of utrter'c UtUe I.lver nils before retiring you would not Iiava bad that coated tongueror bad taste in ttiemoutu tUU morning. Keep a vial with you foroscasional ue. All disorder aued by u bilious state ol tbe system an be cured by using darter's Utile UverJ'ills. Noualn. trlolnif or dii. oosatort attending lui-lr use. Try item. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S, Gov't Tood Hepwlfc RoY&l Baking Bawteii j&m ABSOLUTELY PURE A MOTHER'S ANXIETY. lleartrcndlng Ausentmindedness Took Away the Pleasure of a Visit. An up town woman accepted an invitation for ono night for herself and husband to dino and sleep at tho houso of a friend in Morristown. That would boa simple enough af fair to many persons, but to tho woman in question it was an elab orate transaction, because sho never left her children overnight. How ever, after getting her husband's sis tor to come up from Staton Island to stay, and making hor hrothor, who lived with hor, promiso he would spond tho evening at homo in case any omorgoncy should arise needing a man's assistance, the overdovoted mother felt a certain Bense of security for the brief absence It was a consolation, too, to recall as sho rodo down town about 2 o'clock that tho nurso hnd been with hor for four years, and tho cook and hoisBomaid were tried and faithful servants as well. Still this did not provent hor mooting hor husband withatorrontof suggestive anxieties, and tho trip to tho ferry was inter larded with f roquont outbursts of ex aggerated maternal fears. They wore in midstream, though, beforo tho tragedy came. Mrs. A. had boon Bitting wrapped in deep thought for sovorai seconds when suddenly hor faco took on on expres sion of agony, and clutching hor hus band's arm sho exclaimed, "Oh, Frank!" in tones of such real distress that hor husband thought Bhowos about to faint. "What is it?" ho asked, greatly alarmed. "Oh, I left tho bathroom window open," she gasped, "and Harold some times Btrays in there, and tho bar is off, you know. I thought it would not matter till BUimnor, for tho win dow is never open save under my supervision. " "Why is it open today, then!" tho half angry, half anxious father inquired. "I wanted to air tho halls well be foro I loft I'm always so afraid of sewer gas, and Jeseio might forget it Oh, dearllmust go back at once," and tho distractod woman started for tho rear of tho boat. Her husband impatiently detained her, "You can't swim back," ho said grimly. "There's no use in your going back anyway. When wo got across we'll sond a dispatch to Jessie." "But if sho shouldn't got it," wailed the mother, who by this timo Baw tho mangled form of her four-year-old strotclicd on tho flags beneath tho bathroom window, "hadn't wo bet tor send a messongor, and you could pay him extra to mako him fly?" Mr. A. thought this might bo a difficult and expensive result to ob tain, and porfluodod his wifo that electricity would bo hotter. At tho telegraph station her doubts aroso again and considerable time was con sumed discussing tho efficiency 6f each method. Finally a "rushed" dispatch was sent, Mrs. A. writing it, and finding a degroo of relief in underscoring some of tho werds: Ho we to shut tho bathroom window at onte. Answer Morristown. By tliis timo tho train thoy started for had gono, and a half hour's wait was choorfully occupied by Mrs. A. in felicitating herself that Bhohtjd left tho family physician's telephone call with hor sister-in-law Jesslo aQd also with tho nurso. Thoy had bare ly reached thoir rooms after grocting thoir hobtess, whon a servant brought up a dispatch. Mr, A. toro tho on velopo and mastered its contents. "Well," said his wifo anxiously. " 'You did not leavo it open. Jes slo, "road Mr. A.- Hor Point of Viow in Now York Times. Agassis tlio Teacher. Agosslz wus above all elso a teacher. His mission in America was that of a teacher of science of science in tho broadest sonso as tho ordorly arrange montofau human knowlodgo. Ho would teach pooplp to know, not sim ply to remember or to guess. Ho bo lioved that men in all walks of lifo would bo more useful and inoro suc cessful through tho thorough dovolop montof tho powers of observation and judgment. Ho would havo tho Btudont trained through contact with real things, not merely exorcised in tho rocollocUdn of tho book descrip tions of things. "If you study no turo in books," ho said, "whon you go out of doors you cannot find hor." Professor David Starr Jordan in Popular Scdonco Monthly, A Uorsu'a Strength Tho average weight of ahoreo U 1,000 pounds; his strength is equiva lent to that of fivo men. In a horee mill moving at threo feet per sooojmI, trade twenty-five foot diameter, he oxorts with tho machine the jowor of il horses. Tito greatest amount a horeo can pull in a horizontal lino is 000 pounds, but ho can only k this momentarily; in continued -ertiou probably half of this tetbe limit, Humano World, ik.is.s "- (is W iirypifriis$iVfl'iZ& ,Mt sVJtef THE MDLOFF DEATH The Job Was Pat Up to Get! His Lifo Insured WAS A CONSPIRACY. Klostrouch Confesses WBDUual Radloff is Alive. Beattlk, Wash., April 23. L.5 Kostroucb, who has been confined! In prison for a week charged wlthg the murder of William lUdloff fettf mado a confession that Badloff Isf alive. He had $55,000 Insurance on A his life, and ltvled unhappily wlth?i his wife. He and the prisoner dogg up a corpso out of Greenwood! cemetery, dressed it in Badloff' clothes and set the bouse on fire In 1 order to create tbe impression thati Badloff was burned to death. Rad-f lotl left for San Francteoo by way of Portland. It wes by reaaon of.the miscarriage of a letter written by Badloff, after his departure, to Ko trouch that the former's plane were learned. The letter was written lo cypher, which correctly translated reads: "Direct In care of tho New I Atlantio hotel. Ban Francisco." This letter was mailed on the train i aAmAntlinrn Itnfnrnnit AohfVAtt sOifw oumotmoig uuvncuu vxvguii vvj ; Or,, and San Francisco. It conveys i the information that Badloff had, In ! a measure, changed his plans after leaving Seattle Kostroucb'a la- Junction to him was to get off and j remain at Oregon City until bo (Badloff) heard from him, further by no means for Badloff to write first. Bodloff, however, It appears ! to have decided to go direct to Ban Francisco. However, it seems to have been his desire to but a greater . distance between himself and the eoono of his crime. Upon these developements the police have pre sumably been working for some days past. The wires have been kept hot, messages being sent into all parts of the country giving an accurate description of Badloff, Meanwhile Mrs. Badlofi baa been deporting herself as becomes a wid owed woman weighed down with grief at tbe death of her husband. There may be a scene In Bonney & Stewart's morguo when the discon solate woman Is led Into the pres ence of the bones of another aoan, Kostrouoh was put to the test Thurs day. He went to the cemetery un der the eyes of the police and picked out tho grave from which tho body was taken. The police think they will capture Badloff in a few days. THE INQUEST. Seattle, April 2, The Inquest on tho human remains found in the ruins of Wm. Badloft's house, which was burned last week, was held yes terday afternoon, and the testimony showed that thoy are those of R, B. Lowiu, who was buried in Green-, wood cemetery, February 18tb. It also confirmed the story of a eon spiraoy to defraud tbe life insurance company by making It appear that Badloff was burned to death, Xouls . Kostrouoh, one of tbe couspiratora. who has confessed, told how BadloA and wifo had agreed in the plot Ho and Badlofl stole the body from tho cemetery in last March, and buried it In BadlofTs chicken yard. Tho latter then had his life Insured. LaBt Friday they piled bark on a mattress in tho house, saturated it with coal oil, and dressed the body in BadlofTs suit, Badloff crushed the skull and cut off both legs to create tho appearance of murder. Then they lighted a candle with a waxed string running to a pile of shavings on the floor and left the house. Kostroucb coming to Seattle and Badloff to Ballard. Mrs. Bad loff, dressed In mourning, testi fied sho believed her husband was dead. Sho had hint Insure bis life because a fortune teller told her he wouiauieina year, no was wm, tiaflnr tn cm 4t namianii ulun fchd.'l J'"0 " fV '" -" "J ww fire occurred. A mass of testimony was given, showing the corpse to be that of Lewiu, and that it was stolen by Badloff. The eoroner's Jury fouud accordingly. Kostrouoh and Mrs. Badloff were held on a charge of arsoa. 0e Hattgl, Om leprlsved. Nbw Okmsans, April 28. PbJU ! Baker was taaaged hare yesterday afternoon lor the touial aud unpro voked murder of tbe wife of ST. Nelson, agroeer, by whom was employed as eta, arVsrWl attempted tlie life of hk ensr Marett 9, im. To add to thai natty of his crime, the woman was eookuta. Bake to fix the flaw ea Nebon, Nelson bad dieMmsatA he (1 was Intimate with Wrjir$aHt cut br throat lo a Jaelsai rage. l.Uenne DisoJamps, a quack tor, wm to lmve been executed