-rSfpri '-VWfBr' R EST0R ATFVF &.LMWAfaflinilAI PERFECT nutritFon"! HEALTH! The only remedy known which will Stimulate the Nutritlie Processes of the Human System. By this natural nml !mple means It quickly mid permaueni y CI Iir.S All Tormg of Dyspepsia, Constipation, IHcntnl and Nervous Kthnustlon, General Debility, Drain l'ag, or any exhausted or weak ened condition of the system, from tvhat cor cause, Skill Eruptions, Bolls, Hun iitng Sores, Scrofula, and all Diseases of tho ltlood, Stomach, 1.1-cr and Kidneys. $ ! .00. SIX BOTTLES FOR S5.00. Dr IIIllcr'sGl page book, descriptive of Hy. drastInoUestoratleand his other JRimedies tent free by mail. HILLER DRUG CO,, San Francisco, Cal, Ton feALK BY old by Dan'l J. Fry, 225 Com'l St. BLACKSMITHING, Wagon and Carriage Making and Repairing Hoiseshoeluf; specialty. All work guar anteed. " JOHN HOLM, Corner of CommeiclnlnndChcmekcta sts., Snlem, Oregon. STO.Kli',IEW,'I'Wl' l'.'t court Hi. WA1. WIOKEY, House Painter, Decorator, and Wall Tinier. Leave order at John Hughes' store, State street. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. Good work, economy and sample work shown before engaging. 3-Pay based on work measured on the wall. Leave orders at Sargent's, .Meyers' or Keller's lesldencoat Highland addition. PAINTSHOP. 1 5 6 Commercial Street. House andcarrlage paintlng,slgu writing, paper hanging, decorating, wall tinting anS kalcimlnins. , All work done Irst class. Carriage palntlngasppciallt, char ges moderate. P.RRAffl,PBflR Salem Harness Shop, B. F. WILEY, Prop. Manufacture and make a specialty of Farm and Heavy Harness. All work dene in our own shop at Salem and guaranteed first-classs. Give us a call. SALEM IRON 0. 1). HUTTON, Prop. Castings of all kinds nmdo to. older. MILL MACHINERY, PLANING MILLS, CORNICES, METAL FRONTS, WHEELS, PULLEYS, and special castings ol any style or pat tern made In short order, smooth and re iiaianin e-e v particular. Repair any Machinery in Short Order, . . - nn.inoj linn nrASSOi Turning lathes, engines, iiop vViZ Ke'cstnmtes (JosVftnC ,mi hoi) stovesbullt. Will inaKe on any iron vork needed paid for old Iron. . ou can save money by buying your Musical Merchandise DIAMOND'S ' Music lloiihe. Kldrldge lllook. hnlein. W. C. MITCHELL, Veterinary Surgeon., l2?-T,n,vSry n.SS i 155 pi I I PATTOS DUt in cery vrtt ol Fine Rubber Stamps Steel Stamps, Stencil Stamps, Self lkig Stainpt. Name Stamps tut Uordr. Com and look at Mmptt or work don- rtih my flue Red Rubber Stamps. M SlW tM.. iNtttoB Rouk Hiar. W&m 81 ii s tftlSf fVO&l I"" I c -1- K d i iM THE HOT WAVE. Hfeli Tomporntiir&s in (rnlral Stales. the I'llOSTIUTION. To'1)aJ's Rccor(1 of jIwit t lm-I flOl'timt CoinillOrcinl Centers. TO-DAY'S ASSOCIATED l'ltR. m - HE- pout, Chicago, 111., June 28. To-day Is the hottest of the warm and dry spell here. The thermometer regis tered 8S at 8 a. m. and 0"i at 11. Six deaths from heat occurred in the last four days. Minneapolis, Miunet.etn: Hot weather of past three days contin ues. Several caes of Mtustroke. Cincinnati, Ohie: The great heat continues. Thermometer reg Isters S7 to-day At 10 o'clock. There have been from three to six prostra tions each day. About one-fourth of them huve been fatal. The most marked effect is the increased death rate of children. St. Louis, Me: Weather moder ated somewhat to-day but is still very oppiesslve, with utter prostra tion. Mortality among children has increased. Louisville, Kentucky, Juue2S At 11 o'clock mercury stood 04. An hour later it had fallen two points anil a cool breeze was blow ing. Thirteen persons have been prostrated. Indianapolis, Ind. At 11 o'clock to-day the thermometer reg istered 90 in the shaile. Carpenters, brick-layers and street laborers have not been working legularly for three days. A number have been pros trated by the iieat. 1.I.I.1UI0US SERVICE. Christian Chuhch. "Hallow ed Memories" and "Pharaoh's Ser vice" will respectively be the morn ing nud evening themes of Elder J. B. Johnson. Services at 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p. m. Sunday chool at 12 m. M. E. Chuhch Services at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Sunday school at 12. Morning topic "Parental Duties." Evening "A Fair Chance In Life." Evangelical. Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching at 11 and 7:30. Morning subject, "The Christian's Declaration of Independence;" even iug subject, "The Character Noah." All are welcome. 15. of S. Bollinger, pastor. Unitarian Society. Hall cor ner Court and Liberty streeti. Services at 10:30a. in. and 7:30 p. in. Rev. T. L. Elliott, D. D. of Portland, will preach morning and evening. The public invited. Baptist. Rev. Robert Whitaker, pastor. Morning service at 10:30; subject, "A Suggestive Eulogy." Sunday school at 11:45 a. in. Y, P. S. C. E. meeting at 0:30, P. m; topic, "The time is Short." In the cveu iug at 6:30, Children's Day will be observed, a very appropriate and pleasing program having been nronared for the occas'ou. To all of these the public is cordially invited Instruments Filed lor Reronl at the County Recorder'!! Oflite. C F DeGuire to F M Star rett, 9.33 acres in d. 1. c. of Jas Brown 5(W Harvey Smith and wf to Wenzl EUm, sw of so of sec 7, t 0 s, r 1 e. John B Cu'-on and wf to Herman Biegel, w J of n w ', of sec 0. t tl s. n 1 e. 500 2000 Capital City Ry Co., to W 15 Her, Its 8, 0, 10 and 11, blk , b, Simpson ml to Salem. 1200 j HOTEL ARRIVALS. CHEMEKETE HOTEL. W. M. Feltus, C. C. Sweeney, M.Shelley, Portland. ' Frank Carter, W. H. Camerow. i ' Dr. C. W. Hibbard, G. W. Hlbbaid, W- s- Cockle, San Francisco. J. W. Carter, Mis Aiary i. uu k, fj7J!! iii., Ml,w.s TruiilQ and v....... c, - Anna Harding, Gervaln. J. C. Simpson, Scio. L. M. Hull, Buona Vista. Geo. McMurry, Harrlsburg, J. M. Stroughton, Boston. ( OOK HOTEL. A 11 Cook. J F Cutler. Portland W A Wash, Dallafe. G C Shurman, Silverton. W II Downing, Sublimity. N J Slianks, Whltenker. J Livingston, Medford. N Miller, Chaa McKay, Wood burn. R L Mulhall, Junotloii. J EBrigham, NY. W X Riuoe, Xob. S W Smith, H W GriiiHteby. Corn, Kan. limiting a lid Ituz. Big IwrgtUiwlii tin buntlug himI lings i tb Cm pi to! AdveuUift Cu. Also flue 90-rt tta; for U nt a bttrgniu. How to Cure .NrtoQsH&?. A body with u cvom Mit meat will mak known iu wtmUi through it, iwlursl incdluin ibe nervous systeiii. If U (WW re ceive pror nouriiHu-ut tUiMirrc will be tlM niM u cry uui. ur. lliler'e JivaraMlDe lt4oruv eniiurw erwet uulritlon U rlwa UlUJi-wttuVlJ T;u, bale at D. J. Fry'. CRIMES AKD QSCMB. Train Derailed ami Passengers Killed nt .loliet. 111. TIIKIATl)MIIEl)l'BXNSLVVAMlMIXEHS.eroises at thchoo, Friday ffZlZ,;1: i noon before a law ami appiecia-' . ,,. oWn All Attempts to llench Them ITllsiwcPssfiil Imhinl A linn- -w -...wx. .jl. ... . aavil ..KJIil(- doned. Otlier Nous, I FATAL THAI N WllKCK. Chicago, Juue 2S. A- the Oma ha and Council IJIufis ixcst-uivi train on the Chicago, Hock Llmd and Paclilc railroad was muring te station at .1 llet t liis nnmiing, .'Hi coach, chi.ii ear, sleeper and dining car took another track and over turned. Mis. Annie Peir.MUi and another wiiimh ueio iiHtnutiy Kill ed and sevci : li. r pass .lpci. w. re hurt. ALL KrTOIUS LT UNSUCCESSFUL. Dunhah, lVnn., June 2S: Again are the rescuers and relatives of the entombed miner doomed to disap pointment. Four men who weut into the Mahoning pit last night came up this morning without hav ing pierced the Farm Hill mine. Reseurers declaie that the maps are wrong. The regular shift started in again this mo-ning and one mole will seatch for the entry that will lead them Into the burning pit. The tire in the mine is burning with great fierceness. DEATH OF SUIT. ItHANDT. San Francisco, June 2S. J. Brandt, superintendent of the Ore gon lines of the Southern Pacific railroad, died suddenly last night at his rooms in the Lick house. He had been for some months in South ern California at one the the hot springs in au endeavor to recuperate failing health, and was on his return home to Oregon, when his death re sulted as above, the trouble being supposed to be heart disease. Mr. Brandt was about 00 years old. SAD DROWNING AT AL11ANY. Aliiany, Or., June 28. A young man named Robert Gos and two boys twelve yeais old, sons of A. 15. Matthews and W. H. McFnrland, went boat riding on the Calapooia river west of this city last evening and did not letutn at a late hour, so an alaim was raised and searching parties weut out, but could llnd no tiaco of them until nearly midnight, when the oars and broken pieces of a bo it were found below the falls near the Magnolia mills and the tad, fate of the three companions was made evident they had been swept over the falls and peiished. At this hour, 2:30 p. in., nuuieioiis parties are dtagglug the river lor the bodies, but without sueiv-ssu far. The families of the lot ones are distracted w ith giiet. SHOT ItY II IS OWN DAUGHTER. Portland, Or., June 28. Frank Jarvis was shot to-day at thocoutt bouse by his daughter, Josephine Ross. The bullet struck Jarvis in the left shoulder and inllicled only a Uesli wound. The cause which led to the shooting is uhslnutl illy as follews: Xot long since .laivis was convicted of incest, his d.itigh-1 terJo-ephino being the pioseeulingl witness. The case vas carried to) the supreme couil, who order-i cd the verdict set aside for want of corroborating evidence, j The decree was entered this morn ing and the daughter seeing her i futher walking from the courthouse . a free man, shot at him with the above u-ult. She was placed under lanvst. TO-DAY'S TIMiKIIRA I'll SinT.U, Alex C. M.iore, of W. Vu., has been nomiii.ited inlnl-ter to Siaiu. Robert Smith, a 7-ye 1 convict at San Qucntin, suicided during the i night. ' Pilgrimages to Mecca aie fori 'd J. den by Algeria and Tunis on nc I count of oholura. Great sti fibrin g Is reported among i tichtrlking cloak makers and tailors of New York, nud appeals for aid aro s,uc.fjt ! Twelve porHUis have Iwou captured on tuc mo umnue, cnargeu wiin violating the recipiYiclty treaty with Mexico. Senators Shurman, Jones, of Nc ytuii, and Harris have been appolnt , ed a oonferoiitv onmmittco on the sliver bill. The U. K. grand Jury lm indicted H. K. Bwdbury, dttnu of Trinity U Jlvernlty, in Vermont, for Issuing ! bogu diploma. . R't. itov. Mgr. MuMiiuh,h mom-; beroflheP! hmtsehold and one of the olde-t and Ut known pre . .. . . ue"UU N. Y., tbi- inornlng i TIkm.M. Wulkr, of CouiMwtleut;! M. H. IVoMng, CmllfornU; I). It. Putin, IzOoMniia; G. W. AlUtn, New Vork;Md A. IS. Andrew, North , UaruIliM, huve Ui euu vkw (HeeidsiMid ktr tit World ' fir. Iv tmr lor Iturttin WIUImum 14 quality IlfUe' bHch l lbs KitflMMl tmuk. 'I1m uov rmiy br JllvT . t'mr Us PtMSrth Luitk.! Ytm tuiui ilnri up for lb Pounb. Tm '-ullo! AdrtotUM Cu. bum Jart i,-nrd op a Mn lino id wm and pa.U For W .m-WiiB-lpftof. h-HI MooWi yt. Wltl'M t losing K-rci.r. I'.rmlr i-el llfr. Ur. AiiilifiHt llu IJHililinpr Oilier Matter-! l liilci-rsl. THE YHAIt'S WOitK of the Chenmwn Indian school vasl"u" w,l,ul "" " partly hown In the closing , tive audience, many of whom had gone out from Salem to hear the program and seo how things are conducted in that Institution. The essays and exercises in gen eral show tint sound principles of Christianity and government are taught in the school, and that theie is Miieh talent in the Indian children which, with proper cultiva tion, may be developed into means of accomplishing kmm1. The program was can led out in a creditable manner and was enjo,ed by all who were in attendance, even Mirpistn what they had expcHed to hem Out of many things which j u.ight be sibl in leirnrd to the cxer- el-e, s,ieei.il inelitiiiii Is title I lie es say by Maiy l'a. lor, au Alaskan girl, entitled "A Trip," in which she nicely pictured her visit to her native home. The dialogue, "The Train to Mauro," was thoroughly amusing and showed skillful train ing on tltc part of those who execu ted It. The recitation, "Red Jacket," by Josephine Allard, could have been a lessou to many of our fairer daughters with moio trainiug and better advantages. Thos. Billings read au essay giving a brief sketch of the history of the school and the work as can led on now . The selec tion, "Jlnnlers," was original and was roundly applauded. The mo.t amusing and best rendered piece on the program win nu original med ler, composing familiar hymns, na tional airs, war song, sentimental pieces, comic and plantation songs, lendeicd by six girls. The concert recitations were well rendered, mostly by the young pupils or those who hae been in the school but a slioit time. Supt. Irwin in his clos ing leniarks summed up briefly the work of the .school during his in cumbency. At the conclusion of the piogram Photographer Catterliu took the pietuies of the school and build ing. INDU.slHIAL i:iiiniT. There was some line work from the hands of apprentices which show that this depaitnicnt is well eaicd for. A pair oi lad.'s shoes, cut and made by Waller Kninody, were as neat looking as will be found in the market. Kennedy is a boy 10 yeais old, and has been an apprentice two yeais. Lee Finuc.v , a oui--year ap prentice, and IIair, Millwr of si. months expeiience in the shoe shop, showed some good work. In the c'.othing department, a dress cut and made by Luciiula Ileudiieks and a skirL of crochet work by Adallne Smith, exhibited most skill. Among the otlier won; shown In this de partment that would bo a credit to tho nyerago tailor were a gent's vest by D. W. McKay, and boys' coats by Alice Wib on and Emma Hodg (lon. Among the exhibits trout the car penter shop were a wagon w heel by Oscar Brown, a violin box by John Hrou'n, and a neck yoke, iron and wood work, made and lilted by Sol moil Gieely. The tin shop had boveral pieces of work by Arthur Saxon. In this department wciu nlno exhibited 'uuic line vegetable!, from the farm. DEtOUATKl.SS AND JIOlTOS. Over each entrance to the main building was a large archway of everg'cens with the word welcome; on the inside festoons were in pro fusion, which had been in ranged by the advanced pupils under llio su pervision of Miss Cornelius On the walls were shown nioitos, most of which weie exciited by the Indian I children, nil lending to make the large chapel take an npp-uraiav of civilization, and the abundance of (lowers and evergreen used in tho decorations, sending a fragrance heaven wind. ART AND DIAGRAMS. An observer miultl not help ' being surprised ut the ability lu pen i oil mid cniyon drawing uispi.tycu by those tin I f the scene tutored children. Many scenes wore orimnai concep tions of scone of their home life and Indian characters. Tho map and diagram drawing which Is made a study in the school has reached quite a legre of purfec. tiou. A map of Africa by Osca Brown will be K'nt to Wushlngtoii flU 41 UtWUt! Illilll I if tlllll L Itfk PEIUsONALAPPKARANCi: AND IllhCI PLIMS. The pupils wuretdl neatly diutwd, and liavi; lost many of tlio trail of elmruoter uwially smi in their raw, , they apiwar to lw obedient t their, luHclicrs and U resipect tin in. The wIlflltf glvwlIIllwll llf , .cliool is m)(h,r H -trct ,, t.Vtry. j,,,, udl)Illf Mnmtieily. The I fctrlt order ami lime in which ..very thlllK 1 U w done I touted little an possible. Till! Ht'lLDIMJB AMI (IHOI'XIM. '11m b(4' uuiubt-r of buildinKe in use by lb atflutol make Cefnawu bike the apperHiio of a vlllwgtf. Throisit. three main lMiildiut(H. The one on Um fcowth n. for the Imys; tli MiHHr pjirt i tlu. dormaUiry, wlillo the Aral tlwir U Hm atwly romw. The bulMlua; ou the north W ommiu4m1 br the KirU. Huit. Ir- w'la awl family and My leadier. im tiw wat wiK to u urg. dining rtiMii tor all tlw wiuile; tl soono msuoimI H7 teul by tulrUdoriiMi Uy. Tnelr.rnnu u.wnj h llM neuool nrofsfr; tbe nt Hoor Is dtrkled into two lurge . a . .. .. ((oil IWHrta; tlM ond IhMJT IM Otatr Hunt Is llio chapel which Is also used for a session room by the more nil- I vaucd pupils. In aildltlon to these , thoio are several smaller buildings, a laundry, carpenter shop, black smith shop, bath room nud hospital, iuc grounds are In pood repair ana everytniug noout mo premises sido and within are neat ami clean. Tho children march Into tho dining room with tho order of any board ing school. THE WATER SUPPLY Is furnished by two boilers and en gines which supply two tanks, one holding 0,000 gallons for general purposes, tho other a 2,000 gallon ' taiiK elevated 00 fi-vt above all the i buildings to tm used in case of tire. ; There arc now 154 Indian children in the school. About SO of that num ber will go uway in a few days for' the summer, but iikM of them will be buck n( i he opening of the school i'i Sti imiiIk-I'. Tli"sc who remain wi.. o ( iiplnycil dii'iui; the slim I iner mouths on the tin m and gen eral work about the Institution. THE HAND. 1 The Indian brass band Is an im-1 portant part of the institution, i livery pupil in the school takes a pride in their band. The leader of the baud is a boy of 15 years and ts an excellent player for one of his age. The baud furnished sumo tine music during the exercises, and while the train was pulling in and going out. It Is composed of the following members: Jas. Flaunery, leader, solo Bb cornet; V. McKay, 1st Bb Cor.; Oliver Lindsoy, Eb Clair.; Solomon Greely, Bb Clair.; Fied. Fieeman, solo alto; Willie Ike, 1st alto; Oscar Brown, 1st Ten.; Walter Kennedy 2d Ten.; Eugeuo Isaao, Bar.; John James Bb bass; Jas. Teller, tuba; Robt. Depoe, stiaro drum; Hiram Crow, bass drum. Whatever may be said of the management of tho sohool, those who attended the exercises Friday wore favorably Impressed by what they saw and heard. Hi: WAS AHlIAMttD To Ask Again, but HI. Frank I.ettar Got It for Hltn. A fc months uro one ol the unlortuuaU lunintci. In tho San rnuiclico Almihom was iiipln-d li tho cnsatlonal statonicnU In Die news papers with the bellcl that Joy' Vegi tn ble SHmiparllla would help hlra. But without mollis, how to get It was tho quei tlmi. Finally ho w roto to tho Edwin W. Joy Co., appealing to their generosity, and It wa not unheeded, tho coveted preparation be ing sent by tho next parcel delivery. It cfl'ect Is best told In a subsequent letter, from which wo quote tho follewing: " I supposo jou know mo by this wrltlne, and n i'lrcumstanci"i and condition. Al thuiih ImproUng, I ask of your generosity f.- another bottle of our Joy's vexctnblo Suisnparllla. Its laxatho action Is perfec tion lt-elf. It has so thoroughly regulated in system that my cstarrh, rbcuinutlim, io'iitlpntloii, and headaches are all better. 1 Icel Hshuineil to ask lu this way, but vhat shall 1 doT I thought I might not need any more, but I am now so anxious to keep It up; but jou seo how It Is." It was FQiit, and he can get mom If ho ncedi It. Rising Sun Mnrsh Mallows beat in tho world -at Jones & Bernardl. HELLENBRAND'S ! Eating Parlors & Candy Manufactory, 200 Cotnmorolul Stroot. HILLOKKAUK: I li-nCicuiii l0c.,15cnndrcntM . Collce. Ten or Chocolate und Cuke.. 10 cents Mush and Milk ....lUcents . pinto or soup j Hot Cakes Colleo or Tea. i lli'ofsti'iik and Eggs Pork Chop and l.gg I Mutton Chop ami Eggs.. Venison anil Eggs... Sutixigoitud Eggs I Hum nml Kl'its .. .1(1 conn licenti ...'i' cents Hi cents ....... U rents .1 cents 'i'i ceutH .....11 ccnU I Fiesh Oysters any stylo .25 cents 25 Cent RegularDlnnerServed Fromlt to3 0'Clotk. A nice variety of vegetables, etc., etc. Alhiitca, roll or milk with all ceul nu nls It bout extra charge. Choice ( Igars, l aluays on mind. Choice Cigars, Imported und Domestic, Purler limine Htrak and Lggs..., TVndcr 1tln Kti-nk and Eggs.... .Jfi cents ...V) cents brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY k DESART, fcSuociwfcors to I). .Nasli.havu a vlleslab llsheil llrlck nml Tllu factory In North Salem, iksu tho fair grounds, and urn pru jwroil to furnish llrhl-pluns lirh'W nml tile on short iimiIim Kuniiile of llrlck or Tile sent fre! to any iHilut ililrid. on hhorl nolleit. Orilers can lie left ultli Jos. FlKliburli, III) Htntn tr., u'lii'iu MiinpKts tutu bo seen. uv ARTIST. Instructions glen and Portraits enlarged from Photographs or taken frniii Lift, Ml ( herlngton's, Kldrldgo block, Halem. MISS M. KIRN. .IMUNDgsss - l "'"' A ' ' ammrmmmmm Agnl Haleiii. Oregon, brick! BURTON BROS. M :ar i.iirwl u furnish k flrst-class rtlle ut Ifrlrk lu town or MMintry or auywiiero outkclliieofOAC.lt It. Price! rwwon- abUt Yitiils nil BUt strwt. oiilxwiUi O, H, , P. All orders lrt Willi nonius a Io4 pftimpOy uitundtsl to. rJiiK- $12,eHO 1 Will luy ism of Ilia lst half Motion fulius la Murlofi KJiity, lnmts1 nrur Turner, , Ofssjoa. TarHts My. II.C.& .(. ir. POUTER, ftual autiC"Nts,Ai(intvllle,Or. &-liu , . Lamm Home AGaition I i bUtllly Wxt4 In Knot rUlaiti, south . -Z ... t .. f.-i- iry,..!?! ft.m-M oc iiu; KMOirM iiaiiwar una. near in XSSJThtZr' wiiuiV l A. 1. U. iVlLoU1!, UWUd , i t Over 'Two Hundred of these 'avorlto Pens are now in uso lu Marlon county alone. It ts one. of tho very best Fountain Pen manufactured. All Insurance Agents uso this Pen. Tho Into Improvements rondor It still more attractive ami more desirable. A full line of MABIK TODD & BARD'S Gold Pons are always In stock, also PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTO ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, SCRAP PICTURES, PURSES, CARD CASES, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING STATIONERY. Remember TILE Ready Fry's DKLAYS ARE DANGEROUS! It Is sure death; 25 cents per can. Grand COX & BOGGS, (Iroi'ovs, 2'H) (JomiMM'rinl St. A Handsome GarSand Cooking Range, Latest and Improved pattern, nickel finish, with complete sot of utensils, (purchased or R. M. Wailo k Co.) O A Ticket with chance RELIANCI5 (JAN TI5A on this Price 75 Boots Leatlier f&ncl FindiiTgs. SoTCash paid tor Wool, Hides, Pelts and Furs.-HBtt The Bissell "Gold Medal" Carpet Sweeper. The Best in !lw Vv'orkl. No. 31 Commerolftil St.. Stile in, Oregon. JUST ARRIVED. The Largest Assortment of FLAGS, BANNERS, FIRE WORKS, AND -LANTKRNH, INCLUDING WHEF.LK, FLORAL FOUNTAINS, LI S. BuiiliE hi Color U' OfalUIus. All sl.cs SMITH'S INSTALLMENT HOUSE, ti()7 Commercial St, Salem. THE RKCONU MOOKI5 & OSHOKNB Dwilura In Furnltim, Notions, (jueciiHWurc, Glaiwwnre. Cigar, Tolmcoo, CnndloH and Ntitn All klmbi orw muni baud good, bought and wild. OiwkIh Mold 011 lommlutloii. Cor Htaleuud l.lbeityKt. Churchill Sash, Door & Manufacturing Co. Siuili, Moors, lilimlK iV .Moulding, Tiimlii & Scroll Sawing. IfiMiM- I lllUllllHf liwllw to orilnr. .SVw llll 1. 1 I.N, by vtliloh wriaii lwyUrepa full hj. kind. AxrlrullMri.1 W'oiks. I'.uar irf IraiU' ami ILU DORRANCK BROS', LUMHER VAKU ' on Htt rltreat, aakm. j Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Finishing Lumber, Mouldings, &c. 1 AllordsrsDroiiiKtlv-ttlUudSil to. PrVwa as hsriu the Ifiwast. Mill on Msrtln pluce isjm. I 1 hih DOrthl M Mslaav lime In AGENCY; OF THE FOUNTAIN tlie Place, J3nsJ tn 98 state street, svl,em, Orb. V13HY 1JEST 1VKATSTDS Mixed for family uso at- Drug Stork. Slaughter your Squirrels now by tho - 'Tea -olTered by- elegant Pti.u nrcsoutcd cents per pound. to every Tliirdzr? Wm. B lJICVUICWS IN and Shoes ! DEVIL AMONG THIC TAILORS, WHISTLING JACKS, F.tc. Muslin and Printed ii 1 i'i. aw ti and kinds of lanterns ut HAND STORE y of smowhimI stork of all ,iraaU, Sulaiu. itv&u. MUmr usilldlan. PEI i 3D - & OF PaintB usoof FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON. Pri:ze, purchaso of ONE POUND of our rown k Co. FRISIl MILL Capital Dairy Co A. C. Kalrolilld, II. J. Kelly and W. O. lluroli a ro preparod to deliver lltesli milk cooled on lc, to any part of the city, l.ruvoordors niMlnln a Low' stable Will bo In the market for all cunning va- rlellwiif Clifirrius, Black Hnspborries and IUacklreiTies Alter Juno 15tli. &'-3wdw The Salem Cannery Kugene City lionds for SIe. XTOTtCr: u hereby Kiven that under the L iirovlslonsofniinctot the l.-iflelaturo of Ornaon entitled, "An act to lneors niUitliuClty of KUKvne and to repeal all nets and imrt of acts In contllcl here with," MKxl in tho oltlco of tha secretary or Ktute, February w, 18bU, tho common million 01 1 no euvor Kuireno win issue mm dispose ol tho bonds of said city at ymt vnluoof IroiiiHoi-Oto $ScjXXi, iu 4euoml nations of from tlf.3 to DUO an th per alnuar tuny desire, payable 80 yearn arvwr ditto of Inula- tha wiine, with luterl iiiereou at me ruto noi 10 ezcoea a per reel nr annum, isivublo semt-iinnusllv IWvkltHt propuouU to purvlmsu said bouiU will bo received bv tho underslinott at Kuxene, Uroscon, until Hepteuiuer isi, inuv, unu uu proposals ftvenen will be opened autl considered on IhoStU day ol ttaptember, 10, aadlaakl bonds will be dlsnoaedof tn lli carton ar (Hirsous iuokipk me wi oner or oner herefor. , . The common council reserves tho riant torejectnny and alt proioal- By orwMr or t no council. llocorrtor for theCliyof K'tifW