111E CAPITAL JOUMAL. TEBM8 OP aUBM.'RIITION, Dally by mail per year- Dally by mall per mouth, .WOO . ) Weemy oy laau per jroi, 1 00 3If not pal gld lu advance the price Wekkly Jouhnal will bo J1.60 perT""1, If papers i.tj uot delivered promptly notlly tuenfllec. FREE DKLIVERY BY CARMEIL Pally lor single week, 15 cts Dally fortvro wesiu 2. Dally by month, cu. l Collections will be mauo on ist nnn ioiii lis of month. tubRcribers will please leave money forcarrlers at house or whereon t Is delivered, fo as to cause no delnys In collections. Ttik Evi2iNOCArrrAi.JounNAi. regu larly receives the afternoon associated press dlsprtches. A Bold Thiek. 1). A. Leonard, a well-to-do and pioneer farmer of the Waldo hills, had a thousand dollars stolen from his house pome three weeks ago. It seems that Mr Leonard had occasion to getlC10 from the bank at Silverton to have some Improvements made on the farm in the way of tiling. He rode to Silverton and drew $000, which lit had on deposit, and with $400 In borrowed from the bank, plaeed il In an inside pocket of his coat, and returned home with the money. Hi left the coat with the roll of tuotie In the pocket, hanging in thesitting room, and retired for the night with no thought of any one molesting it, but to his great surprise It was goue next morniug. The previous da thero had been a man looking at n piece of land on an adjoiuing farm, though Mr. Leonard did uot sec him. This gentleman had astoo about his sister similar to that bj which Mr. Jones of Gervais wa.' duped, and some of Mr. Leonardo neighbors think it is the same mar jmd has the ?1000, though he doc not accuse him nor has lie his sus picion on any one, but he says it is n dark mystery to him. Mr. Leonan. has kept itquiet thinking thnt some thing may devolop it3elf out of it, and his daughter was very sick uud ho feared it might worry her and lu did not even relate the loss to hit wlfo for more than a week. Ht takes his loss in good spirits and attributes it to carelessness. The old gentleman is an honest farmer and has accumulated a few thous ands by good management and will soon recover the loss. Gather ut Samples. An agent of the board of immlgalion at Port land wis in the city this morning and lias gone up tho valley to be back in a few days. It is tho inten tion of tho boatd to tend east to New York, Oiucluuatl, Chicago, Omaha and other principal cities two carloads of samples of Oregon products lu charge of suitable men, for the purpose of advertising the country, lis resources and advan tages. The agent wishes all farmers who take an iul.'rest in tho mailer to send In samples of grain, vege tables, fruits, etc., and urges real es tate men, boards of trade, and all en terprising busluess men to encour age tho farmers to it, and to exert themselves in gathering au exhibit such as tho valley can bo proud of, and such as will be beneficial in di recting the eye of tho outar world hithenvnrd. Each samplo will be properly labeled with the namo and addreas of the donor, so that cell lo cality will bo fairly represented as its peoplo exert themselves to have it so. This is worthy of attention, as tho products of a country are by far the incut eloquqnt pleaders in its behalf, and as the advertisement thus proposed costs the donor noth ing except bringing llicm in, all should be wiliiug to do something. Ui'.nnino Under Dikkici'i.ties. - Y. It. Anderson, of Salem, while out shootlug, tioar Marion, last Wednes-Jay, followed some birds on to the farm of Mrs. Christopher. As the lady did not allow hunting on her farm, her son, John Christo pher, ordered Anderson oil' tho premise-. This hu reiused to do, stating that ho would go when ho pot ready, and would shoot where lie pleased. After a short nltercation, n which both men Imkxiiui excited, lliey came to blows, in which An. derwHi struck young Christopher on the head with a gun which ho held in his huud and threatened to shoot Mm. At this point Christopher lett fur home and Andcrvou drove to within aboutamile of Marion, where he camped for the night. When Christopher reached home it was tie olded to have Anderson arrested. which they proceeded to do by ap pearing before Ksqulro JJ.tgley, who Issued a warrant which was placed In Constable iruddIeson'Hlmnds,who went to Marlon and arrested Ander son and brought hlui before. Esqulro llagloy, where ho waived examina tion and was botitul over in tho sum of $oOO to appear before the grand Jury, whioh inectH tu October. Mr. Audorson furnished tho required ball and wits released. Joll'orson Itovlow. Bliqiit Runaway.--Mr. Adeook, tho Court Htreet Jeweler, was out rid ing yesterday, and when driving north on Cottuo idreot bin horho became frightened street car mid lutulo run nway, but with no BcrioiiH tho car was coming uitiilt lit till rtttik ef uiiiil 1 1.. I... was iitmllv stopped ' f "' "' w,"p" Join the remainder of Mr. S.V abundance. 5 uneinu UATt. "bjTuin'&y'oJa'tS uamuge. Jio says ...,"...!.... un.n i yi who nave oeeu at ureen ... . ; term m tid urt ud you are hirtiier z:?, " "r.zz :rr a " "ii rrisnoui It and was ..n.Kultod to ' torn Infn t!i Glrwt. nln.iuwl.l.. ' ib jK nllil tlinl itin jln .1 n t ... -. lu charge of the car did not stop It when Uwy taw tho Uoive trying to run, n ho bcl eves thoynhou d have i Tim Nmv Duiuuik IIuw happy ( They wl.l also visit among old no- ber tmde, and tho bride Is a datigh done. JIo thlnka they were also thau Polk county ftirtuunt will fie qunlutuiiuucA buck there. terof ono of the substantial rri.N ruuulnf too frst, aud that thc&e cars nbould bo limited In speed throush ihe tblokiy heltlwl portions of the tSty. EXAMINATION OP STONEMAN. The Girl Tells n Straight Storj- Accnscd Bonml Over Unit S'tOOO. -The About 10 o'clock this morning, James Stonoman appeared In Jus tice Goodoll's court to undergo pre liminary examination on a charge of rape, as already recorded in the Journal of Saturday, District At torney Bingham appearing for the state uud Geo. H, Dimmit defend ing. By request of the attorneys all persons except officers, conn. I, wit nesses and press reporters nt-re in cluded from tho room. The accused appeared to be com posed, but veiy quiet and not at all verry comfortable. The first wit ness was Dr. J. X. Smith, who had by request of the justice and district attorney made a medi cal examination, and testified that the physical conditions indicated carnal relationship lilcli might Have been of prolnn-ted existence, though he could uot swear positiv ely that such vw the cause of the conditions. The girl, Belle Oswalt, and hei little sister Elsie, were brought into court accompanied by the two ladies in whose charge tl ey have been duce Saturday. Belli- will be 13 yearsoldthelStliofui-xtOctoberaud Elsie is six. Belle did uot waut to resworn, but after a little udvici from the court ami the ladiis sin .vent through all riht, in fact be coming quite cheerful after a little, ind told a straightforward story, she has a fair, open face, large eye tud could be made by proper train ing a good, intelligent girl. What ever of depravity in her nature Is the result of bad surroundings, probably gnorant, careless parents, who de voted little attention to the proper teaching of their children. She wore to the sanio facts recited lu Saturday's Journal, which are not necessary to repeat here. The cross- I'Xamlnation failed to vary her tale of shame, except wherein she ad mitted to having made no resistance uud to having consented willingly to the outrage. Her first movement iu court, after she recovered composure, was to place on the tuble in front of Stoneman a heavy plain gold ring, which she af terward testified was Ills and she wanted him to take. She says she has ktiown him six years; that lie lived in their family iu Freeport, Illinois, and he occupied the same room up-stairs that she and other children slept In. Ills first criminal relation with her was fully a year ago while her mother was living, but she told nobody. Her father and her grandparents knew of and consented to her com ing to Oregon with Stoneman. These are the only witnesses intro duced b' tiio stale. Tlio defense introduced U. I. Cad well, a carpenter, in the same party with whom Stoneinan and the Os walt children came from Freeport. Mr. Cadwell made up a crowd, who chartered a car for tho trip, and Mr. Stoneman joined them. Ho did not Know Stoneman before, but lie was highly spoken of by such men us tho sheriff there, merchants and other public men. Mr. Cadwell said: "They all consideicd him as a gentleman; we found him sound think him so yet. He treated the children (Oswalts) as I would treat sisters and I saw no undue familiar ity between llieni." A brother-in-law of Mr. Cadwell aud two other gentlemen testified to the same state of facts as Mr. ('. aud tho defense rested its case. Justice Goodell considered tho evi denco mlllclent to bind him over to await the action i f the grand jury, and placet! his bonds at W00, which ho stys he c in procure. He Intends UMitgajing bis property to secure the ! boutls and s.iys ho will then l,o b..ek to Illinois intending to bring on tes timony which will exonerato him. He says he is entirely inuovciil, hut he did not go upon the witness stand. Tho girls were taken iu charge again by tho directors of the Or phan's Home, where they will be properly cared for until suitable ar rangements can bo made for their future. Danucuous Condition, Dr. .1, Reynolds went yesterday to Aurora to consult with Dr. M. Glesy in an important cans near there. Mr.Couo, a wealthy farmer anil hop grower about ilvo miles front Aurora, in the Champocg neighborhood, had ids leg crushed below tho knee recently and tho Injury Is proving more seri ous than at first supposed. A large amount of pus had formed and blood poisoning had set in, so that the whole limb U iitleeted by swelling aud Inflammation. Tho physicians made au Incision establishing a drainage of the pus and It is hoped permanent relief may be obtained, but tho matt is iu iv critical condi tion and being between o5 and GO years old makes the matter all tho worse. the hoe and ft l Ul" . . "Y ""w" . '""""""J "u ,uwve ; ouly a row brulMu and will mmjh bu' J o the liwiUli- Uirk rlillni- ' - when thtv oun eonio over and get the bem lit of the exceptional bar gams qflen-Hl by Squire I'arrar A CAi. wi iie uu-viriu r. .. ti . .... ...... . i. .,. i"-"ij" " .' ..u.'ciiuiKi!iiiiTO !.... .v., ,.......,.,, f,.,.,,., i,iwiiv iu' iiHmeoi uie nine oi uresoii. vou aio . . . I lllUf 11 .1 1 ItXP.U rt X IV.Mhi7U. "illira i .... . it. . i ..-.. . . . ..... a... it I'll Wfkv v lriri k I Inuuit MLj iv r. ......!.. ii ! wut 1 1 tr-u i ii in ii t r hj ii k ii . ivkaB-kHj.i.i i iini'ii iiai imiiiiiii uiu irninii iiii.i . i. . . tthtromi effort to ' V i". "" T. " ' . . " ' . . . t'l uiomlng for Albany.whero they berries aud other good things in !i'V.i,!',"".,?,ei '". S. ..?' . ....Ul.lll.lll.lllllllillll.fi. MUllltin UP i Ik i. t ,.. "vi, icv. I i.n iHTti uuy .11 iiim iipm nlrlllnr down tho hill at " '" " "V.,.. . " "'"" ":.." ' ,v. r l. t aomllrt above Meliama v iikiki. JSI IS lf1 KSSJViS'l. Vlliniiwuiiouiwiliuilll IHI.Iil- IIIUIIU A.-.. .......I. ...1 41. 111. .11 ..'. - - Teachers Instititb. About forty of Marion county's pedagogues and school inarms were enrolled at the East Salem school to-day and a number of others will be present to morrow. A regular program has been arranged and will be followed out. The day of opening the work was very favorable. The following have registered upto two o'clock this afternoon. Minnie Lansing, Mary Bucll, Lila Button, Carrie D. Wood burn, Mattie McNury, Mrs. Fannie E. Brown, Anna Aschenbroner, Lucy L. Barzee, M. Carrie Morris. C. J. Heslin, Margaret J. Cos per, J. J. Kraps, Lillian Peck, J. It. Fowler, Anna Fischer, Mabel Brihaut,Lulu Munkcrs, Abble L. Miles, Alleua Melleo, Mabel Jane?, Bertha Ram sey. Anna L. Christopher, J. H. Ragsdale, J. W Barrow, Mrs. M. B. Nichols, Geo. M. Whipple, Margaret Evans, Jessie Xorthup, Chas. E. Pease, Berty Adams, W. B. Adams, Mary A. Kelly, E. G. Klrby, Lizzie Kirby, Lottie E. Ailyn, Ida M. Hartley, Maggie M. Hartley, Sarah E. Tuggle. Horteuse Iiimau, Theo. Van Wagner, Serella G. Grubbe. Sprained Anicle Win. Kenne dy met with a painful accident dur ing the game of ball at Highland yesterday. While making a lm-e run where it was close work, he slid into the base feet foremost strik ing tho base sprained his ankle. He was drought to town and medical aid summoned. This morning he was able to hop along with the aid of a stout cane. I'EKSONAIj MENTION. Seth 11. Hammer is in Portland on business to-day. Ed. C. Herren is in Albany for a few days on business. Capt. W. W. Bartlctt came home to-day from the mountains. H. G. Guild, editor of the : Mlwr ton Appeal, is in the city to-day. Dr. J. M. Keene is a bu-iues visitor at Portland this afternoon. Hon. Sol. Abrahams, of Roebu i u, is doing business In Salem to-day. Squire Farrar, after spending Sun day here, returned to Portlaud this morning. Dau Tarpley, mailing clerk in the postoftice, returned to-day from the ocean beach at Newport. Mrs. Jay C Smith wa- among those who arrived home this after noon from Newport. Superintendent Mile-, of the Salem street railway, has returned from a trip to the mountains. ' Capt. D. C. Sherman came up from ; Portlaud this morning where he had i been to see his sister safely off on a I visit east. ' Miss Lottio Allyu returned this morning trom Goldendale, Wash., where she has been spending her summer vacation. Miss Nellie Johnson, of Jeil'ersou, is visiting a few days with her gratid-narents, Mr. and Mr. H. A. Johnson, on Church street. W. W. Johnson, who has been visiting ids father and brothers here tho past few weeks, leturned to-day to ills homo iu Burns, Harney county. Mr. Oscar I). Reunie, of the Indc-1 pciidence West Side otlice, drove over yesterday and made a flying visit with his parents. Oscar is do inij well iu Independence. W. T. Hess, representing the Cali fornia Demokrat, the principal German paper of that state, was in tho city yesterday on a tour of busi ness and pleasure. Mrs. T. McF. Pattonand Miss Ella Rrown, daughter of ex-Statu Treas urer Drown went to Newport to-day to join Mrs, Patton's sister, who is now there. Mr. F.ugene Ureyman and family and Mr. and Mrs. Win. England returned by team yesterday from Me hania, where they have been enjoy ing themselves a few weeks. Mr. A. S. Auterson, foreman of the Woodburn Independent ofllco and general manager jut now, came up Saturday evening, return ing yesterday with Mrs. A. and ohilil i on. Misses Julia and Ellen Chamber liu, after a pleasant visit with rela tives here, took this morning's train for Seattle. They were accompan ied as far as Portland by Miss Her thii Monies. J. C. Leopold, ot the carpet house of Walter Rios., San Francisco and Portlaud, has been hero the past two days and taken tho measurements of the several rooms of the Cheniek etc hotel for new furnishings lu that line throughout. Jesse A. Ualdwlu, of Chicago, an old friend of Geo, WeMer, arrived In tho city this morning for a visit and to take a look around iu tho valley, lie will spend a few days vMtlng with Mr. Miller's finally before tak ing his tour of tho valley. Mr. and Mrs. G. Stelner were Newpoit for a threo weeki' outing. , Dr. II. J. Mintliorn, president of tho Oregou Land company, aeeom- M,mwu MW fl,,,u"om Wl "K0 llH,,r oei'n'tore 10 uiuirow ior town, "uo tey win iiueiin uiu aniurtl ineetlm: of tho Society of Frieuds. , NuwfoiiT. lVrsouii wishing ooo or more ulve, funiUhed looms at , Newport, apply lit lltor Jot'HNAL. ON THE DIAMOND. Salems On the Iionil to Fame -They Win Both (lames Leycqne Is a l'itclicr. The two games of base ball Highland bnll grounds Saturday aud Sunday were well attended and some good ball playing was done.The first six innings of yesterday's game were played to perfection by both teams and stood 2 to 0 in favor of the visitors. In (he seventh inning thtiu,d says they are all alike in Salems got down to business and made seven tallies McLotighlin weakened iu pitching in the sev enth inning. The eighth inning Cooke eulen-d Hie box and the Sa letns made six tallies. Mcloughllu pitched for the ninth and made a good game. Levi-qtie pitched a good game all through. The following is the "core. THE SCORE. SALEM. All R IJH Sit PO A E Howard ss G 2 4 0 0 10 Cooney2b 3 4 2 0 7 2 2 McCarthy c 5 3 3 0 3 8 0 Smith If... 5 2 2 0 10 0 Levequep- 3 13 0 5 2 1 Booth 3b 10 13 11 Coleman cf 5 0 0 10 0 0 Burnham lb - .4 2 2 o 8 1 1 Mellen rf .-4211003 Totals ....39 17 17 3 27 10 S VANCOUVER. All R Ell SH PO A E Hefner cf 4 2 10 0 0 0 Boden ss.. 4 12 0 0 3 0 McLougMiu J p. 4 2 10 10 0 Potteiger 2b 5 0 1 2 7 1 1 MeLoughlin H If 4 0 0 1 0 0 1 Kennedy If . .1 0 0 0 0 0 0 Kreiserc 5 0 0 13 7 1 Keuiiington 3b 4 1 0 0 1 ,"i 1 Kiggensrflb ...310151 1 Totals 3S 8 7 5 2017 6 McCarthy out for running out of the hue between lb and 2b. SCORE Salems Va neon vers. . HY INNINGS. --24 01 0 0 10 0 017 -.0 100 20 2 0 8 8 SUMMARY. Earned runs Oft' McLouglin, 3; Leveque, 2. Two base hits Biirnhuiii.Cooiic.i, ' McCarthy, Leveque, 2. Home runs Coouey. Uaees stolen Booth; McCartr. 2;, Smith; Leveque, 2; Howard, Cnoi,t-.. 3; Durham, 1; Mellen; Hi'iiter; I5o den2; McLaughlin J. Double plays Cconey to Burhani; Kigijin- to Cooke. Buses on balls By Leveque, 3; McDouchlln 0. Hit dy pitched ball Hy Leveque, 3; Mclotighlin, 1. Struck out -By MeLoughlii). 4; Leveque, 4. Passed balN By Kaiser. 1; Mc- Carl by, 1. j Wild pitches-By McLoturliliii, 1 , Time of game Two bonis and twenty-five minute-, Umpiies Mewh. linker and Hem mi niter. OllSERVATIONS. The games were noted fdr being j quiet and the good conduct on the part of those in atteudence. i There was no complaining at the umpiring. Baker n the best urn-, pile in the field, fair and firm in his j decisions. ' MeLoughlin is n good pitcher for it lew inning---Leveque lor a whole game. Let the good order of the last two games continue. SUNDAY'S GAME. The Salem's made 13 tallies in th,, .iviiitii nmi .ii.ti, iin.inm 'The Vancouveis made one tho first, one the third, one tho seventh and two the eighth. So the score took 13 to 5 in favor of the home team. The bad playing was iuLMcoughlins and Cooper's pitching in the sev enth and eighth innings otlierwie it was a good game. j IIi:s Not Cowakdly. The Jell j erson Review calls Mr. McMahan, of flie Woodburn Independent a "cowardly cur," because lie has not explained or corrected his lecent j strictures on Hon. Chas. Miller. McMahan may make mistakes, as I lie doubtless docs, and did when he attacked that reliable old farmer, Charles Miller, but he is not a cow ard in any tense, as the Review man , - can easily find out. Mac is nway to j See the bargains otl'ered at Sar the mountains now, but the Review i gent's r and 10 cent counters. 8-7-Gt man will hear from him iu due time. ' " ' ' Plenty. Fresh butter in suffi- H.vni) Knciaobi). The McMinn-1 vllle Reporter has this item of news, and its assur.inees are gratifying: The MoMlnnevillo hand has been engaged to fiirni-.li iniisie for the Btato fair. It is a well known fact that wo have one of the bes.t bands In the htate, and a recognition of tho fact Is shown by their being en gaued by the htate fair aoeiiitlou. They are indeed a credit to the town and to tho state. ll.vxn Maui:. .Murphy & Uncart have just finished a line of superior hand made brick which will bo oeuedbvthe middlo of the week I , I ,,r8JU- - . W. C. T. I'.-Itegtilart meeting TueMlay, Aug. 12th, WW p. m. An inmtciit-o lot it ot clioieo water elved at .1. G. . . , melons Just reee Wright's; he also has freh sweet SEARS - DA LK. At Dallm, Stliidiiv. Aiil'UsI 10. IK!))), bv t mi.,. .1 i . tv Jutfuo tflatillbr. Mr..'. M. Soars. of Dallas, and Miss Molly Dale, of Elleiidale, l'olk county. c Mr, Sears is one of the solid aud well respected youug men of Dallas, where he Is doinu a nmnorons i.m. of Klloudale, a shrt dUtauee above ' t'Dull - t. They have many acouamt- anees In Salem who wish them Joy aud happtuew. lEt'SES the efforts of Senator Mitchell a re count will be obtained for Multno mah county and the city of Salem, at which will show whether thero just ground for complaint in Oregon, and ir n notable lack of good woru is found iu these two places, the rest of the state may be included. Su perintendent Porter is inclined to disTedlt the complaints made, tone, indicating that they all emanate from tho same source. It may be true that their tone is alike, as tlieie are not many different wiiis of saying the simple thing that large numbers of our people have not been counted. That is the simple burden of the soug, and when said iu plain English it will sound about alike over the wires from nil sections suffering of the same complaint. Lumper Burned. A few even ings since a spark from the engine of the gravel train oil the S P. caught ina pile of feucing lumber a half mile south of the depot, setting it on fire and burning nearly seven thousand t'eet. The blaze communi cated to bridge No. 157, which would have been consumed, but Section Foreman Pruuty was notified of it aud took his China gang to the scaue and extinguished the Homes. The lumber belonged to the company aud was to bo used iu fencing along the old Cross place. Impkoveing. Architect O, A. Robert has been prostrated a few days with malarial fever at his home on Oak and Summer streets, but his friends will be pleased to learn that he is recovering nicely. -Mr. E. H. Morse, the contractor, at 191 High street, who has been seriously ill several weeks with remittent fever, is convalescent, but still weak.. Mrs. John Holm, in High land, has been ailing the past week with a fever, but is now recovered. Notice. Ail persons are warned against purchasing stock of the Gold Mount ain & Dry Gulch Consolidated Gold & Silver Miuing Co. of R. H. Mil ler, he having ::o stock standing in his name on the company's books, nor h he atithorizad to transact any business for the company. R. R. Cannon; President. Halem, Aug. 7th, 1S0O h-7-d-lw A MIST ADIJI'.KSS. A Trlnl.I.nt l..uly Write to San Frjtn- i'Ucii for It. Mr,. Hr. i?t McNainaraof 31a state street, rrtniila.i. ('olor-uto, while isitiap; iu St. I.ouls In-1 xuiiinier, did not suffer with her i U' .) mi k hendacie-. ami indigestion. Hut I in iicr return to Tri'.imnil her old trou bles eaine upon her. It nns not tho St. Louis climate that did eo much for her. The secret is told iu the following letter, re ceied by Thomas 1'riee & Sou, the well known asSnjers of 624 Sacramento Street, San KrancicO. Mrs. McNumara writes: ' Threo mouths since I was vlsitiug In st. Louis aud obtained two bottles of Jov'g Vcretablo Sarsaparilla. It was of great relief to me in my headaches and iudisestion. Since my return to my home in Trinidad I feel the need of it, and as I have lost tho address I write to you to ask If you will not kindly forward this letter to the proper number in San Fraucisco, and have me ent a few more bottles of this valuable vegetable compound." People having used Joy's Vegetablo Sars parilla once send huudreds of miles to get it again, as in the above instance. fciJOOuill buy a well established business with u good paying trade no better about Salem. Part cash, balance on time. For a few days only. Call on Catterlin, Rigdon, & Co. lot! Statestreet, Salem, Or. 7-24-tf Cure fur .Sick Headache. llii diMHN-dtig complaint Is dne to an iimi-!ic or sluggish llei or constipated bowcN which deranges the stomach and ilMmbs tho nervous sjstem causing ilir zlncjns and an oppiesiu dull pain In the head, often so seveie as to prevent any rest or sleep. One of Dr. (luun's Improved Liver l'ills will releaveyou ot all the pain aud in.i-.ery and a few more doses will eor rect the ll eraud stomach and regulate the bowels. While these pills aie small, easily taken. nmlmlldundgentloln their action thero Is no medicine mand that will so ef fectually euro sick headache, ll'icentsa box. Sold by Smith A-. -stelner. cieut quantities to supply tho de- niand, at Capitol Adventure Co. S-S-tf. Before you start for the sea shore or mountains don't forget to order the Evknino Jouux.vr. to your camp. , sure Ctiro for l'lleo. Itching l'lles are known by moisture lliioncibplnillon, cMn.lnij intense itching uhiHiunnu. TIiIh form ns well us Wind ltlecdine unit protruding, yield ut onco to Dr. HoMinUn'x I'llo Hemedy, will ch uct directly on the parts iitleeted, absorbs tu mors, iillnys Itching und ellects n perman. ent cure. 50 cents 1 iipgist or mall: trett-e iree. Dr. HomuiUo, 1'iqua, O. Bold by Smith riteluer. nV --'Ti:nBradshaw, Columbia, and other Hue varieties of plums at the cannery. Salem Caumng Com- an 8:l-dw-Uw. "-i--5-ea-jg'i!g"aBgagq'a StinilUOllS. In thuelruult caurtofllmstiitAnf nr,.mn. i - .i. .:...:.:: .- .... ..... -" .... " w""" . l Vunimren. plaimirt SnlttodUolve S. - 41. lii.it- Allio Vinliurou, defendiuitj riRiro eoutruct lo Allle YimlUiren. Mild defendant! In court lt.r a divas) dUsolvtusr th i.n.rri,. Census Recount. lty seems to be now i mat met now oUtlus between you and UU.ldiii.andftirciwu. ' I TlilskitminonkI publUhed by order ot I lMn-S-) 'l4V,M!. Juas,nwdM chambers, Jnlv isikv l i in., i--. - .i ' i ' - i.....1.mia.t, Attoruey for plfr, i - 1 I -J I J. H. HAAS, TIU3 WATCnLtVIvER, 2I5H 0mrdl SU, iiltm, Ortjoa. (Next door to K.ein's.) 8otany of 8taole, and lepalrtnc (lock i, v aicbes nod Jewelry. 25c Want Column. Notices Inserted for ONE CENT PER WORD EACH INSERTION. o aityer- ' tiiemeut inserted in th ins column ior icni isithltn twentynve cenw. Thrill MA 1.1? Clirau A Reed family U Witt, K,n tit.u .- a -15-C0 Wlncheter rifle, 1 bont.onM and MilK co.nplclo Also tnri Ire. '."ft Com merclal street POUND AT LAST.-A Polish that will V clean a piano without camming It. For sale nt Diamond's mulc house. F OR SA LE. One house and two lots In South Snlem. inquire oi w.ji. mmp- son. t'rlcejbiJ. m and ll ti.ntvlnn tiinrhlnp. Alsmin SO-liefO fliml call on or iiildrcM T. C. .lory, llox 01, Unlem PATRONIZE Home Industry, and use Mountain Uiilin Cough Cure. Guar anteed to clve lellel or money refunded. Manufactured Hy H. H.Oro-", Salem, Ore con. Smith .1 Melner solo agents ror Salem. 1-fidlm Insiire in Your Home Company! "The State," Whlr-li ha fortlipp.'-t hIx venri PAID MORE TAXAS. Issued More Policies, Received More Premiums A' d Paid More Losse; L'jhi- uropert located in Orrjjou or Wash Ington than any other eompany. It was the. First Company to Fay all Losses in Full and in Cash By the three ci eat conflagrations of Seattl Kllenburtjnnd Sp"Hiine Falls. GEO. M. HEELER. City Agenl And Special Agent tor Marion County. Ottlce In the company's Imlldlnc. HENRY STANLET IN DARKEST AFRICA The complete story of StanU-j 'a rent thrillinf adventures and the diclojro of bU important iliscoTerir will appear for tho first time in the work wrlttea by binneif. entitled "In D.irVe9 Afri-ft " I) not be deceived by any ot th. to cil id ' Stai.ie) books" now being offered as "eeD liiin.' and 'authentic " To uo ono of these hu Stanley contributed aline. Thereis no quejtion about thii statement btlnc direct in erery particular we guarauiee u, nn will file pa-ticulart on application. PtllTfflM la crilcr nnt t0 1e ml'1". o vnunun that the fcoot utara me izn. frlntof CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS And that the canTasalng acent carries a erUflet U cen:r from ui. A. L BANCROFT & CO. 132 POST STREET, SAN FRANCISCO. General Aaents for the Pacific Coasi .lames S. Fcllon, solo njent for Marlon county, Salem, Oregon. McCROW & WILLARD. Dealers in Fresh and Salt Meats. ELDRIDGE BLOCK. Price of Meats by the quarter "c. Mutton by thoquarter 7c. I'ork by the quarter ..... 7c. lloils .... 5 to Sc. Roasts Se, Pioneer Bakery AMOS STRONG, 271 Commercial Street. French and German Wheat and Rye Breads in City Styles. Vienna Rolls. SPECIALTY OF FANCY CAKES. Pastry and Confectionery Baking in Full Stock. My new bread and cake bakers are llrst-clitbs artists in their line, ami I aim to have Everything as Fine as the Finest Jas. Batchelor, Prop'r. Warm .Meals at All Hours of the Day None but white labor employed In this establishment. A good substantial meal cooked In first cln stylo Twenty-live cents per meal. RED KRONT. ?urt otrcct, between Journal Offlce and Mlnto'a Liver". Hoard of Equalization. lothe tas papers of Marion county, Ore in: Ttir board of Equallwtlon will meet Uheornce of the count- clerk, at the llif hnn.a It. Ua.lAn AA.....H i ... run at the ottlce of the ....... .v..ov m imiii'm ivihi. jrirxuu,uu the lal Mondar lu An?usi. lsnl twin? tlm court hoiibe In Marion county, Urezon, on ffllli da-, ut l) o'clock u. in, and publicly 311 coiiinieuceiue exammution or the n..s ment g returned by the assessor for the ;wo- lsw),vitrrectliieal error In value or tterlption of laud, loUor other property. ftj'a, ?? a?,y, da ' all tax iuiti i win remain iu session froui for one week only. ThereA)re wyers or owners of property In rJVt. "".""" uiy are uounea 13 anpear ot the i time and place herein tnenUoued .o... i..".i.r ".. ..--". .-- rvi"- - anasbowctiukelfanv thev huvewhi-their i ii'Mmeut should not remtan as taken by theaeor. A. K.ULACKEUBV. . . . ... ... Asejor, Mai Ion Uo. Or. lUted thlsftith day of July 1H.3. lix NoUce. I The taxpayers of the city of Salem are hereby noilrted ih.it theelty taxea are now due and payable at the o.tice of the tre-i urerit Wllbams Knl md'a bank. Trxea l! itf011" aUoqttnl aner September S.i5!i -.. "i: Atvr-ut;u. cV'cSSr I fv M. IJy Capital City Restaurant Great I HI yT J IT"" Ti""-!? !F 5110 PL ENORMOUS Ci "WRtl I K"i, .V 'i rifl $201) ORGANS foritiflO. gS 15U ORGANS for $70. IW irx.xn a FM.M ff lSiHilV'i'V) BjfJ uuy VANCOUVER, rKa:a.iniS' WM. CALL OH WHITE. Ttie St. James For Boys I COUKSES: Preparatory, Commercial and Classical. Easy to reach. ; hourly trains run between Portland and Vancouver. All detiomlnationi received. Number of boarders limited, early application necemrv During the past year students were in attendence from California " Ore" gon, Montana, Idaho, British Columbia and Washington at lanre' For Catalogue and detailed information address: REV. DIRECTOR, St. James College, Vancouver, Wi sh. -KEEPS THE LARGEST LINE OF- Dry Goods and Trimmings, Ladies .ind (touts Furnishing Goods, Clothing and Hats in the city. 277 and 279 Commercial St., Corner Court, in Bush's New Brick Block, 3&'UWtt4 rWT,TTCmt.VUWVmiW-rehtf" 'n.'JHimil-l J vening Capital Journal! 50 Cents The Latest Telegraphic News and the Best Local Reperts: DUGAN BROS., "The Plumbers," 2Q6 Commercial St Dealers In Steam and Plumber's Goods, California Ironstone Sewer and Fire (.'lay Chimney I'lpe, etc. ft lift Before Leaving Salem, (ilbert llnu, hneuowon sale HOUND TKIl T1CLHTS to Ynqulna and return Tickets goal for going and coming on any Week day until October 1st, "50, 7iSi-tf TICKETS $3.50. . SINGER SEWING MACHINE OfHce 181 Commercial St. AUstylesoftbePamousSIngerconstant ly on hand; alao repairs and needles for al kinds of machine. BUUT CASE, Agent, i Offer ! MOU PJANO for $225. Unrlirl.t i....... ANO in fine order Sly!; 1MOUS BARGAINS on tho ( . OLBV Pianos for a few 4k, nnilehratei1 orll. "for M(o now ntul riva irn..., .,.inii.....""J' ' or Cash -JlitlllUUUt Bargains iu all kinds of music goods at ASTON'S, Eldridge Block, - Commercial St EVERYTHING GUARANTEED. WASHINGTON. College Men, and Young "1 H &0L IN MARION COUNTY. Work promptly and reliably executed bv the SALEM ABSTRACT & LAND CO.. FRANK V. WATERS, Manti itijier THK a. Month.. COOK HOTEL Center and High Street. G. W. ANDERSON, PROP. SuccessortoW.il. COOK. The Cook liotol is oppositr court house convelent to biulne part of city ana street ear line running past tli? a , Ilntes $1.00 to J3 00 a day, accordlne to room Special terms to boarders ana families. FINE. HORSESHOEING AT Scriber & Pohle's. sta. Un :j Uorse. Interfering ana crip pliHl oi-n. V large Stock i.r lUd-Made Shoes Carried. WV alv-.Hir i"ionaT attention "and em ploy u..uf- but xieru. in this department. 47 and 51 State Street, Salem, Or. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC Of the Willamette University, Salem, Oregon. Tht urn.! ch 1 ver has been the m" , sumibfullnl history I"frt,,lbtS,,,oot ISL"S uanenuuiiioeroiKrBuu.f --h.-.t ST1iaWSw (iiint jani uuninarnr praauaiCT. "wzi pn.,Mi., pipe organ, vM.iiuBu--T , ln.1 ...lu.lU, VOOUI CUu iilDjb- n ri ....Ktnff LTlf n imi)ietin of uri.-i.n .llin UAkM IKsl'UIWk- Ak u. ' ..i.i. i dirn-lor Mill be ,e2. ui,nd .ii.l t-lHrU-nt corns of t"'b?r-..1'i- forc.iu.Uvue Z. M. -lZiAt. 7:3IIU aw jij--- Next term binsept 1st l"1-