W "W W3 rvjK" '$ ;SW?" THE CAPITAL 'EVENING- 'JOUKN"AIi. wf m k THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. TEIIM8 OP BUBSCHIPTION. DAILY. One year by mull... --J5 00 Six months by mail 2 60 Three monthB by mnll. . . 1 a l'cr week, delivered by carrier 15 WKKKMT. One year by mall. '. . . f 1 CO Six months by mall . 7 One year. If paid In advance 1 0 8lx months, If paid In advance S For advertising rates apply at this ofllce All Subscribers to Trie Capital Joubnai who do not secure their paper regularly will notify this offlcc, giving nddrcss, and the matter will be attended to at once. Offloe, corner Court and Liberty; iStrccU iNTEBKSTlNa Lkotuue. JLiCCture at tho Christain church, Tuesday evcnlnc, Dec. t7th, by Eev. AI phoDzoIiClloy, pastor of tho Baplst church of Brownsville, Or. Subject: "Character Illustrated." Follow ing Is a clipping from a Buffalo, N. Y., paper, whero Mr. Lcltoy was known for years: "Tho Rev. A. Loltoy, who took part In tho cele brated 'Charge of tho Light Bri gade,' at Balaklava, as au at tache of tho surgical corps of the 11th Hussars, lectured before a large and appreciative audience, giving interestlngand personal experiences. He is still halo and hearty, though his hair and beard have seen tlio snowB of 50 years. Tho tall, erect flguro seems to have borno well tho hardships of the Crimea, receiv ing both n sabro and bayonet wound, yet tho evil ("fleets aio not preemptible. His father was a sur geon In tho French army. Alphonzo was educated at Queen's college. Cambridge, at the ago of 21, and Jolued'his father as aide-de-camp in a surgical corps detailed for duty in the Crimea. Mr. LeRoy left tho army in 1850, and ciiino to this country, whoro ho married and settled down. He Is a graduate 'of the Hamilton Theological Seminary in connection with tho Madison University, and hat been chaplain of tho Auburn, N. Y., state prison." Testimonials of tho highest char acter como to us from tho clergy and tho press of Now York. We bespeak for him tho full housd ho de serves. Admission 25 cents. Qavk Himself Up. Sheriff E. M. Crolsan received a telegram from the authorities at Vancouver, tills morning, stating that Perry, tho In sane soldier, had returned to Van couver and given hlmsolf up. Perry jumped from tho passenger train near Pendleton on tho 0th, while tho train was moving at tho rate of forty miles per hour. Ho wits In charge of two fellow comrades who were taking Perry to tho National Soldier's Insane Asylum at Wash ington. Ho managed to nrnko his way from Pendleton to Sulem with out a cent of money, and In a very short time. Ho will bo started to Washington again soon, and moro precautions used. A Suairr Chanch:. Saturday quite an amount of local reading mutter was crowded out. as well as two columns of telegraph matter, and to hereafter avoid tills trouble tho managers of tho Jouhnai. have decidod to run tho roclety news on Friday evening. Tliuro is not so much local nows on Frldav, and on Saturday thero is a general rush. Tho chango will only bo of u tempo rary nature however, as tho Capi tat Jouhnai, will appear before its readers in a larger form us soon as arrangements eau bo completed. Our esteemed society contributors will please tuko duo notice of this chango, and have all cony reach tho oflleo not later if possible than ten u. in. on Friday evening of ouch week. A PllOHPKItOUH YlJAR. 1800 will bo tho most prosperous year Salem will ever know. Tho big passenger depot on Front street; tho motor lino clear around tho city and to Bllverton, unloading tho golden grain mid vast wealth of products from iih rich a section as Oregon, or any other state lias, into iier (Ha loin's) lap, Am) tvso railroads to tho ocean, with a transcontinental connection secured; street car lilies on hII her principal M reels: an clco trio direct cur Hue to tho Odd l'VI lows' cemetery; tho principal streets paved; we will lnivo a largo cream try. a good woolen mill In operation and tMiulf-dncii good water powrs utilized (or running machinery. " i - A VALIUM.! 1ATI!NT.-A tow day ago Mr, I), II, Sherwood, ol North Baloiii, imlvcil a patent on his new Improved wiuhtug juachlnit, Mr, Hliurtvood has pnt """" HClieii ytmriHiii (hi machine Mow coin plutlug It, It Uonuoftho mutt mill pU'lo and easily 0M'raletl intirliliicV over iiuultf, Jfi Mill mood have ennui of Ihu liluclillieN nmdn uml plinvd on tfi nmrket, Kwry fumlly hoiiltl hnvit one, mm It will mm many u hard day'K work for tlMHw)ii)iaittwili lug In do, 'i'h l.uuvi.o City (Jintnl wwU it WW I'iHili Imun, hihI mvi "It mxmimIILu ilifHihlnif over old tiniw t mhIm i-mII the ullelillou oflu till hi uml iNKiwyiTf id Km no wUHly lo ihiiftu'tiliHt tliey urn (lie uwtuf of h oourt limiMi Hint u hl llwt ur m dUtffwi lo I ho weal III h4 tnUUlwhiv t( lliuiKiuiMy." (hwiii Anvin;. Tln AIImiii Jfewumt kIvhimimmI Hdtliv when II n;i "'iim whrif Mi'liy limit imjII JojHlwf jof ilitir rliyj hut (Mi U KtflOt()MII VH Mllll JUT It (III MTH mUtilH liWlllU - . I A in elihor A wimiI," Thin U mIimI HW Thin mIimI rwU'iil wnwfn HUH wnu IHU JOVHSAl ummikii tln iul, HnriAh Anr.hf, Um. V. KwUH, 'M(Hry n4 iwwwr i1 t-h mwiUwiiA .'UiuuA Uuiiiw In mm4m WHUimuy, if I'ofilniul, ih Wi U wMi4 wn A. Mhii mutt, vl (Imi WMmwH(i) JiiwWim'iil I tin,, um mtm f'hr tiU iwmimiyl MlfN ivUHly, Willi iM Ml Min.iUj" Amihiu tlw mimUHl y, vH J, W, itfk M. Mklkf. I. at tun mmm wf irk vfawp kiMMtiLyrt lit.M MAN SHOT NEAR SUBLIMITY. Mr. Wm. Rigg's Shot Dead by Oran Hammond Foul Play Suspected. Yesterday afternoon about threo o'clock, a terrible tragedy occurred near Sublimity, tho details of which arc of a most shocking character. Tho circumstances were about as fol fel fol eows: Mr. Thos. Hammond and his twelve year old son, Oran, who live at Stayton, went to tho farm of Mr. Hammond's father two and one-half miles northeast of Sublimity. Thero they were Joined by Mr. Wm. Illggs, whoso farm Joins tho Hammond place. No particulars nro known except tho story of Mr. Hammond, which is as follews: A band of quail was started up aud Mr. Ham mono snoi ono uiru. ruen nis son wished to have a shotut tho rest, To this tho father consented, and fls he and Mr. Itlggs were directing tho boy how to shoot, tho latter stood to the left of tho boy, and al most at tho end of tho gun. As tho boy raised tho piece to fire tho father says ho was very nervous, not being used lo shooting, and as the bird Hew to tho left the bov hastily and excitedly tired, lode- lug the entire charge in tho right side of Mr. lung's heuu nnd law, blowing ono side of his head entirely oil, and causing instant dentil. Coroner D.C. Bylaud,of Woodburn. was telegraphed tor, but us ho had not appeared last owning, an In quest was held before Cyrus Clark, Justico of tho peace. A Jury was empanelled, composed of tho lollow Ing named gentlemen: James Tay lor, Nowt LoCrolx,"N. Lambert, Pat Lambert, Ves Lambert, and Geo. Carter. The examining physi cian was Dr. Hunter. The verdict of tho jury was given as "deceased met death by the ac cidental discharge of a gun in tho hands of Oran Hammond." Immediately after the Inquest both Mr. Hammond and his son were ar restcd and held to await examina tion this afternoon at 2:30 on the charge of manslaughter. This ac tion was brought about by tho friends of Mr. Itltfgs declaring that he and Mr. Hammond had hud an altercation at Sublimity Sunday morning, caused by Rlggs' stock running on tho Hammond farm without consent. Tho only wlt nesses to tho terrible tragedy were Mr. Hammond and his son, houco any evidence or testimony against him must necessarily bo of a circum stantial nature. Hammond denies that ho aud Riggs had over had any trouble, and emphatically declares his innocence of the bloody deed. In an Intro view with Mr. Ham mond ho insists that if ho had iu tended to commit tho tiagedy ho would not havo been so careless as to tuko his young sou w'ith him. Ho feels perfectly easy as to tho out como of the matter In so far as fast ening any blame to him or his sou, except, perhaps that they may have been somewhat careless in tho use of their gun. It was discovered by those whom Mr. Hammond called to tho scene whero he had left his boy with -tho dead man, whllo he wont to Mr. Rlggs' homo for help, that both bar rels of tho gun wero still loaded. This fact lead to the suspicions which caused Mr. Hammond's ar rest. What could havo been tho motive for reloading tho gun, or whether other weapons played n part In tho tragedy is unknown. Tho whole tiling Is a torrlblo blow to tho community in which It occur red, and all Join in tho hopo that tho verdict of tho coroner's )ury may not bo rovciscd. Roth the gentlemen seem to bo highly rosiiectod by all their neighbors, aud tho outcome of the case will bo looked for with In tense interest. Tho Joukxai. can be looked to for u full account of the case. Ri.-miu Maii, Facimtiix in Ohixion. Tho postmaster irencral, In icspoiiHO to let'ommcudatlon of ItcprcHontatlvo Hermann, has ro established tho jmibIoIIIco at Dllley, in Washington county, Or., and ap pointed Wm, M. Mnl.coil as posU master, Tho department has now under consideration the proo Hltlon recently argued by Mr. Hermann and represented by him to Ui of great interest to tho Moplo of Washington county and mIko Columbia county, Or., aii1 which lit the establishment of it Irl weekly mull Mil vice U'tu ceil liiixton mid VcioiiIii, a roiiln now uiiNtippll. cd, and then In lueieami the present mull wrvlce from HI. Helens to Veroiiiu, In I'nliiiiiltlu county, uml from Uitvinlllo In Washington roti nly o Winiilu, in a lrl-welily wrvliv, Ihu iiiiiIU In arrive at (lie mui of Winiilu on one mid (lie iiiiuMluv fioiutwli f Ihi'nii terminal oIIIium. This i'lmiigii in (he mull wr iv, Mr Hermann iit-crt. will not only ulliird ImKit communication wit li Hie rapidly liiriilii with incut buck (rum lliut'olimibla ilvcr. hut ulwM'XUfllle the whole wrvfco In Hint region, Ion, Ori'UOII'K On ri'jirm'm lullw nt Ihu twpllul mviii IoImi If) lug In yet liiu mull wnliuuf I lie lutt In it lunulhln fni in, und lliey him lieii'"M of (ho wholeiH'O. pie III (Inlnirorl, Wlii'iM ri' niMldr you tcl'itf "iy prclly I'm 'liig In (i in If. WIiIuiii iiiulilr WrlKlH' Win! Jr in go f Imtu iii jifPtl Hllu'k J ii'hlui'a lrlluttlil, J f 4i liuw ur' Ills pr)i4i Hi)' pully ma y Tlle'l o f limn HIJ0UV4 liu mde. (Vu luii ulili) mi my jiullymaiiir ?r 0 r'ff wp f'nif ii"F'i' illi)'iir toiiiinii)' -At tm rifMMi w Mid ft, Inn l)iv Iwii, iliii fttuo nm Dm iiimIiI, IVkiiI liliMtlliii.M 111 J. II U'lluhl'a .,.,,, ...... f,,.m ,. ... .. ... ........ w ku lii Iruil ' . . Ami whin iIihiiimii Willi hldlll'. Il ih. n Wm. r TflSuKX Wi' uml 'if Muff, vy rmnttj amrftmtfw. urn rmmmrT' Houses and Lots. That $750 houso nnd lot on High street, offered by tho Willamette Investment Co., is sold by Sqdlre Goodell to Man ning & Boise, of tho above com pany, who are bound to keep rmlly moving if they hnvo to buy it all up themselves. They eau still bo induced howevor, to sell that nice house and lot on tho cor ner of High nnd Union for $1000, also the one on corner of Church and Union at $1200, also onoon Com mercial near Mill creek Tor $1000; oue on Front near State for $1600, and lots of other choice property. It. John Oilman, who murdered Mrs. Enthover and child last summer, was hanged at Empire City, yester day. Jodhnaij readers will remem ber wo had a full account of the coso at the time from a special corres pondent. m Answer Sweet Refhain. Tell me, oh ye winged winds that round my pathway whiz, is thero notsbmo lonely spot whero perfect ouict Is? some still retreat, somo solitude that is covered thick with flics? You bet there is, go watch tho storo that doesn't udvcrtlso. One Fact Is uoith a column of rhotorlc, said an American sluteamun., It Is a fact estab lished by tho testimony of thousands of people, that Hood's rarsnparllla docs euro Kcrofula. suit rheum iiud other diseases or n (lections arldlni; from Impure sUitoor low condition of the blood. It also overcomes that tired lecling, creates a good appetite, and gives strength to overy part of the system. Try It. On The MAUicirr. Tho trustees of tho Willumetto university have full on the market their block of and on State street, jolulng Prof. Randies propel ty. Any one who desires u bargain call on tho agent. T VanScoy. A Toast Fon SAi.Est. Llko wo man, she speaks for herselt Found. A pair of shoes, from tho storo of Krausse & Klein. Owner can have same by proving property und paying for tills notice. For holiday groceries go to Gilbert & Patterson's. ' Santa Claus is making his head quarters at Sargent's. t mm House Wanted. A place of about six rooms, for n small family, by January 1st. Addiess II., this oilico. tt Wanted to Rent. A small house or cottage with flvo or six rooms. Inquire at Capital Jour nal olllce. tf Only ten cents a week for tho Journal hereafter, the best paper in Salem. Painless dental operations atDr T. C. Smith's, 09 State street. Havo theDAiY Journal left at your door and get all the news, at 10 cents a week. Tlicso frosty mornings mako a jorson wish lor a cup or cotleo made from tho extra selection of coffee eairied at Squire Farrar & Co. Mamriaoe License. A llconso to make two hearts beat as oue was to-day granted to Miss Marcy Chall fouo und Mr. Marcus Long. Mr. Long is well known in Salem, aud Miss Chullfouo is a Gcrvais lady. Tho Journal wants It understood that it is hero for tho bouellt of Sa lem, and that with au almighty uig d too. la. Remember Gpo. 1). Goodhue, '15 Stato street, is the only wood aud coal dealer carrying a complete stock, Always roll able. tf XniUH entertainment at tho M. E. church Aiiias evening. -For a good wunru meal try tho Bou Ton icHiaurant. The llucst collco In tho city served here, The last Mu.Mliivlllo Reporter ie- JolccH over water works and electrlo lights Hi that city. Salem couerutii lutes her nelghlKir on the went. Three good girls can get employ uieiit at the (Hebo ICiuployuieiit ugeucy, Akhluinl Is (ho for a motor line, latex! candidate thille a iiiniiber of Albany men have iiivi'sied In Axlorlu real enlule, Mr, J, W. Ciifeli'k, rulnriiud finin I hen) yevlenliiy for I hat pnroe, Among oilier piirchiiM'ji, ('apt, i,un nliiu liasM'ciired llancn of nniiii. h-lug laud. Hoiimiluy (ho two A'n will Ihi in ill reel oniumiiiilfHlloii wild fiirli olliiT, and wn will have many luieiVKt in common,- Allmiiy DfllHHTIll. IIIIIMiiig jS.tUft lu.Uomn, khiiiIImh m nwrliiM- ,Jii,iit ouiiiMinitiiiMtt liy luhurli, llml civd' luyly dlMKiMvil'liiuiid if kuiiiiiihi ill lum. tnllf rlilillor ItivMlllrf HlMl Irtllll frmii iriUiiii iiutii r.mni., iiiv (iMiinM 1'iirintr, um )M'uiiMn) ui'vw fill h-iiii.I iitriliUilupuM', with It lltuiii I'l IHUIOIIIKlllvlil.kwl If )'UUllirlMllll IUlUltll.ll lIlMlil Klfi hrtnn IJMMIU, lll ..U I It'll (itr WHtH$ Uk 4HAI4 4lltllMlll'll li'invtlr rilllul Mllll t'AlMl MlllIM Hi IJt itli llili Mliil Mill Hi.) Ir iniiiiiat n i Ulnt.l. it lllul lltf utiwl I lltt llllUl Ullilllt tllllllklll. 1'iill lilVU iMKfll ItmUl) ti(l.l l (ill llfrMUU, , li, ',r.r.,iu.i ( i mi hImU VUHt kmU I IIOIMIMIHI IWHH, tIM "' ltlull(lltlllMI)llill(t Nil fiiniiy minwiHin. HHUlflMl lunlr. Hlii Uirt mi IMIlMII, llHipHHU l(t tlMIVIll UI I HI Hiatii. l III' C'liMfl, KnlHrtl tint UI.W,dh f lllHH.M UilCi UiJC M t'tmiiM kH4nHl.w4 frW M'ii4 lllttf M4 f Ml HIM mmmm HbU,tk wWWii'ii iJt W' S'WmiS m TDRELY PERSONAL. F. J. Catterliu rerurned yesterday from a business trip to Portland. Dr. J. M. Keone, returned from his farm near Gervais, last cvenl jg. John Veatcu returned home from Portland last evening, after a week's visiting at thai phve. For Portland this merning: Mr. and Mrs. fJhus. Pugh, Judge Boiso and wife, F. C. Baker and Sam'l Church. G. C. Hogan, H. Baker, Mis. Adair, and Miss Lizzie Cornclious, all of Chciuwa, spent Sunday In tho city Willi their fatnlles and friends. Miss Annio Vcatch, daughter of Mr. J. J. Veatch, of Washington, Kansas, arrived in tho city Satur day and Is visiting at tho residence of her undo Mr. J. P. Veatch of this city. J. D. Locpy, of Malheur City, spent Sunday with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. I. A. Manning, on ids re turn from northern California, where ho has beeu with the lot of horses brought down by himself aud Mr. Lackey fiom East of tho mountains last full. Holiday Goods. Opened this week, an ehtiro now lot ot novelties suitable, und in fact, Just the thing for holiday gifts and presents, at the White Corner. J. Meyer. 12-lm GRANGE NOTES. Turner Grange, at tho regular meeting, held Saturday, December 14th, adopted tho following resolu reselu resolu teons: Resolved, That Turner Grange opposes tho building of an armory at tho expense of the tax-payers of Marlon county. Resolved, That we oppose adver tising town or county ut public ex pense. Resolved, That Turner Grange favors the improvement of public roads at public expense, and that it is short-sighted policy lor farmers to oppose good loads. Fiom the discussion wo glean that tho grange is opposed to the .whole militia law aud organisation. And farmers wliobo sons are militia men, will bo glad when their time of en listment exphes. It Is a waste of ttmo and throwing a ay of money to maintain it. Tho rights of tho laborers are in jeopardy, when great corporations get their tavorites into power with the militia to enforce so called law and order when corpora tions are called on to pay their debts. Tho grange proposes to let the real estate sharks and those who are legitimate dculers, and railroads, which want business, do their own advertisingj That the building of roads on which' tho farmer could drav one ton of grain at any time of tho year would bo of moro benefit to tho farmerp of Marion 'county than tho railroads are. But fow of tho speakers wero willing to let Salem control tho road making. Tho im provement should commence at our end of the line. Many aro afraid that their sections would never bo blessed with gravel roads slnco It would cost so much. Others thought' that the flvo cents on each bushel of grain, that would bo saved on storage, would soon pay back nil tho tax invested In the Improvement. Farmors aro compelled to storo grain In tho summer, slnco hauling Is out of Mid question in winter. Ofllcers of tho Turner Grango for 1800: O. M. Hllleary, M; J. W. Tay lor, Seo; A. Lewis, A. 8; J. C. Howd, T; W. II. Darby, G. K; Mrs. M. Lewis, F; Mrs. S. L. Porter, L. A. S; Mrs. M. Howd, Oj S. T. Dar by, B; Mrs, J. M. KlmBoy, O; II. K Hllleary, Seo; Mrs. A. Cornelius, P; Mrs, R, Melcher, C; Installations, second Saturday of January, 10 it. in. Open to members nnd Invited guests. W. M. II u,i J5AHV, Sec. POWDER Absolutely Pur: 'UimuuwiUi- h.h vbiu. AnmnM ut tmilly,HiijHhH4whi4ininiiiitM. Mwm hoiuiiMliMt 1fnM m mmtuuif vituU.mMt MMiuri Im 44 tu utmim)mM ww-fc mi.Hiuii Miln0 jUi.4M tndiin i4i r XTI(Jt AKlK6 F. H. BARNES, Pres. H. V. MATTHEWS, Treas. The Salem Land Incorporated 1889, CAPITAL STOCK $30,000, PRESENT TO YOUR NOTICE ENGLEWOOD ADDITION! other public improvements, which we proposo to put on,will insure to tho investor an ample profit if ho desireg to sell again, or a tasty, handsome neighborhood if ho desires to mako it his home. There Is nothing in the city that will equal It. Or If you desire acre property can at our omco over uuvupu.. ,. "I'lY V. it show you, free of charge, tho cheapest and best five and ten acre tracts In thocountry.ttio nearest into tho clty a iT ,k.m. ...in ,i,,ilt .,ii,ff t ..i Wn tnonn hamptikN PARKand FAlRVIEW ADDITIONS. TERMS EASY. To tho poor man with but a few dollars, this is a grand opening and should be investi gated at once, and young men should not slight itr . .... ., - . If this add. should happen to catch the eye ot somo ono at a distance, we request that you send for descrip tive hand-book of "Salem and Vicinity," Salem Land Company, Salem, Oregon. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. SATURDAY, DEC. 21, '80. The Jinglers! The best colored Jubilee company ever before the public Tho Chicago Inter Ocean says: "The Jlnclers were encored until encores ceased to Toe a virtue." Tho Tribune says: "Tho Jinglers were received with the wildest enthusiasm." Heservcd seats 75 cents. Genoral admis sion 50 cents. Secure your seats early. Sheet at Fatton's Boole Storo now opeu, I LOOI lb. the windows at the Red Comer Dm Store And see the finest display of X-mas goods In the city. OUR GOODS SIMPLY PARALYZE COMPETITION Step in and Compare Prices! Everybody happy In having ONE FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE IN THE CITY. PROPRIETORS. A FULL LINE -OK- ware! Willi lMwluhlt;iii Valerian China Tea Sets, French Cliioa Miner HeU Itl 1MJ WAV'S FAM0UH Buckingham Pattern ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Owbku Wtf i)nlAMIy ki full llHt IHunifitHi'lrm tHtnti my t,t m4I fv lliIWtj., 'IU R4 mmwiMhumiJ CHAMBER SETS Kf w Mw (i lu Mow, A FUIwIv STOCK WELLE R BROS,, 201 WffWDiCONi vtltiti Loo Gibson k .Singleton Ci'ockery This Week We Will Display in Our West Show Window A CHOICE Toilet Cases ! Consisting of Celluloid' and Oxidised Silver Dressing Cases, Boby's Toilet Cases, Gents Shaving Cases, Mamcue Sets, Playing Card Cases, Cuff and Collar Boxes, Etc.TEtc. WE DEFY COMPETITION. In quality and prices.- They are unexcelled by any goods manufactured in this line. All goods marked in plain figures. In The East Window We Offer This We6k : Dore's Illustrated Editions -OF- Paradise Lost, Dante's Inferno, Purgatory and Paradise, Bible Gallery and Europe Illustrated. The publishers prices for tho above works Is $0. Our prices ths week : $1.50. T. McF. Patton, Clearance Sale. Oiirminiiul Cleiimiico sale will conimenoe SwiurdHy, Novwnbwr 3d, and will continue until Jummry 1st, 1600. Our stock conilsts of Hen's Youth's and Hoys' Mliing, Hals, Caps, Boots .and Shoes; itu AiriiUlilnjf KxMlif, IjIudUiU, nninx-U, ftiHikM unci Juvm ,,,,')l,r11f,l",llli'-lartlM.diUBH(tjRckUivi)(iH,imrtoloordM-ftM'W)elMi III UlU fll, SV Klittll cIomj out lit entire lUwk REGARDLESS OF COST ItiC.V 1'OHWNKH k CO. S, W, Thompson & Co nmi.fuin hkh, Clocks, Jewelry! DIAMOND GOOD I WM. HOWARD PHELPS, Sec W. F. SEAVER, Solicitor. Company, I MNE OP- V 98 State Street. eomforiji. ruWbr nuU ell vltitliliur, ivKifiD, KiMMtiacr youUi In itrHt vutiny, Brick and Tile for Sale MURPHY k DE8ABT. w V ' 1 Ammmmtm4 KAKM DEAR GIRLS: wi ?w w m II PPf Ml OT ' mi nru u tm mt, tin tt Jk g VptUynTJ, U A p( wft w 0 my, AH m, tw Htm tmu AHjm4, K-tMwri Ui Itwft f nWH ti