Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 07, 1891, Image 2

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cuucd John V, Gogi?lii of desertion.
At 12:07 o'clock Claw Van I)unen
complained that her huHuaml neg
lected her for other women. At 12:11
o'clock Mary 55gol j.rovc I tlut her
huilmtid hmi deserted tier. Ai 12:lo
o'clock Johanna VrJ k dWiiutitleil
n divorce from h-r Olio. At 12:2.')
O'clock I'ViiiU'ch .Smith lew I lied thai
her husband wiw cruel. At 12:32
L'lhi Uradley proved her ihihi nn
separate niailitenUice. At ll2;fW,
Viola E. West declared that George
F. West was n wlfo-beater. At 12:42
Alice Mitchell said her Ed u.m wut,
cruel. At 12:52, James T. itillei
testified that hla Wife had deserted
iiliti, At 1:05 Max Jft.iulim.iu I old u
similar st'iry. At 12:"5G Marguroi
Oogarty charged ber husband with
desertion, aud at 1:15 Mtirla Wnsz
tlchecU asked for a Beparutlon from
John. Then Judge Collins Bald lit
was llred, and adjourned court.
Valpaisaibo, Dec. 7. The Judge
of crimes Saturday addiesded a let
ter ostensibly to the Ititcudeuto, but
really to the public, suiting that j.
t-ador belonging to the JJultlmim
appeared In his court drunk. Froii,
motives of prufuad consideration fo
llieAiiiiTlcuuH ho did not puiiiidi tut
disorderly sailor, but Bent lilm oi
board, where Captain Schley trie
him. The sailor was an Englinh
man. Ho was tried by summary
court-marshal, aud Captain Behle
approved ltd sentence, which wat
thirty days on bread aud water h
double irons, saying the Bailor show
ed a lack of respect for his dead
shipmate aud gross disregard of tin
gravity of the situation. The buIIo,
also forfeits three month's pay.
"Washington, Dec. 7. Admlru
Walker had a conference witli Score
tary Blaine Saturday, prior to hit
departure for Brazil, to take com.
mand of the Southern Atlantic
station. He Bald tho Chicago, At
lautlo and Bennington would sul
from Hump ton Roads next Tuesday
aud probubly touch at St. Thotnio
on tho voyage.
St. Pauij, Dee. 7. Whether St.
Paul secures the Democratic conven
tlou or not tho city will havo uu
Immense auditorium with a seating
capacity of $10,000. Tho citizen
committee appointed to ralso tht
convention guarantee fund found
that it would havo to Imvn a build
log of great seating" capacity, and
that It would probubly cost mor
uiouoy than could bo raised by sub
Boriptlou. Tho common couuel
was appealed to and Immediate!
passed a resolution addlug ono mil)
to tho tax levy, from which $200,000
will bo secured. The struct uro wih
bo erected on tho equaro now ocou-
pled by the marketdiouso, at the
corner of Wabash and Sovonth
Washington, Dec. 7. Now
Mexico and Arizona will probably
outer tho union of states before the
end of the present congress. Utah
will also bo an applicant for admis
sion, but tho lingering traces of
Mormaulsm will probubly keep Uor
out. Enabling acts for New Mexico
ntid Arizona will probably pass next
spring or summer, but tho states
will not come into tho Union, early
enough to vote for president next
your. Bills for tho admission of all
threo territories will bo ollered at
tho llrst opportunity by tholr dele
gates In congress. It 1b quite proba
bio thorn will bo no opposition In
fdther house to the admission ol
Now Mexico and Arizona If they do
uot voto for president next fall,
The Republican Caucus Honor
Sneafcer Heed.
Miss Blyllie will Marry, Terrible
Wound, Held for Larceny, Found
J)ead, Estimated Cost, At Day
break Tuesday, Murder or Sui
cide, Foreign and State News.
The I'ulpit nuil tho Stage.
Rev. F. M. Hhrout pastor Brethorn
Church, Bluo Mound, Kuustts, sajs:
"i teoi ii my uuty to ion wuiu Dr.
King's New Discovery has done for
me. My lungs were badly diseased,
and my parlshlonors thought 1 could
Hvo only a low weeks, 1 took live
bottlos of Dr. Kings Now Discovery
and am sound and well,
Arthur Love, Manager Lovo'ib
Funny Folks Combination, writes.
"After a thorough trial and convinc
ing evidence, I am oonlldont tir.
King's Now Discovery for Con
sumption, beats 'em all, and onto
when everything elbo fulls. The
greatest kluduess 1 ou do my tnanj
thousand friends Is to urge them to
try It," Freo trial bottle- at Fry't.
urug siore, -x uommeroii street
Regular sizes fit) cents and 1.00.
Baby cried,
Mothor sighed,
Doctor prescribed: Castorta!
I oHi) frriiLIILIilMVj
3, i M. Wires are dowu, but at
210 p. m. there hud been no choice
for speaker.
Washington, Dec. 7. The Re-
putilicati members of the house Sat
u r day evening held a caucus, presld
ed over by Congresssman Hender
son, of Illluols. Mr. Burrowtn, of
Michigan, in presenting the name of
Thomas B, Heed for speaker, briefly
nit warmly eulogized Mr. iked and
i he work of the Fifty-first congress,
tie said: "The time is uear when
tho work of that congress will meet
the indorsement and approval ol
American people." Tho nomlnu
tlon was agreed to by acclamation.
In a brief speech In recognition of
tho honor Mr. Heed" said: "Tin
Republican party is sulk-ring from i
temporary setback only, uud will
.noon resume Us place In the aflec
tlons of tho people." All tho tniuoi
ofllcers of f ho last congress were re
Washington, Dec. 7. The cor
respondent of tho Now York World
yesterday asked Governor Penuoyer
his choice for speaker of tho house.
The governor replied: "I consider
the selection of Crisp as speaker ol
the greatest advantage to the Demo
jratlo party, believing as I do that
ho would favor legislation by which
we could return to t he sound policj
of tho government, observed I'oi
more than eighty years from itt-
foundation, which required the freo
eolnago of both gold and silver, and
that ho would also favor tho ex
pu net Ion from tho statute books of
congress of tho prlvllego now given
to every money-loauer in tho land to
dishonor u portion of tho national
San FjiANCisco.Dec. 7. Florence
BIythe, tho heiress of the late
I'homas H. BIythe, millionaire, is
engaged to marry Charles Kooning,
of this city. The young mau Is a
student at tho Cooper Medical
college. When spoken to of his
engagement he donied It, saying ho
met Miss BIythe at Bluo Lukes lust
summer, and that nothing but tho
moroit compliments of a gentlemen
to a lady passed between them.
Tho engagement, however, Is ac
cepted as true. Miss BJytho Is at
presont with her aunt, Mrp. Perry,
at can Itufuel,
Blaine, Wash., Dec. 7 Saturday
afternoon IS, C. Seoloy and C. A.
MoLcuiiou, mspeotors of customs,
went out In a boat duok hunting.
Both shot at tho sumo brunt, and
Seoloy proceeded to reload his re
peating shotgun, when It accident
ally discharged, striking McLennan
in tho right sldo of tho head, tearing
a piecoof tho eculp away as largo as
a man's band, Following up under
tho scalp, It tore tho top looso from
tho skull aud loosouod tho scalp
from tho front of tho head, almost
to tho eyee. McLennan Is still llv
lug, but It Is not known how Berlous
tho wound may prove.
I'ORTLAND.Beo. 7. Julian Smith,
formerly from Surgont, Custor coun
ty, Neb., Is now lying In tho city
lull. Ho was urrestod just as he
alighted from tho Union Paccltl
train Thursday morning, by rcquset
of the Nebraska oflloluls, who hud
telegraphed a description of the
man and requested tho authorities
hero to hold him, Tho telegram ou
which ho was arrested stated that
no is wanted for tho lareony of
$7000 from tho Custer County bank;
out whether as defaulter or a
cracksman Is uot known. Tho
money was noarly all found on him
when searched,
Oakland, Cal., Doc. 7.
body of an unknown young
aged about 21, was found lying be
tween tho tracks ou tho Oakland
Mo'o ut 5:15 Saturday having, ap
parently fallen from a plutform of the
last local train Saturday night. He
wasoWan shaved, with dark lialr.aud
was dressed in a browu suit and
wore a Btltr-brlmmed hut. liu
height wai live feet nine, and his
weight about 175 pounds. In his
poekot was $20,15, but there were no
letter or pipers on Ida person. The
body Is at tho morgue,
Portland, Dee,, 7.-W, H. Ken.
uedy, chief euglneor of tho Colum
Jbla Rlvtr and Astoria railway, In
ma .cii.n i-8iimuiea ino ooi or a
comparatively happy. Tho olian
ImIh of the tombs, Rev, Mr. Law,
and Itev. Mr. Edgerton, chuplatli of
Sing Sing prison, spent most of the
day with the condemned man, ad
ministering the spiritual comfort he
seems to welcome. Ho has become
a devout Presbyterian, although
prior to Ids confinement ho was an
Inlldel. He no longer expects n
pardon, as he was told by Itev. Mr.
Law that Governor Hill had refused
to Interfere. Ale pays he would not
accept a commutation of his sen
tence to Imprisonment for life, and
docs not deslro a respite. Mr. Law
has tried to instill the belief that It
was his duty to wish that his life
might bo prolonged, but ho persists
In saying that a prisoner does not
live, but merely drags out an exist
ence, which to him is absolutely
repugnant. lie is docile, and has
never given the keeper any troublo,
and all the prison ofllclals agree that
he is mentally superior to any of tho
prisoners who havo so far suffered
the death penalty lu Slug Sing.
Fresno, Cal., Dec. 7.-J. W.
Trumbo, one of tho proprietors o f a
confectionary store known as the
"Candy Kitchen," was found dead
in bed ubout 1 p. m, Sunday, by Ids
brother George, with a bullet In his
temple. The revolver was found
under the cover at tho foot Of the
bed, and a bullet hole was found in
tho window. Two chambers of the
pistol were empty. There aie two
theories of the killing one futclde
and the other murder. Trumbo
was seemingly in the best of spirits
last evening. Ho and his brother
havo prospered in business, and, so
far as known, both were well liked.
They were quiet und orderly and
thlor hublts were of the best. The
bullet hole In the window sustains
the theory of muider und the sur
mise that after tho killing tho mur
derer crept In through-the window
and placed the revolver lu the bed.
The deceased was about 20 i eurs old
and unmarried. He has a brother
tu Sun Francisco, and his mother
und three brothers are in Salt Luke.
Washington, Dec. 7. Tho in
coming house will not have more
thun half a dozen contested election
cases to decide, and three of these
are from tho state of Peuusylvuuin.
In each of these cases a Democrat
seeks to oust a Bepublicun, who has
the certificate. The tltlesof these cases
are Reynolds ugulnst Shanks, Reedy
agalust Scully uud Craig ngalnst
Stewart. The testimony in tile two
lust numed cases Is very voluminous
filling three largo printed volums lu
salbm aiAitntrr riEroitT.
A Hynopuls nf Hie Market Haying and
Helling Price.
HbouldcnuSugar cured.per lb,12
IlreakCist bacou 16
ired, per ll,.lfio
Hums Hugurcur
Reef- 614
Pork 8 10
In each case. Tho allegations ou
which the contests aro based uro
purely technical, being questions
whether certain voters had a rlgljit
to vote. There is one contest in
New York, Noyes, Republican,
agalust Rockwell, Democratic, aud
tho latter will be handicapped by a
decision of the New York courts
against him, The remaining two
cases aro lu tho South, McDufly
agalust Turplu, in Alabama, and
Miller against Elliot, lu South C.iro
Una. The contestants uro Republi
can und were seated by a Republi
can house. It Is not probable that
their endeavors to Becuro a seat this
deslon will be successful.
Washington, Dee.. 7. Superin
tendent Porter has issued a bulletin
on the hop production of tho United
States. The rapid manner In which
tliePucUla coast states havo forged
ahead lu this industry is a matter
which deserves comment. Tho re
port shows the production of hops
for tho year 1880 to bo 30,171,270
pounds grown upon 50,212, acres of
land in seven states: Tho live lead
lug states aro Now York, 20,103,020
pound"; Washington, 8,303,280; C.d
Iforulu, 0,617,838; Oregon, 3,013,720,
aud Wisconsin, 428,547. Otsego
county, N. Y., with a yield of-1,-
008,080 pounds, Is the greatest hop-
producing county, whllo Sacramento
county stands ut the head in un
average yield per acre with 1018
pounds. Washington followed
closely with an averoge of 1020
pounds, and Oregon stands third In
rank with 1155 pounds. Tho value
of the crop of tho United Slates for
was 11,050,007, Tho bulletin also
gives the crops for 1800. The crop
amounting to 30,872,854 pounds,
worth $11,105,424, or nearly three
times tho value of tho crop of tho
previous year, The Pacillo coast
stales respectively show tho follow
Ing lucreaso lu product and Its per
centage, as compared with -tho cen
sus reports of 18S0; California, 6,100,
2(11 pounds, 853 30 por cent; Oregon,
3,800,355 pounds, 1878,70 per cent;
Washington, 7,010, 003 pouuds, 10S.
08 per cent.
v i-ai iw j iic.
Tlmotli) koed Per pound, Hv, wlllna
IUU elm ur heed Per (xmnd, i la
Whltocliivcrnecd Per iouml, M, "
rtixiKu iec per pounu.
Red lop loo per pound.
Lincoln Uitum 12oper pound,
Rye (Inm-loo per pound.
Orcbnrd Uroj..l7e prr poiind.
New potato s I0o per biiiiiol.
Canned t rultPeucliox, & 00; npncot,
H W; Ulucklx.-rrlex, $.); corn, btt grades
i CO; tomaloea II 60; utrlng beans SI CO;
greeH peiifi $1 H.Y per aax. In two lb cans.
Fraili Vegetable. Potatoes 10c; carrots
60cr t)urnlpi7oe- onions ia per lb.
KlslL-Balmoa 7010c Der lb: Hturvcon &a
70per iliKinint llnh luc per lb; fialt BulniOL',
KjlVU yVl 1U, liUIUUUK Hairiiun, IV,
Whrat-c net.
Flour Pr barrel. 83.01, bt st IBB lbs.
Onto Per Imibel. wWiS-lcl
Barley Per bushel. 4fta4Sc.
1U.IU -lv-i um.j.i uu.iimlll.t I ticked
HlioiUi-Poi ton, J. 03 " i,uokeil
C'unp Per toil. S2U.W ' wu-kei!
wool in locai.
Egg Wc per dozen.
1'otiitoc.i Per Dusht-1, 20o
Corn meal ks per iouud.
Clieene I!tyllc per pound.
Dried pluins Perlb. 67c.
Dried prunes Per lb. li12c.
Rut er HViS.S0c per pouudfoi good
Hums Per pound, llr.!c,
UncoQKidi-H UiaiOper lb.
h,.i,., ri4 fe i.rK
Chlckens..810c per pojnd.
1 u. Kuj 10 10 12 ib,
U-ew3 7M8 per lb.
DuekM. laper lb
Hop, S&llc.
Wheat Valley, Jl 8V9JI 70 per eoutnl.
Flour standard, 85 00.
Walla W1ll.Ol.8O;
Outa New White 42 to Ic per bushel.
Mlllstuirs Bran tl020; shoi ts, 121 to 2!
ground barley, f2J to 25; cn p leed. M
to 111, middlings, 2), per ton.
Uutler Oit-gnn fancy dairy, 35c; Uucj
oitumery Ji7XIO; good to mtr, 27;
C'llllanilii choice 27to31c.
Kagx Oregon .'JJX per doa.
Poultry Old chicken, $0,
PoiutoeH I'J at COo per c nlal.
t'l'tift-o-Drugiin, Uto 16c; t'ulirnroiu 12e.
t5iii;iiii Uolueu U, -)c; extra V, -1; dry
ginuulued, r cube, crushed uud Pow
dered, b'siu por pound.
iJaiu-. -rfinull white, c; pink 1
bao, ,; butler, 3c; llmas, 3c.
Dried Kiiills Uueted: llnll.iu prunes
8c, I'etlio und Uerinaii, 7o per pound,
raHln-i, H jl p)r box; plant iur dried
peitr, S lo Uc; nun drlPd and factory
plums, Ue; evupuratcj peaches, 1) to lie;
Smyria llg-ia)c; (.'ullfornla IIjs7ciiU per
Illds Dr hides, h to c; o less fo
culls, green over 55 pounds, 7c; under 5
poumlii, lir, sheep pelts, oOc$l.Z.
ICasteiu hams, 12 tolSc; breakfast ba
con, 13 to 15c; sides, 11-s; lard, 12 to 13i.
per pound.
Han Kka vcisco, Dec. 1 Wheat; buyer;
Barley 1'eed S1.07 $1 11 por ccnhi.
Oavs-(Jruy8l ' to 1 -10 per cuntul,old.
Corn Large yellow, ,1.10 to 81.12j; white
$1.25 to 81 'JO per cental.
Hops UK o l5o per pound.
rotaloes Uarnet Chile ,40to50c; Karlj
Hose, a) to .S0c; llurhanks, 30 to 40c; sweet,
2.00 lo 81. 2 U) per oenUil.
Onions 70 to Jl 00 por cental.
Butler- Choice, 30 lo 32c; plck'e roll, 24
to 25c; cro uneiy. 25 to 2flc per pound.
KgK Onolce lanch, -!2ilo45c; cold stoi
age, II) to -Jic p.-r dozen.
CinrAGo, Dee 2 U heat, cash 8'io.
"Tin Hoflt "
lilt IHhl. Win. Biown Co.
Kittle z&jam
fl PSU.S.
Lake Grio Is said to bo drying np.
There are 2S0 chess clubs In tho United
Only one American In 261 is over six
feet In height.
Two pounds of beef 'are consumed to
ono of mutton in England.
Foxes uro being imported front Nor
way by English hunting men.
Hoiled cabbage la much sweeter when
tho water Is changed In the boiling.
Tho oimgest pupil In a school at
Homer, Mich., is the tcachor's aunt
The rccentcensus of Paris shows that
4,807 citizens of tho United States reside
Joe Siuoi), of Arlington, Qa,, has a
pair of boneless guinea pigs. They are
great curiosities.
Flower bowls In cut gloss are no
longer round, but are shown as well in
octagon and oval bliupos.
The llrst nation In history to have
threo cities of over 1,000,000 inhabitants
each is tho United States.
In making butter do not allow tho
milk to stand any great length of time.
Old cream makes bitter butter.
A young man serving on a jury at
Ida Grove, la., was granted leave of
absence long enough to get married.
Tho mussels found In the Sugar river,
Wisconsin, last summer produced pearls
having an aggregate valuo of 100,000.
Thirty per cent, of all tho women of
the United States aro working for a
living, an increase of 9 per cent, over
A cubic foot of newly fallen snow
weighs 5 1-2 pounds and has twelve
times the bulk of an equal weight oi
W. A. Keith, of Buchanan, Qa., has
found a hard Hint stono in the heart ol
a solid pine tree. How tho stono got
there is a mystery.
A Tin Cup (A. T.) hen recently swal
lowed a pack of toy torpedoes, and
'since then she has laid, it is said, n
cracked egg every day.
To build ono of the monster 112-ton
guns requires about as much tlmo as it
takes to build tho vessel which carries
it. Its cosit is about 100,000.
Only about one-quarter of the Amer
ican Indians havo to dopend on Uncle
Sam for support. The others aro inde
pendent, and some of them aro even
Hnw a Woman Lost Three Wishes.
Nearly every ono knows the story of
tho woman who had three wishes grant
ed to her, and who, while thinking
whether she should desiro to bo em
press or queen, exclaimed involuntarily
on seeing a fine bed of coals in the fire
place before her, "How I wish I had a
black pudding siz7ling on those em
ber? I" and presto, the black pudding
was there. Vexed with herself for
losing ono of her wishes, slio was in no
mood to bear hor husband's roproaches.
"Animal that thou artl" she exclaim
ed in anger. "I wish it was on thy
nosol" and suddenly there it was, fixed
so firmly that their united efforts failed
to romovo it. In vain the repentant
wifo promised her good man all the
wealth and prosperity He could wish
for. "What would life be to mo?" lie
sensibly remarked, "with a block pud
ding on my noso?'' So nothing remain
ed to be done but to uso up her last
wish In wishing it off. Now York
- -J"
sn riW
m' rSir&SS. X3,i,rT e Vti, 18 "I
buwisv "mm 11 r i u
SSS Mrtn.,?!!8
&K s-ifi&l
i ar&t. irs "Bet's? "
ii m. m hi a; mm Bk'.ft .sibsh?
vsej . .x- i-sai'iAP,M u
The Futl Trospectus of Notable Features for 189a and Specimen Copies will be sent F
Brilliant Contributors.
Artlrlci have been written expressly for the coming volume by a host of eminent men and women
The Right Hon. W. O. Gladstone. Count Ferdinand do Lcsscps. Andrew Carnegie' "7 Wl'm r
The Aiarquis of Lome. Justin McCarthy, M. P. Sir Lyon Playfalr. Frank R "f V' elt
Henry Clews. - Vasili Verestchagln. W. Clark Russell. The Earl of Mcath Dr L n' 1
Camilla Urso. Airs. Henry M. Stanley, and One Hundred Others, " yman Abbott,
The Volume for 1892 will Contain
Nine Illustrated Serial stories. too Stories or Adventure. The Best Umi c. .
Sketches of Travel. Hints on Self-ndu 2 '
Popular Science Articles. Household ArftM. n'
f . t Svf-ti . . . &. . "O.
Articles of Practical Advice.
Glimpses of Royalty.
Railway Life and Adventure. Charming Children's Page. Natural HIstorv Pn
t - -,' vi 5,
700 Large Pages. Five Double Holiday Numbers. Illustrated Weekly Supplements. Nearly toon in
" ---xon
of Roses."
FREE TO JAN. I, 1892.
To New Subscribers trho will cut out nnd Mend tin thin slip nlih nnmo
nnd uditrcnn nnd 81,73 we will Bend The Companion l'rco lo Jnn 18D2,
nnd for n Full Year from Mini Date. Thin ofler Includes the THANKS.
GIVING, CHRISTMAS nnd NEW YEAR'S Double Holiday Nnmbrrn.
We will nluo send n copy nf n hcnnllfiil pnlntlntr, rnlltlcil "A YAIID OF
ROSES." It produrtlon hn cost TWENTY TIIOt'SAND DOLLARS.
Send Check, Tott-offlce Order, or Registered Letter at our rttk. Addre,
TH5 YOUTH"? roMOANION, Boiton, Mais.
Tills Slip
Dealer in Groceries, Taints, Oils
und Wlnilrra Glass, Wall Pa
per and Border, Artists' Ma
terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and
Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence
Posts. Grass Seeds, Etc.
To Architects.
dOf1A Will be paid tothonrcbltect whose
V4UW Plan forremodllriK thollepres-n-
4. t ht.i Vi.ill I ii Hin Onrll(kI nt UolnTtt In rflnia.
dy ocauKticrioiects, sbull be accented by ( J I J I 1
me unaersignea iicaru oi Lapuoi lianaiuK i v i a -
Fancy Rockers
An Itemized estimate of
the costol the proposed alteration must
accompany the plan The right to reject
any or all plans Is reserved healed plans
will bo received up to 10 o'clock a. m. Tues
day, January 6. 18!i2. at the executive office,
Wm. A.Munly. Board of Commissioners.
Clerk olboird. 12 5td
WANTf.1) ailintlon as chambermaid
orwoiklu prlulo family. Call or
address 210 Front strttt. 125 3t .
RHKNT 'three roms for light homo
keeping. Enquire of J. J. Miller, 12
Stale H'reot. ti
ioine Waira
MRg. J. E. BATES, Propr.,
Post Olflce Block.
Home cooking and clean food all
tho time.
Solid comfort in every one.
i B. BUI k
The Oregon
8lek Ileniluche ami relievo all the troubles Incl
fc,,t,tow ljl""lw state of the system, such at
Dlulnvss, hmuea. Drowsiness. Distress aftei
eatlnc. l'nlii tu the hldo, &o While theirmost
reuiarkablo s.ueccs lias heen shown In curinj
3)v tu
mllroad fruirt Qlobo to Astoria, llfty
eljrlit miles, at $1,600,000 to fl, WW,.
BoA the meUiod Riidreaultfl wlion 000,
Pmipof FJgais taken; it la pleaeaui, j at uaviuiiuk Tuesday.
Md refreshing to tiiotneto, nndrtcla k,No Rino n v n. f.n
MhMiidJbA40umL;S In8liw81u.r-i, will b called
ooiiptionr)rfflaaenUy. Forealo to dybrmk Tuwtlny.
I te bC II bottlea Lv nil ! to Ue no doubt Hint lie
win pass me orueal witli ttu Mine
fortltudu ttmt lias chtiniototlKed the
Hvo men who havo preceded hint fit
(ho fatftl chair. He U vheerful und
Sprrimeu Cases.
8. H. Cllllurd, New Cassel, Vi
truuli'ed with neuralKla audriieuiua-
IIhiii, Btmnncli disordered, liver
aileoted, iipptitltu fell uwuy, and he
was ruduoed In Btrengtli, Thiee
bottlen Electric Hitters cured liiui.
E. Shophertl, Ilanlauiirtf, III., had
l rimuliiK Boro on h!n lij, Ued
threo huttles of Elect rlt Hitters and
lluuklon'u Arnica Salve, and his let;
la sound nnd well. John Sneaker.
Cntuwba, O,, had fever sort a ou ht
lei,', doctora hui Incurable, EeK".
trlu Bitters aud Arnica &lvo pnrml,
him. Bold by Fry, drugKlst, 225
imiincrciai street.
CM &?
Headao, t. yet Cur. fit's Tittle Liver Pillj
aro cqutlly vnluable in Constipation, curing
and prtiventiiu Ibis annoying complaint, while
they also convct all disorders o( the stomach,
stlmulato tbe lier and reculate the bowels
'Jven If they only cured
Ache they would be almost priceless to those
who suffer from this distressing complaint
but fortunately their goodness does not end
hffre, and those who once try them will find
these little pills valnablo In so many ways that
they will not be willing to do without them
Hut after all slclc head
is the bane ot so many lives that here Is where
we make our great boast. Our pills euro It
while other do not.
Oarteb's I.rrrLK Ijver riiijuimTprvumAll
and very easy to take. One or two pills make
Lobsters und Their Claws.
Lobsters, like crabs, have a way of
"shooting" their claws, as the opera
tion is tonned. Slight provocation will
persuado them to drop their arms and
run away without thorn. It is said that
a loud noisG or a clap of thunder will
produco this effect. An instance is re
corded of an amateur fisherman who I
caught a lot of lobsters, and In order
to keep thorn fresh tied them by their
claws and hung thorn by strings over
the sido of a vessel. In the morning
only tho claws remained attached to
tho cords, the lobsters having dispensed
with them and disappeared. Lobster
meat is about six-tenths as nutritious
as beef. It contains a remarkably large
percentage of phosphorus. There Is no
way in which that element, supposed to
bo so important for nourishing the
brain, can bo so readily assimilated as
lu tue shape of lobsters. Washington
nnii'finv ctitp cniinnt miinvii it. tho
uuiiuuii uiuiu uuiiuvuuuuuu.iii, tt'clal
struclli n. '1 he Journal Is a mom I1I5 inac-
t'en: therefote,
tcirherp. and invaluable to friends of edu
cation in general. Price $1.0) pei-nnnum;
neor moro copies 80 cents men; temple
copy i0 cents. Address J. B. Hokn n,
11 -7 If Proprietor, Albany, Or.
.ano lo.
The Beautiful Capital C:ty of Oregon, and County Seat oil
Marion County.
is engaged in soiling iurniing, stock and fruit
.VI. uiuill uiuuuuuuuiuillll! nxiBI 1 1 il T1TM1 .. "TT 1 iT -w- ' - -
of the state department of publln In- ItUl! S in tile Willamette V alley. II YOU are Jookincr for
Hi n. 'Jlic Journal is a mom hlj mag- iii , n , , n ,oii J . 1
o school nnd homo eaucn- lanci uo not ran to can on us at oaiem or our aentin fort-
'I J.8. (IJy'e,',,lu'fi to.l,l MU. Will ij.T7--ll.- n V .
juuu. xiie w liniuicibu v tiuey is very lar aiieacl of anv
other jilace on the Pacific Coast as a fanning, stock and
truit country, and 1 tiie most delightful place in the World
tor a home.
BTOur mnn who has been scouring the
country lor Kggs hus.iusi brought In u big
lot and we uto prepaied to supply tho city.
No. 22Winmer-lal St., Salon.
u, e,
Box 2SI,
1'enslon and Claim agent. P.O
Silora, Oiegon. Deputy County
Vrlte for blanks. w
a doso. They are strictly egetableand do
nui ifnpo or puruo, nut iiy iiu-ir pentle actlor
please all who use them. In vlaU at ! cents
flro for $1 tkild everywhere, or sent by mail
CASH. It-BlCIlin CO., Uiv Tat
MR Small fo, Small Fries.
JnienU In tho Hwto, liwer rale, iban
IJortland. 1-aiyy-t stock Jual lllanks lr
hofitote,-d blest discount. Heudroi
price Hal or Job prlullnjr, and nilaWue oi
'i-SKtblanba, K. M. WAllli,
Htoam PiinUir Hlnm Omcou.
Pajior illangor.
l--ave orrteraUltob. Kent Kj-late Kirhaug
It. OlttKKlTII, deutUtjOttlM In Iltuli's
new bUlldllic.cortiiTConiinf rrli ,i
uil. Halem. Auiibuilm iiiiiinki..
vrhenilealrvd. svtf
cmftmm m smut co.
Hop Sing & Co.,
03 Cointnerolal tit.
Clothing uiutlo ni lowest price.
rtojKiiritisr ucatly U6ne.
Fine Chicks
JfL'y JPntt p.uw .br1 Wywouth Itock
ghleU for tuils. Ian le nenutlfuliy
ltttiicl. lellverud at expires offlce. or
call at place i)i-ar Worth talem brick ynrd.
Wipe tlulU, Jt, H. HVAN,
IJ&lliuvf Ulem, Orron.
Vacations Wanted.
Tho ways unci sayings of tho Buboos,
or educated natives of India in tho em
ploy of tho government, aro a source of
continual amusement to tho English in
that country. They frequently misuse
tno Dig words, of which they aro fond,
in a laughablo way.
There waa no misuse of English,
however, in a plea for a holiday put
forward by tho Baboos employed in
tho government geological department
at Calcutta. They asked tho supreme
autlioritiei to close the oflloe because
"they wore suffering from perspiration
and a want of onthusiasra for their
It is no surprise to learn that tho
hard hearted authorities denied tho
modest request. What long vacations
some jVmerlcans would bo ontitled to if
a plea of this kind were accounted
valid 1 Youth's Companion.
Churchill (showing friend his pen and
Ink sketches) -What do you think of
thorn, Qasaottr
Qttssott They are good verv eood
But I know a fellow who can draw an
eaglo without lifting his pen from the
paper, lie is a professor In a business
college, Harper's Bazar.
Ask for Hurst's
Or whole Wheat Flour, healthiest
aud best tasting bread. Ahotlie
Famous Pure Aurora Buck
wheat Flour.
. ''llurtt's best Pull Toiler Process Flour."
Also our puro ltyo Hour. Ask your dealer
.. mipD guslis uu ,u,i0 xhj KUOSlUUie,
J. D. HURST & SON, Aurora.
Office in Gray BlockCor. Slate and Liberty Sts,,Salem,Or,
The Willamette Valley Fruit Growing Conipy
Office .with the Oregon Land Co., Gray Block, cornei
outie unci j-iinercy streets, oaiom, Urep-on; is cncaecdiu
setting out and cultivating Orchards.
Balem, Oregon. W.I. Staley, President
A. P. Armstrong, Manager.
Business, Shorthand,
Typewriting, Pennmanshlp, Kngllsh
Uepartmeuta. Studeute admitted
at any time. Catalogue free.
25c Want Column.
Nntlces inferted for ONU CKNT l'F.K
tlsenienl Inserted In tliU column for l8
tlian twenty-flvo cents.
2I5K Commercial St., - Salem, Oregon.
(Next door to Klein's.)
SHcialty of iSpeotaoles, andHrepalring
'locltB. Watcbes and Jewelry.
ii. l.CHAMBEltLIN,
u. w.nBANSoJJrmoua,ko. h. wlSSSIlf ;
Vice President. Tieasurer
375 Commercial Street.
Mttkei thn npntoat vh kai i.,
be country. .. urucu. in
TjIUH KKNT New bous,e la Worili
V Salem. Apply to H. Uo er, Nr
Buleni, or ut Jouhnai. oillce.
LOBT. A pachogoof lialrgoorifi.betHWD
MiRi-lou titrctt and Kelltr'a bl'J;
JAiaveniMrs. Frank Cooper'H tlore. HJi"
oulreof T. '
nortn of Union.
Imnca nf Htfl fDOmil. (0
Vau der llau. WlbUrjtwt
German JVTartcet.
Prankrort, Uoloj-na, Vienna, Liver and
Blood Bausage und Head Cheese of my
own make. Uest frtsh prime meats nnd
at lowest prices. Iu Postotllce block.
97 State uet.
Farmer's Restaurant
wA.n.1.Lunch Counter. Good, clean meals
mi CFher?,ks- ,IUltM lwys the l2w
esl. Fresh Oysters In any style. 10 18 lm
1)11. J. IIBYNOI.1W
-.. President.
.Vlco President.
. -.Cushler,
SSS" i
niO KXCHANQB. Ten acres wlBlntDe
cltj limits of Yankton, S. Utot jvp-
eity In or
t-niem. tir.
near SalLin, .
SPCIAIj IJARUIN A bnigalnhrf
fercd in the I N. Gilbert pioptrtyof
ner Marion nnd Front stiteti.. l wfv
0. Booth, room 13 m-rr Ijidd i IlusUB"'
JTOUND. A now leather sllrperv 0W
1? can have same by provlDg prop"'
and paying for this notice.
rnORKNT. IIouseofnloero.ims.
I iu Jvr..i. iiuusuui Jliurii". :, a
J. ntlnched with cllv watfH lilsan1"
iiddltion. Jinouhe 80U Cottage niitt.
Itolclicr and Pucker,
Hmte nt.aiu Com t.Hi.-Tli lcl ui4le FiwojroUBt rtilcltolbr brndew. Kg-
dJ yrcd i to ulximUjotXkXf. l-w w .. K. MOKKK, KaleSftr
Administrator's Xotlco orAp
polntiuent. N'OTIOKU berfbystvnntnatt whom It
h Mwy eopcern that the undesigned
J11. du'y Prlnted hy tWo county
court of the state of Oregon f.ir the eoufty
ot Marlon. udmlnUtrotor of tho estate of
Aaney liurkbolder late of said county
decwued. And U erons hnvlng olalnis
amintt said Mtat are hereby nnfttlrd to
prveut the tame duly verTatd. to the
undelgnetl t hi. rtaenco neXf Auro
In wld oouuiy within Ux mouths fnun
the d hereof. Aud U prioni Indebted
tothewUd esute art. hewby rwuwtrtlS
signed dintnUtrtor. "
Dated this November lh l8l.
Adiulnt.tn.tor at tho wliu&ncr
Ne"w YSflrSei??n l,JJrtlR"l..Ran Francisco,
whM iii i',lKrul udvancs made on
reHSabU?rafer'"nd "
CU'ITAL STOCK', all Sabscribrd, $200,008
and Grapes.
rTSf,t,Uar,ei,e2of ? cn forsa'e- Manual
or culture and decrlptle catalogue of
Plants of either of these, best of ilTlable
Jniiu suitable for this climate, sent on aj
HEMOURnoinsd'HesJofeTery variety.
Ulcere und Flsbiiies. ProlarmaiM
lectum, etc. Positively curtd witeect pw
detention from business, 'ruiem "'' '",.
nelves ut their own homes and at""",,,
anteed. An end to the old bail'"
method of cutting and llgutur"l.?v,v"i
dreis Western onice, Columbia WJ0.1;
Co., Lock box 19 halem, Oregon. '
Meets every twuiday eenine
o'clock, In tho ball over the btai - jur
rance butldlng. Meetings are opeuto "
public Itev. Robert Whitaker.Pi-, '
W, A. Cuslck, Vice President. ie"
x Pwlden
-Vloe President
J- A. JUkTej- ",cnr. J. W . Uobn,
Ts Just the plitco to o fora flret-clnss
education. Its Normal CoureeofiVrs
every nilvantaire or uny normal
8"Iool with all tlifln-iHlltnorilii-rHft
hiuI utate diploniu aud ninny mh-c-
Excellent coursf-a for but-iness
Me, Theology, Law. Medicine and
Second term onena Nov. lflih.
Third term oiiena i'b. 1, 1S02.
For circular address,
WANTKD-Our agents make 1100 1
a month selling our rood, on I b"r
merits. We want county and geneiw
agenu.aud will take back all KJodJ n
soiu ii st coumy ugeui .... " -,:,,.i cf
aud expenses altera thirty days ,u
sold if a county agent fail
t,,tA avnA,icn .(IMr n thirty
a general agent les than p-A .' r
send largo fllustrated circulars and U
wiui a special uusr i '"V,iini
piled lor, on receipt of 3 cne-eent
Vpplyatonceand get In or tbe b
ASdress Renner Manufacturing Co- nu-
Rustic! Riislic! Rife!
kbU W
Rustle Rockln chairs, Bctlt dfur
floe or reading chair. wP-jnc?
tables, flower stand, babr rocis
high chairs, etc , for sale
Houtt, 113
Hand Omnlf.
iB.nct Bo.tU'irwJt algSJ
All kinSs of f urnlinre rp
H T. MARTIN, Tropr.
.: i,
. & ,M
in.ii.li ., Mlli.itfliii uttto,,ftuiSdK&lk iiiHiii -J': -" --