Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, January 24, 1891, Image 4

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We, the members of the Board of Health of the
Gty and County of San Francisco,
Cordially approve and recommend the
Royal BaMng Powder. It is absolutely
pure and healthful, composed of the best
ingredients, of the iiighest strength and)
In our judgment it is impossible
make a purer or stronger Baking Powder
than the RoyaL
Jos. R. Davidson, M. D.
Henry M. Fiske, M. D.
Chas. McQuesten, M. D.
T, J. Letournex, M. D. -
Members San Francisco 'Board of Health.
Tv-becl . lr tbe jwGoe. li is
4MHM if mm x hk4 oMSm
! Efartric Wltiru
TUis rMd; fe beewsrl g so -well
iMma Mtd ba pupwitir its to al xe
wfwW Menttoti. AH who have &d
fcJertfte Kilters rfn it msk m
I of pra?. A imrw ndeesi dots
' not exKt sk! it to gartileed
all tuat h entiUKd, laeeme uni-wi i
will core a'l dtettMa rf (be liver sad
kWuey. will rHTe ntmnk. boil.
salt rimim and utfeer atietttwtM cafe-
ed by iuMtt MwJ. VH drive
ulalfria from the rt'ii and pre
venl S3 vtfll b cure all tuaterial
fevr. Kor eureof bead&ehe, rta
rilpaUon atnl iiHlifMtan try Ek-
tnc r.itiers. Knure MttofaettoM
guaranteed, or money refaadd.
rntieit ets. tiKi siam m-r imxk
at Fry' dreg rtore.
$JBfjl it Ibe MrVrt Kuilnr and
fw-u- rle-.
MklH jfr tssroUHr H..US
Iha. "war ewr4. pr Is,. Wgr.
(Br Aadrta llcttr.)
Story telling (not lo the huhh of
fibbing) Uoanot the tJinst illflloult
of all the art and at the mic CIdjc
U beginning to bone of the reln.t-led"old-tlme"oocujallons.
hoar In the home tiaa bwn (Hied up
vrllU taeratnueujenU rn.t,of the
time, becaiifte of the difficulty of
Steeping op the Btippjy of eveij new
good and Instructive tilings to tell
about. What hume dot not hare
It clamoring little ones wIjohc
minds are m hungry ax their
stomach, and who deniuud a
bcttrectwiical of ntirl:H every day,
and, If (hey must, are content with
the old thing over and over
again, The mother outfit not to
forget tliHt one of the utroiiuest
holds he Iiun uikjii her lilldriii In
through the RtoMeH ohv tells them;
the principles the leaches In the In
terest of n clmrmlng ntory ure the
principle) which ore apt to muke
theuiMilvet felt lu the little llvi alio
Is Itillueuclng. Keep on hand a
good Htoek of good Htorlco, culled
from many tuturces with it Mlmjro
thiiti guided by the rlglit thought.
A few (thort rules will do to follew:
1. Never tell utories of mmikjiUoii,
death, four, hatred, or any negative
2. Tell them Miuply and in good
3. Don't rwd them if you can ln-lp
1U Htudy a story thoroughly your-
Mlf, eo Its next points and give It lo
the children us It iuiprew- you and
wt It would enix'clully refer to their
4. Don't glvo Htorli-H tluit will
muke them cry; ruther sucliuswill
lipur them up to doing.
6. Never tell U)tm"goodle-goodlu"
atorles; thy are fully 11s weakening
tut poor morals.
0. Give the boy uud glrii) (lie same
atnrles and let them be tou grwt ex
tent httroic and of active life, rather
than falry tjilj-M, although,; they are
goou ion oennin num. ir you reel
that the children are overly realistic
In (heir uudcrstitiidlng of a hilry
tale, you inlyht Just iu well tell tlicui
ilownrlght lit.
7. Never tell a,ifry wlilimit u les
sou, but iiuVeMi)!) ia hMin', H lh
tihlldieii II 1I1I ItHn tholnttuutiN) It
1ms in their uwn thought mid life.
Too much uttciitlon um never l
given to I ho ipieHtlou of young K-o
pie's llterutura oruuy o(hei feature
of their education.
xour family ? IJoyou krmw him ?
1 American Teacher. The above t
ill ery weU. but pray what do you
think of edurattliik' 3'ur boy from
T should like to give you the other
vendon of this little dipping, but.
dear reader, I know that you can d
It yourself If you only hulf try.
Itevi"? it for your boy's wike as well
ni your own.
Wantkii. -A Uiy. A limve, oour
ageous, innidy, lup)fiil lioyi()ii who
U not ufrnyl 'fjll( lnti) One vt ha
scoriiM n lie; urn wfio.liates detvll,
ouuwhoiovtM his mother; oi.eulio
dot-H not know more thnii hix wr
entAjoue who has (he courage to s
"no," and stick to it; one who l
willing In begin nt thu iNittoru of the
Udder and go upward; one who
thlnU It wmib) 'lt liuinanly lo
Biiiokejono wlm (liinksMu vilucatttiu
In worth striving f.ir; one who Is wll
ling to obey Ills HUcrlir; uiie who
knows his home Is ls-lcr Ihuii the
ntnt;oiio who dxcmi'l U-llevo the
marvelouh lules In lliu sbiry-ixtiKTs,
and will not read the vile slull; one
who won't Iten Miwikuud dou liirau
act when uiinceti; oiiu wlm won't
liiul every nny he utrus or gets;
one who thinks he should lespcci
himself, aud keep hliutelfln tlnvnt
apHttntuc; one who won't a'tuuk
an old man bttnuiMi he Is feeble a ml
dcfuiicelcHi; one who won't torture
dumb nuliiml; one thu won't t,Mi;
one who won't swwtr; one wlm won't
listen to or rvMui vile torlw; miw
who won't revile and Jwrat drunken
iwrsous on thu street; one t ho won't
A. W. Ilagly Is clerking at
legislature iu connection with
school work.
.MIwmBlntt and Ida Iarris and
Jennie Norwood visited the wjhool
S'elnesday,and txik u look through
Dr. Hlralton's (crmori on High
Kducatlon at (ho M. K. cliurch Hun-
dny evening was attended and aj-
precluted by it large number of tlie
A number of the young men have
been absent from cehool work
this week and lust, on aucount of
sickness, among litem are Me- in.
Fred Drown aud John Foley.
Mr. l'ence uud Miss Royal con
stitute the committee of Invitation
lo tho exercises at the Joint session
of tho two societies that is to behold
in tho chapel.
The third term, or lust half of the
school year logins the 2th. and the
program for order of recitations al
ready upcurs 011 1 lie hullutln Lwmrd.
Keveral of I he teuchcis liuve an
uouncexl the lessons aud Die order
of work will soon Is,' n-tiimwl after
registering tnlun place Monday.
Tliu rlictorloal exercises of the
college mid third your sludenls of
the literary uud musical dcrt
ineiit tliut ure liuld lu the uIihjk-1 on
Wwlneailny of each week at eleven
o'clock, are Ix-coiiilug (jultuuu In
tert'stlug feature ef tliut kind of
work. Visitors uro al ways wolooined.
Tho Bong tournament to be
given by tliu music pupils uud teach
ers of the ooiikcrvutiiry oil the eve
ning or tliu !2Hth will 110 doubt In
one of the Unit entertainments of
thu season. Tickets can bostlalned
from inciiilHirs of the hliiid and
lijaulicrs lu olmrgo of the concert.
Au Ktirtioii lu New Yurk.
A New York letter of recent date
says: 1 lie prize mean man lias been
iHtat'd at litHt, He lives lu llols
ken, ills nituie is Charles Wilt ' and
ho Is 11 wealthy reiliixl griMer.
A.noug other worldly elleels, he
owns 1111 old tumble-down teueliieut
known as the "barracks," lu which
.12 iHKr fitiuilluM drag out a inUer-
able oxisteiuw. list night Mr.
Iuti Olson, it wretched dtsrted
tlfe, who hud niblH.nl borMvlf u
most to nudity that she might wrap
iiori'lghl-yeur old boy In gurmeiils
oough to protect him fMiu the
mid, whs found lu an unfurnished,
Utiidoued room, liudilled up lu a
.rnrlilvt'tlug with theonld. Her
tik'tli ohutteriNl w ith eold as sb told
lu r story, bho hud lseu 11 leiiHUl
"f WltteVaiidoWMl him eight dob
lam, whlcli ttprviitsl tliesum due
ir occupying a single Muulld room
of the "llttrntukn" twti uiMiths,
Vestenhty while tho wlntl was
w itbtllug aerM the North rlvr mill
evory blast tliut tdew up from the
I ay was a cruel wreiUor 0 the
oiullltud that liiliitbltalMl WltleV
iiilwrable tmru. that worthy himself
ittKstrep ut the threshold of Mis.
OImiii's nHHil uud dillndl the
rent. Hhehad hut four dolUtrs uud
this she (tMider-Ml him. It rpnint
isleverythliiglotlw poor vuMimu.bbe
I.m.I .....vl..1 llt. ., .1..... r... 1. ....I
t.. .li.i .... r .1 1 . . """ ""' " tv nw 11 nun
?.,?r."J?.,ta. .w,,1"ir.uJfrl U.ull-r.1. Hut it ,lkl nt
Z7 : -" .. M.'." ' nu. r i M '"' !
1 leliiilii i.iil.ut , . & s
tUuZumZtZ wi i" Then tin. xtMeh ri..l her
W found tZ- "i?" U '-rfi.,IUlimK- Hiul the wU.
jieighlKirlUHMl? Ulw,U.ruf H.M ,Wrted the hol w.d wa.
lMOt- mje.
Titnoiar tAVrt ptmmH, TV. tittt.
km curv it m4 rrr pnuatf. Me.
WhMtivtri4-rrtmm4,i!. "
M)lh the p-r u4.
itd un b-jt wnaA.
K) r Jnxs Kn nmmA.
Urrtwrdi)nuwun-: jr rewind.
Ciiifrpd fmlilW))-, tlWr. aprHr.
It 9r, l-k-fTl-. . nyru, A gnvi&t
H fr, UmoiVr II r, trlD beott II Uy.
itum pmI1 Vr, mtUv. Ib two lb ottM.
Uf-n froit t:t4r Hpp't7tiVliJ9 pr
SAu 7V- 'KrruU Vtn panislps Jl (l,
iulaw II () jr baahm; ukm &: pt lti.
ruu jtuXmoB TmWc n lb; fivrrhon .V$
7- 0t Miwll lit h t; per lb; Hslibet snd
uxi Ity- jr Hr, Mill oaJraoD, TKlc pot Ib.
Hcriyo eincts.
Wheal Bie net.
rUmr-Ver UrrH. tllf), btt M IU.
iIa I'er IhjMiH. A Vte.
HruDl'tr Um. IS W at mill, wrkfsi.
Hboru re. Um.tn So
riKj'-i'erloo mji '
ItilfKiltfAlU al f)r, pw III.
I'ouUmm I'fr Oolrt.O;
Corn mwil V xsr xrtiucl.
CIimxo li4l r ltflO(l.
Irtl plum JVrlb. 97,
Irll rtin I'er Ib. ntfljjc.
r.iini irunM Ty. t llj.
Ham IVr lHjfMl,ll4,l?c.
Ilfuon nlde W wr lit.
hlHMJlder (i t1i.
rhlckenn.. 7 u M.
Turkejrn lJVlr 10,
. . .Jlv I WI I r lu.
IIojxt Ib
I.IVer Coiiiilaln Million. ik-iU.
TIip rblel yinHMii irf tlilo dbwa. ure
dfprwwkin i(ilr1l;fHilHtwl lonKiilj(l
Uwtln( mutith; ltrliU brmtli; dry
Kln Willi blotch Mild eriiHii,A; mIIow
yimplexlon soil yellow t-ftm; tlrwl; tv-bini;
li'Milder,dulltliiln rlliii.led:rHlnlnei
dlzlneMsnd Irrefciilsr U,wc. Tlil mm
plHlnt In nil or IU form 001 b inuillly
7 Yi """" Vr Ouod's Impnived
4 . .UN
'Heir inu
rVt4rl: UfKl M llflvrlni.
mil ihwh iw nrvvHi imi i.v
lelniMi Itoldat TetnUa box bv Hmiifi
Wliml Viilley, fl a; aWslln Malla
JI.UJ lo l,16 iwctmtttl.
lloiir lMiidnrd, II w to f 1.
Walla W11IUM m- HI
Oiitnlclegriolin, WhO.
uaw Willie Mj U OVj, (Cray l c:;to !
iwr uimuM.
.tiiiMiuns-nnin W hu, UJn
Bnnnd bsrley, Ifft; rijop r-'.
inlil(lllii, fJi, wr itHi.
llutler Oretton rnoy dulry,37t t-.fHi.Bj-
riciuerjlgood totulr, '74l.ail!
forms t'liMlir7 4-l'K-JreBnn
'JOtftl'oHmtcruJXlwr do
I'oiillry 'lid elilrkfMH, il iVi w.
i'oliitora 1 10ir (Mnfatl.
Ob-Jreiiii, 1.1 Ui lie; Uullforui..
X Ui lOr,
Htigitrs-flnldeu c, Jo;fitni U,; dry
rnti)tel, SJ, cub, crUHlifit sud Pott.
Ieie4l, tfjo xif Huiid.
llwtim-HiiM.il while, Hel; pink tj,
')im. II 7; butter, l Me, ilnuu, :t) wi
Irl.l KnUU..IIie nmrk 1 1 nnu. tlu.
iwl: ttullHti pruiifMi, IVViHilla; lVtli mid
.Iwriiwtii, Ifti ht iHiuiul; ntloliH, W Ui wi
bi; iiliiiiiiiirtr drliHl pearx, n lo lSHoj aim
tiinlniul fttttlnry pliinu, II to lt; evupn
nt4-n wbfw, ?!-, t-iuyriu ll, aji-,
Hllfi.rnlii Hk,'.io Kr K)tiinl,
ltlf sse r immiihI.
Illdw-Dry bldM, 8 to ; K ! for
oulU; Ktwiii . . M nuiid4, In; under V
poiiniN, Sn- .lwi Hriu. k-l.l.
l-intrn Iimih. s Ui Hr, ibrwtkfiw.1 1
m, I0K Ui IlejiddtM, V lo Ww; lard, 8k
to KVipr pound.
un fuA-NCisou, Jim. n.-.tt'iMtt. the '
h ..hihI ihi h I(4m: niHrkH. .No, 1
"""1 M lu II S, stioim Jl wij ur
"Mlal. '
Mupa..HiflOu mr ikmiiuI.
itarty-Kd tt rmi m wf ,llti
II rr;cUiuti II it to I I nHiiHiim Kmdr
11 ts.
0au..(lm II 10 lu 1 (y,t, M )0 t M
r cvuUI-
IH.4M,..MS tuSK
IVtoM..TAriUil M
Clite.tu.1, J. it-W4-lMr Ore
.m. ID lo lag; vali,yt ( u Urt p- iwuiid
Ht-T Mtx H lalNmi,
MulUtM Uvd.tHW.IHdrw-rtiw.
!.. Ut.lMdHMSlCfi.
Vsai TtofcftHirpatMHi.
lutr uutlce
hhe, dtSHMttt, ieful lo
tori la. WBlom ot Hobcko Years the Standard,
School Tax l.Ui.
The school tnxt,, 0f dlslrlel No.
III Marlun onmity ur now due and
wtAalMtfat (lie clerk's oilltv In N.
313 (.UlllllUTelul kiluil 1 i 11 11... - . ..
! , ,,),,Mfu'f tsh'k sbtfe III tin
lluiih Itreyiitaii blKk) Swlem. Tin
same will hecum tltlluiinent mile
imlu within UU iUyH fnHii this date
Ujortlerof Uatnl. this 17th day ot
II IT-tf
Olflrlet Clerk.
.l. l). lcinrliueiitf
Wi.MijioTos, a t, Ummvf itk. im
V uihis.tiW,tolw,MMIki(hil
Un..WttOti. tjvtaMi ., 4 ,
at Man tj,. UI. lu, mm,u4 iJ
avtits .4 iu laim u,.,. -(B- U. ru
4 n. )tM lal..rff,jna
tlwHUkialUflwM,, J.,, , , , , ,,
JwMltotMMM. luw s.K.nk
III. KtHM. Ml tlma, IMIMUI
t-ht4J t,tui lau. -4MMt, fcRj
W4s MSB Ml ulw -tj-1. MlSNHtS.
ItaMl. WUI lM HSfllllhlll iu, - - ...
tb.isMHM4itM IHnmwUwmwi
JLa EnKvli TJr-ir YTldcb tci to EeStvt
InbBe Ojrttriou.
It S Msl ? fwne sxrtJat lait, at saar
rifcpe i "Jar Vstter r "praT, Jl i tie dsfty
5e -snie le rtsstte tntk liar bsibtai, s
aulAr lrtr al le as j be, ted Uict tie
tebta amst Uh oatie lie erran t
tbe aeil laveaperxie tnfe, i.ej- the Liss
4m St4kri. 3 jKiisr tMi ia
Mlstitoy vt aiJTiire tre OSr, K is fcr-aei,
a jeat tetoeaffiest lo &e trife ta rtdiua
be? lnti, if ;rr!Wt, sad to tie xaaa to
kKstpt tfce refarautiac of the irosaa't
kittU bs fife. Tire is MtscsUisE in tiai
pfei, Wtit irovM hare raore t.boJste force
if atrrite oosoeraei oeJj the haibcad
sxA yrtlt. We hsre. heweTer. to tke the
emigres iato oosrMer&taoa. la tie rtt
pteoe, they hxe before their eye the
irfanii al ezxspie i a draaten iatser or a
debia BoUber B&oosdlT, Tre xmt rf
gari the qetws of heredity. Kr. rs.tr
cett bbt wnl eo 1 Vjtj m whicb be rxis
retlt. t a diOoUt qvetttos, the duty of a
trUe who dtseorer tsajy after astrrUge
tint ber hmhcad it not osiy a drunkard
ktevjiX, Wt tie ts ad grutdwa of habit
sal Mt. Bfce thatkiTriih lornr that If she
(MsUsmi to Ure with bun, he nuy beooeie
the aether of a Ms who, as he grows
p to jaaahcol, will show, to her agony, all
the srvptora of the hereditary mania. She
therefore leares him. It will thus be aees
a - ii- -v-35- rxaiJiv
yiMI I !! IWt.T
Onij Genrnn Market in Crtj.
Otoicett, Freth, Smkd and
Pic'.U Htatt MsntfKtureJ-
JLQ t)a oSe. br imalc and ?
laii 1'rx 4iitr d elljr
171 Commercial St,
Ocryrijtrt, leas.
HbTIb' Hi'1' ulis!
"Wall, r-lmi JbKT
1 " Hrr Is your n lair-, thli aerator i "
j " Turr zminb 'Itrecr: ube bn a rsiJ resS
fclElwrlictalpii:. btieiiiimieriiher
cirirt-r-raa. sourb cnS ns-TmaBn-jsr. col
I b srrrlsr ootte tiinarTal. Bew priitrBl
1 we a2 art U 70a lor tliut VcUt of moi-
Witt floe
arrcr cow pi trpBfi-cna
'Dtct oett of ciata5fi
the cui- furl"
'He mrt b
. ' . . --.
that the (jaesUon m not etUed, even if the ' a chtare ji ra j; a Mjnuut hicr truut-
partserof the osender retoire to eodnre
prMsallr all the oooseqaencet of the
ehoire. He or the has to consider others as
wH. TTe do not perceive why the Legis
lature coold not derUe a short act, giving
to the wife or husb&ad of a h&bitoal
drunkard tee right to separate coder, of
ooursc, rery stnet oonditiont. The habit
ual character of tho oSease must be clearly
proved ; the unfitness of the man or woxa-' serere, hx.:crwt eoort aafl arrested Con
an to have tbo custody of the children, if ' raapUoc or Loar-MTotuU. m thoue&aSt
. ...... - 'I r.r re
He stffl t'nfce t- tre r-T"3r sa aeS-
dt. Jt. t m-f to ttd; k,x
"Ttafs ririit. lit f tx o IranaCjva
know. I'n core ymr 10 cbr trj prt -weB
dow; htt rwi wf-st f-irret tie n&se of
the nhtie,",'J T'Mt"
"Nertrl Dr. pntrx't CuMoq Helical
Disoorerr arc hnasaixiU vorit atre&ljr,
and It hat c-e to HUT. Do cooie UKt out
wttxt siUiUue jt bss brocftit tlretir."
-1 wSU. JcKi bre."
"Gaiioi K'iiCil IooTe7' has cared
any, mutt be established; and every care
should be taken that the release is Dot a re
lief from the expense of maintenance nor
any dissolution of the marriage itelf. We
believe that it would bo quite sufficient to
grant a sixnplo separation, not allowing
either party to marry again. In this way
the remedy would offer no temptation to
either side. On the contrary, the existence
of such a means of redress would ana the
sober husband or sober wife with a powerful
means of appeal. A woman who, In spite
of remonstrances, persisted m drink, could
bo clearly told of the probable consequences
of continued Indulgence, might thus be ar
rested early in tho downward course. The
bill must, of course, bo absolutely applicable
to tbo sexes, and the same remedy to wom
en as to men. No doubt there will bo both
husbands anj wives unwilling to call its
provisions into active force. There are for
bearing men and forgiving women who
would prefer to endure all wrongs rather
than toll tho story in a public court. Yet
even for them it will be well to know that
redress is within their grasp. Their suf
ferings will be ail tbo more tolerable when
they feol they are voluntary, and that the
law will assist them if they elected to ap
poal to it. A new enactment of the Idnd,
however, would bring a welcome relief to
thousands of humbler homes.
How the llrltUh FI0.1t Was Threatened
with a Cow-lllclo.
During tbo war of 1612 a Montaulc cattle
keepor gained a signal victory over the En
glish fleet, then lying In Gardiner's Bay,
under command of Admiral Hardy. Mon
tauk, according to the Hagg Harbor (L. L)
Express, was then u commons for the towns
of Kat and Bouthampton. These, towns
people pastured I.ujj or l.'JJU nead of cattle
on Montauk during tho summer. Tbesc
cattlo were In charge of three keepers who
lived about thrco miles apart. I think the
namo of tbo keeper In question was Talne.
Ho conquered tbo English fleet with a canoe,
a rawhido and a crew of ono Indian. It
came thus abeut:
Tho English had como ashore in their
boats and killed ono of tho cattlo in his
charge. They wanted fresh meat and
thoy got it. Mr. I'alno did not propose
tliut his herds should bo thus ravaged with
Impunity. Ho armed himself with a raw
hide. Next ho found an Indian. Ho im
pretsed tho Indian with his rawhido and
forced him to paddle off to tho Admiral's
ship. Mr. I'alno was hailed from tho ship
and asked what hu wanted. Ho said he
wantod to oomo on board. He was allowed
to oomo on board.
Ho was then asked what he wanted. He
wanted to suo tho Admiral. What did be
want In see tho Admiral fori To bo paid for
ono of tho cattlo in his caro which hod been
slain by tho Admiral's people. What was
bo going to do about it In caso bo was not
paid! they inquired. Well, he was going to
take It out of tho English flcot. What was
hu going to tako It out with I With his raw
bide I
Tbo Admiral was Informed that a Yankee
was on board throatonlng to lick tho fleet
with an armament of one canoe, ono Indian
and a rawhido. Tho Admiral was not
alarmed, but bo was amused and interested.
Ho came ou deck In his cocked bat and
epaulettes and all tho glitter and glory ol
tho titled HriUsh tar of eighty odd years ago.
Tho Admiral and Mr. Puino oonfrontod
each other. Mr I'alno did not back down
Ho repeated his demand and bis threat
"WM1," said tho Admiral, you are the
oravest Yankee rvo seen yt"
Ho ordered him to bo paid. Mr. Paine re
ceived tho valuo of tho slalu beast In hard,
shining, yellow, Hritlsh gold. Then with
tut roreo no rowed atltore, having gained a
bravo but bloodlens victory.
How a Lawyer Coufltlviicod Oliaunccy SI,
Ueiww Out uf 7,000.
rjpoaklngof the published story that be
paid a lawytir r,iVO as a salvo for a nervous
shook that Uw lawyer bail rucutved, Chaun
eoy M lenv said tho other day to a New
York Hun rvportor.
"It was a cur lout case. Involved a let
tor frH the lawjer saying that bo had
Umw (KMtiiiUtely upset by a shock he ro
Cttir oit one of our trains owing to a sud
dtt tloptuiKe. Ha oneUHt In his letter
the cerUliottUjt of four reputohJ phytleiaut
bwartng out hit ttatwnU A fritwd of
mine who was a neighbor of tho lawyer,
oattw to tue and told iu it would bo a great
Ujuttu It I didn't tettlo tho claim. The
wait it completely gone, he sakl, 'ttayt
away from hit ofitoe, oatt't do any work,
waodert arooud the house, scaring bis wife
mw nit, aou it unnt ror any thing."
"1 weut down and saw turn. 'Where
ware jo before you took this tripl' I
atked him. 'KusucaUng at my country
seat,' be replied. 'Have aay shook or uadue
exottemtat tbertl' 'No, every thiBg wat
supremely quiet Then he told me that he
hod brought Oowh a basket uf egt' o the
traw 'Well, bow about these rggtl I
asked. 'Vr they broke I' Ot ho," be
tkid; 'they remained cm the teat beekie me,
ami Mi otte was cracked.' 'And yet you
limnwiiaiKir 't.'
"Well, 1 seat htm the tv mpauy's check for
ff.iU), at the doctnrs and he were turo he
oould never get around to tmimett again
You'd be surprised though to s -e how that
Wk MM It was cwli'ni v Just the
of c-i LtisT doctors bare latltxl and oU.tr
rattlrtlDOn hire trx-n tr! and tltMvi
as tutetfi. 7be liJOurery" is guaran
teed to brains or cure in erry case, if
taken in titae and gtren a fair trial, or
money will bo rtruuitd.
caret the woret c&srs, no matter of bow
long ttaadln?. V) tx-cts. by druggist.
Bomiam, IloLXf.H Jt iiAinra, Attor
neys at lw. Ilfllce Ur IlU!lj tiliKfc,
ttetwttn frtate and Court, on Ojin'l St.
r T RICIIAIID.-OX, tttorny atlaw, of
O. flee uji stain, in Iront nwins ol new
Buih !lfck, corner Commercial and Court
street, Salem, Oregon.
r J. hllAtt. Attorner-at Ijiw. Salem.
J . Oregon. Office firm door to the len
X brad of stairs In
Hash bank.
the rear of I-add &
TII.MO.S rOItn, attorney at law. Salem.
Or-gon. Omus uplalni In 1'attonV
PKATTAllL'NT.wttonieyNat law.Kulem,
Oregon. Ottlce oer Capllal utIona(
Bank. Commercial street. Money to loan.
elunelorH Ht law, i5Jlem, Uft-tson
ila Ing an abstract ol the record of Marlon
jounly, Including a lot mid block Index 01
wlem, tlicy haie 'ptfbtl facilities lor ex
irnlniu" titles to rml estatf. Hu!nis in
he supreme cuurt and In tlieKtiil- djm
n3ent will n.i-ele pnnnpt utiention.
M1NTAH. A. DAVIS, il. 1), Graduate
of wmrlcau llclluil Collt-ic, ollen
.ii' tirnlle tuuiil i-er lc- to tlio.e who ma
levd them. Mj-clul Htfmion given to
lltf-HMM of women and I'hlUlren. Ollleeup
tUilmlu New llaua building, Commer
cial street
It. J. t. KKKNE, Deutlnt. Offlceovtr
the Wblte Comer Court and Loin.
rclal t reel.
1. I'Utill, Architect, I'Ibrs, Secl
. iiuiuuun nuu buii;iiiiiciiucijlc ."'
ill cliiKteii of liulldlugK. Olllce UO Couv
uticUl St., up KlHtrs.
SIS. McNAI.I.Y, Architect, New Itiihb
, llreyniHii block I'luusanO jecinctt
ns of all clawM.1.0 ofbulldlui on short
ootice. SiiH.-rluteudenceoforkpruiiiptl
ooked after. as-tf
AW, IlKNT.-ArtUt Studio. Hush.
. lire) block. Clawei. Tburhdayund
V . KsluteAK'ii"y,'.Ul'oiiiinerclalstreet,
4alem,OrKoti, Mw'o .t Mnivcr hne ou
wile tlnr furiii,clt and arrtMgtM In lhl
aud other lounlle. AImj choice timber
a mli, mllU ami buiiluos propertliH. A
choice lJiu.'remwruU at it xiiedMl br
iiln. tllce in h Mll. We Wk suit you.
i"orrexnmence solicited.
p J.I.AUsK.A.CO Mauufaoture of all
ktudsofveblelw. Hcilrlug a (kK:lu.
ty. b,ip iSlale stunt,
K(J. IIUKYK-Ilerbw and Hnlr-drer
lug iMrtoro. l-liiMst tAiht iiiiiiu.iiiv
Coiiimerclal blreH, ShIviii.
U7M. II. DUNNINOIMN, Proprietor Will
It uHirtle lttrU-rSltuii-ui)dr WlUam
(tlelM.tel. Waly tlrt ebis workmnn cm-
l" It , r C. KM ITH, lX.iUt,t,l Ma to street,
IJ Krtlam. Or. rtiiUh-d dontal 0'.
lhn iretrydwrttHstii. l-fclnWisUru
--" ", MU KMniU
giwruuloe saifoftw
ComiuereM street, vn OreioBT
rOll.N" K.VKillT lilo.,l,....i...
U lHwjBicijnaralrtBiaBiuiir. nhoii
t the ftu u UtHCiy MrArt. ;! Jwsu.
Southern Pacific Route
Shasta. Line
mraiac KHSTLArB ABiJ. T.
T.. y ,.
fJ p. ..-
d Kran.
9if r. hi.
7fl a. ai
ifceop. m
Atu-.e tralBA itiup enly al faltowing sta
tlots north of Boseborr, tl Ior!:Btt
Ufiuti City, Wodburn, ;etn, Albauy
luisrent. -t-dl, Ual--r. llarriburi
Jatx-u-xj n , Jri ioc atd f-Wfie.
kW a. lu. , Lr. Prnlland
)WC a. in L.T .Sfclein
4 p. m Ar. R"etmrg
-Vr. 1 iifi p. in.
l.v. I liO- p. m.
Lv. j 9t a. hi
Albany LkI, Dally (Kicept .snday.l
SJJ p. til. , L.
"-ana.; Lv:
W l.ir Ar
Ar. 1 seaia m.
Lt. I 0tt in
Lv. '4ij, m.
TosL complete and reliable facts and Btutisued about
bnlein and the Willamette Valley yet pjiblwhed.
flensed and aoourate.
Kor acoriinnsodaitKn ol second ettJ-i
pi!ng-ri attached to er press trains.
lYtst Side Divim Betweta Pfilla
asd Orvallis:
uaily (jsrcxrr srynAV).
; t3J a. m. I Lv.
law p. m. j Ar.
"Portland Ar."
Cormlllf! Lv.
5W p. in.
At Albany and Corvaili" connect wltt
trains of Or"goc I'adflc KallioaU.
MO p. Ml. I
'Hi p. in. I
X Portland Ar. 1
k30 a. m
5:16 a. rr..
Through Tickets
To .ill points
Kor tickets and mil information regard
ing rat-e mar!, etc., applv- to the Compit
ny1s agent Mjiern. Oreuon.
rii. KOUKItA. AsL G. K. and Pass. As'
K. KtlKHLKH. Manager
Of Course
t ?
Health is Wealth !
ic-".( u , 1 ,
3?ow pre core some copies and send to vt ur fiiti
adveiiise this region.
C!- o
DIl K C WKST.S Nerve ar.d !, n
rreuunent a guaranteetl ,ir P f .1 il)
teria, L117.ini. '' luuvuls ns, t 's Ncr"a
Neuralirla, Uesiducbe, Norwi l'n' it, n
caused bv tl-" wf of l-'n I r i ' ar,i,
WaKehillness, Mental ljep,ts-s ..n. -.iit-n-ini;ol
the bruin tesultiu r. iu.ni! and
leading to mlM-ry 1 rei unl dcatb, prr
mature oldaee, barrennesj., Irs of power
mused b) oer-.'ierllonof tbebnun. Larti
box contains one month' treatment, Jl.co
a bfx or six boxes for $5.10, sent by mall
prepaid on receipt of prlre.
To cure any case With each order le
"el ed bj us for six boxes-, arcomranleri
with sjCO, we will send the purclnier otn
written guarantee to refund the rnaney li
the treutment drn.-i not eMW-' :i i-ure, (ioar
nutees. issued onl bj Oci . E..il Uniif
iCUt,Soleat,'eni..mi Corn, si . taleiu, Or.
$JaL fev
ft?0 ai-sa's
Le Itlchan's Ooldrn Halgam Xo. J
Cares Chancres, Br, ind second sta,-t
Sorts en the Less and Body; Sore Ears
Eje, Nose, etc , Comier-colored Biotche
Syphilitic t'surrh, dlsKued Scalp, and al
primary lormi cl the disease known ai
' .1 ' 1 !, a)
CUwwkdta trsu VwillwawlSLiSr
Ika Kkb, Iteranlar. H ",k.
H. Aiiiriy?cK iA M.p-pt
f Mine at th. Ut V"6.KSJ
iiy ufflr. viii.. ... ": -"
cunlUUv lnrt.1 ,.. .'.TTTT' ar
UC.&nsiiMA, rwt VHOBiadr
a. A. lUxMjc, AiUatam. v"mr
iVTlhllll. I'rtce. $X (111 nr ll.H..
La Itlchan's Golden Ilitlinm No. 8
Cnres Tertiary, Jlercuriaiayphilitii; Hheu
malum, I'aini in the Hones. Talni in th
Head, bMk of the Xeck, Llcerated Sort
Throat, Syphilitic Rajb, Lumps and con
tracted Cords, Stiffness of the Limbs, and
eradicates all dueue from the system,
vbetbtr caused by lodivretlon or abun
cf Mercury, learlnif the blsod pure and
healthy. Price 85 00 per tlottle.
Lo ltlcliau's Golden Himnltli Antl.
dole for the core of Gonorrhoea, Gleet
IrntatlonGrarel, and all Urinary or Geni
tal disarrangements. Price$ -J 50 per
I uicriau's Goldeu Spanish In. ...
lection, for seme cosesot Gonorrhoa, ! llllill'ninf inn nltnilf nni' ,lnto
Inflammatory Gleet, StrlcturesAc. Prlco ",ul "UltlUIl .lUOUt Olll Otate
91 50 per Hottle.
I lllcliaa's Golden Ointment
lor the effecHre hcai njof Syphilitic Sores,
aoderupUons. Prlre 81 60 per Box!
L Itlchau'a Golden Pills Xerrt
and Brain treatment; loss of physical pow
r. eit-ess or orer-work, rrostration, etc.
Price 83 00 per Itox.
Tanlo land Nervine,
Ssnt eterrbere, C. a l) secarcly DACied
per express.
500 ic. 311 SlAItKP.T ST ,
San Francisco, Cat
' ?rs,u Uevelopajsnt wmiiinurt
! siMRMlilp ltn a& ii.uWhorter. fhoo
e.liiuethaU by any oiuei wt. KtrTi
from liortland and all po nu In lb. W'i
lanwit lsv to and InV,, .u miJUssi
TIME SCHEBUIE. (Kxcxpt ..unaayilt
LeaftSAL ,3W1
7"" tsirvmiiss ..jj 1, ,.
! Leii; IwK.iT . -MAM
1 a a TTV. -w - -
TlWllbslVtM.in. Asaa. .
V4Ntahln.Mtii Vuina aoa h
"ilSl V-.llZ- rZ'Z .
VMi5i7fuS " . T-
.r,"Tr.. . au
a year
There is only one tiling that is better to send
friends in tin- JEastthan a New Years JOUENAL
that is to send them the WEEKLY JOURNAL
or at least six months. It will give them good every-daj
and immediate eoinmnnifr.
Until February 1st, subscriptions will be received at.
Albany aava
. .ir - J-. "
1 in
ina aatl
Call On
Hopbr Bros
RkeimatUm, Neuralgia, Crni
Tss OsUHrsU r.tttlt. sal Iirstlts
1 vs4 v wr, vwVerr'tV
ZZr'fJwZ ZZ -"' . . '!
rww .. ... . '- wrm.ri eiu tit..
--.- - bwti Pwiiau,si:: j v- - i
s sssbsst h. . . h. sns-am - i - - vrwm nassssskssH ssvsssssivr ma.
Post Office Block,
t llSfllMISl MM .
Vfc -- aT a,..-T "
Z?'rt,, 'ftxJLTvt1
s ; xs-g ShjsaS
W WwWfFlQ.
fc. ft UlMll U . . .. .
r JJ" o.S
, . Jf'
- 1-