- S-JFfl'l ,pq rs,r BSAii - Z- fe . . -f ,v b&- tlilrti; test time &1?. Troilllig, free-fur all: V. H. Biltey vrjou, KlauiHtli riTiul, Dclco third b&t time, 2:27. Running, mtle turn filxiteiith: legal tfoii, Mhty Morn wioiid, Oregon Kclipse third; lime l:fil. POPULATION OP WYOMINO. Washington, July 13.A bulle tin Issued Saturday ly tlio census office, on tlio population of "Wyo ming, by tlio minor civil divisions, shows n population of 00,705, uii In crease during the decado of 39,010, or 192.01 percent. In all (ho coun tics of the state Inrgo Increases ore shown. The largest Increase was In Crook county, where the Increase wag 878.1M per cent, and the smallest In Albany county, where tlio in crease was 01.03 per cent. Aiujiona's population. The bulletin also made public the ponuluiioti of Arizona. The popula tion given I 60,720, an Increase dur ing the last ten i ears of 10,180, or 47.43 per cent. Apncho, Yuma and l'lnia counties chow u decrease oi 1002, 4333 and f 1 1 ripecll vcly. The decrenfcis In Apncho and PJmn coun " ties Is duo largely to the dt crease In their areus, made by the crwitloii tl other couiitic. The lmeBt Increase was In Cochise county, viz., C038. WMPPBDIO UIIAT1I' Ancxima, Tex., July 13. A disso lute limn who mado Indecent pro posals to tlio who of a respectable citizen of this own Saturday, was caught yesterday, fctrlpptd to tin skin nnd a black-snake whip applied so vigorously (hat tbo man will dh. Because of tho sympathy accorder' to Iho negro slayer, J. 8. Love, Monday, by two colored brethren, nil tho negroes have been warned b. the white clllzons (o leuvo town In ten day, under severe penalty. KAINS IN A08THALIA. Meluouiink, July 13. Tho heavy and luecessant rains liuvo causod the overflow of tho Yurruyarm river. Ballroadsaro blockaded and thous midTot pooplo nro rendered homo lent. VIKK AT NAPA. NAl'A, Cal., July 13. A houso be longing to II. Bachellnder, two miles west of town, caught flro last evening und was burned to tho ground. Mrs. Fanulo Ilooger per irtkod u tho flames. ANOTIIKK TUU8T. UuiOAcio, Juuo 12, Final steps wero taken Saturday In tho forma tion of mining nnd smelting trust", which foreign capitalists and mem bore of tlio Standard oil mid lend trusts arc said to bu Interested. For several days, Munnger Franklin, of the Niagara Mining and Bmcitiug Company, of Utah, has been hero In telographlu communication with tho promoters of tho project, which kaiiHlouof all tho lead, stiver nnd gold-producing milieu in tho Utah bait. Among tho backers nro said to bo companies in London nnd Brussels, tho manager of tho Btau tlnrd Oil Company, several members nf Wd trust, nml J. 1'iilon. brother- f IV. In-law of J. Gould. A number of XtJS properties held out until today. These, it is snm nroiiiouian, ijive Pine, Indians, Miller, Climax and Upanlsh groups, It is asserted .he combine will co.Urol tho largest lead-producing mines In tho world. Tlio company will at oneo Increase its capital stouk from $2,000,000, to 110,000,000. Tho claim In inndo that tho consummation of tho deal will nmko Mm Bait lako valley tho smelt ing center of tlio United titntes. KANSAB KAItJt MOHTUAOKS. ToJ'iciCA, July 12. Tho Kansas farmer' alliance yesterday appoint ed a committee of three farmers to ascertain the amount of farm mort gage indebtedness In Kansas, and then go East and negotiate with ouo or more companies of capitalists for their payment or renewal at u reduced rnto of interest. Tho object is to do away with tho middlemen, who have been getting exorblant commissions from both borrower and louder. FATAL ((UAllltKU JlthbiNas, Mu ut., July 13. J. It. Dllworth, prwildent of the Dllworth Catt'o company, was shot mid killed nt his much 100 miles southwest of hero, by Qua. Domor, n young 1'Vnohiiiiin. Tliu murdurvr has been nrreutcd. Tho nhootlug grow nut of a quarrel uvor u land clulm. r-UTHQl!AKK IN BAN FUANlUoCt). San Fiianiiisco, July 13. A Mn globut a heavy shock of earthquake occurred Saturday mornlug at 34)1 o'clock and lasted thrto seconds, Thu direction of vibrations was nUrthcast nnd southwest, nearly. TIIK AM1JUK1AN 1100. Br. Pavu, Mum., July 13. Tho Clernmu governiueut has sent a of Jlcml to this oountry to Investigate tii pork fiuustloti. Ho Is Dr. Do )oIfl)i who now lu St.l'aul says Mm few or reforenco to nmrtfettonlu ex WMlnallons oh I found hi una here Is tlfctory. It thoy continue (u xvcute tho law In Mm same manner in wliloh It Is now heinir oUservwl tiw time will not ho very far dUtunt rtw? In the opinion of experts Mm pw4flotlou policy will ho tihutidoiied wrfAwerlcattpork borrow to dilor Umimau and other lowlgn nurhua. Afw)ttN:n, Mu.WAUK,4ul13.Thelidttial ...1. n..t II.... - ...... .- .... I..... .l. mm vi iimiij nan AWU W,00). lIuulllMea MtfctMHA'M. yAXMMtfe Vmox, July .V-lf. C8iart and vg, bMtfcw Mt Oim.da, N. , huvo ih&A ft lerg Mn. Tho liguivn um wwr ' 4 (wt.Ku. " "IWWh" bland Kh urwm RAIL ROAD ACCIDENT. Democrat of Ohio in Conven tion. MORE ABOUT TUB ITATA. Insurance Company Suspends, Ri diculous Affair, Killed her Hus band, Fire at Portland, State and Foreign News, Etc. KAILIlOAII COLLISION. Aspen, Cclo., July 13.- A horrible railroad accident occurred nt Aspen Junction last night. A special train was backing from tho water lank to the switch to tho Aspen track, when the rear end of a passenger coach crashed Into an engine coming out from the round-house. Tho cucck valve on tho side of tho boiler was brokon oft and tho hot wnter and sieatn poured Into the broken end of the passenger car, horribly scalding thirteen passengers Ave men, seven women and one child. All thatwns possible was done to rellovo tho suf ferings of tho unfortunates. Tho disaster was probably duo to in error of Judgment on tho part of tho "hostler'' bringing tho engine out from the round-hoUse. He thought to clear tho main track be fore tho passengcrtrnln reached him, mil was pushing his engine nt a high rate of Bpccd. Just nt the coal ciiutohe struck tho rear corner of the passenRcr coach, tearing a holt in It and ripping tho valve from tin Miglno. Torrents of scalding steam tiul water poured In upon tho victims, and of lweuty tlvo passscngers In tho coach tlirei colored men lu tho foaward apart ment were tho only ones who cs caped without Injury. Tonight the remainder of tho Injured are rest ing quietly, with good chance of re covery. Seven persons wero scalded to death. Thirteen wero scalded In all. It 1b now reported that nouo of tho Injured cnu survive. A party of Midland ofllclals hnvo Just reached hero from tho scene of tho accident. They mndo a preliminary examina tion. matooitATs OF OHIO. Oi,nvi:iiANi), July 13. The dole gates to tho democratic stnto con vention nronrrlvlng hero and Indica tions nro that tomorrow will witness tho lamest (fathering over assembled in tho Buckeyo etato. Although tho nrollmlnory meeting of the commutes will bo held tomorrow, tho convention will not bo hold uutll Wednesday. That Allou W.Thur man, son of tho "Old Itotnnu," Is to bo temporary chairman, Is nppar entlonll except tho friends of the other candidates, and also that Governor Caninboll will be ro nom Ina ted on Mm llrst ballot although tho friends of.Lawreiico Neal insist that their candidate has a Auditing chance. Governor Campbell's friends arc complaining of Mm circulation of a story to Mm ellcct Mint he contem plates declining the nomination after wlnulm? the llchtnud that MieCaino- boll men nro then to throw Mm nom inatiou to McMahoiiJ Dayton, Tho story has reojlved no general cro- donee. Tin: ITATA, San Dlixio, July iy, Another step In Mm Itata case was taken this afternoon. The arms and ammuni tion on board Mm vessel were formally libeled by Marshal Uard. The first libel was ugalnst vessel. IN8U11AN0H COMPANV SL'SPHNDa. l'lTrHiiuua, July 13 Tho Boat men's Flro and Marino lusurauco company, of this city, organized In 1805 decided today to wind up Its attaint and go out onuulness. itlsks nggregatlng $9,350,000 aro assumed by Mm Norwich Union Insurance society of Knglaud. Tho stook company has not paid dividend fur llvo years uud the stockholders deemed it best to oloso up to save further loss. IttmCUXOUfl AVt'AUl. HiUMiNUiiAM, Conn., July 13. Ilmtttngioti Center Is still greatly agitated over tho action of tho sex Ion and warden of St. Paul's Kplsco pal church, in having Ollu 1. Bliol ton arrested for ringing Mm church bell July 4, uud Mm sexton and warden aro Mm Kubject of much ridicule. All patriotic citizens and Mm women and girls of Mm town aro on Bliolton's side, Tim tlrat out burst occurred yctderday morning, when Mm proprietor of tho town hall Informed Mm warden that the churuh could never again rout the hall fur any purpose, unload charge against Bholtoii wro withdrawn Tho next shot camo from Mm young ladliNH of Mm church, who ero nil friend f BheUont and who In formed Mm paUr they would uovur ngalifhtuiht In ft church entertain mtuit uulesi Mm chargo wo, with drawn. Tho vlilugu lurlwr said he would novcr again shuvo either Mm warden or mutton unltita the churgvt wero withdraw. Ah a coiisisuioiKt Mm warden bo withdrawn the , llh), but , tvxXoli u , oUlliral, mwumi u oUt ou Ull, !mj in rvcelviiK congratulatory titjor mul idrvnia and ollVro of . . m . . imin irom lawyen. , PnTSiiuiui, July 13. Mr. Murttti FArroll, caMhy woman of this oily, wait nrratUri lat night on a vliKrgo of poWmiliijK Inr huxiud. 'llw twtuilc wero iBaMlod Uim ttw "lr. . i on. ( i .. emln Mrs. Farrell, which she has jicr elBtemly held in ner own name Pome time ago they parted, but Saturday made up the quarrel and spent Mm night In drinking. Yes terday morning she gave her hus-b-ind u bottle of beer, In which, it is alleged, she pitta quantity of paris green. Ho drained (he bottlo and Is now dying. A quantity of Mm poison was found In the house and a considerable amount on her cloth ing. STATE- KIIIB IN I'OUTIiAND. PoitTLANU, Or., July 13. At (wch'ty minutes past eleven Satur day nlgh't a flro broke out In Clarke and Waterman's Factory at the east approach of Morrlcon street bridge across Mm Willamette river. Before the department arrived the flro was beyond control aud Mm structure burned to the ground. Tho bridge WDSBlIghtly damaged. The build ings, wero worth about $2000, ore a total loss, and the bridge Is damaged to Mm extent of about $200. The buildings wero owned by Joseph Packard. Clarke & Waterman's loss Is between $6000 and $0000 ami they carried but $1000 Insurance The flro was probably Incendiary. DKATK OK CAPTAIN 0 11.51 AN. PoitTi,AND, Or., July 13. Captain J. M. Gllmau, a well known pio neer resident of this city, who ha. been In poor health for some time, died of heart failure at 11:45 yester day forenoon, aged 05 yesrs. Cap tain Oilman was a native of New Hampshire and came to San Fran cisco lu 1819 on a ship which bought out tho machinery, etc., for the flrsi steamboat which ran on the Sacra mento river. Ho put the machinery on the boat and acted as engineer In her for somo time. IIo camo to Portland in 1852 and since that time resided hero continuously. Ho was an engineer ou river steamers here In early days, aud was afrsocioted with Mcsscrs. Alusworth, Heed and Thompson In organizing Mm Oregon Steam Navigation Company. He accumulated considerable property, among which Is tho hotel ou First street which bears his namo. i PUAI) IN JAIL. FoitTiiAM), July 13. John Duly a prisoner confined In the city Jail wuh foutid dend In his cell this morning. IIo was serving n son to n co for druiikeness. It Is thought death was duo to alcoholism, aueitai: kkancis tkain. Portland, Or., July 13. George Francis Train arrived today on his circuit around tho globe. Ho has boon on tho road sixty-ono days. Ho lolt this afternoon for Pugct sound. FOREIGN. VIIOM GUATEMALA. Citv of Mexico, July 13. Ad vices from Guatemala says: Infor mation from Quez'dtoiiago, says the mountains nro full of discontented men organizing for war. A dispatch from Ban Jose, Costa Men, sas rec iprocity with Mm United States is considered necessary and all con cessions asked for will bo granted. FOUR MONTHS' IMPJUSONMUNT. Wins it a i) i:n, July 13. Mrs. O'Neill, who shot aud dangerously wounned her husband In May last, has been sentenced to four months' Imprisonment. The couple had not lived together for four ycaia past, aud hearing ouo day that her hus band had Installed another woman lu his home, slio called and shot him. I'HOM SOMOA. Ban Francisco, July 13. A let ter received by lust mall from Samoa by a prominent merchant states that O. DoCedororanz, ohlef Justleo has nut as yetopeucd his court and It Is reported complaints have been sent to England regarding Do Ceder- crauz luellloleuoy. Mnlleto as ruler commands Mm respect of foreigners but the fact that M dleto Is a pro tectant while the majority of Sa moaim nro Catholics tolls against the king. Tho native Sauinan army ai Apia consists of seventeen mun who arc trained lu military taottu by a German Lieut. . . .i ii Are Yon (loins Haul ? If so, be sine and m that your Mokots read via "Tim North Western Ltim." The U. St. P. M. & O. Ry Tuls Is the grent short lluufrom St. Paul or Duluth to all points east and south. Tlmlr iiingnllleent track, pcor!cM cutlbulcd dining aud sleep. Ing oar trains, and their motto, "always on Mine," lias glum Mils load u national luputatlnn. All clauete of piisnongers aro curried on Mm veatlbuled tr.Mus without oxtm uhnrMC. All Mokut ttgeuttt toll tlokeU via Mils lino. Ship your freight and travel nvur Mil' famous road. W. 11. Mai, Gen. Agt., No. 4 Wash. St, Portland, Or. A, J, Lhlani), Truv'g Agt. .Netior. Notice Is hereby given Mint I lmvo puivhaied Mm stock lu tmde.tlxturw uud book debts and accounts of Jainw Dtfiiliam (Nt., us Stnto strowt, Saluiu, Oieoii. All turtles whoowtt aeoount ti Mm niJ James DeuhnntA Co., avIU plouooall nt Mm Htoro and bttloal ouoe. All ftcoountsTemuinlng uiuettUd on 1st I'rux. will Iw pkioud with my at twney for colkHdh.n. I have pi. gaged as my olerlt In Mm tnro Mr. Vtv Dv-nain unttl I Muni ftwn thowsiwhlo'i will lie tmi An?, lllh .Salem, trv . JK T, ISQl. T8U.v. 1 J n minci. HauunookB, IVnu uud Camping tM!UutUwj,F, BmlMi', SHIMCETS. San Fjianciih), July 13 Wheat buyer lOONnfler August 1st J157. CIIIOAOO, Ills., July 13 At close. Wheat Is easy, cosh 80J 03J Sept. 851 Dec. 87. WEATHER REPORT. San Francisco, July 13 l'orc cast Tor Oregon nnd Washington, light talus along Oregon. W hat it Docs. Hood's Sarsapnrilla Purifies the blood. Creates an appetlle. Strengthens the ncrve. Makes the weak strong. Overcomes Mint tired feeling. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, etc. Invigorates tho kidneys and liver. Relieves headaclie.ludigestlon nnd dyspepsia. HUTKb AKR1VALS. "WILliAMITlTK" C H Miller, W II Clark, B Cowles J K Fortli, S F. Geo W Chamberlain, Albany, A II Thompson, It Wakefield, H and N Anderson, D D Olmstead, W S Jacobs, Salem, h 1j MtKeuzle, P Garrettsou, G P Morden, Portland. W H Smith, Oakland, Cal. II K Nelson, St Paul. J Moxtel, St Joe. G 11 Thurstoti, Eugene. J T Bowditcli, Ashland. Staver fc Walker baseball club. J Hersberg, ludeiiaudetice. W A Stewart, Wichita. J W Hansaker, Llnkville. G B Cannon, A OorlldKC, Silver- ton. R A Miller, Jacksonville. "cook." C A Hawkins, S F. FGadell, John Mabel, Tiicoma. W Kestcr. Coiide, Dak. A Richard-, N Y. W E Gregory, steamer Man Zdidta, L Fullertou, S .lotu. C Barntzko, W E King, J W Muterbaugh, Portland. M Nolan, Woodbuin. N L G illoway, Eugene. S M Volnt, Dallas. J Y Pettlnger, J J Meebau, W U Tel Co. J R Guynes, J G Ouyncs, J N IlaUey, Corsicanuu, Tex. HTATEOPClIln.ClTl (if TOLKDO, I IjIJCAH LOUSTV. TllANlv J. UHBNFV muliOl' oath tfint lie imhoeetilor partner ol Hip firm or V. J. I'licuyy A (Jo . dolns; uusltiewi la tho city or Toli-Jo, i ounty una Htuie ftliiraald, nnd that mid linn will pay tlio kiiim of one hundred, dolnm for ijncU and ovmy oa" of Uatarili that cannot bo cured bj Iho use of llull'a Catarrh Uuio. Khank J Ciicnbv. Hwoin to before mo mid nubscilbcd In my nri-kOiiu, thlHdlti day of Inr-tr.ber, A I)., l&so. A. W. HI.EASO. ( , . Notary Public. JSKA1. Hall's Caturrh Cure Is In'tcu In- U-rnully and acts directly on the blood and iiiucoub surfaces of the system. Scud for testimonials fiee. F.J. CHENEY it CO., Toted.., O. Mflyriold by (iiutrirhtH, 75c. Look Hi:ri;, Any person who bujs a tot fiom me this week, I will make n present of a uew suit of clot 1km, or to'ttiiy lady 1 will given $10 du-i-s. Monroe Nye. the n-i.l es tate agent, over Boothby & Co.'s clothing store. 0 8 If Quick tlino and tnrough trains uilered puHrngera and sldpp by the Chicago, Union Pacllle ANSilh western Line, San FraucUco and Portland to Chicago. cod Aug Tins finning I, inc. Tim Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwestern Lluo oilers the best accommodations to tlio traveling public en route from Sail Francisco aud Poi Maud, Chicago. Through trains, fast Muif, magnificent sleep lug wire, o'ogant dining carr, colonist sleepers, reclining chair cars and handsome day coaches, eod Aug. Passengers dimtiued to Mm promt ucnt cities cast of tho Mlssouii rlvei should patrnuiotho Chicago, Union Paclfloit Northwestern line. Mag nitkoutPullmau and Wagner sleep lug cars, olegant Pullman and Northwestern (lining cars, fieo ro cllulug chair em's, handsome da coaches and comtoriable Piilliuai. colonist sleepers'. eod-aug Buy Mm light ruunlug Sluger nt 327 Com morula! strict' eod MloaTliorntun will receive vooal, lutruumnlal aud lauguago punilt during IhtiL. sunimer. Alt applica Moat received Wedneuday after noons. U18 Cottage street. 0 16d lm Shlppors.conslgn yourtlnm fivlghi via Mm (Chicago, Onion Pacific A North vtornllo. eod-aug Suiircme Court .Salkji, July U, '01. Ilardwiek, s. State lusiiniuc U'lmpeny, furmer Judgdmeut modi lied to as to rmutuid thu cco to tin court below for further piuceodlugt iNt inoi.nslsteiit vlih the opinion rendered lmratoforo tmreln. Mnishall vs. Williams. Time foi filing petition for rolita ring extend ed to Sept. 1, 1801. with luAVtt U withdraw Mm testimony for th pur poae of preparing tho petiliou, Further ordemd that a copy of Hi. jH'tltlon Ih) forwnl on (uU'rs... ivuty Adlouravd Mil Wndim-day, 1, 1S01. iwm mif nuniTwrnnMifiTirimiiM ii w irwn in miwijui PRICE'S freanijakirig ly mPawtif.r XTd iu Million of Homes 40 Years the Standaxd. TO CROSS THE OCEAN IN THE SKY A Ilnllonn Without rueii6m S" llo StHfled on n Trnnnllnntlo Trip. To cross tho Atlantic U tho enterpris ing mission upon which a balloon will start from Gennantown. Tlio balloon will not carry any passengers, but it Is Intended to pilot tho way foramonHter airship that will carry nt least two voy agers. Tho inventor of this now airship Is Charles P. Fest, of 4.C55 Lena street, Gennantown. Mr. Fest has been working on the problem of aerial navigation for the past fifty years, nnd la now convinced that ho has solved it. -lie is an emi nently practical business man and work at his invention nt odd hours. Ho has triod every sclicmo ef aerial navigation that has been suggested in tho past dec ade and a half, aud has reached tho conclusion that all schemes of propul sion by machinery are impracticable. Tho air currents, In his opinion, form tho only motive power that can bo re lied on. Tim balloon which Mr. Fest has now projected Is on tho old princi ple of the hot air ship. Tho experimental machine that will bo started across tho Atlantic is com plcted, and b an exact model of the larger ono that is expected to later carry over the inventor. Tho hot gas that will Inflate tho bag will bo generated from gasoline, which is chosen on no count of its enormous volatile propor tions and great lifting power. lu tho completed machine tho gaso line will bo carried in a rectangular tin can, holding exactly ten gallons. A small tube runs from tho can to an up right brass pipe, about 8 inches in di ameter and about 6 feet long. This pipe Is lined within and without with asbestos. It passes up into the gas bag, while tho tin reooptaclo remains below. Tho gasoline Is Ignited at tho tube that passes into the pipo near the bottom, and Uio llnmo shoots up tlio pipo to the top, where It is arrested by a cap. Tho bag is mado of a preparation of paper, and is rigged e.o that it cannot sway and como in contact with the flame. Tills flame will bo constant, and oxporience shows that the ten gal lons will last Just forty hours, or ten hours longer, according to Mr. Fest's calculations, than will be necessary to carry tho airship across tho Atlantic. Mr. Fest believes that tho balloon will mako the passago in thirty hours. Tho gas bag on the pioneer balloon measures 22 1-2 feet in diameter. Un derneath tho oil can has been suspend ed a copper buoy shaped liko a big top and weighted at tho bottom, so that it will float in tho water in an upright po sition. It is surmounted by an Ameri can flag, and Is suspended by a hook that will unfasten if it comes in con tact with tho water. This will bo filled with directions to bo roturnod if found. This will only become dotached in case of accident nnd in tho unepected ovent of tho balloon falling in tlio wa ter. In tlio largo balloon for passen gers it will bo made large enough to float tho passongers In caso of accident Philadelphia Press. l'roflt In Itom.et Mailing. Tho greatest mistake which amateur bonnet makers nro guilty of Is to use too many materials. Simplicity is the first thing to bo aimed at In making a bonnot. A grent many English Indies havo taken lessons in millinery classes for tho purposoof perfecting themselves In tho details of this work so that they eon manufacture their own hats. It is fcouiowhat nstonlshing to discover how trilling is tho cost of the materials of a very costly bonnet. Tliero aro very tew bonnets sold at Ufteen and twenty dol lais which cost tho manufacturer more than ono-flfth that sum. Out of tho enormous profit of 300 or 400 nor cent. mjpt bo counted the price of an establishment In Broadway or on Fifth avenue, tho wages of ex port trimmers and forewomen, which rnngo from twenty-llvo to fifty dollars a week, and of the army of small em ploycs. So it happens that the bus! ness of tho fashionable retail milliner is not altogether tho bonanza it inight seem. Tlio bills of fashionable custom era who deal at largo millinery estab liahnionts, rumor whispers, aro hard to collect, and not Infrequently they go to protest and judgment boforo they can bo collected. Now lork Tnbuuo. A Queer Wny to Urlulc Wine. The Spanish mountaineers drink In n curious fashion. Throwing back their heads, thoy raise tho wine skin in the air with both hands, and allow Mm thin stream which flows from tho pin hole in tho horn nozzlo to fail into their open mouths from a dUtnnoo of several inches. WiMi a bottle thoy inunnge to do thu same by narrowing tho mouth with tho thumb and forefinger. Tho motive of Mils procedure Is economy. In theso regions of high air, intense fntiguo and snow water, wino is at once tho most refreshing nnd Mm heaviest thing among tlio provisions. And they assert that, drunk in this manner, one litre goes as far in the way of refresh mont as three drunk in mouUifuls from a 3iip. It Is true; but tlio llrst offorts of tho duffer aro apt to end in landing Mm red stream in his eye or on his chin which Impairs tlio economy of the proceeding. Paul van Dyko in Scrib- tiers. A Had l'Uco tor It. "Yea," said Mm distinguished author to tho only hotel keeper mSqueehawk et, "i uuonu ro lay tim scene or my next novel ltre, and I thought I'd come and study tho local color." "I'm nfenrd you'll bo disappointed then, elr," replied tlio latter, "for there isn't a single colored person hi town." Iew ork Epoch. ROSEDHL Parlies wishing to build nice residences and in search of a beautiful locution with pleasant surroundings should visit ROSBDAIvE. It i3 located direct on tho Electric line to tho Fair Ground, the snow capped mountains, ML Hood and Mt. Jefferson, as well as the ever green hills of Polk county are in plain view. The site is unsurpassed and the whole tract is a beautiful green plateau. The High school as well as the North Stdem new building "aro within a short distance of this tract. aa? ,"jKsag5S5JHr jsmb as3Sss ra JL. Are now ordered graded at the expense of the owners. This property is now for sale by All Real Estate Men1 In this City, who will BAKER & STRANG. 302 Commercial Street few J ml " ' IlLtf I Greatest labor saving liiventiou va'itlesof goods from the finest eleuu, without rubbing or boiling, dest ructiveprocesa only soap and Siuiiu to anv person who w hi produce a lainuy w.i-iar equal to tlio JNISYV EKA lu the following peints: I'rhe. Jj.tbor Miviug. Hupidlty of wash ing. Variety of fabric washed. Cleaning ptrfeutly without damage to clothing. Simplicity and perfect con miction. Mie, weicht and dura bility. Satisfaction guaranteed or niraion roomy. JZ VS1 iSSu KIKFs'l IHmSB& Instnlln.ei.lh . lit tail, DO YOU FAVOR Building up a Strong, Independ ent Paper for the Peopla in Oregon ? A PAI'EllTIIAT YiuTN0T SELL OLT Printed at ilio Scat of Government LOOK AT THE HtCOllIl OK IHK CAI-ITA1. JOUIINAU During tho rceout ielnn or tho lrctslu tuiolt wnbtuoonly iirtpfrin the state thm iltiiclceil fciu.rluU i ha 1'orUuud dlolu (unjlilplnOreguuixilittctii. It sncce.rully ijH(o.'cil 8h douUwluK tlio Australian bullot iwln klioluterukUut ooillkul bjtke. Ii ndvoatted tlio law (ilnt lushfxl) kWId;; iho Orutu rullrui.U o mimlMilon iwwtir 10 Ixjuvthud ruuhouublu nit-s or freight inii imnw tottnfurie HsdccMont ltkut ovfuMv mlMHiuUJ iulemlt)u of Hie oid ralli-w.nl oomiulsitou hs best qiiilltltil io oiifoai' tho Ihw. It lfltorcd tor uli me.iv. urim loopau rheiiuid thussecure loihe pooplt- the rl);Ut Ui frcu uud uurestrlcU'U U,OUl III" WUtttrWHiH. nj t'LATroitu. TiiKLAriTM. Jolii.n.ii. iuorsa reform in tiHln.ii'.l itnau' t, i, thurhd that the prr-iu 'ul. inonopuly nyktein ol u..lil. I. x iu iu.1miu tieuiurenoy muy be uppl.i.ul bj tlio g .mmeutUsulu dl ciutli iK-oo'ie ui kUtMiuulekiipply 01 Iftil uu.i.ir inoury, wlthu coin baits suf tlolfiiil to utinforiu iu mu ml buuk.ni; prln elp.oii It :ur cliw.tuu of nil otllclaU ho IntUlaui for, or uie directly reoutl ble to the people, by dirtHit ote of tho pe- IiIh. Ittavoi ra sine nil suite reenues iy h tux uu the roxt Burnings of corpora Hans, botu Mrulifii uud ttulc it fuvors opcufiignil wntoitrujs to tne mmi and u ooutaiiof all.oiiiino.i OMrnors toihe end tut the pndoorhlUecur for his labor tho UtriMM net rettrus lfufevoi reiuluIncsJl noueranouillilo t UW baii&iufiheMoptesmd government In thelnutrwworttra inopls. circulate this paper. J'or taruit, . etKow uere. 11t lloruit llaoS. mM'i, L B; HUFFMAN, Mm Stable and Feed Ik Bttt Bx Sti art Ceml U th Ml. QuUt, (nrally hormu speutulty. tin nar W'lltaiuwte hotel ) SAMtM, - - - URBQON ffl Vi? tul, i n. &SWJ!?MAL PULa u MlJ. iblKvfl.-.luV fravniUiX 'vmr. wm juu 1S.V9V TT-1WT t .M 5 ress SB Psw tSJjglljKI hji !utj iviw n fi . KSSaSisSSrSA ,M V i n wWiSlB4,iiagS -TgaaaBsxcsv pasasa TcMasBE yi,w,W'mif f,mu K3gi 3bhssb( IscaGasgJ I -ill 1 e ready at any time to show !5!?H5552 A LAEGE SUPPLY OP THE best qualit'- of brick at the yards near Penitentiary. BURTON BROS., O-tlLMI, oiegoii. Stove?, Ranges, Furnaces, TiiAVtHe, and all House Furnishing Goods, Chimney and Sever Pipes, Plumbing. Purnps. Wood, lion and ' Buckeye Force Pumps. Pumps ror Orchard annying. MwlirallydraiilicCloilifsWasIior! in the 1 cutelu.ld line. Wtnh('tul lac to the coais-Ht carpe's, perfecth w .M. out the us-e of dieii.iuils or am vi.tu '1 lie (oiiipm.y owning it odors .money refunded Sole Agents for uw V- -T A"iJO A TV 1-1 rTXn. A TVTCS AND CJ L 1I: J. CJTA Nn TS 7?. l.ITCT,'. T n uyn pmnrn fi, a, $5 pet month up. Wholesale and P. H. EAST0N & CO., 310 Commercial St., Salem. Head Quarters for the Suluu Oichestra. dw Bmaaqg.wianMcajc, MKitiinirTip."-"-" A. J. SHIMP, M. D., Physicijin and Surgeon. Lalo ot I'hllndclplila. ELECTRICITY IS THE TRUE ENEMY Ufull ( luuiilc. nbetiniatlc, Blood, llraln Hud uurvous dheaes. livery variety ot f-ii.ule ilhenses yield to electricity after Hotheriuidesof treiitment havo failed, i hlrtcen years clinical experience. OBlce JSO Uuimnerclal utreet. 6213m ASOBVS El MARKETS, IW Stale street, SS0 Liberty street. North Nilem. W e are ready to fill aU orders for all kinds of ire hand salt meats We aim to iptho bet tho country affords. Free lelvtry. We desire to thank all our old "nirons for tt elr liberal patronage, hoplne th.-y will ktlll umtlnue with us. For Spile Cheap. I'M AC'UES OF LAND V mil's from Salem at f5 nor ncte. About nrrs own, balance timber. Good priue n.v. .,.iu.uwi, 4.XU.' WILL H. Opw House, Courtstreeu A. W, ULAfKFOKI). Home painting nm! taper banglne. Owdnwterlal and flrn-lij work liniy otueU Lsu-oideni.nlii., at FarrarV l. V. UKE&FR, Awnt. Hulwn. Orwrnn MOKEY! TV Lm m Km! rfc . 8t , 'ty MutMn.,,1. I "an t FEAR & H Ynli ON, SAtlCM, - - - or.Bur WT HU l J 1 WW INSUKArOK iiuli III i in 1 " fl tfa- ' ou.ullllrtpfc overlooking tho entire city l this tract to purchasers. 25c WanUolumn, Nwtlces Inserted lor OSIZ CUNT PB tlsemeut Inserted In thin uolnmn for less iiuiu iweniy-nve ccnis "ntLOW on beautiful Orrgon," Ilwacn.' I' nnd "Tucoma"iire thu titles tolhnull now and cburuil: p mn. ml roinpogltlnmP iur mo iHauonir'p,iiiiijo! vionn. uy irjauH S5 cents tneh. F(.r wilts t.t Diamond's Mn Bio House, 30S Conuiiciclnl stieet, Snlea. i. genenii siocit 01 musical n.ercnanalte. VTICELY fin nlnliert looms to rent. illhB X'l board, In ptritwintest rartofcltj.nwrj riiuuu uur ,ii,iH,-a-.j seiner hireci. oivutr TiinuK UAi.i.H- Jioney lonncd on MiitehoR ulwl leuelt nnd t.11 Ultirfc ni lerKoual proper! that can be stoicd In my Kafo or htoit. At llurr's Jewelry storl 1UU OMUU IICCL. 4-' l (.""OHHAlji;- Ui nt on. ucie of laud niiil 11 luMI ..till. .......I.... ...... 1 -. ..fl enullfnl li. ni 'r -i fwr n home lu-l quire in si kOiu in i. ci n i m. hand pu oi Asyium uremic alter tros-sinir hrldii going to Asj min. 4 si YX7ANTED. A sI'lialKli hh hous(keii'I VV by n widow lady In townorcounirjl auuiu). A,iin. x luif ,r a.iiii, ur. T7"AN'1ED-Po.lilon ns housekeepetj ,T iui hiuuii ur in u-iciieior, in cilj 0.A fl.tlint .. Ildif II.An .. n.ll.i nana l.. 9 Addiess U corner lront i.d Center streetii I IW iron BAIiK -Furniture of neatly nuj uiuuuuii:, uiru ucnuiiu luuhiy, uenitiuai fliger A11UI.JAK. A UONAHUK, S " 521 Iw Ui'sli A Hreymau Uloctl J. - -.." . "Ull., V.lb.,., A.. ,IJI XTtTANTKD-Oiir ngents make S100 to $Tu I a inouiii teniuj; oui goods, ou thel, iiitnis. w o w.int uumt..' and genem,1 agents and will take bacl. ull gondii 1.1 Mild If u count,) agent lulls to eitui $14 aud expenteabf em tlmn ouys'lilal, u geneiul agent less than J. '50. v, e wIL fccua lu.go illustrated circuliirs and letter with a special ollei to hull leuliory uiw plied lor, on receipt of8 onettnt klan pi. Apply lit OIK Hand net In oi the hom Addiess Kenuer Jliiuufuctuim!i;o.. I'ltu-i ourg. ra. IVdAwtf Marion Co. Normal Institute Thn i VilrH nnnnnl loclIah t . tt.u. county ormal institute, will bo helrt in llifl h ct Knliim c Viii.tl 1...... .. ....... ..i... Monday, July e; lbai, and will contlnnt three weeks. Itegular class woik will be done, uudw thn Yi l,i li ii .rot... n, nf.iMn I... ...AU1 .u. uraucucs uiugrt in our tchocH, and, if suttltleut uumticr desire It classes will Im ." iiiuuiiiijuib in nuiu i tie 1 1 iiuiuii, lu IUI z,rrz.:u,r-r",.r.r '"" ""n. UV.IUfUUV 'Wid.HiJ JJ luouujecuiDi me xvortnni inMttuto art! odaofprcseutinjctlicmto iiuplls, Tbeln-t BiiuwiBuutHCiu jor ifcacntrs only, bull ii ii "" iiiicu y in IfUCU, uiiuji icAi. uuukh onaii nrnnciiei. Trytft be present at tho beginning of lUeJnMtHute A Hnanfnna ftnll... ,..t.r.. .1. . heipdeiray tho expenses of the Institute. hnrriiTihaKlnrKn.ntir... .i.j - w. .u.vUb 4uiujutuun uuurewi County BuperintendentofbornmonBchooljj Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. WarmMeaU at All Horns oi tiicDay .ihiT.i...t:..Y""'' """'"ij,eui KmtA tt nrhllo 1nV.A . i 4 .lit a gooa substantial meal o ked In first- .tc J 'v Mweniy-nve cent per rrenl Tt I n W M n m Court etreet, htwecn Journal Office on ! COQK & "VOETH i Blouse nml Mjjn raintiug ! mJii flv:?,',r,"i' ).".i"''r..?.aP?in ..,-..., .... .ut -MiwuitC3 BU1U1IU OH wuimw Hur, itiniaie b. M. T, RINEMAN, dealer m; Staple and Fancy Groceries, and Willow ware. All kinds of'mlll feet iTiiiTk, ,Tu T',"'11 m ineir season. vi ?ifi. llil P'? for coatT Produce," e follatt ashore of j our liatronage. -u la State street E. C. CROSS, and Packer, .,5.,a,'y'."nConrt?'t'-Tbe bet init aellvered to all parts of the city. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OHEQOK. Bates, $2.50 to $5.00 per Bay. fhe bti hotel between Portland dBa Krnnotfcoo, Hrt-e!ass in nil iu appolnl mmx. lu uUm are served v't Choicest Fruits Capital City Itotaini OAiwa n the Wlltoinette VuUey. A, I, WAGNER, Prop. ar .' ( J, 0jflllli0 m 1 ' 'I' ' '1