Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 23, 1891, Image 3

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"rMRZ.'fi" T
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JULY SI 181(1
' KIlM OK Stli-CUll'llON. '
1 ntily y wall per yeHr- fu W
Unll ljr nuill per month, Ml
Weekly by mult per year, 1 W
Dally fiimlnule week, JOm.
Dally fortwo :".- 7
Dally liy mouth, w
Cul.eitlonii will bo .nude on It and I51H
f roSiM. HnbwrHwr will plea- leave
nioory for ciirleo. ut Iwiiw or whe it
hdC'lxail, a u cnue mo.- ...
- tlv orolVP Ilia OIICrnJU ivivru
j pren dtpatcbt.
Dealers in Groceries, brockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, ttc, bole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Daily lSulk'tiit.
Anyone having btwlnrfls with the
Dalle, Iiidependeuie, Sllverton or
Mct'ov BlBnes can find them at
Htroiig'H resluurunt nt 11:45 every
day Inil Sunday.
Mining's refltaurant will open with
la prflirii limner or xi duuhuj iiuiii
to 7 o'clock. Price 50c.
Choice lot of peacnes nt 7oc per
Persons leaving town fur the
sprlugs, Bcacoast or mountains, can
have the DaiijY Jouknai. m-nt t
them without extra coHt, by leaving
orders nt the olllce.
An Outing at the Skasidj:
tNow that the sunimerBeason Is fully
iupou us, aud frail humunity is ns
nearly exhausted ih it evergeLs in
this climate, it is the proper caper
1 be casting about for n pleasant re-
Bort by the sea. Many Buleiu people
are going and a few have already re
turned. Those who have been at
Clatsop Beach and Gearheart Park
declare that to take the lead of all
011 the coast. Then you avoid the
rough country contigous to most
resorts. The lawn in front of Gear
heart hotel consists of over two
hundred acres of of the most beauti
ful verdure, decornteU with trees
ad plants, sloping out to the ocean
beach, Amos Strong is the popular
manager, and while rates ut ninny
smaller resorts are being raised, trjey
remain the same at Gearln-art I'iA'Ic.
The ride down tile Columbia uld
return is also a delightful recreation
pof Itself.
Nice LrrrTiR Wi:nir.'u. At 10
.o'clock Wednesday morning in the
elegant parlors of the William
:Eugland residmc 011 IY i.riy
street, took place tlio marriage of
Uliss Clara A. Fisher to Mr. G.-. H
Westerfield, of McMliinville. Jlev.
IJrowu pronounced the iiiiprcuive
ceremony of the IJnitatiiu. eliuivh
and the parlors were heuutiftilly
decorated. Urldo and groom re
ceived some very nico pre-teuts uud
only the family and a few immedi
ate friends were witnesses. Miwt
JFIsherisan orphan who has made
ker homo with Mrs. England for
Bany years. 'J ho groom in a
much young citizen of Mi-Minn-
Ernie, where they will make their
lEvANaEUOALS. Will hold their
quarterly meeting in the Cumber
tend Presbyterian church building,
wer Saturday and Sunday the 23
d20 Inst., beginning on Saturday
52:30 p.m. Services during the
Say and Saturday evening will be
German. Sunday evening service
yiil bo English. J. B. Fisher, pre-
pialog elder of the Albany district,
Oregon conference, of the ICvangell
association, will preach the
twrd. All are cordially Invited to
iA UNO 11 ed. The little tug
earner "Minnie B," built in North
ISucm was launched Wedntsday
Rwnlng after the Juuknal went to
83. She sprung a leak in her
Aim by accidentally sflking Hie JJnk wns garnished.
Egg plums are In the market
Esquire l'earco of Polk county
was in tin city.
Tinlgn Honham Joins Hon. Wm.
Waldn'flMt. Hood party.
The peerless Oregon Kltaiinluy
blackberries are In the market.
Dr. ChUIii Bird, nt Spokane Is
visiting his brother, Dr. Bird.
b rank Dearborn is Home from a
two-days bublnesi trip to Portfand.
Mrs. Cottle Is visiting Mrs. M.
Judge Lord and family went to
Newport today. ,
Mrs. Judge Pratt and Mrs. IS. M.
Wrtlie, of North Salem, started to
day for Newport.
Hon. Geo. W. Suhee, of O'Brien
count v, Iowa, a banker and ex-
lep.eneiitative, is in the city.
The city warrants are Imued this
week by "M. E Goodell, recorder
and u:tlng mayor."
It is n solemn fart that has been
remarked several times of Jute It Is
Miss A. Staiger, of Portland, is a
guest of Mrs. S. Monroe, on Liberty
Taking a header in the cool Will
amette is a favorite diversion these
A farmer's team cot started by a
street snnnkler this morning on
Court Mieet, but was caught.
Dr. ltowland will find It no easy
lask lo pucceed Supt. Lane iu tho
mnuiiejemcut of the asylum.
Hurley Baker and wife, Abe, Miss
Litehtield and Miss Hroat are at
Wilholt, where they will spend a
few days.
Dr. Cuslck and family go to Me
hnma and Mt. Jeflerbon for an out.
The wise real estate man showeth
eastern immigrants the inferior of
the lo; works these days.
Itev. E. R. Bollinger aud family
have returned from their outing at
Sweet Home.-
Always iu the lead Fresh Water
melons and canteloues at' M. T.
Rineiuau's to-day.
H. B. Carter and wife, and D. It.
Mills and wife, are in the city today
on their return trip from Alaska.
Senator Mitchell visited the Peni
tentiary aud Asylum iu company
with Dr. Beeker of Iowa.
Justice Applegate wore a sweet
pea bouttonlere aud smiled as a re
porter asked for news.
Squarrs of golden grain shind out
from the dark green hills of the
Mr.- TJios. Blundell has settled
with his family in East Ralem, about
20ih street.
If merchants could see how some
of their delivery horses are put
through unmercifully these daju
they would get afiersome of their
drivi if.
Htlein Sawmills having shut
down, large lots of lumber are being
thippod in from the mills elsewhere,
10 meet the demands of Salem
Senator Mitchell was shown the
beauties of our chy and surround-
iuj;s lut night by Hon. Til. Ford,
u ho took him for n drive.
After the prodding given by the
city fathers, the Salem Truck & Dray
company has put on all Its sprink
ling forces.
Geo, W. Belt, a former Saltmlte,
now district uttoruey east of the
mountains, Is in the city, tho guest
of Chas. Moores.
One gentleman who.jo thirst was
unduly stimulated to the extent
that ho was overcome by the heat of
the liquor and the weather, paid the
usual fine this morning.
Mrs. Mary Applelon of Sheldon,
I.i , arrived Wednesdgy evening,
und is liie yiii-ht of her sister, Mrs.
If. W. t'ottlc. She will spend the
summer In Sulem,
The streets are jnade for driving
and are a public thoroughfare and
are uot for horses to stand on. The
stieetspilukling wagon cannot pro
perly pprJuMo the streets when they
are Mutuling full of teams.
The case of the Salem Lumber Co.
vs. W. L. Kerbs has beeu settled.
It was an attachment aud First Nat.
Plautift paid
He comes of good stock for a soldier
aud will be one of the most valuable
of tho 68 applicants so far. Mr.
Kern says two or John Brown's
winH live in Southern Oregon.
Now don't swear but go and buy a
Jiammockorany other summer arti
cle at Geo. F. Smith's Art store.
Air. Ilosowater, a Des Moines
banker aud capitalist Is Inspecting
our city.
Samples of hops from various
yards indicate leirlble ravages from
the hop louse.
The thermometer at Weller JJros.,
at 3 p. m. registered (HI In the shade.
Geo. G. Bingham's H-mouths old
baby fell six feet down today, strik
ing its head on a walk. Not much
A wonderful fea'ure in modern
Journalism is the growth of the after
noon pniiers. "Today's news today"
seems to be demanded. Even the
morning papers are yielding to the
popular demands and are publishing
evening editions. The truth is the
majority of readers have no time to
deote to their newspapers until
night. Such Is the demand for the
latest news that tho morning pupt-r
is cast aside for the one issued in the
evening, which contains not only
the best of the news in the morn
lug papers, but likewise the happen
ings throughout the world up to the
hour of going to press. So perfect,
too, is the present method of news
gathering that people arc enabled to
read at supper news of all tho lm
Hiitunt occurrences of the day.
Dalles, Chronicle.
Babeijall. The Clossett&Devers
baseball club of Portland that plays
IheSalems Saturday and Sunday
are about the best club iu the mer
eantlle league. They have beat
both the Portland amateur clubs
that have been iu Salem this year.
Tho Salems practice dally in
anticipation of the great game with
the Seattle League club next
The Hot Season. Even tho' it
be not hot, and whether it bo spern
at home, ut the seaside or in tin
mountains, rcquircsspeclal clothing.
A fine stock at the Salem Woolen
Mills Store.
PMftB and will have to be hauled out 1 H crniiiu ana costs nuu case was
jivaysfor repairs. She will be j dlxmli-Bcd.
ten to the mouth of North Mill Wilton Webb of the Salem Iron
Cawjek for repairs and then be floated , Wuiks, who has been confined with
ngady for businens. au attiidlt of typhoid fever, has so
' ... . ' f.r lecovurtd that ho bus gone into!
nil ,, n : P. . 'unry to recuperate,
oboaidd at the "Cottage" had a , ,, , , ,, ,
over in the middle of tho Wllla- .r . si nours wen
te Wednesday evening. He got ttUW w "vt!Mti luu m-mcity or the
ibell canoe nt McOhuVs boat ' wutow"k 0,000,000 to 10,000,.
, and not being accustomed to , "w KU,""J8 0ft,,i ' a S'u" r ,wu,w"
gating the swift current wus "day takes big Jylng but it Is le4
rojed and had to bo retouiid bv ,ux 00 ",0 Capacity or the champion
firmUt Salem liar than it Is on the water-
" j - ' 11 worl(H
athino It i now rliie and .... ' . . .
d? Inrvestwl by old ami vnnmr " '""" '" vnu te",,", w,, ,8
th cool oluo Willamette. nuTt U'im i(Hi Uy w,," L' MuKIiik
rhttosee the boys take lie.nl,- "''""' " y ' " "' "
the steamboat doofcs and ftirlrii ! ' '"" "' t,im "u" '"lu""K
l cork buoy all over tho harbor'" "Hr", "W ,a """w '
f - .. ! T 1V a uJ uf Musis lo imv at the
I'llEBirK.- Miss Jfctdle Palunr Is . .iiice of the humane Boiildtv.
.ii . .. . " "
ieu 10 bo able lo fake her jih-w
tho postofllee this week. ...II
Thfbtiwiwor honiley had a lerrl'
1.1.. . ...... 1,. 1 .. .:.. . ..
Murnhv i nt .. "" -jjwim uierapius aim i)l. 1Kb
u.,,1 ....,, ? ." .,,B"B .K4I IMH
The literary exercises Friday art
not to be of a public clia racier, ai
the lurgest room in the E'iBt schocj
will baiely hold the students en
rolled. Although tho weather Is very
warm, much interest is still kept up
by the teacher.-, which shows their
determination to be progressive.
On Thursday afternoon Prof.
Wetzell gave a uew and Interesting
method of developing interest in the
History recitation.
Map drawing, was discussed by
Prof. Aci'.erman, and its various ad
vantages broviuht before thn insti
tute. J. M. Abbott, of Denver, was
present a part of tho day, but on
account of the warm weather he
made only a few remarks.
This morning the teachers first
received some profitable instruction
in igusic. The difference between
mechanical aud heart-felt singing
was demonstrated, aud practical ad
vice given iu regard to It.
Mental arithmetic aud grammar
were discussed with much Interest
by tho-c present.
The Institute will close on Friday
noon with a abort literary program.
W E LeDorn, Dayton, Wn.
F Buster, Clermont.
B Igotaedter, J HofTmau, L L Mc
Arthur, G W Fraeler, A Reeves, Jno
P Cole, E V llosklus, D Dwyer, F
A Hausee Portland.
D It Mills and wife, II It Carter
and wife, Ashland.
T E Lamb, N Y.
James G Hurley aud wife, Jack
sonville, Or.
JN VVann, Dallas.
V Nash, Corvalli.
J W Abbott, Denver,
K Blair, Pittsburg, Pa.
J W Thomas, Albany.
OElverum, Mr ami MrsTnurlutte,
N J William, D Pasker, Portland.
C Nelson, Lu Grande,
itev H W Laye, Saratoga.
A E Ellis, Spokane.
J A Veness, Independence.
M W M Crcery, Nowherg.
II I Brown, 1 Hollumt, Rotk
8 A Conde, Baker City.
FOIIobbs, III.
I H Summons, Mt Angel.
sous wishing to go to the coast win
tako the stage at McMlunvllle Mon
days, Wednesdays and Fridays ut
11:80 a. in., arrive at Grande Ilonde
by (J p. in. where hotel accommoda
tions are good, tako ufago next
morning for the coast. Stage ac-aoni-iiodatlutii
ate gd. Frank
Frailer and John Tyler, tmunvr.
7-20 If
- 1 1 1.
llyon almost put outby ylvwlpg
that lino of fanoy glauware Jut re
oelvutf at Hrout & G lie's,
ly and will probably Ui at
' next
I'm 'ft "if'VH Tl bmullfk.r lVr mlMin.
",..Hviiii ng. iiil,.auvi.!,".. 1... ' :..'.i ....I'-r',
. -..-? .t .uw ?,sf yivu u tw wwv ejiefll),
OATB,-Tho Elwoo4 yjl be ui, U'e pl't yftlitjlo 111 wft 0u!'
ght at 0 o1.wiu..h 11. o.... ' 'diflliiLltlvfl. I
I te down from Uorvalli tw.! Win- U ljwf Klk Miy, U
14m r Lwyt. Ur wt.if fr wtit
. rii nurL,v,;,:"' :;: t;""
mm ,-s, ihTee; zrzi zz:z: Z3T"
' w. . ' " - ttm ni;na nvvri nu
. , r -, - -. - , -, --,
lOfder uuflklebffritrSrTn,!.., Hi"l II'W f MU Mm
KSro&tAOIIe. ,CS5a fiW" P ywuMamio ?
and all
tlinuli the border war In Kan.
UMIUfKN'i im.-l nto jm,jHi
imruowif Q muu utmi
ii4 X iviruiviKitr dawalu
of Mr. Hid Uu, A. V. I'rftr, "pJ
W , I niorttli mid j& iy. '
Rtmirstnof T1ldl. til" rmon T'on Trnln
rr, wlUi HI Afrlrnn, nllnii.
Tho professional career of Hidcl, tho
famous lion trainer, wns 0110 of won
derful eourngp. force and perwsvemnce.
It was characteristic of the man that
when great physical exertion bocanio
Impossible to I1I111. he devoted his ener
gies to forming n mutual aid associa
tion among men of ballings similar to
his own. Tho beginning of tho ond of
nidel's practice of his profession was a
terrible struggle with his African Hon
Sultan, of which ho gives a thrilling
description hi his autobiography.
"After my performance nt Neullly,"
he says, "my wlfo nnd I wero to drive
to Asnleres nnd tako possession of onr
houso there. I, who had started with
so little, wns to realize ono of my dear
est dreams. I wns to censo to bo n
wnndorer, nnd to possess nt Inst n homo
of my own. I longed for tho evening
to pass. The performance would last
lest than nn hour."
But the most perilous moments of
Bldel's life wero to lntrveno before ho
started for Asnlercs. Ho entered the
cage as usual. Tho first, second, third
nnd fourth lions and two white bears
were brought forward, then returned
to their cages, nnd ho wns loft face to
faco with Sultan. Sultan was never
good humored.
"This evening," writes the trainer,
"I saw nt onco that he was uncom
monly savage. As usual I presented
the gato. Ho crouched in a cornor,
refusing to leap.
"I cracked my whip. Ho growled.
I continued to urgo him. Ho growled
more angrily, showed his teeth, nnd
lashed the nlr with his tail. Suddenly
I was seized with an Intolerably sharp
twinge of rheuraatlpin. My left leg
tortured me. What should I do re
treat? I did not consider It for n mo
ment I should fight. I took n step
forward. Another sharp pain seized
me, bent my left kneo, nnd I fell.
"Then I doubted not that It was all
over with me. Tho tamer fallen Is tho
tamer conquered. With ono bound
Sultan was upon tne, his heavy paw on
my chest, cutting my flesh, scratching
my face, tearing me. I did not cry
out. I knew the necessity of being
calm; tho slightest fnlso movement and
I waa lost. The beast wns panting with
fury, his mouth open; f 6eized his
throat, and with all my strength twist
ed tho skin to strangle him. Ho paused;
his muscles relaxed.
"Suddenly ho turned his head. Two
of my employes, tho bravo and faithful
Mnnett! nnd his son, had entered tho
cage nnd wore nf tacking tho lion with
an iron bar. I lifted myself, half, rose,
then Jumped to my feet I stood I That
meant safety. I was again master. I
marched on the rebel, nnd with n ges
ture forced him to return to Ills caga
Tt had beeryi bad moment, but It was
over. I wjejd have gone on, but tho
public protested, 'Enough! Enough !'
and I was given over to tho doctors.
They found seventeen wounds."
Youth's Companion.
Little Jeff T)avl Ilayen Indignant.
When tho presidential party reached
Colorado Springs, Colo., tho citizens
wero prepared to givo hiin n royal wel
come. This being the home of Mrs.
Margaret Davis Hayes, tho daughter of
Jefferson Davis, tho citizens of that
city, long before tho arrival of tho
president, had imbued her littio six-year-old
son Jeff with tho idea that ho
was n president in embryo.
Liko other Indies of tho town, Mrs.
nayes put on her children their best
apparel and sent them out to sco the
president. Jeff, whom tho enterpris
ing citizens of that llttlo city had given
a conspicuous placo In the reception of
president, was recognized and saluted
by Mrs. McKee, Mr. Wanamaker, and
other members of tho distinguished
party, but received no mark of recog
nition from tho president. At this neg
lect upon tho part of tho nation's ox
ecutlvo ho was highly Incensed, and on
returning homo ho oppressed his indig
nation to his mother. Gesticulating
with his hands, ho said:
"Mother, Mr. Harrison didn't oven
tako his liat off to mo." Cor. Now Or
leans Times-Democrat
tin ttoturn After fciuf IMynnf Hunt Yf tl
nllli tine I'lfty Dollar TronU
"There!" exclaimed Hob Clayton, tu
Mrrit Winn.
We desire t nay t or Htl.ens.
that for tars wo huve b. en selling
Dr. ICInu'sNew Dleovcr. for Con
sumption, Dr. King's New Life Pills,
ami lMcc-
r handled
or that
Imvc given such universal satisfac
tion. We do not hesitato t guaran
tee them every time, and we stand
ready to refund tho purchas
price, if satlsl'aceory results do
not follow their Uno. These icnie
dles have won their great popularity
purely on their merits. Sold by
Fry, druggist.
Baby bonneta llttlo beauties nt
reduced prices this week special
nalo at T. Holvcrson's. 7-201 w
in Sp.iolB of Brooks' Cotton QCa
l thread for J0
Brick and The. For first class
baud mado brick and tile, go to
Murphy & Desnrt Largo supply
on hand. Neur fair grounds,
Salem. G G lino
ho entered tho oineo of a family hotel .lu'nk,,1,.1)'fl Arn,.c.a 8ulvt "
on West Nineteenth street where h. KaftuT S
tho result of four days of hard fishing,
bo added, as ho produced from his over
cpat pocket n diminutive specimen of
tho trout family, which ho held up for
general inspection.
Bob had been on n trout fishing ex
cursion into tho wildd of Connecticut
Somo "Infernal crank," ho said, hnd
induced him to take tho trip under tho
promlso of rare sport to bo hnd In that
locality. Ho was a sorry sight nn ho
stood In the ofllco on his return. His
hands and faco wns scratched, his
clothes torn nnd dirty, nnd lib general
appearance seemed to indicate that ho
had been dragged homo behind a
freight train.
'Toll us all about it Bob," nil asked
in chorus after tho laughter occasioned
by his appearanco had subsided.
"What I principally want" said Bob,
"is tho scalp of that chowder headed
chump that started mo on this trip.
Well," eald ho, "Just tako my advice.
When any ono talks trout td you brain
him on tho spot I've caught tho only
trout in Connecticut; hero It Is, nnd
there are no more left
"You see, I started from hero Monday
morning. I had previously spent somo
20 or more In fishing tackle, and was
thoroughly well equipped for a week's
sport That fellow, ArthurJ?rost who
put mo up to this trip, wajfjohavo gOno
nlong, too, but hohadf the- grlpjnnu
backed out at .thtfhSgnUtgfcil so
uuu go 7-7 "" tho
wnen 1 nrriveu 1 uadto,wB.iK nooil ,
twenty miles to a placo called StaktA
pond, where they said I wouldflndgood-f'
Ashing. It was a tough Job getting
there, I can tell you, and tho worst of
It was that when I did got there I found
that there hadn't been n trout caught
In that pond for more than flvo years.
I then pushed on about threo miles fur
ther until I camo to a brook which
looked ns If it might contain trout I
then began to fish.
"Well, I fished up and down that
crock until dark without so much as a
bite. I was too tired to hunt up a place
to slcop, so I Just camped out all night
In an old shod. Tho noxt morning I
was frozen so. stiff I could hardly move.
"I found a fannhouso after an hour's
walk, where I got breakfast, and then
I was directed to another brook somo
miles further on. I arrived at this
StJmlnUfovasbJ. "wry. cufc riles,
SSE5i-. S" thn! mutiny refunde
Baby cried,
Mother sighed,
Doctor prescribed :
lliicktan'8 Arnica Solve,
The Dcst Hnlvp in the world for OiiIk.
llruldes, Mores, Ulcom, Halt Hhcuin, fever
Mores, Tettei, Chapped Hiiuds, Chllnlnlim,
u(iia uuu 1111 riKin r.riuiuuuH, nuu poti
or nopny roqulrcrt. It
Ive nerfoct unusCactloD
rnonoy refunded. I'nco, 25 cent per
Coutaslousneic nt Dlicasci.
Among tho practical questions con
nected with tho subject of contagious
diseases Is ono which relates to tho
length of tho period of special exposure.
Tho Boston Medical and Surgical Jour
nal says that tho contagiousness of
measles, mumns and whnnnlrh? ennrrli
, 4. j n D 1
disappears with tho patient's recovery;
that there Is probably no danger of his
conveying tho dlhcoso to others for
about a week after ho himself was ox-1
posed to it that Is to say, during tho
so colled period of Incubation ; nnd
that tho contaglousnebsof measles does
not extend beyond a fortnight.
Tlia Stormy Petrel.
A bird of hnmenso wing poorer Is tho
tiny stormy petrel, tho smallest web
footed bird known. It belongs to
every tea, and, although so seeming
frail, it breast tho utmost fury of tho
etorm, skimming with incredible ve
locity tho trough of tho waves and
gliding rapidly ovor their snowy cretts.
PetreU have been observed 2,000 miles
from nearest land. Current Litera
ture, A Terrible DltappQliilmriit.
Mothpr Why, my dear, what's fho
mattorf Something has happened nt
Mrs. Do Music's party, I know. Tali
mo all about it, my child.
Daughter Hoo-liool Mrs, J) Miuio
uked me to play, and and when f.
told her ( wa out of praotiae, he salil
the was "so fcorry," and didn't nU 1110
Again, boo-hoo-hool Good Now.
last fishing ground about noon. Then
my troubles really began. With my
first cast I lost my balanco and plunged
head first into about four feet of icy
cold'water, my polo snapped, and In
scrambling back through tho bushes I
got all scratched up. I didn't givo up,
though, oven then. After splicing my
polo I again started in. After about
threo hours of hard fishing I managed
to hook a trout And hero it Is," Bald
Bob, holding up tho trophy.
"Thon," said Bob, "I stirtod for tho
farmhouse. It was nearly dark when I
got there, and I was pretty woll played
out too. I was going through tho gate
when my coat got caught on n nail and
torn, and then I Jammed my finger on
tho bingo. And while I was swearing
at everything in creation in general and
that villain Frost In particular a yellow
mongrel dog rushed out of tho houso
and bit mo on the leg.
"I couldn't cat any supper that
night I Just went to bed. I didn't
get up next day. I was too sore. Tho
following morning as I was dressing I
saw that yellow dog In tho yard and
j went to tho fireplace and got a brick.
I throw it, but it didn't hit tho dog. It
smashed through a pano of glass In
stead nnd struck tho farmer, who hap
pened to pass by at that moment, on
tho arm. That scrapo cost mo n flvo
dollar bill.
"Well, I had had all the fishing I
wanted, so I put for homo' and (with
a flourish of tho fish) horo I am.
"Colonel," said tho unfortunate fish
erman, turning to tho proprietor, "I
want this trout soryod to mo at break
fast In tho morning. It cost mo Just
fifty dollars, and I'm going to eat him,
bones and all." Now York Horald.
o f 1 0 a
tho ua ut Hood's Barsaparllla Hcvero
cases of Rcrofuln, upon which other prop
nations li.wo been powerles, yield to tlio
peculiar curallvo powers of this medicine.
Dhtii'ssliig cases of dyspepsia, uxcruclnt-
US ('"tiii Mints ot the kidneys and liver,
agonizing Itch
nnd p.iln ot salt
rheum, (lijiigrce. JJ
nliKi c iKPs ot catarrh, and aches and pains
ct riicuiunl!ini, nro cuied hy Hood's Bar
r 1 .-;3I.u It purines tho blood, nnd nt tho
e llnio tonei tho stomach, crc.iii-s nn
1 :.te, nrd rIvcs strenttli lo every fune-
fUt iMidy. aivoltatrl.il.
General Debility
"For four years my who suffered with
!r.ii,-fl tumor bunches on tho glands under
tho anus, ami general debility ot tho liolo
system. Sho becamo so poor In health
that wo wero on tho verge, of despair
regarding her recovery. Physicians did
not seem to understand her ease; at all
events sho never dnrhed any bencflt front
tholr treatment. Sho dually concluded to
try Hood's Sarsaparilla. The tmmcdlato
effect was so marked and satlsfaclui y 'hat
sho continued to tako It, and tht? tho
result: Sho has gained In weight
From 84 to II! Pound3
nnd Is sK" ii"-.r nnd In better health than
slioh i" I of uf.,1 years. Tho bundles under
her i'.r..L4 h. t diminished, and wo I elluvo
Hood's Sars.ipnr!lla will bo too much for
them In time." J. .1. NonrnosH VJO Com
mciclal till cut, Boston, Muss.
Hoori's Sar8apKllla
Bold lij d g'jliti, SIlzforA. )"ri.jifticdby
O. I. HOOD & CO., Apothocarlct, lo v. oV Mnu.
SOO Dosos Ono Dollar
! ,-,'-'""'',
Jones Mkrdi .
FaUo Teeth Willed Will Orovr.
A dentist of Moscow Is reported to
have discovered a method of supplying
tho human mouth with falso tcoth
which will grow Into tho gums as firmly
as natural ones. Dr. Knamensky hits
porformod several successful operations
on dogs us woll as human beings. Tho
teeth are made of gutta porcha, por
celain or metal. Holes are mado at
tho root of tho falso tooth nnd also up
ward Into tho Jaw. Tho tooth Is then
placed Into the cavity. In a short time
a soft granulated growth finds iu way
from tho patient's Jaw Into the holes in
tho tooth. This growth gradually
hardens and holds tho tooth in position.
Chicago Mali,
A rueuniutlo CliWiil.
A firm of stonecutters iu Horllu have
Introduced a pneuiiiatlo chisel lutotheh
establishment The workman holds the
pyringollko apparatus with both hands,
nnd as ho slides it over (ho nurfaco of
tho stouo or motal tho chisel, making
ton or twolvo thousand revolutions a
minute, chlpn off partlolos. Now York
A Oler Correspondent.
"I think It oxtroordlnory (ho car
lingo does not oom. Arc you luro you
ordgrojrj Itr ald ho.
'Yosj that J, I wrpto lur lt,H wUd ho,
That BccoiuiU tor It," said tho,
"Why do you say that!"
"You pro no 11011 committal wheiyc
rJtVlJarnor'n J'"""".
Only in tho city and do not
forgot it.
Dealer In Groceries, Pulnta, OIIm
and Window Mass, Wall Pa
per ami Uoriler, Artiste' BIa
terluls, Lime, Hair. Nails mid
Slilnjjlcs, Hay, Feed ami Fence
Posto, Grass Heeds, Etc,
POl.NI).-A. Wl.idnrmer racket. Call at
JfUJINAI. ofilcv.
TOory 01 music,
oisSSL Bakln
Uw4 in Million at lionm Yearn U $ftji
Tlmbftstorgurilged MiuloHanool on
wiviuwki. unw iniijiir
unit Ull motlKKU or limtrudtlou. Com
North VVcwi floufct,
inijnloM,uiUnuilapiitNvliool yuur, iliwt
Ohm Jiiujilrtul und fifty
...u (.1 Ifl.inn I7if...m
V. tl I iin T.MW.
iiiony, i;oiiniriHmii,uii(i miuioa.
I IIIU Jllgll
lllun In all
1 run lea 011 nrnpltlct a onurMi,
tarin hrtfhu MiiiiUay.HipUi
wgu lor OHUuuyao or uuilrwHi
violin, Oruan, llur-
or foriu
toinber 7lli,
.. Kt 111 nvru
Ihitirai Dluouir, Huluin, iJr.
J,N. unipfiit
CUy WuirniitH.
Kl Villi Unit tliero nra
uud lii iVa uiiy trontury
r Of fWIUI,Ufa)ll,t pay ull wr
leallVOr UiiIhiu "l.llilnrjiil" l.u
tlio fryftnurw'lWijre liwwinUr i, 1Kb. and
'Vr 'H5 ""oiur i nwciy wi r.uy uil wild
jrtlu tlutl fnUfwt wpl (wim 00 I In. miiio
(frm and after lint duioot fliU naW.
Paiod UiU ill duyiif July, Is9l. 7 win
Business & Rurm lVoperly
, I luv forBW 4u, ntu buriiwlii .a
rjjmiaud u ui, II l MMrtbloukllitf s(tr.
AIOonooflUeUt ijurxHlaa fu Ii7u my
11x1 ni niniomcii n
-Tills li a ehnuce for every lady to get a fine parasulfor-
Wo have the largest and Ilnent Hue tn select from that wnH over shown
In Bttlom, and ouro giving you Ijh-prices Ui clean tlioitt all out. Oar
specialty Is black silk parnsuls.
Come this week and secure a reduction iu price.
New lino or (milts, muslins, overshlris, nnti paiils. Come to .itif to
and Brtvo money. ,
Capitol Adventure Co.,
Opera House Block:.
Eight spools thread for 25 cents. Produce taken.
Out Side tlie Trust.
& SON,
Old Undoi takers of 18 years oxporiencehaYO, through
much difficulty, secured a stock of Undertaking supplies
out side the Undertaking trust and are now prepared to
furnish funeral outfits in a first-class manner and can make
you prices independent of any trust, Special attention
given to embalming.
Undertaker's roomsJiUiupijgiaallyjDibQntwHcea i
If you want Furniture, attend the .auction sales at the
Auction House, near Court House every Saturday and
get your goods at your owu price. II. B, MOOB.J5,
Auction and Commission Merchant.
-rLUiM'JOi JL'itiLJNiv Auctioneer. t-i
If you would be clean and have your clothes done up
in tho neatest and dressiest mannor, tako them to tho
where all work is done by white labor and in tho moffc
prompt manner. COLONEL J. OLMSTED.
. Liberty Street.
"Tew Park Grocery .
Has put Iu a new stook of Groceries, Queenswaro, l'oetl, otc. Product
bought at Highest prices. Satisfaction guaranteed lu all thlnjia. Good.;
delivered to all parta of tho city. Call aud jjlvo me a trial.
1 II PATH W T).m.,., All stook left lu niycaro shall reeelvo tho bent
11, II. UUULlil, I ill IT, or attention. Telephotio No. 24. Cor. Liberty
and Ferry streets, Salem, Oregon.
. At 100 Chemekota Street,
I-Iousis - and - Sion - Paintimg,
Paper iraiiRlnir. Kalsonilnlng, Wall Tinting, etc Varnishing and
Natural Wood Finish. Only First-class Work. SNOW UJR.OS.
Tinners, Plumbetjttas and Steam Fitters,
Kutlmutes on all work In our line, ioo OhotnoJcotu Strt,
Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co
Sasli, Doors, IMimls & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Snwiag.
Jfoune I'lnUlilnif made to order.
Nov imv UI1.N, by walch wocunnlwayskcepanilUupply of scatoned stok oftOI
klntu. AKrlPuItuml Works, Corner of Trade and lllun trot, Balem, Oregon.
J.J.(JOurMi,K,(Jotnirir, t. WHKKt.Klt(HprhiKfllit,
Lumber, Iwath.. Pickets I
,lHJP.r1',yt'w,intlMndMolfenieIJH. OIHiwandl vdonth
.....,,...,.,...,.-,.,,..,, uin, limtuillMUIir 1II1UU VUJlfft .
2 JIAKBIl & WIIEKLEH, Managers, HUtu.
AuanU tor f&bunr AIJU1
SnCTI3! Ill J J.
Sasla and Door Eactoi'y
Front Street, Salem, Oregon,
Tho boat j1u83 ol' work in our lino nt pricoa to ftammfa
with tho lowofit. Only tlio bqfc material iW
wr am mm wmmrrmntMmmintim
AtlmUilkUnUn,fH Nolltio of Ajt-jioliijimtiil.
j.iM'niif noriMr umn tn nuu niwi
iM ooawrii; I1if iJiu audriMMil tub
Cin duly H.oluUd by IU mmiuv ourl
wihomifiU)rutt, tut Hie wuioy ut
ilnfloii.mliiiluutrutorwltli rtll uuoAimJ
rui(Miuuif j. A.iiuirumu.iuiuur mo
riuhiiMf(Hu!.!bfcuUlMiuit, arby
notiitiNl nnd rrojilrw byiti iiiuin, will.
iiiiruir vittt!vnHUi uuiy vM
wruiutf mm, wiikiij M lildiiWi
thaditfuoribUiiolliA.to tlio iiliils
f 1
A I J. M-mMJ
M 111
m rrow
pMt JCi A JmujH M miy f.
-A r itiiuiirxxxta
Vo.fMiMmw ivti tu., Mm
mMini uuiy vtmh
IlililJ klX IlllllilllM 1
11. t. ttlA d.,.!.!.....!
...r... ... ..tu .i a. i.a. mi ic
Uilii.luLln.l'u ul.alJwlMlu wlOiili WUi
UUIMMHI.Ill lll (WW lllllMJIlf W. M. Kttlr.
I tin) ml nt miiii, in uiaium mumt
ifrrtou, Aui all iwiw.iu lucjublnl tu Mill
MnantiHfity (ii.iritu4ui ihihwUU w
AdlillblUMUtr Willi Ilia uTll ixuiaiiKii of
H) MlUU oii- A. lljH Vwh1.
to th um
StrawburrioH, Ihamm,
Dhokln'rim, Qoowtetfim,
OhorrioM hiicJ foatl trvtoBt )l
kU(h nt tho Halm Vwwf
M W JKt4f,KH, AKtt, . mwm OliH
Merchant Tailors,
Hai at