r '-"'.i:')1' ua&xsr. MM .up ma mml- ll )M iiipt uaimiin ,r i on isni. . .iMii i -i - 1 ,irvcar, wi ny W "";; ,-.onfh, , r W' .7 Uy ""' Vi ,,er year, fe'rW""! , advance the or ,rLi for liB yv.Ki' uot iicllvci . . .mill ifc rice ( he f.c crctl ;i."i",r,?mftitylfie"mcc, IV. II "!'' Y " , 'f tin IM 1 N II HY OAIUIIEU. 13cts. 1 .--"""""" I M ' irf"r,wi-cfci :::: eucts" :"" .. "on,u' ... .,",, utn.i.t 15tb . .tinm"' u cause no -.nicci " prv""vi' i..TVl..ToOKNAt. regi;- l' ill' Ml & I'AniiKv !' 'Hi Crockery, OHersin Grocery Varnishes, wwarei rami 'ifindowglass, Etc. So!? Brushes AzenU V Epicure t'ov Jsr. Tea and Bifc UH'AI- JIAUKhf. . .Mive-SStoSo cents per Hi. I illlOt W1-" Tie tot meal for i'o els. on the, Pacific ouibt at Strongs cheek res-tsiinof- Bufcrn and Slioul Water Imy frencb dinners cooked when or dered lu advance. WESTACOTT & IRWIN. Spate Sunday School Conven tion. The sixth annual convention ofthe Oregon state Sunday school auoelotion will be held In the Cum berlanil Presbyterian church, Eu gene, commencing Tuesday evening, May 19th and closing Thursday evening, Ma UI, 1891. The Sunday school workers of Oregon are not ouly invited hut urged to meet to- tether in convention ior tno pur pose of cnnsldori ug questions of great .i .. tint mnnlr .....I Im tltliu Impormuvu w wu "" "j iuua coming together and discussing tes questions and becoming ac quainted one with the other and with the worK as a whole, all may tethe better qualified for the work. This Is a mass convention and nil interested in the Sunday school work are luvlteii to be parent, and every Sunday school in the state is urged to see that one or more per sons are present to represent their school. The people of Eugene have extended a hearty invitation for the convention to meet with them and their homes will 1p open to entertain 11 who shall attend. Key. G. A. Ulur, of Eugene, is chairman of the teal committee of arrangements and all who desire entertainment are requested to send their names to him so that places may be assigned them. Arrangements will bo made for the usual reduced fares on rail roads, and also to have a number of leading Sunday school workers present. E. W Allen, chairman executive committee. It was Dedicated. A large number of people gathered nt the Highland church Sundny to bear the dedicatory sermon by Rev. J. H. Douglas. He gave a strong ad dress and one appropriate to the occasion. At the close of his sermon he stated the condition ofthe church financially, which was about as follews: The cost of the church was $2071.44, ot that sum $1073.33 had been raised from donations and gifts; this left a debt of f 309 09 yet to be n'ct. A paper was circulated among he audience and 331.74 was ob tained in subscript ions and cash; this left the Finull bum of J00.35, which was pledged by a few member. The people in that part of the city have a neat little church and will aave services there every Sunday, pv. Mr. George is their new miu BUT. wcuiT ok Way Secuked The H of way fir the Electrio road I been permnneutlv settled. The inch line will start from Chemck- "B'l Seventpnrwti Hfrppfn. and t,ruu north nn Rnvpnteonth a,ng the cast line of High M adilillun 1,. Mm Rrovninn wlere a slluht ourve to the "nude of one or two degrees. 'tt brll tr tint mi tn Out ?LerPitllio corimtnv'a depot, '"'stat f.i,P g,.oq ,!..,. There Is Do,hlQS ii, di ii-nv ,f diia HY. 2sfoij ln , Those lMthwnnve found it not i V tnsk to securo the b nua and flUofwair. hut. with ripralst. ,KS Imve met with snlondld Wor.i will ho beininnn the ?"-feWiliys in niiikiiiir the 'ei' B, act l,y nr-xt week ti furte d"' win ue el to wurk t,ru,ig. 'f The peonle tf Bulwii eLtnng that Clark & 1 iurt street are kien- V fl at-i Intw etook of gro- MP t Ullllll llli.lr iirlniu t lr delivery system Is the city. etu sample of Sun faun Irte candy. Great Co, roirui (lark & Rm.w after be r re-nun-d to fur Ut greeu vegetables in rkCt, 100 Court Ktrvw ' " TfTS ...vflAY iv1 zr: r: riu. -n j i r liiL-i.vuiiuiiifiii increasing ns the Discoveries Grow Rich. A3 A Brief History of Thcso Rich Mines and why Tlioy Have not Keen "WorkedNew Machinery. A new discovery of gold travels with Incredible rapidity. Tho re- p.irts of the rich discoveries In the Santlam mining dlstrit Is attracting no little attention In Portland, San Francisco and even In the east. The .-untiam mining district is not a new Held by any means, tho country having h-en pretty thoroughly pros-H-cttil some twenty-five or thirty yt :;rs ago. Many claims wero taken and much development work done. A quartz mill was put In, roads that cost many thousands of dollars made, and Quarlzvllio, tho mining town ot the district, nnd tho mines "White Unll" and "Red Bull," cre ated much excitement nt the time, and some of the finest free gold spec imens over taken from any miues on the coast wero taken fiom the "White Bull" mine. Tho lack of railroads In the country aud the methods of developing quartz mines made this district less piofitnble than it would otherwise have been. The owners were very much elated over the prospects and the result of the first few months' run of their mill seemed to Indicate that their expectations would be fully realized, but as they went down, free gold became scarce, the ore become refrac lory, and it that time tho modern methods of haudling such ore was not known, in fact free gold was all they could save, aud silver they were uot looking for. Consequently the mill ceased to pay, aud nbout this time tho mill was burned, aud the owners becoming discouraged did not rebuild it. The company then rented the mines for a per cent, of the ore taken out. Aftor the mines had been worked for a year iu this manner, tho operators turned over to the company about $1203, as their pay. It has sinro been discovered that tho men working tho mines, tunneled into tho hill a long distance and then filled up the mouth of the mines. It is also reported they took out about $73,C 0 while they operated tho mines. From that time liltle was done until 18S9 when acompauv in this city and one In Albany wero organized to make a new investigation of that district. Since that time a number of companies have been organized, and a part of them propose to put iu machinery early this spring. Pre parations to that end are now being made by the following cempanies: The Red Bull, of Salem. Oregon; the Bonanza of Albany, Oregon; the Golden City company, of Albany, Ongon, tho Galena company, of Portland, Oregou; the White Bull company, of Salem, Oregon; and Gold Mountain aud Dry Gulch company, of Salem, Oregon, (placer); aud a number of other organized companies have signilled their in tention to commence active work lu the near future. The properties of tho above companies all assay well. The district is large, being not less than thirty miles long, flft.-en wide with plenty of timber and water near nt hand, "in many of tho claims silver s' cms to predominate, aud in going down as many have, 50 or 75 feet, their ledges seem to be well de fined and wide, getting richer in sil ver every foot, plentifully intermix ed with galena. All it requires is capital to developo these mines, and it is desitned to become one of tho best fields for tho investment of money that has ever been discover ed on the coast. Salem will necessailly be tho -enter for supplies for that region. Tho majority of the companies are loca ted lu this city, the money is here aud the foundry and factories are hero, and from that reason alone Kninm will ha tho principal seat of business for that entire district. The East side railroad which ruus lu a few miles of the city will make a terminus here, aud run n branch lino t the mines, nnd also make connections hero with Sontheru Pa cific. A road from Salem to the mines would pass through some of the finest timber on the coast. This could be run down to the mills in the city and be manufactured Into lumber. The center of this rich dis trict is ouly about 50 miles from Salem and CO miles of that through an eden of fir timber. Clini ohowder Sroat & Gije's. New AltiuVAL. Large invoice of new millinery from San Francisco, I at Mrs. M.E. Wilson's today. W0) are receiving and filing orders dally. Only tho best goods. An Opportunity in Real Estate, 11 r, on ni vs What is Fob DAl.t; tun " "" i L-.mwn.nR the "Marble Corner, " rtxir Alio 7j blocks across thestreet north n.,r( niui L.iueriy i of the East Baleni 6umi -" This property will be for sale lor the next 30 days. Inquire of 3:12 lui M. L. CHAMBKULAl.V FdR SALE.-On the !nslallnn.nt plan for $850. a good lot with story and a half plastered house. Imjulw of J. M. Payue, Btale street. if -- The Cleveland Garden wed" at , Farrar & Co'a are elrlctly reliable. Thk Father Shot the Biud. The Albany Herald relates a good joke at tho expenso of H. liryaut, tho well known capitalist and law yer who reoldcs In the suburbs of that city. A few days ago he pur chased n new gun, a small bore rifle, for his little boys. On taking the weapon homo they wanted him to try It to see If ho was a good shot. One of the boys was the proud po.i-. ses-sorof a Chinese pheasant, done! up in the taxidermist's highest url. This the boys had loeated lu a con spicuous position In an udjuccut lot. They pointed It out to the head of tho family, who proceeded to move on tho enemy. He crawled up to withlua convenient distance aud fired at the bird. It was evidently a clean miss. He fired again nnd still again with no better results. The confounded bird still remained motionless, his bright plumage glis tening In the suulight In a most ex asperating wuy. He sent the boys back to the house after more am munition, nnd then opened fire again. He evidently hit the mark, for aslight swaying of tho bird at tracted his attention, and then It dawned upon his mind that he had been the victim of a practical joke by his littlo sous. He no doubt felt like instructing them in tho little song '-Listen to the patter of the shingle on their pant-a," hut he ap preciates a good joke himself, and could uot retrain from telling It to his friends in town. Cakoline Gaqk Tonight. To night is the opening night of Caro line Gage and the Keene company's return engagement. We are glad to know that Dumas' great play "Camllle," a part in which the beautiful young expositor of emo tion fairly revels, is to be the open ing performance. The company has anlved and are quartered at the Willamette. All ure in the best of health and spirits, and a long to be remembeied performance may bo expected. An unusually large num ber of seats have been sold, the sue cess of the engagement is assured and a most cordial welcome awaits the old favorifsnt the raising of the curtain ut 8:15. Special lequest is made by Manager Willis, that all should be In their seats at that time, that the thorough enjoyment of the performance may uot be detracted from by taidy entrance. Help the Hotel. "This is tho ouly town in America where the people ofthe town do not patroub.e a first class hotel when one is main tained for them lu good faith," said Landlord W.tgucr, of The Willam ette, to a reporter today. This is the dull season of tho year aud busi ness has been yery cloe. Tho hotel has been kept up in first class style, largely at Mr. Wagner's expense siuco business dropped off. Ho is now prepared to make a special rale for meals or board, if any Salem peo ple want to try a table d hote for a change. Sale m Excorsionis rs. T h e steamer Manzanillo, Capt. Smith, came up from Salem yesterday, bringing 100 excursionists, the most of whom were students of the Wil lamette university. They made a stay of an hour or two and -t?amed down the river again. The excur sionists visited d'fl'erent places of interest about tho city, saw tho sights, and were much pleased with the trip. Herald. Tho funeral will bo held in Hub bard Monday, at 10 a. m. For Thursday Night. Read the following program for the Bwanton enlurtalmnent to be given in the opera house Thursday evening. Another program equally good will be given Friday night. l'ROORASI. a. A Close Call Bayues b. The Tell Tale Anon Miss Swanton. La Castoguettc Kettin Miss Beatrice Suelton. a, Selections Shakespeare b. Humorous Selected Recitations Miss Swanton. Oh Restless Sea.- C. A. White Messrs. Wenger, Kundret, Ross and Stelner. Papa's Letter Anon Miss wanton. Weber's Last Waltz J. Hartman Prof. J. M.Coomer. l'AKT 2d. a. Characteristic Selected Recitation b. Romance of a Hammock Bill Nye Miss Swanton. Vocal Solo Mies Lcona Willis. n. Our Folks (patriotic) Catllu b. La Grippo Anon . Miss Swanton. Home Sweet Home-..: "Papp" Prof. A. Feebler. Christmas at the Quarters With tho Banjo Anon Miss Swanton. i The llig Sapper. Program for the W. R. O. bocial nt G. A. R. hall on Monday evening, Mnrch23d; Piano solo Mies Nellie South wick Instrumental duet --" Mr. and Mrs. Willis MeHlroy Recitation Mrs. Howard Vocal solo with chorus. -Mr. Folger Instrumental duet.--Mlw Stelner fc- v,,,ilnnln MIm Httrrin w.ir ttaiiilnliioeiicisi Kv- 'orwln " llwckleuM ArnIcHl,t iix. ...iv in ilia world for Cut. -Xl Th vom "'.-"-0rno y iwiulreJL It iucSrW. or no,y requlreJ. It Zuwuvy nrfuudVl. X'noe. emu !r or iiwuvy box HlbliaiMf Kliiunntio " u"r I'"U' i .-imII Afuuraatitirfsd TlH iUIMiHfM- -3-. --",- and ubMWui No griphiu win r."T...77.Tv iollowiur tut. u i'w. tho S" .TdaVlid to both w": Joey arc d'Ul to d.nwiu P4,T;.: mreofal. k hou- feiy. We tru nniee Ei'woivrir Lea cute. The Eji worth league, of the M. E. church will hold exercises In that church tonight tho program Is as follews: Anthem, by the choir; address, Judge T. C. Shaw; song by Y. P. 8. C. E,; address, Deacon Hatch; song, congregation; nddress, N. R. Guy lord; duit, Misses Gertrude Savage nnd Grace Clint-; Star of Mystery Mlud Rending, N. R. (3aylord;8oug "God be with yon till wo meetagaiu. Two Din-Nits. Two men were given a healing belore Recorder Chiodell this morning for being monk. They both paid the fines imposed for such olleuses and were allowed to go their way. Faumers' Alliance. Mr. Cole, the state organizer of tho farmers' alliance, of Kansas, addressed the people of Hubbaid this afternoon when steps were taken to organize an alliance i1' that place. What result ho met with has not yet been ascertained. AnnoR Day. Next Friday is tho time set for Arbor day for the public schools. The schools in this city will observe the occasion with appro priate ceremonies. The pilnclpal i attraction will be at the East Salem school, where a program will be rendered. SfRiNci Poetry. It is all right lu Its pln'-c, but a spring suit is more necess-iry just now. E. Suhoettle can please you. UeinemlicrTliisl The undersigned has just received a large stock of late styles of tho P. Ceutemeri kid gloves the only genuine in the city, and is the ouly authorized agent nt Salem. Also great display of new bpriug millin ery. Chas. Calvert, 274 Commercial St. Now is Youn Tun:. Improve the opportunity and gel your photo graph at Mou tee Bros.' gallery. For tho next 20 days they will make cabinet photographs for ?1.00 per dozen. First clus work. Gallery, south of the postofllce, Salem, Or. 3-19-tf DIED. C A M P B E L L. In Monmouth, Oregon, March 20, 1891, Mrs. P. L. (J.impbell. Mrs. Campell was the wife of Prof. Campbell of the state normal school, and was an excellent lady full of hope and ambition. Dr. L. L. Row land, of this city, wrs called to her bedside, but death was the only relief aud at 4 o'clock p. m. March 20th, she breathed her last. Sho Ieave3 a husband and a baby about two weeks old. Professor and Mrs. Campbell, came to Monmouth about a year ago aud since that time he has been laboring to build up the nor mal school. He has tho deepest sympathy of a lurge number of friends In his bitter afflictions. A Fourful ncrltngo, The iiansnilsslonof blood tilnts entail learfnl conFequeiico, those bo nllltcted huvo iieed to purity the blood every hprlng. Neg lect or this olten leads so fearful compli cation of diseases. A gentleman whoe family wero greatly allllctcd writ ejus tlnia: ily wife and babe, fourteen months old, and a boy of rlvo have eullo.ed lor years from hereditary scrofula or King's ovll. I have employed the best physicians, but found nothlngto tellevo them until I tried Illbbatds Hhuumallo rup. Have liked fouiieen bottles, and And to myastouUu ment they are entirely cured. 'Words can not describe the value of your medicine ag a blood purifier. I shall recommend It to all who uietroublcd from Impure blood. John MuellerweUs Jr, Dealer in groceries and provisions, Alpena, Mich. for bale by smith & stelner. FREE! A box of Ficnch Candy with your Teas OUR 40 CENT TEAS Are superior to those sold by groceries at 60 cents, 'fry them and bo yeurowu Judge WE IMPORT Direct, nnd In dealing with us yon save all middlemen's protlts. For a few dayH longer we will continue our Special Sale. lib box of French Mixed Candy given freo, besides n nice present In crockery for 1. ilt box and two preiervoilUlicH with n cents worth ol tea. Our ColI'eeB aro 6 cents per pound less than elsewhere. Call aud try us. TON TR Company, 317 Commercial Street, SALBM. 40 Branches. -:- 40 Branches, FOR SALE.' Beventy-nlne and one-half acres of land TU miles from halem, J 7"1,ndl?Plni eni-, IK milt from bteamboat luudlng; of a mlfo irom sohool hoiibe. Jloube, barn, smoke house, wood and chicken house Ffty acres In cultivation; balance pasture; four springs on the place; fine young or. chard, small frnlt. etc. 'call at the i pUco.or uddrons U.U weu Oregon. oinimHtuf flftfc rLIl.l.Ai TmmUA nunaid IlrftaiL Pennyroyal pills SAfC. tJvM rtlUbl. iADIC Ir.ftl fo. CUtUUi't Dmglut wad Drni la l(MI " littl itia Uim. Mftkd alUi Uua I rttua. YV r.l.udkM. A.a'ii4irvfcJ ikittt MJtMJ mmJ imifllM. 4 1 VntT-MA r mo4 4u. la iiuh fcf panlaaton, IMdow aJala tad "MMtt for l.ne," U Uu W rctora lUlU JB.VUO T-UW CfcfrfcMfer U t U iMUi IVUllHI, szsiir " ""KH"-?,., SAIvB OF STOCK. Fine stock heep, 130 ewes, five fresu eow, tour boon nnd other tor k t my firm on Ifowell pialrle. oven wille it of baleui the J. U Kofrrnerr, on Tum day March IT. WM. W.T.lUVMWt IMPORTED HORSES. lA.nr rtr. atal'tAna lO ho COld ftMU Jit th lied bkrn. lie df-po'. f 1 " ilAYB AVJifU'LEll, fckuu,or. iJurm im 2 c&i y u Genevieve Blrcct Is to be "improv ed" at n cost according to the ordi nance passsed last Tuesday night, of $27,590.20 The amount Is divided among fifty-four property holders; Bomo of the lots nro nMessed over $1000apelce. Courtstreet Is to be "Improved" also, at a cost, accord ing to tho council's figures, of $10, 2)9,10 Tho old stylo of "Improve ment" is ordered; plank, plaui plank; just sn much more vegetable matter to rot In tho moist nlr. As torlan. Removed, Tho stovo and tin store of Barr & Petzel has been re moved from next door to Ladd A Bush's bauk to 247 Commercial, two doors north of Red Corner drug store. 3-7-dtf See our "Exotic" Qlle's. ware. Sroat & onderful KCaWtS often follow tlio uso of Hood's Sni'sniarlll.i. Sevcro cases of scrofula, upon which other prep ar itlons havo been powerless, yield to tho peculiar curative powers of this medicine. DUtiesslug c.iscs of dyspepsia, excruciat ing complaints ot the kidneys aud liver, ngontzing Itch bo nnd pain ot salt Er (PQB I BTC iliciim, disagree- ggMll0 abla cases ol catarrh, and aches and pains .f rheumatism, aro cured by Hood's Sar V . i ilia. It l mines the blood, and at tho a thus tones tho stomach, ctcates an tile, and ghes strength to every fuue a of the body. Glvo It a trial. Cenoral Dobility " For four years my wfiu suffered with '.arfo tumor bunches on tlio glands under '.iu ;,rms, and general debility of the uholo jtem. Slio Iccamo so poor In health that we wcio on tho vcrgo of despair regarding her recovciy. l'liyslclans did not seem to understand her case; at all events sho never derived any benefit from their treatment. Sho finally concluded to try Hood's Sarsaparllla. Tho Immedlato elect was so marked and satisfactory that sho continued to tal:o It, and thi? r tho esuit: She has gained tn weight From 84 to Hi Pounds and Is stronger and In better health than she has been ( ir years. The hunches under her arms l.ave diminished, and u bcllevo Hood's Saisaparllla will bo too much for theiulatimo." J. J. Noncnoss irJG Com mercial Street, Boston, Slass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Said by d.n vlits. 01; six for f 5. 1'icp.irodby C. 1. 1IOOU & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. tOG Doses Ono Dollar JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and WindoAV Glass, "Wall Pa per and IJordcr, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Teed and Fence Posts, Grass Heeds, Etc, NEW ADVEnTlSEMHNTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Three nights, commencing MONDAY, MARCH 23. Triumphant return of tho unrivaled favorites, CAROLINE GAGE -and- HARRY F. KEENE'S Well known company cf players, opening Monday evening lu nn elaborate produc tion of Alex Dumas' famous sciibiitlonnl drama, 'Camille," With maEnlflcontBtngo setting nnd the most sumptuous wurdrnbo over displayed in eiuem. (jnango 01 pioy niguuy, sale of beats opens Friday morning at Patton's book Btoro. REED'S OPERA HOUSE Thursday and Fridny, March 26 and 27 -First Appearance of- JIISS ELLA LBOTTA SWANTON, Atncrlea's I'onrless KlocutloniMt, Under thojiusplccs of tho V. I'.H. (1. K of tho Baptist Church, assisted by Salem's Best Musical Talent Reserved scats without extra charge at Proul & Gilo's Utate street. 3lor(gnscc's Sale of Chattels. Notice Is hereby duly given that under nnd by vlrtueofu certain chattel mortgage bearing dato March (lib, 18U1, executed and delivered on said day by McKlule, iii-Iip11 hi Ivun It. Duwhoii. which mnri gage was duly filed for record In the otllce of the recorder of conveyances of Marlon county, Oregon, on Slarch 7th, IBM, at one o'clock p. in,, In which county the property hereinafter described then whs und still Is, und by nnson of tho de fault of sold McKluley Mitchell In fulling to pay on demand to said lvun K. Dawson the sum of 15781.68, with Interest from March Utb, 1W1, at the uile ol ten per caiL per annum, uud the further sum of iUMMM with Intcre-H nt said rute from wild duto secured by said mortgage nnd due nnd wholly unpuldand by reason that the conditions ot said mortguge hnvo be come and are broken by wild default and pursuant to Hie terms of said mortguge I will make foreclosure of said mortgage and will on Maturduy. the !Wth duy of March, A, D. laU, ut hulf ut eleven lu the forenixin at the store building formerly occupied by said McKluley Mitchell In the lown of Oervals, In tho oouuty of Ma rlon, state ol Oregon, sell ull trie mortguged chattels in said mortgage described ui ull the stock of grnerul inerchundlso lieloug IngtoaaldMcKlnley Mitchell, consisting ofiiurdware. hutsuiid cups, dry and fyr oWliing goods, boots und shoes, crockery, oil, ulotlilng, traceries, wlllo wure, aud goods of all kind, nature or dtMiriptlon; Hl.wull the store furniture und ttxture lu the two story building nnd warehouse adjacent theret oocupled at the dato of tnld mortgage by the Mid MnKlnley Mitchell us a jsuoml store, nlaoall til" lurmture and fixtures In bulldlngoceuplell by hlin as u furniture atnre on -ill- uud H reeU, lu said town, county and state; ulso one home and buggy, to the highest bidder fur cash In hand to nullify the said mort gage, and will apply the proceed as dir ected by the said mortguge to l Inpayment oftbekuinoff37ol.Uiaiid the further sum of VUhhi, with Interest on each of said una at the rate of tu per cent per an num from Mareh Clh, 11. and to the payment of all charge touching said mortgaged chattel amounting to the sum ot I an to the payment of couuatl fee a provided for In said mortcago Binountiug to ten per cent, of the urlnev pat aud interest abov toentloii'xl. and t be surplus, If any there be. 1 will render and pay over totbeaIdMcKlnliy Mitchell or to hi aiuilgn. Dt4 Manh Utb, 1HI, . IVAN It, iiAWUOV.alortgaxe. Br,M.CIWWAN,Ant PJU1J Spring JUST RECEIVED- All the latest patterns and shades In- Satinos, Palmer Seersuckers, Manchester and. Cheviot Suitings, Zephyr Cloths, Beige Novelties, and Dross Ginghams. B35 Bco display in corner window. CSy Special bargains lu ; L'ino, Heavy Plaid Spring Suitings 25 in. wide 35c a yd., Handsome Cheviot Spring Suitings 14 yds. for $1.00 OPERA HOUSE DLOOK- Head qunrters for lw prices.- P. 1DDRESS TO 20,000 Within 5 years. Not less thnn 100 new houses aro going up now In Salem. The entire va'ley will make an unprecedented building growth Thereforo we have just luld in 20,000 1,000 GALLONS LINSEED OIL,. Wo also cany tho largest stock in this valley of Paints, Glass, Brushes, Oils, Putty, Varnishes, Lime, Cement, Plaster, Hair, Alabastine and Piro Brick. BEST MIXED PAINTS IN THE MARKET By Can or Barrel. Hay, Grain, Feed, Groceries, Crock ery, Glass Ware. GILBERT & PATTERSON. PJLI1TTS. OILS. llllRSIRWMEN AND OTHERS " When in Need of Harness, Saddles, Whips, Robes, etc. You will find it to your advantago to call on me be fore purchasing elsewhere, as I have the LA11GEST RE TAIL STO RE I N" GREG ON. Gents' and Ladies' Sad dles iu most modern styles, HEAD QUARTERS FOR HILL'S CONCORD HARNESS Best made in tho world. I am solo Manufacturer's Agent for Salem. NOT TO BE UNDERSOLD i Buggy Harness as low as $5.60. Wagon Harness as low as $13. This house is not of Mushroom growth, but was established by mo in 18G9 and by long experience I know tho demands ofthe trade. You can't miss the placo at tho sign of "Tho Big Dapple Gray Horse." Thanking .my customers for their liberal patronage in the past. By square dealing, tho same. lliRN NORSII. Largest Stock of Trees in the INorthwest ONE AND TnREE-EOURTHS ISOIiLIONS. o 100,000 Prune Trees. 85,000 Eaopus Spltzenberg. 35,u00 lloynl Ann Cherry. 20,000 GrnvoustolH Aiiplc. 10,000 Early Crawford Pencil. 26,000 Yellow Newtown Plppen 10,000 Moorparlc nnd Royal Apricot. 15,000 Ron Davis Apple LARGE STOCK OF ALL OTHER LEADING VARIETIES OF FRUITS FREE FltOM INSECT TESIS. .CATALOGUE FREE. ADDRESS : J H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. THE OREGON NURSERY CO. Is Oiiering a Largo, Well Grown Stock of FRUIT- SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small Krutit. EVERGREENS, VINES, SHRUBS, K0SES, ETC. At Low Prices. Late Keeping I inter Apples a Specialty . Catalogue and Price-Lint free. Address or cull ou WIRT JJROS., OUlco 292 Commercial street, Halem, r ii m mrr--ui Sasla and Door Kactory, Front'j Street, Salem, Oregon. Tho boat class of work in our lino at prices to compote with tlio lowest. Only tho best matoriul used. . LANDS. Tho undrflignod is prepared to furnish buyors all kinds of farm lauds at tho boBt rates. Also city and sub urban property. L. C. FISHElt, lift P. O. Block,Saloiu. c&AmmS$&w Pint Nations! Bank A. V. Amtoo, Mngr. W. X. Stauv. ludpat Uuslnest, 8horthn4, yyptwrltlnir, Penmnhlp nnd Enelith Departments. Dayu4HTcnlnlkM!fltta, feludcul o4tt(,U uy time, Cttaloueou pnucatlott Novelties. -AN IMMENSE STGCK. -Produce takeu. THE PUBLIC: o. IS THE FIGURES SET FOR Sal,rivi's Population POUNDS I0F STRICTLY PURE WHITE LEADI I hope for a continuance of E. S. LAMPORT, 289 Commercial Streot, Who do AllKInds'of As Cheap as any Laundry in tho Country Using White Ilolr and doing Urut-cluBa work, CQrLrulIcH aud patrons Invited to Inspect our process of doing work, 230 Liberty Street. Building, lUlcoi. Oregon. UDMT 11 INSURE IN YOUR HOME COMPANY "The State." Assessed ncnrlyiono-thtrdfof feJmilUon nv t n tf vn riiM a... Anaspech.. ngrontfor Marfon couuly. Ofr flAanrilhikA fin-.-. -. $500Reward! WK will pay thenbove rownrd for nuy ensoof liver complaint, dyspepsia, slcfc headacho, Indigestion, constipation or cos tlvcness wo cannot cure wltw west's Veg cltnbloLlqcr llll, who n tho dlrecUons nro strictlo complied Avith. Tlioy nra purely vegotabi, nnd novcr fall to glvo Batlsfne Jlon. Sugar coated, Large boxes, contain. In? 30 pills, 25 cents. Beware of counter feits nnd mltattons. Tho genuine mnnu fMCtHrcd only by THK JOHN O. WKST Co. Chicago 111. Hold by Oco. E. Good, Druggist, 809 Com. Htreot.Salein Or. FOREST GROYK FODLTIIY YARDS, Founded m 11877. 1000 YOUNG FOWLS FOR SALE And tho finest ever .bred on the; Paclflo Coast, Book yeur: order early foroholco selections. Send Stamp for Catalogue. Address J, M. GARRISON, 10:ll-dw Forest Grove, Oregon. HAS k. RKAt ESTATE BKOKEUS AND NOTARIES 1'UIIHO. Collections AIndo and Loans Negotiated. 2QO COMM&ROIAL STREET SALEM OREGON, l-20-d&w-tf EM! D.C.SHERMAN; U, S. Tension nnd Claim ngont. P. O Bos 231. H.ilom, Oregon. Deputy County ClerV- Vrlte for blanks, w GEO. C. WILL, of Will Bros., Albany and Corvallls. Pianos, Organs and jewing Machines. sewinomachines and onoANa REPAIREDAND OLEANED At Your Homes Agents flit Northwest Insurance Co. Two doors north of 1'ost Otllce, Halem, Or. Nee dles and now parts for all Sewing Naohlncs 3:5-tf rtw 10 Acres for Rent. A cholco tract only ono mllo from Balem Torms liberal. Apply to HOFER BROS., Journal OUlco. MRS. D. L. FIESTER, ThoLargost Stock of SPRING JTCILIiltfJBRY Of the chofpest styles. Tho latest styles from Sun Fnlnctseo and tho cast, A flno line of novcltlos. Ladles Jlnvltod to call Inspect nnd compare prices. THE) ODBLL TYPE WRITER. $10 will buy tho Odbli. Typb WRitkh with 78 characters, mid 516 Jbr tho Sinolk CahicOdkij., wnrmntod o do hotter work thnn any mnchlHe mado. ltcombtucHHiin'i.iotTy with flmunir ity, Hi'kkd, Kasu ol Oi'riiatiok, wears longer without co'tt of repairing than any other machine, lias no lnlc ribbon to bother the operator. It Is neat, substan tial, nickel plated, perfect nnd adapted to nil Kinds or typo writing, Llkw a printing prCBH, it produces sharp, elean, legible manuscript. Two or ten copies can bo mndo ot ono writing. Anylntelllgentper son can become an operator In two days. WoonerJIOOO to uny opemtor who can equal thu work of tho Doum.H Cash OfiBX.1,. . , Hrilablo Agents nnd salcsmon wanted. Special Inducement to dealers. For pamphlet giving indorsement, Ac., address OWEDIjTVPK W1UTKH CO., 85 nnd 87 6th Ave. Chicago, 111. Wi-flOd Sale ol City Property. XTOTIOK Is hereby given that the rlty ol IN Bulem, Oregon, will sell at public auc tion at Halem, Oregon, on the SSthdayof March, IBM, ut 2 o'clock p. m., three brick buildings belonging to said cltyot Halem, Oregon. Two of fnld buildings aro two sury buildings nnd the other n ono-story building. All of said property is situated on Hlnlo street und Liberty street, and Is described us follews: (Jommcnclngut tho northwest corscrot block UO In tho city of Hnlem, Oregon, and running tlienco easterly along tho north Hue os said block CO feel; thunuo southerly parallel with the west lino of said block 1C0 feet: thonco. westerly parallel with tho north lino of said blook 60 feat to tho west Hue ofsuid block; thence nortborly along the wostlliioofHiild block 100 feet to tho place nt beginning. Tho terms of said alo nretone-thlrd of tho purchasoprlceutthetlinoofsnle: tho bal ance when tho deed Is made by the ctly. Tho City ol Halem reserves the right of possession uud thu right to use freo ot charge, to tho City of Halem, the suld ono story building und tho two-toiy bnlldlnif known us tho Capital Knglue house, and nil of the upper stories of botliof the two story buildings, on or before tbo first of Heptember, li&l, nnd the City ofHalem, Ore gon, ulso rcservoi tho right to reect any or ull bids. Halo to take place la front ofthe Capital Kuglne company's bnlldlug on Htnto sticot In said city. K M. ftAKOUK, r.H.lVAUOY, o. p. HurrorV, JAYO.HMlTii; Committee from tho Council, V.H.MW, Chief Ihiglncor of tlio Ba exn Flra l)e partmeut, 0. C. BREWSTER, -l)uler ln- llay, Grain, Mill Feed and Farm Produce. T0IJACC0, CIGARS AND STATIONERY. ' Ol Court Street. SA-IICM, - - ORBOON, PRINTING. P. NK OK THK I.AIiniT K8TAI1U8II. I..... t.. I.A UinlU IjlWAH CMtlUk I ll (a M i uiuuuu. .'tYTr rv.R..:sr. j-t.-;.": V.-l...l f nrrul btrutl liul Itlunlrkl ll price Hat of Job nrlullng, and catalogue of Hleaxx I'rlnler ftolem Oreoa, If you want tbo genuine P. Cen tomerl Kid Ulove, cull at Calvert'iJf who In mill tlio W)lo ftReul At dWia, ifejota!