re,T. ' fHlTLADt AND THE MIRROR. Fwyrexlty f Tlted White Try ing to Dodga Her HeUocUon. Many Jokes good, bad nnd fniMer-enfc-lwve been poked nt the Indies for tbe!r devotion to shopping 01110 0110 onto said tlmfc a woman hiw been known to forget lior own name whilo engaged In tlw fascinating pasUmo, and the statement lias found many believers, always, of course, among the tsterner kx. Whether nil tho ladles are oqually oblivious to everything is by no menns wsaisrAat n happening In n largo down town store may bo taken as hav ing somo bearing on tho babject " Tho store, which is one of tho finest In tho city, has a largo mirror com pletely covering tho rear wall, serving tho double purpose of ornamentation and protection by enabling tho floor walkers to watch tho ever moving crowds. Tho lady had been examining . nnd pricing fabrics until her brain was in a whirl, moving from ono counter to another, and nil tho whilo gradually approaching tho rear of tho store. At tho last counter, after seeing everything that wns to bo seen, sho heaved a sigh of regret and bethought herself of leaving. And just hero tho fun occurred. Her mind was busy with tho problem of whether shrimp pink or pea green would bo a match for her comploxion providing sho could purchase either, and sho was not awaro of her proximity to tho rear. Rather, she had an idea that sho was near tho front, and that tho largo and magnificent mirror was tho door. Sho approached it, and thinking sho saw somo ono coming toward her stepped to ono side. Her reflection, of course, did tho same. Sho stepped back. Ditto tho reflection. Then sho got angry. "Excuse 1110, sho said in tho clear, cutting tones peculiar to her sex when they wish to bo sarcastic, "are you'bo fond of dancing Mint you must induigo in it hero) If you lot mo pass I'll bo obliged." No answer. "Well," said tho now thoroughly aroused woman, "I'm going out, so you'd bettor stand aside." Suiting tho action to tho word, sho took one two three steps, nnd landed up against tho mirror. A little scream, a blushing woman hurriedly going in tho right direction this time, ngoncrai titter from tho cusS&iors and clerks, and tho comedy was over, Pittsburg Dispatch. Ulmt Ifnppnni If Vm Tuhe Arsenic. When ft slnglo doso of arscnlo in suf ficient quantity to bo felt has been (aken, colicky pains, bowel disorder land perhaps nausea result. In tho oourso of an hour after a poisonous doso has been taken an intenso burn ing pain is felt In tho ajsophagus and stomach. Tills spreads to tho entire anterior portion of tho lower part of tho trunk. A 6cnso of constriction nt tho throat nnd an acrid, metallic tasto ac company tho pain. Then vomiting and relaxation of tho bowels begin. As tho caso progresses tho symptoms In crease In intensity. Then comes a thirst that water will not allay, although it apparently increases tho stomach dis turbance. Tho victim groans nnd writhes. Now ho implores tho doctor to savo him. Then ho begs to bo killed and put out of pain. Tho extremities be come icy. Tho pulso Is small, feeblo and frequent, nnd tho breathing is labored, embarrassed and painful bo causo of abdominal tenderness. Tho surfaoo of tho body becomes dark and of that bluish color flint medical men call cyanosed. Violent cramps nud their torture, exhaustion becoinos col lapse, convulsions or coma ensue, nnd deaf) ends tho agony. This torture lasts eomet lines from flvo to twenty hours. In somo cases theso symptoms occur, but in a modified form, and tho doctor will apparently get tho better of the disease. Tho remission will bo but for a day or two. Then tho abdomen will swell and Jcy coldness wiJJ pervado the framo. Shivering will oecomo pro nounced trembling. Then cramps, con vulsions nnd death. Kansas City Star. An Ksthuato of Englund's Future King. To American oyes, especially thoso through which I look, Albert Edward occupies a very unique position. His strength is felt cverywlioro, nnd in re lation to everything. When ho bo comes king ho will hnvo no more power than now, except tho ability to sign pa pers and nppoint a fow friends to office. If ho has been merely a leader in so cial life, ho lias managed to impress himself so well- upon his peoplo that thoro Is not a man nor woman in Eng land who would not bo glad to eco him tho ruler. That is saying much for ono who lias been surrounded with great temptations from childhood, and who had no political power to endow bun with heavy responsibilities. His very position forced him for tho moment to tako upon himself tho light er obligations of luo nnd moot his peo ple on tho field Instead ol viewing them from tho throne. Ho coud only weigh liimsou and bo weighed outside of official life. Yet ho roso abovo that position, step by step, until ho mado his Influcnco felt all over tho kingdom by means of tho knowlcdgo ho gained by porsonal contact with tho world in almost every walk of life. If this does not ovldcnco a strong man, thon what does? Frank Burr in Lippincott's. Peoplo JJiiy Moro I'lower. "Ono of tho most encouraging things I see," said tho confirmed optimist, "is that tho dwollors hi great cities are coming to regard flowers as a necessity and not merely a luxury. Until a year or two ago fow flowers wero grown in winter, and ninny of theso withered In windows, as tho florist was obliged to charge great sums for them. Now ovcrybody buys flowers, and oven thoso who dony themselves tho delight of purchasing liavo tho pleasuro of seeing them offered in tho streets." "It always hurt dm so In thoso old days," said n gentla voico In tho optlm Ufa nudionco, "to think, whon I bought n bunch of roses, that I was paying for at least ono other bunch which had faded unsold. Now that so many flowers nro bought, very fow propor tionally aro wasted. This is almost as comforting to ono"s feelings as it is to no's purso." P. A. Kessour in Kato Field'n Washington. An Apt Itcbuko, There is n Unitarian clergyman who Is not without a power of keen retort, and who is nono tho less gifted with tho graco to command his tongue rather than allow Ids tonguo to com mand him. Ho lias in his congregation ono of thoso women who make a pre tense of frankness an excuse for rude ness, and who are given to boasting that they aro plain spoken, wjien the truth is that they aro simply ill bred and in Solent. This especial lady is wealthy, and there aro not many in tho list 0 her acquaintances who duro rebuke her. albeit they do together console each other for tho wounds thoy suffer from her tonguo by abusing her roundly. It chanced that ono ovenlng tho lady and tho clergyman wero partners at whist nt the house of a common friend, and so successful wore thoy that they won almost every gamo for tho even ing. Llko peoplo who aro fond of hav ing tholr own way, tho lady was in high humor over tho success, nnd when the play was over sho pushed back her chair from tho table with tho char acteristic and graceful remark to her partner: "You do play a good gamo of whist, Blr. Blajik. If you only preached as woll as you play whist it would bo a treat to go to church to hear you." Tho clergyman was quito equal to tjo occasion. Ho kept his tomper nnd his fneo under perfect control as ho re plied: "Thank you, Miss Sharp; but you know anybody can learn to play whist, while genius nnd good breeding come by graco of God." Hoston Courier. HARRIETS UY TELEGRAM. PORTLAND. Wheat Valley, Jl CO por.ccntnl. Flour standard, tliZ't Walla Walla J50U; Oatn While COo to (Bo per l)tlhel. .Mlllslumi-Hnin 21; u3ttg, f to 20 ground barley, f3? to 51; cnopfecd. $30 mlcldllngH, $:, per ton. JIay-J(inperton. "utter Oregon fancy dairy, 22;c: lancy creamery 27; good to falr.17022; Cali fornia choice 21 to?;. Kggs-Oregon iBc per doz. Poultry Old chickens, JO. Potatoes GO at 70o per ccLtnl. Chceso-Orojou, 11 to 13c; Cullforum lie Sugars Golden 0, c: extra U, 1; dry granulated, f oubu, crushed and Pow dered, CJc per pouud. Beans-Smalt whlto, 3Jcl; pink 3$; bayou, ; butter, 4$c; limus, yta. Pried Frulls-.TJie market Is firm. Quo Que ted: Italian pruuos, 11 to 12c; 1'etlto nud Uernmii.lOo per pound; ralslm, $2 35 por box; plummer dried pears, 10 to lie; nun dried uud factory plums, 11 to 12c; evapo ralcd peachoH, 18 tofl'c; Smyrna figs, 20o; California figs, Co per pound, Ulro (r per pound. Hides Dry hides, h)4 to Oc; He less fin lulls; green ,ovcr 65 pound1), 7c; under 63 pounds, 2c; sheep pelts, 30c(3$1.23. 8MOKED 11RAT8 AND LAW). Eastern hams, J2 to !3o; breakfast ba con, 12 to 13c; sides, 0 to lOp; Inrd, to 'iyta per pound. SAN FrtANClSCO. Sajj Fhancisco, Juno 11. Whcnitue rook opened on aquleter market. No. 1 whilo, J1.0SK per cental. HopsiOiijiaOo per pound, llarloy Feud II Wl MJ por conta) jliolco $1 OC; common grade i 45. Oats-Gray Jl ft.' to 1 07; black (1 82 to 1 85 per cental OnionsSi to !'. Potatocs-,75o to 80. MLSOkLANEOUB MARKETS. CltlCAOO.Juno 11 heut, May J1.03;July 1.00K. lleel. Llvo, J0fl 33. Mutton Live, J1.50J8. Hogs Mvo, J160 S1.00 Vca 71 to 10c per pound. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, nil Subscribed, $200,000 Trausact n general banking business! In all 1U bruuehes OtXl. VILMAM8 WM. KWUI.ANI) llUOH All'NAUY... lfA4ilrf AM .Vlcn Presldeut . . .Cashier 1MRECTOKS: oi. Wllllnintf.V'm. I"" land, Dr. J. A. Kluhardsou, J. w. llolsou. J. A. linker. Hank In now Exchange block i i m inerrlnl street. Kl.-U First National Bant RAL.KM OIIKOUN. THE WILLAMETTE, SALEM, OltEGOJT. Rates, $2.50 to $6.0(1 per ny. 'I he best hotel between Portland ondSan Francisco. First-class In nil Its appoint ments. Its tables are served with the Choicest Fi'Uita ilrowu In the Wltlanicllo Valley. A. I. WAGNER, Prop. ! Proposals for Sups. WM. H. I.A1U h, -VH. J. IIKYMM.l'H, IOHN 4IU1U, . - J'rtHCi . Vice 1 uili!i:i - Httllr GENERAL BANKING, 1'lUliClSl" KxctiaUL'u on l'ortluud. t'lcn Now York, london nnd lfotic Kon bought nnd sold, fetate, County ami LH warrants bought. Farmers are (oidlalr Invited to deposit vnd transact buslun with us. Liberal ndMincis made 01 wheat, wool, hops and other property f reasonable rates. Insurance np such v curlly can be obtained at the bunk I: mart reliable companies. Capital National Bank SAIEM - - - OREGON. A. J. SHIMP, M. D., Physician nnd Surgeon. Ijilooll'hllndflflila.) ELECTRICITY .IS THE TRUK ENEMY Uf all Uironle. ltlieumutlc, Ulood, Uruln and nervous dlst-a-es. Uvery vniloty 1 fiimale diseases yield to electricity afler h11 other model of tre.iliueut have failed. Thirteen years clinical experjonco. Olllco l'A Commercial sUcet 6 2J3m MOXCY T Ll Upon farm pioperty nt current rates of lntcro-t. JOHN. A CA1WON, U'.niiH .'laud 4, 1idd A Uullding,Salom,()r. 42toinw Attornoy n. Uv, Hush Hank I'apifal Paid tip, iurplns, $75,U0l 15,000 CARTER'S ITTLE 11. S. WAM.ACK. - 1'resldeut. V. V. MARTIN, - Vicc-lTcsldcut. J, H. AL11EHT, -... CttfcUler. DIRtCTORSi W.T.Gray, W.W.Jlnrtln I. M. Murtln, R. P. Wallace. Dr. w, A.Cuslck, J. 11, Albert, T. MeK, I'atfou, To tanners on MADE wheat and other market Sick Ileadaclioand relieve- nl fho troubles Incl dent to a bilious btato of the system, such bs Di7ziness, Nauea. Uronslness, Distress after eating, Pain In tlio Bid. &c While their most rcmarkablo success 1 m been shown in curing if Ileadacne, yot Cmvi m t lAmr, Liver 1'ills aro eiiually valiialIc- in Constipation, curing and preventing thib annoying complaint, wlille they also correct all disorders of the stomach, stlmulnte the liver and regulalo tho bowels. Even If they only cured able produce, consigned or in store eiiner in private grananesor public waroljonMs, Slate and County Warrants Bought at Pai COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drultj drawn direct on Now Yoik, Chicago, Hai' Krancisco, Portland, London, 1'arls, BeiliL Hong Kong and Culcutta. HELLENBRAND'S Eating Parlors& Candy .Manufaclory, SOtS Commercial Street. ULuLOFKAHK: Ico Cream 10c , 15c. and 2"i cents Coflee, Tea or Chocolate and Cakc.10 cents Mush nnd .Milk ...!) cen'i I'lute of Soup 10 teals Hot Cakes Coltoo or Tea :15 cents HcefHtcik and Kgga , ,, 25 cents lork Chop and fcggs r,.......,23 cents .Mutton Chop and Eggg.....,.85 cents Venison and KgKsT.,.,... 25 cents Sausage nud Eggs ,... 25 cents 11am and Fggs.. 25 cents Fresh Oysters any style . 25 cents 25 Cent Regular Dinner Served From II to3 O'Clock A. nlco variety of vegetables, etc.. etc, Also tea, collce or milk with Pll 'M cent meals without extra ohargp, ' Choice Cipro, imported an Domestic, always on haud. Porter House Hteak and Tggs 50 cenu Tender lln Hteak and Kggs 50 cents EX K. HALL, Pajicr Hanger. Leave order at Globe Reo I Ks ta te Exrhan gi Jl Ache thoy would bo almost priceless to thoso who suffer from this distressing complaint) but fortunately their goodnes3 does not end hero, and Hioro who once try them will find theso little pills valtiablo in so many ways that they will not bo willing to do without them llut after all sick head fav Circuit Transfor System. A system Jias been designed to meet n now but promising domnnd for the U80 of privnto telepliono and telegraph facilities by subscribers whoso business with their correspondents at distant points will not warrant tho oxpenso of a wlro for their own uso exclusively. Tho now system transfers a wiro simul taneously at both ends from ono pair of subscribers to another overy flvo minutes if dcslrod. Tho scrvico is di vided Into segments, and If n subscriber and his correspondent aro connected at ono begmont they can communieato for llvo minutes each hour by paymg tho minimum Used yearly rental for theso facilities. Should thoy find that tholr business required ton minutes each hour thoy could bo connected to two adjoining segments, or, if preferred, to ono seg ment on each sldo of tho segment eir do, which would enablo thoin to com munieato for llvo minutes every half hour. Other subscribers would liavo tho lino for wlmtovor portion of tho timo thoy arranged for, tho object be ing to accommodate subscribers with wimiovur iacuiues iiioy cnooso to pay for. Now York Tolegram. Is tho bane of so many lives that horn Is where ho mnko our great boast. Our pills cure it uhlla others do not, CAnTKrt's Little Livrn Pills nrnverrfimnll and very easr to take One or two pills make a doso, Tliey nro strictly vegetable and do notgrlpoor purge, but by lhelrpente action please all who uso them, In vials at '45 cents; llvo for $1 Hold o ery whei e, or sent by maiL CASTES t'ESlCUIE CO., Mew 7crt i INBOHAIClr Company, Fire and Marine. U. W. HEELER, Agent, - Nleui. Oregor. BARK A POTZH, 247 Com'l St. - - SALEM. Garden Hose and Lawn Sprinklers. Aomplote lino of stoves and Tinware. ;Tln roofing und plumbing a hpecialty. Fstimates for Tinning and Plumbing Furnished. K. H. WESTAC0TT. Notico to Contractors. T iTlCE Is hereby given that sealed bids IN y!U bo received by tho City of Salem, uregou, at tho olllce of tho city sureyor ot the city of Salem at Salem, Oregon, untl II o'clock a. in., of Juno SO, 189, pit which tlmehald bids will bo opened ror the build, lug and construction ofa sewer lu block 7i audit.) of tho city of Salem and on the side of said blocks In accordance with tho Pro (lies, plnn and fpec!HcUlons thereor on Hlo in the olllco ot tho (.aid city surveyor. Kicli hid must bo accompanied by a de posit in favor of tho city of Halem, Oregon, in the sum of J100 ns a guarantee of good faith on thepaitofthobldder, which will bo torlelted by the city ot Ualem, Oregon, Inca'-oolfalluroofgoodl.ilth ou the Will of the bidder. The blank formoontrictaud tho bond the bidder will Bo required to extei'lo iu case his bid Is satisfactory to theclly of.alem, Oregon, Is also on flfo m the olllco of said city surveyor, nnd salri oud mint be given In the penal pum ot 51010 with two good and sufflcent sureties, to be approved by the mayor pi the city ol Salem, Oregon. Tho cty ofsalom, Oregon, reserves tho rrioctnnv nr nil hi.u iw.n, byorderortho.CommoniCounollofthoclt' ol Ualcm,0reL'nn. M.W, GOQDELL, Recorder. rnnE noAiin or TntjsTEEs of the ore. I nrn SUte lnne Asylora Invl fs if.Ied np,pofil for furnishing t the Mylnm. ner Sslfin. Oregon, the following utipplles for the oil mouths ending Dec. 31, 1891. OilOOEIUE3. fn MV Ida T.T.1 Iftlt. flOU ' od rrckcrs. extrs fresh. 100 mllln. Cl loose. 10,00(1 gnlilrn O sngtr, 100 lbs ocki. fOOO ' urtuulated 400 ' cheese, Cranf Ion's or good. 000 ' norniunl, Oolil Dust, fresh ground, bills. 2 ',00 ' cracked whett, fresh ground, bbla. itAK) ' re hominy ' ' 2500 ot niesl ' ' ' 1800 ' rolled oats, American, frcah ground, bbls, mo ilrlp.1 rurrnnls. 180 ' C k Go's A ft I! brand carb soda, 100 ' micki-rol, eilra mesa, '01 catch. MX) salt salmon, ' ' 4oeo ' cholro island rice No 1. !HiO ' bnutltss codfish, Tacino coast, 1IX) cream tartar, J A Folgcr's,prlnio. ll'O ' gloss starch, Oswego. (ilO corn sUrcli, Oswego, 10 gross matchessuperior Safety. M do; brooms. 12 dos cans oysters. SO doz conctntrated lyo, American. 10 doz cans corn, l inslow . 100 lbs tapioca. 1P00 gala extra golden refined syrup, S0O coal oil, Pearl brand In tanks. 200 ' molasses, Orleans, extra, 10 bxs raiccaroul, No 1, (I ' vermicelli. 2 doz bath bricks. lffl lbs germea, Bpcrry's new procesa, liii ' China starch. ildoz whisk brooms. bxs blue ultainarlng L , mop rags, mop sticki. do clothes baskets, willow, large size, square end. dust brushes, M I, & Co 7 II. Worcestershire sauce, L&rqbi. pure Lucca oil. A 11 ' scrub brushes Np IS. ' Eureka pipci; palls,. O.'It.Hbllokpoppir, 0 ', glug. r. 30 cinnamon, 60 ' mustard, 10 ' mace. VINKOAIt. 800 gal puro elder vinegar, 40 gralus. CltOCKEKY. 10 doz glass tumblers. 2 ' syrup pitchers. 4 1 gal pltoliaia, W Q, 13 1 (jt soiip bowls, 2y I teacups and saucers. WO. 4 ' platters 10 in. W O. 12 ' dinner plates ' 10 ' vog dishes Sin 4 ' lanteru globes. 0 ' pie plates, yiowt. 100 bUls more or less, best roller livereil as wanted, DRV dOODS 1200 yds Nashua XXX bleached. 100 '. l-!l krg Iliirden s front horse ahocs Ko B 100 ft each 1-4, MO, J, Norway Iron round 3 Ihs each 1-3 and 3-4 la copper rivets, for bells 10 rod lead. "" 10 ' each H and 1-3 in blank nuts, 0 ' wrought Iron washers 1.9 Inch, 1000 Ibi blacksmith coal. S gal asphaltuni Tarutsh. 3 pkga each 4 to 8 tinned rivets. 1 keg lOd "Wire ualls. 1 ' each 20.1 and 40d cut nails, 2 doz wrought steel bath). 2 palls Mica ails grease. 0 hanks sash cord Bllvcr Lake No 7, 1 gross tacks 4 doz 6 oz, 8 oz 13 oz. 4 doz table knives, Iron handles, GftANlTEinONWAnE. 2 doz vgato flat skimmers No IS 0 M, 3 ' ' banging soap dishes No (1.1, 2 n & W enameled seamless water pitchers No 4. 3 dox agato basting spoons No 30. 2 ' extra strung dippers, No 10. 1 1-3 doz agato oblong pmhllng pans No IS 2 ' wash basins No 30. 1 ' flax flbro slop palls No S, TINWARE, 3 dor. qt dippers XXXX tin. IIUTTKR, 800 lbs per month, more or less, of butter of host quality, to bo furnished in such quan. titles and at such times as required, for ono )ear, ' DRUGS. 1 lbs Acid muriatic, OP, PRINTING I NK tV m.... teiWVffi'S! luenuite, price If RIL v- i! . s ".SW - --. process, de- canton flannel, un.t 2000 yds Aiaoskeag mariners stripes, blue aud fiOO yds Lonsdale fine sheetinc. 30 Inch. COO pcquot cotton sheeting unbleached, 45 inch. B00 yds i.equot A sheeting, .10 inch. 500 American shirting prints, light colors. assort! d. ROOyds century cloth, dark colors, aborted. 100 ' yds continental check flume, black aud white. 200 yds red, aud blue check glars crash, 10 In Wll'6, 600 yds bleached linen nud French craBli, U 200 yds Amoskeair blue demln' Q os, om I Marseilles York MCbOo checks. 200 Amoskcag A, C A tloklng, 30 in wide 100 r.SUmkesu coraot lu.ia .lnir . ....!. col. Agricul- Feed and LIVERY, KoHi'diug Stable. Hay and oats told nnd delivered. Stable on Ferry street, buck ofPoslomye, Salem. Oregon. PltOFKSSIONAL CAKUS. J. J. H HAW. Jl. W.11UNT W. H. PRATT. QUAW.I'llATT.t HUNT, Attorneys i.l Ll l.iw. Olllce mcrC.'iDllnl MnMnniil fi.itib Salem, Oiegon, rpILMON FORI), attorney at law, Salem 1. Oiegon. Olllco up-stalrs In l'atton'i block, T01IN O'SIIKA. Attornev nt law. Itiuim t) over Cnpltul Nutionul bank. Collec iionsa specialty, Uorrespondouco solid ted 12. 'AROYitlilNUHAM, Attorneys nnd couuhelorrt nt law. 1 living nllulHtrilcl oltheioconiaor Mnrlmi OUUty.lUClUdlUcalotuncl hlnnU In.lnr im Salum, thoy liavo spcclul faculties lor ex amining titles to rc-ul estutc. llusiuess In the supromo court and lu tho state depart ments will rccolvo prompt attention. 11. K. 110NIIAM. 11. N. HAY1JHN W.H. HOLM ICS. IIONHAM, 1IOI.MKH A llAlllKN, AttOI- xj iic-ys at law. uiiico ill llusli's block, uotiu'cn Stutonud Court, on Com'l St. Dl R. W. B. SlOrr, Physician and our. gcon. Olllco in Kldildco lllcmk. s,i. iuui, Oregon. Odlco hours 10 to V2 a in. i I" I p. in. How Ho Lost Ills Alum Mine. DIckGelutt, stago proprietor of Doug las county, Nevada, enys: "Talking about yarns that aro told to (ho tender foot tourists, I used to liavo 0110 story whon I drove stngo Into Genoa. At ono point wo passed a high hill with a baro whlto spot that gleamed In tliotmn Uko a big piece of tin. Whon tho pas sengers askod about it I told thoni thin yarn: 'That, gontlomon, is my alum wlno all thoro Is loft of a beautiful prospeot You see, I struck tho gennlno Boulder Hill lodgo and ran a forty foot tunnel, when Just boforo sundown wo track a big body of alum. Wo quit work then, but when wo camo noxl morning we couldn't eeo a btt of mine zsept that bnro spot " 'Why what became of HP eomo fal low alway askod. 'Well,' I used to leply, 'you boo thoro was tt hoavy rain tiint night nnd tho wholo tiling puok fil up.' "St. LoulaiobO'Domocat, How Some Wonts lVero Derived. A stentorian voieo Is f hat of ono liko tho Grecian horald in tho Trojan war, whom Homer doscribesas "greatheart ed, brazen voiced Stentor, accustomed to shout in loud as fifty othor mon." A raglan Is a loose ovorcoat with long bleoves, such as Lord Raglan wore in tho Crimean war, Wellingtons aro boots named after tho Iron Duko. Bluohors aro also boots, natnod after tho coinmandor of Wellington's Prus sian allies nt Waterloo. Any magnificent tomb Is called a mausolouin. Mausolus, tho Carian king whoso namo it bears, had nothing whatovor to do with tho original ex cept to Ho In It whon ho was dead. The piety of his wife, Artemisia, gavo his namo to tho tomb and immortality to her husband's memory, because the monument eho built over Ids body gavo a word to language Tho mag nolia boars tho namo of Tlerro Magnol, professor of modlclno at Montpelller, Franco, In tho Sovonteonth oontury, and Dahl, a Swedish botanist, has hli nawio oiubalmod In tho dahlln.r-Har-por' Young Pooplo. QSPRICE'S Vmd im Milieu of Homes 40 Years tlie StaudauL ,T J.I'A'rrON, .M. I). I'liyslcluu and rSIf'. . "B"i omco uuu rcsldeiico lu t'.ldridgo biiK'k. oppoHlto Ooo..' drugstore, jpeclali&ion dUou-ieN ot women and dill, dreii.olironioand nrhulo dlaoiucs. Con. puliation Irco. nil. T. C. HMIT1I, Honttst.U-ijituto street, Mnltim Hi. . hI.i.a.1 .1 .. ,T "., w., t-uiinuvu MUIIUII lllC'ia ,,u,,a , uu'i; UCY.CT over1.-dehcrlnt Inn. 1 Ions a Hpecialty, rainier opera- WU. I'UGH, Architect, l'hiin, Spool , IH'Rtlons and HUpcrlutondencu toi all chides or biilldlngH. Olllco 'jyo Com merclal St., up htnlrn, S. McNALIiV.Arohllect, Now Himh lli'evmau block. I'luiikim.i .....iii,.,.. OIU Of all C'hlSUO! Of Of IllllllllllIrK on shnrl notice, ttupurliiteudonceorworkiirutnnth oo'itd after. Ufi-tf lion ? J-.?,eF UK'rijAND.ClvIl Sanitary and ill. Hydraullo Kngiiieor. 0. N. Deputy liincrai burveyor. City surveyors otilco Murphy's Hlock, Salem, Oregou. AX1W. M. J. 1'ArrON, Studio and Art HI (lalleryln Kldrldgo block, oppcwlt smltli'H art store. l.t.Mnn given, pictured lor wilo or painted to order. Ttiose inter ostod uro Invited to call uud Inspect the large collcotlon uf oil palming on exhibition. .HUMINKfcS OA11DS.I R.;V11.LA1U), Ulackmnlthand horkc- suuur, yu worn Kiiarauieca. Blioii A xl, muior. All work Kiiarautec on wtuto Ktreet, near court Umibo. GKO. UOtiYK. Uarber uud Hair drosslng imrlors, Kluest buthU the city, aw Coiiimervial Btrvot, Salem. W. M. DeHAVEN, Ming - and - Sale - Stable. Qrje dt)or wesf of Lunp:s Dry l?oods (.tore onUtato Htreet. Oulet family teams, cpec lalattcntloupaldto transient blodk. f:llf Jlids WniifcdSlnto uiral College, Tho Board of Regents of tne SUito Acri cultural CQtl'ae of t H-gon Invite tenders, hObaratelv, lor tlie stone basement, and for tho erection and completion of the threo-htory frame building ol theStudcnts' Hall. on theColletroKlirinilLCnrvnllla fr goti. Draw lugs -uid specifications will bo leady for inspection nt the olllce ofMr. V. D. l'ugli. architect. Salem. Ore inn. ns fnl. 35 doz pis ansiiCDderi. cood wnh l2 ?.'u'liey r(,(1 handkerchiefs 2t inch. o iiuch cauiDncoaKr, lailics, white w. uuutrr. 21 doz papers Wallace & Sons' Eagle plus n C 8 ' bxs hairnius. Kerhv hr.,,,1 white tape Washiiigtoa ho 12. medium 6ized thimbles, closed ends. No SO white thread, Clark's Mile Kud. ' lfi ' i i ' 3ChlacV ' 10 V Golf, black hrnl.l. 12 gross penrl dress buttons HnnQ, 0 gt agate buttons, white, No SO F D. 0 ' ' 60 ' 2 bolts white duck stnrk" 8 oz, C red oil cloth. 200 pa Milward's needles, 100 pa 2, 3 and 4, 100 pa o aud C. ' ELLIS & WHITLEY liveryme;n. Soutli of Willamette Hotel,. SALEM OREGON L B. HUFFMAN, Livery Shble aud Feed Yard. The Best Box Stalls sad Corra.1 n the I'lty, Quiet, family horsts a specially. (In rear Willamette hotel ) SALEM, ... OREGON MORGAN & MEADE, Truck & Dray Line. Uooil teams aud stronghold. prompt york Is oui J. H. HAAS, TI1E WATCHMAKER. 7 215 Commercial St., - Jilem, Oregon. (Next door to Klein's.) Specialty of Snont.-irlra nnd mn.iri.... Clocks, Winches and Jewelry. piCE ROSS, nincktmitlu, IX rcialrliiguiidoairhigi)Mo lu our employ Arthur Uliivo.a liorseshoer. tllvo us u trial. A. li Rtw A i leave n rtAKPlT-UYING.-l J cat iiei-sowlug iMttou uiuuul r child all kludsol or. Welmvo professional 4-11 HM1TII A CO., Contractor, Sewer- lir. L'ollittut rinlnwnlUa I v, ..,.,,, ..... te: All wiirbt linintiiiir li,,,,,, w.,t.. j.1! UNiveordornwltliDuguu Urcw'. IMt-i'iii OllMllllllL- or Huron A Kon, Illlike it sneciallv ni aud laylug; cariKitu IVIlll irrti.Lltr. llt.t,w. MTinuiiiuvni IUI )oi)ot Addition . Cheapest lots In town. 13 rold! since January 15. Call on RIGDON & ROORK Biisli-Brcyman Blorb MONEY! To Loan on Real Kstit Security, UulfdPuJoo?'00 BUlf" s-iVl0rH' Loa" FEAR & HAMILTON, SAhKM, r?.. Orogon. 6:13 dw " , v-r ar J. II. 1.111111 J.U. LUUUMAN. GEO. C. WILL, of Will Jlros., Albany nd Oorvnllls. Tianos, Organs and Sewing Machines. HKWINoVfAOIIIMKI UUd OHOANH RRPAIUKDAND CLEANED -At VQur Home AgeDt fot NortawMlliMiirttucaCo, Two iloomiiorttiofl'uiiiomce, hulem.Or. .No dlw aud uow Kirt rir nil cwlug Nucblue SWdw v ' '' 1'. t.,"A.'" tutmcur iul builder. O Hnolnld tluUlilug u apeelally a5 vommcrolat imi, .lalvm Oiegon. I tHiiTTvTTlUiUTr" UUcks'nTliU."""! jurti ui.tiu.cuiwgi.iw.uiuggic $i WILL BUY A LOT L ' Mmuof I,M. Itoiwlrtm .puclal. ' -t" HUimoVR y. HUop 8tt .trvet, co'miumli BL, w UldK IllO t DO fiOllt. to ttin,l nf Corviillls, Oregon and will be opened in follews: 1st. Kor tho stono basoinent on .May 2Sth, at 10 a. in.; and, 2d, for tin three story ibulldlng ou Juno Otli, lS'JI.nt 10 a, in. Tho iloaid of llecents do noi bind themselves to accept tho lowest o. any tender. VALIiI3NAgj. ,,. ,, Bwelarj- XonUb Hoard. Coryallls, Qr Slay pj, Igfll. Proposals for Iron Cells. riIHE board of public building commis X siouers Invite sealed proposals for tu construction of twenty lour tit) doublelron cells und thirty two fJ2) single Iron cells at the Oregon State 1'euilentiary. Vlans and specitleatlona ut the ofllco of SV. D. l'ugli arCliltot. Salem. (lr.irn -rino i-ii.t .n ' Jectuny or all bids is reset ved. illds wll. iMi.,1,. ,L,X xecu iveofflce.on Tuebdav July 11, 1891, ut a o'clock p. m. The paitj receiving contract must lurulsh bonds for faithful performance of same. HYL-VKSTOK I'KNOYEU. GKO. W. MclilUUK, 11111, METSUHAN, M. A. MUNLEV, Clerkof Hoard. (Wltd Notice of Dissolution ol Part nersliip. r no all whom It may concern. No'Ico I I hereby given that the co parinerhlt. nErt nE" ,1xi,,ue "etween Kiioc'h Air! uud tj le of Alny Hcnline.dolng bu"lnes 1n1'1i;2Ujett,ll''?iComineiclaJ blieet, li. lliocllv ot rinleni, Aluiion couqty, Oregnr, lfjeiU1J',U"l.lI;i:,lll80lVL'u. ut8 June 4 1MM. bald EuocU AIy assuming all debt ENOCH MAY. C. W. 1IENL1NE. Tor Sale. 20 acres of laud, all fenced, two miles eustpfSulemou the Garden Hoad.wlll be hold lu rte aero !ta ifdeslred. Ten acres In prctiard.tiomoiietothreojcarsold.tUiUHi. lunprunes.eherrlos, pears, p.-aehe, rlums uud annles.twn niT...nfv.,,;,v.,...,1, ('.'". nnd nil kinds of small fruits, a nice. Veu uiiuigo oi nvo rooms, won llnlslmd, burn woodhoiise.overythlusuow. AUdrcs Su lem or call on J . Vy LYON. 6 2a Im YARN. 100 ll.s white all wool yarn, SOAP. 2i00 lb Kirk's Savon, or as cood. KM White castlln. fa 0 boxes ivry, 100 cakes each. COFFKE. 2000 Rs Costa Ulca, first crade. COO ' chleury, ' 200 Gov Jaya, first grade, 100 ' real Mocha, flri,t gwio. fEA, 8'28 lt.s U S brand, Pong Chong, or as good. TOBACCO. 1000 lbs Itapldan or as good. MEATS, f 00 lbs per day more or less of beef and mutton as required in equal parts of fore and hind quarrcrs. HOOTS AND SHOES. 8 dot pair ineu'B heavy kip bta M2, 1-11, 2-10, 8 doz pair ladles' kid sbov 2.7, 2-0 2-3 it k U7 doz pair men's leather slippers 5.0, q.?,' c? L 10 doz pair carpet slipper j, fc, 2-5, 2-0, 2-7; 2-8 t 1(1 DriiGii iinnn Iliab ' v 2 aide sole leather 25 to 27 lbs per sldo stock to be extra heavy. 1 side harness leather, Oregon, extra good. PAINTS AND OILS. 100 lbs Tionccr lead. White. 10, cases turpentine. 10 ' boiled liueeed oil. G bxs glass 1.10x20 and 2-11x20. 8TATI0NAHY. 12 doz Payson's indelible ink. A qts Sauford's premium fluid. 3 ' Stafford's copying t I ' ' commercial ink. u rpnmn IpIIai n.i... i-...i... , .... as coo i ",V4 "";koou nan sucat, or 1 Brnib't'ipd'Me8-Cl18' DUoa'8 EftPliile. No 538, I ilxs I,?"c?n '"caoaei.cci.t No 1 pens, a bxs Esterbrook j peus. PLUMBING. H aniench.nS Br8' Val removilljlo discs 1 d"lnclkiU' Br8' Va,Tes re,nvahlo discs 1 ' d0fncnkln Br8' ValT6S "movb"o dlacs S, ld0tnchilkln8Dr08,Va,Vea reul0VWe discsJi H diJnc1rnklD8 Br8' VaWeS re'vhle dlsca . H dor short shoulder nipples, 2 inch. H ' ' iS H sockets, V . 2 ' ' nitric 01'. 2 ' ' citric. 10 ' ammonia aqua cone. 5 ' muriate powd, 5 chloroform snuibbs, 20 maiilnckrodta. 20 ' potash bromldo. 10' ' nitrate crystals O P. 5 ' powd, OP. 2 ' ' acetate. 2 ' soda salicylate. 3 bbls ' carbonate. 1 o Morp sulp, V fc W, B lb can Durham mustard, pdro. 5 lbs potanhhlchroin, 100 paraftlie, 50 ' tlSWax. yellow. A ' white. 100 hyprdcrmia tablots.hyoscyamlnc, snip, 1.C0 gr No fi, U'j eth Bros. 1000 hypodermic tablets, No 0 morp snip 1-1 gr.atropinosulpU LlOOgraln, Wyotli Bros 2 doz rar syringes, glass. 40 gal alcobul, Ksstorn. 10 lb? blBmuth sub tilt, squtbbs. 10 ' gum camphor. 1 ' wild cherry bark. 2 ' pepsin i-ach sc-liefrcru,, a ' vauUls beans Mexican, 1 i gentian root powd. a ' rochello salts, 0 ' sulfonnl baycr. 3 ' fluid extract arnica, Lily & Co, 3 111 k C ' 8,irBI'luilll comp for syrup, 100 oz qulnlno silph, P & W 2 lba. ollavango. 3 ' ol origanum, ' ' 1 'mon. 1 doz soft rubber catheters. No 12 French 0 lbs Iron pyro phos, soluble snuibbs, 100 lbs Epsom salts. 20 vaseline XX, refined, 1.2 gross 0 II pencils, assorted. 600 pills, nux. vomica. 1,8 gr, G C P D k Co. 1000 ' phosphorus, l.luo . 1000 I poilupti) llin, 1-1 . , 1000 ' sulphide calcium 1.2 1000 2. 1000 anticontlpntion. 2000 ' Aloln comn . 0 lbs CO pills . 10 lbs Colgate shaving soap. 1-2 gross quart bottles whlto glass. pun " . 7500 M T capsules, 2000 each No 0 nnd No 2, uiuu eacu no w and No 4, 500 each No 1. 3 10 rolls surgeons Isinglass plaster, 5 each S k J llesh and white. 21 gross corks XX, 5 each Xos 1, 2, 3 nnd 4, 1 gross No 0 1.2 gross 1 oz tin ointment boxes, seamless. 1 gross 1-2 ' i Uoz strengthening plasters, S J. 2 ' Allcock's poious ' 0 lbs perfect absorbent cotton, S k J. 5 yds 12 Inch wldo rubber adhesive plmttr. Meads, S .t J, 4 skeins surgeon's silk Turner's pateut, 3 each Nob 2 Bnd 4. 2 lbs acid acetic, UNION PACIFIC r"e Overland Route, TICKETS -Ou Ralet DENVER Omaha, Kansas City, ST. PAUL, St, LOUIS "And all Points- rP AT AND AT III US Court street. Batom . 11 A UAKKEU, Agents. ' Vttgoa- BOtfg.1 tAJl AND soum SouthernPacific Route Shasta Line CALIFORNIA KX HCTWKKN POllTlVTi av- II 7:00 p. m. u:ib p. m. 10:15 a.m. Lv, Lv. Ar. ""'MSTal2fHP KMllTIUW,;'""'! .r. ZTKr' -" rutin 7S8t; WP-.J bciuth. T l'orllnud Kileiii Kan I.'mu. I.T. Lv. Above tralnH imi ,..,i.. . .::?? tlons north of Hosebi fg i iTSISf "' Oregon City, Woodbim?' IS1 rniaii Tangent, ."".lem Alb,,; Junction City. Irving n.Vd LWcarrWl"i 's Imperial powder papors No 1C. pill boxes, 5 each No 29, 30, '31.,' $500 Reward! Wl wll paythonbovo reward caseui ilor CillinhllUt. dvsneimln. a ...!, fi r. t f yspepi tlpatli for anj Bkk iiricua compiled Willi. Thoy nr purely ,i?"u1' unU nPvfr ruU to B,ve 8iitUfuc i. n iTiirV"... " . lfT uoxcs.contnlu " " i'..wi - wuuu iiuwtiro oi couuiur lens unit nutations. The genuine inunu fucturcd ohly by C.U. viiicugoiu, BoldhyUeo K. street, HjIoih Or. of couuior- x'UB JOilN O. WKS1 Good, DruggUt, 8W Com Health is Wealth I Lrfel r w I "oHAiiT' uit. is. l wtsni Nerve uud Uraip Trcaiment, a Kuunuiteevt i-cino for Hy. n::z,i .f.T" V.' .' vuiwou, nig, fjPr ou, NeuruUlu. lICMdcii Nrv.',,u i.,'. ..,..... SP'S! b,Y lh6 u? or "loohol or lolmeVx" Wnketullneiw. Mental nirwIotf, .Molten ngoflho brain resiiltlUB In lusanily nud leading to misery, demy and UmUi, rr mature old age, Uirreuue, Iumi of ixi'rer puil by overexertion of the tiraia.Kelc box oontainaono mouth's trcntmeul. si.& box or six boxen for Jioo, sent by mal- WE Q UARANTEE BIX BOXER TSifSK Snr ?". Vih oacU nw relied liv us for six tmin, ucrotnrouled with 14.00, we will md tbo p5iSilSS?uiS vrrltteu EUArantM to retund th inaucyu the treatment doe4 uot etloct a car. Guar. nnt liiued only by Ueo, K. Good, DroS. Ut,lol8Bt,rtrCoia.B.. tAlCAOf. V T'i elbows plugs M i 1H ' H 2 1 H ' W ' 1 1 I H ' a H ' H 1 M ' 1 i-a H ' 1.2 H ' K J; i-a i t i i a 6 25 ft buck pipe 1 l.j inch. 100 i J , ' J, . " 1H . ?! ,vnlt Pipe 1 Inch. iOftTupp',cirngl . ' JO . ' V ' U lUIUu Lemu. a 2 1 2 15 ' 1 U ' H Vi 2 1 ' 1 1 Ji 1.2 H 2 sulphiirlo, OP. 5 ' i Couil. 5 ' nitric. 5 ' tartario acid. 60 ' luscct powder, Dalmatian 5 ' bromide sodium. 50 flax seed meal, 2 ' bromide ammonium, 2 ' autipyrjue. 4 ' quassia chips. 5 borax pulv, fi ' alum, pulv. 1 ' phenacetln, 2 ' todoforum, 4 prepared chalk. 10' oxide zinc. 5 ' BUgar lead. 2 ' squill root. 1 cardamem seeds. 2 doz Pblllip's palateable cod liver oil pints. 20 lbs suln ziuc. loz citrate Uthla. 2 doz Davidson's syringes, No 1. 1-1 lb nitrate silver, fused. 10 rolls belladonna plaster, S & J. -, 10 ' mustard 2oz ergotlno. 3 lbs T K cascara sagrada. Lily k.(io, 3 curnsllU 3 ' ' iplcac. 4 ' licorice ' 2 ' ' senna and siiiffnlln. 2 do? glass Jars, amber screw top 4 oz, UWU 1SUHU1HOU 8 im 13 gross naner 5000 drugglBts envelopes 5 gal sweet oil, pure malaga, 5 lb can glycerine pure, 5 ' sasafras bark. 1 ' boracio acid pure, 5 ' rosin. 5 red chlnchona bark. 5 bitter orange peel, grouud, 3 ' lomou peel ground 2 carb magnesia. 3 os packages 5 ' hot ex.t witch, hazel 1 oz nitrate amyl 2 drams muriato morphine P & W 2 oz cantlmridal collodion 2 oz ammonia valerian 1-4 lb caustic potash 1 doz Goodyear II a syringes, No 3 1 oz 5 lb hi chlcr mercury 1 ' Iod potash 1 oz oxalate cerium 1 oz ext nux vomica, piwd P D& Co 1 glass funnel pint 1 lb elecainiiano root, nnlv 2 ' licorice root pulv 1 ' bluok antimony 1 ' blood root powd 1 ' hypopbosphite calcium 2 doz uiodiciuu measures, tea tabjespoonful. Lug lines. Samples may be aeen at the office of the board of trustees, and goods must be in accord, anco therewith and must come in original packages wbeu possible. andhaeilbblds.reBerVe" th rleUt t0 reJeCt aDy Delivery of eunnlles vlll tin roni.,i iai. ten days of notice of acceptance of bid. A copy of. this advertisement must accompany bid. and the namo of tint class of supplies bid upon must be written on tlie pnvi,.A t?i, i.i.i inustiuclude all the Items of the class bid .upon, and must give Items and totals In full. wuu ine exception or meat and flour. Audit Ing officers are irn1illili..l fm nnn b accounts of purchasers when the advertise ment iioes uot contain a full and complete de scription of the articles to be purchased. Dids will be opened at 2 o'clock p. m. on Tuosday, July 7, 189 ' SYLVESTrjt PENNOYEIl. GEO, W. MoJIIUDE, I'UIL, MET80HAN, Wm. A. MUNLY, Clerk of Mf TrUS'ee8' -jy1 KG M '. 1UIM ... iu, ni-, jortliinrt i. ..uc'in Ho-'eburg s-on lft52 n. m Lv. s or0 &USHZ 5:10 u. m. I Ar. HiMPhnnr 7'1. V5.M. ". i i-j'ii Albany Local, Dally u-00 p. 111. 7:6'J p.m. 9:00 p. in. tKscept imnils,, uv. vouiuud Ar. Lv: sulem iV , jr. Aio,iny ,t M e , PCLLMAS BUFFET SLEEFEBS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS. Kor'itinn o Be ... puhsengers atuched to express tralu. lYd Side Division, Between Pwlln! and Cemllis: DA11.Y (tXCElT SUNDAY). 7:&0 II. III. 12:10 p. 111. 'GvT Ar. "Pbrtlnnd Cor liiis A.t Albany nnd Conallls comea it i tralna of Oregon Pacific Ralhoad. KXl'ltESS TKAIN (DAI I.Y SXCXPISCSD' 4:40 p. m. 7:tt5 p. m. XvT'ortTifnd " Ar. I Ar.McMlnuvilleLv. l2J.l. 0-131.1 . flange unions i i i sqr head slop cocki ' , . . , lever handle . r-.. . . ..." ,1 .ock'enru,Ch':fln,,1'fa!il'ith- lr cocks H ' "' 1 ; bushluga axl.2 ' 2x1 H ' 2xSj ' 1 l;2xl 1.1 Inch 1x1.2 ;i.i . ! Ik Mralaers, brass l 1.3 m.n bun stoppers. PuweU's patent 1 1. . .., ., Through Ticket I To nil points . EAST and S9UTE Kor tickets and lull inlonnauoa repr I iuc rucos innps, eic, apply 10 toe ixiaip nyM ngont Salem, Oregoa u-jT. uuctriiis, absu u. r. ana it KUKiiijic. .uacagi THE YAnUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC llMli Sorvnllis -tr Ynqulna - - ' S2. r Yaquliin - - ; Corvullls - ' Mi Blchau's Sjoo ItalMBnil aZTi!kviiaR l9 V'Af i M.K. " And DrCB-nii Develonn steamship Hue. 223 miles shorter, ailwo, f I Insstimotliau by any otuet louie. oiass thrniicrh tiassenircr and tretffctu1 Irani Portland nnd all DOlnU in iiH I lamotte vullev to and Iroia SjoWm , timc oriirnin F. iKxoeDttlaslaJiJ- Lenve A I nun v . Wf' r T.JIVA Pnrvnllla . .twf i Arrive Leave ueuve corvuius - - w - :r;i , r 1 Arrlirn Allinnv . .... IW v O. & C, trains connect at AltoJ rVrtrn lite ""The abftva trains connect at WW, l with tlrf Oreiroii DevelopmeM ti " ofSUnmshtns between aaulnawao Kranclsoo. rurivn UT?S. stkamkiis. ' rnoxTAum V Knrallon, Friday, Vj?J ' Willamette Valley, Tuesday -J' jrarnuou, uunaay . 1 Willamette Valley, Thursday -u Farallon, Tuetduy ' , 8TBAMEIW. KKOMSASffiP Willamette Valley, Friday. -'"H 7 Farallon, Tuesdayn JV x, Willamette Valoy, Sanday Farallon, Thursday a Wlllamelto Valley, Tuesday --7;. s. ilils company reserves ".- change sailing dates without noUce. N. fi.-1'assengeru Irom 1'ortlani J Wllhimette Valfoy points can rattt a connection with the trains 011 Y AttUINA ltOUTE at A bany or Uor 4 and If destined to San Francisco,!. arrnngo to arrive at Yaqulna tnee"- before date of sailing. ,. ,y fassenger ana rreicni "' X slit lowest. For lnformatTon apply t t and Tl citt r a v ,w .. f.vlni BHU " . Agenu aiu and 202 FronPsi; RwlUrt' " O.O. liOOVti Ac't Uen'l KJ. Pass. Agt,, Oregon """jju;o O n.nASWELL.Jr.GenV W Co., 301 Montgoroerxi- HEALTH. S?if Khanoret, first and second tager 1es Nosiii? nna Br.SorElrJ 3 In. 1-3 SO I IUu hemp. taJr 1.4 ... L" d flaerlng copper. Str UAUpWARE baUM No 18 aiivAirii' ' pi fivnhllli. If. iinA??- """. rrlutlon Omrel. nd ill Urtaaryr G Jnl! t3tV2S55d Spanish I. m 'XCIilllla ni. lor th. iff.7 -v.uo V.i.Mal Talo Md N.rvlal," THE niCHARDSDiJ Ct.,AMrtp From Terminal or Interior Points ftt Northern Pacnic Itai ro - Is the lino to take To all Points East and - ,....-..,... ..w,,,i. itruns tun? ft vAutiimin tn.lnu every day law"."" ST. PAUL AND C1UCA (No chnge of cars.) Comredofdlnlngoireunsu'pa , Pullman drnw.gmp,! TOURIST Sleeping Cars,. u-l that can bocoiwtruc'jedand'V, -ik.i rornoi irui - 'ickc'i'.vnii .,rrtM A v.ntlnuoi 1 A '--.' t,,,,?.,!!mMH line, sffonllnrrt -" r" '""- II lMltman l " ? jiot rqr, m dv . 8I KulMiif.-niMtlon cncernn nlltJ or rlui.rmie nd "'' "'' on itppltntlltia l mu incur or A. '. CUARlW.f. AUwnl General J"ai$kV' xjMninrop in. J 111 Vlrt fr)L- OOr " ' laad.OnMron ,ul,i 1 SHAWvuuwnii"ig-r-i