Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, February 03, 1892, Image 2

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    Hiiiiiwwiii-,ii pqpl.imjMimit p ..
" i MWUPP"
I flOw 1nre cltlw. and the prest-
iW of the large trnnpportatlon
ltM-sr inviting them to net on too
'.ftroioed national committee. Ho
fWJM thttl ho Anticipates ncccptnnoo
: fhMn the gentlemen whom ue una
ten una that the smimlllee win
i set to work. "My Idea," Bald
FS'S&hL . .. iff lt..t 1 list 0f
imi ex-governor, -m wat
I Jfck-.1 J A.mtoli llin nrnln. which
ivMwru luiwwu w r' i
fttrel? It has done already, ana tne
'yj ought to provide the mcana of
twtecfMirtlng U in umi way every
part of the country could have an
npfmrtuhlty for doing lla anare to
relieve the great distress reported In
kJMtialii Nniu Mint congress lUW
Wkd to grant the necessary funds,
it btihboyea our cltlzeus to tauo sieps
M once and charter steumere and
mW fiinda for other expenses. The
western states havo already placed
a eunlciont quantity oi gram w iuuu
!' --... i it
ue vckwi'
tt-flnvernor flovt will go to
Philadelphia to attend a meeting
called by the business men there to
Inaugurate- the movement.
Washington, Feb. 3. The state
department received n cablegram
from Cape Town, Africa, yestcr-
rinv ntiiiotinciuff the death ol
Lteulenaut Masou A. Shufeldt, of
tho navy, retired. Shufeldt hud
gone to Africa as commissioner of
tho world's fair, to secure exhibits
for the exposition. He was a Bon ol
the late Admiral Shufeldt.
use for nLANicirrp.
Abtokia, Or., Feb. 8. Tho rud
der of the steamer Astorlan, bound
hero from Portland, was struck b
, a flo&ting timber oir Three Tree
' point, at 8 yesterday morning. The
boat ran on to u rook, stoviug In a
forge hoio on tho starboard side.
Captain Parker went Into tho hold,
"stuffed Blxtven paint of blanlut
Into tho hole and wedged up the
timbers. Tho bout will bo repaired
here tomorrow and will muke her
regular up trip.
Columuus, O., Feb. 3. Tho court
inarllal of MaJ. L. C. Overman of
tho engineer corps wni commenced
p co.vaitES3.
WAhhinqton, Feb. 3. In tlio
Benato today the commltteo on for
clgu relations reported back ad
versely various untl-Chlucso hllltt
introduced niid referred at tho pres
ent session in lieu of tho bills con
tinuing in force for ten yeora, In tho
existing laws. Tho bill for tho crea
tion of tho fourtli Judicial district In
the territory of Utah was passed.
The house resumed consideration of
rules pendiug. A resolution was
mado striking out tho clause per
mitting general legislation on appro
priation bills, providing that they
were germane, if it retrenched ex
penditure. KIMjKDTIIKSItmUPF.
Milan, Tent)., Feb. 8.--At Ced
rau Grove, a community twenty
miles cast of here, as tho result of a
feud over tho ownership of some
land, John Partett killed Frank
Langdou. Sherlll Fusett and two
deputies wont in search of Partett.
la tho fight which ensued when
they came together, tho sheriff and
Partett were both killed.
tub nor onor.
Ban Fkancibco, Feb. a.Itogurd
Iuk tho hop crop of 1892, n promi
nent firm says wo cannot eiy muoh
except that there will be uu luoieuso
of acreage. Although few contracts
Imvo boon mado growers are favor
ably dlsposod towards entering Into
contracts thus early aud nre likely
this year to hold uutll picking linns,
Qrowora Indicate their internum to
cxerciso special euro to Improve
quality which was generally un
satisfactory In IBM crop aud not
equal to tho nverage,
London, Feb. 8. Tho Hrltlah
ship Klvemlth. Ouptaln Jones, from
Portland, Or., Sept. 80th, for Bllgo,
la ashoro at Uroadhnven, on the west
coast of Irelaud. Tho ship Is leak
ing so badly her pumps nro not able
to keep her froo of water.
JJoston Fob. 0. It la reported thU
forenoon tliut tho Federal grand
Jury has Indicted thonlUixn of the
whisky trust.
Hood's Sarsaparlllc
U c rorully prepared from SamaparlUa.
O.i.. ..nun, Mamlrako, JKxk. Plpslwcwi,
JuUh r Ucrrloa, and oilier well-known u il
4M.M weeuM remnllcs, ly a jiecuiur
c niMiwtlon. iToimrtloii, an roee, giv
,38 to JlooJ' moupMtlU curative power
I- t ikwscsmhI ty etlicr mwllclni'. It
vffocti rewarksMo rare wliero other tall
Hoou's Sarsaparllla
In U lwt Mood purifier. It cures Bcrulula,
H .it Ulicuui. Holla, J'lmplM. aH Humor,
HyjepU, lUllouuicaa, Kick Hrsdulie,
IniUxoatluOi QBncniJ JK-Ultty. Catarrh,
l:,cumatlm, KMner ' JV" ""
JaluU ntcrroinM That TlrcU JVHuBi
rwatt a an appetite, huihia uj tho ajritna.
HwKt't Sarsaparllla
Hat met unralltt vccm at homo. Bur h
UlWmiularltjrln Lowell, Mat., wlw
la jaado, Hiat Luwvll tlrugijUt aIi nuvo ol
Uih4 HaraafKirllla Ihau alt other aaraja
ijlljawrhluoaiittriflera. Ttioaamoauecca
i cxttmOltis all over tho couutry,
Hood' Sarsaparllla
la jtu1tar la lt atrvtgth aJ wtwiuy
U I tho tly preraU cl which cai
truly U al4 "t Iom Ono IKIUr." A
ltloiif HootJ'aUariwiivirlilatakettacira
i to dlroetlona, Ul laat a mouth.
Hold's Sarsaparllla
U peulUir lu too vonlklMi It Btui wivmu
(illr4wtMPtrtl'l. WiciUIwh.oumO
It bevduea a (avortto faurity mucly. le
sot te Ituuwl to tiuy other 'eiarallo)a.
Bo auro (o cet tho fcculUr JJeUelo,
HomI's Sarsaparllla
S14.jrtt)t.u, IHHiforBi. tti4tj
t J(M)P A CO.,AttleaitiM,UU.HaU
riio Slat Central Committee
in Session Today.
Strikers Making Trouble, Out
break of Convicts. Frozen to
Death, Mining Excitement,
Found Guilty, Tho German
Army, Allows his Man to Escape,
Heathen Hindoo,-Belongs to the
County, Run Down by a Train,
Logging Tragedy, Foreign and
State News, Etc
Portland, Feb. 3. Chairman
Lotan called tho Republican state
central committee to order at 10 a
m. today. All but four counties
were represented. After tho ap
pointment of a committee on cre
dentials, apportionment and a call,
tho commltteo took a recess till 2
p. m. No changes were made In
tho membership of tho central com
mltteo. Tho commltteo on appor
tlonmont havo formulated a report
which Is to bo laid before tho central
committee this afternoon. The
apportionment is based on the vote
ast for Hermann In 1800, and pro
vldea for 233 delegates, 117 from the
Firot congressional district, aud 110
from tho Bccond district. Each
county Is given u delegate at large,
ind ouo for every two hundred
votes and ono for every fraction
over ono hundred.
WAfiinnoTO.v, Feb. 8. Tho Dem
ocrat hi euueus, which wai to have
boon called for Filduy evening next,
to cousider tho sliver colon jo ques
tion, hai been abaudoued, for tho
present at least. Harter, of Ohio,
who wus the leading spirit in circu
lating tho call, said yesterday: "I
decided not to push tho caucus, for
tho reneou that Democratic opinion
is changing very rapidly, not only
upon the wisdom of pausing a silver
oolnogo bill, but upon tho merits of
tho question, and while last Thurs
day nino out of overy ten men
would havo predicted that a free
silver bill would puss the house,
today I veuturo tho opinion that no
bill providing freo and unlimited
coinage of Bilver will pass this ses
sion, Tho most earnest of the free
silver peoplo rocognlzo tho fact that
a freo bllvor plank in tho platform
would break tho party in two, and
that wo would havo to say goodby
to New Euirlaud, to tho Middle
states, and such states as Wisconsin,
Illinois, Iowa and Michigan. Lean
ing German papers havo served
notice upon us that tho Qermau
vote will leave us In a body on that
issue, aud go to tho Republicans.
Wo expect to sweep tho wholo
country If a fight Ib mado on tho
tarlir Issue, but It would bo hard to
gather seventy-live mon in tho
house who would go upon record as
bbllovhii! that n Democrat can bo
elected president in '02 upon a plat
form which would itlvo citizens of
Colorado ono hundred cents' worth
of property or tho services of every-
bodv ulso in tho land for wlmt is
Hiimiosed to cost them loss than
fourteen and three-quarter cents."
lMTTflliima, Pa., Feb. 8. Tho
Woods Run car of tl)o Manchester
Hue having on board thlrtsou new
omnloves of tho compauy was
wucked early this morning by an
explosion of a dynamite eurtrldge
which had been placed on tho track.
deveral of tho mou were cut by fly
lug glass, but no ouu was Berlously
hurt. Many persons were thrown
from their beds by tho force of tho
oxp onion, Tho strlkurs had been
unlet for several days ami It wa
thought they had abandoned the
light and that tho trouble was over,
OUTllltKAK ov uoNviom
Hoston, Fob, 3. An outbreak
was reported this morulng, among
tho prisoners ut Door Island, aud
llfty policemen wore sent from this
elty to tho scene. This Is tno Bocomt
riotous demonstration which has oo
ourrvd In that Institution within a
few weeks. When the police ur-
rived at Deer Island, a largo num
ber of convicts were making a great
nolso. They refused to go to work,
uud threatened the police, number
ing lxly men, tho police drew clubs
ind In a short time tho mob was uu
ler subjection, after freo uao of tho
uliiiir. Tho rerraclory prisoners
wi'it lotUid In their cells.
J I it Ri'lllNOS, Feb. 3. Two fam
ilies, Wulklim nud McCIulty, who
started for Oklahoma, from Cedar
abides mar hire, were fo-xon to
death In the recent bllmard. Their
ImmIIi-s were found on the prairie
near (he Arkansas river,
Dknvkii, Feb. 8. Tbo excitement
at Creede, Col., a now mining camp
on thu ltlo Ornudo railway Is in
tense. lVoplo are Hooking from all
parts of tho touulry, nud many
rough board Iioum-s h.ive sprung up
lu a short time. The mines are
(something wonderful, and almost
tsjual tlnxto of Ijeadvllle In Its U.
days, David 11. .MollVtl was yu
terday ollVrrd $1,000,000 by au
Kngllhcom,uiytoboudtha "Holy,
Moses11 mine at Crvcde. but refiiieil
to do so. Hlnee U.e first prospect
hole WUM1 nt U,rvde, .due
.. .1..,.. i n.w
month o,llivWnviiH-eiiM.iKi,-
000 worth of ore tikeu from tbo
'mlnwthm, AllUouU ewythlng
Is now and undeveloped as yet, L. j
Z. Dickson, Henry It. Walcott and
O. E, Wnlrott, of Denver. Mr. !
Ward, of New York, and Juke ,
Saunders, of Leadville, purehased
two-thirds Interest In tho "Lust
Chance" mine nt Creedo for $ 10,000.
This mlno is shipping 00 tons of oro
a day, which average f 1C0 per ton.
found ouiryrv.
New York, Feb. 3. For nearly a
month young C. W. Harris hashed!
on trial charged with poisoning Ills
girl wife. Tho marriage of the two
was kept secret, but the mother of
Miss Helen Potts learned of it, oud
pressed young Harris, a medical stu
dent, to lix the time when the mar
riage should be mado known. The
tlmo wa close at hand, when tin
young woman died. Fifteen duy
later, rumors of foul play having
crept out, the body was dug up and
an autopsy made. Morphine wa
found in the system. When Har
ris was arrested, ho admitted giving
capsules of morphine and quinine
as noivlni', but tried to cast the
blatne. for tbo death on the druggist
It transpired that tho young woman
before her death, was brought close
to death by n criminal operation
jxjrformod by Harris. It was proved
that ho betrayed otner young wom
en, and boasted of his power with
girls. The case was given to tin
lurv last nlidit. and In about an
hour they returned with n verdict
of "guilty of murder in tho first de
Kreo" Mrs. Harris, tho prisoner'
mother, shrieked and fell to the
floor. "My God I" she cried, "when
Isjustlce?" "There Is no Justice on
earth," replied Harris' youngei
brother. "It's a lie that ho Is gullt, ,
and from such men as these," moaned
tho grlrf-slrickeu woman.
Ukhlin, Fob. 3. The socialist
Journal Vorwartz publishes a copj
of au order Issued to tho Twelfth
nrinv corns bv Prince Georco of
Saxony, calling upon the ofllccrH to
put a stop to tho inhuman treatment
of tho men by tho non
commissioned ofllcers. Tho prince
adds that socialism, tho public dan
ger to Germany, will only be
strengthened by fcueh treatment.
Tho order imtances nine speclllc
cases of cruelty, In some primitive
drills tho mou were compelled to
present arms 600 times. Another
was obliged to raise a can of boiling
cofleo until ho became so exhausted
ho allowed the cun's contents to run
over his head aud shoulders. In
another cjbo, Sergeant I'elug habit
ually kicked tho men aud struck
them with his sword, wautonly
forced them to perform hard tasks,
nud tortured them until they
screamed with agony. Cases aro
Instanced where tho men were pa
raded at midnight In tbo deptti or
winter, wearing only their shirts,
uutll they fainted. In addition
many caBcs of blackmailing ore
mentioned. Tho guilty sergeants
have been sen to need to Imprison
ment from two to live years each.
The revelation of these cruelties bus
caused much Indlguation among tho
public. Vorwartz mentions some
cases whero tho men wero kept at
knee drill till thoy had performed
tho movement uoarly 2000 times or
till they had fainted. In ouo In
stance a recruit, who hail become
bathed lu sweat In coiifenueuce of
the exertion, was unable tocontlnue.
The sergeant poured a Jug of cold
water over him and then ihrushcd
him till tho whip broke. Tho re
orult's legs wero covered with welts,
and as a result of this treatment he
hud to bo placed In n hospital, where
lie lay In n high fever. Sergeant
Loolil fractured a man's collar bono
by beating him with a rllle. He
afterwards tried to commit suicide,
fearing ho would bo fouud out. In
addition to other cruellies, Sergeant
Pelug compelled the men to chew
dirty socks, and forced recruits, who
had failed to stretch their knees
proH-rly at drill, to Ho across two
chairs lu a certain position. He
would then sit upon their unsup
ported knees until they screamed
with pain, when he would have
them gagged.
TilKNTON, N. J Feb. 3. Gov
eruor Abbott has ordered thaf De
tective Dalton, who allowed embezz
ler Hyer to escape from his custody
at Pittsburg, while lu transit from
San Fmucisoo to Jersey City, Satur
day night, bo suspended, pending an
Investigation Into tho escape. The
Jersey police havo received notldiugs
as to tho whereabouts of the young
bookkeejR'r, who wai arrested In
Sun l'Y-uici-tco to answer a charge of
having emboziled fOQOO from Wil
liam Hartley, his employer nud
eouiln. When D.dtou arrived ut
Jersey City H'luduy iiluht, he hud
Ins prisoner's pretty young wife with
him. Her father, Superintendent
Marsh, of the Adams Express Com
iwny, took her to his home. She
was received here with inauy muul
festltutlons of Joy. She Is believed
to have been "a party to tW hut-
ba nd's escape. Dalton permlttid
him to occupy the same berth with
her, aud the marks of his shoes uu
tho win low show that he escaped
through that, lie could seauvly
Imvedoueso, however, without his
wife's oouiilvuucv. Du'tm was mor
deJiHted, or at least seviunl to be
when he reached Jerwy City.
LoNlHiN, Feb. 8. MIm Florence
Nah, pru.ty yuuiu girl, uuly 17
years or age, liw mw ah uiiau,
the souof dl.lluguUhed Indian
prlnee. for breach of promise of mar-
rlage. Tne ease oituo up furhyvr
log Moody. The faael.mtlug
..i.i..mf i.u.ir iiinin.l unit iMimed
jininuu iwni'"" u,k
out Iter wota to tho nyuirwthetlo
?ort, Mlw NmU uld that All had
from tho first time Ihey met treated
her with much atteullon,nnd thathe
had taken her to many places of
Mtuiwmeiit. Mtiully, she Bald, he
pniMwed aim was accepted. A din
ner followed at the Cafe Royal,
where champagne was frrtvly in
dulged in. All Khen and tho young
lady referred to, according to the
latter, then went to tho Empire
hotel, nbero Alkl Khan, It is
claimed, effected the jouug ladv'x
ruin. A few duys later, Mlxs Nuli
s-iys, All Khun told the philntill
that ho was about ton turn to lndl:
aud It wus then she ascertained thut
he was already married'. All Khan
took the witness stand. He opoke
English very slightly. He said tlmt
all he said when he proceed to
Florence was "Mlno wife Hindoo.''
He denied that any promise of mar
riage was idven. Witness dicllnt-d
to swear on the Testament, refused
to say "So help me God," and waut
ed to swear upon his honor or upon
tho sacred cow. His evidence w s
n-Jei-ted by tho court, but the Jury,
after u short deliberation, brought in
a verdict in his favor.
Eookne, Or., Feb. 3. An opin
ion has been received by the county
Judge from attorneys employed, in
regard to the matter of tho right to
sell or lease certain property in this
city belonging to Latie county. The
opinion Is quite lengthy, and shows
a complicated slate of affairs. The
laud was donated to the county
wlieu the city was platted, and the
deed withholds the right of the
county to sell or lease. A part of
tbo laud has been deeded by the
county to the public for streets, and
i part has been leased und individ
uals liuvo been enjoying the use ol
lite eume. The opinion Is to the
edict that these leases will not hold
yooil, und the laud will revert to the
public. It ulso slates that the coun
ty has no right to sell or lease any
of Hie laud it holds by tho origiuul
deed or gift. Tho county has been
anxious to sell u part of this lund,
but now llnds that It cannot give a
Pundleton, Or., Feb. 3. Just
after the dcpuitureuf the west bound
irulit Monday night, which leaves
this place at 10: lo, several Union
1'aeitio employes wero walking
down the track and made a startling
discovery. Jlelow tho eud of tho
depot, lying between the rails, wus
lliu body of u muii. His feet nud
baud hud beou umputaled, aud lie
wus otherwise maimed aud bruised.
No spark of life remained, uud
deatli hud evidently been instan
taneous. The coroner's Jury fouud
thut he hud registered ut tbo hotel
us John Smith uud cashed a time
check diuwn in favor of John Kmllh,
nut wus known among his fellow-
workeis us "Dully." No letters
Mere fouud ou his person; only $2.50
in cash aud u shaviucr outfit. After
di!coverlug these fuels thu Jury ad
liurued lo wait tho arrival of a
w inlets from Echo, who is suppostd
lo know something of tho deceased.
Castle Hock, Wash., Feb. 3.
Furl Her particulars havo been re
ceived of tho faintly quarrel and
murder which occurred at Herford's
logging camp, ubout three miles
north of this pluca Sunday night.
James Herfoid, who hud been at
Olequa, eamo homo drunk as did
also ids brother Gillmau, who had
beou at this place. Jumes arrived
at his father's homo before Gillmau
and threatened to whip him so soon
us he arrived. He even started
down the railroad truck to meet him,
but wus pursuaded to return home
by his father. Gillmunsoou arrived
lu company with Mr. Hyatt, Letter
known us "Carolina." A quarrel
took plaeo between the two brothers,
and the youngest Gillmau pluaxl u
revolver against his brother's breast
and fired, the ball euterlug the left
sldu ucnr the heart. He died iu
about twenty minutes. The only
words ho spoke were to Mr. Hyatt,
saying: "Carolina, I am snot, I'll
die, too. Send for the doctor,"
Young Herfonl was arraigned be
fore Judge Brown at this place and
waived examination aud was held
to appear before tho superior court
now lu seoslon at Kahuna. He
claims fcclf-defetiso.
PoiiTLASD, Feb. 3. Tho ateamer
Sarah Dixon, which is to ply be
tween here aud Clatskaulue, wus
successfully launohed today.
1'oim.ANH, lH'b. 3. Wheat val
ley, $1.M$1.G0; Walla Walla, $1.80
Chicago, Feb. 3. At close wheat
Was steady, cash, blj May. 81,
S.VN FliANCl&Ci), Feb. 8. Wheat
buyer season $1 C0.
tiuad Teuiulars.
Union lodge, 1. O. G. T met tt to-
night at the Good Templar's hall on
Commerelal street. Go up linst stairs
north of tho postoillco west side of
the ktreet, Thero will le new mom
lera lulattnl uwd lustallutioii of olli-
cere and a good social time. All'
perrons desirous to work for the
temprnuee cause are Invited to uulte
their liitlueuco with us, a safe place
for you ng men. Good Tum ila k.
For the ChlMrtn.
I "In buying cough medloln for
R" 'JSJof to bSf CtaVinb?
JMu's Couch Reumly. There U no
There U no
danger from uand relief U alway
ueu uatutwrwiu ovcu i na
fouua It to b Kiro nud reliable. 40 ' ouca.' cwuUpHo, ,lq TTn xkTiuZ
wnt botUc forwlaby O.E.OcodeJPYulwAf tfH ".
UrtmgUt. ' Jfifitt hSSuU' pru.
The lutcst and most Im'portant
move in this village is n prospective
college building to be erected on
some appropriate olnt near the
spring. This has long lieen tnlked
Of by dirTerent parties but not till
iveentlv has it nsnunied a permanent
b'hapo of oilalrs. Tho building is to
nevmmrwtnfo from thr to foUT
hundred and to be fli.lslMil'by Sept.
Slth next. The cost wbeu coiu
nltto will probably reacli $10,000.
1'pif. liurzee of this place, 1a the
prime mover in this enterprise and
ii ns!led by men of ability aud
A railroad man is now in our
town investigating tho proposed
question of railroad communication
with tills point. We are assured
that this will be accomplished this
coming summer.
W. W. Parrlsh is preparing to
build a large bath house ns soon as
tho weather will permit for the ao
commodalion of the many health
seekers who annually Hock to tbese
January transfers $170,220 50
February to date $11,070.50
Win M Case and wife to Elizabeth
and Ohus Hoskius, 23Ja8eol3, tp
1 b, 2 w, $521.25.
Leander Brown to J W Street, It
I, blk2,Holliaterad, Btaytiu, $500.
Alex McFarland and wife to B
Bloore, 100 a, sec 22, tp 8 s, 2 w,
Wm M Kaiser and wife to E A
Kaiser, ej s, wj blk 42, North Salem,
W II Wild and wife to W M
Wirt, it 14, blk 21, Capital Park ad,
Salem, $200.
J E Murphy and wife to Thomas
Ryan, 480 a sec 14, tp 7 s. 3 w, $120.).
Surah E Murphy and husband to
JbhuDjer, pt It 7, Liberty Fruit
Farms, $50.
B F Hlrscliaw and wife to II A
Hlrschuw, blk 3, Richards ad, Ma
rlon, $300.
Cliutincey Forward to D. W Tnr
pley, It 0, blk 37, North Balem, $175.
Thomas Ryan and wife to H L
Hoffman and wife, 4.32 a sec 14, tp
1 4 s, 3 w, $200.
Chas A Brown and wife of Whit
man couuty, Wash., to John Dyer,
2 a, John R Patterson, d I c. $110.
II V Matthews et al, to Carrie
Estella Haynes, It 1, 2, 3, blk 1 Au
burn, $1755.
J. A, Rotau and wf to V R Sorber
I 13 Oak Lawn ndd Salem, $800.
Mrs W L Gazan, O M Scott,
W L Gazzau, W J Cnlligan, Miss
Etta Dowd, J G Doles, 8 F.
Geo II Bennetl. H C Morris, N Y.
C M VIckery, Boston.
W Feybey, Elmlra
F A Daley uud wife,Independence.
A V Ragsdale, Spokane.
McKtuley Mitchell, Gervais.
S C Parker, H F Metculf, Oregon
J L Briggs, F M Batchelor, II
Lang, J Lowcutz, J E Eldridge,
T A Smith, L P Heath, T McNary,
. W T Krlgbaum, M Conuoly, Mis
Lewlston, II Hewitt, W N Jose.1,
Wm Grace, Portland.
H E Andrews, L II Andrews,
J B Rose, Wheatland.
J M u r dock, A N Hornbuckle,
Oregon City.
Ed Wade, Scio.
''ilulin Amlorton, my Joe."
In the Scotch ballad, win about lo toiler
clown the declivity of life with his aged
wile. How It would hue smoothed the
vugh places for tbo respected John and
tils venerable spouse could tluy liuvo
m,m1 t linlr crrtwlm. tliflrmlf If with lln-s.
i tetter's Htouuichiuiteni, that benign help
lu but slowly from exhausting dlsem-e-i,
When the lamp of life Is on the wane mnu
xpeolnlly requires medicinal nld, a sui
Iniulue toufc. a wholesome cor ectite.
The ucd nud the feeble ore particularly
Kiiseeptlble to Influences which produce
disease, convalescence Is too oHen Inter
iuiuu;tUiuD nc uuu uiuu rcvu.ii
rupted by rel ipse. This standard Ainerl
oiu lovhrorunt Is eminently adapted lu
the need of isuch person, uud It alwajs
"nils the bill." ujspepm, constipation,
rlimiuuiUm, kldneytroubleonnd lu grippe
ruvumongttio tronblf that It overcomes
Ttnhy cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed : Costoriaf
llucklru's ArnlcHle,
The llent 8lve In the world for Cnti,
llrulhcs. eorea. trtoar-i. Suit Kheurn, Vewr
Hnres Toller, I Jtwppl tlnnds, UhllDlalns
tirn Had all fkln Bruptious, und posl
Uv)' urc nvt, or no pay rxwalreJ. ll
It unrHUteed lo ntve perfect HatUluctloo
r uiosMU' refttnrtetl trte. 34 rmti rr
te, Mor tain by Vn' J. Kry. 2fl Oom bl
La (Irippf.
Tbo tendenoy of this disease to
ward pneumonia is what makes it
dangerous, La Grippe requires pre
uleoly the same treatment as a severe
imld. Chamberlala'st.'ough Remedy
It famous for its cures of sevvre colds.
This remedy rtleotually counter
j nets the leudenoy of the disease to
! teault lu pueuionnla, provided that
projvr care be taken to avoid ex
posure hen recovering from the at
tack. Careful inquiry among the
tuauy thousands who have used this
remedy during tbo epidemics of the
past two years has failed to discover
a single case that has not recovered
or that has resulted in pneumonia.
60 cent aud $1 bottles for sale bv
G. K. Good, druggist.
lln from ladlseUou, iV spcpsU, and
loo hwrly railur, is rWierr4 at once bjr
lakloc u of CUnef Ultle Urrr nM
luimedUlaly ailr dlacrr. IXrn't furrtt
Ilreu ftn tlred tsklne tha Isa a
ftubtunni rripiur pliu, try cner's uul
i j.ri
uvr nwHM hbv toauurv A man
isuau'icTyiaiac. una pal a oom,
'roaipt rdlrf In !ek hmdahe,dUxtae4,
id iakiset
Protects every peon-insured
cannot loose his money in
...Ul, ndnr ufntns. 1 Oil
UilOU Y1H" wvnw "
the policy won't forget you.
ght to carry Insurance and should put his
Everv man ou
money where he can't loose it.
The Salem Grautl Army Pt is
pushing arrangement for tbc enter
tainment of tbo Grand Army of
Oregon, which boMs Its annual en
campment at that place, February
12. Eugene Guard.
Hon. Geo. E. Chamberlain arrived
this noon from ids trip to Omaha
nud Natchez. His sister-in-law,
Mrs. Renner, had expected to return
with him, but was taken ill on the
day he started aud postponed her
trip temporarily. Mr. Chamberlain
reported fine weather all the way
liome. Albany Democrat.
It is a fact worth knowing that,
us a household remedy, for children
and adults, Ayer's Pills are invalu
able. All the crockery, glassware,
lamps, etc., at Gilbert & Patterson's
will be sold at cost to close out the
Just received, Tribune Almanac,
Clipper Almanac, new book by
Ouuter, author of "Barnes o' New
York," nt Dearborn's book store.
Lots of notions at W. M. Sar
geant's. Lots of window shades,
brackets, games, children's blocks,
frames, moulding, pictures framed
to order, iron wagons and baskets.
Dhy Wood For sale cheap. In
quire of Wm. Hamburg, shoemaker
shop, near Bu9h s bauk. . l-dl'-dt
Dissolution Notice.
rnHE firm hnown as Slnpon Rouer
I has this day, (1st of February, 18.92)
lUioKnri n.irtnemhlu bv mutual consent
The business will be conducted hereafter
by Simpson liros. who will assume all In-
ueDieaneKS una coiiiciun uuuuiuuing "w
pinntfi. Th inklusr the nubile for their pat.
ronage, we heartily recommend the new
nrm to tneir patrons.
2 33t J.M. UOQKK.
In promulgating esoteric cogitations or
articulating superficial sentimentalities
and philosophical or psychological obser-
at ion,oeware 01 piui uuiuous jwuuciusr .
Let your statements possess a clurlfled con
ciseness, compacted comprehcnbibkness.
coalescent comNtencv aud a concentra
ted cogency. Schw all conglomerations
of flatulent garrulity. Jejune babblement
nnd asinine affection". In trylug l Im
press upou others the superiority of the
Wisconsin Central L!ne, nd why you
and so many others ue this thoroughmre
from St. l'aul uud Minneapolis nnd Uulutb
and Ashland to Kllwau)t e, Chicago and
points east and south. It U not netessary
to uuejawbrcakers. Let your extempora
oeous uetcuutings and unpremeditated
expatlous have Intelligibility veracious vi
vacity, w Ittiout rhodomoulHble or thraso
Ical botnbasu Sedulously avoid all polj
Kyllnblc pnftindtty, pslttoceous vacuity,
eDtrlloqul verbosity and vandlloquent
vanldltv. shun double entenrtres, prurient
Jocosity tuid pestiferous piofanlty, obscu-
rent or apparent, in oiutr wurus, ihik
plainly, naturally, sensibly, and truthful
ly, say the W iscousln Cenlial Lines Is tub
route, and tbft ends It 1161y
1)K. W H. HYRD
.Vice Presldeut.
CAPITAL STOCK, all Subscribed, S200.000
Transact a general banking business
iu all 1U branches.
.Vioe lrtbldenl
nillKCTOHS; Oeo. Wllllam,Wm. Kns
land, Or J, A. Klehardson, J. f, Hobou.
J. A. Ilaker.
Hank In new Exchange block on Com-
mrrris i street. "I'-'f
(Founded In 1S6S.)
Ladd $ Ens!), Bankers,
SALISM, ... orbook
Trantacl Ilanklng Uutlnes In all de-
lias monenlary connection! with
banks In Oregon, wrsbnigton, Idaho and
MoQtA3,aud corrmpouOvuts In all the
pnncliwl town of thoe statek, Collec
Oous nude throughout the Pacific, and
Littern Mate and Hrilish America.
UrafUofBaktern bauks Ukeu at par.
KierytaeUlty afforded cuktomers, consist,
tnt with ronkervatlve banktnr. we have
a large tire proof xmvto. with ample room
Sir ihe keeping ol sifeiy Ixixe. and the
S1 ttf" SurgUr Proof vaalt In the
.North eU IxISlmdw
Chai. W oil, of the "Oennan Market"
will hrrtmner U tor ouh only and bU
prVew will be the loweaU
Conserrntory of Music.
J ntBrteradrastac io itwdenu or
l 4 MnmenUl mule Uuxhl to
Zxjz J- ra
Iitf4u rtvn oh rompl'iton of ojurvt
Matical Uuvcwr. I
nt i
Cash Mar
in.tl.at state, thathe
case of misfortune as is tin
ny forget your policy but
It is, the safest and best.
Oregon Land Company's Price List.
10 acres ofland 5i miUs south of Salem (postoffice)
best fruit land, nearly all cultivated. There will be 100
nor-a Pf in fruit, immediately adjoining this tract, tins
spring; price, 50 per acre, $100 cash, balance easy pay
Choice of four ten acre fruit tracts five miles south ol
Salem (postoffice) one all in cultivation, very sightly; two
other three-fourths in cultivation, balance good timber;
one three-fourths "i ciuVvation balance in pasture, 45.00
per acre, cash, balance easy payment and long time
Choice of 40 ten acre fruit tracts six miles south ot
Salem (postoffice) best fruit
sprngs ana running water, uujuiiuny j.ho vfi"..
Company's model 100 acre orchard farm, three miles from
steamer landing. First choice $G0 per acre, cash,
balance on eight years time, enabling purchaser to pay for
land out of the fruit crop This land Avill tie set out to
fruit trees and cultivated two years in a first-class manner,
by the Willamette Valley Fruit Giwing company so that
a two year old orchard, complete in ever respect, will
cost the pur baser $125 per acre, including a good fence
around it.
- The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing company has
now more than 300 acres set out in this way, and v ill
take pleasure in showing anyone, who takes au interest in
fruit growing in the "Willamette Valley, what they are
doing and how their orchards look. The people of Salem
and their visiting friends are cordially invited to call at
the office of the Willamette Valley Fruit Growing com
pany, in the Gray building with the Oregon Land com
pany, and take a ride to Sunnyside and see what is being
done in tho way of fruit raising in the vicinity of Salem,
Oregon. You will enjoy the ride to Sunnyside and see
something wcth seeing.
Thirty acres best garden and hay land, good two story
house of nine rooms, hard finished, good barn, good
orchard, springs and running water, 2 miles from Turner,
price $2500.
3o acres of timber land 21 miles from Turner, $20 per acre, cash,
balance in tbree equal annual payments.
1!) SO-lOO acres cultivated iuud with house, spring nnd orchard 3 miles
from Turner, $60 per acre, $ cash, balance in three equal nunuul payments.
IS 40-10U ucres cultivated laud with bam and running water, $45
per acre, 1 cuih, bahit'ce iu three equal annual payments. First payment
will be taken iu work.
10 9a-100 ucres cultivated land, running water on land, $-10 per acre,
cash, balance in three equal annual payments. First payment taken in
3968-100 acres pasture and timber laud, all good land, with running
water, 3 miles from Turner, $25 per neie.
0 fruit tracts ranging from 12 to 14 acres each, nil cultivated, 200 fruit
trees ou each lot, land all plowed, $45 per acre, i cash, balance in three
equnl luuiunl payments.
Work hiinii us carpenter work, cutting wood, making rails, buildlnir
fence, t-ctting ut and cultivating trees taken in part payment on land;
ulso horses, lmrue&s, wagons, or buggies taken in part payment on laud.
Also good city property, when unencumbered by mortgage or other
claims, taken in part payment ou laud.
Post Office Department, -
Washington, D. C Jan. 15, 1892.
PROPOSALS will be received nt
the Contract Olllce of this Depart
ment until 4 p. in. of March 24th,
1892, for carrying the mails of the
United States upon the routes, and
according to the schedule of arrival
ami departure speeitied by the De
partment, iu the state of Oregon
from July 1st, 1892 to Juno 30th,
1891. List of routes, with schedules
of arrivals and departures, instruc
tions to bidders with forms, for con
tracts and bonds, and nil other
necessary information, will be fur
ui-hed upon applicatiou to tho Sec
ond Assistant Postmnster General.
d-MS-Ctni Postmaster General.
GEO H. UUKNiriT, Attorney m law,
Halcin, UregKu. Offlte oer IjuIU a
hu&nd bauk.
D'AHC A UINUHAM, Attorneys and
o.iunMlwx ut law, Salem, Oregon.
rialu?un iilwtrumni the rwordsof. Marlon
"luilj.lneludtujalotauu block Index oi
vUeui.lbey uae special facilities lor ex'
iinlnlu lilies to real tstnte. Ilualnesa In
he ut.ine tourt und In the state demrt.
wnUvrinrecineproinrit attention.
O T.ItlCH.vrtnsON, Attorney at law,
t? i ".'"P ulnln from rooms or new
WTO5.,nmewl"1 and C0U"
JOHN A C ARSON, Attorney at law
' . ."coin num. Lada A Uuth'n tim.
tulldtog, sultm, Orteen
13 OfflMln HuiKiJ""!"
I 1DMIAU . KnlUtai ... .::"..
audCourt,on(5ornbr ' """"" eme
HIIUION FORD, attorney at law, Salem
nou Sfn,S,of bu)Mlnf on "Sort
itd ,Plntendeacof work promptly
D.PUOH, Arehtt
11 V. riJlill. iMhllu,
Plaui. SdmI
bonding, Olllce
ntendenee tor
tuomai st, up uUr.
- 7r " uuituiun.
a oom.
h. J,rerAU.'n'1'ANlX'tlPBH!Tand
IlirMM mmtm a
land, very desirable location; t
CA. HOBKRT, Architect, room 424, Mar
. quain building, .Portland, Oregon.
WH. YOUNG, M. D., Office formerly
. occupied by Dr. Rowland, corner
Court and Liberty streets. Telephone No.
15. Otllce heurs: 8 a. m. to 12; 2 to 4 p. m.,
and 7 to 9 p. in. Residence 18th street on
electric car line. Telephone No. 9.
R. W. S. JIOTT, physician and Bur
geon. Offlce in JUdildee Block, bu-
um. Urt'L'on. Olllce hours 10 to 12 n. m.
J to 4 p. ui.
EB. PUILBROOK, M.D.,Homeopathlst.
. OtlU-o 155 Court street; Residence &I7
lligh btreet. OeLcral practice. Bpeelal
attention given to dlEeasea of Women and
T.HOUSER, 11 TJ, Physician andsur-'
geon. i'ractlce limited to diseases
ofthe nervous system. Catarrh including
asthma and rupture or hernia. Office In
Cotlle block rooms 11 and 12. Offlce hours
Irom 9 to 1 1 a. m. and from 2 to (j p. in.
U 3-tf.
JUNTA S. A. DAVIH. Office hours.
9 a. m. to 11 n. m.: 2 n. m. to 5 n. m.
Day or uinht calls nromntlv nttended to.
H pedal attention given to diseases of wom
en und children. Office in .New BunU Blk.,
Mb fommereiul street. Residence same.
DR. T. C. SMITH, Dentist,92 State street,
Finished dental opera-
tlons of every description
I'alulees opera-
O PRAGUE A ALLEN, lllaeksmiths nnd
p horehhoeing and repulring. Only tta
best workmen employed,
Opposite Htate
iiiauiuuuv uuuuing
rOHN KN1QHT, Hlacksmlth. Horsa
shoeing und repairing a specialty. Shop
it the foot of Liberty street, Salem, On
PJ. LAR8EN 4 CO,, Manufacture of nil
. klndsor vehicles. IUwilrlng a special.
y, bhop 45 suite street,
U. SMITH CO., Contractors, Sewer
X. Ins, Cement Sidewalks, Excavating,
t.tC2 All Wnrlf nrnmntlv ilnnn 4nlntit. Or.
Leave orders with Dugan Bros. 4:16-lm
"tAKPET-LAYING.-l make a specialty oi
j outpet-bewfng and laying; carjeU
taken up nnd relaid with great care. House
olennlng. Leave orders with J. H. Lunn
or Buren A bon. J. Q. LU HUMAN.
EO. HOEYK, Proprietor the Porcelain
Bath audMiavfne Parlors. Have t be
only Porcelain Bath Tubs In the city.
300 commercial street, Balem, Oregon.
ments n the Bute. Lower rates than
Ponlanu. Largest stock Legal Blank IB
the8taw.-d biggest discount. Hendfoi
price UstuT Job printing, and catalogue ol
IegibUnt E.SI. WA1TE.
Btem PrlnUr Balem 'Orefoa
'j)Tf tr