--fl $.-" JxV&.i '?y.V SUBSCRIBE 'FOB ADV15R riSE I.V THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT Wll.tj UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. S-TlieTernnnro Most Itonsounblo-VQ THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL tub KEST PAPER IN SALEM. 08-You will be well pleased with lt.-S VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. 3I0XDAY, SEPTEMJJEll 10, ISSi). NO. 173. JOURNAL Something New. I today place on sale a complete Hue of ill Sill Windsor Ties at 18 fc Each. Called cheap everywhere at 25 and 30 cents. I also have Men's Woolen Overshirts, Men's Laundrlecl and Percale Shirts, Men's Underwear and Hats, left from the E. L. L. Johnson stock, that I am very desirous of selling, as I intend to keep only ladles' goods, and want more room for them, and in order to make these goods move off rapidly I shall com mence to-day and continue through Fair week to sell the SHIRTS AND UNDERWEAR (Men's only) at a great saciiflee, and shall cut the price of Hats right in two, which will make them much less than manufacturers' cost. This is no bait for every hut is marked in plain figures and we mean to let the customers see that we do SELL THEM AT JUST HALF P1UCK ! My goods for fall and winter trade are now hit in and again t invite you to come in and inspect them whethpr you want to purchase or not. My Motto : " Always lead and never follow." T. Flolverson, New Bank Block. RECEIVED! we have lust received direct from the manufacturers the best se lected stock of General Merchandise cash, and it will be sold for cash at pi-ices lower than any credit House in Oregon. We wish that every one in want of Dry Goods, Boots arid Shoes, Clothing, Blankets, Comforts, Yarns, Flannels, Groceries, Guns, Aimini tion, Sewing Machines, Cutlery, Hats and Caps, Fancy goods, Knit goods CLOAKS, In fact everything in Staple Goods 0 pomp FARMERS' STORE, rest, Sulom, Oregon. e money by dealing witli us. BEN FORSTNER & CO. lam ... Manning, 05 State Street. FRESH LEMONADE! Ice-Cold Milk Shakes! CIGARS, CANDY, NUTS, A nd all kind of tobacco at JAMES BOWMAN'S FRUIT STAND, 'w ' WVH Formerly owned by Kenton) on State St. A GOOD GUI' OK COFFEE. i I a treat attraction for a mtaumnUj The ooSve drawn from Jlelienbrand' It nl l.iK mvnUrlt I OS Of the mXHT i Owat AttraettoB. of bU eatlnf P- are tola every wk. And a fer oy Urs and mcU he BBot be equaled " ever brought to tills city bought forj Books Ine of- ;VND - FANCY LEATHER GOODS STARR'S - - SALEM, OREGON. S removed her millinery store to the m adjoining the Cai-itai. Journal l In now ready to do ,L KINDS OF MILLINERY, hfi hna lust received a new stock of the l-st style nnd can Hell cheaper than any Ier nuuiw iu mc city. Ive her a call and your orders will bo ,tly and promptly tilled. It In the only Clothe city where you can purchase felt Walking Hat for the small price )ne Dollar and Klfty Cents. Will M 211 COMMERCIAL STREET. KRAUSSE & KLEIN Are ottering big bargains In We will nv you money and guarantee the good. I urI..h.p.-...rrtvinc-.ijr.ndiij;1 mock will Mion be complete. Cnll and KBAUSSK k KLEIN, 211 Cowwertlal Street. y .. ffim, to be . oXtnrtxe twmlb and decayed Utitt. Vrljma Myrrh Teoth Boap prereow boib. iry n. holdfcjraHdrttacto. is. McGregor 6 Boots and Shoes! THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Can ;a OPERA HOUSE CORNER, Salem, ---- Oregon. Do You Wear Clothing? We will sell you a good suit from &r to 920, according to quality. Competition defied. Shirts, nnd Umbrellas, a go for Cash. Collars, Cuffs, Hats, Caps and Umbrellas, a good nsortiueut, and cheap for Cash. Jewelry, Gold and Plated, of the latest designs, fifty per cent, lower than you buy elsewhere. Underwear, The best and cheapest Flanuels, Ualbriggan, Lamb's wool and Merino Prices to suit. Dress Goods. Nice, new, clean goods, suitable for the season. OUR MOTTO: alike. A.! ,V 'yv-s. 'T& t(ziccie A'E TH1I- CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. In First Nut'uii il liilik litilldlim 1 A. P. ARMSTRONG, Manager. E. L. WILEY, Principal. Will open for the Reception of Students, Monday, September 0. BUSINESS COURSIi Include Spoiling, Grammar, Writing. Ai- Itlniietlc, Correspondence, UomtiiPicril lnv. Single nnd DoubloKntry linn I: keeping, Bunking and IluslneM Forms, IluslnesH and Olllco Practice. ENGLISH COURSE Includes Reading, Writing, Mentnl and Wiltten Arithmetic, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Geography, History and Commercial Law. Day and evening sessions. Students admitted at any time. Address the Prlucipil for Catalogue. THE RELIABLE GROCERS KELLER k SONS, Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD TN CANNED GOODS. Remember tlie Place and Call Guns! Guns! Just received the fluent Hue of Shotguns, Hllles antl Pistols from Chicago ond more comiiiK. We will sell lower than any other Iioiimj in Salem. We defy all competition, Portland not excepted. Also kts-p The Best Sewing Machines In the market from $35 to J 40 wh, and In connection will run the U-st Ouu Shop la the idate. Come ami ko u before huylnjj elMswhcre. BEN FORSTNER & CO. Adventure (ipw, ? Courteous trcntiuont mid fair dentins; to nil hf a n a m r A ac ss n A A mr J If Jm & wsij s M ff j1 MJ i 7S SHOKTHAND COUKSE Includes 8lio"ilmnil, Typewriting (2 hours dully practice) Penmanship, Fpcllliu;, (Ittiiiimiir, Corrcpoiidencp, Muni- fiildlng, Letter Copying, lluhlnchf l''OIIIIS, llllhlllChH mid (MIliv I'mcllit'. 1'KKSOXAli. Mr. A. 11. Slausen, the chief news editor of the Oregonlan la In the city, attending the fair. Mr. M. M. Banister, of the Vamhlll county Herald, published at Dayton, Oregon, wan in the city to-day, and called on the JmutNAi.. H. 11. Duncan who has been confined to his homo with the fever for sometime is reported a not so well to-day. His friends are nuxlous to hear of his entire recovery. l.OOAli SDMMVUY. K. C. Clark the fnutinan ar rived home today from IiIh Hue tern Hip. He was very Micccusfiil anil disposed of all the fruit he (un poa- slhly ship. Kplcureaii tea, paints, oils,- varnish, window glass and a line line of general grooeries at Gilbert & Patterson's. tf. Stallions for sale. "Voting Scotchman," one of the best Clydes d.ile stallions ot Oregon and AVasli luglon. Also "JJluelc Durell," a good thoroughbred. Win. Howard Phelps, over Capital National bank. Residence on Garden road, or K. Parker Kapus, Fair grounds. Remember that the Hon Ton restaurant is I he place to get a good meal for twcnty-llvc cents. Remember that the Pacific Cider, Vinegar, and fruit preserving Co., of Salem have two neat stands at the fair grounds where you can get a cool drink of sweet and cham paign cider. Remember the place the comer stand near ga.te entrance. The accidents that have hap pened in the city this week have had no ell'ect on the low prices at S. Farrar's for groceries. See their fine display of fruits. It's tempting. Persons having furnished rooms to let, during tho week please leave name and address at the Candy Kitchen Bin Commercial street. People are wondering why Cat terlln and Lussler'H photograph gal lery Is so erowded lately, anil by In quiring It is round that they do the best work In the city. The ladies of ihe PicHbylerlan church have a restaurant Just west of tho pavlllion, where you can get a first-class meal for twenty-live eent-i and the moi-ey taken in goosto ben efit the chinch. Also the Ladles aid society of the M. E. church have one near by where you can al so get a flrst-elass meal for twenty live cents. For a good smiaro meal you should go to tho lion Ton restau rant. The codec made In their patent collee urn is delicious anil healthful. Try It. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils and Window Glass, Wall Pa per and Jionler, Artists' JIa (eriais, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Kt, saw to.i,v. CALL AT ROACH & SPEIGHTS CIGAR STORE In Kiilcni. oral llu-lr llraneli Store al (lie Fair (Iromiils r'orn flrnt-clntix Hear, or a duel lui of lotMl'CO. Wlllii IMMIiOT flll)U uihi rimwi lyiuiiiio In Ilia city nro Kept by tliwn, All llm IchiIIiik tinmiN nlwiijit on Imnil, U tlio llitenl one nil Ilia tf roiltil. fiijnyu k'X'I iikiUc ("ill mill HEED'S OPERA HOUSE. I'Alli WISICK, Commencing Monday, Sept. ill BIG 4 BIG MINSTKBLSl rr n r nC LU rGnOriTIGrS 0 .... ...... .........I. II Kiler. Ciu. Htron. D. (Wll.ly, P Hliiurl, H. (.'Iiupiimn, Jiu. Ki-llelier, r. aii-rwuiii, II. Kvuin, 1-Hrkln.K.Clinndler. lliu IKh tran. j i iik ii nojciieny. urnr i, . n n'n i n n I PrOl. BernStein S BraSS Band iu soloists iu. ?-Wtcli for our nide j',.puU;pri.MJi.iid75iuU. ".Eft" UvlJm'1 . in....... SJ '. I'I'KniA LATEST RY TELEGRAPH. llnlli Caliles llrokrii. Loxihix, Sept. 1". The Western Union cables have snapped In twenty fathoms of water, Just oil' Flemish cape, close to the American coast. Tlie company, however, Is continuing to accept messages, send ing them over the Anglo company's cables. This break leaves the West ern Union absolutely without any direct cable connection. It is the llrst time since they were laid that both cables have snapped. To make matters worse, the dock strike has prevented the telegraph steamer Faraday from going to sea with new cable to splice the breaks. Tills de lay means much, for tinder th'j most favorable conditions it would proba bly take at least a month to repair the damage, and If It is not done be fore November tho work may have to be delayed until next spring. Tlie cost of repairing the cable will bo over 7,600 a day from the time the Faraday sails. The Viitory (VIclitutiMl. London, Sept. 1". The workmen of Loudon heldamoiistertlcmoustra flou In Hyde park this afternoon, to oelebrato tho victory of tho dock la borers. Hums was tlie chief speaker, and was greeted with deafening cheers. Hums declared that tlie strike now so happily concluded was only a preliminary skirmish with which was opened the great battle yet to come. A federation of labor would forthwith be organized throughout England, and oneo It was completed war would lie carried Into Africa. The thanks of the whole clvlll.ud world, ho said, were due to the geneious contributors to the strikers' relief fund, and the victory of tho men was In no small measure due to their timely aid. Ueforo going to Hyde park, tho dockmcu formed In procession and marched to tho Mansion house, where they were reviewed by the lord niayotluiil lady mayoress. The men as they passed tho balcony upon which the lord mayor antl his wife stood cheered enthusiastically. The Australian flag had the place of honor iu the line. MimtciTil liy Her Illicit'. Philadelphia, Sept 15. Btart llng developments have been made in the murder case of Anna Le Coney, who was murdered in her uncle's house at MerchautHvll!e last week. Chaukley Lo Coney, her uncle, and Garrett Murray, u colored barber, liavu been arrested and charged with the murder. MInh Le Coney had worked several yctrs for Richard Le Coney, another uncle, who died last spring His estate was indebted to her several thou sand dollars for back wages. The theory of the statu Is that Chaukley Lo Coney killed his niece to save the money to himself, and other heirs. It Ih believed that the girl's clothes wero afterward arranged to give tho Impression that some of the negro hands had murdered the girl In an attempt upon her honor. Mur ray Is charged with being all accos sory to the crime. Senator Spooiicr'H IIIiichh, Hudson, Wis., Sept. Ifl.-Tlio III-ncs-j of Senator John C. Bpoouor will Iu all probability prevent his taking part in tho campaign In thu new states. The senator had ex pected to ilclivcrfouror five ss'ccheH during the camimigu lu the terri tories, but as thu elections arc to be held iu less than three weeks hence, it Is extremely doubtful if he will be able to fill any of tho political en gagements that had la-en made for him. .Should he tako the stump at all now, It will bo Iu Dakota only. An liitcreHtln Discovery. Haciiajiknto, Fcpt. 11, The leg islature at Its last session anpropiU tcil f'VHX) for tho purpose o' exam ining and correcting the sinveyof the state lino between Nevada ami California. Deputy surveyors have , I Ret t at work lu thu field for flomo j lime, and have ascertained and will report that tlie survey Is Incorrect. ' They find the difference to be nearly -sixty inllci lu width as It now ' . i. 'i'i.i .in.. ..t .....it..... j MlllllUlf. I IIIH lUUIUIIJ III irilliuij 'H '""l',v '"' tutu of California ami K'''''lliyn.e state or Nevada. ItWltllWH llllintllkt Mltll. 1 ...... ... .'. HT. Uji'iriHcpt. I.'.-AmhcIiiI from ''..iirkuiiii Ark mvic I UVIh IcxarKilim, iTV.., NJH. J. wtpw, u no ior leu years was u resilient nm' "' u ,,m,,!c teacher, school keeper, pnwnhrokenind and luwcler, and lately prcrldcnt of thu Texar- kaiiu Having hank, but more ro ccnllyuii uiIvitiImmI lumber dealer n. h largo Mock lio.ler I n the Mat- thews lumber concern, has decamp ed, going to, no one knows where, anil carrying with him, it ta alleged, fund of other parties, estimated nil the way from $10,000 to foO.OOO. AlimTIOXAirLtlCAirNKWS. Di'lliiiiuriit Mtialrlmm, The much talked of Ulg Four minstrel company arrived tills morn ing In force, but by ono of tho.se mistakes that cannot at times be avoided, the entire band and orches tra missed tho Portland train. This part of the company travel led apart, from tho performers and by somo means failed to catch tho train In time. Levlnson says time, tlifo mid tho Southern Paclllo wait for no man, and grimly announced that rather than give a show without their own orchestra thev would wait for Its arrival. In consequence, tin performance wlll'bo nlven tills even ing, but tho engagement will open to-morrow Instead. All tickets sold for this evening's performance will be good for to morrow evening, and readv to bo exchanged either at the box, ofllee or Patten's bookstore. Horn It I. The llrst copy of tho Illustrated weekly of the Paclllo Coast has reached our table, and we must say that It surpasses ail ourexpeetations. No pictorial Journal In thu world Is superior to this elegant number of tho West Shore, and the thought that It Is to bo a weekly visitor Is it very pleasant one. Tho number be fore us contains a giaphlc sketch, lu colors, entitled "Running a Gaunt let of llro In thu Cascades," and Is a very striking and artistic picture of a railway train dashing through n forest Are. There are a number of other illustrations and Illustrated articles, but by far tho finest picture wo have seen lu any Journal Is the beautiful engraving which occupies two pages lu the centre of thu num ber, with tho title or "Last Day or the Season." In Its drawing, group ing ami coloring It Is simply superb. All Mm Nci. The JotMtNAi. will repoit each day's races and publish tho rcult of thu races on the same day that they occur. Remember tho Jouknai. has two reporters constantly on tlio grounds antl all news that takes place will bo published on the same day that It occurs. Tho Jouhnai. can Lo found on sale at Roach it Speight's cigar stoic on the grounds, also id the branch olllcu lu the clerk's building on the grounds, be sides for sale by the tlozen or so car riers. Remember that the result of each day's races will be published on the s.inio dav the races occur. WIhi Ar TUnyl WOO reward. Mrs. 11, M. Fletcher, of Bpokane Falls, W. T., desires Oregon papers to inform Uriah 10. aiideoth F. Arnberg that u largo sum or money awaits them, and if their claims tiro not- presented within six months thu money will go to their sisters, Mrs. H.M. Fletch er and Miss Jennie L. Arnberg, Uriah was list heard of iu Australia eleven years ago, ami .colli was last heard or iu Washington terri tory three yearn ago. Five hundred dollars reward will bu paid for post? live Information of their where abouts. . , - llitmiil Over, Jack Harney ami Geo. Harring ton tho two fellows who broke Into Holverso'n's store Friday night had their examination to-day at nine o'clock and were bound over until the grand Jury meets in the sum of flOOOciich which they railed to give and will board at hotel tlo Crolsau's until the grand Jury docs meet. Willi fiitul hmhI Impure lilood courwH lliroiiitli tliuHyatciii Willi ili-ulli lulls whWh Wrllit' L'oiilixuiiiil Kxlnu't at Hanmpii rlllu i-ure nil hlouil iIIumim.-, Hold liy II. W. Cm unit I) J. Kry I TIIMIt UlM.UVi IIUOMIMJ. 1 Probably no one thing hits caused Mich a great revival or tradoat Dan- Iel .1. rry'rf Drugstore as their giving .away to their customers m many tree trial unities or ur. King's xsew Discovery for Consumption. Their trade Is si in ply enormous lu this very valuable article from the Diet that It always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hrouehitls, ! Croup, and all throat ami lung ills, ctihcs quickly cured. You can test It U-foro buying by getting u trial Uit- ' tl fi-', largo sl.o 1. Kvery bottlo warranted. JIAHKIKII. M KLHANKV-MtCOvT-At tlio rt'tltluiico of J. K. McCoy, on Sun day, the nth Inst., at tour o'cock p. in., Clurlea MiKlhaney to Dorsi McCoy, ludgo T. C. Hhuw nlUcli tliijr. li.