Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 23, 1891, Image 1

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yOl" 3f
NO 351
Oxford Teachers Bibles anil Bagstcrs Coinprcheusive Teachers Bibles
In Ml Sizes and Slyles, at Prices Within the Reach of Every Bible Student
"Oxford" or a BugsrW Biblo trffct will ksfc ns lonor as you live and be a comfort t,n vnn ovm-v fiiim
If you wu you use it. GET THE GENUINE. J
Family Bibles, English and German, Price $3.50 to $5.00.
Umii Rot W P, Vi
mvi 1U1 "' Ul
ftfiw r.ft
lllVVli Vv UUi
lie Kloors are Creakin
-Under the Great Load of-
f8 to
At the Store of-
If you want a Plow, Harrow, Cultivator or any Agricultural Implement, from a Hoe Handle to a Threshing-
i hi" "
he Oregon Land Co.
-with its-
Ice at Sa.
(In the Stato Insurance Building)
and branch offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany,
Has for salo a large list of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms; also
and Suburban Property.
Oregon Land Co. was especially organized for the purpose of buying
I "Jhtand subdivided over 3,200 ucres into
h to Twenty Acre Parcels
S of this undertaking !a shown in the fact that ou of 280 tract
ffla the market, 225 havo been sold. We claim that ten acres..ol
in ji-ruu,
ill Yield a Larger Income
! I1 180
!?!te.-eai in ii LMtotoippi Valley. , Wealjoinake vto
Intll.. ..'" l,le "y o roaus. clearing mo uu, .v-w.., ---,.
toSa f ,tmctoflandfortho Barae Pr,Ce P61" aCr "8 y
- ". n mrge larm.
W for Pamphlet and Price List.
Qlf Of aU kind Pianos, Organs, Violins,
f I Onitnva TConimi nnrl MllflolillS. (whole-
'VJIlJ ale and retail) over 800 of the latest and
Ifyoniww , most popular SHEET MUSIC.
8N n!?ntemP1ato the purchase of a rau- f W f" f
Srj -"-FntL
AH0N c.. 310 Com'CSt, Salem, Or,
Commercial Street,
The Best for the Money all the Time.
Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season
Garden Seeds, Field Seeds and Flower Seeds,
Fresh and true to name.
(Th Qranga Store)
126 State St., Salem, Or.
a .
$1.00 $1.00 $1.00
Black Gloth. Graiterettes
.00 - Per Pair.
W have mst revived 10 Dcz. You will find theso
a 1 ett r quality of cloth than previous.
231 Commercial Street.
Dealers ia Fine Fwlware
Caoital Journal Publishing Company.
Offlce, Commercial Btroct, In r. O. Building
Entered at tho postonico nt Salem, Or., ns
tecone-elpu n ntltr.
The democratic counties in Ore
gon so far are leading lu tho organl
zatlon of alliances.
Let the bouquet city smile with
flowers and bo redolent of perfume
ou President's day and her fame
will go abroad in tholaud.
Tho gracious ralus will fill the
bouquet city with a wreath of
flowers for President day.
will result lu turning that etnto
over to the alliance, If tho farmer's
vote can do It.
Salem could make no investment
better than to build a railroad luto
tho upper Santlam Country. Tho
Staytou Times says: As far ns
Salem Is concerned, Albany deserves
all alio can obtain from the Santlam
vnlloy. But, bo it remembered that
Stay ton Is situated in the heart of
this valley nnd she is tho monkey
that holds tho scales between the
two and she has very llttlo cheese
to dish out to either until sho has
more railroad facilities.
The Tacoina dally News "Sauntcr-
t) ilmmrf tnnnt taunt liaarlnrl nrnnnr.
Should bo called "Tho Liar."
With three boats running dally at
Salem, her mcrchauts see not any
necessity for buying a steamboat.
Tuo' they are prepared to buy and
run a boat If need be.
Nelson Bennett Is heading a
move to havo the city of Tacoma
own the city water works franchise.
Tho papers there all favor the
The Polk County Itemizor should
bo called tho Journal of Moral Re
forms. It keeps up an iucessaut
warfare in all its columns ou the
use of tobacco and drinks.
How would It do to ask tho presi
dent when in Salem to opon tho
rivers, and Wanomaker to givo us
better mall facilities? Let- not mo
desty prevent our culling attention
to these things on all occasious.
Pave all the llowers.treeaud shrub
blossoms for tho occasion of the
President's visit to Salem,
family should contrlbuto
cuuso of decoration aud
reputution for being tho
city of tlje United 8tates
didly maintained.
, Every
to this
be splen-
An alliance meeting waB held at
Kay's school house, North Howell,
last Thursday night. It was ad
dressed by J. P. Itobertson and nd
jourued to meet Thursday evening,
tho 23, Inst., when a permaneut or
ganization will be affected.
La Grande Chrenicle: Uncle
George Webb, who come up horo
with a well defined caso of yonder
sldo la grippe, was out on our streets
on Tuesday, bidding his numerous
friends good bye, preparatory to
relurniug to Salem where he expects
to bo permanently located.
The Oregon Everbearing straw
berry has been In blossom ever sluce
April 15.
The poulterer who has all thomttk
he can use ba d.I his hand one of the
finest egg-producing and flosh-form-lug
Poultry-keeping, wo ore sure, pro
seuts more features which would
seem captivating to the female mind
than almost auy other industrial
Cholera is produced by filth, cold,
damp quarters, improper feeding
aud a variety of other causes. Pre
vent It by watchfulness and Judicious
Owing to tho great amouut of
snow there is in tho mountains, it is
not expected that travel across tho
Cascades will begin until tho middle
or last of May. Ochoco Review,
F. J. Beatty. of Chemawa, read a
very ablo and Instructive paper on
tile drainage at tho Salem meeting
of the Stato Horticultural soolety.
Tt will appear in an early number of
the Journal. It gives facts as to
expense- and results.
There Is still a month of tlmo
left to start a good strawborry bed
this spring. A few plants set out
now aud carofully attended will
mako hundreds by fall and thus you
can secure a largo bed of tho best
kinds at a small oxpeusc.
Professor Hunter Nicholson sug
gests that women mako tho best
buttermnkers becauso of tholr su
perior ability to seo and smell any
thing wrong, and this for tho simple
reason that their flno olfactory sense
Is not deadened by chewing tobacco,
smoking cigars or drinking whisky.
A. J. Wall has a hen that lays hor
Gold, to tho amount of $1,500,000,
was ordered for next Tuesday.
Bishop Disney, of tho African M.
E. church, died Tuesday at Chat
ham, Outario.
A. Homarjco & Co., bankers nnd
mcrchauts, of Bombay, havo failed
with liabilities at $25,600, owing to
wild speculation.
News from Simla says tho Eng
lish havo killed fifteen more Maul
purs in battle, Ono Englishman
was killed nnd four wounded.
Tho king of Sweden has sent ox
ports to Germany to study tho ques
tion of more rapid communication
between Sweden and Germany.
The new route will bo from Trelle
borg or Ystad via Rugeti to Stral
an ml.
Natives of Portugese Guinea of
tho west constof Africa havo revolt
ed aud posted the French Hag, In
battles with tho Portugese the rebels
routed them, killing over n hundred
natives and four Portuieso officers.
A Jewish lawyer of St. Petersburg
writes to a friond In Vienna that all
Jews residing in St. Petersburg havo
been ordered to leavo tho city by
May 3d. This means tho ruin of
many Jews.
In view of tho approach of May
anarchists aro busy throughout
Europe organizing for a general
strike, AH European governments
havo decided to prohibit outsldo dem
Tho Borlln Post says, that assur-
auco havo been given in tho most
nuthorltatlvo quarters that peace is
less endangered than over, and thivt
the relations of Germany and Rus
sia aro friendly.
There was a serious riot at Cedra,
Italy, Monday, growing out of op
position to poll tax. Two thousand
peasants took part aud released a
comrado from prison. Troops wore
dispatched to tho scene.
Tho Valparaiso correspondent of
tho London Times says tho Chilian
men-of-war Imperial, Lyuoh and
Coudell aro starting for tho North
under ordors to attack tho squadron
commanded by officers who revolted
against tho government.
General Booth has issued an ap
peal in bohalf of tho Salvation Army
aud his work. Tho gonoral says
that he is short 20,000 in his cur
ront expenses and fears that much
of his work may havo to bo abau-
issociated Press Report aatl
Digests of all Mprtait
News oi To-Day.
own weight in eggs overy twelve
days. Sho is of tho game bautnm j doned, bh ho has already gono as far
A level-headed exchange well says:
Rudini, D'Arco and tho remainder
of their compatriots who aro de
manding a change In American
laws had better not bo too iuclstent.
Wo might oblige them by framing
an cxulualon act which would effect
ually prevent tho furthor entrance
of tho Mafia into this country.
The Graud Army of tho Republic
in Iowa is an immense organization,
and tho editors of tho JounNAl aro
delighted at the selection of Capt,
Chas. Davidson as department
commander. Although an intimate
friend, we can say without prejudice,
that not a truer or warmer hoarted
man lives in that creat stato.
Tho Woodburn Independent
shows up McGIll of tho Reform
Journal as a usurer and would-be
whiskey seller. Gentlemen what
do the people care about your perso
nal aflairs? Get In and do some
thing of some uso to somebody and
cease to destroy what capacity for
usefulness there may be in cither of
variety and weighs exactly one
pouud and twelve of hor eggs aro
just tho same weight. Wall has a
game rooster of tho snmo variety that
weighs one pound and a quarter.
The Dalles Chronicle.
Members of tho farmers' alliance
havo organized a company at Helix
to handle aud ship their own grain
in order to mako all the profit pos
sible out of tho product of their
farms. Tho company has secured
tho Reese & Redman and Robloy
platforms, and Is
maKlug propar-
nmount of
as he daro to go without substantial
Count Taafo tho Austrian premier
is accused of favoring tho anti-Jewish
movement in order to draw tho
anti-Semites to his support. Ho has
succeeded for tho presont in holding
together a majority for tho govern
ment in tho relchsrath. The youug
czech havo presented their demand
that tho emperor shall bo crowned
king of Bohemia and other changes
ofl'ected lu recognition of Bohemian
Hon. John A Kassoti, of Iowa, in
an iuterviow, said; "There Is no
ations to handle a largo
grain. East Oregonlan,
Capt. Babcock discovered San excuso for tho united Statos In tho
Jose scalo on some of his fruit trees, Italian matter to represent that our
8.F. Chroiiiclo- When Mr. Blaine
assured Mr. Rudlnl that this coun
try would not hesitate to indotnnify
Italy if any of her subjects had suf
fered through tho violation of treuty
rights ho probably had In mind the
fact that tho lynched membere of
the Mafia were all criminals, and
that tho entrance ot such cattle into
tho country is in Itself Illegal and a
violation of treaty righto.
Des Moines, Ia.,Nows: Mr. Blaine
has certainly conducted tho corres
pondence with Italy with signal
success. lu hit latest letter ho con
trlvea to maintain tho dignity of the
United States and the correct uena of
lu position and at the same tune to
throw the political responsibility of
Indemnity upon the Louisiana au
thorities, in ease their neglect of
duty shall render Indemnity neces
tary. - I EST .
The farmers have begun war upon
the squirrels with guns and KIaoii,
and it la likely that the present yeur
will perceptibly diminish their
numbers. Tho wjulrrela and acting
Governor Jaughtou aro the only
foes the eastern Washington farmer
ha, and the combined ellorts of
thousands of agriculturist will hood
wlpo them both out. Garfield En
terprise. The way the WusMngton
pre talks, Laugbton'n mistaken
cl for protecting the corporation
and ordered them thrown out and
burned. Before tho flro was sot
some farmers came and wanted tho
trees. When told what they were
to be destroyed for, they still Insisted
on planting the infected trees and
became quite indignant when they
were refused. This only illustrates
to what length stubborn determin
ation to ignore fucts and experlonco
may lead a man.
Tho right way to breathe, awake
or asleep, is through tho noso. Tho
nasal entrance to tho lungs is longer,
and Is divided into two tubes, which
givo more surface for tho entering
air to pass over. Then also the In
terlor lining of tho noso Is highly
"vascular," that is, full of blood ves
sets, carrying a great amount of
rapidly flowing warm blood. This
warms tho cold air going to tho
lungs through tho nose. Let this be
well understood aud remembered.
All persons, strong or weak, should
keep their mouths closed as much
as possible In a cold, or damp chilly
atmosphere, in all seasons, and es
pecially lu whiter, spring aud
autumn. This Is highly Important
to those having weak lunjis, or who
aro not in the fullest health and
vigor otherwise,
It lias long been known that ants
are great enemies to other Insects.
It Is said that- they never meddle
with sound fruit. Somo fruit-growers
regard tho ants as a nulancc In
tho orchurd, and take pains to de
stroy tho ant hills wherever found,
OrcharrJUts in Itsly and Germany,
however, regard tho uuts as very
beneficial, and encourage their pres
euco. A correspondent says: "Many
of the leading orchard propriotom in
northern Jtaly and southern Ger
many aro cultivators of tho common
black ant, which Insect they hold
in high esteem as the fruit-grower's
best friend. They establUh aut hills
In their orchards, and Ifava the
police service of tholr fruit trees en
tirely to their liny colouUt. which
pass all liielr time In climbing up
the stems of the fruit trees, uleauslug
the boughs mid leaves of malefactors,
matured ns well as embryotlo, ami
descending ludeu with spoils to tl.e
ground, whtro they comfortably
cotitiume or prudently storo away
their booty,"
Interior laws prevent tho govern
ment dolug what it ought to do,"
A family moving from Tennessee,
to Toxas was poisoned while In
camp In Boono county, Ark., by u
ceutlpcdo bolng accidentally In tho
coffee, Tho mother and two small
children are dead, and tho father
and tho other children aro sorlously
Kfndorgartncrs from many cities
flllod tho Church of tho Messiah,
Chicago, Tuesday night, They were
presont 1500 strong to celebrate tho
iooth anniversary of Frledcrich
Froebol, orlguator of tho kindergar
ten Idea, A number of interesting
addresses woro made.
Tho final salo of tho Washington
relics begun Tuesday at Philadel
phia. An attested copy of tho gen
oral's will sold for $1100; a manu
script prayorbook, $1250; engraving
of Louis XVI. of Franco, $1000;
sword, $1500; violin, $300; shoo
buckles, $250; cuno, CO, and account
book, $775.
A Nephl, Utah, special to tho
Trlbuuo sayB George Whltmore,
president of tho Nephl National
bank, was buncoed out of $0000 on
Tuesday by tho familiar old gold
brick scheme.
Oil Tuesday two boys aged 0 and
12 years, sons of Daniel Conland, a
merchant of St. Louis, Cl were
drowned lu Shulo creek. The
youuger fell lu and lu trying to save
him tho older was drowned.
Tho new Russian louu of 000,000,
000 francs, 8 per cent., will probably
Ik Issued utW In Berlin, Purls and
London, A syudlcato, Including
the itothchllds, is bundling tho
Jean, mid tho latter aro harshly crltl
clsed for aiding ((government which
unmerclfullypersecutcdthe Hebrews
In Russia,
Dormuii, the Frenchman, who Is
walking from Paris to Moscow on
stilts (or preleudlug to), Is uslug the
railway cars at intervals, according
to tho German newspapers. The
lust oeen of him ho wus taking a
train for tho llusulan frontier nt an
obscure stutlun In Posen, lu Russia
It Is exacted lie will resume his
New York,-April 23. The Her
ald's St. Petersburg special Bays
Secretary Blnlno should mako no
mlstako about tho position of RuBsIa
In tho coming arbitration of tho
Bchriug pen question. I know tho
vlows of the government, although
it would not bo fair to hold It respon
sible for my words. In tho first
placo thero la nothing on record hero
to show that Russia Intended to
convoy to tho United States any
special riirhts in the open waters of
Behrlug sea. Alaska was the result
of privato negotiations between Bar
on Edward DcStockl and Secretary
8oward. Russia purposely left the
question of special Jurisdiction or
npeclal privileges in tho sea out of
tho bargain. The whole matter so
far as I can ascertain was Intention
ally put nslde, and any attempt to
draw Russia out of this vague and
reserved position would have been
ovaded or resisted,
San Fkancisco, April 23.A
meeting of representatives from 20
Irrigation districts of tho state was
held today to tako action toward
promoting tho sale of irrigation
bonds. Isndor Jacobs presided, and
said the chamber of commerce would
assist aa far as posslblo in aid of the
causo of Irrigation. He considered
tho bonds issued under tho Wright
irrigation law n good Investment for
capitalists, they having been passed
upon by the supromo court. Judge
Hazon then read a paper holding
that tho uumo of theso bonds should,
be made as woll known as those of
other gilt edge securities. Two hun
dred thousand dollars' worth had
been bought by San Francisco bank
ers and somo of them had been sold
abroad. It was decided to persuade
tho San Franolsco bankers to ea
dorso tho irrigation bondH, bo that a
market might bo found for them la
tho East.
Washington, April 23. The sn
ato finance commlttco met this mor
ning for the purpose of determining
its- course of procedure under the
resolution directing the committee
to mako investigation into tho work
ings of tho MoKlnley tariff law. A
sub-committo, consisting of Allison,
Aldnch, Hlscook, Carlisle and Har
ris was appointed to prosceuto the
Inquiry. It will first collect statis
tical Information, and will not until
later In tho year, at least, taks any
testimony. Tho sub-committee will
moot noxt week.
Washington, Apr. 23. Tho pro.
posed civil servlco in the navy yards,
as already applied luNew York and
Norfolk and which will Boon bo put
lu operation at Maro Island, does
not meet with much favor among
naval officers hereabouts. Senator
William E. Chandler of New
Hampshire, a prominent member of
ttio senate naval affairs committee,
was In tho city yesterday and bo
lng URked his opinion of tho civil
sorvlco as applied to navy yards
"1 do not understand that Secre
tary Tracy is going to call upon tho
civil sorvlco commission to supply
him with foremen or mechanics.
But what he proposes is commenda
ble. You know thoro is a law which
provides that no employe in n navy
yard shall bo removed becauso of
his political convictions nor bo ap
pointed unless he i competent and
skilled. On thut statuto tho secre
tary may build up a sy s torn, which
If not too elaborate may bo product
ive of groat good, Yes, I was awaro
of thocxlstonce of that law whou 1
was secretary of the uavy, and I
was governed by it. 1 never re
moved a man becauso he was a dem
ocrat or appointed ono because he
was a republican. It is a good law
and should bo enforced."
Sl'OKANK FAMJ3, April 23. A r
porthas reached hero that abuttal
murder occurred At "Rickey ranch,"
nearColvHle, yesterday, John Abra
hams, while drunk, quarreled with
his brother Adolph Abrahams, and
shot and Instautly Id Hod the latter.
Tho murderer secured a hore iwd
mado his escape. A pmuse of HKy
men Is persuing lilm, John Abra
hams has an unonviublo rocord, Tho
murdered man was the opposite of
his brother, being a man of quiet
and sober disposition. Ho leave
wife aud family,
Tiie coins itKaioN,
Uniontown, Pu., Apr, 28.-
eounty oilloers went to Am
yesterday morning, but after
lug two evictions they ww
powered by strikers and drlvti
away. Reinforced hy BherlH Jf
Cormick and a large numbers ila
utloa they returned, when st piUfc4
battle took place betweeu tVw mm
and about 800 IltiugaiUnuMta ud
womeu, ia which a Hunnwlui girl
J -s
0 3
, a