I 4 o fj? v i BSrencinvE PERFEGT T7DTRITQHj HEALTH The only Stimulate its whirh will 8 i'imsbs of the H:r.sn stem. Bythisr.a' r ' : '' lr.w . it quickly t.ml trra -1-' .' ' ""8 J forms of Djspcj'sU, C' .i - :!lrti :. -ntnl and rvoui Kk1i.ui;. .ii, tii u.rl Debility, Brain l'a.r, cr an; nxhau wonk cned comUtlon ot the ; ever cau', ?kla T.rj.jit. nlngSon "crofol-. the Wood, .stujn.' 'ni what. lU.itnn- ;' son eos of .. . Klduoys. :i ss,oo. $ 1 .00. SIXGGi. Dr ntv-. I pape boo' -erlptlveoTty- drntlm 1 i mhaaud Lu uliir I;.medles, HILLER DRUG U0 San Francisco, CM Sold by Dan'l J. Fry, 22o Com'l St. 1JLACKS3IITHING, agon anil Carriage Making and Repairing Horseshoeing a specialty. AUwork guar anteed. JOHN HOLM, forucrof CominerclalnndUhemcketn sts., Snleni, Oregon. KECTJEWELKn 121 Court St. VM. WIOKBY, House Painter, Decorator, and Wall "Tinier. Ijciive order nt John Hughes' store, State street. O. C. CHASE Artistic Paper Hanger and Wall Decorator. Good work, economy and eamplo work shown beforo engaging. trg- Pay based on work measured on the i wall. Leave orders at Sargent's, Meyers' r Keller's resldenceat Highland addition. PAINTSHOP. 1 5 6 Commercial Street, House and carriage palntlng.slgn writing, paper lianginn, decoratlnir, wall tinting, and knlcliiitn.nK. All work done tlrst class, cjrriiige palntlnga speciality, char ges moderate. .RANKIN, PROP. Salem Harness Shop, B, F. WILEY, Prop, Manufacture and make a specialty of Farm and Heavy Harness. All work done in our own shop at Salem and guaranteed flrst-classs. Give us ii call. 0. I). BUTTON. Prop. ' Castings of nil kinds made to order. MILL MACHINERY, j PLANING MILLS, CORNICES, METAL FRONTS, WHEELS, PULLEYS, and kpeeiitl castings ot any tyle or pal tern made In Hbort order, smooth and ie- liable In eve y particular. i Repair any Machinery in Short Order. Turning lathes, engines, hop presses i and hop stoves built, will makeestlmates on any Iron work needed. Good price paid for old Iron. 3-lS-lm SPRING Isheie! Audsols E. SCHOETTLE, With a line stock of cpring and summo SUITINGS. Everything made up In the latest fah Ion and a perfect fli guaranteed, Don forget to cull ot Bv'boettle'a before yo make a selection, F, C. PATTON U still telling Ii iili linn llUUUll M lower than ever. All of our uirop are made out of the Best Rubber. Yoa should not Reroraber tb pi' PATTOX'S BOOK STORE, tti Suite HC, halrHI vffliiinp i luhw m M. b without V 'I SELF INKERS WASHINGTON NEWS. Conference Committee Appoint- A Supposed Earthquake Only ' Tlie Wheat Crop Promises Bet ed hy the House. a Big Explosion. ter than Last Year. OREGON AND MONTANA AIM'OINTEES. Tribute to Kaiulall. Sullivan Not Wanted for an Exhibi tion before Athletic Club. I DO NOT WANT Till! 111'M.Y. Washington, D. C June 14. John L. Sullivan hai been invited by tin; board of government of the Columbia Athletic club to give mi exhibition before the tin tubers and a number of congressmen. This action has brought n storm of pro test upon the managers' heads which threatens to overthrow them ut the next election. The conserva tive elements say they do not it. teud to bring themselves down to a level with prize tighten) and enter tain J. L. Sullivan. CONFF.Iir.NCE COMMITTEE TIIIBUTR TO RANDALL. Washington, D. C, June 14. The speaker to-day announced the appointment of Taylor,, of Ohio; Stewart, of Vermont, and Bland, of Missouri, conferees on tho anti-trust bill. Bland said as the house in structed the conferees to recede from its amendment, he had no further interest in the umtternml asked tobe excned. Culbertson, of Texas, was appointed to fill the vnca icy. Then tlte house went Into com mittee of the wnolo on the sundry civil appropriation bill. After the committee rose the house proceeded to pay tribute to the inemojy of the late Samuel J. Randall. WESTERN APPOINTMENTS. Washington, D. C, June 14. The president Bent to the senate to day the nomination of H. A. Ben sell, of Oregon, as collector of cus toms at Yaquina, Oregon; William F. Furay, Montana, as 17. S. mar shal of Montana. raiSONAL MENTION. Hon. Win. Armstrong came up from Portland this morning. Engineer J. A. McCarl, at the as lum, is a btif.i'.esH visitor in Portland to-day. Louis Verainl, tho accomplished young painter, "went to Portland this afternoon. Dr. C. H. Hall went to Jefferson ! last night to visit Hon. John Har i rison, who is very sick. Rov. J. R. N. P.ell, of Roseburg, ' is casting the beams of his pleasant countenance over Salem to-day. T. G. Perkins, superintendent of i the Salem Iron works, is a business j visitor in Portland to-day. J lions. Richard Williams and E. I Northup returned to Portland this morning after a tussle in circuit ! court. Prof. Thos. Van Scoy went over to Falls City this afternoon to at tend the camp "heeling at that place. Mrs. C. II. Monroe, hostess of the Ohemekete hotel, returned from a ' week's visit among Albany friends this afternoon. ' The Woman's college will be closed Monday, after a successful , year under tho management of Mis-s 1 Hansee, a;- dean. , L. K. Belknap and family were 1 passengers on the local train this morning for Benton county to spend ' the summer on tho farm. i Hon. P. B. Sinnott, of Portland, 1 deputy U. S. Marshal, came up last evening to attend the funeral of his , old friend, Mr. Caufield. Mr. E. M. Waite, and Mr Hofer, editor of the Journal, off this afternoon f.r a view of Pacific ocean at Yaquina bay. ! .1. H. Briduford. cashier of , 15 are the the State Insurance company, started tins morning for Bay City, Tilla mook county, where he and others have large real estate interests. Mr. and Mre. R. J. Hendricks drove by way of Sheridan to Bay City, Tillamook county to-day. Bay City promises tobe the metrop- oils of that part of the coast before long. . Winnowed Sons For Sunday Schools. Five hundred copies Just received at Patton's book store direct from tho publishers. This book has been specially prepared for Sunday schools by Ira I). Sankey. It con- I tains 257 of the most useful, new ' and selected tongs ever published in la single volume. Sunday schools I ueeding new mind" will find this n i ..-.. ..iir.,..tl.. luuik Prino&i cents. CIJ MIUMVU'- " Say, you now comer, and eay you old 40'er, If you doubt, tho capac ity of the Garden road just visit every grocery store, iruu anu vege table depot ami boardlug boueo and usk them the Miurce them the source from which they got their fruit and vogotables and they will lu a large majority of cases loll you on tlie Garden rood. Then if you want a beautiful and heallhv home look out in the dlre- lion of tlie Garden road. Iauid (V, Postottlw block. Salem I1h l'r. At tats hmic ufHinwrUs; iwa te ..roiu n4 brty ttoyir o(Mn b UM ioKf ucwriMM, ilred 4 wura otM. wub- oui inubuk.. u o tbuw, fcd way b nt out tft- ptmpto md ViU. W lull u rsiUlri: l mli'i l ...u. mu Hit will act KtUy .Miuaiiyrr ..- -VV. '... 1 w. a . J.j- U.i oitbiDf cuuala It kluinlUtM lllU. TlMrl l i.. Hi 1It, fmritf th to lar lUlBB'i ! .m mu kMlllIT - " " - - tr n. .Id UKik' and .ir-ni-Ih to tb HUN rklM. , alii I V MARV .LNDEIISOX flEHlNTi MARRIED. Important Laud Decision in Iown.Bont Race Hctwecn Teenier and Gaudaur. srPPtlSKDKARTIIlll'AlvE SHOCK. Toledo, Ohio, June 14. A slight shock of earthqiiak. lasting ten seconds, was felt here at 2:30 a. in., pas-sins from from north to nuth. There w:' no damage done. TWA." ONLY XITltO-GLYERINE. Toi.KiKi. Ohm, June 1 1. It is now learned ibat w I at was taken to be an caii!iuu.:- -it 2:30 this morning wa can-, ' t i',e esplo-4 in of five tons of nifo-ghvorine in Costeline Co's work- nearl'iudluy, Ohio, forty miles trom here. The works were torn iuto slivers and a hole was plowed In the earth deep euough to take in a four-story building. There was no los of life. INTERESTING HOAT RACE. Boston, Mass., June 14. Teemcr has telegraphed his acceptance of the offer of $1000 for a purse for a race at Point of Pines between him self and Gaudaur, June 27th. in favor of the settlers. Sioux City, la., June 14, Judge Shiras, of the U, S. district court, has filed a decision in the cao of Conklin against Whermau, which is the celebrated O'Brien county ejectment case, growing out of an attempt about a year ago to eject a large number of farmers in that county from their homes. Judge Shiras holds that tho farmeis have both a legal and an equitable title. Several thousaud acres of valuablo farming lands are involved. MARY ANDERSON GETTING RIED. mar- New York, N. Y., June 14. At Bromtown oratory, London, Tues day morning next, Mary Auderbou will wed Attouio Navarro, of New York. The ceremony will be per formed by Cardinal Manning and the wedding be as private as possi ble. Steadily Improving. The Astoria & South Coast rail road Is being graded to ilillsboro' by a force of three hundred men. There has beer, no let up on this un dertaking, and it is kept moving right along. Last week the rails were delivered in that city for tho street car track, and men were at once put to work laytug tuem down. Astoria is moving right along, and property there Is steadily improving. Those desirable lots in North Pa cific addition to Astoria are selling quite readily by the Oregon Land Co. 2t An Old Settler. When Jas. Batchelorwas splitting a c'tuiik of firewood this morning that had been a put of n very larj.e fir tree, he found imbedded then in a large old-fashioned bullet, nearly an ounce in weight, moulded for a muzle loader, and from the point at which it wiii lodged to the sapor outside of the tree there wero G-'i rings, (.bowing Hi it it must have occupied its bed Tor nearly sixty years, allow ing that It pierced several rings when shot into the tree. This is verily one of the old settlers. Articles of Incorporation. Articles of incorporation were to day tiled in the f-ecretary of stato's ollice incorporating tho Mechanics Ruilding and Loan association of Portland; capital stock $100,000, di vided into C00 shares of $200 each; P. Holbrick, J. 15. Bennett, J. Steel, 'J. B. Bridges, F. Irving, C. F. . Pearson, J. E. Smith, T. J. O'Con i nor, E. D. White, W. E. Thomas 'and R. II. Schwab, incorporators; i Portland. Large Funeral. The funeral of Thotuos Caufield occurred this forenoon, starting from the Catho lic church about half past ten after ; solemn high mass and an nppropri- ate address by Rev. J. b. White. The remains were followed to the Catholic cemetery by a largo con- course of sorrowing friends, unno forty carriages being in line and carrying full loads. It was a grand and imio-lng tribute to one of na ture's noblemen. Another Company Theio will be a meeting at the armory Monday evening at 8:80 for the piirpo-! of taKiiig siepa m orgiiui.e aiiou.i.-. military company. All Inton-nted In tlm nrolect will iilaaut take due notice and be nroseut. Men's light coals and vests, r...... IIOIII t'2fj0 to to. A No, 1 goods. All stylos and colors, at the Capitol Advonture Co. If Ratines. Roduewl to l2i enu a yard at the Capitol Advonture Co. Ladios take a look at them. It Mill pay you. 6:2-tf Fuom Portivu. .-DeiHily Kherid I Aligner it night brought up from Port land Win. limlr, agtd lb; ...i. . ,-....... ii, -.1 i. i h jwrs, who wm ooiiimniwi w in asvlum for ilsalte. ' " v .i . T....... Notire lo Taxbarr. miiK iMWmwii mm m I maUu u.,11 1m. llt.M.I.IMil Uj U CiH "r, ":- -.:; .i V- ".iJT tu Muvil tut autMVVul or r.iou. BUM u otm HMW tw - w- ..- . - i rk. tjji x ii IM IWtBIH MRHMI W mmw , . .. .. . .. -. I- n.t. Wd Ail f kj. r i I ft. iwiill Wilt - - A tiaft.,1 Mnmlw a irrtllwi a n JlaVilMWl tUtMdfi'f fckMd U P. CONS, ntf Httnrliu: PACIFIC COAST. hVEEKLV WF.ITRER CROP REPORT. Tho Firo In Fnciflc Oil Works San Francisco, Breaks Out Afresh Heavy Loss. FIRE IIROKE OUT AFRESH. San Francisco, Juno 14. The tire at the Pacific Oil works broke out again about four o'clock this morning, and it was only after a hard fight it was kept from spread ing. The lire will not lie wholly ex tinguished for some time. Capl. White, of the (ire patrol, estimates the loss at ?100,000, but Kittle & Co. claim their loss alone will exceed that. WEATHER AND CROP REPORT. Portland, Oregon, Juno 14. Following is the report of the Ore gon weatberlbureau for the past week: The weather lias been cloudy, cool and slight rain fall In various sec tions. Good heavy rains aro badly needed. Haying is in progress, but the crop is not an average one. Wheat prospects are better than one year ago, but not so good as de sired, FOREIGN NEWS. STRONG TALK IN GERMANY. Berlin, June 14. An enormous meeting of social democrats was held in Kolk's brewery, at Moablt, a sub urb of this city. The meeting was very exciting, and the speakers free ly criticised the socialist labor policy of the emperor. The meetlug passed a resolution censuring the Kaiser for his labor rescripts. Tho resolution set forth when Germany will be gov erned by rescripts, tho people will demand a full, unrestrained share in the government of the empire and and it could not be with safety de nied them. STEALING STANLEY'S THUNDER. London, Eng., June 14. -Tho St. James Gazette says that complete proofs of Stanley's forthcoming work were in somo manner obtained by a person who offered them for publication, which was thwarted by prompt measures of the houso which is to publish the book regularly. Hampden Park Is tho best and cheapest acreage tracts In the city. If Salem gets one-tenth the popula tion that is promised her. Hamp den Park will be laid Into town lots, , but whether the population comes; or not. Hunmden Park will be one of best home neighborhoods, and cluster fruit tracts in this comlug fruit center. You should invest now while you can. Salem Land Co. Post Oillco Block. Unity of Purpose. W. C. Roberts and Mary L. Wanamaker, from tho Silvertou neighborhood, obtained license to wed from Clerk Babcock to day. Oil and gasoline Moves in great Variety and cheap, at Stcineroc Bios ser's. Englewood. Seven minutes from tho post olliee that's not bad. It takes you that long to foot it down from the Sisters, school or a little longer and jou can get 3 or 1 times as much for your money in Engle wood the lie lthiest and finest addi tion In the city. Salem Laud Co. Post OIUco Block. What it Costs A,U8t uu considered by people, in ! buying the necessities ot hie. Hood's Sar-suurllla commends Itnelf to tho gieat middle clan-es, because it com biuiH poMuve economy with great medicinal power. It is tho only meillctiiu of which can truly be said "100 Doses One Dollar,"'and a bottle will average to last a month. Cured in one buy. Dr. Helden: Alow nights since 1 was taken with a no ro throat cough and still neck. I used your Ethel eal Cough Syrup, and by morning I wiw nearly well, and hy night cured. Jamii 1 attehhun, : Supt. woolen. mill, Stockton. Larue sue $1, small 60 coins. Fori sole. hy all druggiMM Instruments Filed lor lletord at Comity Ktuorder's Ollice. Caroline Jury and liUhbuud to Jas W Jury, 00.51 acres lu sees '21 and 8 t 8 h, r 3 w; some to Daniel H .lory, 60.01 acres In sees 27 and 28, I the 8 s. r3 w; ' J C Arnold and wf to Alice Muni's, It 1 in blk 7(1, Salem; w L - ra - How to Cure NervoufciiPHH. a Uxlv with a nervous tempera ' ,,., uiu muke known its wants ' tliniUL'h Its uullirul medium tho I . "orvous system If it fails M rc- j eeivo projier nourishment then irves I will ih the ursi to cry out. w. .....I,, ll,.,U,uil,ii Pulnnillvit ' lllliu, n i, . ,lln... ..-w - , etibures perfi'Ct nutrillon to thoi , who Uiko It, ami a jierfeetly uour ' Mml boily eonnot U nervius. For Mile at D, J. I'ryV. NMicrftirr Malaria KxUU, Tl bilious ut iu cttrutln vy. In otiat-i nilUut ud iiuliuti lvr, auwMjig Hful mkr, lb ltr U mImhs mw; I with bit. 'o "' l' eblcf rauuus wty MiMMtlcr's MuumtU Htiln U sorb tmm i i5tTElJTiSv , ""S&lXfii rWuiKir,tfuUniy or ih. Ut""' llM' T'rl , lUSl M uim i llu, dliwue. by lh blllurr iswsi . ..i tAMKWmmnm in huw rm aca r i i llM lM auaum u ivioi. Tbr t ' tantlyiut wwiiive " i KUMtllM uUui-UUat HlU. Tl U ttueufUlu Iwmunliy from difc-r lo n .u.u,.u-MrfAa.ui: tuna. u. Meuid l WFin .ueawwl boOi in Haiimf Md , - UIAUI i JT.-, -..l. , - -- - - ... hiau. Miwntr I ttlHulM rj tot- naTiand UUddtr. and tmonltiUtMa and I troiththBr tye. od. CIRCUIT C01RT. SIXTH DAY SATURDAY. The case of W. A. Guthrlo against tho S. P. railroad company was given to the Jury about 3:30 yester day and about "o'clock they return ed a verdict in favor of tho plaintiff for $3000. In this case as in tho Miller case, the company was this mornlug given until the 2Sth of June to filo a bill of exceptions. Tho grand jury last evening re ported a not trao bill in the matter of A. Grant nccused of embezzle ment ami Mr. Grant was released front the custody of tho sheriff to which a preliminary examination had consigned him. Oru Harris vs. Sam'l Harris; do-1 cieo of divorce granted and custody of two minor children awarded her. i AFTERNOON SESSION. , AG Roberts vs. Robt Koid. judg ment on verdict. J M Brown vs. C and M. (.'louver, default, judgment In favor of plaln till for $350 with Interest, and $40 attorney fee. C M Skcels vs. Smith A Dorrance, demurrer to answer withdrawn; permit to reply granted. Stato of Oregon vs, John Ritchie; pleads not guilty; trial set for Tues day 17th. Stato vs. Chas 15 Anderson, pleads not guilty. i Stato vs, Win Whalen, plcadf. guilty of petit larceny; fined $25. Stito vs. Frank G r u m; pleads uot guilty; trial set for Wednesday Juno lStb. Court adjourned to Monday at 1 o'clock p. m. Administrator's Sale IN pursuanco of an order of tho County Court of Marlon Vmuty, Oregon, author izing mens administrator of tho LstiUoof Archibald Hogg, deceased, to sell tho personal property of said estate nt prlvato or public Rale, 1 will on Wednesday tuoath day ef June, 1890, nt ten o'clock In tho forenoon at tho Ankcuy farm, ton miles toulh ofKalcni, sell at public auction to the highest bldder.all Hip personal proper ty of said estate not then already sold, con sisting of 1800 head of sheep and lambs, 5 head of horses, 2 cows, 1 yearllug calf. It hogs, farming implements, household furniture, etc. Terms: All sums of SlOnmt under, csh In hand. Above S10, cash or approved note at four moiitlis, and eight per cent Inter est. Tho right Is reserved to reject any bid or nolo otlered. J. C. NNKDHAM, Administrator of tho estate or d w Archibald Hogg, Deed. G-13 ARTIST. Instructions given In Cravon Poitra't Water Color and (III Painting. Pictures made to order. Studio In Cherlngton's art, roomR. Eldililgo llululmg, Salem MISS M. KIRN. School Meeting. Thero will bo n special meeting of tho U payers of school district No. 21, of Ma rlon county, Oregon, held at tho opera House In salon' on Thurbday.the 19th day ot June. 1890. at 8 o'clock p. m. to consider the bids for bunds to bo Issued nud to author ize acccplanco of same 11 ill enied advisable, and to transact bucIi other business as may i come before tho meeting i Done by order ol tho board of directors I of school district No. '-'I. this May Hlsl, 1S9.I. V. H. NfMPSON. Clerk. District No. SI. Dissolution Notice. -v-TOTICR In lierehv clven that tho part $0 ..SSSS.W ,in5cr1foXS SunTo" Kiiriii.tt .1- ,'iitli-rlln. ut Salem Grecon. this day dlsolved hy mutual consiint W. W Hi rtlott retiring from tho linn, H. II. Catterlaln it Hon will continue In business nt thooldsland, W. V. RARTLK1T. U:lWt-W 8. II, CTTKKLIN. $12,680 Will buy one oftho best halfsectlon fauns In Marlon county, hltuatcd near Turner, Oregon. Terms easy. II. C. & J. TT. FOUTEH, P.cal estate agents, iniiville,Or. 0-hn Hiijreiio City llonds for Sale. NOTICE is hereby kh en that under the provlslousnfiinact ot the Irglslaturo or Oregon entitled, "An net to Incorpo rate the City of Eugene and to nipeal all nets mill pat I of uels In conflict here with," Illed In tho oillco of tho b. cretnry of slate, February 'JO. 188'), tho common council of tho city of Eugene will Issuennd dispose of the bonds of said city at par value or l ro m fciO.oi W to J-VJ.oiw, in denomi nations of finni 3100 to HtXX) ns tho pur-olm-er may desire, payable :i0 years niter dute of Issuing tho same, with Inlorcst thereon t the rato not to exceed 0 percent tier annum, payah u sonil-annually. Healed prooals to purchase wild lionds will bo rweived by tho undersigned nt Eugene, urcgon, until September 1st, 1WK), anil nil proposals rcceiveii will be opened und considered on thofith lny ol (September, WO, and Mild bonds will be dlssised or to the person or persons making tho best oiler or olfers then-fur. Th. common council reserves the right tnroject nnyiind nil proposals, lly order 0tZyWA H.K.DOIIHIH. Recorder for thoC'lty of Eugene Capitol Home Addition Is bountifully located In liwt Halcin, south of the Electric Railway line, near the power house. I.-irgu lots, ICOxlOO feel. Good soil. Forsnlu by T. 11. WILSON, Owner, W Htnlo Street, Halom. W. C, MITCHELL, Veterinary Surgeon. Graduate of Ontario veterinary college Treats all dlsonsM of horsi, cutllii und oilier domestic kiiiiiii.Is. Olllrcut I.IIUA Whitley's livery stable If not nrofB slonally vngsgea ohii bo m at all hours. The Salem Cannery ' ( Will be In the timrkut for Mil mulling va rWlta of Cherries, Mack Ilnspljcrrieft and l5lackl)(MTie.s Aftcsr Juiift ISIli. - i4lw Vm ton iHoaey by buying your Musical Merchandisej "-TT- . D I A. tVL UNJJ O Mote Him. WrtrkieLw.k. !. R. II. WJSSTACOTT, Feed Stable 66 Livery. UutuU Uuy for Uulo. ThUt rf ikm fit mntnl HMk ?I I I - 1 Over Two Hundred of tin. so favorite Pens are now hi use lit Marlon county alone. It is ono of tho very best Fountain Pen manufactured. All Insurance Agents uso this Pen. Tho Into Improvements render It still more attractive and more desirable. A full lino or MARIE TODD & BARD'S Gold Peus nre always In stock, also PHOTO ALBUMS, AUTO ALBUMS, SCRAP BOOKS, SCRAP PIC TURFS, PURSES, CARD CASES, VISITING CARDS, WEDDING STATIONERY. Remember Grand COX Handsome Latest and Improved pattern, nickel A Ticket with cluinco RELIANCE CAN TEA on this Price 76 HPMBKnMMMHnHHaDIKOiKlHUanMSSflHMIMMSIOHHnnNMBKMMMnMHHraHMa y vHBv w V ill H Boots Leather and Findings. CQrCash paid for Wool, Hides, Pelts and Fure.-IBu The Bissell "Gold Meda" Carpat Sweeper. The Best in the World. No. 231 Commercial St.. Salem, .Oregon. TILE Ready Pry's DELAYS ARE DANGI5ROUH! It Is sure death; 26 cents per can. 5C M. 1 UANUFACTUHER OF FINK III WmtvtJSjr3j3Hl yTfr1 V a specialty. A.B.BURBN, FURNITURE DEALER ! COMMERCIAL STRISIXT, UALICM, THIS SECOND HAND STORE, MOORE & OSUOKNE Dealers In Furnilure, Notions, Quecnsware, Glamwaro, Cigars, Tolmcoo, Candlos ami Nuts. All kinds of second hund goods, hougbtaud sold. (loods wold on commission. Cor. Htate ami Lllnirty Bt. Ml) SS lUJM IJWilwiil. 11 rlne. ' JO. A1.HKUT. AKtnl. Hwleiu. Ornton. i .! " '.n' . .M7,n ,, . nintir' P,Ntat" T ,V nmL , , Office 181 Commercial St. I .xWJSxtstirJii BURT OASK, Agent. AGENCY: OF THE Vi FOUNTAIN rmTHir, Tj ! IllP tlie Place, 9S STATE STREE11, SALEM, ORE. :Tliird 'Tea -offered by- & BOGGS GrociM's, 211) Commercial St. Garfar finish, with conipleto set of utensils, O elegant Pri.o presented cents per pound. to every Cookin rown DI5A.L,1KS IN arid Shoes ! VICRY 1JEST IJ HANDS Mixed for family use nt Drug Slaughter your Squirrels now hy tho BEAMER, A licneial Line of Horse I'uriiihliinv (looils, Wlilps, Collai's, Hriclle (MCrRejialrliig promptly and neatly done, and all kinds of Carrlagw ami light Harness lo order, INDKPIJNDHNCE, OREGON. KOUUHUSmUHMIBIBMaHIJI. OHWOON Brick and Tile for SaleiaS&gSg Wln'lal ond Kelt MURPHY dt DESART Muaorii to 1) Nftib, liftve a wall iwtub - U.IimI llrlok and llhi Uiloty in Mir tn Sulein, naarllw tblr KHMOd4, and ure jifo (ir lll lirMi 10 turiiiiii nm-nMw) unm anu on abort ooIIm). BaitithH of llrtak ut I'll ant Unt U any I IKHUI UtMfMl, HI aruMl IMHI 1 m aft Willi Jim. rt.htmru, whr ample rn h Mn Ordwr ua Htate itrevt, rtArr PIv amsy Prtee, (purchased of R. M. Wado & Co,i purchaso of ONE POUND of our j OIT Paints Store. usoof FRY'S SQUIRREL POISON. Proposals for Wood. Honied bids will ho received nt tho oillco I ofschiK)! clerk, 'Uicniiiniori'lnl street, Ho. t l;i;i, lircKon, until Juno 21, IMW, ror tho delivery of 100 eoi ds of lumotlriind SO cordu i of liiro uruli or body oak, to bo delivered uitthoKiisl Hiilem sehool hulldliiff.ou or beforo Aiiirust at), 1800. 10 cords of hireo llr mid 10 ord of larae grub or body oak, to , bo delivered at tho Houth Hill em school iousi,iocorUMor larito ilrund 10 cord of binoruhorbodyi)iik, to bo delivered nt NomIi Hiiluin solnml, 1 cords of Inrjro r and lOcoriUoflarKiiBnib or liody oak, to lu delivered nt tbo inruo t'ciilral nehool, All wood iinut bo tour feot lonj, rMisonv bly ' HimlKht and corded closo. All bhU well boo)fiii(l iitii'ovo nlllcont 3 o'clock l. in , Juno '21, IMW. Tbo board rcerca the rlglil to reject and ull bids. Dona by order ol Ibu iKMiril nf illriwlnrs nritroanlil f this 37111 day of May, IbOO. Bcliool UUt. No. 21, Marlon Co. Or, mm milk. Capital Dairy Co A. U Fiilrcblld, 11. J, Kolly and W, C. Unroll uro prepared to deliver ntesU milk, cooled on leo, to any part of tho city trfwivoordom at Mlnto & ljw' tahlo. JAPANESE 1JAZAAR. Range, &Co ii,imiiiijp""-ii Kr J0I CiiiniiinrBlttlHt., opiKHlto I'oatofllce, Haln), Oretfou. Direct IniMirtera of - Japanese and Chinese Curiosities and Novelties. t I'Iiih i'orealalu Chlmiiture. CloUtonle. llroim, Ivory, tiirvluc. Bilk. inuroiauriea, unumwenr. uii riru irurit, t.117., u, i lnrnlo at lowest priced, llclull. IVilllltrv ordeni pnnnialy iittendwl to. Final Settlement. I 1 IITICK U hereby Hivea that tho uitw lun ml adinmUtrutorof iheiwtuto ot joun n. uiuuor, ueeneii.iiavinB niea uu Jiiii, or Marlon county, Orcuun, hu flsta July 7, IKO, at 10 o'jlook a. lu., to hear any mini , Mijruinii vriiy aiu aeomni annum ihh fulfoiu why katd aeomnl ahould lhi allowed ana tint ndtiiliiutrutor IU' cuarueu. J. W.OIIAWITQHU. KQ WlfMt AdmlnUtrntor of m! ifrtM rent x by HmHh A ftr