Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, April 06, 1889, Image 1

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'the capital journal,
adivicii nsis
49-You will be well pleased with lt."
it wh.i. UK
a finni) ixviwnrMvr
-Tlie Terms me .Most Reasonable-Sal
VOL. 2.
NO. 31.
First. af.innn.I Rank!
iiiwuimuiumvi Aivim
VM. N. LADCB, I'rr-ddent.
J)H. .1. ilKYNOLIW, - Vice President.
JOHN HOIK, Cneliler.
Exchange on Portland, .Snn Francisco,
Nuw York, London and Hon Kong
biraght and sold. Slate, County and City
warrants bought. Kiirnierx nro coidlally
Invited to deposit vnd InitiMict business
with us. Liberal advances lniido on
wheat, wool, hops and other property at
reusonnmo rates. Insumnco on such se
curity ran be obtained. nt the bunk lu
most rellablo companies.
Capital I'aid up, -Surplus,
- -
----- 10,000
It. H. WALLACE, - - 1'iesUlent.
Y. W. MAllTIN, - Vice-President.
J. II. ALUKIIT, -.- - Cashier.
W.T.Gray, W. W. Martin,
J. SI. Martin, H. S. "Wallace,
Dr. W. A.CusIek, J. II. Albert,
T. MeK l'ntton.
To farmers on wheat and other market
able produce, consigned or in store,
either In private graxarlosor
'public warehouses.
State and County Warrants Bought at Par.
Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts
drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, San
Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, llcrlin,
i long Kong aim uaicuua.
New Store, Now 'Goods.
Has opened up a fresh and clean stock of
and in fact evcrtlilng kept in li first
class Grocery store. Casli paid for
Butter and Eggs.
Thopubllo In general Invited to call and
see us. Atl goods delivered freo.
State S' rcet, i oom formerly occupied by
Dngan Ilros.
Fresh b -end always on hand. Feed of all
kinds kept constantly In our store.
In tho Itank Block, treats all Chronic
diseases of
On strictly scientific principles. His new
Medicated Vapor Baths, Electricity nnd
Klcctro-Mognetlsm, Pure and Compound
Oxygen are not to be had at any other Insti
tution on tho Pacillo slope Dr. Gilbert
uses only
Offices and rooms especially fitted for-thc
accommodation and treatment of ladles
with ladles bath In care of Mrs. Gilbert. Dr.
Gilbert confl ics hlms'elf to olltco practico
and Is. therefore, always on hand to
wait upon Jits patients. Special atten
tion given to ureases oi women unu cnuu
rcn. Terms strictly moderate.
Consultations Free.
3-21-d w
For sale cheap for cash or upon
tho installment plun. Tor particu
lars call upon
No. 3C7 Winter Street, Silem, Oregon.
Proposals Invited.
1 Oregon Mate Insane Asylum Invites
staled proposals for heating the state In.
. sane aiyllim with hot water. Plan and
speclfb n inns must be furnished by the
bidders, l'lun of the building will be fur-
r nished u ion application to Dr. Hurry Lane
: jnedn al MipiTintcndent, Huleni, Oregon.
Itoi win are also in Ited for an eleotrto
llcht plant for the asylum of SOO light of
1 lii cndU' iwwer each, tnuandecei)t system
to In m i.x d complete and ready tor aervlee
,nnd aubjeei to rigid lost. The right ;to re-
J,v-t any and all bid reserved.
Kid'- wil I be opened ut 2 o clock p. in. on
, Tuesday, May 7, 1SH8.
OHO. W. McimiDK,
Hoard of Trust von.
VW A, JIUNLY, Clerk of Hoard.
TlieGapital National Bank
. ft A f I 1 B I I
winis ana
(tela Estate and
IVc Boy and Sell Heal
- Axn
Transact a General
OPERA HOUSE, Court Street, . '
wmmwfe Mill fc iiKs
Wo have on our list a great variety of very desirable property for
sale, ami as our business is not altogether confined to Heal Estate trans
actions, we are able to furnish purchasers these bargains without claiming
unreasonable commissions.
Our long residence in this country and familiarity with its condition
and peculiarities render us competent judges of where tho best lands arc
to Do loiimi aim purcuases made.
We have faith in Oregon of its future greatness; and especially this
section of the Wlllamettec Valley. . The man who invests Hero in roal
property runs no risks, it will bo more prolltable than bank stocks. Our
soil and climate are not excelled, and people are finding it out. Now is
the time to buy.
We are situated so that parties making investments, if desired can
secure loans on the most reasonable terms.
The following partial list will show somo of the properties
wo are offering for sale.
1GO acres, OJ miles south of Salem, all under fence uew barn and fair
house small orchard road by tho place. Payment down, balance on
time at S per cent. Trice 5,000.
102 acres, 5 miles southwest from Oervais, good house and barn with
orchard 92 acres under plow. $1,500 down, balance on time. Prico
17.50 per acre.
407 acres, 4 miles north of Salem, improvements first-class- H20 acres un
der plow plenty of stock water and range. Will divide land. 40
per acre for Improved part. '
100 acres, 7 nnlescast of Salem 80 acres in cultivation 50 in pasture
rest in young timber all under fence running water good house
uuiii niniuuy urciinru un siuuu 11 wiuiiuu. cw pur acre.
203 acres, 12 miles northwest of Salem on Hue between Polk and Yam
lull counties excellent land and good neighborhood all under fence
part summer-fallowed. Part payment down, balance on time. 20
per acre.
320 acres, 13 miles east of Salem, all fenced 2 good houses fair barn
good orchard several springs on the place good roads to Salem. 30
per acre.
190 acres, 7.miles east of Salem well watered with barn and orchard.
Tho land is finely sjtuatcd and can be divided into two places the
road running on two sides one-half mile from railroad. 2.5 per
200 acres, 12 miles east of Salem excellent improvements all in culti
vationwell watered and finely situated. $35 per acre.
8-5 acres GO acres In growing grain fair house and barn 1 acres
meadow line yfcung orchard one-half mile from P. O. crop goes
with place. Possession given at sale. Price $2,400.
0 acres, adjoining east Salem with houso luni and orchard can bu
divided Into 3-2 aero lots facing town huh u delightful view will
be worth double present prico soon. $3,000.
850 acres, 15 miles from Salem 800 acres in cultivation two houses and
barns with orchard plenty of running water no better stock and
farming land in Marlon county all fenced is divided Into many
fields and pastures. A bargain for some one. Half down, balanco on
time to suit. $15 per acre.
075 acres, 8 miles front Salem all under fbneo 350 ares at one time un
dor plow flno pasluro land road along one side can bo divided to
suit purshafeor. Ono-half down, balance on longtime. $17 per acre.
60 acres, 3 miles fromSalom lj acres in orchard lin garden 50 under
plow balanco good pasttlro good-house and barn. A chance for
borne one wanting garden property. $8,000.
Store and stock of merchandise with warehouso worth $0000 also rosldonco
if desired, situated on 0.& O. It.R.. good location for busInoHB no
better grain section in tho Willamette Valley.
CJood houso with one-half acre of land, in North Salem near street oar
lino when oxtended if sold soon. $S00.
Half block East Salem; on mill crock with good houso and barn.
Plenty of fruit 82S0.
Wf oh)r for tho first thno about 30 loU in A. F. Waller's addition to
Salem, ranging In prioe from $250 to $500. Tho location Is lino, upon
the highest ground In KastSulem, over-looking tho ontlre city and In
plain view of all the State Uuildlnus, with tho Coast and Casoadu
Mountains in the distance, while still eastward loom up Jhroo over
lasting snow petfks.
Prompt Attention Given to All Inquiries
Insurance Agents,
Agency . Business.
Negotiate Loans
la Hai'rlsou
a .Descendant of Pocn
Iiontns? It is popularly believed that Presi
dent Harrison is dosceiulod from
Pocahontas anil from tho Parlia
mentary soldier and regicide Gotioral
Thonms Harrison who w as oxeeutod
in 1000. -
Pocahontas, daughter of Powhatan,
manifested a friendliness for the oarly
white Battlers of Virginia when she
was but a girl. Tlio story of how alio
saved tho life of Captain John Smith,
who had 8bon captured and con
demned to death by her father how
Blie, on several occasions ,miuio known
to the settlers their danger when
about to bo attacked is well known
to all acquainted with tho early his
tory of Amorioa. Her subsequent
marriago with John Itolfc, an Eng
lishman hor removal to England
whero a Eon was born, from whom
1 numerous wealthy families of Virginia
! claim doscent-jis tho basis of tho
I opinion that President Harrison is one
j of her descendants.
I Whether this bo truo or not it is,
howover, well known that Piosident
Harrison is a descendant of a noted
family, distinguished aliko in poaco
nnit war. xno naino or Harrison is
already indelibly written upon tho
naeos of American historv. for Gen
eral Win. Henry Harrison tho ninth
President of tho United Stales was
thograndfotherofUon. Ben. Harrison.
The election of another momber of
tho Harrison family is but another
proof of tho prevailing disposition of
tho public to roturn to healthy ad
ministration of public affairs so
characteristic of tho early years of
government. A similar dosiro has
beon manifested for a rovival of oarly
manners and customs in many various
ways, of which montion in particular
can be umdo of the piovailing domand
for those old time preparations which
were so successfully emplojod in tho
prevention and euro of tho ills and
nilmonts which frequonted the oarly
log-cabin homes.
After much inquiry and research a
noted manufacturer has procured tho
originalmothods used in their prepara
tion and again under tho name of
AVarner's Log Cabin Remedies, tho
public is possessed of thoso well
known preparations for tho cine of
coughs, colds, consumption in its early
stages, blood disorders, catarrh, dys
pepsia, debility, and other common
Notwithstanding tho largo amount
of time, attention and oxpenso which
the manufacture of Warner's Safo
Cure domands its' well-known repu
tation as tho only remedy for the pre
vention and euro of kidnoy diseasos
boing world wido tho manufactorer
is resolved to push tho merit of War
ner's Log Cabin Sarsaparilla to tho
iront uocuuso ot its spionuiu blood
purifying properties and groat valuo
as a. household remedy and spring
time system renovator.
Pocahontas, ' during her life-long
friendship for tho whito settlors ot
Virginia, bosides hor many acts of
kindness, is said to have contributed
much valuablo information to tho log
cabin homo concerning tho successful
methods employed by tho Indians in
tho treatment of diseaso and it mat
ters littlo whothbr the nlloged relation
ship botween hersolf and tho Presi
dent bo truo or not for the namo of
Pocahontas is already immortal.
VOU ItKNT.- In n lino looiUlty, several
" nlcelv furnlhbod rooniH, eltber with or
without board. Kor particulars call upon
Win. 8, Arnold, M7 winter Mreet.
rou sai.i:
TlOItS.VI.iI3 Aitood pony, cart. burnosH
l1 and some valuable bookn. J.w. Har
ris. W
TJOIt BALK A ood lony, bridle nnd nd
' die will be Mild reasonable. Kor par
ticulars call at I.unn nmwn'i otore on
Comniorclul street.
I' all under fence and uultlvutlon, In tlio
bent ninije oountry of Uuttcrn Oregon.
Tlio baatelmnre ever offered for a niun to
eninige In atock raising. For purtleulnrh
Billon or address
W. II. llVAHS.HHlein, Oregon.
WANTBD To leu n 11 umail biillrtlnr lot,'
' convenient to nuHineaa, wiiii privilege
of purebaae. Inquire f Capital Jodhnai.
AVANTER. A I'urtuori An energotlo
young man to bike a half Intercut In u
Weil-eSWUllHIjeU Ullll HiIUKtjrj,iH utif.iu.T.1.,
KtUO la rcmilifo. un inimi. ue
worker. Call or addrena "W.
OAI'ITAI. Jovhkai..
M;" cure of
New Hamoss and Saddle Store.
A oompletallne of the lieat nttalltr of llar
nm and Kuddlery alwjF un.liuud.
Kverytliing Warrapted to He u JUpresenN
Jtcimlring Ntmtly J)oe.
No. OI Court Strt, Uolurri.
u M'lii.v is u Kotl inin et Uina exneri-
nee lu the above line "f xondt, audaupci-
lntnu all worn lurnca ooi ui u nop.
(Jive him a mil hen in want of itnytblug
In hla line and he will ire.it y n rvbt .
WrliilH' lb a i !--
ain4 you will u - nuoiln-,. ,i, ,i;i.', - ',
uj and rallevd.. Huld by ill Uruggwu.
rilllKl.Y l'KUSOXAIi.
J. Minto, Jr., returned to Port
land to-day.
W. K. Bilyeu of Albany is in
Sn'.eiii to-day.
A. N. Clarke will spend Sun
day in Joltbrson.
Wesley ConipUm of Seattle Is
visiting Salem friends.
Miss Jessie Loonoy went to
Jetferson to-day on n visit.
Miss Pearl Scott departed thisJ
afternoon for n short Vh.it with Port
land friend.
Miss Ada Neshltt of tho
verslty leturns homo with
.father to-day to Goldeiulalo.
W. S. Holt, the Chinese
hcr nil.
sionary, was in the city last uveiitng
and icturnod to Portland to-day.
A. N. Moorosaud wife took this
morning's train for Portland, where
they will spend Sunday with friends.
Prof. .1. Str.iuh ofKugene univer
sity was in the city to-day, visiting
friends, and took the train for Port
laud. Miss Laura Taylor, who isuttend-
ing the Willamette VUnivorsity, will
spend Sunday at Portland, return
ing to Salem Monday.
C. A. Hubert is in Portland to
day. Ho leports business in his
line fifty per cent bettor than this
(line hc-t year.
Win. Leo became prostrated
yesterday while the funeral cere
monies were being conducted oyer
his little child.
L. Kuhn, foreman of tho foun
dry at the penitentiary, accom
panied his who to Portland this
evening, w here she wljl spend a few
days with relatives and friends.
Dr. II. 13. Peers, a young gen
tleman who studied under Dr. Row
land some years ago and who Is now
located In California but who has
been visiting friends In Albanjvwith
his wife, arrived in the city this a.
in. His wife remained ut Albany.
The circus is billed here for
April ICth, Monday.
Painless dental operations ut
Dr. T. C. Smith, 02 Stale street, tf.
Tho commissioner!' court has
ad uirncd, having completed their
The btnlo touchers' association will
I bo held in Salem tho second or third
week in July.
Pad liquor and too much of It
resulted inn scene at Hill Anderson's
place last night.
Tho -overland train this morn
ing was crowded very much, having
on hoard oyer one hundred llrst
cIiish passengers.
The morning nuhjeet at (he
Unitarian church Is, "It doth not
yet appear what wo shall lie."
Evening subject, "The rise and fall
of hell.''
Those wishing to take a course
In tho English branches, book-keeping
nnd stenography will do well to
uttond tho Salem business collego,
Grlswolds block.' Apply for terms.
Tho State Graugo will conduct
their annual meeting in Salem In
May. Many California visiting dele
gates will be hero, and tho event
will be a pleasant one'.
It Is desirable to havo all mem
bers and adherents of tho M. E.
church present at tho morning sot
vico to-morrow. Subject, Hreakcrs
Ahead. Evening, Why Young
People Should bo ItellgiotiH.
A Stato Grange picnic Is already
being talkod of. Tho location Is not
yut decided upon, but will likely bo
upon the banks of-tho Suutiam at
Jullersou, unless a more conven
ient or beautiful location can bo
Wright' Myrrh Tooth Koap glvea Pearly
WnlWToetli, I'urlfliw the IliwTli, l'revenu
Teeth from Deiaiy. Hold by all brugglMlK
-Only a few of thoo bountiful
kits In Dr. Meredith's addition left.
We have h good story house, now,
and two full lots In Riverside nihil-
Uou, for only $700; and bargains In
ntrins (hut are gilt-edged.
Duncan it I Sooth.
Wright' Compound lixtraet of Huraa
latrlllu euu be relied Ulm for nil blood db
eaaea und akin iilteetlooa.' Hold by II, W.
Oo and U. J. Kr.
No nwttr where you rotun you
shonhl not allow It to osoape your
forgetfuliiess that the place to buy
gnxrles, pure, trtwh ami cheep, Is
uittcfulre Fnrnur's. JCveryhod y loiows-
the pUoe, Follow the crowd and
on will eome out all right.
WiUht'a Mlaek berry Curdlal. u lulU
OK rt-nifd) rorlln mo t obtitttttoOSSM of
InurfUiwa and IiyaenUiry. Mold by all
Important Events or (lie Whole World
for Twenty-four Hours.
A I'rosiiliMitial Proclamation.
Washington, April 5. Presi
dent Hun-Won has issued u procla
tlon making Apiil 30th, the centen
nial of Washington's Inauguration,
n legal fmllduy, and fixing nine a.
in. of that d ty as the hour for prayer
and thiiiikxgivlug, for all religious
A Divorced Actress.
Ni:w Youk, April r. A divorce
has been granted Maggie Mitchell,
the actress, from her husband, Hen
ry T. Paddock. The com pluinunt's
lualn charge was adultery on the
part of her husband in lSSand 1881
with one Minnie E. Moore, who
was then living In Syracuse.
Dentil of Mrs. llollatlay.
PoitTi.AM), April o. After a lin
goring Illness, which promised to
terminate fatally at any moment
Airs. Esther llollatlay, widow of
(he late Hen Iiolladay, pascd away
this afternoon. The deceased lady
was married to Mr. llollatlay lu
this city In 1871, and her maiden
name was Campbell.
Stanley's Expedition,
mtiTssin,s, April 5. The report
that 11. M. Stanley and Emlu Pa
sha ate inarching toward Zanzibar
Is believed in official circles here.
Sui prise is expressed, however, that
Euiin Pasha should abandon the
lake provinces. Ivory in the pes'
session ot tnepaiiy is esiiniwted to
bo worth :i,i;0(),0()0 francs.
Kco tlio Moral.
OjfAH'A, April o. Robert Schield
ierand wife, prominent residents of
Calhoun county, Iowa, were driving
Into Mason last evening, when a
spark from Schtedler's pipe Ignited
his wife's clothing and sho burned
to death. In his efi'oits to extin
guish tho Humes, Mr. Schleldor's
hands were so badly burned that
(imputation was necessary, nnd his
recovery is doubtful.
That Awful Fire.
l ankton, Dak., April C Ac
cording to the stories of tho farmers
who suffered by the (lames Tuesday,
it was no ordinary prairie fire. It
licked up everything combustible,
and grass, stubble und wood broke
Into flumes, seemingly without
coining In contact with lire. The
combustion was almost spontaneous
hi the dry and heated condition of
the atmosphere set in motion by tho
terrible gale.
Horrible Superstition.
AitKANHAS City, Ark., April 5.
HeyinoiiH Thomas, suspected of
being Hie person who robbed, the
grave of W.-P. Wells, and cut oil'
Ins lingers, was arrested by tho dep
uty sheiill of Lincoln jointly at
Varner to-day. Thomas, when
searched, was found to have on his
person a "hoo-doo" bag filled with
hair, bones, elc. Ho claimed that
ho was not tho party who robbed tho
Tile New York I'ostiimtlei'uliip.
WAsiiiwrnrN, April 5, The presi
dent has appointee! Joel H. Erlinrdt
collector of customs tit New York.
Cornelius VanColt (o bo postmas
ter at Nuw York.
Schuyler ISulry, of Virginia, to be
chief dork of the patent olllco.
Joel lS..Erhardt, appointed collec
toi of customs for New York by tlm
preslilen', was thu republican candl
ditto for mayor at tho election last
fall. The selection hasuopaiticular
significance, as about all (ho lead
ing republicans of (ho city favored
his appointment.
Tlioy Can't iiliitc.
Washington, April o. It Is now
stated that the Oiegou delegation
havo not been able to unite on the
names to fill four of the principal
federal otllccs hi that state. There
are more candidates for olllco than
there are offices to fill.
Tho four offices hi Oregon, for
which the delegation have not thus
far been able to agree upon (ho can
didates, are, collector of customs ut
the port of Portland, collector of
customs at the imrt of Astorls, post
master at Poitlai.d ami United
States district attorney for Oregon,
Thoro are two or more candidate)
foroaoh of Ihese ollkvs, ami It Is
Mild that a hitter fight Is' being
waged for them.
Thu Oregon delegation, however,
is still at work, and they hope In a
few days to be able to eoiue to an
agreement which will be eminently
.sulsfHetnry to uli concerned.
Kxcileil Squatters.
Diw Mmnis, la., April 5. Ad
.vices front Webster City stnte that
great excitement still prevails
among the river land settlers there.
They are armed with rides and re
fine to be evicted. Yesterday the
marshal and his poso retreated
after being fired upon, nnd the of
ficers are now deliberating as to
what should be done next, since no
one cares to be shot. It Is reported
that the marshal will be reinforced
by Hoops, either state or federal,
but nothing definite is known at
Hanged by a Moli.
Kno.wu.m:, Tenn., April r.
John Wolfenberger, an escaped con
vict who shot nnd killed Sherifi'
Greenlee of Granger county, Wed
nesday, was taken from the county
jail at Hutledge, at noon to-dny nnd
hanged by citizens. When captured
last night, Vyolfonhorger wassufi'er
ing from a wound indicted by the
slieriir's posse. The eili.ens sur
rounded the jail last night to lynch
him, but decided to wait for day
light. The jail was strongly guard
ed by citizens to prevent Wolfen
berger's escape.
Tlio President's Plans.
. Washington', April 5. The pies
ident has determined to taken few
days of rest and recreation outside of
Washington as soon as lipcun with
out sacrificing public Interests. He
has been under tisovero strain men
tally and physically for the last
eight months, and it Is beginning to
tell on his health. Ills friends say
that his physicans have advised
hlni to take it short respite from of
ficial duties, and he has promised to
dosotd (he first opportunity.
An Ungenerous IEcnmrk
Tthaca, N. Y., April fi. At the
annual examinations In chemistry
at Cornell It Is said that out of a
oluss of () tho "busted" and "con
ditioned" arc sixty-five. Professor
Newberry Intimated to ono of the
girls that her low mark was tho
natural consequence of her Inferior
ity of sox and that tho feminine
mind was not capable of grasping
the truth ot chemistry.
A Modest Olllco Seeker.
Washington, Walter Howard, a
merchant, who does business in
Alaska, has talked to tho presidttit
about the ideal administration ho
could give Alaska If he was only ap
pointed governor. Howard is not
ashamed of the fact that he Is after
tho olllco, for on tho face ot his card
was printed, "applicant for the gov
ernorship of Alaska."
Caused by Snow.
MoNTitiiAii, April 5. Clark's
sausage factory, three stories high,
oollrpsed. Tho roof fell In, owing t-)
n presstiioof snow on it, forcing the
southern walls out into the back
yard and carrying with It to the
basement tho three floors.
At tho Cumberland Presbyte
rian church to-morrow morning
will be held communion, and the
admission of members.
JIoi.inixh itllliTiMi Hauday afternoon
nt II o'clock at US Ultfh Ntrcct,
llANiinr IlocK-F-Sunduy ultcrnnon at :i
o'clock lu the V. (J. T. U. Hall, Court St.
KVANiiin.K'Al. Ouuiioii. Ituv. K. Tvllol
linger, pastor. I'reuclilugni 10,30 a. in. and
7:10 p. in. Hunday acliool at 12 iu. Allure
cordially Invited,
llNii'AlilAN Socn.-rv lingular service
Ijiiuday morning at 10:.'10 a in at their
hall, comer of Com t and I.lboiiy atieeta.
up stall. OoiiHmt Invitation. Heats free.
ClliusriAN CilUlioil Uliler I. It. Har
nett, pastor. Mervluesnt 10:80 a in and 7 p
in. Hunday aenool at 11! in. 1'niyer meet
ing Thunalay ut 7:80 p in.
Co.vriiii;oA'no.N,w, on uitcu .Services at
HWIn iii. Uuiftlay school at 12 o'clock;
Chilatlau Ivmleuvor iiieotlntfiit II; evening
Mirvlco at 7. Ituv. Ausloin II, Drown, pa'ator.
I'ltlMIIVTKIIIAN OltlMicu ltev, II. A.
Newell, naator. l'l-onchlinriit 10:!i0u in and
7 p in. Koclety of Christian Kudenvor nl
II p in. Hnhbiith kchool at 12 in. l'mycr
meeting Thuistliiy evening at 7 p in.
Uatiiomu Cuuiicit Chumekete and
Cottage street. 1w ninas at 7J40 n in.
High mints ami sermon at 10.NO u in. Hun-
aehmil at H p in, Vuipers, sermon benedic
tion at 7:110 p in every Humbiy. J. H. White
M. U CiiUMOUt-tfervlae Sunday morn
ing at 10:, evening ut 7; Muiidiiy school ut
12 in. louivg iwoplea meeting ut U; bible
readings und ismfeience Monday evening
at 7. I'myer meeting Thursilay evening
at 7 o'clock. All wwliwme, goisl Blnglug,
seats free. I lev, Itolllns i sis lor.
1 - -
Cuiinel coal In largo quantities has
been dloovored in Alaska, the min
eral products of wlileli torrltory
seem to be fur in excess of thu most
sanguine expectation.
It is vanity to wlnh fur length of
life and (o oaru little that the Ufa
should be well spent,