liv y- CAPITAL JOURNAL. "THE PEOPLE'S PAPER." VOI" 4. SALEM, OTIEGON, TUESDAY, MAX 2G, 1891. "TO-DAY'S JOIWS TO-JDAX." NO. Gi "HfrngmmM 1 EVENING hb Golden Opportunity -AT- T McF. PATTON'S iTATB STREET BOOK STORE For the remainder of this month only. I. fleams of Choice Note Paper, at .- 1 50 Jo Boxes Ilurds' Fancy Stationery , . 20 i Latest inovuis : 10c to 20c each. tttnin "Pons rn.rliit.p.rl ........ o nn IB rUU"""" - .- . , , yjyj Bar it you want a bargain, now is your chance. THE CAffl'AL JOURNAL. m HOFER BROTHERS, - - Editors. lUULISnKDUAILiY.KXCmTSUNUAY, BT THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Offlco, Commercial Street, In 1. O. Ilulldlng bntered nt tho postofllce at Salem, Or., an ccbt;d-(liM n run. TOD CAN'T FIND TIE EQUAL! eavy and medium heavy Footwear, suitablo for farmers and mechanics, every style at $1.10, $1.25, $1.50, $2. Better Values Never Were Lire are showing for "Sunday-go-to-Meeting and sich." We can please you at $1.25, $1.50 and $1.7 5. Newest shapes, good, ntters ana never surpassed, lor wear. SUGGESTED COMMENT, The Journal with tho "peeps." is in tho swim Cruelty to animals does not pay anywhere especially in Salem. If tho Etata is not sunk it is not the fault of tho Journal. It has followed her closer than tho Charles' ton. Tho sluggers who cannot pick up Peter Jackson find no difficulty in picking up tho California newspapers. Iu many fields there will not be a half crop of strawberries. Cultiva tion was not sufficient to withstand the drouth. .n nia nf nrnnrls nt. n. Hiim.ll nrnfif, r.linn tn soil n. fow n-nnds nf, n, orfint nrnfit. Tho lots-of-flustomers will stick to ipww"'n "-- ir mi. 7 V .i i. S. , r T-ii , 7 i tc i Sa while the lew will leave you. xms nas oeen x,ne poncy oi cms nonse ana win continue to ue so. n you nave Iproven this to your satistaction, ao so at once oy spending some oi your money there. RISSIVIAN & OSBUKN, 1 OOSlDftSEBXC-GlLkJCi SS&IESJES'a?.. -SPRING WAGONS. r stock of spring wagons is the largest and most complete on ,the Pacific coast, and comprises all the leading styles of FOUR SPRING PASSENGER AND MOUNTAIN WAGON, . nv- - ,-.-w--r-w--r rt r.r . .i--rr- ,,T I" TTTT ITT "I AT(1 I) .m A "T tALF-PLATFORM SPRINGWAGOJNS.SUKULiLi SJfaiN,".tiiviNux wuino, xx m LOR" OR THREE-SPRING WAGONS, HALF-SPRING WAGONS, EXPRESS AND K DELIVERY WAGONS. Special parcel delivery wagons, ffi-HORSE BUSINESS WAGONS 1 ONE-HORSE IRON AXLE WAGONS, ETC. . It win pay mi puiuuo nunu(i SPRING WAGONS OF ANY DESCRIPTION i call upon or correspond with us. We guarantee our vehicles the best, our prices the lowest, quality considered. OpeClUl UilMllUgUUS lUlU Jlii;e uou mai,u in-o " .v,.. A .nt for Salem. with office, store and warehouse next door south of Willamette Hotel. -- --- ' Uncle Bam would like a little more of the cream and a little less of the scum of Europe in the way of immigration. It seems tbu sports are cautiously trying not to get kuocked out by Peter Jackson. At the same time they fail to demolish Peter. The Fowler & Wells Co., of New York, send us a copy of "Getting Married and Keeping Married, by one lias done both." Price 10 cents. Portland ministers recommend consolidation. They wish to be understood that this is not to be con sidered as a movement for church-union. If you will kindly offer to milk your neighbor's kicking cow when he is sick, he will spend no time quarrelling with you about what you believe on religious topics. BROOKS & HARRlTT. Best Lines in the City- J Fishing Tackle. MB! BASEBALL CARRIAGES. MS .RMS 1 AMMUNITION. State Street. JilMii DliUu, THEGROCERS Fur Cream Tartar 1 GOLDEN RULE. The only pure Baking Powder in full pound cans can he had at Cark Eppley s At the actual coat of Cream Tartar Sold in a can.but supplied with a handsome glass dish to contain it, jjgrBuy while is is to be had at 40 cents a can. Weareiu receipt of a copy from the author, of "The People's Christ," by Ifcev. Louis Albert Banks, D. D. It is a volume of sermons, addresses and papers, printed by Lee & Bhepard. A great many men have no en couragement to ofler a newspaper man in the shape of business until they make fools of themselves or get into trouble and then they encour age him to not bum them up. There is no comfort in ill-fitting clothes, that you do not know what kind ot material they are made of. All this uncomfortable feeling is avoided by ordering an all-wool suit made to Jit at the Salein Woolen Mill store. Commercial Street. The Best for the Money altthe Time. OIL PAINTINGS, steel Ctxts, PICTURE AND ROOM MOULDINGS, Cliair Rail, Etc., At mportant to Owners of Lam GEO. SMITH'S, 307 Com'l St. A Bunk Block, SALEXT. i i ,m i g OL. . in tf "(- M Jt-VL-Ei gm Wn eiui show you twelvo dif- Wt styles of Oxfords, A. B.C. D. and E. widths i A fery "no assortment this, and they are reasonable in price. The Oregon Land Com pany wishes to buy from three to five thousand acres of land for a colony and $250,000.00, worth of Salem city proper ty, either in a body or de tached, for a syndicate of Eastern capitalists. Parties who have such property to sell and can give from nine months to one year to consummate the tran saction will find it to their interest to see Tho Oregon Land Co., of Salem, Oregon. The democratic papers of Oregon are showing their devotion to free trade by carrying on a vigorous fight on protection nil through the two years before there is uuy election in this state. Yet it is a question on which the democratic party itself is divided. S. F. Chronicle on third party platferm: Tho defect in tho plat form Is that it is not open and above board as to matters which are reo oeuized as real national Issues or that it omits them altogether from consideration. The subject of inter nal revenue is not mentioned, nor is the matter of freedom and purity of elections. The demand vfor govern mental control of railways is put in tho alternative, so that it may mean something or nothing. The matter of tho tariff is left untouched, unless it is to be implied from section 5, and such questions as the payment of tho national debt and the public school system are wholly ignored. .An Honest Heretic. (tVepiirrd for tlio JotMNAU) The resignation of Rev. Dr. Brldg ninti, pastor of tho Madison Avenue Baptist Church, of New York city, bus excited considerable interest, and led to much editorial comment,somo wi?e and some unwise. Dr. Brldg man has adopted certain views of future punishment, which are not in barmouy with tho general sentiment on that question among Baptists. Although bound by no written creed, and subject to no ecclesiastical superiors who might prosecute him him for heresy, theeminout preacher lias very cummendubly announced Ills change of convictions and re signed his charge. Many of the members of tho church which he has served so long and faithfully, believing that his present opinions are not sufficiently divergent from concensus of belief in the denomi nation to warrant his seperation from his bretheru have urged him to withdraw his resignation, but the Dr, has very sensibly, wo believe, decided to adhere to tho course thus fur pursued. His action has been kindly received by the leading men among the Baptists, as tho following utterances will show. Bays the New York Examiner, tho leading Baptist paper, in a recent issue. Tho resignation of Rev. Dr. Bridg man is a manly act. Conscious that lie had como to hold views regard ing future retribution that has never found favor among Baptists, ho was not willing to divide his church or to become a subject of. deuomi natinal controversy. His retire ment was tlio logical, thoconslstant, the Christian conduct that ought to be the rule in all such cases. Every man, ordained as well as uuordained, has an unquestioned and unquest ionable right to Interpret the scrip tures for himself, and to avow fear- IpbsIv the results of his study. If the result is to lead him to conclu sions that seem to his brethren strange and even erroneous, no mat terho has the same right to his belief that thev hove to theirs. But to one thing he has no right; and that is, after his views have thus undergone change, to remain in aw official position aud undermine beliefs that ho has solemly vowed to teach and defend." Rev. Dr. Bur- rage of Zions Advocate, Portland, Maine, says concerning the same matter. "A minister should be honest with himself and with his neonle. If he has accented views which are at variance with generally accepted views of our churches, ho should use his liberty, quietly withdraw and seek a field where by his preaching ho can build up and not tear down. Accordingly it seems to us that Dr. Bridgman has done right in resigning the pas torate of the Madison Avenue church." No word has been said to denote anything but the kindest appreciation of the great services of Dr Bridgman. Ho goes out from the church which he has so nobly served with love and respect of every man in it whose love and respect are worth the, haying. Is it not far better that he should thus go out than that ho should take advantage of a position into which he was called while professing other views, and seek to tear down what ho was called to build up? There should be nothiug incom patible between heterodoxy and honesty, yet when men who are high in authority and influence in orthodox churches, inbist upon re taining their positions after having adopted views radically divergent from the views which they first nrofessed. tho views through which they attained their high postions, is there not encouragment for the view that laxity of belief begets lax ity of word and deed. We com mend the example of Dr. Bridgman to every man who flndB himself out of harmony with general principals of tho chuch whose doctrines he professes to believe. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Food Report. jjj Baking jssm rowwvi ABSOLUTELY PURE lw GENERAL NEWS NOTES. OiM LID WPM. Remember we soil the best quality of Blapk Ovrr Gaiters fAtvl urmr. Whnv nil sizes and can give a perfect M. Win. BROWN & CO., ftPlT 231 Commercial Street. "EALER8 IN FINK BUOES. " Salem Track ft Dray Co. DRAY8AND TRUCKS nlwavs ready for ordera. Sell and deliver wood, iu rruil nml lumber. Of fice State 8t,, oppositeSa. Tho Dalles Chrenicle: Tho Port land sugar merchants must be the smallest men on earth. A while ago they got scared to death becauso the only firm In The Dalles that buys from the refineries was reported as selling sugar half a cent a pound cheaper than they were. So they clubbed together and sent two of their number to San Francisco to fix things up with Claus Spreckles and It is to bo inferred that they got satisfaction for a few days ago it was announced that they were now sell- inc half a cent cheaper than The Dalles but they are jiot for the firm in Question says they are able and willing to meet tho Portland mer chants at any price tbey may put on. Elrctric Hitters. This remedy Is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used it sing the same soug of praise A purer medicine does not exist and it Is guaranteed to do all that is clalmod. Electric Hitters will cure ull diseases of the Liver and Kid neys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Bait Rheum and other affections caused ly Impure blood. Will drive Malarial from the system and pre vent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headaohe, Con stipation and Indigestion try Eleo rie Bitten; Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refuuded. Price 60 cts. and 1100 per bottle at Fry's Drugstore. FU0M TURNER. Trs per Cent Interest Saved i. .... .., k- x,,n,i thmmriinnt thedav at by tradlugat Branson's CttU Gro- tdFiXm The pesky moth Is now doing his work. Crops are generally all in and gar dens are looking fine. The cold snap injured the peaches and cherries considerably. One of our enterprising farmers has nut lu 180 acres of grain this spring. Tho crow of the Mongolian pheasant Is now heard by day and by night. There Is a great deal of ticknesa mong young colts here and In the vlciuity of Marlon. There was a picnlo held on Park's bill on Saturday. Tho young folks had a fine time. D. D. Prettyman Is subpoenaed to appear In the United States court at Portland this week, In a dnmago suit against the Southern Pacific company. Thn Btayton stage team started on a spin from Turner, on Tuesday last, running up the road. When about one and a-fuQfth miles on tho way. each horse chose bis own side of a small oak tree that stood in the road. They peeled the bark off the oak, left the stage here a complete wreck, and went on their way home. Fob Bale. Two good mares, well broken for all work, iiomwiiuioai, Inquire of J. M, Payne, Bute street Bulow gives up his plan to con duct a spring series of concerts at Lisbon "on account of ill-health." Mrs. Mary Coursen, of Wllkes barre, is a widow for tho sixth time, having married that many crippled soldiers. Charles Dudley Warner has re turned from his tour in tho East and is now in Rome. Ho has com pleted a novel depleting American society. Princess Louise of Denmark, who Is expected to marry Prince Eugene of Sweden, gets her namo and some of her blood from Queen Louise of Prussia, tho most beautiful woman who has belonged to the Berlin court. Lord William Romllly was smoth ered to death In the smoke caused by the upsetting of a lamp Saturday night, which set the house on fire. Two f ervants were also killed at the fire. Fred Ingram, Henry Alexander and Joe aud Bob Allen were fatally wounded in a fight which occurred yesterday at Calera Ala. Tho trouble was caused by the infidelity of Mrs. Joe Allen. A boatload of people went over the falls near Sandstone, Minn., last evening. Thomas Barney, C. A. McQraw and Swan Potorsou wero drowned. An unknown man and a boy are also missing. Baron Kaluoky, of Prussia, and an unknown (southerner tongut a duel with swords in Chicago, over Minnie Atherton, of the Duff Opera Company, last Saturday. The baron was dangerously wounded in tho neck. Ed.Wllliams,servi ng a three years' sentence at San Quentiu, Cal., for burglary, Sunday stabbed a negro convict with a table knife. Tho tho . 8taD,)luK Krew out of a dispute over the relative merits oi uorneu nnu Jackson, the prize fighters. Mrs. Corrigal killed her little G-year-old son, at Oshkosh, Wis., Sunday, by striking him fivo times on the head with a hammer. The woman has been insane soiuo time, and It was only recently that she attempted to choko him to death. Two young men named, Johnston and Coward, were quarreling at Jonesboro, Ark., last Saturday night, when Johuston's father came to his rescue. Coward turned upon tho peacemaker and fatally stabbed him, whereupon young Johnston fatally Bhot Coward. A passenger train on the Colton Belt route was wrecked in the yards at Jantro, Ark., Saturday night by a spiked switch. One engineer was badly scalded, whilo Fireman Jaeg erman and Engineer Parsons were Instantly killed. The railroad offi cials offer a reward of $500. for the arrest of tho parties who spiked the switch. The oldest woman preacher in this country is Rev. Lydia Bextou, who was born in Now Jersey in 1709, and who still preaches In various parts of tho West. She pre dicts that she will live until 1000, thus extending her life into three centuries. One by one tho chormlnir patri otic stories of our childhood are proven to be myths. It is now asserted that Frederick tho Great did not send Washington a sword Inscribed "From the oldest general in the world to the greatest," or in fact, any sword; and further, that there isn't tho slightest evidence for elieving that Frederick was at all Impressed with Washington's great uess. Captain Whitehead Is erecting a handsome federal monument at the Jackson, Miss., cemetery, over the grave of the late General George E. McKee. It will bo a shaft about fifteen feet high, upon one side of whloh is eugraved the Insignia of the GrandArmy of tho Republic. issociated Press Report and Digests of all Important News oi To-Day. MISCELLANY. A Wonder Worker. Mr. Frank Hufiman.ayoung man of Burlington, Ohio, states that he had been under tho care of two prominent physicians, and used their treatment until he was not able to get around. They pronoun ced his case to be Consumption and Incurable. He was ersuadcd to try Dr. Kind's New Discovery for Con sumption, Coughs nnd Colds and at that time was not able to walk across tho street without resting, He found, before, he had used half of a bottle, that ho was much better; lie continued to use it and Is today enjoying good health. If you have any Throat, Lung or Chest Trouble try it. We guarantee satisfaction. Trial bottle free at Fry's Drugstore. IJucklen'dArnleaiSaWe, Tiie Bent Bulve In the world for CuU, Bruises, Hon. Uloeft, BaltKueum, Fever Korea, Tetter. Cbapnod Hanoi, ChlloUloi, Conn and all Hklu Eruption, and po Uvely cure Wlea, or no pay required. Jt la (oaranteed to Klva perfect utUlactloa or money refunded. Pnoe, 15 ceiU per bos SEEKING REVENGE. London May 20. Tne latest uews from Africa has caused much excite ment, both in London and Lisbon. A dispatch from the latter city states that tho war feeling is again upper most, and that tho people aro clam oring for revenge upon tho British South Africa Company. This, for tho moment, has diverted atteution from the financial crisis, which makes it impossible for Portugal to make any formidable warlike demonstration. The English au thorities are preparing to give a stunning reception to the two emis saries from tho powerful African king, Gunguuhema, whoso terri tories are chiefly within tho bounds claimed by Portugal. Gun- ' gunhema asks for British protection and declares that he wants to have nothiug to do with tho Portugese. Ho is a brother-in-law toLobeugulu, king of tho Matabeles, who sent a similar embasy to England some time ago, and was so astonished at the report brought back of the glories of Windsor castle and Lon don that he did not believe them, aud ordered them to be baked alive, from which fate they were saved by an English missionary who con vinced the king that they told the truth. The missionary was horri fied to learn later that tho king had caused two of his slaves to bo sub jected to tho fate intended for his emissaries, on tho ground that, hav ing given his word, somebody must perish. AT BieNTE CAHLO. London, May 20. It was a lucky day for tho managers of the Monte Carlo casino, when, in studying how to avoid being bled by journal istic blackmailers, they hit on tho plan of devoting a part of tholr ill gotteu gains to tho formation of ' what Prince Bismarck would have called a "routilo fund," for tho purpose of subsidizing the purchas able press iu their interest. Since that time tho world has been edified from time to time by circum stantial accounts of the most tre mendous runs of luck on the part of frequenters of tho Monte Carlo tables, and winnings have been re ported as of common occurrence sufficient to break the bank, though It had been backed by tho Rotohs chllds. That these ingenious baits have been swallowed is apparent from tho increased attendance at the salons, Tho latest story of tbo kind was to the effect that the Duchess of Montrose had loft Monto Carlo richer by $250,000 francs than she arrived there. Following up this came a rush to the famous gambling place, tho crowds being larger than ever known there before. The re ceipts of the bank in the past month have been something fabulous, and as one result there havo been no less than seven suicides of ruined play ers since the first of May. Tho last self-murder to be recorded is that of a Bavarian banker, who is said to have lost a million francs of his own and his clients' money. FROM RUSSIA. St. Petersburg, May 20. Grand Duke Michael, uncle of tho emper or, Is about to retire from tho office of president of tho council of state. Tho grand duko is tho father of tho young Michael whose marriage to tho Countess of Morerabcrg, with out tho consent of the czar, has caused so much trouble iu the im perial family. Since tho death of his wife, the Graud Duchess Olgu, probably by poison, tho graud duko has shown but little interest iu af fairs of state: During the gorgeous funeral, by wnloh the czar tried to make up In some degree for his harshness to the late grand duchess, Michael, was hardly able to totter by the side of the czar. He has ever since been iu a conditltlon of an guish, half bordering on insanity. In retiring from the council ho takes from that important body the chief influence in favor of liberal meas ures, and leaves the reactionary ele. ment in control. The Grand Duke Vladimir, eldest brother of the czar, will succeed to the presidency. Ha is a pronounced Panslavlst, a hater of tho Jews, and even more of a Russian than tho czar himself. BAD WHISKEY. Plymouth, Pa, May 26. A terri ble fight occurred last evening os the river bank opposite this town. Six Hungarians from Ashley vkH4 4i S mi MH m fi i IJ 1 i! Ill 4 ft