u tni uiwiu' DMMimmimvm imvu- '""' ' lUiJI float with Uie ralllUn. oflh'ers anil ' ; the miners' comtuUtto. Finally , bwtcventBK lie announced Unit he THE WOOL MARKET. TO mnVER WHEAT CROP. Bt. I'ail. July 21 -8t. Paul hos ONE KISS BCFORE PARTING been made the headquarter, oT the- ftS- The Dominant lUto l Hrf. tt was a bad day for eastern Siberia. t.i... tlin YflkouU were crowded up to tho I?na by tlie victorlotw Tungtiel, for ,.. . . . . . . . .. i i iintimuii miivrmriiL uv mi? uuimi ... i... ..i !... i,.if,nr4nT fSirKriZ -iSiNrbwIoi Will Have (nberni.HMMnPAiii.w.?nMr the ..iJSrX'K SStherI7 5 Weda call for an otolith l fill, toriill Candidates. 're lie?llfcP, "T, yVi lmns, 'hop reCttnt,I 8ho ha? pUr; the country, and established themselves . the vacate, In the .ll for n, No n e for , chayo jrjite.J M far tward a, U.e Ko.yrna river, on -I ... Ill I....1.. II..1, I U' H IUIKV IUI w " till iiujvii """ tntlAlft IIU1L IUU1 BVIlUllluuuii uuv, ., ,. f rr.iltl,t-i,l. IHfl niOSl Aueciat Noommcudatton that the convlet bie system bo modified, ir not re pealed. 1'endlujr the election the tsonvtcta must icturn to t lit- 1'rlce vllle mint, lrom which they worn evicted. If the mi tn-M agree initio foblest them until the lelulure acts, the mllllla will be wt homo. Tho committee from Iho nlner decided to lay the mutter bef-rea no?8 meeting " the m'ii today, be fore replying to tljo governor. Those .best acquainted with the moutitulu uvmln Iwlinvn the millers Will ac- ceept tho proposition. If they do not, tho convicts will return to Coal Creek neeompanied by mllllla. If tho slate troops do not furnish adequate protection, the Unllcd BtateH will be naked to send regulars. Iteporte about riots at Prleevllle yesterday ure without foundation. COIj COMlTOS'sTUIAfi. AVAti.A Waua, July 2n.-Yes-lo.-dav's session of the Complon court martial trial wan consumed In listening to the testimony of Col Compton In his own behalf. His testimony was similar to that ad duced at tho trial of the soldiers. He branded as unqualifiedly false th statement or I'rosecUtlng At , torney Blandford that ho (Bland ford) bad told him of the rumored attack hb coming through gergcatit Jones. The Sheriff ami attorney 4ld not ask to have tho troops kept Uon..jiml did not seem to believe lu tho rumor. sayb nn'Mi am tiikkh. I'tTTSiUHa, July .23 Governor Campbell, of Ohio, attended tho annual fotc chain pet re of tho Iinu dull'club, at Silver lake yesterday. Fully 10,000 people attended the fete, which was u biiccc-ms In every rasped. In speaking of tho politi cal outlook, Campbell said: "The ikmocratH ot Ohio are thoroughly aroused, nuil wo nro going to win. The Hamilton county disaffection Is fast dying out. Yes, I expect ex- I'resldent Cleveland will lend a n helping hand In Ohio this time. He will bo Invited to niultofilx speeches. Gov. Hill will also take a hand In our campaign, us will also Congress man Jerry Simpson, of Kansas, and Senator IVfl'er, who was elected to succeed Jngalls. Tho two former irenUomeu will bo Invited to Ohio by the democratic parly, while the two latter will bo brought Into the atate by tho farmers' alliance. Thu latter party Ib very strong with us mow, and thoy nro hand In baud with tho democrats, Thoy will nominate no llekot this year." A wirn'B DM'UAVITV. Austin, !., July 23. A Btait llng story comes from ono of tho lumber fmiipa nt Kettle Creek, In this courltv. In April. 1880. tho paoplo of this region wero horrified by tho nowi) that Frank Hancock, n lumberman living nt llluo Hun, had murdered four of hie children and committed suicide by hanging lilm aelf lu his housfi The news was madekunwu by Hancock's wlfc,who had been nbhciit from homo on tho night of tho tragedy. Her story was that she had gone homo and found tho four children lying dead, aomolivtho yard and soino In the house. Thov had been stabbed and frightfully mutilated with n big butcher kulfe. Tho oldest child was 11 yeura of ao. A fifth child, a babe, was asleep and uninjured at the sldoof ttajuurderd sisters. A ote, apparently In tho handwriting or her husbaud, was found lu tho house In which ho confined the ter Ubla crime, giving as hU reason his tleuiro to rid his wife or hlmaelf and the children beenuseof her conduct. After tho coroner's inquest, at which it was found Haiiuiok hud commit ted the horrible crime, Mrs. Jlancook Jtrft IHuo Hun. Bhu wiw soon heard of as an ahauduuod hnuger-on of the lumber camps, living with this and tlmt rough lumburmau. It U not known what dUpodllou Mm mado or tho babo. A few ilaytp ugo a mea aenger rrom Kettlo Creek cump went to Coudersport with tho Bturtllng atory that JIw. IIuiioooU had dlod lu emp, ami beforo dying she maile a ooMfvtwIou which not only acquitted few husband or the murder of tho children and himself but which do- uteres that alio herself mid two of itc iiaramnurs, whom who named, but whoso names uro not mado pub lic, murdered her husbaud and the children. Tho vHinfetuilou Is to the nVot that hu chlorofomiod her hus baud while ho was asleep, and that two eu, who ere waiting for tho algital, entered the Iioim provided with a rope, and wero hanging 1 1 au aoek wlieu tho ohh.'st child uwoke H wiadeuii outcry, lho muther iMHwlf eir.ist u huteher kulfo itiu) trtod lofilghton thu child Into fU I4A0, HJ falling, the lubbtd 11 to 4aath, Thu other Tout children, m Aff awakened by the noWe, were all, the inception or the taie, rtHi, a tilt) flNt had boon, lo them. Tlio babe, Iteliiytoo iy to he dangerous to tho mur- i,'was not narmeu, a uoie m wriltonauiin im Knavuypor 'Mtuillu, and p'uivl in Ham-nuk'n ook4. l If wrMUil by himself, vpMltt llat ho liad wnimUtwl (ho SEVERE HAIL STORM. Storm in Iowa, From Ireland, Street Railway Purchased, The Itafa Again, Latest from Tennessee, Foreign and State News, Etc. been engaged In sending out circn- uai 8ent out to her carriage a whole ensUfn trIbe of lain with ft view or having oil ' nnrtmnntcau full of "lore" going. . , . .. . . . ..... . r- " . ... . V, t UOUIIU1UT wre ""- - - through every moou oi tno leeung, ymv, , T,( Ynkou(j or Jnknts, present, or future-ond was following , aJ pomema ft higher civllk OH VAIJUIKA WAV. H YHAxamv, July sw.-The ' W! VMlley U'luimiiitf to the n; iMvvtepnmut onuimuy win t tti9WttlMIH4alllM!M ww f Mi viH Mil fr Yhi)kIm(1 Uy "" Wit iWv TUB WOOL MAIIKKT, Han Kkancisco, July 23. There Is a better movement In wool, and tho market is much steadier In feel Iiitr. although prices are notquotably higher. Tho situation all around hIjow a marked Improvement and dealers seem very well satisfied with present etatc of affairs. The stock of fpiliiK wool is dow beginning to de-i-n ase. Iu some three or rour weckB tho fall crop will be on the market In'suilloleiit quantities to warrant quotation. BhVKHB HAirj BTOIIH. Ft. lAUi.,July 23. Thoballfitorm In Dickey and MePlicrsuii counties, d. I)., last night destroyed a thou- Baniliioiesofirraln. A destructive holl storm also passed through Normi n county, Minn., covering a strip of two miles wido and thirty nv!'8 long. BTOKM IN IOWA. Oiii:iioickk, Iowa, July -a, Cherokee county has again been visited by a disastrous rain and windstorm, continuing until 4 o' clock. Railroad creek reached a height or only a row feet lower than high water mark last month when It caused such terrible havoc. Many residents on tho flats became frlgbt- kiikcI mid left their homes. Two' bouse whloh were removed from their foundation!! by the former Hood wero this morning carried Into Slolix river, and dashed to pieces against the 2d street bridge. Tim ber ami ruins of tho last flood also swept against the bridges, which went out early this morning, two other biidges In tho city havo also been carried away. There were washouts on tho Illinois Central be tween hero and Sioux City, also on the Clierokeo division north and south of here. Crops are greatly duumged. TUB ITATA AOAIN. Ban Duxjo, July 23. Thero was considerable oxcltwineut on board the cruiser Charleston. The men woie BUddeifly called to quarters, the starboard gns manued and loaded, and trained upon tho black sides of tho Chilian steamer Itatu, only two or three ship's lengths nway,, The cause of tho commotion was seen to ho tho fact that the unehors ot tho Haiti wore being rahed to the vessel's sides us ir Tor uuolher runaway voyage to Chili. Hho wan signaled rrom tho diaries ton to lower them again, and did so. A boat rrom thocrulserluvesllgated, and It was discovered tho Itata's anchors had become fouled, und, acting under orders from Marshal flard. who was on board, tho crow luul luisi'd and iliretitaugled Hum. Tho chief olllecis of tho Itata were oa shoio at tho time, end knew nothing of tho Incident until some time ufloi wimK THU ITATA. Los ANtim.ia July 2J.-Captaln Tejeda, or tho Itata, left for Ban Francisco to cousult with Mr. Page, counsel of the congressional party on this cost. Tho statement that the lint i will go to Ban Francisco for rep Ura la premature. BTItKin' UAII.WAY I'UItOUABKI). DirriiotT, July 23. Tho entire Detroit strict railway or 60 miles has been putchnsed by a New York syndicate- for fo.000,000. AM. QUIKT AT COAI. OUKHK. Knoxvim.u, July 23. Every thing quiet ut l'rlcevlllo and Coal Creek, tho miners are holding a mooting at Coal Creek, It Is believed that thoy will consent to the return of tho convicts and await the action of tho Hpeolal session of the legisla ture ou tho oouvlot lease syHtem. Mllllla remain at l'rlcevlllo. Tho governor will confer with miner again this evening. Wll.b HAVH UANIIIIIATIW. Omaha, July 38,- Chairman Wat son, of tho state central republican committee, has announced that the republican pirty will probably nave u candidate for gubernatorial chulr In the Held this full, although tie supremo court bus decided that they will hold over. Legal opinions are so varied on till point It is decided boot to bo on the safe side. Alliance and demouratlo purtliM will abtolmvc u gubernatorial nominees on tjunr tickets. CONVICT KII.I.HD. Knovvim.ii, July !V-The killing of a oniivlet named Harris by one of the guard has uuiued great e.vulte- mcut, nml no uutbriuik at the inliu's is fear.d, IlKOUION AlKtUMM Washimmiin, July . Anting Hoeruta-y Chaiuller has Rlllriuwl the ilwtUlou ufthe ronimhsloner oftho ueiieral land ollltv In I linear of Henry Chapman v WtlllameKe Valley and CaMadi Mountain Wagon H xid Co , O.ejim, HimuNATK'N. rT. I'AlUwJuly S,-lt li h'rtriiwl that J. N. AbtKtt,iUiftut to lrel (lent Hill or lint great Northern ln deeldi-! to trud'r hU rfilutloii. THU AHDIN I'AMCH HUHN. VwmJy n -The AlaUu IMkiv mm iki Mr tain)' U atlN f tltutt tp nUa!)i mum t'f mIlrtu, Only I ..a-. ..f .I.j. i.iill.ll.t.a tw.ia m a k.u.l MMII VI ir 'W"'"IM nn. i elusses of farmers keep back their wheat crop until prices havo becu advanced to a high point. The plan Is to unite farmers In a gigantic wheat trust In which producers rhall be stockholders n nd by which specu lator and wheat buyers will bo squeezed to the wall. George M. Mullcr, an editor of this state and a prominent alliance man is at the head of the movement. The wheat crop of the United Btates of 1801 is estimated to bo five hundred million bushels; the promoters of the farmers trust believe four-fifths or this can be held back by farmers from four to eight weeks by which it Is thought prices will have gone sky ward. Circulars havo already been sent to secretary of alliances In all the wheat growing states. Asia, whow ultimate ArctJc ocean nnd Beh- havo civilisation their example when sho paused upon t,mn'.g found where In the same lat the step as if meditating whether she n ,n lxX2inAt Finland and 8I1011IU UIKO 11 or tuiuu uura - was exidently turning Itself over InUier Ot'l'OSKD TO (50NVICT IiABOK. Littlk ItoCK, Ark., July 23 News of the convict troubles in Ten- uesceo bos strengthened the nnlago olstlc feeling here, and was followed yesterday by an uprising of all tho labor organizations In this city. A mass meeting was held at which the penitentiary lessee system was de nounccd, and resolutions wcro adopted demanding that the con tracts recently let by the state to tho penitentiary lessees, Including the building of tho state Insane asylum, be immediately annulled A Jurgo number participated In the meeting, and threats are made that Winchesters will bo used to prevent convicts being worked iu opposition to free labor. Other meetings are announced and considerable unensi ne."H Is felt. wants to iih ikiiukn r. Toi-KiCA. Kan.. July 23 The rumor t hot Senator Teller, Is figur ing for the nomination for president by tho people's parly hi 1892 was confirmed. The Alliance Advo cale, tho people's party organ lu Kansas, raised his uamo and In an editorial states that Kausas took the lultlatory Htep In tho movement, and was entitled to tho honor. Until II was known that Bouator I'elfer do sired tlm nomination, the preference among the alliance men seemed to be for 1'iesidont Polk, of North Carolina. Senator Peffer'n frlondssay that the man who was big euough to beat luualls is big enough for n presidential candidate. (...NKUiU' man i'iuiht. MtNNBAi'oi.iB, July 23. Tills morning tho general grand chapter of Hynl Arch Masons elected Joeph Horner, of Now Orleaus, general high priest. FOREIGN. mind, The shopman, who had ben some what moved by tho tender tone of voice In which she had asked him, "Wilt thou love mo then as nowf' watched her with an anxiety that be trayed Itself too plainly in the adjust ment of his shirt collar nnd tho arrange ment of his hair. Suddenly tho lady seemed resolved, as with ono bound she cleared tho pavement, and, breathless, pale, her auburn ringlets fluttering In the wind, stood onco more beforo tho admiring shopman. "I had nearly forgotten," sho said, In a voico that seemed to veil her blushing words; "dearl dear! I can uot tell where my head Is today 1 I como back to ask you If by cbanco" hero she paused, as If to take now cour age, whllo tho trembling shopman posted his two thumbs eicganuy on iuo mahogany counter and leant his body Inquiringly forward "to ask you to be kind enough to givo me ono kiss beforo parting." "M-a-o-a-d-a-mi" exclaimed the as tonished shopman. "I want you," repeated tho mar chioness, "to let mo havo ono kiss be foro parting." She raised her beautiful blue eyes full upon his, and met them boldly and un blushingly. Slio then, without betray ing any emotion, repeated her question, adding, as calmly as possibio, "If you cannot givo it to mo now. I will call some other time." Ho could doubt no longer. Spring ing over tho counter, ho seized hold of tho lady's fuir form and then and there irnvo tho kisses bhe so earnestly begged for previous to departure. To his great astonishment the only return the lady gavo was a box on the ears. This was followed by a volley of blows dealt by her parasol over his head, which was accompanied with an equal number of phrioks that never terminated till the polico canjo into the shop. The affair was carried to tho nearest polico court, but was soon dismissed upon its being explained that "One Kiss Before Parting" was tho uamo of a song which tho unsophisticated shop man, blissfully green from his nativo fields, had never heard of beforo. BJjcTteld Telegraph. ROSEDHLE mm. , rl HKOHiri' COMDINK. Toi-KKA, Kas., July 28. It is stated that a seciet combination has been formed by democrats and tho alliance men for the puinoso of placing u Joint county ticket In nomination iu thls(Bhawnie) coun ty with tho view of defwitlng re publicans iu their stronghold. Fusion Iss-'id to have been engineer ed by Judge John Martin, ono of tho best known democrats lu the slate Tho Joint platform will Incorporate the demand of the Bt. Louis plat form. Till. WHONU MAN. City ok Mi.xivo, (via Galveston,) July 23. Thp police or this city ar rested u man whom thoy thought ut llrst to lie William Hope, the do faulter, of Louisville- Ky., who de camped some time ago with about $75,000 of city bank money, which ho embezzled lu March, lbOO, while he wus teller. After dispatches an nouncing "Hope's" arrest had been forwarded to Louisville, an Investi gation revealed the fact that tho man who wuh arrested was no other thui lloyoruor Carlos It Ortizo, Who la at prownt a member of con gress from Solium, He was nils taken for Hope. Tho uutliorlUcw state lh.it the resemblance between Hope's photograph and the ex-governor Is remarkable, and this has caused the latter sixteen hours Im prisonment. Bo far as known, Hopo Is not ami has not been here, KltOH 1UHI.ANI), Duiimn, July at Tho League convention opened today with a large .iticudaueo. Parnull, who wus prvsidtng otlloer wan warmly cheer id. It 'tarring to Balfour's promlxo, as out lined, or local government bill, for Ireland, Parnoll wild he would Join Timothy lioaly lu mak ing It in comprehensive as passible. Convention adopted a programme whloh luuHnlad manhood sulli-ago, laud 'nw reform and reiusitnlvmeul of evicted tenant.1. Rebuking a Greedy Client. A Philadelphia lawyer, now dead, who had a national reputation, having boen honored with high positions of trust both at Washington and Harrls burg, was famous for his tremendous charges. One day a client for whom ho had collected $1,500 called at his of fice to reeelvo tho money, and tho law yer handed him a check for 100. The client looked at it and romarked that the lawyer must havo mado a mistake, and had given him tho check which ho meant to keep for his feo. "Let. mo look at the check," said tho attorney, and glancing over it ho declared that It was all right and no mistako had been mado. Tho client kicked against ri feo of $1,400 for collecting $1,600. "Oh, well, If you want to bo a hog about it tako that," said tho man of laws Impatiently, and ho wroto out an- othor check. It was for $1G0, and with that tho client had to bo content, tho lawyer pocketing $1,!W0, Philadelphia Hecord, Norway, and by tlieir upcnor mii.. gence and force of cliaracUr they have stomped their Impress upon all with whom they have come In contact. Theirs la the dominant language from the Darin of tho Lena to the extreme eastern coast of Siberia. All the Tun gusi speak Jakut. Russian is scarcely known In two-thirds of It Asiatic pos wwions. For centuries the JokuU have been tho common carriers for nil the peoples with whom they have had com mercial Intercourse. "Without the Jakut and his horse." wiys MIddendorf. the eminent naturalist and Siberian ex plorer, "the Russians would never have been able to penetrate to the wa of Ochotsk, and from thence to the Aleutian chain) but for him they never would have settled on the Kalyma, nor havo opened commercial intercourse rt. h the TchuktchI and the eastern Es quimaux. Beforo tho possession of the j Amoor had opened a now roau uj coiu morce (1640) thousands of pack horses used annually to go to Ochotsk." Charles Hallock In New England Maga zine. A rVmlllar Kxprrlrnce. Under a flue willow tree I caught a glimpse of a boy making a wliictle. I wonder how many of my readers re member the willow whistles they have model Perchance you recollect how well big brothers or visiting cousins could make them. You can call to mind the old willow tree by the gate, and the square topped post on which you sat, while tho good natured boy was astride tho fence, and cut. whittled and twirled tho bit of wood until a sharp, clear note aFMiredyou that your treasure was completed. Then you slid the loobo green bark off and on so often that by and by It cracked and wouldn't stay put. You set to work to make ono your self, for it looked fo easy, and you gashed the big kitchen knife Into the stick selected and tried to peel off the "rind." It always came off in two or more pieces and your lingers tlld along tho white wood, blippery with the sap. Then you gavo up nnd teased some one to niako you another. It's the same old story tho fame old restless, frolic some childhood that those who lived In the country can call to mind with half n smilo and a little longing. To ronto Globp. Vaniim vriflliing to build nice nideiicos and in ssearoh fa bwiutiful locitti.iii . yilh pleasant aurronndings should isit ROSEDALE. rt is locator! direct on tho Electric- i.i.e U the Fair Ground, overlooking tho entire city the snow capped mountain, Mfc. 3f ood and Mi. Jefferson, as well as tho ever green hillB of Polk county ;ir in plnin view. The site is unsurpassed and the whole fcmcfc is a beautiful green plateau. The High school as well a the North Salem new building are within a phort distance of this tract. pixJ O QL -5W SSDTtRjns: Zjr "ryESESJWEjv rx. wies!!23 a-asaz! "isjei!iiarar b f-"-" Ewt whi Eg "k pes Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This property is now for sale by All Real Kstate Men In this City, who will be ready at ::y time to show this tract to purchasers. el H Is A LATtGE SUPPLY OF THE best quality of brick at the yards near Penitentiary. BURTON BROS., . Jnlcin, Gregu, . El25cant"Coiumn. BAKER MA RIOTS. Kan FitANuisuo, Unl July JM. Wnurttt buyer IbQt uflur August Or' f 1MI Keaion Und. ('JIJJMfio, Uta.( J'y 2At oho wheat wa itondy, truth 8iJh Bop, Ml. WBATIIRU IMPORT. Han 1'anoi8, July 1M,VW out for O egoi) utul V4hlugietw Light rain lu norihwwbirn Qrtfattu nud Wnlilngtou, A Hint Thut Kills Turuiitiilna. Tho deadly foo of a tanuitula Is tho tarantula hawk. Theso giant bluo wasps with their llory wings nro deadly foes to tho tarantula, and should bo encouraged In every locality. Thoy seen) noyer to rest for a moment, and with tireless energy fly and walk rap Idly along tho ground, running into overy crevice and hole, and oxamlnlng overy smplolous object, after tho taran tula. Tho fate of tho giant spider when discovered by tins hawk is certain and attended w 1th fascinating horror. Tho winged Insect hovers over tho viothn until It finds a goal opportunity to sting. The oUon acts In a peculiar manner, tho tarantula becoming para lyzed. In this ttato the eggs of the hawk are laid In the spider, who ro inalns allvo to bo slowly devoured by tho hungry larvie. Florence Companion. To lurrcHie tlm I.enetli of h I'uut. A civil englneor of Copenhagen has proposed a new international ytein of measures and wolglits, in which ho sug gests that the Uuglbih foot should be InartMWkl by about one twenty live hun dredth jwirt of Its prueent longth. The foot would then contain exaetly 1,000 ounces of distilled water at 4 dwgs. cen tigrade, mid on easy ooinnArlson. with tho memo system would be powlblo. New York Times. Ailvnntiices of finaiionril Yellow Tin. Workers in ornamental wood now assert that yellow pine, hard finished in oils, is tho rival in beauty of any wood that grows, not excepting the costliett of the hard species, it being susceptible of receiving nnd maintaining as high a degree of polish as any known wood. I l-fl- ...1 t ...,.,! ...til. nil tf Im Willie, wuuil iiiiurL-Kiiuivii ui iii, ii us almost Indestructible. In such a con dition it Is impervious to even hot grease and other substances that loave an lneffaceablo stain upon whlto pine, maple and various other woods. The yellow pine referred to Is the long leaf pine the Pinus nustralls of botanists crowing so abundantly in East Texas. Trees can bo found in tills species with a curled grain a little on the plan of "curly maplp." No other wood can bo made Into more beautiful cabinet work. There nro n few small mills iu tho long leaf pine regions further eat that cut this char acter of pine exclusively, shipping the product to northern cities. New York lolegrnm. WSIA, & STRANG. 302 Commercial Street rti I p annus, iitiii, rurnaces, Tinware, and all 11 bsl Furnishing Goods. Cliioiiicy ana .Siwtf Pipps, mm Pu 1T1JD S. Wood, Iron aiiu ikkeye Fork Pumps. Pomps For Orchard Spjing. NcwErallydraulicClotlitsWashcr! NHco 'nwrleJ for (INK Cl'NT l'fifi WOKD KAUII IXHKHTIoN. .No auw. -iHcnient inserted In ilil column for Inu llian twenty.fi ve renin. AJTTKI). Uirl to 1 work Id f.iuiili '1st uect, corner i litiiic'i.tn. rATKI. Uirl to 1. k'1-th1 hrmpc ?T wont in Minily ct iic .pfly at 7 at lw ws Greatest labor saving invention i ii ties of goods from the litest Itu I lintit-iltdfi; line. Wtrl.ts ol (i ti coarsist carnei. ttrftctM -linn, without rubbing or boiling, w i I u: the umj of cbemh-.d- or anj di htruetiveprticesfe otnystai and w i '1 be c itipeny owning it iifl'ei KHK) to unv i erwin who wilt produee u imlly washer eimal to the 2.E liKA lu the following pole's: l'rlee. Labor paving. Rapidity of wash tn. Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning perfectly without dattmee t clothing, bimplicity and M.-rfect coiim mtion. blze, weight and durn billty. Satisfaction guaranteed or, m.iy refuudeu Bole Agents toi Mralon county. dw WANTKL ll.r ateut. i nke fllOOlo r0 h rnnntli eilln oi r ." on tlnir 'lertU. We wuat amy nnd (,-i'uciul aentd, and will trme bs k ullKol m. Mjld ifacnuut) aj.en tun to ilo.r ot aud exp-DMii nf-vi u thlrt rti-y' .rial, or a"nerlorent Iet than JiJJ. v. ,.1 send iMtgeitlnetrtttLd otn-ulnrs hi letler witn Hfp clal oirrr to un terriv pj tilled lii,,n iei(i(il i.f 3 i.neceiiL bl.ui , App.y a; micp s"ixl i et In r.t the br,n. Aildrt Iteuucr ; nuf.irtnrln Co. ' ,n butg. I'n. 7d.iwtr XT xi mmro, iuiimKitfcti i .ii 'oifiij.nfc t tin u real, uitr. Kt,itt .t..'0tf J IfKI.V ftll .rl, Ixmru. iu men: trcit riir linrn,-l!i: fTKIRHAl.K. - b Lt i.iw Ki"f of Irndiip.f L tris, rlth .tirrli.j. . ri.. iciir ot tjdru. A bt-mmroi J. i vn 'it u home In (julrc ;. I Hf.oiii) I 'it..c ii i ; hi h.m', r o if Phylum aenuu ttiiri irifiuK hrmn 4oIdb U) AJ Ium.. 4ru Capital City km Jas. Batchclor, Prop'r. WfiniJfcibatAll ikiiiLM;! ittkv tttim tbl V title llllx-i- tin ttabiisl.tiKiil A fctH u MiUtauilul 11.1-1,1 v KlSCxlJIt- 'J Wiiitj-nvf rcntB ptr o.i u K E O F K 3 T nonrt Mrct. between Jonrin' (!. i MIllrv'K Li,,-i-j V i In lirtl- Hl.t oirtwi. "What does your husband dot" asked a traveler of a slatternly woman whom lie found living in a littlo old cabin in the backwoods. "Well," was tho teply. "he's one o' the-e handy, gifted sort o persons, my man is He Ulu et tmn his hand to nuytlilng. "He's a blacksmith by perfew-ioti, but he cooked hi a re I'nmt iu town uioht o' lost winter, aud he done kyar peiitoriii' and paluthi' nil spring, and then ho lectured on tomp'rance awhile until he got a ohuuoe to run an Inglue for a month or two, and then he dug wells and hung wall paper until ho got a chance to lay brick nt three dollars a day." "And what Is lie doing now?" asked the amused guest. "TenoluV ingln' boIioqI, hut ho nl lows to give It up pretty soon aud go to praetloln' medicine. He kin do any thing bo's a mind to turn hii 'land to." Youth's Companion. IIIjIt lwiiT LtL1iIWft lief Ij&faaJ am Destroy the Pianos and Organs Al) M VSJ CA J, MEll UUANDI8E, I'INEbT L1NF. LOWEST PRICES. Installments frt.m h per month up. Wholesale nnd Retail. P. H. EAST0N & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. Iliad Quarters for the Ralem Orchestra. dw Pesttf. -Now U the Time Uy SjW your fruit trees. J3IUGGS & Murw.N Are prepared to givo trees treatment loi the ktsiwm with n K"d eprnylni: nutlll uiiUCtetlou guanintftd. Ixave orders ut 4. K UiUwIlu i. s.'j'. oUlee, 16USUitolreot wlmn 6 3dwtf OAHJI.llluinwn telU tut ealj,l)uyM oVTftu.d dt o. Miuvr r W9 i?lug. llolU mul Ctiui;r. Tho number of olmngtM whloli cmii be played uivon a oliluie of boll U wouderful Twelve bolU will allow no m than 470,00 1,000 elmnM. The tx)U In St. I'iUrlok'u oatliatlml me among the finest of their Mud hi UiU country, but they oan hardly 1!oIrhh1 with the great bells of Uie world. New )'ork lni. Uu.VAHuys, People and horsn orten runaway for oil sort of filler cut reaour, but few iterwinseveruK frightened nt pricen of jjixhU tit JPurrur & Vu' gmorry store. lelul er- w mlfci w)ii)e- H!e our new Trtie to IIU Color. It Is told that one day during tho war a txpmd of Confederate, wearing cap tured bluoovereoau. rodeijp ton house in Tenncteoo and greeted the owner with. "Wall, old man, what nro you, reh or YankT Puizled by the blue oo.Ua and gray jwnU. aud not knowing to whloh army his vUltors belonged, Okl Caution answered. "Wall, gentle- mwi, I'm iiotlilu', und very little of tlmU" Now Orleans New Delta. FAItM FORSAIiJS. itaore(ifUett'Mk and fruit l-iud li UraKonturMtloain SmvkIii. win m l, lot to suit purobr. Adiif.'.r hI tJ.J hihi L,KuUUU,Oie NearailvtrUrek Kalu. lHm r O K J3 Y ! T Ux m Rul lita'e Security, Agwiey lUi-ttt Ilultdli . o. int. Savings, Loan i FEAR & HAMILTON 8AI.1C.M, A t J dw Oregon Ladle Vou, WuUis nt l.lujie nnluutlou salelhls week, nt Jn)v TSO-lv L'aiDpvrs, hol-You'll tblntr nits If viu ilnn't line of good ihTug btWWa mtklug yourksket. SrwtOil. 8BM.l.riarUM!.i Hud ocn llirwd fur C JU At J H I I'NNH Professor Thomson finds In his ex periments on tho phystologloal effects of Alternate otirrenU that the danger ot the current dliuInUlies as the num ber of alterations &9Olid In nrwiMKl. Why t U 1'opular. Ueoaiue It ho proven its abwiluto nuritttver aud i-Ver again, tntjause It hasun unwjuiil'.d npord of ourw, bonrtiielts tHtkiniMis tyniduttltid p a tlmnmshly hnnwt uiunilur, atill btKMU&e It MmibititM economy ami Mrenu'ib, bfiiij; ihe only uifdlulue of wllto "loI).w Oue DelUr" 1 truelhwe utropg pulotf lye mude Hml titmmtm ity uutoi no. UrMful tniHlMiie af th 0v. ffmMfHfl iiiimiifeiuire tho HUJ4 MIHll94 Kti.l JU t W b.i!MUi at prku bvtter Hmu 1'urtluud dual tr Notltso to Contrwctors, BMm BulldiiiJ! for DUtnct No. '!, Kmlil trfib will b mtrtwul by th board ofllrotor. cmin.io'dH4itt V u, Marlon wmuiy.onmou.tii ih. ..HUoi thcolora ..i MtdtlUtrlrt, IN rtU-. buildluf. HMltnt, ou bJUlllUv. J II y li. 1Si. mt.i'eiwli .. ... Air ib roe !.. ut twa tU. 1 Uuljilmc I A. J, SHIMP, M. D,, i hysician and Surgeon. IjiIo nt Philadelphia.) ElECTfilCITY IS 1HE TRUK ENEMY Of all Uir.inlo. Ubeiimatlc, lllood, Ilraln nil uervoa aUfUhon. livery variety oi .Binale dlkttiBO yield to electricity aftei ill other modus of treatment have tilled iiii'uun je.ir clinical experience. Utile U) Coinuiei(.ia. .iie-l 6233m ASOBVS 31EAT MARKETS, IM Bute street. M0 Liberty street, North :i tn. Ve are ready tn nil nl orders for nb ill dxnfl'e huud Milt nieU W e tUin to r ptlte iimi the country ntfurdii. Kie liery. We ulrt thank nil our old fatniDs fo t etr tlborsl p-itronngc, hoplnc hey wllUllll roiitiitio with ui. e LU 3 Lis n . rg s M.T. RiNElYiAN DF-Al.EV I2 Staple anil Fun y Grtttries, cJ,k.?.r' UlagWHre, IjtmpH, Wiwim aud Willow ware. All kind ofn LI rud. Who McrctnblehcndfrnltK n. n.ni. m .... Hlglicm i'rlco paid for c-uuutry prodote." WeKollrit unhart- ofyour rr.irucuee W VUHtateitreet Ji3. C. CROSS, and Facfe State Bt. and Court 8t The nm menu iellvered to alt parts of the Ity. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OIUiGOK. Kates, $2.50 to $5.00 ptr Ihy. The bent hotel belu ecu J'nrtlabd ' Kniuolbco. J-Irwt-cJans In nil lu uywli menu, lu tubleH are mi ted with tl Choicest I'mlta UrnwD In the Wlllamelte Vi.lley A. I. WAGNER, Prop. ELLIS & WHITLEY, LIVERYMEN. South of Willamette Hotel, - - ORBOCH S-A-LKM & Z. 13 TlmMuoUi H.Um Uilldlnx tn newr unnai iw ill IheotUiMiufO t pln aud iKMrfhflhit.HDiai M. MiNnllvjirfhliualj.uliu.. A 10 nw ttrwttOB r uiua linlitim. wtii pMmsf.rio-iUu n No 1, nl at Stn o Mid McAIll-. 4 lluWriul.A.1 K iII.IIud lb V...l.n . in lMintMa will itu aui i,tid ..-u. OtloWiiM li uM. e of K -Urn . Uauisl, ttlilltMM, h'u. TM bHUdluf bo BOIlii wj, M in- tri. ryjOM or Utmu Jmi w, Tti lw.r4 MMillTkll 4i y ad nil I44 Arff t U hilMi ImiiL ur M'Wrt piltx It UMMMMUIMII !. tUUMMKW l I'd. WUI IMJ iti I r ilM Wl be ilabl rtlrtfcT.ui m im wwii imii. iur pur .! U iM i. d tn 1-H hum a I'll nil. ihi-iWHfiiuraiMFtttf Mte w art t i tijfcifrt. WJt 8JM1 . " ,im. H. If. WESTACUTT. fork. UK, Wtk. flilJ i.iktn, l't J nul IJtmnlJujj . i J ' .i J dv r Ip.r.irjf mwrt. tWB itf iVifl ruble, For Sale Cheap. 120 ACRKS OF LAND mll'-n from Hal. in i.i f r k re. About ix.'n, immune nmt r. (Joodnuflne ncrnu . ' LhV w l i.wb, upei llmikf lnr fttleet. n orre wuter, A, W, B1ACKP0RD. tlouie palntlus nd imper lutul., Orol materlat and Hr'-iaM vork it ihj oi)Jt. Ixuvuorder4ini4aif, nt FuniJ tore. mm i: i m The only iueuMlal tight ever carried oi agulmitthe rdi ii)Uo In the buniai )tJi)hy WHISKEY, OPIUM AND TOBACCO l that road with to Double Chloride of 0ld rtiuediu t the UUY INSTITDTR Oregon Siiite Fail rti'rlj flnit nnul nshiUlston under t'.l I mDiiiiK.Hiietit.iftliaUregnnrltute Ifcurd 41 txrk-ultiire, Mill b boi.l at the riuio Vi III ruuiiun mur wiieiu, noiDi' nciUK on Hominy, bYpfcmlh'r U, W.)i, And lantlni; one we k. OVER $15,000 IX C'A.SII FIIKMIUX8 ufued for crh'uitiiral,ilih k and inwu iimiuiuirih j.ir HorKx or art ana tinay ork mid rJkUofrpetd lUdunwlralw fir fnv oid frrlKbt on l i.jiriuiiiio iii)(.iohi a rri'in luo i;; lui-uiUiit la.piwvmiifiH bitve btenpif iiid iii irmi iidnuud ibireiiMd iaiur- te attuned exlilbinr. IVii'k will beflp4X rbis In Ike nttt A iin-u'lld M uj b-i tk . nterrd in i"J 'lrtl t).frl.. urn. mii' Hue cxfibilvi ug " b H mi wu b d jy M ., putrU- fi r piruiliuii iu.a Monday; Tii to r.Al,llj,i.H'M,r iiigedli "alli;l iiii " ih-r.rt ikii -jrtnrn I 'f3j luilkM 't ((.I'd i llnl fpi" i i.r yk-tH-'f-H i..p' (fn tpt I H'S" riiuiijup Afiis-1"N laji'. 4iy Va.: MT... ,, 'jaw it, ket WJIMtM I , ! tafei4ik ... . tz ft, jiZa&b&t.sJt'