PfW jsi'.immaammxrr "&"'"wyw-w a? V, ll." e I. OVER THE CAPITAL CITY. Complete Recital of the Duly Doings Com piled From Various Sornvn V,1", , Ilanneiiiiism Over i!le?CftyiTftnjl New From Urn Country uoiihuauout. ". v " i .-. ..r.. i -nt- siM Uuoily May Corae fffffc. Yesterday oftenlnon a meet in a was held in the I'ronhyterian church at which time action was taken. .In rcfcrcnco to inviting Dwhrhtollji, Moody, the gruivt ov.ajigejls.t., 'to hold meetings Jn S.ileh'ia ttlrimrti nlcations were rolid. , roh ajfr, Moody in whldli lio rtllil ho-,,wihHl not go to Sati'.'ttrriifiiiHop 'iiiMl ca?lv in Junuary and could perhaps make Salem a vlnit. He iH now in Port land holding meetings, and n ifoiiir mitteo of threp.JNVUH unpointed to meet him tlifcrjo thj evoilhg mid press the invJhilioV , i A central cjpiiimutpc.wiiHinpniiit: ed, consisting of one from each church, and.,te.W! follow?; i?rcjly terian, W. N. Ladue; M.'E., V. H. Odell; Christian, O. W. JnlyiHon; Congregational, T. ftlcK. Pitttoh. Tlio other churches,, had no repre sentation, hut comhiittee-nlcti will I 1h appointed. rf;o,ni ., their fliurlbprftrf "jhnkp the parage' J iifsfosta'TrASte soon. While there is no assurance that Mr. Moody will visit Salem, yet It is 'confidently expected from his communications that he will spt nd ten lays or two weeks hero soon. Should he come three daily meetings will be held. AnlKdamllsnal (Vnlti. At Salem the disposition to make advanced educational provisions Is marked. Itesides the public school buddings there is the Willamette .University, the oldest educational institution upon the northwest coast. Its present building is a large inick surrounded by line , grounds studded with shade trees, making it one of the most con spicuous objects in the city. Not far from the city, along the lino of railroad to Portland, there is the Chemawa Indian School, which is constantly attended by a large nuni ler of Indian boys and girls. Two miles noith of Salem tiro the grounds of the Oregon State Agriculture Society, where annually the State Fair is held, attracting largo crowds and contributing much to the on terpilso and Interest of Salem. Ohio Kxchange. A Full 1'iisun. The penitentiary Is rapidly tilling up. During last weok there were nine arrivals, which places the total number at 2S1. Tills is the largest number of convicts this In stitution lias entertained under Mr. Downing's supeiintendoucy. The highest number it ever hold was 111)8, several years ago. Circuit con its ure in se.-slou throughout the dlH'oront counties and no doubt be fore spring the roll will contain the names of ItOO. On Thanksgiving day Wardon MoKinnon treated the boys to a suioko and it Is surprising that of this great number there wits hut one who did not use the weed. Nearly as large a number are chowers of tobacco. The Drill ItM-nl. For sovcral yours a dent off 700 has lieon limiting over tho Congrega tional church In this city. A wel come piece of news is that whleh says tho debt has been lifted. Since llov. A. 11. Drown accepted the pas toiato of this church ho has been laboring to reduce this obligation, und liiis In the four months Miccccd til in raising the entire sum and the church is now five of i neum hninee. .Sri-me at Cheuuwa. The investigation of the books and utt'alrs of Col., superintendent of the Indian school, continues at Chemawa. Nothing of a startling nature has been iitiwu thod. An old employ has been reinstated, but father than thli there Is no report "as yet. Three I'Ulu UruuW. ltccordor Strlokler this moiiilug dealt J list loo to three Saturday night plain drunks. They were as fol lews: Harry Dunn ten days, Wm. Hnydor four days ami Win. Petti John f7.S0; which he paid and wont on his way rejoicing. (lullt) r HaotUuKkttr. Dlyo, tho Walla Walla murderer who has jwid frequent visits to Sa lem, was found guilty of man slaughter and Hoiituncod to u turin of twunty years lu tho penitentiary, Mtre hcarltl Few. At Kugone sevurul new eases of ncnrlot fever have hvoii develop wlthlu tho hut few days, among whloh nro the ohlldwu of Judge It, H. Dean. THE SEW STEAMER WRECKED. Tim Oregon Pacific's New "Ynqnina City" Hops to Pieces. Parties who came In .from Albany dnt.noon report that the Oregon Pa- cMo's new steamer "Yaquina uty" llli's, wrecked at the entrance to the "Yprtte'rday evening she arrived on her first trip from San Francisco, and in attempting to cross the bar went to pieces at nearly the samo place as did the old "Yaquina City" Just winter. , i The vessel ib reported a total wreck haying, broken in a terriblo and un expected manner. ,The Yunulnu City was to ply be tween Yaiiuhm and San Francisco alternately with the steamship Wil lamette Valley, thus giving service about, every five days between pan Francesco, and Yaquina bay. The Ynqulha'City leftAdtlmore October U ,WitliJ3P0 tons o coal, 700 df which she ifsed on the (voyage, discharging he remainder at fjian Francisco. The steamship Is not a new vessel, hi)vlng,bc2ri built iiwip81'utlJ,hilr delpliia. She is a sereW steaiher, with hulf.bilg rigging, which dqubjo source or . nowor enabled jlwr days, a very good record. She is u double decker, mhile of iron, 2V7 feet In length, 34 in width, 21.2 In depth and has a registered ton- nugo of 1200. She has compound engines and four bulkheads. She has been plying between New York and Liverpool up to the time of her purchase by the Oregon Pacillc people, who rechrlstened her from her original name, "Caracas." She was to have been used for both freight and passenger trafilc. The Oregon Pacific ofllcials are very reticent about the wreck of their now vessel and it is ini possible to get from them any information. It is stated upon reliable authority that tho vessel will bo a total Ios. Tie Qulnttete Club. Tho Salem loveis of good music had a feast Saturday night when the Boston Quintette Club gave one of their performances lieie. The per fonnauce was classic. Tho music was classic. Tho execution was perfect. This company h audio "way up" productions in a manner calculated to inspire tho listener and discourage, tho fiddler. They are violinists in the true sense. Dut af ter all an entire evening of such grand fiddling as this grows monot onous. They are lino, nevertheless. o Fulton the Vote. William Kapus, Robert McLean and C. W. Fulton, presidential elec tors for Oregon, met lu Poitland a few days ago for the purpose of selecting one of their number to convey Oregon's vote to Washlng lon, where tho presidential electors of the states will meet on the second Monday of next January, at 12 o'clock, kooii, to cast their vote for president and vlco-presldent. Hon. 0. W. Fulton was chosi n a- tiie ono to bear the ballot to the east. Mhrre Insure If En. Capital Journal : I was at chinch yesterday tho M. 13. chinch and heard llov. M. Rollins on tho subject of "Should Chrisi lans insure their lives?" 1 agree with tho Reverend gentleman, and will assure him and all others, that the A. O. U. W. society is the best and cheapest insurance oiganiation in tho land. All good Christians should bo members of that order, A aIkmiikii. Salem, Dee. 10, '88.' A World Dealer. Alison Kimsey, of Dixie, this sea son raised a beet measuring twenty two Inches in clrunifereneo and tip ping tho beam at twonty-tlvo pounds, and if his giound should try real ian It could do oven better than that. Dollcuttt women who complain ofu tlrctl fooling, mliw In tlu buck uiul loliw, ititro to Mot'it, illrxtntH, iiulnmt or t.uiirei.Hl uu'nstrimtloii, w rtml In On'Ron KIdnoy 1'cit IHltlifiil nitmil. It can Im rIUM uihiii Incvorvlmtunt to k!o Immedlitto rvlWf llxiiu kliliioy mill urlimry tnmbltw. Tlious andH of vninivn vntlVrliiir oery Uy mm onit iltno'.iltr ot ilio klilncW or Um.' who infuht IkV pormiiuoiillr Imvti by luinir (Iivkoii KlannyTiM. ' N)lil by 1). V. Mut lieu a A Co. Safely Over ihe sea. YestertlaylJohn Dwth received a letter from his son John who left Portland for Kngland lust May. It notes his safe arrival In Glouohestor after a pleasant, though uneventful voyage. Ujrttent Ujateral Served lu every stylo at Poaroo & Mity'd rostaurant, on Commercial street. Ulvo them u call ami replen ish the Inner man. A kohI illirettlou vrnlta on uppotlte nnd Kod uppetlto U ono nf the urvt algu or i llh. U)uu are lour aplrltwd, lrrttAblc, lilllluua, or have tin Irivsutar HpiMtltu, Uiwi we udvUe ou by all mrana to Utko lr lUuly'a Dandelion Tonlo. It vrllt mkt m new man of you. Hold by 11, W. MaUiewu a Oo. , i P LOCAL SUM.HART. A marriage license has been is1 sued to Charles Smith and Kate Fes ler. J. D. Conyers, a young man from Crook County, was placed in the asy lum for fnsahe to-day. Miss Schaefer returned to-day from Silverton, after a few week's stay there. Regular meeting of the W. C. T. U. will bo held Tuesday, 11th, at their hall at 2:40 p. m. You will always find No. 1 gro ceries nt It.' S. Winters, the popular Court street Grocer. 1 tn d w Wheat Is 75 cents all through the valley. Corvallls, Albany and Salem are all raying the same for it. Houso for sale on the Install ment nlan. .'Payments only 10c each. At the opera house corner. Call anil see. tf. In the United Statcsl dlstric colnrfht' Portland F. M. Cook, and J. Gi 'Br0wn,;bf Marion comity are butho.petItjury. -i-Tor holiday candies, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, goand seowhatSpeight k Soijdcr; 'Colijt street, offer you. Prc.e lcuv. ;,,.'- 1 m d w Fotlow'tho'crowd and you will turn up at Squire Farrar's, where groceries are pure and cheap. Join the procession. tf. Tho Congregational Sunday school will observe Christinas by giving a musical and literary enter tainment. Tho Methodists are pre paring to have a fine tree. There was a largo attendance at Congregational church last night. Rev. Brown gave an excellent ser mon from tho text, "Ye aro the light of tho world. " Miss Halllo Parrlsh arrived in tills city Saturday evening, having spent several months In an eastern conservatory. Slio will assist in Prof. Parvin's concert Saturday evening. Revs. Rollins, Newell and Drown went down to Portland to day to hoar Mr. Moody. Tho latter named gentlemen are personally ac quainted with him, having on previous occasions worked with him during revival meetings. " St. John asks the question, "Aro you for the saloon or the home?" life." Dut when you are asked whero you can get the best goods and price on tea, coffee, groceries, etc., tho answer Is, at Squire Far rar's. tf. Mr. Wade, secretary!; of the United societies of Young Peoples Christian Endeavor will he hero Friday night. Ho will glvo an ad- dies in tho Presbyterian church, which will ho interesting to all young people. All are cordially In vited to attend. Miss Halllo Parrish who has been visiting and studying music East, returned home Saturday "veiling. Sho conies back nnlcli Improved In voice and will sing at the concert at tho Opera Houso Fri day oven! nr with other Jgood tal ent. Catch the shadowjere-the sub stance fades, is good advice, and especially Is the truth of this demon strated when you speak of the frequonoy with which ono deal frleud or another is hurried away. You'll regret too late that you did no) have your fiiend or relatlvo visit Sperry thoAitlst and lnvo a per fect likeness taken. Heed the moral go now bofore It Is forever too late. tf. Watch tho footprintson thesldr walk. Whero do they go? Up and down Commeiciil street until they come to the new bank bltck. Then they go up stairs. They go to Cherrlngton's Tho artist, If , you ar$ looking for, sohiething nice for tho holidays, go and see him. Hla work Is the tlnest. Time Is ileetlng sipl Christmas is near. Do euro and glvo him tlmo to finish your Work up nicely. tf. I haven't tho courage to dloslr, Hardly tho courage to live: Can't drink enough to forget, sir, Ain't Christian enough to forgive. This was the wall of a man who had endured tho tortures of " liver Vqinniiuur- aim tiyspepsla for yearn; uid ho might have endured thotn for life, had he not heard that Dr. Plonv's Uolden Medical Discovery would make him a well num. He gave It a trial and was curvd. Once no was iioliow eyed, emaciated, ami slowly tottering toward tho temb: but now ho Is vigorous, robust and healthy. Them Is nothing that can compare with tjie "Discovery" as a euratlvo agent for sour stoiuttoh, UmstrpaUoii, Impure blood nd ! bill lolisuess. The worst eases of nasal catarrh iHwItlvely and permanently cured by Dr. Sago's Catarrh remedy. i in n in n iiii'ii jjTTTrrr LanDS AND 1I0JIES. Marlon county 1b situated In tli. heart of tho magnificent Willamette valley, tho central gem in tho clus terof rich counties that form that princely domain, and Is the bannct commonwealth of tho great north west in all the essentials that go to wards making it a profitable abiding place, and a homo for the thrifty farmer, tho cunning artisan and the Industrious mechanic. Rich in its agricultural resources In its cultivated and uncultivated lands, in its water powois, and minerals: rich in its colleges and schools of learning, and with a climate unsurpassed for its salubrity, it presents to tho immigrant from the overcrowded states, where cold winters and hot summers, with terrible cyclones, prevail, who comes to tho coast with some means, advantages that no other county in Oregon possesses. Much has Deen written of thin western country that requires a stretch of the imagination to com prehend, and numerous complaints are heard from tho class who have been misled by them, so in this brief sketch tho writer desires to avoid exageration as to its present and prospective advantages, asking those in the cast into whose haud this may fall particularly those who have their eyes directed towards this coast to peruse It carefully, feeling that it is not written to lure immigrants within its borders, but only us a truthful dlscriptlon of a lunu wnicn, ji it aoes not "now milk and honey," contains within its bosom wealth and resources equal to any other country on the Pacific Bido of the Rocky mountains. BOUNDARIES. Marlon county is bounded on tin north by ihe Willamette riverain. Butte creek which separates it frwn. Clackamas county; on the east li Clackamas county nnd the Cnscitoc molintalns, which separate If rrniii Wasco county; on the south by tin Santiam river and the north fork .i the Santiam, separating it fr n Linn county.and on tho west by tl.i Willamette river. PHYSICAL FORMATION. The county contains, includnij mlley, prairie and mountain land about 000.000 acres. There are two main divisions, tin mountain and the valley. Tin latter extends from the Wlllametti river to tho foot of the Cosc&m mountains, a distance of about fit teen miles. The mountainous portion conttiinc some fourteen townships of most 1 un8iirvcyed land; lying in a strl twelve miles north and south b forty miles east and west, and com prises all classes of land, from rich narrow valleys in the passes, uj through all the grades of rolling, hilly and broken, to that of rocl. bouud canyons and Inaccessible craggy peaks. It is generally heavilj timbered, and In tho near futine will be valuable for its lumber siq -plies. These hills and mountain uflbrd a wonderful summer ran for stock, and many of tho more en terprislng farmers are availing them selves of this opportunity, and when the cold frosts or autumn approach, the stock are brought out to fresh pastures, thus enabling them to sur vive the winter storms with little aire. J GREAT ADVANTAGES. A decided advantage Marion coun tv has over many others is the di versified farming Interest that can be carried on throught tho eiitiu year; notwithstbndlng this is a wei cllniato during the winter months tho uplands aro seldom too wet h work, and long before tho pralrit farmers are through with their seed ing, the hill farmer lu preparing foi his summer work. And yet tin low lands are much preferred b many; tho yield per aero is generall greater, and perhaps less labor Is re aiilred to tnace ihd' soil In orbikii condition for crops; and then should tho season prove dry, the bottom lands aro sure to bring the best crops. No better forming laud can be found in the United States thai) that on tho noted Howell prairie. French prairie, Santiam prairie nili' Salem prairie. Tho soil of these art wonderfully productive. With good cultivation, forty bushels of wheat and sixty of oata per acre can he readily secured. FACILITIES FOR MARKET. The Willamette river, with two lines of railroad running the entire length of the county from north to south, with tho Oregon Pacific road crossing tho southeast corner of the comity, allbrds amplo facilities to reach a market in any direction. SALEM is the capital of the state and county seat of Marion county, situ ated on tho Willamette river and ou tho O. a C. railroad. Costly buildings have been erected, among which the etato capitol building, county courthouse, Chemeketo hotel, opera house, new publio school building, Cathollo school building, Methodist church, "Willamette Uni versity, and many private residences and business blocks, which will compare favorably with older and larger cities. GENERAL. All things considered, the Wlluuu ette valley lias the best country in tho world, and Marion county h about centerally located therein. To those seeking homes in the west, no better opportunities can be ollered, than are found here. Persona desiring informatlou regarding Marion county or the 'Willamette valley, those wanting farming lauds, stock farms, business property or city residences, will bo promptly and. reliably informed by addressing the well known firm of Willis a Chamberlln, real estate agents, mora house block. B&Iem Orucm Itomomber that thoro Is no ohargo for stamping at llrdgen & Bozortli'a whon tho mutortat Is purchased of them. Proposals for Supplies. THE BOARD OP TRUSTEES OF THE Oregon Btnto lnsnno niylum hereby invite sealed proposals for furnishing nt the asylum ncarSalem, Oregon, the follow ing supplies for the six months, comtnenc ingiJanuary 1, 1880: GROCERIES. 60U0 lbsLlverpnol salt, fine. 21M0 " Soap, Kirk's Bavon. 400 " Mackerel, No. 1 extra mess, '88 catch. 720 " Tea, U. 8. brand, Ponchong. 000 " Tobacco, Rapldan brand. SOD " Corn starch (Oswego) 144 " Gloss Starch (Oswego) 170 " China Starch. 300 " Soda crackers, extra, (delivered ns wanted.) 150 ' Raisins, California layer. 160 ' Oermeft Spcrry's process. 12000 ' Sugar, 8000 golden 0., 4000 granu lated. 300 Cheese. Cranston's or as good. 1000 ' Corn meal, gold dust, fresh ground 1300 ' Cracked wheat, fresh ground. 1300 ' Oat meal, fresh ground. 1000 ' Coarse hominy, fresh ground. 1440 ' Rolled oats, (Cormnck's patent) 250 ' Dried currants. 1000 ' Dried apples, machine dried. 1000 Italian prunes, mnchlne dried. 6000 ' Choice Island rice, No. 1. 300 ' Urcnm of tartar In bulk, J. A. Fol- ger's extra. 100 Cocoa. 144 ' Curb soda, C it Co. A and Hibrand. 100 ' White castllo soup (Contl) 4000 ' Little white bean. 1400 ' Pearl barley. H00 Codfish (boneleis)ln bulk, Pacific coast. 15 doz llrooms No. 1 extra Bhleld. 18 ' Cans oysters. Blue Points. IB ' Concentrated lye (American.) 15 ' Scrub brushes (No 6J 12 ' Cans corn, Wlnslow. 4 ' 1 gallon cans assorted pie fruit (Lusk.) 6 ' Blacking brushes.No 81; nU bristle. 5 ' Bathbrrck. 7 ' Bluing, Ultramatrao. La, 4 ' wooden palls, ash, 3 hoops. 1200 gal Syrup, extra golden, American retlneu. 350 gals, coal oil, 50 gallon tanks, pearl brand. 100 gal. Molasses, Orleans extra. VINEGAR. S00 gal. purejeider vinegar, 40 gr. COFFEE. 1800 lbs Costa Rica, first grade. 160 Government Java. 76 ' Real Mocha. 400 ' Chicory. SPICES. 150 lbs Black Pepper. 30 ' Cinnamon. 60 ' Ginger. 20 ' Allspice. 20 ' Mustard. 20 ' Clo es, all standard ground. CROCKERY. IS doz. Teacups without handles, V. G. 18 ' Saucers, W. G. 15 ' Soup plates 7 Inches, W. G. 15 ' Dinner plates 7 Inches, W. G. B ' Pie plates, V. G. 15 ' bowls, 1 qt. W. O. 12 ' Vegetable dishes d 10 inches and 0 12 inches, W. G. V, ' Wash pitchers, W. C. 12 ' Moat platters, one.hulf 10 Inches and one-half 12 inches. V. G. 4 Ono gallon pitchers, W. G. 2 ' Chamber vessels without covers, 12 ' Gliibs 'tumblers. 4 ' Glass syrup pitchers. 0 Glass biiltcellurs. rt Glass pepper boxes. 1 ' Lunteins, reflectors. 2 Lintern globes. 8 Lamp chimneys, B gun, L A hinge. HARDWARE. 8 doz Flat mill dies, 10 Inch. 2 Bastard liles, 10 Inch. 10 feet octagon steel. 50 feet each and round iron Norway 10 lbs each and XulllIk nuts. yi case Albany splndlo oil. 1 case Albany cyllner. 0 gross sci e s, assorted size. 2 itosen 2x2 wrought Iron butts. 4 kegs S-penny steel nallsj rough. 4 ' 10-pejay steel nails, rough. 12 feet steel Kx DRY GOODS. 175 lbs Yarn, all wool, 100 white, 75 blvc. lXrf. . V i'lituiiUiilUgilUH JVA. Marseilles York MTg, Co. checks. Lonsdale tine sheeting, 88 inches. Cabot A Dwlght MTg. Co. JIarlnors' stripe (Amoskcag) Pequot sheeting, 38 a in. heavy. I'cquot sheeting, 45, inch heavy. Check flannel, Continental. Toweling, red and blue check. Calico, American, full standard. Table oil cloth. Llnolemn 300 400 1200 BOO 1000 300 11X1 800 100 100 10 doz Metal-backerl linrn ramha fl In long. jit) aoz spoolswhlte thread.No 18 mlleend 15 ' l'alrs suspenders 8 Turkey red handkerchiefs 12 ' Spools white linen thread, No 25 2 grows Knitting needles, No 15 CLOTH. 000 cards heavy casslmcro pants cloth 6-4 wide, Oregon goods, Samples to be submitted w Ith price. GRANITE IRONWARE 8 Oblong pudding dishes, 1Ux8 in. 1 Coffee boiler, pit bottom No. 9 11V qts qts 1 Collee boiler fliit bottom Nn mil 21 (iem Milter ultchers NoSS.Snts' 2 Deep stew pans 18fx4 In., 8 quarts 2 Deep stew-pans 10x oquarta 12 Basting spoons 18 lu long iz Deep dish pans 21x7,30 r B Slop Jim with balls No 3 ats. 3 Seamiest shnarn mini; Nn US IK In Numbc.a taken from Goldsmith & Low enberg Price List FLOUR 100 to 300 barrels flour, best roller process, tobodclUcrcd ns required STATIONERY 10 bxs 404 Gillott's pens 2 ' London Incandescent Pen Co, No 4, (genuine) 6qts Ink; 5 qts Arnold's, 1 at Btaflbrd's 12 doz Lead pencils, Fnber's No 2 and 8 B Pnyson's Indelllble ink 6 reams letter paper, Llvo Oak MEATS 350 pounds per day, more or less, of beef uuu imiuuii. as required, in equal parts or four and hind quarters SHOES AND LEATHER 9 dozen ladles' shoes, 13 pairs No 1; 12 pairs No 0; 21 pairs No 3; SB pairs No 4; 31 pairs No 6 20 gross shoe laces, 4-4 1 ' shoe blacking 10 dozen pairs men's heavy shoes 8 to 12 1 side- harness leather, Oregon extra good 20 dozen pairs men's heay shoes, stitch dewn: 24 pairs No 11; 73 twlrs No 8: 03 pairs No 9; OO pairs No 10: 12 pairs No & l2palrsNo7 30 dozen pairs leather slippers, 108 pairs No fcW pair No 8; u) pairs No 10: 43 pairs Soll;21rJrtNoO;SpalNo,r 15 soup cans' with stdt handles, wired at top, 12xlS deep,of XXXX tin with covers. 30 ward bucket with balls of XXXX tin wun covers, llxiz. deep. 8 dripping pans 34 Inches square 3 Inches deep, mads of 23 sheet steel with hea wire rim and well smooth corners. turned under with under wl by 3 Inch U dripping pans 18x23 Inches by deep mada of 39 Russia Iron wit 3 Inched with heavy wire rim and weU turned under wit! Ith imooin corners. 1 milk can 10x10 Inches ntiZiT " taucct with movahlB J.iS fo' i deep, fitted withflan, "'.ut me can, " -"icti I 24tlurlng inuring pans of XXXt n , bottom 15 inch top7and 4?A li ' i bread -nans 17.t!j 1 Air" V.n?he made of 20 Ruwia iron wiii'l rim and well turnedi id w"J cornei-s, ""uer mm 12 dozen pint cups of XXxt .. 1 dozen 1-quart dippers of xiv beuvy wire top pplra0IXXXXt!, oaozenx quart pressed pan., Mpo 30 dozen tin chambers of XXXT .i sample. "AAAXtltll, i ounaic No. IS i . Inches bv 8 frnt. s""aula Iron j . c1hseSeo:'!0BalvaniMiirod 6 feet flno brass strainer rUiu !1 1 No 1 large burring machine ' ,). dai d encased stow's? "ae !i p StmSs! Un,townnuWnewBh8i1 10 shee'u'of perforated tin, n M t DRUGS. 1 lb.isolutlon of Iron for tincture. 2 , i. extract cascara saCTtdT 1 , I etract ergot, Squi- 1 : H extract vnlprfor. WU1P I 6 , commercial K , Ti.nnlc acid I , Ci.ricacld 1 , Carbolic acid, crystals S , Bicarb soda 3 , Broin pouish 1 , Iodide potash 2 , Brom ammonia 1 , Powd mur ammonia 1 , Powd carb ammonia J , Hi'lph zinc, Bqulbbs 1 oz Citrate lithla 3 lba Subnlt bismuth, Squlbba 2 , Sach pepsin, Scheffers a , Gum camphor 3 , Powd aloes, soc 1 , Powd acacia 25 , Kponi sails 16 , Ground flaxseed 25 oz Sulph quinine, P & y ffi ouipn uarpnlne, p 4 W Antlpyrlne Ji lbs.VanniiU beans, Mexican 10 , Vasellno x . A-yropnoppnatG l:on 1,00 pills, H(JI'D4Dd 1 , C C pills. G C P D 4 Co 1 , DC Pills. Imn PDA i'n "5 iS,SR5Ss,.,asaiS?i!slM.l 4 , Chloroform , 1 , Oxide zinc 2 oz OU cloves 8 , Oil lemon "J , Oil orange 2 , OU peppermint 2 . Oil rdssmarv 1 ydSilklslnlass plaster white, 8 Hi 2 lbsShcenwool m.inr-oa 600 each Empty capsules Nos 1 and J. oui kuuu cmpiy oupsuiesrtosaandli 1 gro Each corks.NosS andOXXMlo 1 , Pill boxes, No SO j. , i-owaer Doses rno vi K , Tin ointment boxes 1 oz , loz bottles, riillaoials ,S I , , I-" i " i , 3 cal Port wine Ji doz Davidsons syringes No 2 6 gal Baker's A A castor oil 3 , Glycerine 3 , Grape brandy 3 , Sherry wine 10 , Alcohol 6 bbls Sal soda 17 lbs Jupan wax 1 bbl (COO lbs) Chloride limo 1 skein each Nos 1 2 3 4 5 tf 7 and Ic geon's silk, Tuinci'S patent. 1 boitlo Lestei's earbolizedcatinitllnti Samples may be seen nt the office of I! Board ofTrustees, nnd goods must bt accordance therewith. The board reserves the right torejeititi and all bids. DellNerv of suddIIcs villi required within ten days after notice ofifl cepumce oi ma. a copy oi mis aavffl mrm must accompany eacu ma. name oftlie class of supplies bid up bo written upon tno envelope. Ki must include all tho item in tho six clasa bid upon, and must clve all the li and totals In lull with exception! i oiu on meat una nour. Alia otllceis ore prohibited by law conflrmln-r accounts of chases when advertisement docs not tain a full and complete description c kinds of nn teles to be purchased, will be considered at 2 o'clock p. m, 1 any, Junuary 8, 1SSU. HYLVJSSTCR l'KNNOYIB, G.0. V. McBuide, G. W. WKEB. Board of Trusted I WM, H. MUNLV, Clerk of Board. Merchant Tailorl A MAN OF TWENTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE And supplied with only First Class Goods suitino pants goods, VEST PATTEBMl Satisfaction guaranteed. G. C. HOGAN. State Insurance Co's. block, Salea CITATION. In the County Court of tho State ol 0 I gon.ror tno uounty oi jHiinou. In the mntterof tho estate ollpitotioa JOHN HUGHES. Deceased I v To all heirs known nnd unknown of D within named decedent, greetings: In the name or tho State pf Oregon, j are hereby cited and required to apt" the County Court of the State of Ore room t hereof, at Salem, in the County Mari6n, on Monday, the 7th day of l uary, 18S9, at o'clock In the forenoon that day, then and there to show can' nny'there be, why the Admlnwrator" ine esuuo oi jonn iiusmcs, ";;sjm should not sell the real property WoflS t6aidestate. Bald estate Is oescrJDea follows, to wit: Beginning tt't chains N. 05 deg. .04 win. W. from the J corner of the Donation Land Cuunj JouniiaKeranuisancy i.iui-. "-. - j No. 42 and In the South boundary unS saldilatm; and runutng Ihehce jerg ueg. ao min jsasi 0.11 criams i .;"- tho center of the County road ieaalprnw 8alcm to Howell Prairie: thence I. w2 SOmln. W.Uong th center of said rwj 1021 chalnsTo u stake: thence 8 fflW mln. W. 10 chains to a. stake In the boundary line of tho atIo n J- Claim aferesaid: thence H. 65 deaW E. .9.70 chains nlonif said HputnlSuUM line to the place of beginning, SriS aai acres orthb land more oroat ftted In Section l In T. 7 B.fUt, Willamette Merldlah to Marion W Oregon, and being part of the dod Lana Claim aroresaiu. . mdcl WtTSKM. TheUon.T.0. Shaw. JW of the County Court of the siaw v Jrf for tho County of Marion, with ln5. said Court utHxed, thU 8W day - ber, 1S8S.A.D., attit, Bt DrcaAiSffi. HlghUnd. Clackamas, Co. Ot-M I ha e suffered with a disease i of tne neyaforSor7 years and ftr,"1Jja , months have been laid up witn Si mvluuk. A friend sent me mrmi the Oregon Kidney Tea,,v5firort It one -week I can do a PJ f. 0H nil the medicine I rVTrNBWUJU 4 wiiunticuuivi. w -i--j. Sold hi- D. W. Mathewa a w.