Tppcyj THE CAPITAL EVENESTQ- JOURNAL. fJIE CAPITAL JOURNAL PUBLISHED DAI LY, EXCEPT S UNDAY, BY THE Canital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Hatcred nt the postolllco nt Snlcm,Or.,ag second-class matter. JACOB L. MITCHELL ManairerJ Bee fourth page for terms of subscrip tion. Advertisements to insuro Insertion (for (he mime day) should be handed In by 1 o'clock " Correspondence containing news of In terest and Importance Is desired from all parts of the stale. No attention will be paid to nnonymous communications. Persons desiring the Capital Jouhnai. served at their houses can secure It by pos tal card requost, or by word left at this onlce. Specimen numbers scut free on applica tion. Office, corner Court and Liberty Streets. THURSDAY -'NOVEMBER 21 When a butcher gives you over weight In a fiteak Jt is a rare gift in more than one sense of the term. Appointment and disapdolnt- ment mako very different sort of men of the average office-seeker. In Cuba it costs $24 a year to take a newspaper A Salem man eayB it is going to cost a neighbor of his more than that if the neighbor don't quit taking 111 Jouknal bo fore he gets to read it In tiie evening. IN Michigan dogs are assessed 1? each for being doys. In Tennessee they assess doctors 60 cents each for being doctors. So It cos s half a dollar more to be a dog in Michigan than It docs to be a do tor in Ten nessee. An expert musician says that only ouo man In a thousand can whistle a tune. If this wore more truthful than It is, it would bo a matter for special remembcraiico on Thanksgiving day. A Gkoruia man cut his throat while oil the way to get his ninr riago license. lie seems to have re versed Hamlet's idea and decided to ily to Ills he knew not of rather than take the chances of those he had been informed of. A Walla Walla young man promised his wife that if he got too poor to havo the family washing done at a laundry he would do It. Ho has reached the washing stage in his fluances, but he kicks on fluted skirts and things, and wears a blue flannel shirt which he tihanges twlco a year whether it needs a change or not. DOES IT PAY TO RAISE iiony; Mr. David Early,who lives in the hills east of Salem, was in Salem Wednesday, selling his hogs Just butchered. He says that he was so situated this year that ho was abl to weigh the pigs before beginning to feed and after they were dressed. Ho gives a valuable experience In the profits of this brunch of farm product. Mr. Early "put up" six teen head of hogs on October 1st, last, and on November lUth the same wero duly butchered, ami he wys that ho fed seventy busliels of ground wheat and thirty bushels of oats fed raw. The animals put 1075 pounds of llcsh during the time In tervening between October 1st and November 10th. Tim oats, thirty busliels, were worth 25 cents, or $7.50; and seventy buwhols of wheat at 00 cents equaled $42, or a total of $40.60. The 1075 pounds of pork, which sold at 5 eontH, made $83.75, leaving a balance of $V,4.25 as profits after paying a fair valuation for the grain used. Mr. Karly sold his pork product this year for 5 tents per pound. We leave the reader to Judge as to wLcther It pays to raise pork. an i:cci:.nthic mii.lionaiui:, The must eccentric millionaire in Now York is probably (Jeorge Jlroadway llouss, says the New York Star. Ho served in the con federate army under Stonewall Jacjkson and Is a Virginian by birth. Thirteen yearH ago ho was ruined and $50,000 In debt. To-day ho Is building a massive structure 200 feet deep boventy-llvo feet front, and twelvo stories high on Uroailway. This building will east $1,000,000 when finished, and is paid for step by step. Ills business mthods are unique. Ho has 400 employes ami pays seventy-live oil every day. This makes every tiny a pay day. His annual Income Is estimated at $550,000. Mr. Houss' energy Is wonderful, he woiks from six In tie morning till ten at ulglit. Ho docs notspeud more than $1000 a year outside tif IiIh household expenses. Ills principal source of amtuement Is to stand on the rear platform of a Btreet car ami throw dimes and nickels to boys. A short time ago nu English syndlwto nllVrvil him $2,000,000 for his business. Mr. Jtouss, who Is fifty-two years old, Is a great advocate of phonetic spoiling and writes all his personal letters on that plan. j Hops uiv hullliiK In Puyullup now h lltilo uioro lively. The prevailing priw U right vfliitu, A CHANCE FOR AN EXPLORER. A Section of Washington Which Has Neter llecn Visited by Man Washington has hir great un known land like tli interior of Af rica. The tountry shut in by the Olympic mountain', which includes an area of about 2600 squaro miles, has never, to the positive knowledgo of old residents of the territory, been trodden by the foot of man, white or Indian. These mountains rise from the level country, within 10 or 15 miles from the straits of San Juan de I 'uea In the north, the Pacific ocean in the west, Hood's canal in the east and the basin of the Quinalt lake in the south, and, rising to a height of (iOOO or 8000 feet, shut in a vast unexplored area. The Indians have never penetra ted it, for their traditions say that it is Inhabited by a very fierce tribe, which none of tho coast tribes dared molest. Though it is improbable thatsuch a tribe would have existed in this mountain country without their presence becoming known to the white men, no man lias ever as' ceriaincd that it did not exist. White men, too, have only vague accounts of any man luiviu;: ever passed through this country, for investiga tion of nil the claims of Unvelcrs has Invariably proved that they have only traverse I its outer edcs. The most generally accepted then ry In regard to this country is that it consists of great valleys stretching from the inward slopes of the moun tains to a great central basin. This theory Is supported by the fact that, although the country around has abundant ruin and clouds constantly hang over the mountain tops, all tho streams flowing toward the four points of the compass are insignifi cant, and rise only on the outward slopes of the rnime, none appearing to drain the great area shut In by tho mountains. The fact appears to support tho theory that tho streams flowing from the inucr slopes of jthe mountains feed a great interior lake. Hut what drains this lake? It must have an nutlet somewhere, and all tho streams pouring from tho moun tains riso on their outward slopes, it must have a subterranean outlet into the ocean, the straits or the sound There aro great discoveries in store lor somo of Washington's explores. A gentleman named Drew, now residing at Olympa, states that ho has climbed to tho summit of the eastern range from Hood's canal, and looking down could see , great val leys stretching toward the west. A party of railroad prospectors claim to havo penetrated tho interior, but could give no account of It, aud ap pear only to have skirted tho outer slopes' 10 or 15 miles from Hood's canal. A party of United States sol diers Is said to have traversed 'the country from Port Townsend, but no data are obtainable as to what thoy saw. Numerous attempts havo been made to organize exploring parties, but they havo invariably fallon through, the courago of the projec tors oo.lug nut nt tho last moment. Thero Is a lino opportunity for some of the hardy citizens of tho Sound to aequlro fame by unveiling the mystery which wraps tho land en circled by the snow-capped Olympic range. Seattle Press. A Novel Advertising Scheme One of tho latest and most success ful advertising schemes is as follews: A lady rccolves n letter written on dainty paper, with an armorial ciest or something of the sort stamped on It. Tho letter, which bears all tho marks of having been written by a woman of exquisite rellneiuont, be gins "Ma Chere Marie." Tho chan ces aro that the lady's name Is not Marie, but of coin-so that only makes her tho more eager to read It. She soon discovers from a number of chance allusions in tho missive that It was not Intended for her, aud she nt onco comes to the conclusion that an acquaintance who had been writ ing to her and to another lady at the same time had, by mistake, put the two letters In the wrong envelopes. This Inference causes her to rend the letter with still more eager Interest, especially a passage In which "Cliero Mario" Is asked to be so good as to order for tho writer one of those lovely sets of furniture from tbo cel ebrated llrm of Cherry, Mohogany it Co., which thoy are i cully almost giving away. As tho letter Is only signed "Julie," with no address given, the request cannot, ofcourte, bo complied with; but If the lady who receives tho letter doesn't at uco visit the establishment of Cherry, Mahogany & Co , It Is be cause she Is too 111 to do mi. New York Tribune. , , ., ; rr ,, lati'Mt in New lork riiriiiluio. The lte..t odd thing In furniture Is aset upholstered with palm-leaf fans. I A siii'jlo fan forms the beat nnd mi j other fun the back of the chair. Tho Iraniewoik Is of gllden bent wood. Two fans niiilu) a cute stibstltuto for tin cus-IiIoiuhI bottom of u'tde-ii-tutc, ' unit even tlio talilu ton Is of faim. Tho sot with put tm exhibition in tho window of Twcnty-thinl tiwt ' store a fow ilnysiiyo, anil it takes ; fanoy .,ria) lu l)U v a lUlp,u.ttto r , ?Vw York Star. TOOK THE WBOXC MEDICIXE. ' Robert Stewart, of l'ctalumn, recently had a queer experience. Ho writes: "Carbuncles and bolls afflicted my face and neck lor weeks. Finally I procured a bottlo ot one of the leading Sanaparlllas. To my surprise It made matters worse. This mado rac lose faith In Sarsaparlllns, but teeing a statement that Joy's Vcgetablo Eorsaparllla dried up bolls and face eruptions instead of forcing more out, as the potash sarsaparlllas do, I bought a bottle. Tho effect was astonlih ing. The carbuncles and bolls began to dry up, and In two weeks my face was as well and smooth as ever. My brother also took a bottlo with tho same benefit. Robert Stewart, Pctaluma, Cal." (Explanatory Note. The mineral, Iodide of Potash, which Is tho basis of nearly all other sarsaparlllas, attacks the blood direct, hence forces Impurities through the skin, creating more bolls and pimple. Joy's Vegetable Snrsspnrllla acts onjiosltcly. Its vcgetablo alteratives stimulate tho various secretive organs nnd thus eliminate nil Impurities through the natural rbannels.henco drlesup pimples and skin cruptious at once. Tho above tcstlmonlul is a case In point. J Attacked by a IV t I. er. Mrs. D. W. Gilmme aud child l were seriously injured by a j ct deer, at the ranch, on WeducRiby zon ing. With the child the lml v v. as in a field near the house when the deer attacked and knocked h. r dov n an I commenced got hip: mother and child. Fcrenms for help bmucht Mr. Cii'more to the senne, and by tho aid of a pocket knife the animal I was quickly killed. The ; ild es caped with slight Injunui, I ut Mrs Gilmoro was covered with wounds and bruises. Both eyes were bhek ened. The shock was very great, but with careful attention the lady will recover. At tho time of the attack Mr. Gilmoro was some dis tanceaway in the hills, but at the first scream he Hew through the brush at break-neck speed and fortunately arrived in time to pre vent the attack from resulting fatally. San Benito Advance. Uolileu'it Ktherial Cough Syrup. An infallible remedy for the cure of couglis, nstnma. catarrh, bronc hit s. whooping coughs and affections of tue tnroat aim lungs. The success and immense demand for this pop ular preparation for the last thnty years is unparalleled. Large size 1, small 68 cents. For sale by all drug gists. A SAFE INVESTMENT. Is ouo which is guaranteed to bring vou satisfactory results, or In cat,e of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottlo of Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief In every case, when used for any afTection of throat, lungs or chest, such as consumption, inflam mation of lungs, bronchitis, asthma, whooping caugh, croup, etc. It is pleasant and ngrecnblo to taste, per fectly safe and can always be de pended upon. Trial bottles free at Daniel J. Fry's drug store. Letter List. Tho following letters remain un called for in the postolllce nt Salem Nov. 10, 18S0; persons calling for the same please say "advertised": Arnold F Arnold Li V AnellinJT Babcock H II Boshon H E BeokH L BeiiBon J W Byron ltuth A Buskhk 13 B 2 Brown Mrs G Chandler Simus Chancy I Codey N B 2 Collins I D Andrews J II Babcock Mr Burden Geo Baird J P Benrdsloy W E Bishop Geo Brooks J B Burrows W T Brown R B Card Mattle Card J H Cornier S It Calkins D K Erwin C M Greer James Hlllmen Dorra Ilumsberger I Irvine R A Denuick Mrs J Falroliild M Harwood C B Henger II Herreu D II Johnson John L Jones It S Kinney Miss E LoRoy Beckmore Lee Bertie Midler F F Meyers Carrie Monaham Thos Johnson Albert Ketckuin W U Luke Mary E Lineh Farnk Miller Anna Mayberg A A Murphy&PhelphsMurpliy Susie Newton Charles O'Connor P Osner Carl Perry Mrs Ida Porter Mrs M Jt Held J E Bonier J W Sisemoro Mrs M Smith Mrs S E Tait Mrs Leward Thompson M Pearsall C M Potter It L Riches Eugene Sehwnrtz Peter Shrogg Andre v Tracker Allio Titus Mrs A MERIT WINS. Wo desire to say to our citizens that for years wo havo been selling J)r. King's Now Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. King'sNow Life Tills, Bueklen's Arnica Salvo anil Electrio -outers, nun lmvo never handled remedies that sell as well, or that havo given mich universal satisfac tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purcluiso price, If Nitisfactorv results do not follow t heir um. These remedies have won tneir great popularity purely on their merits. Sold by Daniel J. Fry, druggist. The Unitarians of Puyallup aro agitating the question of building a church In that village llurklen'8 Aruira Salve. The best salve In the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rtieuni, lever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns mid all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles "r im pay require!, it is guaranteed toulvu nerfivtwitihriiHiloii. nrmnnnv refunded, l'rleo '25 cents per box. l''r """ by Danlul J. try, drug. K . Miss Leona Willis, TEAOHEU OF MUSIC. I.nisoiu given In volco culture and Hal , lull klugliig, plunoaiul organ, hpecinl nt-li'iulmigiu-ii tobcgluucrk. Can bOM-vnatl tho CoiiM-rvutury, or ul the rt-kldeiu-e, cor. ner tf tVnier and rapiiol Mrwts. iwtnul Catarrh k a constitutional and not a local dlseut, lad therefore It cannot be cured by local nr illcatlons. It requires a constitutional rem, idy like Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, working hrocgh the blood, eradicates the Impurity rhlc'h causes and promotes the disease, and .Catarrh' (fleets a permanent cure. Thousand! M people testify to the success of Hood's Bans larilla as a remedy for catarrh when othel (reparations had failed. Hood's Sarsaparllla ilso builds up tho whole system, and makM rou feel renewed in health and strength. Catarrh' f"I used Hood's Sarsaparllla for cattrrtj ind received great relief and benefit from It rhe catarrh was very disagreeable, espcclallj n the winter, causing constant discharge from ny nose, ringing noises In my ears, and ptfni n the back ot my head. The effect to cleat Catarrh ny head In tho morning by hawking and spit Ing was painful. Hood's Sarsaparllla earl no relief Immediately, while in time I wai intlrely cured, I am never without Hood"! larsaparilla In my house as 1 think It Is wortl ts weight In gold." Mrts. G. B. Gnrn, VM Ilghth Street, N. W., -Washington, D. a , Hood's Sarsaparllla f loldby all druggists, aiftlxforgs. rrepandoaH 9 C. I. HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mafl IOO Doses One Dollar ' rou ItUNT. A MARRIED COUPLE or two ladles or two gentlemen may obtain, nt reason able rntes, good board with a nicely fur nished suite or rooms In a. tine locality, convenient to tho street cars, by calling at 307 Winter street. FOU SALE OK LEASE, n OR HALE OK LEASE. Who wants to urchaso or lease a saw mill? Address I. U., this office. 0-Odwlw FOU SALE THOU HALU A FARM OK 320 ACRES i1 all under fence and cultivation. In the best range country of Eastern Oregon. Tho best chance ever oU'ered for a man to engage In htock raising. For particulars cull (in or uddicss W . II. BY A RS. Salem. Orcu on. MJCIITTV NOTICES. KICIGHTSOK PYTHIAS. Regular- leet Ing on Tuesday night of each wo Ic at :-..') . m. L. R. SriXSON. V.G. W. II. H. WATERS, K. of R. nnd S. A LIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets J In Odd Fellows' Hull up staltv. Cornet Commercial and Ferry sticets, every Sat Minn day J.T. urday at 7:-W p. m. J.T.GREGG. WM. CLARKE. Secretary. N. G, ; A. R. Pi-dguliM: Pom, No. 10, Depart " incut of urcgou, uieots every Monday evening at the hall over tho Oregon Land company's office. Visiting comrades an cordially invited to attend. A. W. Dkayoeie, Post Commadcr. B. F. Southwick, Adjutant. PROFESSIONAL CAItDS. L. 8. Skifi. Mark S. Skiff. LS. SKIFF A Co.-Dentlstry. Painless , extraction of teeth with new process. Also gold crowns made nnd set. Brick dental ollico near opera house, Salem, Or. J J. SHAW, attornoy at law, Salem, Ore- gon. Office up-stalrs in the Patton block. PHYSICIAN. M US. DR. M. E. McCOY nhyslclan and surireon. has located and taken rooms over Squire Farrar's grocery store. Chronic dUcascs a spec laity. Consultation iree. 13-21dw Wl. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER . and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.: type- writer accurately and nently done. Office over A. T. l eatou s furnlluro store, Conv merclal street, Salem. CHARLES C. CURTIS, M. D., Surgeon nnd HoiiKDopnthlo physician. Office nnd residence, New Bnnk Block, 307 Com mercial street. Salem. Or. Ollico hours 8 to Uc. in. and fi om 2 to 3 and 7 to 8 p. in. Dis eases of the rectum nnd chronio diseases a specialty. Fifteen years experience, dw A NDREW H. DIVEN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, iSnlcm, Oregon. Office heurs: i) to 11 a. m., 3 to & and 7 to O . in. Office: Court street, noxt door east of Dr. Rowland, Residence, 801 Cuemeketa st. j C. SMITH, M. I) PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON B-Olllco with Dr. J. N. Smith, Grlswold block, Salem, Oregon. w. II. H. WATERS A CO., LAWYERS, Rooms land 'J Friar's Mock, N. E. cor ner State and Commercial Kt roots, Salem Oregon. John A. Carson, COUNSELOR, ATTOHNEY-AT-LAW m NOTARY PUBLIC . Member of the llr of Ontario, Canada. Ollico, 09 .State Street, Salem, Oregon. Rr.FERENCliJ AT TOHONTOi Hon. SlrThomas Oalt, Chief Justice ol Common I'leiit,; Hon. James McLonuan, Judgeof the Court of Appeals; Hon. V. 1'. R. htreot, Judge of tho Queen's Bench. Mouey to lain. A. A. OSBORN Has 03 acres of Tho Best Pasture Land in Hie Slate, One mile from the bridge In Polk, county. I'artliy wishing pasture will address A. A. OSBORN; Salem, DORRANCE BROS. Dealers In every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DKESSED AND UNDRESSED 1 Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. Yimlat the Agricultural works, Salem J Oregon. AIM located four aud a half mile , uorUicukt from Salem, ou the John Martin donation land claim. ' i Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. (THIS PAPER " V)ri,n l-l-reiicy. 61 and Oft Mercbani's scuue Cull aud eeo u bvforq purcuiulnK tUe J HMti Mnif The Best Residence Localities In the city of Portland nnd other nrosiicrons towns arc those owned by men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to improve llicm. HIGHLA m t m wm ale To the city of Salem. They have at tbis time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It h intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Eiversido and High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no ots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highlund Park will in the near future be ' THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for tho location of two churches in this addition, and a number of residences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Besidence lots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lota in High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi cally not. half so far from the public buildings and the business part of tho town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let Bome other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy tickets every year. School Tax Notice. The school taxes of District No. U, In Miirion county, are now due and payable ax tne ciem'h onice, iso. iih court street, in Opora House block, Kalem. Tho same will be deemed delinquent unless paid within ixty dnys from date. DAVID SIMPSON, School clerk. October 15, 18811. PRINTING. ,ANE OF THE LARGEST ESTABLISH- Uments In the State, Lower rates than Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks Iv the State, ad biggest discount. Scndfoi price list of Job printing, and catalogue ol legal blanks. E. M. WAITE, Hteu-n Printer Salem Oregon. A numbci of len-acre tracts of desirable nnd within one aud a half miles of Salem, at prices ranging from SM to 8100 per acre. Apply to WILLIS A OHAMBERLIN, O-29-Im Optra House Block C. M. L0CKW00D, salem, ... Oregon. Headquarters for the Wlllametto Valley for the celebrated Columbia bicycles and trloycles. The Columbian are well known nre the best made, nnd have valuable im provements for the year Those wanting machines will do well to cnll on or corrct. poud with me before pnrcliaslng, Oirice at Gilbert Bros.' bank, 207 Com merclal street, Salem. Of the Willamette University Salem, Ore gon, the most successful Mublo School on tho Northwest Coast. Courses In music aro equal to Eastern muslo schools. Yearly at tendance of nearly ouo hundred and rlfly. Tho Bblo corps of teachers for the coming school year will bo l'rof. Z. M. Parvlu, Lexiua WUUs, Miss Eva Cex: assistant teachers, MUs Lulu M. Smith, Miss Hully Parish, nnd tlss Mamie l'nrvin. Branches taught aro Vocal Culture, l'iano, Organ. Violin. Pine Oman. Hnrmonv. Counterpoint, nnd Class Teaching. Diplomas given on completion of coute Send forcatajoguo and circular. Z.M l'ARVIN. 7-25d3m-wlm. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. ttorner Ferry oud Liberty streets, N, E.cor from Chemeketo houl, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial Uiivclcrs. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable New Express Wagon. WILLIAM HOLCOXB I lias ktarted a new express wagon and U I uo- ready to deliver buir aate to and from Jj&JJSJ'Sr "nnll fcMSifc onheft JfiJ2g,) orony Klua Uemerea on short UOJRX' - J.n Krouclioo, California, vrbero contracts ( fmHfiK vof pv rmr vi tit. Conservatory of Music -IS OWNED BY- And this Corporation is determined n Kor success nt the CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, Salem, - - Oregon. A. P. Akmstkong, Mngr. E. L. Wiley, I'rln. Business, Shorthand, typewriting, Ptnniiutip nd English Departments. Day and eenlng Sessions. Students admitted any time. Call at the College or address the Principal for catalogue. Notice to Cannery Men! A largo Cannery and Fruit Drying estab lishment would do well at Aumsville, Or egon, as plenty of pears, plums, prunes and cherries, raspberries, blackbeirles, also plenty of green corn, peas and toma toes could bo obtained for canning purpo ses. There Is a grand opening hero foi such an establishment. AUMSVILLE Is located In the midst of a good grain, fruit and stock coountry. For further particulars address: T. S. MADISON, , , . Aumsville, Marion county.Or. 10 lOdwlm Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. We havo taken n. now nnwA K..f will continue to servo ourpatrons with the best the market ntlords, give them a cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable Give us a. cull ami wa win i. you good. jno uiiineso employed. LOANS. Loans negotiated nnd closed without do lay when security istatlsfactory and Title Good ! Principal and interest payable at our Salem oltlee. 1xins made on farm prop- Money Ready When Papers Completed Those wishing loans for Improvements or stock aro requested to call on us or cor rre?Pud. SMITH A HAMILTON. Ottfco with Duncan Booth, Vi state St., balem, Oregon. ' New Fish Market. Allen Rhodes has established n new Kish AI arket on Suite tt reet. and he keeps a good iij-oi iiu, poultry ana game. ve him a call and your order will be promptly attended to. 8-28-lm New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE) ST. ANGEVINB & JEFFERSON. Haveortenednn c flnstlnsa h,iini.A. .. .. at the above location, where they wlllbU pleased to serve the people with the CHOICEST AXD BEST MEATS f ll k'pds that the market aflbrds. Give them a call and bo convinced of the superiority of their meats. """" ol lU8 KJoodi deliver, hi is Attractive lMMSUe ITION 1PM to With the difference of $700 you can you nearly two thousand street car ATTENTION FARMERS! Single lots nnd acres. One half mile West ol Salem P. O. Good soil, all clear and in fine condition. All ready fer planting fruit nnd shrubbry at once. Each piece fronts on n nice street, and no city tax. THOMAS & PAYNE 9c STATE ST. SALBM. Call and See J. ORqNISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, ATs, P HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance nulldlnir. nnr. Com mercial and Chemekete streets MU Teachers' Examination. VTOTICE is hereby given that the next JJN regular quarterly examination of ap plicants for teacher's certificates will be held at the court house in Salem com mencing at 12 o'clock m. of Nov. 27, 1889. All applications must be present ai the opening session on the 27th. . , D.W. YODER County superintendent of schools' for Ma rion county, Oregon. Proposals for Heating. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES of the . .Oregon state Insane asylum Invite of tho asylum with hot water, nans and specltlcatlons may be seen at the office of "Z, Harry Lane, balem, Oregon. The right to reject any and all bids Is re served. llids will be opened at 2 o'clock p. m., on Tuesday, November 20, 1889. 8yvestii Pennoyeb, Geo. v MclIniD-, G. W. Wkbb, Board of Trustees, Wm. A. Munly, Clerk of Board. L. S. WINTERS, THE PEOPLE'S OROOBR Carries a select line of family groceries and provision that are sold at rcaoonable rstes. -""ntry produce; such as apples, fruits ot all kinds, potatoes, vegetables, etc., always on hand. Call at 100 Court street, Salem. P. H. EASTON'S Salem Music Store Headquarters for Cblckerlng & Son's, Steluway. Hazleton, Colby and Emerson l'lanos, Wilcox & White Organs. Cash or Installments. 94 State Street, Patton's Block. W2dw BLAGKSM1TIIIN0 and BOHSESHOEKft Have moved to it and 48 State strM where they are now readv for work. A. our old patrons and friends are Invited call and sc u In our new location, wr ore better prepared for work now wa ever oavlpg scoured mure roo?B. jW-1f Ai mi scum t raw