iTXL.JrlL.MWJ.'H iKACTv'r7?Bi''111iiss..ssigiCTrjBrPBg f. t ' TfUtUTVKa 1 " iwiiinwwirwwf l,rirowiniriTiwrtXT!WTiH'giirTiriiTrgiTiM MjmaiLfyiimncw ahukMiiminiiM ilu,rnT.-.u-.l im ii muLlit it m !, fc ' 'I ll ,- i c- J .'"' r . , II' M ii rr EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL TUESDAY, DEC. 11, 1888. 1'UI1M81IEI EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY.I BY T1IK 'Capital Journal Publishing Company. I iNcoiii'oiiATrn O !lrf,:i'orner! Cuurt andilJbertilStrcttr, TKIIMH OI'lHUHSCKIPTION IIA1I.Y. Ono yciir, by mull ... rifl Hlx months, by mall . ii fiO Thrco months by mall . . 1 25 t'erwick delivered by can Icr. . 16 WEEKLY. Ono year f 1 fiO Hlx months ... "ft Ono year, If paid for In ndMinte, . 1 00 Six inonthN, " m H) i J99l'oKtninHtrrH aro authorized;; to rc- eclvo KIlllSCI IjltlollH. The rich and those decorated sociul rank, respected her. 3-Enlered ns second-class matter at tlio Mftlcni,ureKoii,ro8toiiiLo, Jtinozi, leas. W. H. It YAKS -CliAHB 15. IRVINK Editor Lornl IMitor AN Kri'ICIltNT wouki:k. New York Mull and Express : Wo have taken great pleasure in re. ferrlng to the services of the repub licans u ho have most to do in the management of the late campaign, National and State. There waH,how cvcr,one most efficient worker whose claims to recognition are as great as liis devotion to a great cause has been phenomenal and who deserves tho gratitude, not only of all the re publicans, hut of nil good citUeiiHhip of tho country, regard lew of party lines, and whoso work was so sub stantial and so permanent that he could ailord to wait until people had time to study the causes of General Harrison's success. Tills able, patient, courageous, and uneclllsh worker was Mr. Albert Grifllu, theorganleraud chairman of the National Anil-Saloon Repub lican Committee, who for years past lias given all his time and energies to the task of ho guiding the temper- flWCO .ctomonw or tho republican UUCi nil; it ur nuun mi muiuuo nn would preclude any excuse for tho growth of political prohlbltlonisin. Month after month and year after year Mr. Grlflln has brought to his work tho faith of a prophet, tho en thusiasm of a zealot, tho sagacity or n statesman. I tis labors have been incessant. Ills earnestness has been pnononional and Infectious. His Btemllnees of purposo has been re warded by success in the state -pccially, where Winner Miller brought to the cause for which Mr. Grlflln had been working for tho added force of a now and powerful leadership. Mr. Griftln deserves tho gratltudo of every temporunco man and wom an In tlio land, and esjieoially of the ropubllians who arc so nobly ropro mmted by Warner Miller. II CSS. with The poorloveu her. lAnd so all e'nssea In Washington will stand as true mourners by her grave. Cincinnati Commercial Gazette: Mrs. Ellen Ewlng Sherman, the wife of General William Tecumfe'eh Sherman, was Thomas Ewlng's daughter, nnd ho was one of the giants among Ohio men. AVhen Judge Sherman dicdt leaving a large group of little children, with very slender resources, Mr. Ewlng adopted Tecumsoh and sent him to West Point, and Lieutenant Sher man married his benefactor's daugh ter, Ellen, who inherited many great qualities, snd jolned.wlth ex traordinary mental capacity a beau tiful womanly tenderness. Thomas Ewing lived not only to see Ills own sons distinguished, but to see his adopted son and son-in-law, one of the foicmpst military men of the age, ride at the head of the army of the West through Pennsylvania avenue, returning from the iiiurch to the sea, through the Carolinas and Virginia, victory declared, peace proclaimed, and the name of Sherman written on the roll of the immortals. Mrs. Sher liiun was a woman of dec) religious sensibility, profound conviction and absolute sincerity, atul in her heart there was no faltering or misgiving. All religious truth was to boras, sunshine. She walked in tho sub lime faith of the reality of tho tin known, and in her consciousness grasped not hopes only, but looked far out upon certainties, and the shores of the unseen world weieas palpable to her us the solid earth. She was a lady whose simplicity was the evidence of her cultivation, and whose devotion to her husband and children was as admirable as if her whole life Was absorbed In her relations of wife nnd i.other. It Was her happiness to be the com fort and Consolation of the General In tho troubles of his stormy life, and no man ever had companion moro lovely or champion more vigilant than she, and her share in liis glory was always beautiful, and is the soft light in tho splendor of his fume. P. S. Tho wedding of Lleutcn "i i.uiuiMiiiini),', E?rcieiiir urine-1 Interior, was May 1, 1850. Among tlio guests were President Taylor, Daniel Webster, and Henry Clay. 3 praotla&.m$dT5 1 , ought. toknofH SAH FRAHClSCO CHRONICLE IS THE Leading Newspaper OP THE lMintl'ON hlNCW LKCTION. 51 ' Ii H r if It ft ITShtjEB ,L H rl rfl iLlj ljffj SftHoPWu ll -. .-..,1 ga,niTffisl A man who has p.lnn for 40 vears. i salt from sugar: read -what he says: Tolkdo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gen tlemen : I have been in tha geueral practice of medicine for most 40 years, and would say that In all ,my practice and experience, have never seen a preperation that I could pre scribe wit ii as much confidence of success a I can Hall's Catarrh Quref manufactured by you. Have pre scribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that I have yet to find a case of catarrh that It would not cure, if they would take it according to directions. Yours Truly, L. L. GORSUCII, M. D. Olllcc, 215 Summit St. We will give 100 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. CIIENFY, & CO. Toledo, O.J BaJfbola oy druggists, (re. Salem la progressing as well as Oregon and the Valley. A Sound Legal Opinion. E. Balnbridge Munday Esq.', County Atty., Clay Co., Tex., says : "Have used Electric Bitters with most hnppy results. My brother also was very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but was cured uytlmely use of this medicine. Am satisfied Electric Bitters saved his life." Mr. IX T. WilcoABon, of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony, baying $ He positively believes ho woulu nave ciiea, nau it not been for Electric Bitters. Tills irre.-it remedv will wnrd oft. as well as euro all Malarial Diseases. and for all Kidney, Liver and Stomach Disorders stands unea ual- od. Price 50c, and $1, at Dr. H. W. Cox's Drug Store. The tide of immigration has set in earnestly. TO CONSUMPTIVES. xue unuerstgnea Having uen re- j stored to health by simple means, i after Buffering several years with a severe lunu affection, and Mint : dread disease Consumption, is UIIS-j r eight pages of News, Literature, and General In. ioustomake kUOWIl to his fellow I ormiuon; aiw.amapmiceni Aencuituraj upar sufleicrs the means of cure. To 'aent- thoso who desire it( he will cheer- A rn r f fully eond (free of charge) a copy of JCl f fnp llnP YPai the prescription used, which they , P ,JU IUI VIIC Cttl will find a sure cure for consumn-, , , ., . . . , .. .. , . , tion, Catarrh, asmathu. broncllitilh, Includlnjr pctag,, to any part of the United State una all tliroat nntl lung maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try hi remedy, as it is invaluable. Thoc desiring the prescription, Which Will cost tlieni nothing, and may prove ilaajau ulltllDwUMcy. THE CHRONICLE BUILDING. . THE BAN FDANCISCO CHBOXICIE ll the first paper on tho Coasfln ability and In the fresh ncssand reliability of Its NEWa Nothing that the world desires to know is omitted from its columns. It aims to fill every requirement of a ftrstlae paper Its Telegraphta Reports are the latest and most re liable. Its Local News the fullest and spiciest, and its Editorials from tho ablest pens in tho country. THE CHRONICLE has always been, and always I11 be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or op pressions of any kind. v It will be Independent In eery thin;, neutral In nothing fair and impartial to all parties, yet exposing corruption wherever found, and working with fearless endeavor to promote and protect every interest of tho great publie whom It serves, and on whom it depends for support. DAILY CnnOXICLE (Including Sunday Quad, ruple Sheet), by mall, (0 70 one year. THE SAN FBANCIBCO WEEKLY CHITON ICLE, the most brilliant and complete Weekly Newspaper In the World, prints regularly 72 columns, Ull New York, k am; i.atk mhs. siikhman. '(JcYi. Boynton's Washington dls pultfh In Cincinnati Commercial Guzef: Tlio death of Mm. Gen eral Sherman causes widespread and most sincere sorrow In Wash ington. It is a sadness that reaches down, and will bo most deeply felt among tho unfortunate and those wlio inovo in the lowly walks of life. Wldle tho ofllelal position of, her huBbund guvp her high standing and leading rank in tho hociul scale, ml whllo she commanded and pos nesscd the respect of all its elruh. her heart was never drawn towards lis glitter or even its more solid at traction. Blio vaH ono of thoso who delighted most in going nbnut doing good. To bo nptlvo mid. fore most lu charities was toherunjorv congenial work than to bo principal or assistant at brilliant reeuntlniiH. The gems in her orowli of rejoicing Mill be tlio tears which will full trom tho eyes of thousands nmmip- thopoor, tlio mulcted, and thulium-, io ns uiey read of her death. She was the most 'irotiilneut Catholic woman In ii... tT..u.,.i States. There Was no WOroMcvoted Chrlstluu in that orgahliattloti thuu Mrs. Bherman. Blio gave her strength nnd her intluenee to her -church, uml exertctl them to their uuiiwh wan aiong tlio Hues of Its uonevoiont work, and In (ho uUi flftlA ft ll... iiKii-.. 1. ...i .,. . .. v..,,.,v wuero Kao exvr- icu inuua power. Hho gracelullyand fslthfuily jwrforiuwl nil (he JoohU dutlwwhloli her iosltloii pntullixl ujwii her, hut hho gladly turned, as she could force opiNirtunliy, from thuMutimrlioiiB which would have lcn us an earthly heaven to to uiniiv, nnd found her chief delight General Harrison since the eieeuon lias deepened the iinpres ion ho made on tho country dining tlio campaign. No candidate in the long history of our presidential elec tions has spoken bftencr, more free ly or moro fully dining his canvass. r or weens lie wns daily before the peoplo with a speech which was the next morning before tlio -1,000,000 voters in reach of tlio dully press of the country. Every speech help ed him and tho cause for which lie was a Htandaid-bearer. Not ono contained a word or a sentence which was used to his injury. Neither tho innllco of hs enemies nor tlio ingenuity of partUun ornam ents could llnd text or pretext for attack in these speeches, whose col lected bulk would till a volume. If event presidential candidate made ids own calling and election sure by ids own efforts, General Harrison nut it lu these speeches, which began with Ills nomination and ended a fortnight, before ills triumphant el ection. Hut if General Harrison showed he could talk before election, ho has shown that ho could hold his tongue since then. Visited by hun- rous, sought by Bcores, closeted with conspicuous men by tho dozen, a centre of the plias, tho pressure and the pertinacious petitions whioh beat about a president-elect. Gen- oral Harrison has; made no mlstukes. Hd has grown dally before tho coun try. His reticence, noise and urn. tienco nave impressed nil. ir0 has blundered into iiouoof the sentiment M liloh marred the first post-cleotlon month of sonu of his reeout prede cessors, no has made no pledges. Ho hits avoided political entangle ments, we near nothing of any Inniauupolls "conference." Tho Cabinet-makers tire at sea. The gos sip venders bring away uothlng froltltlta lliruloMt. hnnin tti wliln). l... next President has passcd'so many hurd-worklng yms. The uouconiercaro all delighted with our country. jplpiw-a In th ISml. Is itnotbettertonipconsuniption, iiiv- K'uii Bemirge oi HlHiilllllly, lu the bud, than to try to stay its pi o giesson the brink of the grave. A few doses of California's most usetul production, SANTA ABIA, the Uhiir of Consumption, will relieve, and a thorough treatment will cure. Na sal Catanh, too often t lie forei miner of consumption, can he cured by CALIFORNIA CAT-lt-CUUK. lhefeo aMiiedies aro sold and fu!l warranted by D. W. Mat t how's & Co iwumiuoiirei, ohiuiii, vrogon.attf, or three tor J2.50. .., aro being planted SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, one year, and Premium Map of the United States, Canada, British Columbia and - . . ta. All orders must be accompanied by the coin. Address all orders to M. H. dk YOUNG, Proprietor B. F. Chronicle. Send for Premium List. T NEW sv ADVERTISEMENTS. T" FnulFarms of Ten to Forty Acres ! ! ! .CONVENIENT TO TWO RAILROADS. These lands aro not oilered at enhanced prices. The soil and location are .Especially adapted, to growing PEARS, PRUNES, AND OTHER FRUITS for'fcbippin 'green to tho Mining district? and Farther East, while tho mutual cooperation Shipping, storing and gelling frulte will Be no small consideration. in The -Very ' Best Land For Fruit 'Growiog!! 0NE3H0DRS DRIVE FROM SALEM. The canneries of SALEM, WOODBUKN. and ALBANY are at easy of access. None but first class families desired. Will meet Paitie3 with ttam. Correspondence solicited. Address J. J. IIABDEN, Stayton, Or. THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES , IN THE CITY IS AT R.-M?WADE & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. Garland Stoves, Charter -Oak Stoves, Brightort Range AND MANY OTHER LEADING -STYLES. Also a.CuiiipIctc, Slock ofllanhurc and Farm Machinery, Wagons and Carriag AMUSEMENTS. New orchards all about us. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING ELDRE E KeasoulDK Modi a Sound Tell. Haylhocloctors-jdulwliohlmllKiij thi'in im".?11"1 JwoillHixwltlcin fciwus ro w..L,?Jh0 "Jycloi)nicnt of rheuinutism V hero there U this tendency, most oi Vis Know from observation wlmtu n deep hold dfseHKO taknN u linn nnrni I. .....! ...... ' " Klected for n short time. U not thu i MHinuiexi,uienmm w lilcli to mluxiitc tliocjirlyiuo or ll.xstctcr's Htomiicli lilt li'..i" '.li ""'' m hnrd to dNIodite us , rliciimiitlMmr Another thtnir.. It is .'n ! .i '11 '" .' """ " I'lmiiK"" in vigor, resul. tine mini nd Kestlon und miil-nir rltf m nirwuesllrtbllltv to nleuinutlsm. " , l'i:iiijll llie c pwtrki thllM llltu lUiLinl -lrf.. .. troiililM that Incmmo the rheummro ten. lejiey. Mnlarln. ronMlputlan, dysm-ptli,. ! llllllollKIlfm flnhllll. ...! 1.1.1.:....! T.!" . ...:. i.v t""' .. .'."' . "" '"ie l' una Kiiccumli to thlH Konliil VlllVtlJ Dalle Oregon bents the world for flue weather. Tlio city authority of The pay a bounty for dog Benin. n.n't BiPtrlHrnt. You cannot afford to waste time in experinientiUK when your lunes aro In danirer. I)n nn ...r.. dealer to luijiosu upon you ith some Imitation of Dn Klnjg's New Dls- -"" -i W nine juu gei mo genuine. Because ho van make mow profit he may tell you ho has miik UiltiKjustasgooil, orjiiht tho same I)oii-tl deceived but Inrirt uwm Setting Dr. King's Now Dlscove all Uiroat. Luug nnd Chest alll-o tlons Trial bottlta frvo at Dr. it I W. COX'8 drilir stnn. T..-. i...T o ..(, uuiuitj Welcome tho boom by assist lug all deserving enterprise. b Tho ofllelal count of tho vote of B" jBPajCKlsDsl KjBSJ SHf In it are com bined the fin est mechanic al skill, the most useful and practical elements, and all known ad. vantages that make a sew. in; machine desirable to sell or use. ELDREDCE MFC. CO. Faetorjr and Wholsnh Offlw, BefrideM, HI 293 irabasH AveChlMgv. SO Broad SfrrfJt Xtx York. REEDS OPERA ROUSE. Friday Evening, Dec. 14, '88. Grand Concert Will do given under tlio aus pices of tho Conservatory of Music, assisted by Miss Hnllie Parish, Miss Ftankie P. Jones, nuu a choral society of forty voices. r.,w.t.loss.l0,fi0'ccn,,' Ifcwcrved scats nt wi?,8 b(Jok F,,me nfter December nth, without extm ohume. h ' FINA1JCLVI.. BSTADLISIIBD BY X (l.TIOV til, AbTMOBITV Tlio Capital National Bank SALEM, ill Surplus, -op- OREGON. $75,1100 - - - 10,000 td. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT ONLY. Saturday Dec. 15. Mr. mid Mrs. Join Jack u,i U. S. WALLACE. - Irns!ilpnt. W. W. MAKTIN, - Vice-President. J. II. ALBEHT, ?r.. . , Cashier. DIRECTORS) W. T. Gray, W. Y. Mnrtln, J. M. Jlartln, ' R. 8. AVallnce. Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. It. Albert. T. AlcF. l'atton. Aud- 'ii.i for the mum. ' " J?"? ' mullan an uiu Abnie r lkiri The distinguished actress and vocalist. Master .Arthur ip, Jack Child Vocalist. LOAIslS -MADE To fnrmerB op lieat nnd othor rnarket- obloprodupe, consigned or in store, either In prlvuto cra.arlesor Ipubllc warehouses. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct ou New1 York, Chicago, San KninciRco, Portland, London. 1'arls.lJerlln, Hong Kong und Calcutta. First Nat a onal Bank llll DC SAliEM. bREGON. JJulInds, Selections from Sheridan, " School for Scandal," Sheakiiear's Sir Jolin Falshifl. Note Mr. Jfiir i ! i i . -T-. -,-... w me recoguized FalstafT of tho world; concluding with the side splitting farce ( WM, N.'iliADUE, . 1)11, X REYNOLDS,' I- . . President. Vlfo President. . ., . cashier. II A Mrltti srSalfB. All early number of the Overland Monthly-will contalu a dvsvrlptlvo nrtlolo on Salem and surrounding A AUsliu Car. Tho OWQINAL AllIKTiM OINTMKNTI. only put ,! f ' twoHHinco ll boxes, UUd U , absolute euro for old wits, br.J wouuda, chapped hand, and J skin eruptions. Will posiUvelv euro all I kind, of pile, jTZ "IW Hfci OLD, coumry. This mugazino Is among ZZ?" Aal too nmt. a. i.. !..... i. ii... iinu A.ui7rrw nn... forHalem.jindorderfl left at 8tarra Tv ie.l 'W. MaUhw forliim Mill receive Kmnii .i v,fc IW otate atreet, Salcft,. .. M. laAPItS' FAVdRITC .,rVi, br Uoif oFwSStn jfft C ins and enjoy the moBtnlpnontif -ii. .. -"' 'i n mo GENfelttL BANKING. Exchange on PortlanO, Han Francisco, Ney.- York London and Hong Kong bought und sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordlallr Invited to deposit nd transact .business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, -oo,7hops.arioUolher- property reasonarno rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. m hTi)n: f i W- evening i i time. oney to Loan ! j odm PRINTING. AXE OK TITR T.AnnKRT RHTAMJHH- Uments In the Btate. Lower rate J0? I ja y 18 OlJOllOllitV rn mail Jiiitaie. i.'iuieiiiuta,l teUcc,rorM n. in Uie Olil Doctors crintu n.u nnta kI4 ... 7T nniTaouo M .. j" - -: ' - ' - gSBSmSEBBStd Weei Loan ou good ts&ipty F a 8orles wit, OJfJSrrRSEOFIUMO! ONE PUIISE OP S1000 ! TWO Pi iweh of ma SJ ONE PULSE OF $400' Apply eoou to lorlland. J. the State, a-d wuii ir1r Iam HlfitlKa iil '. blreest discount. Bend far Price list of Job nrTnllnr. and ratalorue ot legal blanks! ' Tfj,' M. WAITH Steam Printer, Salem, Oregon- FARMERS --- rvatai viMinakBkK. m Mr Jtmawat to foil retnoJr rttttrm 7SMSJ, PAY THE HIOlIKbT CASIll'Blt fry