Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, May 03, 1889, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Knlvred lit the iKMlnnlrc lit Fiilun,Or.,uii
t.vcQiid clan matter.
Hie fourth iko for Icrinx of Mibcrlj
Ailw-rllwhicnlii lo Insure Insertion (for
tin- wine ilnyj should be handed .In by 1
Cu.rcviMiiidoiioi coiiliilnliis news of In
It. ml mid luiK),'t(iiii) I iiiwlrtil from nil
imrlHof tho Mate.
A'n iituiitlnii .'lll be paid loiinoiiymoiiH
CiTxont iliwl.'dii; IIm1 C.vriTAl. Jiirii.vAl
h Tied lit lliclr Iioiim-b cim own re It liv hoh
I'l cr.d rwiurM. or hi vmrd left (it thin
Hin-lIiiici. niimhcrH xent free nil iiMillcii.
Oillcc, mrniT C Mill and Liberty HI (ret.
Kill DA V, MAY it, 1880.
J'oitTf.ANDliiiH Hindu contracts for
$1.11!. lo worth (iriiiU'i-itlHiiiK lnciii-t-eni
paper. 'I'hls irrrrrHTTiiuId be.
Tin: House of jhc .MLs'-ntirl letfis.
Inline j,f, i.njrrcfMJil the liill reduc
ing mil, ad fun- Iji lu fi'iilH M'i
nilli'on iiiiiin IIiich and tlnec centH
per mile on brnneli linen. TIiIh Is
refrediliiu; wlicn compared with
nitcHon the coiiitt.
John May, uiuv' pnv.iii- M"'ie
lury of I'cc idi'iit U'lc.iii, nlso mi
Ihornf "Mt.l' liic I'lu-" (Hid .liin
JJIiiiIhoc," will ' clltcr In elih I' ol
the New Yoik Tribune dining Hit
absence of Vlilli'liiv Held, iiinliil
ed minister to I'Vniicc.
A Zoological Ilomanrc.
The lollouiiii; Ingculoint romance In
rhyme, which amid appropriately be en
titled "A Zoological Itornnnce," lint n
jiearcd iihout ten ) earn age:
No sweeter girl ewe ever gnu
TJiiiii llelly .Martln'i daughter Buc.
With sable bare, small tapir wnlst,
And lips you'd gopher miles to mate,
Ilrlght, lambent eyes, like the gazelle,
Sheep iertly brought to bear no well.
Ape pretty huw, It w.ut-nvnweJ,
Of w horn her marmot to bee proud.
Ileirglrl, Jlovidher as my life,
And vuu'ril I'd heifer hh my wife,
Alalia Hnlltir on I lie My,
Hud ca'ttin her hi wciitherryc.
He wild my love for her wan bosh,
And my nllcetlon I iiiisiiiiiihIi.
'He'd dither lnolsleps everywhere,
A(di'(it( r In his easy thalr.
He'd heltcr round, HiIh allorchai,
And pointer out upon the limp
Where onie a pliute cruleer boar
lllm captive Ion foreign slime,
The cruel captain fa-outdid
The yaks and crlniCK or C'npi. Kid.
Hoolt would wlinlclaek with the cut,
AndKiiy: "My buck, doe you like that?"
"What makes you 'tag about hi, Miy?
'I he catamounts ilo Miiiiethlng, hey?"
Then he would neiil It with an oath,
Andwiy; "Vouiuimi Iny flotli."
I'll Marvo you down, (iiy K.illorllne,
Ant hill for bceforiiorcupliie."
'I hen finely InirM- wl'h fiendish laughter
Would say: "Hencelorth, mind what gl-
lullu ler. '
In null ihc many rinks he ran
flight Hell llamaa braver man.
'I hen he was wiecked and cast m-horc
h :e lei lily illnglng lo mi o..r,
ll.vi inn le'l ii lining Hie locks
He cllmbid miiiskIio"s and 111111114 ox,
Ami when lief.iln would goatto bed,
.li ilnl lo Hon leaesl(iste;(rt.
I met a trua dear friend last night,
I had not aecn In years,
And In her face beamed lore's sweet light
Unchanged by tlmo or tears.
We turned at once with natural thought
Hack to our mutual past
And thus, I think, ve will bo brought
To view our lift at last
AVhen meeting with our long-lost dead,
To And their lore unchanged.
We gather up Its hidden thread,
No faithful heart estranged.
Nor noed wo fear they will outgrow
Us, In their service sweeti
To us 'tis givon to serve bolow
With swllt and willing feet.
Whllo they. In ministries of love,
May oft to us be sent;
And gently draw ng us above,
Their work with ours Is blent.
Our vision dim may see them not;
No voice our ears may hear.
Hut yet I bold and love the thought
Tbej nro In spirit near.
N. Y. Observer.
HacKlen's Arnic-i Snlvc.
The best salve In the world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever pores, tetter chapped
hands, chilblains, corns unci all skin
eruptions, and positively cures piles
or no pay required. It is guaranteed
to give pcrieetsatislaclloii, or money
refunded. Price 2-j cents per box.
For sale by Daniel J. Fry, druggist-
Portland, Or., January I-'.
Having a severe back ache l.iat
summer, I tried the Oregon Kidney
ic,u, 1 used oiiecan, which eiiecieii
11 radical cure. I would recommend
It to all who are nfllicted as an un
failing remedy. Ji'i.irs Acn.
Sold by D. W. Mnthow-.
Senator Ingalls will spend the
s inimer fishing, hunting, reading,
smoking and talking to his Kansas
Suffering from tho MIsdooda of a
Twin Brother.
I.v Si'iitciiihci" of next ytar will c
cur tin' iil-ciMilciiiifal .if 1 1 ic-linii
of the 111 "t paper 'mill i.i Am 1 1 -Tho
site wimat Ibixb'iriiiiub, Pa. ll
Is proposal 1 hnl Him uiiiiKciHiiry be
celebiatt'd hi an MppioprlaU iii'iiiiicr,
under Ihc inmplces of (he p:i ei
mailers and pilnlcfs tliroiiglioiit llu
Unlle.l SlnlcH. ;
i .-i.e uniiliteiiy Willi IriWThled .ice:
lb .1 KihhIihiImV In Micif 11 plucc?"
Mul Mniljhtwiiy Iiyii Jrn would melt
Ami f,ij: "How ImdW must have fell."
1 In 11 be, the brute, viXbjhuck her chin
And mi): "Ayr, ii) my lass," mid grin
Kmmmu those sleecv, It's over now;
I'l' i-'s u.iughl l!egilel Iheh.ut loeou.
Jiu-I.MSs'il her tu be bis, am! she
In ,'.(.! i. 1-1..1I .ilnl Jilted inc.
Mi no.., l i.-, llu- l,Ml- llllllks.
1m Ii iiiikI to him Willi II men's lyn.
TillliiiliabitaulHof the AoicH Is
lands nio Igiiorniit, lint ni'i' li'iiiper
iito ami clean in tiich' dress. They
are c.ti"incly fond of mimic. The
three groups of hIiiiiN compiie
1 1 III square miles, mul contain nlioiil
KI.IMH) luhalillantH. The chief cx
lii'tH are wine, bluntly, grain ami
two leaving a fortune of jlillhi.OdO,
icniurlicd ton youth a few mouths
prior to his death: "My miii I never
went to bed without wiving halfof
what my day's prullls weic. If I
made a dollar, half a ilolliir uns put
away. I cairlcd llial rule Into active
llfo when I lieeamnn mcichant and
never dcpaitcil from It."
Ki:v. lliioiiics, lute (landldate for
vlee-picHidcnl on (lie prohibition
ticket, does not believe in lOaster.
jiohuj'hoI II: "KiHer Is a iclio of
barbarism, or rather, a combination
ofpaganaml Clulstlau riles, which
was originally InstlliiteJ to win
pagan nations. This unfortunate
festival is ooth unauthorized and
l''i:v things cause editors of news-papersmiiicaniioyaiicetlmntbeeare-less
or Ignorant way inuvlilch tho.se
who scud in manuscript furpublloa
tlon often UMJanilabiiseijipllidlelleiH.
WilteiH who, hi rcspivlj o H'lllng,
grammar, ami even jiuueluatloii,
lu'ipilt themselves t-ivditublv. blnn.
tier Niioeiiiiiu v
.Mr. Hyena hits been dlscoveied
out 111 Jewell county, Kansas, mid
when liu opens his lips, it is hale to
say, not a neighbor dales bark out
of tune.
Hwinburiie, England's erotic
Ch.irlcs Algernon, is about to pub
lifh a now volume of verse. Walt
hitman and Amelle KIvcs will
now gel ti rest.
It is claimed that the Isabella and
Catawlia grapes both originated in
X01 lb Carolina, and were cultivat
ed Iheie for years before they be
came known to fame.
A colored woman in Atlanta, (la.,
Is the youngest of thirl v-mivcii chil
dren, and although not yet thirty
eight years old, is herself tho mo
ther of twenty-seven children.
King Louis and Queen l'ia of
Portugal recently held n conver
sation through telephones at a dis
tance of hundreds of miles. He was
at Marseilles, ill, mid she was in
Paris, anxious.
As llieie are OI.OOO fourtli-class
postmasters hi the United States,
Mr. ClaikMiu can turn them out at
the rate of 100 a day, and yet leave
u lew of the Denis in olhYc for some
tlmo to come.
Pennsylvania. Iiiismhiio girls worth
liavlng. In tho haying scum in a
gentleman dining tt nhort drive
counted nine young women ditving
two-horse uioweis and seventeen
managing horni rakes,
t'vrus Tilplett, who died at the
ago of eighty-two years near Akron,
Ohio, iccently, had never been out-
OCUitlL'IV II C.lllthlll.ill.,,,
An Idea seems to prevail, ton L'reiili.i'rl,, ,lm llmllH f the eouutrv but
or les cAtent, that It (s the emivct Uiw nl"1 '" "" 1,is Hfftime rode
thing to begin with n fapltal letter
any word which the Writer wish
loniakiiemplmtle. j
In a little town in Jiisughi there
Nn uiiliiie ilrunkanl, not becaiis0
of ills ill iiiUltig iiiipeiihltiis, but Ikw
uiM or (he bevcragd lie eliooses.
For the just Utti-eii yt.rs holms
rvgulaily Imhlltoil fn)iii one totto
pints of ismiI oil perdv.umi Is, to all
uplK-araiiiYs, a stronu;, licalthv man.
His favorite liquor d.s not 'intoxi
cate, nor even stiuuilnto him, ,
'ct he cannot do without It. Warn
"go ho tried to hioak himself of this '
lucor habit, and for n,.., llllllhfcl,1
wont Into tho ,,,nitrj-, wheie lie '
only live miles on a railroad
"What is tho matter with vour
eyes.'" was asked of Marshall 1'.
Wilder a few dayh age: "they look
lillliututl." "Yes," will the little
Inker: "they me. I hmo been read
a list of (he Dannmik's passengei-s.
The llauscliistlca, from the milk
r wlileli tho India rubber com
merce trade Is made, kiiiws well
Southern California and prepara
tions ,m, making to cultivate the
tieos. A gioat many will be planted
him winter.
The little boy was on Ids knees in
ms utile nightdress niylng
"Just one moro errand, and then home I"
It was a careless speech enough, and
Sophie, AVlltbank's voice was Indifferent in
tone, but her eyes, large dark eyes full of
expression, scanned her companion's laco
She, know well that this ono last errand
was tho only aim and object of that drive,
though thoy had visited many stores and
purchased quantities of goods.
Sho hoped Grace would ask her where
thoy were going, help her to draw down a
blow upon her cousin's heart, that sho must
give, nnd which sho would yet hnvo given
her own llfo almost to avert. But Grace,
was day-dreaming apparently, looking
out upon tho village, streets, as tho carriage
drovo toward tho suburbs. So Sophie tried
"Aro you very tired?" sho asked.
"No, indeed 1 I was thinking of Ernest."
Hero was an opening, with a vengeance
"Of Mr. Copelandl He will bo back
"I do not know. His brother Is dying.
Who can toll how soon or how Into ho may
coiuo. Father heard in tho city that Mr.
Qorard Copclnnd is very rich. Perhaps
Ernest may hnvo business to arrange- for
him. For," with a shy, pretty blush,
"you kiiow Mr. Ernest Copclnnd is not very
"So I have heard. Grade," and Sophie's
voice trembled, "do you lovo him very
"Why, of courso I do," tho bluo oyes now
vory wido open. "Aro wo not to bo mar
ried In Septemberl"
"Hut if any thing should prevent."
" What can happen I It is August now."
Then tho carriage stopped.
"In a moment, John," Miss Sophio said,
and John Btood asido. Hut Sophio, laying
ono llttlo gloved hnnd upon Graco's, said,
"Oraco, you know that I lovo you, don't
" Yes, I know it. Why, Sophio, wliat ails
"You know I would rather hurt myself
than hurt youl"
' I believo you would. What is it?"
Sho was trembling then, and all tho pret
ty pink Hush faded from her lovely faco,
for Hiwhio's eyes wcro misty, her lins oulv-
"Como and sec," Sophio said. "And,
darling, forglvo mo that I must show
you 1" i.,
Sho sprang out of tho carriago, and Grace
followed lior. Two pretty maidens thoy
were, tho daughter nnd tho nieco of tho
greut mill-owner, Joseph Wiltbank. Graco
was bis only child, Sophie, tho orpnnnod,
penniless cinui 01 ins uroiner.
Grace's lover lived in thogreatcity.whoro
tho cousins often spent some of tho winter
months with their mint, in 11 fashioiinblo
bo.11 ding-house. In one. of tho informal social
gatherings, to which they wero invited,
Graco had met Ernest.
And Sophie, heart-wholo, loving Grncons
yet nbovo any ono elsoon earth, thoughtof
it nil us sho led tho wnv across a tin ni.
den to n mean llttlo cottage, wboro n woman
stood In tho doorway, holding sotno sewing
lu hor hand. Two boys, of threo nnd llvo.
lIMll-.t .tin. .!.. 1.. .1... 1 - '
.. n.u ,ujiiiK in mo gnruvn,
"Good afternoon, Mrs. Copclnnd," Sophio
said, very quietly, but watching Oraco braco
horsolf us sho heard the name. "Is the
sowing douul"
" Woll, no, miss, not nil of it. I hnvo two
skirts dono."
"I promised to bring my cousin to seo if
sho had any work you could do."
"Walk in," Mrs. Coneland mild.
And Graco, following Sophio, entered tho
llttlo parlor. A cry roso to her lips, but
sho oi', hastily: '
"I sprained my foot I" nnd sat down, just
as Sopbio prepared to catch hor if sho foil.
Hho could still seoovor tho mantol-ploco a
crayon head of EruostCopolnudl
Sho saw that Sophio meant to draw tho
woman's attention from homnlf
Probably no one thing has caused
such 11 great revival of trade at Dan
iel J. J' ry's Drugstore as their giving
away to their customers so many
free trial bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery for Consumption. Their
trade issimply enormous in this very
valuable article from the fact that it
always cures and never disappoints.
Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Dronchitis,
uroup, aim 1111 tnroat mid lung dis
eases ih'ckly cured. You can test it
before buying by getting a trial bot
tle free, largo size $1. Every bottle
Hepresentative Tom Iteed of
Maine is in Washington. He thinks
an extra .session of congress will be
called in October.
The transliion from long, lingering
iiiu i.iiiiiiiiMCKiicss to rooust neniiu
marks an epoch in the life of the in
dividual. Such 11 remarkable event
is treasured In the memory and the
agency whereby the good health hos
leen attained is greatfully blessed.
Hence It Is that so much is heard in
iraise of Electric Bitters. So many
feel they owe their icstoration to
Health, to the use of the (J rent Al
terative ami Tonic. If von are
troubled with any disease 'of Kid
neys, ijivcr or stomach, of long or
short standing you will surelv find
relief by use of Elcctiic Milters,
bold at SOe. nnd ?1 per bottle at Dan
iel J. Fry's Drugstore.
-lv--benalor Malione still holds
the fort at Washington. Mahone is
not very big, but like other small
creatures ho "gets thar."
When nil other remedies fail, Ore
gon Kidney Tea comes to the front
liKe a true, faithful friend. For Kid
ney and urinary troubles, such as
pain in the back, mucous and milkv
discharges, brick dut deposit in the
urine, loss of appetite, weakness,
and general debility, Oregon Kidney
lea has no equal. It never fails
and being of purely vegetable com
position does not iiiime tlw hvmIi.ih
riold by D. W. Mat lie ws.
P. T. liariiiim Ims given $11,000 to
the Univeisalist church of Bridge
port, Conn., thus freeing it from
Always Youiiff.
W'llV Is 111V Wife so nnvlrmu In mi. Ll..t.n
sit because Ikt c.cs nro alwnys bright.
And grace nnd modesty are In hernli-.'
Matthews & Ainsworth, ""
Office Over Capital National Bank,
Five ncro lots in the bcimtitiil "Garden City ndilition to Siilcm," just east of tho city.
Jloautiliil Harden, iTuit and Jlomc sites! tan cany aim gei your cnoice, Wo Mill sell yon
uiiy anil niiMiiruiiii itius ,11111 lainin 01 an ucnuiipiiwiin.
Real Estate Agents.
Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In
43 nnd 45 Wnlker St, John F. Htrnt ton's
Celebrated Kii'Blan Gut Violin strings, the
Finest In the World.
VO tt,M Mi S9J
VsT 'At Ls4r
1 lie oaiei
ii Mr
Our Oiiurmitpc If a dealer leeelves n
complaint, (which ho bcllexcsto be honest)
from any musician to whom lie has sold
any of these strings, ho Is authorized by
Us to Ifive llhtl iinnthcr stHiiir tvlthnnt
eharge.andall such loss will be made good
by us to our customers, without quibble or
lltlestloil. (limi'lin-fif linltiillnn.l Tlpnlors
will please send lor descriptive catalogue.
1 lad supplied at lowest price.
Ilnve removed to building adjoining
Thompson'.' jewelry store on
Commercial street.
..i-uiii-i, ueiiuvu me, inougiisiie'svery fa r.
S)lii'saystiiiid ni) k it w lib an earnest diet Ion
"I Ills L'lowlngol,!, I nnd, is all atlctlon,
Since loiiuiio sent 1110 'Favorite 1'icsci lo
tion.'" '
1 ; k'r,1'1' " r-"0"'' lemcdy of this name
Is, indeed, 11 peileet speclllc lor "femiile
wenlcm-ss,' and kindred ailments. Hy
Cleans the llvor, slAmaeh, bowels and
whole system by using Dr. l'Uco's l'ellets
Tlie Car of liussia recently cele
brated his forty-llftli liirtlulay. Tliia
Is a remarkable fact when vou con
sider the number of plots aainst
his iife.
GraQimtes Students in
Classical, .Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
It is tho olde.-t, largest and least expen
sive Institution of learning In the North,
School opens first Monday in September
Send for cataloguo to
1,: Salem, Oregon,
Titles Investigated.
Money to Loan.
Land for Sale.
Houses for Rent
Oregon House!
Corner Mill and Summer Sts,,
Tho building formerly occupied by the
Hoys' Hoarding Ilnll lias been thorouehll
renovated nnd remted and is now onln J
now opened
:o the general public:
Hoard per meal
1111.11U1111U tunning jht any ti,
Hoard nnd lodging per week i M
Free transportation of passengerT and
bagg.igo to and from depot. "
H. J. rfllAIlP, Proprietor.
13 oarderSI
inyono wishing to board nta quiet
A. nnd cozy piace, will rind tho object ol
their search lit
Cor. Chonielteto nnd Liberty Sts., Baiern l
Where n lew select boarders can secure II
ui.i 1101 kci miv ml oil. II,. ,(i
outfurUihti days, I'liduih.Kaltihe
cmvIiiBu imd MillernK of u ,,m,v
toK'r, but was ilimtty iiiiiih.m ,
.livni Id IIISlllH'Ulq.
"I think you told mo you wore not a wid
ov.' Boplno sold.
"No, miss. My husband dosenml m t
wan n poor Kirl. without education, nnd ho
was u Kcntloman. Hut I bolioved In tils love
and wo woro very happy till last winter.
Hion ho changed, nnd ono day ho gave mo
iomo money to keep for him, qulto n sum.
aud weut away. Honuvercumo buck, but
no wrote, to mo never to expect to neo him
again. Tho inonev Imt.vi 1111 .,,.. 1.... 1. ,.
- mm' IIIKIIHIIVM MiyhiB his Rone. 1 hoped 1 cSuU Ket work nttho mill
rayiT. and his llttlo sister eouldn't I aml iv c vtuff In tho ceuntry: so I
wMtheten.ita(lou to tlekle the' Cm iliT" .llutV,1u,,10t8,ronK ensU for
M..esons ,t,e,W,. II.. hI.hhI It lo pay Voomond Z 1ST
- l IK uh liiMiHil.1, ,,i,,I 11,011 Kild; " I lwtoutht.Sn-WtauStoaSeal
"l'leas,.,Uod,e.euse me whllo I b0ttr,tou wtiieh waapaintod tho legend:
t:ii.vtV- 1 III ti.iit . .... .. ... 1 ; iitiiniMiiiiiu
z::zrr.:nrmv.. . -. wr
""' i'ii 01 ,ierevv t'llv
W'iIl'IiI'- iim. i-i... .
ItliiniZ .. ...Ti i'i . . """ '"'miiioiniie
r ....? 1. .' ",l,l0.,,ml.l nppeilcrand upc
aii.l .,r..l,'.i1K,'7tOS ,h.u 'l!l'-liM orgu'is
nlHnii'l'ilrj'cox. C"" b ,cl,cU
Louis Stevenson's father was an
engineer, and was much enraged at
his son's determination to n.lnni
literature as a profession.
v genueinan who had Miflered
great an noyaneo and pain from Har
bors I teh, and wiio had been treated
liavlng been furnished for the especial
1 i . .r "'"""""iiiou 01 me puuiic, u'e
inite the intent Inn of the the HUNGIft'
and sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new
nnd clean; giKHl "Home" meals served reK
Y?JlVlne "m,es n d".v- No Chinese in
ymiiN If '"' " "S " l'a" ""ll hC0 for
E, M. LAW, Proprietor.
Cor. Court and High St., Salem, Or.
Paint Shop
No. 11544 Commercial St.
House and Carriage, Painting
Sign writing, Paper hanging and
decorating, Wall tinting and kal-
sonnning executed in tho latest
Experienced Workmen Employed.
oausiacuon uuaranteed. ,
Call and see us before you let your
Norflierii Pacific Railroad
And nil points East via
1 he Northern Pacific railroad Is the onlr
lino running Passenger trains, Second clasi
sleepers ffiee of charge) Luxurious Day
coaches, J'ullmnn Palace Sleeping Can,
Palnco Dining Curs, (meals 76c) from Port
land to tho cast.
tce tliat your ticket rend via the Northfli
Pacific railroad nnd avoid the
change of can.
A Bargain For Somebody ! !
I.v il,. 1 ' . . , uml "oon "Wi I'd
J theiiet phjvslelans, without re-
ht'I, havhthat two bottles of Dutard's
perfectly smooth, whlmnt .. u..- V;
never fails in skin diseases. Soldi;.
i. . Jlathews.
One of the nuwest thlniM ) ....
" one, with a Miielllng bottle in the
stick, and in iho smelling bottle a
little very strong ammonia.
If VOIIlim Ilin-iMiio .. l.-u.i 1 . .
sick headache, sallow e,m,a..i'..L
oroteiisive breath, then voir "liver
. :."'. " ""iiuvihjii loilii nv.
1 hollSimris nn nOltxtn.l ...lit. .it . . -
the Kidney ami Urlm ry OiTjitis w 10 mr
an kind, a rewdos.es iillord Instant re-
Sold by D. V, ilatliflvvs A Co.
-KOIt .
Bys and Girls.
stores the liver to health v act! onand
ien on the 21th
ik i .
1 AwwiH II Aiii:.t l..M. ..f .
iho Tu n,...i.i. .. ' " ""'mv.1 .. ct.Mioto lor a fee on 1 ho i,r.. ivZ . ',,:. " ", h" ,u" "rougni m ...'- . i umsiana news.
ss-srsciSI S5SSS 1 gSpSSB'
iwii U It Uiv,i.kii ,. , liMliuu.u.,iri...... .'.".. w,"ff.u,,om,sl Wher.uiry. and Mr. wihk.. .:... ,c" r caued bv iv.i,.i. .?...,.',"
The school win
of ffis,!- Liffifi .. 'inier
""" " "'"iriiniiry anil
English Branches.
-In course.-
To Exchange for
Lcavo Portland ntPn. ni.nnd 8:40 p. m
dally arrive at Minneapolis or Bt. Paul l
0:0.) p. m. v
Pacific Divisiok. Trains leave Front
and G street daily at 11:55 a. m, and ft
P. m.; Arrive at Tnconia nt 7:10 p Jnnl
4:J0u m arrive Seattle OrSin m and9:35piii.
Ihrough Pullman Palaco Weeping (an,
elegant day coaches, linest palaco dlnini
cars between Portland, Tacoma and SeatU
direct. Dally service. A. D. CHARLTON
Asst. Gon'l Pass. Agent, 121 First St., Oor.
Washington St., Portland, Oregon.
Depot Corner First nndQ Street.
One hundred ncres of extra clear land, fln
for dividing up into small tracts, U ova
tlll'eO-fOlirtllK nf .1 nilln frnlrl Knlpm DOI
oillce. Prlco$85peracre.
Fire and Ma
. Salem, Orefoa
w .
JOS. ALBERT, Agent. .
Goandlearu how to avoid
dUeae, ahd how woniiern I.
Jy you are maile. Coii.u ..
tW nnu treatment ii on
ally or by letter or weak
h mto m ar
b .ot 7,: ;:,r ":.:.;" "-nuhVd ?:l , . ai ak
IuU.r,tuo uimmortv l.wv ,;,'? , ,' 'Z'T ""." ' - 'vo u, , WM M
- "-- - f wiK-udwiin whi.k nisu. t. iil. z ...
WKor particulars call at this office.
W.V VlxikUUmU uMhiih ,
CUtlliiB I'laiK
wl.L . .. . f . . "V ' " hM
Ui wAwl (or ov . ;.. " "" wmf " ft W Ihii mm
-'" "ruuiuc, nut I'll lm inv
fj - " " fIXGiV I . . ' W--
Jit...i. ... -V ' fc M UdJdn. I.nf k-M
' '" ,u" "" mnflH. fu mdJeu uorM Vm .... ... " '"u,l
wuiid full, ti: r.zm'. t u
,:triv' 'i'01? tea nrv Limi iv.. .;;;r".,u.1 v
rtas,tTnirvu an. n.
.-., iiiucus surfae-. vmu ailU Ul dVS
to .end rorter ' ,.. j "l filve on,, lundrvd AM, . . J '
. on account nf ,.. , " n"i o of deiifn ,.w v . ,'.. . Ml HI, AM I. kirin "
elf. and I'll .v. " "l that Wo e... ...... .' V ""' UltAU
laKim? HhIiv r . .."." v,,,v o .
. . ,fiir..i...i."'Vv' ,t,r i"iv. M n.l ;; ,.""".. iwviaeu wlih
iCTmSSSW,,",; U carried arSo,l V Urugubta, 7.1c, ' Uu g?. K'ntTS
For Bargains
Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Ek,
Commercial Street, Salom,Or.
Country produce of nil klndalway
nana, if vnn tinA nn iM4.d ri.h ms w
fore, I respectfully solicit a trial belleyW
l enn suit you both In priced and quawf'
lllackiiii.-li and Wtcon maker, JJ
Knight is it ,t tuny eatublUhed at hUWj
quartern on u erty street. He ufcef
mo nowinetlmi InhU art nnd mate"
lciauy of (Use., es or horte wet
. ennk Lynch Ihik clurra of the
Iviiiir.i. iiuandtiiMB a ceueral rtl"
I. .J. .11. W . I.r.. .... ...An aVM ttfl 1
I'liiivv if fi.' u ... iry and-reouminend Um
.Mr.i.'nlsflii nuWn hereforyWi