Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, December 26, 1888, Image 2

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    Big. TWI
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 20. 1888.
'Canltal Journal Publishing Company.
onice, Coiner Court and Liberty Streetf,
Ono year, ljy mnll . . " Wi
Six month, by mnll - 2 50
Threo months by mull ... 1 2
I'er Mcok delivered by cinlcr ... 15
Ono yonr SI
Hlx months 75
Ono year. If paid for In advance, 1 00
Six months, " " " 60
jnrl'ostmnstpro nro authorized' to re
ceive HUbscilptlons.
t3-Knlcrel as geconil-clnvi matter at the
Snlcm.OK'Kon.l'ostolIIco, June 21, 1888.
clari: b. ikvixb
tiik riti:sinKNTS cahinj:t.
It in quite probable that ono of
President HnrriBon's Cabinet ofil
cors will be selected from the Pacific
states quite likely Oregon. Ore
gon is the only state on the Pacific
slope ever so represented. In De
cember 1871 Attorney General Ack
crinan surrendered his position in
President Grant's Cabinet and ex
U. S. Senator Hon G. II.
Williams was chosen to the place.
A largo number of Mr. Williams'
friends in Washington called upon
him with their congratulations and
demanded a speech. Among other
things in that reply tho General
said: "I promise ail whom it may
concern that when I am placed at
tho head of tho Department of Jus
tico In this Government, so far as
tlio jurisdiction of that department
may go, its mandates will bo (lis
penned without fear or favor, with
equal vigor and respect for all classes
mid conditions of men. I know
not what there may be in tho clam
or now made aoout official delin
quencies in tho Federal office, but
so far as exposure and prosecution
of such dclinmicncics devolves upon
tho Department of justice, no parti
san considerations will have weight,
and no pains will be spared to bring
the guilty to speedy, condign pun
ishment. I deeply regret that in
some poitions of tho country a spirit
of lawlessness seems to prevail. I
will favor overy consideration of
kinduvss (o induce obedience to the
law; but if no other means will
answer, then I am for using the
whole power of tho country in tho
most vigorous and oflcctlvo manner
to crush out conspiracy against the
peace of society nud tho safety of
unollbnding citizens. Governments
were piimaiily established to pro
tect tho weak against tho strong,
and, if this Government falls to
perform its function" In that respect
it has a po.ir claim upon the support
and loyalty of its elti.ons. No ono
in sight of recent ovents in Now
York or olsewhoro can take office
now anil escapo tho vlgllcnt oyo of
tho people, and nothing but a com
plete and uptight devotion to duty
will give general satisfaction. 1
shall struggle to moot the popular
demands as well as to meet tho ex
pectations of my friends, with how
much success time and events will
determine. I have tho honor to bo
tho first Cabinet ollleer taken from
tho Pacific coast California, Ne
vada, Oregon and Tonltories of tho
far West may consider themselves
recognised and represented In orery
branch of the Government. I do
not. oH'oet Indifference to party
matters, because I have been elec
ted to ofilee. I belong to tho re
publican party. I believe in its
principle's and politics, and I have a
profound conviction that Its ascend
ency for borne time to come is nec
essary to tho preservation of peace
and enforcement of law. Subordi
nate to my otllulal obligations,
tivorythlng Mint I uuu reasonably
and honorably, I shall earmwtly tlo
to secure Its triumph In the next
Presidential election."
Gouuml Williams' record as a Cahl
nut officer will eounmro with tho
most favored and although four
oouipWto presidential terms have
lul (dm lie retired from public
lift he would be a good selection
and mwkw a mot excellent Cabinet
Tiik South Citrollim Legislature
re-clivtcl M. C.Ur Meruit United
tutc K iiatur
In tho Infancy ofj railroad history
a proposition to construct a railroad
lino from the Mississippi river to the
Pacific ocean would have been
laughed to scorn. Even after the
Union Pacific was completed a
plan for building a bridge twenty
two miles across a lake, such as the
one on which the Cincinnati, New
Orleans & Texas Pacific now crosses
Lake Pontchurtrain, would havo
been looked upon as altogether
chimerical. Tho proposition for an
all-rail route to Great Britain and
tho continent now being urged by
engineers, finds no more favor with
an incredulous public than did those
propositions which have just been
mentioned, and which years ago
became accomplished facts. The
plan to reach Great Dritain by rail
docs not embrace a tunnel under
the Atlantic, it in fact provides for
going west rather than cast. It
provides for a railroad to those west
ern limits of Alaska which border
on Dehring Strait, for crossing this
strait, thirty or forty railca, on a
bridge and then connecting with
tho proposed railroad by which
Ilussia is to reach her easternmost
possessions. The rest of the way to
Calais is easy. From Calais to tho
British Isles a tunnel under tho
English channel, long contemplated
must be built. Of this plan tho
Hallway Ago says:
The chief valuo of our great rail
way, however, would be as a means
of reaching not London, or even
Europe, but Ilussia, China and
India. Pekiu which is nearly on
tho latltudo of Philadelphia, is
something like 3,500 miles south
west of the Behring strait, making
tho journey from New York to
Pekin, say 0,000 miles. Calcutta,
on tho Indian ocean, is a matter of
2,000 miles further on and that
will eventually be linked to our new
hemisphere by steel rails.
What a tremendous impetus this
enterprise, ouco completed, would
givo tho missionary cause. Tho
peoplo of tho world may ere long be
circumnavigating it by rail rather
than by water. Tho little 3,000
mile ditch between New York and
Liverpool would bo a slight inter
ruption, to bo sure, but it would
necessarily bo a pleasant ono to tho
tedium of the locomotive's whistle
and the train's rattle.
rur.vimizi: Tin: ikaui.
The Albany democrat has a writer
which it dubs "Tho Man About
Town" who in a recent issue strikes
tho keynote to a lightcous melody
In the following brief paragraph:
"Tho Man About Town would
like to seo every last newspaper in
Oregon dip its pen in gall, or some
thing else that's bitter, and attack
tho present assessment system in
Oregon. Things would havo to
move then, and our legislature
might possibly think it had a task
before It."
Tin: New York Tribune, in its
completed table of tho official vote
on President, gives Harrison 5,4118,
458 votes; Cleveland, 5,531,308;
Fisk,:U9,15S; Streeter, 143,003;
Cowdrey (United Labor), 3,073;
Curtis (Ameilcan), 1,015; Socialist,
2,008; Lockwood, 3; scattering, 7,774.
Tho Increase In tho republican vote
Is5S((,l"7; in tho democratic, 059,382;
in tho Prohibition, 0S.7S9. Tho to
tal vote Is 11,304,0S7, an Increase of
1,312,281 over 18S4. Cleveland's
plurality is 05,010.
CASPEL - JONES. In Stavton,
Dee. 23, 1SS8, Frank Caspel to Miss
Belle Jones.
WEIMEH-JONES. At tho samo
time and place, Mr. Lawson Wel
nior to Mlsa Minnie Jones, ltov.
T. L. Jones officiating.
Tho brides nro daughters of Mr.
Newton Jones, of Stayton.
tist church, Salem, Tuesday, Dec.
25, 18SS, David L. Ashbnugh and
Miss Kstella Torey, ltov. A. It.
Medbury officiating.
PATTY. At her home in Salem,
Doc, 24, 18S8, Mrs, W. It. Patty,
aged 52 years.
You faanot do littler
Thau call at the Grange Store, 120
State street, if you want a good tea
or anything else In the grocery
lino. Don't fall to look at the White
Bros, lixtnuits, the btwt in the mar
kut. t-f.
Tho firm of W. Beck &Son load
In dolls, toys, novelties, temp-books,
albums, Christmas Minis, Christinas
tree ornaments and 1700 other
things to numerous to mention.
01 state Strei t SnK m Oregon. tf
Scientific Temperance In Other Lniuln.
During the past live years tho
National Department of Scientific
Temperance instruction has been in
co-operation with temperance work
ers in many lands besides our own
in efforts to secure the education,
through tho schools, of all childhood
in the scientific reasons for total
abstinence. Many good results have
followed this extension of this work.
Among them we mention thes-e:
Our indorsed temperance text books,
translated into the languages of
Japan and of the Sandwich Islands,
are in use in those- countries. This
foreign skirmish work has had no
organized relation, beyond the
Divine command, "Go ye into all
the world," until last March, when
the department of scientific; temper
ance instruction was created in the
World's Woman's Christian Tem
perance Union, and the writer was
made its superintendent.
In a circular letter sent to all for
eign auxiliaries, and now through
these columns of the official organ
of the World's W. C. T. U., I ac
knowledge my acceptance of this
position, looking to Him whose
blessing alone can make human ef
forts efiectual, forguidance and help
in the discharge of its duties. .
The great work of tho revision of
the imperfect temperance text-books
in our own country, making an al
most exclusive demand upon my
personal attention, camo to me at the
same time. Amidst these labors and
cares I have sent to all foreign ad
dresses on the roster of the World's
W. C. T. U., an invitation to create
a scientific temperance instruction
department in their organization,
witli a superintendent auxiliary to
the international department; and
with this invitation have sent also
our department "Plan of Work," a
pamphlet of sixty-four pages with
its minute directions for every detail,
based upon our eight years' experi
ence ; a set of our "School Leaflets;"
tho annual department report of
1887, and shall soon follow these
with tho report of 1888 now in press.
Corresponence with any persons,
in or out of the W. C. T. U., in any
land, who are ablo to co-operate with
us for tho furtherance of their work
in their localities, is earnestly invit
ed. "Tho field is the world."
Mahy H. Hunt.
Wo clip from the Seattte Post In
telligencer of Dec. 18th, the follow
ing commendatory remarks concern
ing Major Hilton as an orator and
Christian temperance worker. Tho
result of his first lecture Sunday
night was the addition of 240 new
members to the W C. T. U :
"A week's course of temperance
or, rather, prohibition lectures has
been commenced by Major George
A. Hilton of Washington, D. C, in
Fryo's opera house, the first being
given Sunday evening. Thcso
lectures are under the auspices of
tho W. C. T. U. and credit is due
tho ladles for their great activity.
Major Hilton is an eloquent man,
eloquent in his cimaxes, eloquent in
ids gestures, eloquent in keen, bit
ing satire, merciless sarcasm, quick
logic, numerous anecdotes, and start
ling comparisons. Ho makes a flno
appearance on the platform, looking
young, clean-cut and vigorous.
Sometimes his ricli tenor voice gets
slightly husky, but his enunciation
is of tho clearest, and his light bluo
oyes penetrate tho audience. He is
of tho blonde type, his thoughtful
face bolng sot oil" well by a heavy
sandy mustache, Major Hilton's
ten years' experience at tho internal
revenue books of the United States
treasury department has given him
a fund of knowledge, which he can
uso to a great advantage as a tem
perance agitator.
Biektea' Antra Salre.
Tho best salvo In the world foi
cuts, braises, sores, ulcers, saltrheum,
fever sores, tetter, chapped hands,
chilblains, corns, and all skin enqv
llons, and posltlvy cures piles, or
uo pay required. It Is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale v- Dr. H. W. Cox.
A Seasonable Hint.
Genuluo now buckwheat flour,
and a tine artlclo of table syrup, at
tho Grange store, 120 State street,
Salem. tf.
A good dlwstkm waits onappatlto and a
HHluppUleloueufthurt shms of
nmltli. lf ou are low spirited, lrflwWe,
IklllLtllU I luiVit n lKu..l...' alt-I"
thwiweadvWey.mby all inm)g in takJ
it Jimiiey imuumiou TOM
make a new man of you.
Mold by 1. V .MatWvis a Co.
Tunic. It will
Xkw Yokk city has t5 churches
and 10, oim saloous.
State of Ohio, City of Toledo
Lucas County, S. S.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that
lie is the senior partner of the firm
of F.J. Cheney & Co. doing busi
ness in the city of Toledo, county
and state aforesaid, and that said
firm will pay the sum of one hun
dred dollars for each and every case
of catarrh that cannot bo cured by
the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn before mo and subscribed
In mv presence, this 0th day of
December, A. D. '80.
seal y Notary Public.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in
ternally and acta directly upon tho
blood and mucus surfaces of the
system. Fend for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., ToIedo.O.
jCffirSokl by druggists, 75 cents.
Each individual in partnership Is
responsible for the whole amount of
tho debt of the firm.
A NV.tur.il I'roJuct of California.
It is only found in Butte County
California and in no other part of
the world. We refer to the tree that
produces the healing and penetrat
ing gum used in that pleasant and
effective cure for consumption, bron
chitis, asthma and coughs, Santa
Abie the King of Consumption.
D. W. Matthews guarantees and
sells it for 1.00 a bottle, or three for
$2.50. By the use of California-Cat-It-Curc,
all symptoms of catarrh are
dispelled and the diseased nasal pas
sage is speedily restored to a healthy
condition. S1.00 a package. By
mail 1.10. Circulars free.
Independence is enjoying a boom,
as two banks of that place are soon
to be made national banks.
The undersigned having ben re
stored to health by simple means,
after suffering several years with a
severe lung affection, and that
dread disease consumption, is anx
ious to make known to his fellow
sufleiers tho means of cure. To
those who desire it, he will cheer
fully send (free of charge) a copy of
tne prescription used, wnicu tney
will find a btire cure for consump
tion, catarrh, asmatha, bronchitis'
and all throat and lung maladies.
He hopes all sufferers will try his
remedy, as it is invaluable. Those
desiring tho prescription, which will
cost them nothing, and may prove
a blessing, will please address, ltov.
Edward A. Wilson, Kings County,
New York.
Tho railroad carpenters havo re
turned to complete the new span o
Torough Truss and roof it.
Wonderful Cui es.
W. D. Iloyt & Co, Wholesale and
Retail Druggists of Rome Ga. say:
We have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery, Electno Bitters and
Bucklen's Arnica Salvo for four
years. Have never handled reme
dies that sell as well, or give such
universal satisfaction. There have
been some wonderful! cures effected
by these medicines in thiscity. Sev
eral cases of pronounced consump
tion have been entirely cured by
use of a few b-ttles of Dr King's
New Discovery, taken in connec
tion with Electric Bitters. We
guarantee them always. Sold by
Dr. II. W. Cox.
Fifty Italian laborers have passed
hero of the O. P. on their way to
Mr. N. H. Frolinstine of Mobile
Alabama writes: I take great plea
sure in recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption,
having used it for a severe attack of
Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave
mo instant relief and entirely cured
mo and I have not been afflicted
Blnce. I also beg to state that I had
tried other remedies with no good
result. Have also used Electric Bit
ters and Dr. King's New Life Pills,
both of which I can recommend.
Dr. King's New Discovery for
Consumption, Coughs and Colds, is
sold on a positive guarantee Trial
bottles free at II. W. Cox's Drug
Tho Newport News has suspended
publication at least for the present.
Albany Democrat.
blKfkt aud be Jolly.
Did over anyono seo a Jolly dyspeptic?
Wo trow not. What natural cheerfulness
is proorncuinat.iiie almost ceaseless annoy
nnce of chronic Indigestion? People whose
stomachs are constantly disturbed exhi
bit the utmost Dcovlslmosx and norvous
Irritability. Happily for them since tho
Irritable and nervous prematurely fret
themselves Into tho grae tranquility of
iiiu Mouiacn ami renewcu good temper
mum iiiuiu in n ure miancr, n moy win
hut seek It. The Rental stomachic, Hos.
letters Stomach Hitlers. lireoriK i-liwrmi.
nossby Insuring its essential pre-condition
sy digestion. Illlllousncss. too. and
constipation, imileo!ent companions of
iiiu niiuhciuf, uyspepsia, vanun niter a
brief but steady course of the alterative.
.Many a temper naturally suect. hut con
tinually srured by the combined nttuck of
this trio of linns, pa&scH the boundary of
iiiuiiMiiuiiuu, rn'it'ni mis possibility Willi
tho Hitters. Malaria fevers, rheumatism,
kidney complaints and debility nro truly
relieved by this standard medicine.
The railroad dopot platform
been extended 200 feet.
A AbMlste Cart.
OINTMENT Is only put up in large
iwo-ounce nn boxes, aud U u
absolute cure for old sores, burns,
wouuds, chapped hands, and all
skin eruptions. Will positively
oure all kinds of piles. Ask for the
MENT. Sold byD. w. Matthews
& Co., 106 State street, Salem, at 35
cents per box by mail 80 cents.
B O O T s,
WW "
)vr H
O o FN&Jnv o 0
s f3I5 s
S H "O E s
Leather and Findings !
nools. Hides. Pelts anil lmw-i,J?j-
231 Commercial St., Salem, Or- Wwb- "T-- " 1
Fruit Farms of Ten
These lands are not offered at enhanced prices. The soil and location ait
Especially adapted to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHER
FRUITS for shipping green to the Mining districts and
Farther East, while the mutual cooperation in
Shipping, storing and selling fruits will
Bo no small
The Very Best Land
The canneries of SALEM, WOODBURN and ALBANY are at easy
of access. None but first class families desired. "Will meet
Parties with team. Correspondence solicited.
A Complete Lino of
Beautiful Holiday Goodsl
Has just been received at tho Old and Established
Salem Jewelry Store of
S.W. Thompson & Co
All kinds of Watches, Jewelry and
Goods First Class.
R. M. W.A.DK & CO'S
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
Also a fomplue A of Hardware and
to Forty Acres !!!
For Fruit Growing!!
Stayton, Or.
Silverware. Prices satisfactory and
Garland Stoves,
Charter flak Ste
Brighton Raf i
Tarm Machinery, Wagons and Ctfriif