rjSyfr? "U o nfef : -"BaWMHW fX w '"4.V-fe Jw 4,.mViMi i !? i- - $ VOL. 3. "TlIE iteoi'LES' ' PAPER." SALEM. OHJEGOS, SATURDAY, IJJ3&EMBER 20. 1890. "TO-DAY'S NEWS TO-DAY." vtii aifo 1 , -i EVENING CAPITAL ' t -- i , , aaav-r- luUKJNArJt. e LOOK THIS OVER AND SEE WHAT YOU WANT rom COMMERCIAL SST3E2,ESIS!1? THE CAPITAL JOURNAL HOFER BOTHERS, Editors. tUULUUKD DAILY, KXCKITHUNDAY. BY TUB Canital Journal Publishing Cbmpany. (Incorporated.) Offloe. Commercial rttreet. In P. O. Building Kotered al the poitUMIcw lit 8aleni,Ur.,ai- second cla matter. GOLD PENS and HOLDERS, PHOTO, and AUTO. ALBUMS SCRAP HOOTCH Xn.n, CARDS, FANCY BOOK' ETS, PLAIN and FANCY STATIONERY PLUSH BOXES of STATIONERY, I'LUSH TOILhT CASES PLUS 1 K)UFF and COLL R 8J8rpJ,'?E MASISR?5 &- mother' card1 CASES, LEATliER !" . "'"'lvo J-ii3irt.xiir.iv JTIIUIU AL.15UMS. FINE T,l ATflTCu WUTNn .EAT1IER DOKSIX FNTC TlV.RTt IMPORTED VASES. Don't wait until this lino is broken l.iit come at once and get yourchoioe of these fine lines Remember our hro alvay&" the lowest, and quality, the best. 2G3 Commercial street. .Iite3Ji,; ' . - Tvrxrx'wn i t Fin t. . i in.iNit . v.. . - . - i-xv.vjo, liuaxiuv. j.'nuiuiiKAl-li CASES, LEATHER WHIST CASES, 1 .uiioiv wi-ui-uah is:ji, jjiwu, AKT J3UUK3, JUVENILE BOOKS, Bi ajaio, jji.wvivo ana UAJMJio, FAMILY JtflKLES. TESTAMENTS r INK STANDS and ( HOICE LINE prices THE OREGON NURSERY CO. Is Offering i Large, Well Grown Slock ef FRUIT: SHADE, ORNAMENTAL AND NUT TREES. Small JPruit. EVEUGREENS, VINES, SHRUBS, R0SE3, ETC. At Low Prices. Late Keeping Winter Apples a Specialty. GREAT FECIAL SALE -OF- Catalogue nnd Prlce-Llst free. Address or cull on WfltTBROS., Oltli-r 'JnSXViiiiiiierc.iiil hi reel, Hatem. IF WOODBDRN iii NURSERY Largest Stock of Trees in the Northwest. ONE AND TIIUKU-FOUllTIIS MILLIONS. o 100,000 Prone Trees. R'i.OH) l&Mipus Spltzenlcrg. 3-VOO JtiiMil Ann Cherry. HVKK) Kit rly Crawford I'eiich. 10,000 Moorpark unci Hu.val Apricot. 'STOCK OF ALL OTHER LEMIXG 20.01X1 (JniveiiMlfU Annie. L'o.iHK) Yellow Newtown Pippeu l.'i.OOll lieu UuvIh Apple. CHRISTMAS GOODS AT THE CAPITOL ADVENTURE CO'S. Tnl'et sets, filk handkerchief, mufflers, fascinators, silk lien and scarfi- atllOiTUM PIC ICES, All crisp Hiid'ieMhiis a new hank mile. Kurs, linen gouli, towels, nupkiiiH, table clothg at cx'cial Christmas Reductions. Wean- hcndipiiricrs fur tuiicy work. Pun Pons, bell, crescents, sturs, tinsel, gold curd ami braid, bl'lk void unit everything In I hut line. Nnw's the lime Ruv Futlieror Soil n mil of clothe-, or nn overeoa' for Christmas. .Mens' all WOOLS 8 miltx for ilo; Mens' line $J5 KUItr fur $18; Menn' cheap fuiln, So, Hi, 7 an I $8; Uu id value. 0ereualH al price way duwn. We are leadt-isiu 0'eiLMut8. Fancy holiday j;rt.cerKs, crockery and ylussuure. Opera House Block, on Electric Railway. LARGE FREE FROM INSECT -() VARIFTiES 1'ESIS. of mm? CATAIiOUUE FKBK. ADDRESS : J H. SETTLEMIER, Woodburn, Oregon. HOWIE, SWEET HOME! If you can pet a pood article manufactured nt Imino'ynii Blmuld tulve it the pivfcrciiLV. We keep u full line of the rcllubld Oregon Stove! Including the Dexter, "Eureka and Hullana. The Best for trie Money. We also keep Euiteru rJtoveH, and nmoiiK llicni the "Buuuei" line. Give lit) u cull uiid nave inoiiey. Steiner it Blosser, ON BTATK 8TKEET. IHEGROCERS Comffiercial Street. The Best for the'-'Money all the. Time. JAS. AITKEN, Groceries and Produce . The Bet Canned Goods. Choicest Fruits and Vegetables in Season. None but Flut-claw. G.kkIh IKmrtlH. Every article jjuurunttod a Wro.euted. If you would lie well aerVed mirouue Th Ornj; Stor, 126 State Street, Salem, Oregon. JUST THE THING! BuyacunofourBakinff'PowderondWe give you present. You can take your choice. NO PRIZE BUSINESS! Dia vou Irv our UNION BRAND of TEA st-Toa'in'town fnr -the money. A choice' nnd tha The well "electee stock of family groceries continually on hand. JOSEPH CLARK, "ldO' Court Street ChristmaS WILL SOON BE HERE, And it seems, Santa Claus, has already made his head quarters at W. M. SARGENTS, 270 Commercial Street. He has the finest line of pretty Dolls and Toys ever brought to Salem. Also novelties of every kind, Novely AlbuniB and Autograph Albums, F.mcy Perfumeries, Picture Frames, Wall Paper, Mouldings and Games of every description, besides his 5 10 15 20 and 25 cent counters, cud a fine line of fai cy Whist Broom Holders, Building Blocks, Mirrors, Toilet Cases, Stationery. Win dow Shades and pules f every description and many other things too numerous to meution. 42TCall and see early; while you can have vour choice. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co., Sash, Doors, Blinds & Mouldings, Turning & Scroll Sawing. limine Klnlnliiug made to order New tRt KILN, by whleli weenniilwajBlieepa nil Mipply of nenconod'stook ofall kind. AgrtruUurHl WurkH, Oiriierol'lnide nnd IHkii lren, Milcm. Orison. WILLIAMS & ENGLAND BANKING CO. CAPITAL STOCK, all Sulscribed, $200,000 Trauuet a general banking buslocta lu ull IU liraocaeu. OBO. WILLIAMS ... !;r!!jn. Wm. ENULANK Vlco 1're.ldenl UUOH Ml'NAKV Cuslilu DIRECTORS: Oo. Wtlllanw.Wm. Kng land, lr J. A. Klcuurdaou, J. W, llolihou J, A. Baker. , Bunk In new Exchange block pn rom ineioUlntruet. 8.U-II rst Nat ional Ban 8AL.EM OREUON. wm, . um'K, UU. J. Rh NOLllM, ioiin wont, . rmnflrni VUelithldeul . . . tHcLlei GENERAL BANKING. xrliunge !! I itllltilid, t-jin triintlMai Niw orli, Inndiii nd IIiiIik uii boiiirlil mid .old. hlHlc.t i n ni" it IIJ wiiriiiuu Unmlii. I urn '" ii'idiiiilf Invited to diinMI iiid tiniiMiit biiflum Hllb IK. I.lbHIll lldMllitth II Mill' "I wbeat, wimiI, liiipi. mid ullr mrl ri rurll euu be olilulned ul Itie lunik II ni(ul relliihle rniinmiiles Capital National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital hud up, Surplus, . . 15.IIUU u u W.IJ.APK. ITfWluvut, W. W. M-AKHN, Vlce-rreHldeuU OIHtCTORSi T. Ornr. W. V. Murlln KiLMfln. W.VWII' Ur.W.A.aulckcKJ..jjA.bw.. LOANS MADE to tanner on wtieat and .iiiur J;;""1,,' able prmiuiv, ""''" -. ... --- ell 'fiher In niHHlegriiMiirlBitor iiuulir waraiouw" Slate and Couuty Warnuib Bought at Tar COMMERCIAL PAPER iMaonuutc4 l reMoble rale. lirH Vrawn direct u e irk. Clilwwo. rtn Kn.nlJ'Jhinlii". lAmd.m. l'i.rKnerllii Hon Kim mid (fclcntln. Tiix.Piij-prr Tukv Nolle'. Mux mil of Mroiiiiiiily f'irlliej )l "lb. on Plwtxt I" iiiy.lii'im'l'M V'1 I. n? Mnd ,x." y '" I'1'"'0 l,,.ll' The IKW iiAii,in. linn ,n"i" " v - r..w.rjjind wf lhlr nwteMnieniK.it ine """' MMrUTnad Tint OuUeotofi J. H. HAAS, TnE WATCHMAKER, 215 Ccmmertltl St., . ilem, Oregon, exl ilixir to K.elnV.) Hneelalty of Sie-I.irle. nnd repairing t'lxckx. w Hlulien uud Jewelry. $1 WILL BUY A LOT Of goodK ut our morel We carry a full line of griNvrleti, Teed, rocker-. gUiwwnre. ol gum, tobucvu una eouleetlonery. T. UUUHOWH, No. r.tl-oiiiiiiilal HI., Salem DRAIN TILING. The undersigned ai prepared to furolsb thcbettqtiiillly onillug for under drum lug at lovvckt prices, H.UIll'HVnESAftT, Nenr Fair Orounu, Hulem, Oregon, sTerpjstT" Upliolsterer All ttork.e llier new or r"iiurlpg, doue In i I'le-1 Hirkniinlli'iiliiiie, !-'ilipUlUttlOI podiolUie. HELLENBRgWS" Eating rar!ors& Camly Manufactory, SOS Commeiolol Strt, UIwLOKrAltri Irerream l(lc, ISo.nd!enp Collce.'l i a or t iiocnUiteiiud Lttke-.IO rem. tlin.li mid .Milk..... "!!!t,',l!k I'lute oi Mui . -i?1''"! Hoi CiiKtsi oil'for leu ... ...loi-ent. IlK-fhteitU mid Em. ..... ......St; ul Turk i liiiKiiiid 1 .i!!........ ....-Jji ml l uUi.nl bojiiud LiigK....... ,.oceul WiiIm.ii i uJ Kkki1... ..... ......" Will -allrllKI'lllitl 1 HS.. .... .. . .....,2 WJ r nn li t),tlei itn MU)...........-.S5 eeiit 23 Cmt Rrgular Dinner Served from II to 3 O'Clsck A nlif Mirlely of M-gpliiblfK. etc., etc. .VIwMiii, rultce or milk ultb all Ho rent iiuul wlilimii cilia (liiirae. i liiilcet'lgur. Imported mu JJom(tlc, iiImiij on nand. INirtrr llniietiik and Htg.. W cent Vvuder Lulu uteuk und Kgg... ...w uenu E, C. CIIOSS, Butcher and Packer, State Ht. and Court Ht -Th bctt ineat 4ell arwl W aU paru of lh tiy. TIIR RILROAUON FRONT BTnRBT It It a policy of railroad manajre rs tn git thtlr track nnd freight lepots nu river froiiti. There are iwd reaaons (or this. One Id, this prn)erty Inevitably tiecoiiieii vert valiiabl.'. Anotln-r reason lu Unit it lie'M to get frtlght away frjni ihoate.itn boat Hues and Una lu the elul lielw to kill oft all river com merce. The adinlgslon of any rail ma I up.u, river front Is a mis take. All freight and conveyances to and from steam boats must then cross the railroad tracks. . To still further blitck river traflla the rait riMul generally puts In several switch tracks, keeJH a switch engine run ning up and down, allows long strings of cars in stand upon these truck), and generally becomes a regular nulitance, frightening teams and making tVe river fruut danger ous to life mid property. The propoted plan of allowing the Southern PaHHo to come In upon Front street fhould be well consid ered bef ire it is adopted. The prop wltliMi If it ootnesfMiu theconipaiiy it all should be accompanied by -tome substantial assurances of iienetlt to more tliun counierbal nice tbe disadvantages incurred. Vt ull events the compuiy hniild be grained no privileges ree grulU. If it comes lu there let it buy its wa.: Let it be treated us i bunk or any other business hou ilmtcomestoSilem. Let it puy for tt'liat it gets. Tbe ussuruttce of man iger Koeliler to a prominent citizen of rfileiu that this city need not ex livct f ivnrs if the .Southern Pacillu eo Iniigus he is superintendent should convince our peipletli.tt nothing is to be guiued by making .any more piviteiits to this corp iration. Tlio presence of a railroad on tbe principal streets of any eiiy is it nuisance. Jt renders the abutting prnperty undesirable for residents and dangerous from fires fir any liu-iness. Residents and business men get away from the streets in Portland that have a railroad along them. Property is dead on Fourth treet. It would be still deudtr on Frmt street or uuy street given up to u luilroad lu Bulem. If us uu In ducement, the agreement Is mad to bring passenger t ruins down into the business part of the city the company will only use it us an txcuse to take its 'overland trains by some other route. There are no compensations In sight for admitting the Southern Pacific on front street. UIVE OUK CITT A LITE ADM1NIS- THATIO.V, No city on the coast has the oppor tunity Hulem has, uor is backed by the cnuutry'Suleui has, to make a great city. The people will demand of the new city administration a line of progress that will not only put .Salem on a sound financial footing, complete our sewer and Ore facili ties, but make our streets mure creditable in appearance. A number of our mort prominent streets should be carefully paved and kept up lu a fluer appearance. Salem has much to gain from such a policy, and has mi opportunity to make a splendid showing of her streets. The Kllcy of building wooden sidewalks and crosswalks should be discouraged. They ouly rot, cuuse other expeuse and their decay cuuxes bad sanitary coudillnus. Givr-Kultma progressive admin Ut rut ion mid our city will live That is the kind of a town Balem should be for the next two years. UNITLS DIVIDES LAtlOR VIISC1T, DKtJIHUlT. There are two courses to pursue In any ni.itfr. One is helpful and builds up. 'I he other it destructive und tears down men uud liMltu lions, or rather seeks to, 'I he local n ir Is very hot over the Uilverll,v controversy uiidnme very wild lulk Is indulged. The JoUHNAL has sought to Justly interpret local seu lluient uud eiilhusiusm for Balem interests. It'd.ies nut ouceive it to lie necefesary In any of lis work to nt tuck good men. It would prefer to retain what ourcily has, improve it if possiblt.uiid remain friendly to every good cuuse. The efforts of eu sidle melt should be at all times to uulturutber than divide. A Fearful Heritage, 'I be tranimlulon of HLOOP TAINTS en tall feirlul lAiuicquedctM, and tbiMu no ntlllcud.hiive uigeut uu-d to puilf tbe hiood thoroughly etery Kprlug, Neglect oi ihlHfifu-u lead to fo-oful coiuplluilioiiii of dlma.e A eentiemun wlin.e family tteiegreaily Ullcled writ u thus. iJkM-J.KMKN: M wife nud bane, fom. teen imiiitLii old, and a boy of Ote, -liave Kiillercd for years with hereditary nnifiiltt or r.'lngetU,aud Wi ulireiiieily break ouIIumuvu 1 have employed the be.l plijulclun, but lininil noiliing lo relieve Iiuul tiiinl 1 tried llibMni' tiieinusilc trnp, Mate ud foarteeu brlll0'f uud rtndloi.y "utoninhmeiil they are tnllrely cund. vtordiiuuot di-n-rlbe lh alu of jour mid cine its a blood purifier. I Nliall recommend It to all wbo arc troubled from Impure BW-nd. JOIIM MUKLt.ERWKlH-1. psster In gnMsrlss tsad yruvtatou, Ai-)KMU(Ulk. KUCUL REVIEW. vr. c. t. u. DtsNnn. TheW. C. T. U. hall on t'otirt Ktreet, will be the best place tn get jotirChilslinas dinner. Tbe ladles will serve till the delicacies of the neuso.t. SOCIAL DANCK. ThePslem City bund gave their Inst tot l.il dstice for the year 1600 In their hall lust night. The dance was well attended and those present had an enjoyable time. The band's orchestra now furnishes excellent music for such occasions. The band will probably resume those pleasant events early lu January, 1801. YOUNO PEOPI.K8' KECEPTIOX. Mrs. H. It. Holland gave it pleas ant reception on Wednesday eve ning to Hie young people connected witli the Unitarian Society. Some twenty gathered and with music and games passed the evening very happily. They Were treated with a due lunch and adjourned just lie fore midnight feeling that it Was good to huve been there. PHILHARMONICS. The Pliilhai monies have arrah'ged to give one of their iiopUlar coluerls on Wednesday evening January 28. The coitecrt will take the form of a national characterization if l he prin cipal count lies. Such as the Ui.lted .Si a ten, Great lirltiiiu, Gel many, Ireland, Italy, Saxony nud then. The clam will make extensive prep arations to make the ocean. on a1 complete succes. THE B ND CONCERT. The cone, rt given by the bund In the Uni.rslty chapel Wcdnesila evening was fairly well attended und the program was good. Mmi)i t the seitcttniiH weie of a hiuh order uud sliuwtd careful truiuiug. The program was pronounced by those present to be one of the best1 ever given in uie cnapei una was a Hpleiiilid shotting not only for the hand but for the school lu general, und a credit to those wbo took part iuit. msitop mokris. . Bishop B Wister Morris, of Port-' laud. Is in Salem uud will preach in the Ht. Paul's Episcopal church to morrow morning und eveulug. Ju Ige und Mrs. B. F. Bon ham will entertain the Bishop while he is in our city. Bishop Moiris is one of the pioneer preachers of Oregon and Is known all over the const. He has beeu promi nently connected with the Bit-hop Scott grammar school of Portland for several yiars. THE UNITY CLUB. Unity ululi passed u most enjoyable evening ut Mr. Leo Willis's on Tuesday evening. A lurge uuiuber were present uud tbe Interest is in creuHiug, Essays on Longfellow und his poem of Hitvatha were read, and portions of the poem read and criticised. After tbe literary exor cists, sliming, music and social con verse filled the rest of the evening. The next session will bi held Mop day eve Dec. 22, ut 7:30 sharp at the residence of Mr. J. B. Slump, Front street, 1 SHOULD I)E APPRECIATED. The Second Regiment baud gave another one of their grand coucerts in the opera hou-te lust night. To sity the music was excellent uud well executed, is to say uaught. Pen fulls when such attempt is made lo give 'the feeling which thrills every one who heurs such heavenly music, lit to stir angels themselves. A larger audience greeted toe play era lust night, jet the house was. not us full as It should have been,. New music was given last night that was never before heard lu Sulem. The boys are making extensive arrange ments for their miustrol pluy uu Xew Year's night. A. F, AND A. M. ELECTION. Lust nU'hl the Pacific lodge of the above order held their annual elto tloii with nsults as follews: J. H. Uoss.W. M.jDr. J. C. Smith, b. W.; Lot L. Peurre, J. W.j Newt McCau ley, treasurer; W. J, White, secreta ry; John Gray, lyler. It has been de cided by the Musons of this city to hold u public Installation on uext Friday evening, Multnomah chap ter is exieclcd lo J .fit wllh the Pa cine lo'Ue in the Insinuation uud aid In inuklnu' thesurcess complete. A social supper will foil iw tbe ex ercises. These occasions he here tofore been eventful nfufra and ilouiitlcsri this one will bens good. Ill RLE BOCILTV. The annual meeting of the Ma rloii Coiiniy Bible society was held at the ChiUtiau church lust night with a fair attendance present, The report of the secretary wus approved. James Ailkln, the treasurer, reud his report which showed cash on hund $t.8.fV. Officers for (becoming year were elected as follews: Pres7 dent, Itcv. J. 1), Johnson, the ministers of the various churches were made vice presidents, J, M, Martin, secretary; Jus. Aitkin, treasurer; T. (J, Sh-w, C, M, Tabo, John ijnlm, J, W. Merrill and O. F. Chase were appointed on the executive committee. The follow ing resolution wus adopted; "Re solved, That the city pastor be in. viled in take a collection on neil Sabbath morning or evening for the Bible euu', or uu the following gMbbaili." lCoalu4 a e9aa'Ws'- TUB PEiW i TIAM AW TUl1 C I? i 0 AII I H H . H W l 1 1 1 1 V 1 1 H IH Will I lll'j nl'J l4ii I 111 i III' I lll'j nl'iriLiil i Be" Sure and See It. I M! HOUDAY A Glimpse of FairylanJ ! "Appropriate Gifts For all inds of folks tittle or big, at all kinds of prices - Great or small. We ar? pleasing them all. a large 'ah'l Varied "assortment of Toys, Novelties, Fancy Goods, 'Ndtions; Glassware, ChinaAyare, Ivory and Pittted ware, Lamps, .Etc. ' The newest designs atid finest goods of the season. Our low prices make these beautiful goods all bargains. Come to Headquarters, where your money will go the farthest aud where you are sure to find just what you want. J. ft WRIGHT. 327 and 229 Com'l St. .n.. i v' 'ilvi'H 1HI v II I'll li''' Will be-Made ON STEEL ENGRAVINGS AMD FRAMED FOR THIS WEEK. U Ei U ; iv-IT iioL' U" Wli l .ol-IH' 1 1 pictures! it- wB . '.v. -a . J ') ' ' ' ' i "ift 'ISHJliaPl: J pajaW'ft wtmm4 LWr.uwmm -':.., i m ' i j' j( S&W i wCwiuiefflrii -Xk m m MJ Vl i M n-iii 4f1 i r m i ! M m S tl 4 . ? 1 s; s 51 vtifcX rttS r . JS' I 'c Si ij"" "?$ i"