!' V EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL WEDNESDAY, FEB. 20. J889, 1'UJII.ISHED I EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. Capital Journal Publishing Company. I JNCOM'OKATKn u'llce, Tomer Court and Uberlv Streets' terms of nulteoRiprioNj. DAILY. Ono your, by mall... Sjj WJ Hlx months, by jnatl.. i ? 'riireoinontlisbymr.il 1 2 Per week delivered by currier 15 WKICJCLY. Ono year ?' g Six months - , ;" Ouo year, If paid for In advance, 1 CO Mix months, " " W 3-l'osttnnstcrs nro authorized to re- colvo subbcrlptloiis. -Entered lis second-class matter at the nlcni.OrcKoiij l'oslolllcc', Juno ai. 1888. W. II. 1SYAIIS -ULAKB H. IRVINE Editor Manager. I'UIII.IC ORKIHT. Tiixch nro the contribution mtideljy tlio property holder townrds Hustulu ing the government for Its protec tion of his property or person. Of course, If necessary, every kind of property should contribute its due fihnro of the tuxes. But us stutcs be come richer, discriminations are made as expediency dictates. .Every adult should pay a poll tax It would seem, bo it never so small a sum. The necessary tools by which men get their living should be ex empted. The products of labor should bo taxed lowest, if at all, be cuiso Industry should be encouraged. Lands not worked and all un productive property should bo chlolly taxed ; so should moneys and bonds and notes be taxed and all claims bearing interest and alj nrtlcles of luxury and for amuse ment. The object should be to discourage Idleness and encourage industry as much as possible. Finally tho state should administer all public needs such as water and light, supplies and rail road trans portation, in such a way as to derive rioiuo small revenues thereby. Moreover tho public credit should nlwaye belong so tho people and never bo consigned to a few. This credit lloats tho public bonds and currency and makes several things that would be worthless, of 1m ino!i80 value. Tho (postal service would bo of no value- but for the mighty demand of tho people. The same Is truo of many things we might mention. To assign them to a few to uso for thoir own profit is to encourage Inequality among eltl zons. Why should ono poison more than, all others enjoy this? Tim community might Justus well give tho use of some park or lot that has grown valuable solely because so many multUude-sdally pass along itnstoglvo away tho evidences of public credit. All such should bo used by tho people, for tho people, either directly or Indirectly. Tun bill to Iglvo $25000 annually for a bourd of Immigration, to furnish otllccs and pay for printing, etc,, failed U pitas tho Senate. Un .der all thu circumstances this was wisely done. Tho real estate agen cies and railways are more directly Interested In this subject than any othere. Moreover, fcthcro is a pro vision by which .the board of Agriculture does this kind of work, jtutl It has boon doing It well, Wo notice strangly enough that several senntora who opposed u homestead law vototl earnestly for tjtls. Now If anything .will encourage Immi grants It Is such ti law. Every western tate, In fact every stato has It save perhaps Delaware, Rhode J,sUmd, California and Oregon I No wonder Immigration has been so slow and languid In Oregon. There is no good rjosou, why ,Qre i;on should not settle as rapidly as Washlugtou. Our resources nro Uerlor, so fur as known v It is not 'because of tho "sleepy Mlssourlans" as (he Oregoalnn say si Missouri is to-day tho lifth state In tho Union anil her people, her "nntlvea," nro tho most energetic, stirring eltizons of that state, too. There is such a thing as thu mercantile spirit that would muke everything subsidiary to It. Terhaps this has controlled tho legislation of tho state too much. Tins luty , .Registration or San KrunclHOo shows 68,101 voters. Of theo over ten thousand art) Irish juuI.mvmi thousand live hundred are Oontiuu, ten thoiwamlare native Callforiilans, over live thousand nro of New York and tho rvtwluiler Vom other states. Senate Bill No. 120, authorizes tho Secretary of State of the state of Oregon to procure at the expense of the state a sufficient quantity of plain white paper to be used as baljqt paper nbeach general, special or municipal election hereafter held In this state in pursuance of law. Tho Secretary of State shall deposit asutllcient quantity of such paper with the county clerk of each coun ty of Oregon, and shall keep in their hands at all times enough to supply tho voters of tho respective counties with paper to be used as ballot paper ut each lawful election to be here after held. This is done to try and stop bogus tickets from being voted. It seems like folly and nonsense to talk about reforming tho world and correcting all the evils of soci ety so long as ono of the chief occu pations of man Is to promote war. Ono year of war does more to demor alize than a quarter of a century can do toward reform. Resides, when the whole world gets to be so very good where will you get your, "food for nowder, food for powder," as Jack Fallstafl' called his ragged regiment, l'ut an end to poverty, Intemperance, wickedness, and the desperation consequent on them, and where will you recruit your armies'? If A bring two horses into the town and, sell them forncaus to dig him u well which well Is untaxed or if he sell them for notes aud with the notes get tho means to make tho well, should the notes go uutaxed? The only point Is dp two properties go untaxed In the former case and does but one in the latter? Or is there any difference between a credit raised or used on specific property and credit used that is based on u generul ownership of various prop erties. Tin: probabilities are now that Friday night will end this term of tho legislature. MOM SOl'TIIKltN CALIFORNIA. Elder J. W. Webb writing from Fresno, Oil., has considerable to say of the Southern CaliforniA boom and other topics of interest. Ho says : Editor Capital Jurnai. : We arc all glad to learn of tho growth, improvement and prosperity of Sa lem. I confidently predicted it over a year ago. Tho Capital Jouknal la wise to so persistently and suc cessfully urge the establishment of manufactories. The boom in Sputhcru California has collapsed, and a good thing that It Is so. Now the country will go on its own merits and the reaction will cause a steadier and healthier growth. It is evident that about Salem your boom is normal, not artificial. Hero there are not Ave persons coming from tho East where, ltiHt year, there were twenty. Not n few in this section lnquro about Oregon and I conscientiously speak many words, in ltq praise. We have had more foggy days and as much frost in Fresuo county this winter as ono would often see in Salem. It nipped my tew orange ftnd banana trees, though it did not kill them. Now the weather is real ly too pretty ; bright, clear days, warm ami dry, but with enough breeze to temper It, butnoraln.with out which, soon, tens of thousand of acres of grain In this vicinity will not niako seed perhaps not hay. Our twenty acres of fruit trees, raisins, grapes and alfalfa or chill clover, keeps us busy. Wo have Just oxperloneed u Cali fornia wind storm ; cold, persistent, drying. Then In summer they promise us plenty of weather with tho thermometer up beyond 100 say to 115 to 120. Hut they say tho nights nro nearly all cool. But not withstanding all the disadvantages California to us old CallforulauB has an irresistible oharm. But it must bo acknowledged that Oregon's sureness of crops compensated for many of things In which California may have tho advantage. We are thankful for oxcellont health, though wo rather dread tho summer, Somo day I expect to pay a visit to Oregon to lecture, preach ntui visit. Then, Salem, I presume, will fulrly ustoulsh one with Its Improvements. lMuti'i Ante 81t. Tho best salvo In tho world fo .hi I s, bruised, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, iVvor sorea, tetter, chapped hands, I'hilbluins, corns, snd all akin erup tions, anil ioalUvly cures plies, or in pay required. It Is guaranteed t give perfect BAtlsfaction, or monoy refunded. Prleo 25 cents per box. Kur bale - Dr. H. W. Cox. A Srisaitlilt Mint. Genuine now buokwheat Hour, and a fine nrtlelo of table syrup, at tho Ununjo store, ISO State street, .Salem. tf. IIow'sTMll , I Wc oner one, hundred, ...l(v,'u-'J re ward fornnyiicafid of catarrh uJaa. can not be- cured by taking Hall' catarrh curej i ,,. v .,, iffou.. F. J." Chneyihifc i.Go.,ifMPPR Toledo, .0 We,i thoundersigiMd( have known J? i J... GShauey ifpr (ihe last 15 years,.nnd believe l.'hluj per fectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Truax, wholesale drug gists, Toledo, Ohio. Wnlding, Kinnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, Ohio. E. II. Van Hoesen, cashier, Toledo national bank, Toledo, Ohio. Hall's catarrh cure is taken in ternally, acting directly upon the blood aud mucus surfaces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle Sold by all druggists. There Is an entertainment this evening at the Reed. A Terrible Misfortune. It Is n calamity of the direst kind to feel that one's physical energies uio falling In the prime of life to feel moro nerveless, moro displilled, weaker Jcvcry day. Yet this is tho unhappy lot of hundreds uround us. A source of renewed strength which science approves, in behalf of which multi tudes or the debilitated have nnd nro every day testifying, and which, in countless in stances, has built up constitutions sapped by we.iknes'-esand Infirmity nnd long un benefitted by other means, surely com mends itself to all who need a tonle. Hostettcr's stomach bitters Is such a medi cine pure, botnnie, soothing to the nerves promoitve to tho digestion and rt fertilizer of the blood. Dyspepsia nnd nervousness tho llrst u cause, tho second a conse quence of lack of stnmlna.-dennrt when a coarsoof the bitters is tried. All forms of mnlnrinl disease, rheumatism, kidney nnd bladder troublo, constipation are annihi lated by this standard family medicine. The Stato temperance nlllance assembles at Albany to-day. Make No Mistake. By dispelling tho symptoms so often taken for consumption. Santa Able Jias brought gladness to many a household. By its prompt use for breaking up tho cold that too often developes into that fatal disease, thousands can bo saved from an un timely grave. You muke no mistake by. keeping a bottle of this pleasant remedy in your house. California Cat-r-cure Is equally eil'ectivq in eradicating all truces of nasal catarrh Both of these wondorful California remedies are sold and warranted by D. W. Mathews & Co. i?l. ft pack ago or 3 for $2.50. What is done at the legislature must bo done quickly. i ' " Don't Kxperiment. You cannot afl'ord to wusto time in experimenting when your lungs arc in danger. Consumption al ways seems, at first only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to Impose up on you with some cheap imitation of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds, but be sure you get the genuine. Because ho can make moro profit lie may tell you lie has something just as good, or just the same. Don't bo deceived, but insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which is guaranteed to give relief in all Throat, Lung and Chest atlections. Trial bottles free at Dr. II. W. Cox's Drug Store. Largo bottles $1. A curiosity InWallingford, Conn. is a dog with three tftlls. TO consumptives. Tho undersigned having ben re stored to health by simple means, nfter suffering several years with a severo lung afl'ecUon, and that dread disease consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow sulleiers tho means of cure. To those who desire It, ho will cheer fully send (free of charge) n copy of tho prescription used, which they will 11 ud ft Biiro euro for consump tion, catnrrh, nsmatha, bronchitis' nnd nil throat and lung maladies. Ho hopes all suflerers will try his remedy, as it Is invaluable. Those desiring tho prescription, which will cost them nothing, and may prove ti blessing, will please address, Rev. Edward A. Wilson, Kings County, Now York. Moro strangers In town every day looking for places to locate. A Sound Legal Opinion. E. Baldbrldgo Mrtuduy Comity Atty., Clay county, Bays: "Ilnvo used Electric Esq., Texas, bitters with most happy results. My broth er also wtis very low with Malaria fever and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life. " . Mr. D. I. Wilooxsou of IJorse Cave, Ky., adds a llko testimony, saying: Io , positively belloves , he would have, tiled, had It not been for Eleetrlo Bitters. This great remedy will ward oft, as well as euro all malaria diseases, nnd for nil kidney, liver nnd stom- nru x uiruer buuuis uucquuicu Price 500 and $1. a H. W. Cox's. .. . .i.j..i -i. ',ii Now Is tlio time to invest in estate. Right now, don', wait. real A AbUt Cir. Tho ORIGINAL ABIETINIs OINTMENT Is only put up In large two-ounce . tin , boxes, ami is an absolute cure for ojd cores, burns, wouiuls chapped, hands,, and a!' skin eruptions. Will positively cure all kinds of pll. Ask for the .ORIGINAL ABH-YTINE OJNT SfKKT.' goiu byD.AV.' Matthews Co., loa.tittejstreet, Baletn, at ifi cuuts per boxby lyail 80 oonu. hijSfii'tuTtwrjjSGJ we. 'I his powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength nnd wholcsomcncss. More economical than the ordinary Iflnds, nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight nlum or phosphate powdcis. Sold only in cans. Royal Baking I'owDnnCo.,10U Wall.N.Y. EDUCATIONAL. ST. PAULS :0t. -FOlt- J3oys arid. Girls. The school will open on tho 21th of September. Thorough Instruc tion In tho primary and advanced English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS 'OF MUSIC -In course.- TERM8 nnd further Information may be pad on application to REV. K. H. POST, Cor. Chemekcta nnd State Sts. 8-20-tf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, -AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Is tho oldest, largest and least expen sive Institution of learning In tho North west. School opens first Monday In September Send for cntnloguo to THUS. VAN SCOY, President. 17: Salem, Oregon. CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Willamette University. Most successful school of musla on the northwest coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. .Courses in Fltino, Organ Singing, Violin, Harmony, and Counter- point. Dlolomas on completion ol course. Teachers: Z. M. 1'nrvtn, Frnuklo V. Jones, Eva Cox. Assistant. Lulu M. Smith. First term begins Monday, Bcptemoer 8d, 18S8. Send for catalogue. For lurther particulars address ' Z. Tvt. PARVIN. Musical Director, Salem, Or. 8-17-dtf-wlt DAVID T. WILLIAMS, . --Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM, UREtiON. P. S, Orders by postal cad prompt ly attended to. (Clothes called for and delivered. ADVANTAGES OF BTEAMI LAUNDRY. 1. It does Its work thoroughly, however soiled the garment. 2. It does Its -work promptly, as It la In dependent of tho weather. a. It does its work harmlessly, not In- 'Jurlng the clothes by unnecessary wear '....1 .nw nnnki. thu iibo Af (iiln.lnllai.liam. Icals. i 4. Its charges are most reasonable, con sidering tho quality of its work. A. E. STRANG, No. 903 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -dkai.sk in- STOVESandRANGES 'Plumbing, Gas' and Steam'Fiitin na ,0 Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. aV-Apent mr tho KICH.VttDSON A HOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In IMS Absolutely P EATING HOUSES. THE HIE RESTAURANT, Saving been furnished for tho especial accommodation of tho public, ,wo to tho attention of the tho HUNGRY nnd sleepy ones to "Our Home;' beds, new und clenn; good ''Home8' meals served reg ularly threo times n day. No Chinese In the kitchen. Give us n call and seo for yourself. EJ. M. LAW, Proprietor. Cor. Court and High St., Salem, Or. PEARCE and MAY'S NEW RESTAURANT. j Theso gentlemen have charge of the res taurant formerly knovn as EMBUS.ONVS old stand, where they nro prepared to servo meals at all heurs: Meals li'cts. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. Oysters served In all styles. Board fur nished to regular boarders, at 218 Commer cial street. KELLEY BROS., PROPRIETORS OF THE CAPITOL COFFEE HOUSE .Meals, 25 cents; board, $3.50 per week. Kresh milk, cream and oysters always on hand. 219 Commercial St. l(K5-dtf. LfeGISLATORS ! nd others wishing to board atn quiet and cozy mace, will find the object ol their search at IVIRS. IvI. A. THOMPSON'S, Cor. Chemekcto and Liberty Sts., Salem, Whero a few select boarders can secure board. COOK'S HOTEL SalcinOregon W. H. COOK Proprietor. Formerly Clerk of Chemkete Everything New and first-class. Convenient Sample Robins for Commercial Travelers. Corner State and High streets C. H. Moniioe, J. R. N1, Rem, Late of the Monroe House. :Rflonroe;&;Bell, -Proprietors e. !FREE BUS. SampIelRaoms for Commercial Travelers. From Si to S3 per day. SALEM - - OREGON. IW-tf TINANCIAI.. II 1W inrm Kan u lUlLlUlllll JLKtllli SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL' BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London nnd Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers ure cordially Invited to deposit und trnnsnet business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property ax reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can bo obtained at tho bank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAI. AOTHORITY w 01 LM OF- SALEM OREGON. - -' $75,1)00 - - 10,000 Capital Paid up, Surplus, - - - R, 8, WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MARTIN, Vice-President. J. IL ALBERT, h ' ' Cashier. "di'rectorsi W.T.Gray, 'W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, R. & Wallace. Dr. , A.Custckf J. II. Albert, ' T. MeF. Patton. LOANS MADE To tanner on Whwt and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private enmarlon or public warehouses. Stale and Qoyufy Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER nluwuintMl nt win .m fin til A t-utAat llrnftx drowu direct ou New York, Chicago, Bun Francisco, Iortland, London, Paris, lierlln. Hong Kong and Calcutta. Cliemekete Ho TV J IT I ' III 1HCIT 0T n i m TRANSPORTATION. TH YAnUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's Bteatnshlp line. 225 miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any othei loute. First class through passenger nnd freight lino from Portland nnd nil points In tho Wil lamette vallev to and from San Francisco TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): Leavo Albany 1:00 Pit Leave Corvollls --..... -1:40 PM Axilvo Ynqulnn ....... 6:30 PJi Leave Ynqulna B:45AM Leave Corvallls ....... 10:35AM Arrlvo Albany 11:10 AM O. A C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINA Willi tho Orpgon Development Cors Line jfStea'iislilps between Ynqulna and San FrancUco. SAILING DATES. STnAMElW, FKOJt SAN FRANCISCO Willamette iValJey, Thursday Dee 0. Willamette iValiey .Monday " 17. Willamette Vnlley Sunday " 30. STEAMERS. FIt05I YAQUINA. Willamette Vnlley Wednesday Dec. 12 Willamette Valley Monday " 21 This company reserves the right to hange sailing dates without notice. N. B. Passengers fronj Portland and all Willamette Valley points can make closo connection with tho traltis of tho YAQUINA ROUTE at Albany or Corvallls,. and If destined to San Francisco, should arrango to arrlvo at Ynqulna tho evening before, date of sailing. I'assciiger and Freight Kates Ahlnvs the Lowest. For Information apply to Messrs HULMAN & Coy Freight nnd Ticket Agents 200 and 202 Front st., Portland, Or. or to 0.0. HOGUE, Ac't Ben'l Frt. &. Pass. Agt., Oregon PaclllcR. R. Co., Corvallls, Or. O II. HASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; & Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery St.; San Francisco, Cai; x-JME 'TABLE-RIv'EK 'DIVlM. Theelcgnntly equipped steamboats, Wm for passenger and .fielght traffic .bqween Corvallls und Portland and Intermediate points, making three round trips each week us follow Sit NORTH nOUND Leaves CorvallWMon doy, Wednesday and Friday nt 8 a. m. Arrives at Salem Monday, Wednesday and Frjday at3p. m, Leaves Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nt 6 n. m. Arrives at Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Satur day st 8:80 p. m. bOUTH BOUND Leaves Portland Mon day. Wednesday and Friday at 6 a. in. Arrives at Salem .Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:15 p. m. Leaves Salem Tues day, Thursday and Saturday at 0 n. m Arrives at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at 3:30 p. m. For freight and passenger rates apply to tho captains nnd pursers of the respective boats, or to W. M. Durllng, agent, 200 nnd 202 Front street, Portland; Gilbert Bros., agents, Halem; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany C. A. Mllcr, agent, Corvallls; or to the gen eral freight and passenger agent, Corvallls. O. & C. trains connect at Albany and Corvallls. F. W. BO WEN, Superintendent Wm. HOAG, General Manager. OVerland ''to' California VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time between Salrm and San Francisco-Thlrty-blx Hours. CALIFORNIA KXI'HESS TRAIN RUN DAIH, BETWEEN POUTLAVD AND S. F. South, r "NorthT 4:00 p. in. Lv. Portland Ar. 10:45 n. m. KKp.ni, Lv. Salem Lv. 7:5.1a.m. 7:J5 a. in. Ar. San Fran. Lv. 7:00 P.jni. I.OCAI. l'AJk-fKN G KR XllAIN fJiiY EX . CEIT SUNDAY). 8.-00 a. m. 11:10 a. m 2:40 p. nt. Lv. Portland Ar. I 3:45 p. m. Lv S.ilem Lv. 12:52 p.m. Ar. Eugene Lv. I):00 a. m. 'PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For accommodation or secoju; class, passengers attached to express trains, ThoS. P. company's ferry makes con nection with all tho regular trains on the East SIdo Division from foot ol F street, Portland. lYest Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallls: DAILY (EXCEPT 8UNDAY). 7fSOa. m. XvT ""TV.rf liinrf An Lv. "6:20 p. m". 12:25 p. m. Ar. Oorvallls i:au p. m. A A ll-.,nr nntt ivtcvnllla mnnaot WltU trains of Oregon Pacific Railroad. Through tickets to all points south and east via California BXPHKSa TBAIN (DAILY BXCErTBONDAY.) 4:50 p. m, 1. 1 Lv. Portland Ar. :. I Ar.McMlnnvlllcLv. ftODo.ni. 6:45 a. m. cuu p. ni For full Information tegardtmr Tates, maps, ete.. apply to tho Company's agent, Salem, Oregon. . . . R P. ROGERS, Awt,O.F. nnd Pass. Ag'U R. KOEHLER, Manager. Oregon -Railway -and Navigation ' Columbia' River Route.' 'Trains for the east leave Portland nt UMj a m and 2pm dally. Tic eu to and from principal points In thl United States, Car adn and Europe. ELEGANT rULHANN PAL AC CARb Kralgront Sleeping Cars run tHrong on ' express tulnsto OMAHA COUNCIL DLXFF nail 81. TATT FreiMf tliafg'e and "Wit ou Change. 1 OonnectlousntPortland fbrSan Krivr ' dpsjjp and Ppeat Bound points. . .yoifurfhti'iWwulj-rs inqmre of I. A. BlahiUnr. Tlsent of the company, i-b Commercial street, Salem' meson. o A. I Maxwell, O.' P. & T. P.rtlanrt Oregon. , , ' A. L. MAXWELU V. AT A H. H0LC0MB Uttcral M nager,