Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 18, 1890, Image 2

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    the capital JOIJMAL.
Dally by mull per year- J w
Dally br mall per month, M
wgefajty mall per year,. 1 00
mid In advance
the price
.t,W1 tar the WKKKLT JOUIINAI. Will e
-Wlf not
If papers are not delivered
It the ofllce.
nromDtly notlly
Dally or single week, 18 cts.
Daily Ibrtwo weeks, 25 cts.
Dally by month, ou cts.
Collections will bo made on 1st and 15tli
of month. Subscribers will plcoso leave
money for carriers at house or whereon U
Is delivered, so as to cause no delays In
This Evkwino Capital Jocrnai. regu
larly receives the afternoon associated
press disprtches.
Dealers in Groceries, Crockery,
Glassware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,
Brushes, Windowglass, Etc. Sole
Agents for Epicure Tea and Big
Can Baking Powder.
Important. A fa adjourned
meeting of the board of trade Is set
for this evcnlngand requires the at
tention of all members. Among
tbo matters to be discussed is that of
au .exhibit by Salem and Mnrlou
county in connection with Albany
and other points at tbo Spokane
Falls Industrial exposition in Octo
ber, and the appointment of n suita
ble man to take charge of the work
for ibis placo. Also tho retaking of
the census. It Isnotonly presumed,
but It Is known to the writer as a
fact thatMr. Boothby, chosen to sup
erintend tho work, courts and will
appreciate all suggestions as to the
best mode to bo followed and the
bestmeu for enumerators. There Is
no body of men better qualified by
representative character for this
than the board of trade with a full
attendance, ns it was their labors
through which a recount was se
cured. An electric light at the S. P
depot should also be asked and the
matter pushed vigorously. There
are many other things requiring at
tention and the board is just now In
fine working condition to get what
Is needed. Fall immigration will
soon set In and Salem wants to be
in shape to meet it properly.
Badly Needed. The principal
trains of tho day tho evening south
bound come in now at a late even
ing hour, the days nro shortening
and darkeness spreads its murky pall
around tho pacsenger depot and
alsug the platlorm to a very disa
greeable extent. The light of a coal
oil lamp In the waiting room and a
few flitting lanterns in the hands of
truinmen only serves to make the
darkness all tho more annoying, by
half revealing objects without the
least assisting In their Identity.
There is urgent need of an electric
light at that place, and if vox populi
was only vox del thoro would be
one, beaming tho most effulgent
rays, created there before the arrival
of the next train. This would be a
good subject for the board of trade
to-night. From there to thocouncll
chamber to-morrow night, and from
thero to tho ofilco of the S. P. rail
road company. Between the city
and tho company, it seems tho ex
pense could be easily arranged, and
the benefits, comforts and conven
ience of a good light would bo more
than commenBuruto with tho cost.
Now Is tho time to commenco ac
tion to procure it, beforo the sea
son advances into rain and mud
In addition to tho darkness.
Portland Baseballists Meet
More Than Their Match.
Salems Win Both Games Willi
tho Famous, and Have the
Right Sido of allow.
No Si'ECiAKS.-Secretary Mitchell,
of tho bourd of trade, whllo in Port
land last week Interviewed the of
ficials of the S. P. railroad in regard
to special trams during fair wee,
but obtained no assurances that they
would be put on In fact comes
homo convinced that they will not
be. It must bo remembered, how
ever, that thero aro six passenger
trains passing each day, three eacli
way, and that all must stop at the
grounds; also that tho street car line
intends putting on several more cars,
having eight already; that there will
bo numberless hacks and other con
veyances, bo that thero ueed bo no
fear of accommodations. Tho count
less number of victors will be amply
provided and thero will bo no jarring
trouble to mar the harmony of the
Five Generations. As an illus
tration of tho longevity and family
perpetuation during n llfetimo In
tho Willamette valley a Journal
reporter's attention was to-day di
rected to u picture contulnlug five
generations, tho combined age of tho
representatives being 200 yearo.
They are all resldeuta of South Sa
lem precinct, the youngest three be
ing natives here, and tho others
among tho early pioneers, as follews:
Mrs. Mllllo Rains, aged 01 years; her
daughter, Mrs. Lewis Pettyjohu,
aged 03 years; her grand-daughter,
Mrs. Cella Fldler, aged 35 years;
her grcat-grand-daughtcr, Mlsa
Maud Fldler, aged 10 years, ami her
greut-ga'at-grand-daugbter , Miss
Lizzie Rowland, aged four years.
Mrs. Rulus Is hale and hearty and
good for several years yet, and Is
very proud of tho group.
Secured A Residence.--Hon.
Phil Metachan, state treasurer elect,
has rented from Geo. II. Jones the
latter's haiiduomo promise on Gule
ty Hill, In tho southern part of tho
city, where ho aud his family will
reside during his term. Mr. aud
Mrs. Mutuchau and ouo daughter
have Wcu hem several duya aud tho
ladk-8 are much pleased with tho
capital city.
The "Fuhibus" baseball club of
of Portluud came up Saturday
morning evidently imbued with the
Impression that they were about to
meet a lot of country players, who
would perhaps furnish u little prac
tice amusement, without any con
test worthy of the name; but the re
sult shows that they had miscaleu
lated aud that the Salem players tin
not to bo made little of by an
combination in the country.
Mr. Tom Parrott, who has been
babied by Portland papers until tin
idea has become dominant with him
that ho Is a prodigy of skill in pitch
ing, made himself disagreeable from
his first landing here, by his boast
ingandegotlstic.il remarks, which
aroused a disposition for chuffing on
(he part of spectators that could not
have been very pleaui.i; to the visi
tors. When Parrott arrived hcre,he told
Jay Smith, whom lie did not know
us being connected with tho club,
that he didn't see why the boy
brought him along; they could heal
these "hayseeds"' easy enough with
out him; that if hi: pitched hi
would simply fun out 21 out of the
27 right along. During tho program
of the two games he heard oil ol
this "hayseed" guying that he could
Saturday's game was a fine exhi
bition of skill all the way through,
both sides doing well and resulted
in a victory for the Salems in a
score of 11 to 7, and there was wide
spread satisfaction throughout the
city and much pride expressed in
the club.
But Sunday's contest was awaited
with consuming interest, as it was
supposed the Portland club might
have reserved its great playing for
that, and when the hour of play ar
rived every seat on the grounds was
well filled, while the enclosure was
lined with carriages all around. The
players were in excellent trim and
tho weather was most propitious.
The Salems went to bat first, with
tho nourishing Parrott in the boy
and the first ball lie sent through
Howard lifted into left field beyond
the ability of anybody to take in,
aud tho boyB followed up in grand
style, making four runs by Howard
Crosby, McCarthy and Morgan,
whllo Cooney, Smith and Leveqtie
went out. Tho Pol Hands went to
bat, with Crosby, Salem's new
pitcher in the box, and ho is light
ning. Ho has not been in practice
lately and was a little wild, sending
three men to first base on balls the
first inning, but they all died there
and no tallies were made.
The Salems followed with two
whitewashes and the Famous hud
like experience In the second inning,
but in thcthiid they scored five
runs. In tho fourth each side count
ed one; the fiftli and sixth added
nothing to the Suleui score, but tho
sixth increased Portland's count by
two tallies, maklug them eight to
Now commenced tho event of the
game. Salem's lucky seventh inning
arrived and tho boys went in with a
determination to pilo up the runs.
Booth made a safe lilt and got to first,
but Burnhcim went out; Howard
and Cooney sentParrott's bulls Hying
and thus covered the three bases.
when Crosby took the willow aud
inado a fine hit, bringinir in all thiee
and coming homo himself on a
"block" ball, but hero a dispute
arose, which unfortunately ended
tho game in a quarrel, but while this
Is to bo deplored, there is no ques
tion but tho Salem boys had the
right of It and aro not a purtielo to
blame in holding out for their just
A wild throw whllo the Salems
wero coining homo in a Hying col
umn, sent tho bull among the carri
ages in a corner of tho grounds and
tho umpire on baso-ruuni'ig decided
It was a "block," which would en
force its being sent to the pitcher'
box before it could put out a runner,
so Crosby reached homo in good
time, but Behwartz.thb Portland tint
plre, who had all through tho game
given notoriously unfair decisions
against tho Salems, aud whoso busi
ness at this time was tho judgment
of balls aud strikes, decided that
Crosby was out. Tho wlldvst ex
citement prevailed, tho most conser
vative and quiet business men of the
city taking a hand and declaring
they would not submit to having
Crosby declared out. Tho Portlands
finally resumed their stations in tho
Held and McCarthy made first Uw,
Morgan followed and funned out,
when the Portlanders claimed thut
made three out meaning to include
Crosby und In this they wore sup
ported by Umpire Sch warlz.lnit Um
pire Coleman decided theothor wav
and there tho game ended, tho Fa
mous refusing to proceed. At tho
end of thotlmo ullowed, Mr. Col,
man auuouticod the reult of the
game, 0 to nought in favor of Allow.
Afterward Solnvurt gave it lh
name way lit favor of the Famous.
Tho fact of the matter Is, tho Sid.
cm boys wero tho boat bull pluytmi
from (he turn-loose ami tho Port
judgment or spirit of fairness in his '
decisions in order to down the Sal
cms, whilo tho work of Mr. Cole
man, who is a ball player and
understands the came, was In
notable contrast. It was that of a
manly gentleman, who hud uo
enemies to punish or friends with a
collar on him. Schwartz should go
and drown himself in a tub of water
In which bull players have washed
their feet.
The Salem boys niado no serious
kick all the way through and wcie
good natured and jolly, even when
behind, but the terror of their
seventh inning so scared and rattled
the Portluud chups thut they could
n't handle the ball. They wero also
surprised beyond measure at the
ease with which the Salems found
I'arrott's pitching and batted him
all around,
Many persons expressed great sor
row and were shocked that such a
wrangle should oocur on Sunday,
out it must be admitted that the
same rules aud conditions apply to
a game of ball one day as the next.
The interest in the game was in
tense, tlu dispute occurred at a criti
cal point and if the Salems had
yielded their point, no tolling what
tho next claim would have been. No
persjn who has regard for fuir play
can find any fault with the home
club. It might have been policy
for the boys to have surrendered
their rights, but it would not have
been proper. Had the Famous left
Tom Parrott at home und brought
an independent, manly umpire who
understood the first principles of the
gume, their experience would have
been pleasant, but "tho Hayseeds"
do not enjoy being bull-dozed or
Perhaps it will not be considered
a lepitilion if the remark is made
here that the Salem players are full
blown roses no daisies can fill the
bill. McCarthy behind the but is a
whole team: Crosby and Leveque
In tho box are a credit to any club
on the coast; Sum Booth on the third
aud Burnhcim on the first ran be
always relied on; Cooney, on second,
Smith in left, Howard as short stop,
and Morgan in right are always on
hand with the best of work and
Morgan in running bases is like a
Kansas cyclone.
Just mark it down, there is no ag
gregation around loose in Oregon
that cm down the boys in a fair
Tho Proposed Steam Motor Line to
bo Taken up.
General Od ell's financial showing
of tho abovoenterprisc ia regarded as
a very liberul and favorable oue by
most competent judges.
Salem people should by all fair
means moye Immediately to hceurc
the construction of this steam rail
way to Silverton aud belt line
nround tlie city. It will have its
terminus here.
This Hue will bo of far greater
local value to Salem aud Marion
county than a trunk line passing
through. J30.000.00 bonds to be
taken by the people at each end aud
along the Hue is a small subsidy,
compared to benefits in increased
business, values of real estate, em
ploy given labor, etc., by the con
struction of the line.
The city and county have granted
valuable franchises. A public meet
ing is being prepared for. The
mutter should bo taken up and
pushed to a successful termination.
Tlie Second Week Opens with a Good
Attendance I'rof McElroy's
State and High Street
SuccessorloW.il. COOK.
The Cook llotol In oppoMtr court house
ennvctent to hiiMlnes pnrt of city nnd
street cur Hue runnlmr past tho door.
Hates 8I.C0 to $.100 n clay, according to
ro mi. Hpcclnl terms to boarders nnd
25c WantColumn.
Notices Inserted for ONE CENT J'EIt
tUcmeut Inserted lu this column Tor less
than twenty-flve cents.
Great Offer
F h v T T i: it I N g 11 1 it I) s. T h e
Journal a few days ago had a short
articlo on the wheat market, in
which it was stated that Salem was
at tin- top with reliable price quota
lions for cash, and the farmers were
cautioned against huckster quota
tions from other towns. No partic
ular town was mentioned, but both
uewspapeis at Gervals seem to feel
hit in the came spot, and send up an
agonizing complaint thut their lively
little town did not deserve the shot.
As these two papers arc tho respec
tive mouth-organs of the two
opposing dealers ofGcrvais, it is to
bo presumed that that little "huck
ster" squib followed a rather close
aim. In tlie meantime, Salem is
paying G5 cents a bushel net cash to
farmers, and will keep on the upper
notch of the market right along.
Exi'i.oi)i:i). A strange and some
what unaccounted for accident oc
curred in the machine of George
Smith while threshing on the farm
of Mrs. Allen near ISuhi a few days
since. While the machine was run
ning at her usual speed an explosion
took placo in tho cylinder aud a
Hume Hashed out of tho mouth of
ho machine and set fire to tlie
lee side of tho thresher, nnd it was
only by a hard Unlit thut the sepa
rator and tho threshed grain was
"lived. The cause of tho explosion
is unknown. Tho straw had con
siderable fern in it and some think
it was tlie dust from the fern, which
lliey say is combustible under favor
able circumstances.
A few more teachers registered at
tho institute, now being held at the
East Salem school building, this
morning, which swelled the list to
more than seventy teachers. At
nine o'cloclt Prof. McElroy met the
teachers and gave them a verj
interesting address. The principal
part of his talk was suggestions and
advico to teachers, with a brief out
line of the benefit of a normal insti
tute. Among other things he said:
"This worK is the outgrowth of
advanced legislation of the legis
laturo four years ago. Until that
time we had only heard of such
institutes east of the Rockies. Muoh
of the success of the institute and tlie
benefit of your being here is due to
the superintendent, und to the
interest manifested by you teachers.
We trust the interest of the public
schools will keep pace with tho
progress of the country."
"We are sorry to say that there are
some teachers who will yet fold their
hands and submit to every demagog,
uery to avoid the work of examina
tions, and do not take any iuterest
in your normals. I have only re
cently received letters from other
counties, from teachers who aro try
ing to avoid the examination of their
He next offered some suggestions
which would bo well for some of our
teachers to nut into practice: and a
few hints offered to pupils and par
ents if observed would aid in the
governmeutof our schools. The first
wus, habits. "If you must introduce
a reformation in your school com
mence early thn first day, be eni
phuihio enough to make the pupil
know that you are In earnest, yet
not severe."
Afterspeakingonsome other kin
dred subjects tlie speaker closed hts
remarks by congratulating tho
teachers on the good work they
were doing.
Oftlie WlllnmettolUnlvirslly, Salem,
The p ist school year hn been the most
successful In Its history luerc.ised atten
dance mid number of graduates. TIlClllOHl
wiocesxfiil music school on the Northwest
const. Tlie courses of Instruction Include
piano, organ, pipe organ, violin ard orches
tral Instruments, vocal culture, tartuony,
countei point aud class tcuchlnj;. Diplo
mas glen on completion of course The
musical director will bo assisted by nn
abloauil elllcleut corps of teachers. vnd
for catalogue '.. M. l'ARVIN,
T:23-lin ilw .Musical Director.
Next term begins Sept 1st, isyo.
Salem, Oregon.
Tht" well known Institution of learning
will be leopcncdforthorcceptlonofbonrd.
crsand dny-pupilson Monday, Hept.il, 18U0.
I'liu-nts an- kindly requested to send
their iHuglitors nt tlio beginning of the
se-slon, and thereby facilitate proper clas-sllk-ation
Tei ii's per quarter, (payable. In ndvnnce.)
Hoard and tuition, J-10; Day school, 85, $,
;'S and Slv, Music, practical and theoretical,
with use of piano, $15; Drawlngnnd paint
lug In water colors, Ss; Oil painting, per
lcsMin.Sl; t'oroelaln painting, per lesson.
SI: Entrance fee. payable but once, $5.
ni-.il music In classes, German, French,
industrial Drawing, I'laln and Ornamen
tal Needle work, lonn part of the prescribed
c urse. iciegrapny. rtionosrunhv nnd
Type writing are taught at the usual rates.
r! mi int-r i;u iii-uiar jufjiure ill me
At-.di'iny, or address Hit. SUI'KHIOH.
French - and - German
Lau.iingfs, taught at rooms 0 and 7
1 i.i nl bullrthu 'inandnfterSeptcmberlst,
.i!,-.- J..'. I II . ( -ULTRA nnd ANNIE
.'UuRMiiN. 8.-M-2W
Alndv's money purse nnd nolo
I j book, on the street nt sonic point be
tween the corner of High nnd Chemekctn
sirects nnd thecorner of Kerry nnd Cottage.
It contains money. Kinder suitably re
warded by leaving nt the Journal office.
PATRONIZE Home Industry, nnd use
Mountain Hnlm Cough Cure. Ouar
nnteed to give, rcllei or money refunded.
Manufactured Uy II. II. Cross, tfalcm, Ore
gon. Smith A Htclncr solo agents for
Salem. 11 1
6Tl SALE. Cheap. A good family
boat, oars nnd sails, complete. AIo
n 4.V00 Winchester rllle. Inq Ire, 1M3 Com
mercial street.
'""lllilj,! , &S&1- r
VAxo Ti -IP'" UI,r,8ht "nd.
CO Ml V Piuniw for a fow week, J ebrated
!?2.-)0 OIIQAXH, the finest In tl I. uvfs. i"1-)
a.iwi rtfi t va' r" J..1 U1 llle world, for iUn
20ll ORGANS forS'in
:ji!5U ORGANS for $70.
Uuy now and save money
bargains iu nil kinds of music goods at
clean a, Dlano without gumming It.
Kor snio nt Diamond s music
Polish that will
cum m
OR SALE. One house nnd two lots In
Inquire of W. u. eimp-
Soutb Hnleni.
son. I'rlco SOB.
FOR HALE. Team, cow nnd calf, and
mowing machine. Alsonn SO-acie farm.
Call on or address T. C. Jory, llox 91, Salem
Scriber & Pohle's.
Special attention given to shoeing road
sters, driving horses, Interfering and crip
pled horses. A largo
Stock of Hand-Made Shoes Carried.
We give our personal attention nnd em
ploy none but experts In this department.
47 and 51 State Street, Salem, Or.
Eldridge Block, Commercial St
ivioore & Osborne
Dealers In Furniture, Notions. Queensware, Glas-sware, Clears Tnhno
Candies and Nuls. All kinds of second hand goods, bougfuud S,C'
Goods sold on commission. Cor. State and Liberty St.
Capitol Home Addition
Is beautifully located In East Salem, south
of tho Electric Railway Hue, near the
potver house. Large lots, lOtalW) feet.
Good soil. Kor sale by
T. II. WILSON, Owner,
136 State Street, - Salem.
"."W 4-B-" aru. .WJ
X..i;i- tor Sower Bids.
Salem, Orvgrm, Ancust 10. 1690.
HUN will be received by the lollowlng
committee of thecity council up to2o'clock
p. in. ou Tuesday, the 19th dayof August,
lor the cmstructlon of au allev sewer
through block No. 8 In the city o'f Salem.
Plans anil snecltlcitlons ma v be seen iitthn
city i-urveyor's olllce. Hlds will bo opened
ut i p. m.
Capital Dairy Co
A. C. Falrchlld, II. J. Kelly nnd
lire prepared to deliver flresh milk
cooled on ice, to any pnrt of the city.
Leave orders at Mlnto Low's stable.
(Successor to Gaines Fisher)
KvKitYTinxu (Snows. A bean
vino well loaded with fat pods can
he seen growing near the end of the
electrlo line on Liberty street, iu
three feet of solid gravel which was
tilled iu lust May. This only goes
to show that even among rocks,
where thi-io is apparently neither
soil nor luolnture, tho glorious cli
mate of tho valley will produce rich
L'r.Nsi'8 Man Com i no. A dis
patch to Secretary Mitchell of the
board of trade this afternoon brings
tlio information thai Juo. 1). Lea
land, tho Hpcciut agent or the depart
ment at Washington for tho census
recount, will arrive in Portluud this
evening and will probably eomo to
Salem on the 11 o'clock train tomorrow.
In PitoiiATK, In tlio mattor of
the estate of Tluw. F. .Initios, insane,
.1. L. Calvert appointed guardian,
IlliM ids bonds to the sum of $10,000,
with John 11. Dlmlok, V. 11.
Owyuuo und L. ( Day ton tut sure
tlos. Tho aid bond wore approved,
Some of tho
Special attention given to transient
stock. Horses boarded by day, week or
Horses Bought and Sold.
Cor. Liberty and Ferry Kts, Salem, Oregon.
Oregon R. R. Company Line.
Tickets for any point on this lino for sale
iii. i nc uepoi.ioot oi jenerson street, nnd 't
the United carraico and buggago Transfer
company's office, corner Second and l'lne
-.treets. Commutation Tickets nt 2 cents
per mile.
General offices northwest corner Elrut
aud l'lne streets, Portland.
County Normal Institute.
mHE SECOND annual session of the Mn-
JL non couuiy normal insiuuie win uo
held In thecity ofsalem. beginning Mon
day, August llth, 1890, und will continue
three weeks. It is expected that all teach
ers nnd those intending to teach In the
schools of Marion county will he present
nnd assist in the work. Clnbses will be
organized In all branches taught In the
common schools. Competent assistants
will be employed. I). W". YOUEH,
7:2-td County Ucbool Superlntedent.
215)4 Commercial St., - . alem, Oregon.
(Next door to Klein's.)
Specialty of Spectacles, nnd repairing
Clocks, Watches and Jewelry.
ff .!. iMii)..mi.jUajuw )
nnteed. Repairing
tablishment in tno city
SCIIOETTLE, 272 Commercial street
.'reliant tailor. T in flno unii., "..!
m ti, i . ."" lu "'uer
Repairing and cleaning done. Tho only first class tailoring nL"
r -
y : miffr?misss.
?? DR
Special Prescriptions.
A Spocific Remedy for Each Disease.
Stimulates nutrition. Purifies tho Blood.
Cures Dyspepsia, Constipation and Ccneral Debility. A perfect tonic and strength builder.
i-r J -.. J -J.,
mrx. JC.-
nll Liter Troubles, Chills and Koor, Malarial Fetcra, nnj all Typhoid conditions.
DR. HILLER'S CVTARRH CU3E. C-ircsAcuto Catarrh, Chronic Catarrh, Catarrhal Deaf
neso. Guaranteed tocuroUoncrstcaacs when directions are followed.or money refunded.
Rm-.I'JL-.T.5..!?.0."..""?,?.-. Curc3 Cold3' noarsi!nes9i Coughs, hroncliltis, Plcuri
ond Pneumonia; rum . c3 couaunintion. Contains no Opiates. Cures Croup in 10 minute.
them. VillK9itiilj euro anymore throat in from 3 to 21 hours. CurcsQuins inSr'as.
D?. U'll.'-TS FrVEl ClfE. Indispensable In all acuto diseases attend,..! w.ti, r
ia cured acarljr fr'ovcr, Scarlatina, and Measles, Mothers try it onc-.
.KU rri iTBT-nnriifTiTimr .'iiTtTnTTiriwTTTM
1'un.r. Never fails, tend for 1'rivato Circular to Hillsr Dm
Cures N'ervous Weakness, and Loss ct
Co., Sin Francisco, C.d.
the blood acids tthicli cause them.
tiout, Lumbago, and auatica,
P.n--Hi!r.LEB'SLEETHING CURE. Aids tho TOt!iand Jevoiopmcntof children during
tuc 'ecthim: period, eiuur.-s painless teethin? in 1 ounJ teeth, and prevents an 1 n-rcs
Spa-mi, liukcfci, Drain Troubk-s and Uow el Complaints. A blessing to mother ar lei i J.
DR. HILLER'S WHDOPIfJG CSUGH CURE. Prevents and Cures Whoopinif C.u.h.
Xom. With exception of Dr. Ilillcr's Hydrastino Kcstoritivo, Dr. Hillcr's Hheumitic
and NeuraUic Cure, and l)r Iliiler's Cou,'h Cure, the abovo remedies arc in Tabl.t
form, and, if not obtainable from j our drus;it, will bo mailed free, on receipt of price
$1.00 per Package. Six Packages for $5.00.
These remedies aro tho rosult of 25 years of professional experience, and are
guaranteed -o cure when a curj i. p 'Ssibls. Dr. Hilier s 81-pi.'0 book of directions f.ir
home treatment, containing valuable instructions as to hygiene and diet, eent 1RE.
(For tolc by DAX'L .1. FRY. Ilirot, 22a Commercial 1st., hh
.Silver- Coburg
ton uc mull
free If thoy will agreo that after
they will admit
Aa AatonWlilng Oil or
Tho Sim Francl.eo papers of recent date
contained tho following effer:
"As au evldonco of the ability of Joy'i
Vefretablo Sarsaparllla to proveut nick head-
w.'ucn, we win giye to tlio nmt tivulro ro
iponjlblouersona who will apply at our ofllc
uu'.uu iree 11 moy will i
they have been rtirnl thut
the fact ovor their signatures.1
This "ffer so tartlliiRly atsertod the ouV
ctency of tlio remedy that inauy accepted,
and the letters of the parties, nearly all of
whom responded, are probably the raort
convincing attestations that auy remedy
ever received. The following Is a (ample of
thoso received :
I hav been subject to bilious headache
and constlpntUm lor nevcral years pa,t; In
fact, luivo been compelled to taVo a physio
every oilier night or el-o I would have a
headache and dull, menu fcelliur. I have
taVen that bottle of Joy's Vegetable Sarsa
rarilla, and liavo derived great benefit from
It, and Intend routluiilngtt. After my own
experience I can heartllv advle those trou-
A 00
5 (M
8 00
Pnrt laud
mull Exp
Portrnd S P Co :t 45 10
9 5.iituy's iJtndlue-. 2 38 0 4S
10 60 W oodburn 1 40 8 41)
11 47 Silverton 12 20 7 SO
6 07 llrnvvnsvlllo 7 40
6 60 Coburg 0 00
Alrlie mall
Portland mall
7 4o .Portland PAWV. 4.15
10 43 Dundee Junction a 05
i! Oo Hherldun 10 L7
4 IB Dallas 8 22
4 65 Monmouth 7 88
565 Alrlle 045
bled with bllloiiincnium constipation to try
yours, lllAS. K. in.KIN'lSTON.
125 Locuat Avenuo, Sou Francisco.
Instruments Filed tor Record at the
County Recorder's UUlee.
It J lli'mlrleka & wife to
tluio It Irvlno lots 4 f (J &
7 In lil;li school ml to Suleui
l'roil Konip to Josupli Hir
zslefon two tructa of lund
t'ontuliiliiK ;U,S7 utul 9,15
ticrcs ivapi't'tivuly ill tho il. 1.
o. of Jus. Aiuleruon,
II F Aiulorsou a wife to
Hiiino 1 iuto nml 11 roils in
HlllllO cliiiiu.
Htilibunl oaiininij uo, to
John B Dimlotx lots 40 & 41
In tho cemetery.
TIinillAl) WUH9
Be Sure to Read anil Get no Other
a genulnoTubiilur well Is constricted by
putting down u tlirco Inch Iron plpo, Willi
no openings except lop nnd bottom. No
dirt can get lu nnd wnly purn water enn be
got out. This In the only kind of well that
worms and Insects cm nut get into, that Is
iib-olutely hurfacc-water proof, nnd that
In forced through the cement Ktrutn to
tho pure Itvlnir water. It U positively tho
only kind of well Hint Is worth building In
tlii country James A. Huberts, Ualem.
(renldenco near fair groundh) makes thoso
wells lerms rcitbounblc. 10 years expert
""'" fi:21-lm.d-5m-w
Eugene City Bonds for Sale.
TOTlCE is hereby given that under the
L provisions of nn act ol the legislature
of Oregon entitled, "An net to incorpo
rate the City of Eucene nnd to renenl nil
nets and part of acts In conflict here
with," tiled In tho olllco of tho st-cretnry
of state, February 20, 1SS9, tho common
council of tho city of Eugene will issiieand
dispose ol tho bonds of said city nt par
value of from $30,000 to SoC.OOO, in denomi
nations of from SIOO to JltOO ns tho pur
chaser inny desire, payable SO years after
date of Issuing tho same, with Interest
thereou it thp rate not to exceed 5 per cent
per annum, payable semi-annually.
Scaled proposiils to purchase said bonds
will be received by tho undersigned
nt Eugene, uregon, until September
1st, 1890, nnd nil proposals received
will be opened nnd considered on
the 5th day ol SeDtembcr. 1K00. nnd snlrt
bonds will be disposed of to tho person or
persons making tho best oiler or oflen
therefor. The common council reserves tho right
torejectnny and nil proposals. Uy ordei
of the council.
May 21st, ISO. B. F. DORHIS,
Recorder for the City of Eugene.
ji-mza '. Mr.Tj5a:jcwi:yjgrax.vgr jr'aaaEscrsEarcvisujjKivai.'auswv
in? to
-sVmiiimt' i,,r
1 1
The Plumbers,"
298 Commeroiul St.
Dealers In
Steam and Plumber's Goods,
California Ironstone Sewer nnd Fire Clay
Chimney Pipe, etc.
I am selling at my markets on State and Court streets,
meats at the following prices :
COILED BEEP from .o to S Cents
GOOD STEAK- 8 to 10 Cents
BEEF by tho QUARTER- ,. 5 Cents
MUTTON by tho QUARTER 7 Cents
PORK by the QUARTER- ... 7 Cents
ut HenrofCliemekete Hotel,
L. B. HUFFMAN, Prop.
rint-clnss Higs for all occasions. Feed
ing and boarding n specialty. Conveynuces
for commercial men and inborn on short
-Rntoa Rousoniible.fJ
Capital City ltcstaiir.it
Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r.
Ana uregon Development company'i
steumshlp i line. 5 miles shorter. 3) boun
less time than by any ottiet louto. Kiru
miles shorter, a) boun
IV ntlipt inntn L'Iki
Class tnrough passenger and freight llni
iiviu j-urminu ana nil points In the Wl
lamette viillev to and from San Francisci
Hand MadeBi rick Mile
Successors to D. .n.b,hnvo a well ostab.
Ilshed llrlck nnd Tile factory In North
Salem, near the lair grounds, and a re pre
pared to furnish first-class brick nnd tile
on short notlco.
Sample of llrlck or Tile sent frco to any
point desired, ou short notice. Orders can
oe left with Jos. Flshburn, 110 State street,
where samples can bo seen. tUtw
Kvcrj thins does Wrong I W II I 1 1 II II n n n
In the mechanism when the liver sets out iUllI WA ill All UOuTS 01 UlC IMV
V.O.M.MIT.MKNT. TllOS. 1 JlUllltt,
of Huhlmiil, wus mmuiiltoil to tho
HHyluiu for tho Iiimuio by a hoard of Jr'ilVM
,Miiuiiiur hum iiiuriiiiiK, juntos id
OS ycura old, nml bus eonslilornlilo
OHtMiON Wool ltviiiombor thn
iiUMU WiHiluu Mill Htoro ut 9t9
Omitniorelul Mivot Uu n full Hue
of clotliliiK, blutikot uiiil lluniiulrt
fruoh from tlivlr own Millie. fcJtHi tho
huiuo piwiuot UufOnjljuyliiK. lrleoa
I IV8 1UW.HH tlllt UlWUdt. S-l l-tf.
They will bo heartily
wviwmwi nmong iu goulal jwoplo Inuu rullows wero oluiKriiiml nt tho Uurnitii nt Mnt. tJoopur1 Conmt
und will flna r pleasant homo and Uuro defeat Bturlng tlioin lu tlio fm. ' Blow, 96) Comtuorolul Btrtnjt, Su
Burrouudtng. 'TliPir umniro vlolutwl all dwnt lent. It
of order. CoiiMllMllon. i1vmhmi,i .
tanilmitlon oftbu bUx)d, tmpeifrci nsslmt
liitlon Hreccrlaln toeiuue. Hut It Ueasy
ti preent theoo)uemence,aiulremoo
trelr cause, by a courk of llileiiers atom,
acli Hitters, which tliiuilutes the bllitary
oivauaudrcKUlativi tts action. The direct
recutita 4 liimppcuninoo of theiviius be.
iiMtii tneribii auu tiu-ouEU the kboulder! iv.,r. ....... . .
1,1...... ....r.'T !....! .T... i. "mw COUrt htrtVt. Mwivn .Imirnn flrtl .
iHi.miiA .,.! Clinton i.iery.
sour odo.olthe breath, which cbtiraclerUo i - -
liter "iiiiiiniiii ouuuu uiKtlloii una th
Nono but white labor employed lu this
A Komi substautlnl meal cooked tu flrst
cliw style
Twemytlv cents per meal.
R K D K R O N T,
regular habit of tKHty nr blesliic ulMite-
vmivu hj iiiriiriu inn i-ricumiiti rcfctorii.
live of health, which ImivirU u degtve of
visor to the txKU which l Its best Kimrnn.
tit of wifely from inularlnl epldeniicn,
NfVf wiekueasatut over-teiulon ur rv
ItoV i ed by U, aj)d It Improves both appetite
nnd UHip,
tllbburO Ithfu
South of Clmmoketo I total,
irttlo and Liver 1'IIU.
llieivll.nnMeutincally compounded 1) IT 7-TTTDW i Tn
anduutrun.1 In notion. No 8rlif.i "wlS JL. 11. 1-- U UliAliD
M wnm.iMly futlowlui the iu'e ol pllli, T., , --' -'-'
Toey are iduiid to txilli ndulu aud en. AK'nl for
dren wlih
ILlftllV. VlM .... u....... O...I O A. rt .. mm .
thei hHiu'Suajiu'tuioufierttokhmu: Wclone oBparaiors, riusssil tngines
non. uyito and billlous-1 mri Qnu Mil MU!
ipetuer, they exixdl any ! ",,u uu" """ "uiiiiery,
KBIio. cuntlnutlon
lit-; ard, tu alt appall
uiuvr irviaraiiuu
Hinltli steiuer. ml agtt.
M fl r n 1 n n m,
1 1T ly Koaidenro rW Ooiunumtal bt.. &Acm. Ore.
TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxcept Sundays).
ljenve Albany ........ peuij:
Leave Corvallls i;o 1 W
Arrive Yaqulna . 5-30 p j
Uenve Yaqulna 6.-J5 a w
Leave Corvallls 10:35 A 1
Arrive Albany ....... jj.jo A i.'
,. A,.F' trnlns connect Ht Albany ant,
The above trains connect nt YAQUIN I
with the Oregon Development CVs Lit
if .Steiu.ishlns hetween Yanulna nnd Ha
STEAMERS. mnuv.nn.v.i
Kurullon. r'rlday, Juno 2:
IL""',"?1""?' ' ueuay...
Willamette Valley, Thursday
tarallon, Tuesday
July j
From Terminal or Infei ioi1 Points (lie
Jrtuflimm Poni
.WllllWll 1 auilU JUl
Is the lino to tnko
To all Points East and South.
It is thodlulni; car route. It runs through
vestibule trains every day inthejtwu
(No change of curs.)
Composed ofdlnlngcurs unsurpassed,
Pullman drawliiK room sleeiiers
Of latest equipmeiii
Sleeping Cars,
Host that onu be construct od und In which
accommodations are both iree ami lur
nlslitHl forhol.ijrsof flrst and seooud-claw
tickets, and
lllamette Valley, Friday June 2;
arallon, Tuesdayn July 1
Willamette Valley, Sanduy fa
Willamette VoIley.Tuesday "
.u miiu reserves me right to
change sailing date without notice,
wii'i a'-feuKeri rrom Portland and nl'
v lllamette Valley point can make clo
connection with the trains of thi
YASUINA ROUTEat Alba ny or ConallU
f.l UJ"? fafta KrunoUco, hould
oeSda?eao7&ll,tn1rU,U,n,4 thu even,Cf
PMr nd rleil tUtfi Alwr lit
i?i"iJl? L?r Information apply to Sleean
UCLMAN A Co., Freight and Ttcke
Arenu a and aw Front t. lrUand, 0.
CC. IipaUE. Ae't Oen'l Frt.
as. AgU, Oregon l"actne It. It. Co..
O H.HABWELL,Jr.aeni0m!Ui,0r
I'as. AgU Oregon Development
Co., 301 MontgojuVry t,5
i.n,.nK ... SanFmnclco.CiU
.nmSf?,b"r ,b? O'Wta Pacific popnu
ummer eucuralnna in i ,int.,. .
mkW n ...u .. ' 7. vm w.
M.m vu ,!
T'lCOMpU'tJitirycf Ptnnli ' reci'nt thnllins
a ' iiu-. it nl iw il m.!,m ir of luj iuiinrUiit
1. . 1 . 11 ami ar f or tha tiret time In tl
It , .ti 11 b lnmwlf, cntltl d "In r.ttU-t
r. ' II iut 1m il (n-ivn I by any ol the
cil l'S ,!eylnk"unrU'lnjotttrel'i-ci-n
1 .1 nl ' .1.1 li 1 lie ' To au one of tbt t"
&t t tly c int.'.butuil a Iin.
Th rjlsnoiiuejtimiabiiuttliis ftaleraentlc'nc
c rrctiiiiie-y particular Weiruiraotcoit, na
il(ri'-eni i"illartonai)lilli-tiou.
PMITIflM In onler nnt to le railed. w
OfAUIIUlM tuat tlie booV Kars tlio lm
And that h canvawlns ajent carriet a oertlSMta
l ak-i usjr froi.i u
0en;ril Ancnts for tho Pacific Co3sf.
James S. Felton, sole agent for Marlon
county, Salem, Oregou.
Union Pacific R. R. Company
r.o .Tonvijtlng with all
ht u.r'ii uuluterrupled
- .,... . prinriKii iw
. . ' .".."" ". 1 Ida and i-airopa.
t.J .a, ftnv aaMlil nl
t ,nfbrthe east leave t'ortiand at 70
inifndiWBpmdaib'. Tic tw to anarrtuu
mluuln tm Culleuh'ait'' --
Elegant New Diiiw; Cars.
le from all
a return.
valley points. .
r n . ni 1?
AL O, K. ana J itgen
A contluuot
line, ititurdlu
1'ullmau kit
ured in adv(
Through tlckeu to aud from all imIbu
in America, Knglaud and Europe oau he
puivlmMXl at auy ticket ottice ot tbU etttu-iwnv.
Full information toueerning rates, time , Fi-ee Family Sleeping Cam run
Ot tralllii.nlltHndnthrittiliilld ftirnUltad I nn Kmnu Imliu In IlinabU.
ou appluution to any uneul or Kluth and Kanwu Ciu without cbaage
A. D. CHARLTON. ' owinewloasat Ftarttend ferfcan FaeJ
AmUtant General I"h. ntr Agent, No '1 !" Sound rxXwt.
121 First Hm, cor. VHhlngtou; lnv , For turthw prtlu!ar addre I
land. Uregon. ! ngeut of tho company or .
C. S. M KIXKN. Oeueeal Tmffle Maaaw
j Bolae Uanalncagenu tf Court ueU
,bkui.egoa. .
ou e. a nave miey by kuytng your
Musical Merchandise
M ! H.HK.. H.lndg.' Pl.vk K!'n!
ymenu lu the Kiaic
thebutv, u
talc tiirr rwiM tl.u
lrewt klock lx-val H'.nk. p
. 1.1 . . - . --
iu.miiif, u uiKei m.vuui, - ad feu
R2f?.J1? vt P"ung, and caial .u ol
legatbianhj. t M wAirt-:. '
JUnua Printer BtUem Oreiron.