lpfWWmip,'WmP" r -'afW f VFrm -TV J"' EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL. VOL. 4. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." SALEM, OREGON, MOuSTBAY, AUGUST 17, 1891. "TO-DAY'S JSTEWS TO-DAY." NO. 138. NEW PHTTON'S A LARGE INVOICE OF BLANK BOOKS, CONSISTING OF RECORDS, - LEDGERS, ORDER BOOKS, JOURNALS, RECEIPTS and NOTES, CASH BOOKS. Memorandums of all sizes, indexed and plain. Burr's Combination, Patent Index for 1200 to 5000 names, best in use. Burr's New Trial Balance Books by which a whole years business can be seen at a o-lance. ATTENTION! Come and examine our goods aud prices. We have hammocks as low as 45 cents Croquet sets from $i.00 upwards. Boy's express wagons of all kinds. Tinware, Brooms, Soaps, Matches and all kinds of notions. This line of goods MUST be closed out in order to make room for our early Fall stock of Men's, Women's and Children's SHOES, HOSE and UNDERWEAR, which will begin to arrive in a-few days. Come early and get prices. It costs you nothing to examine our goods. agaagzaaia.'ma.Mg.aawBW Pianos H$BijyJ PEH'1 3-3 lip P. H. THE BE To et your t BOOTS t2j b Is to go where they buy eastern goods and sell at eastern prices. R. J. Fleming, (Successor to Jas. Denbam & Co.) 118 State Street. W YOURSELF A ill Cy- 7ni.ii ',""'l'''' jaafn'aw'swjtsSBaassna, '&!& TOfjIJfSilffiiili EH is I 6? ---,. f 11 if Commercial Street. The Best for the Money all the Time. BROOKS & HARRITT. T.ni. NKW LINE DULL CARRIAGES. BAW CARRIAGES. HAMMOCKS CItOQUET. LAM JXTI -:- AND - FRESH ! JUST RECEIVED AT- FARMERS: L.I (SUCCESSOR TO) A LARGE SUPPLY OF THE best quality of brick at the yards near Penitentiary. BURTON BROS. balem, Oregon. AND AND- O ROANS MUSICAL 3rj2XCIIA!miSE. FINEST LINF. LOWEST PRICES. Installments from ?5 per month up. Wholesale and Retail. EAST0N & CO. 310 Commercial St., Head Quarters for the Salem Orchestra. Salem. dw money's worth in g SHOES ON THE INSTALLMENT PLAN. The Capital Homestead Company Is building a number of new cottages on large lots, in neaituy location, near too juiectrio lino. Tiiey are tor sale at rpnannnhltt nrlppa mi pntiv forma Pnll and examine nlans: bo unci spn rim property, uorrcspouaeucesoiiciteu. - " w F ry- ..7 . OFFICE IN MURPHY BLOCK, SALEM, OREGON, l WOLYEliS, AMMUNITION, BASE BALLS, BATS, CAPS, Etc. FLAGS, FIRE IWKEIIS. State Street ST SHOW ATTENTSO Successors to W. F. Boothby & Co. POPULA Clothie ate rs, rs id 235 Commercial Street, SALEM. for Infants "Castorlnls so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." H. A. Ancnxn, M. D., HI So. Oxford St, Brooklyn, N. Y. "The use of 'Castoria' Is so universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse it. Few are the Intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos Marttn, D.D.. New York City. Late Pastor Bloomlngdalo Eef ormed Church. Tub Centaur I W ' r2j El J 1 11 Salem Truck 4 Dray Co. lem Iroa works. Drays and trucks may be fonud throughout the duv at the rorner of State and Commercial sireoU. BRICK AND TILE. For flrst-clnns hand mads brick and tile, goto MURPHY & DESART. Larfjo supply on hand. Near fair ' ground, S-ilem, 7 2.i J. P.WHITE, EXPRESS AND TRUCK LINE. Hauling ef all kinds. Beat work. V agon at every train. Stock Holders Meeting. The annual rneetlngof the stock holders of meuoia Mountain una ury uulcti consoli dated Gold fe Silver Mining company will be held at the olllce ofsald company In Ba leni, Oregon, at 2 p. in. (Saturday, Augutt 15, lS'Jl, for tne purpose of electing (5) live directorsfurthe t-niiulng year, and formicli other business an may properly come be. furenuch stock holders meeting. It. H. CANNON, President. yKTIIR HAMMEH, Secretary. Balem, Ore., July U,lttl. 7 18 fit A. W, BLACKFORD. House palntlug and paper hanging. Good material and flivt class work U my object. Leave orJcrs on slate, at Karrur store. A fine fruit or cake stand, with every ran of the (.'KI.KHUATKU OAftCAUK UAKINU I'OWUKK. Formehy T. nUHROWH, No 2M Comuifrelal HI., HHlna m o :nt e y T Uan on Real EtUlt Setarlty. Arencv ViLuitlB Htntia Sirlm-x Tuiti A liulldliig Co. FEAR & HAMILTON, 3ALEM, Orcon. 6.JJdw : STATE STREET BOOK' STORE, 9S STATE STREET. N! EVERYBODY B32S2S-25 9 261 Commercial Street. mm k or '9 ant OREGON. and Children. Oaatorla cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea. Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes d restlon, Without injurious medication. " For several years I have recommended your Castoria, and shall always continue to do so as It has invariably produced beneficial results." Edwin F. Paiu, M. D., " The Wlnthrop," 125th Street and 7th Ave., New York City Company, 77 Mumuv Stbeet, New York. DRAYS AND TRUCKS alwuys ready for orders. Bell and deliver wood, buy, coal and lumber. Of fice Stuto St.. onnosl to Sa- J. H. HAAS, THE WATCHMAKER, 215 Commercial St., ialem, Oregon, (Next door to Klein'?.) Specialty of Spectacles, and repairing Clocks, Watches and Jewelry. INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Asteti Over 350,000 Dollars. GEO. M. ilUBLEH, City Agent, Ana special agen i tor jiuron county, ui dee Willi the Company, MORGhAN" & 1SIEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Uood teams and stronghold. prompt work Is our EX K. HALL, Paper Hanger. iave order at Globe Ileal Instate Kzchauge un i r i m 8u,.lANci!: . UJlllttUT, JillMJ rine. U. W IIKRI.KK, Agent. Hlm. Orczon Notiro for riiblication. IiiMHirricK ATOKKuowt'iTr.Urrgon. Juuv'it, Ihul XTDTICI. U lienby given tlmt the fu). IS loHlug iiHini-d M-ttler ha tiled nolle of hliliituuiion to inuke final proof In miv port iriildlni.unJ that wild proof will bo rn ide before the llounty Clerk of Marion countr, ut baleni, ()rjou, on Aurutt JM, lhaijVli: Samuel W June, linmettfad en try No CTT3 Utt I lie S. V t'ol h K Jobd i-)t6ol -leclAT. flf , n. v. tit- uuiiicslbr following xllne nt to it. til rtmtlnu ou rtWtinitiuirt. Mod mililVMitoMol, Mtlxl uuu, vik mum s i mi, in unwit, nimsii county, utf 'iliiw. M M rtMr. iiMTfeon Jouea.H. w.Jouu, Ore. 7t4 R Forms J!V.Bl0''J,,y,,oc,,0,dr,oa, ,rlvall(J. Mr' lU-guur. Blulue," und cencluding: "Ah a TBK Gtntil JOUliSAI, HOFER BROTHERS, Editors. UBL1SUKU DAI4.Y. EXUE1T8UNDAY, UT T1IK Canital Journal Publishing Company, (Incorporated.) Office, Commercial Btrept, In r. O. UuUdlng knlcrcd at the postofllco at 8aloni,Or.,ns Bccoml-clnfp irutto. 1CA1LUOAIJ LKGISI.ATION GON. IN OKK- A review of the lcgisliitlvo contest tlmt led up to thn present sltuntlou in Oiegon railroad leglslutiou is of Interest just at present, Represent ative Qeer of Marion county wrote it letter shortly after his election dis cussing importunt matters that the people would require action upon ut the hands of the assembly. Rail, road legislation would be demanded Ho declared- himself fuvonible to tweeuactmeuis: A bill making it the duty of the railroad commission to fix just und rensonublo freight rates; also to give the commission power to enforce Its orders aud de cisions. No other cuulldate for the speakcrhip hud anything to propose on this subject aud Tiik Jouhnai, called attention to the fact that it was to tho truo Interests of the peo ple, and of all thoso who believed in retaining the commission aud mull ing It useful to tho people, to elect Mr. Geer speaker upon this Issue, and it wus done. So farjis we re member, tho Portlaud press did not discuss tho subject at all. Tho al leged reform picas was silent on this point and discussed unattainable matters aud theories In tho distant far-oil The country press sustalued the issuoas The Jouhnaii presented it, where It referred to the matter at all. Mr. Geer abided by his public letter" after his election, and the ilrst bill of auy importance introduced was oue to carry out tho pledges on whichhe wus elected. The battle in the legislature was theu beguu. Tho house passed the bill by an enormous majority, after giving tho railroad men u hearing, in which they declared that they were opposed to all and any legisla tion. In the senate tho corporation Influence had been broken with the dethronement of IJoss Simon. With his majority "gone galore" the cor poration crowd could not accomplish its purposes. The enemies of any kind of a commission ua usual joined hands with tho railroad lobby to defeat tho bill giving the commis sion more strength aud greater prac tical value to tho people. The Port land corporation press mistepresent ed the bill and maligned tho able men in the seuuto who fought down all amendments. Tho llnul issue was made up of surrendering the state to the Jay Gould Pacific rail way pool, or asserting tho power of tho people. Tho life of tho itepub llean purty iu Oregon was in tho hands of tho senate majority, aud tho party Interest prevailed und the Geer bill passed. Tho battle then was to keep for tho people tho bene fits of the experience gained by the old members of tho commission, On all these questions Tiik Jouhnai. fought on tho side of right and sound public policy and won. It feels proud of the result. Messrs. Clow and Colvig were retained on tho commission. They have hap pily carried tho now third member of the commission with them in in augurating a vigorous policy of en forcing the new law in a liberal spirit of justice to the producer. Tho commission is a harmonious body iu doing what It can under the law to protect the public ugulust corporation robbery and corpoiuto negligence. Tho commission has made Its first report on tho freight schedule picseutcd by the Southern Pacific, und ordered u materlul re duction to take effect Sept. 1st. This reduction ordered, If not de feated in tho courts, will mean tho retention of hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in tho hands of the producers. It is the first mile stone of progress towurd ubsolute public control of tho common car riers In Oregon. Tho step lias been deliberately taken and will bo us firmly muiutaiued. Mil. iii.aini:'h condition. Undoubtedly tho political fates of Mr. Hanlsou and Mr. Bluiuo havo become loo closely Identified to bo pleusant for either. Uncomfortubly close, suflocatlng are tho multitu dinous predictions relailug to tlielr possible rivalries for tho White House in 1802. In all the calcula tions Blaine's health plays an Im portant part. He has been diag nosed hy tho physioluus, dissected by tho press und declared dying hy the Deinocrrls so often that It has become monotonous. Tho latest performance In this lino was tho subjection of Mr. Blaine's urine to cheiitlc.il auulyslsaud securing the opinion of New York medical x perts upon (ho same. Nearly all agreed that ho was In a slightly worse I bun dying condition from Bright's disease of tho kidneys, and that the diurnal futo of the patient WOH beyond question. Tho New York Medical Jteconl of Aug. 8tln AP"il" it H hy reviewing the entire ""iiiwuue in uiboumjoi mo "eminent matter of fact, wo aro Informed on good authority that Mr. Blaine lias not got albuminuria or J right's disease." And there you are, gen tlemen. Take your choice. It must bo conceded however, that tho assertions of tho Medical Itccord are entitled to some weight It Is neither n political nor a partisan authority und would be as likely to glvo an unprejudiced opinion ns any publication under the sun. It could not well risk, unless it had Inside information to back It, mak ing the positive assertion that it does. &UOGKsTKI CUaiMKNT. One tiling tho Democratic press can not deny that Harrison had a great granfuther. Thoso heavy Portland baseball aggregations turn out rather light material to send up against the SjIoius. Tho Idea of a fruit palaco at the state fair can do for this city and county what tho corn palace has douo for Sioux City. Wheat went to 80 cents ut Sulem Saturday. Is tho national Alliance circular advising n million farmers to hold their wheat, or ttte Itusslau ukaso forbidding exports of grain, the cause? The Oregoulan advises tho South em Pacific to go iuto the courts and test the freight rates as fixed by the Oregon commission. This is not good advice. If the railroad will tako disinterested ndvjce they will accept the presout rates. Tho com mission will bo sustained by the people of this state. It will bean Important victory for tho people of tho state If tho com mission's rates can bo made to stand; uot so much becauso of the reduction mado as to determine the fact aud establish the principle that the people, through their legally constituted agents and servants, have power to reasonably check and control railroad corporations. Here tofore tho railroads havo been all powerful iu matters of legislation; it will bo encouraging and note worthy to learn that tho peoplo rule. It will show too, tiiut tho commis sion is not altogether a worthless body, existing only lor show and salary; but that it can earn Its salary und do a little service to tho public Portland Telegram. SUverton Appeal: Mr. Josh Bowen, of Pudding river, has a hop yard of 17 acres nud has been watch ing closely of lute the progress of tho hop louso. With tho aid of a glass ho finds tho berry of the hop full of them. Someyaids aiovery much worse than others. On some vines leuves were literally covered nil over with thousands of these insects. He noticed this during tho cloudy weather more or tho llttlo black fly than any tlmo previous. This Uy is more destructive than any other In sect, but has not yet dono much damage. Mr. Bowen thinks ho svill do well to get one-third of a crop this season. No Fusion in Kansas. Chicago Inter Ocean: In tho last gubernatorial election In Kansas tho Republicans cast 116,025 votes, the Democrats 100, 072 and the Farmers' Alliance 71,357. Comparing this vole with tho vote for president In 1888 it was apparent that tho greater part of tho Farmers' Alliance vote came from tho Republican party. In 18S8 Harrison received In Kan sas 182,001 votes; Cleveland, 102,7-10; Streeler, 37,788; FIsk(proliibltionIst', 8,770, Harrison's plurality was 80, 150. Humphrey's plurality In 1800 wus 8,003, Willi these figures in mind tho Democrats for several months encouraged tho ideu of a fusion between tho Democratic party and tho Furmora Alliance party. Many leaders Iu both theso parties encouraged tho scheme, hut there was this dlflerence, the AIIIiihco leaders Insisted that tho Democruts should glvo up their party organiza tion; tlie Democratic leaders outlin ed that if their party convention made the proper concessions tho Al liance would nuturully come to them. aiiKKKAIj NKWS N0TK3. Tho Jury In tho case of Dr. Baker, of Ablugton, Vu.i charged with murdering his wife by poison, brought In a verdict ut Richmond Saturday guilty. King Alexander, of Sorvlu, U said to lie badly smitten with (he daugh ter of tho czar. The Russian und Austria courts are after the youth, Baron Hlrscli bus signed a docu ment empowering Dr, Loweuthul and other gentlemen to purchase lauds lu tho Argentine Republic to the vuluo of 10,000,000 pesos. The church of Knglund clergy are much a hi r med hy tho evident nnxUity of the radical faction of liberals to muko disestablishment an Issue lu future elections Revenue ofliccra raided Shk Fran Cisco's Chinatown Saturday, and captured fldO.000 worth of opium. Several arrests were mado. The International geographical cougrew hud closed, ut Berne. Lou don was decided upon us (he place Highest of all in Leavening Power. R3)& m ABSOLUTELY PURE for holding the uext meeting. Frank Moses, an Indian, charged with tho murder of his wife, took a towol and with his feet on tho cell floor, leaned forward and strangled himself nt Qulncy, Cul., Saturday. John G. Hunter, ono of tho most notorious couvicts In Louisiana, has escaped from custody. After filing Off tho chains binding him to tho other prisoners, ho overpowered the guard and has uot been heard from since. Tho fact that Emperor William Is able to devote tho greater part of tho tlmo iu attending to tho busluess of tho empiro is regarded ns good ovl donco that reports concomlug his Illness uro greatly exaggerated. it is now considered almost cer tain the popo will cro long summon to Itamo a certain number of American prelates in order to de- liberato and consult with them on tho various questions touching on religion lu tho United States. Tho French army maneuvers this year nre toBurpassall previous years, both as to tho numbers engaged and tho resemblauco to real warfare. Tho object will bo to teach tho men uot fighting alone, but how best to bear tho fatiguo of march and carry on tho duties of tho camp. Tho deoreo of bankruptcy Issued against William O'Brleu, M. P., somo tlmo ago has been annulled. It is stated that O'Brien has paid tho costs in his libel suit against Lord Salisbury, which was decided In tho hitter's favor, and that this led to tho annulment of tho bank ruptcy decree. Tho hailstorm which passed over Wilmar, Mlnu., cut down standing grain. Tho storm was furious. It rooted up trees und broko down sheds. Tho Hull broko a number of windows. Ono of tho worst electric storms known for years visited 'Hastings, Neb,, Friday night. Tho wlud raged furiously und tho rain fell In sheets for two hours. Hundreds of peoplo took refuge iu their cellars In anticipation of a cyclone. Fully twenty cottagesln dllloront parts of tho city woro wrecked and lmmenso damage was done to tho fruit ciops. Tho couusol of Martha Milieu, colored, who wns to hnvo bcon hanged at Chester, S. C Saturday, for poisoning her husband, was grunted a stuy of proceedings und tho case carried to the supromo court. At Columbia, H. C. David Jacob and Mrs. Mury Johnson woro on tho gallows und pinioned Saturday when a resplto wus received from the governor. They wero convicted of murdering Mrs, Johnson's hushuud. Kansas City was treated to a do lugo Saturday morning, such as has rarely beou experienced there, ono aud a quarter inches of water falling within llftceu minutes. Thedulugo was accompanied by a heavy thun der storm. The telephone Hues wero burned out all over tho city aud seven houses woro struck and greatly damugod by lightning. Tho house of Ben Williams ut Indepen dence, wus struck nud set on fire, being dumuged to tho extent of 12000. Williams nud his wife were rendered unconscious for a short (lino und barely escaped with their lives. Thero was a fire In TIdbull block on East Riverside avenue, Spokune early Saturday morning, which pro. bubly would havo lead to a serious conflugrutlun had It uot been dis covered almost us soon m it broko out. Tho origin of the fire, which wus confined to room 410, on tho fourth floor of tho building, occu pied by T.D. Wolverton nud family, is somewhat of u mystery. It origi nated in u wood box In a corner of the room und near it window oponlng Into the hall. A pane of glass wus removed from tho window, and Mr. Wolverton is of tho opinion that some ono was endeavoring to efl'ect an entrance to tho room through tho window and dropped u lighted match iuto tho woodhox, w.hlch was full of paper and other combustible material. The Intruder, In his de parture, made sulllcient noise to urouso Mr. Wolverton. who extin guished tho blaze. Another fire In tho afternoon destroyed Joseph Reed's corrnl at the corner of Second and Cedar streets, vulued ut $3000, Insured for fSOO, and ulso 11 vo horses and ono cow belonging to the same mun, oue of the former being valued at 12000; I). Burmou's livery stublo, worth $1000, J, McCllntrck'si corral and a portion of his residence, (he Intter's Iocs being f J00O, Insurance f57fl. A high wlud was blowing and u neighboring lumber pile, con taining many million feet, and only fifty feet away, wus barely saved. Incendiarism Is suspected,, -Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. Baking Powder TELEGRAPHIC DISPATCHES. .Associated Press Report and Digests of all Important flows oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. iMiiiitoAu in rrjnu. Washington, Aug. 17.- Tho Im portunt information has been re ceived by the bureau of American republics that a short cut across tho continent of South America has recently been discovered by the cel ebrated explorer, Carlos Fry. The route as described by him iu a letter to tho prefect of tho department of Junln, lu Peru, lies from Ghana lmmayoto a good port on the Plchis, ono of tho navigablo tributaries of tho Upper Amazon, and he declares it will be possible by this route to reduce tho Journey from Lima to tho eastern river ports from thirty forty-flvo days. With u few score laborers ho estimates that tho road can bo completed iu six months, at a cost of less than $4000, The com pletion of this road would work a revolution In tho trade and Industry of tho far Interior of tho republic of Peru, which, although it comprises Eomo of tho richest regions In the world is now compurltlvely value less owing to tho lack of practlcablo means of transport. WHAIiEIlAOK STKAMKB. Nuw Yonr,, Aug. 17. Tho Charles W. Wet more, commonly known as tho "whuloback steamship," wob tho object of much curiosity Satur day, as sho steamed up the river to Green Point. In -appearance tho vessel resembles a huge cigar. Sho arrived In ballast from Liverpool, and behaved exceedingly well on tho passage, although somo rough weather was encountered. Sho will tako a cargo of machinery at Qretn Polut docks foe transportation to Tacomu, Wash. CliUISKIt CIIAnijKSTON. San Fiianoisco, Aug. 17. Cap tain Remey, commander r the Charleston, sayB tho cruiser Is on tho drydock, aud has her bottoirA cleaned and painted, and woulii) como ofl tho dock Saturday morn ing. It will bo ono week at least be fore sho Is ready for sea, as sho will have to coal, and thou it will take tlmo to place on board and stow away three years' stores and pro visions. Captutn Romoy stated ho had received no ofllciul orders and know nothing us to tho cruiser's destination othor than ho had read In tho papers. "Wo may co to China, direct," said ho, "or wo may go down to San Salvador llrst und go from there to China. The Pousa cola may ho ordered to coast Sail Sulvador, hut as she is badly lu need of repairs it would probably take somo tlmo to havo her ready." Cap tain Romoy ulso said tho oxccullve ofllccr, C. C. Todd hud beou do tuched from tho Charleston ut his own request, and hud been ordered to tho Pensacolu. Liouteuaut Todd's father died recently, und family af fulrs will claim his attention for somo tlmo. Ills place on tho Char leston will bo filled hy Lieutenant Fiold, u nephew of Justice Field, of the United Stales supremo court. Nothing has beeu dono to tho cruiser's engines save whut hus heon douo hy the engineer of tho ship, und In spito of 27,000 miles she has run since sho has been in commis sion, they could hardly be Improved by being overhauled, I'NQMSII I-AIIOllKIlS. London, Aug. 17. Owing to (he depression In tho Iron trado, opera tions at inuny principal Iron works In tho Cumberland district havo been suspended for somo time post, nud tho Inability of tho workmen to procure employment j causing most acute distress. Six thousand huvo been thrown out of employ ment by tho many stoppages of works and a urge number of them huvo earned nothing for years, The outlook for the coming winter I gloomy. Hundreds of families near tholrou works are on tho vcrgofstar vulloii, So serious hus the ultuutlou become, that tho authorities have decided to start public works to give employment to the uiuiiy Idle men iu tho district, nud thus avert (ho famine which Is threatened. A BUCK HCOUNIillKI.. Lima, 0 Aug. 17. Lost Wednes day a man named Kinsley visited J. II. Mayer, a llvory man of Wupu knnutn, represented himself as a haro buyer und hired a dapple grey (cum mill carriage valued at $130. Ho drove from Wnjmkoneta to Lima and put up at the Buriwt 1 . tm d.iJi Aiaa. jtiH" a