H-ffujipwim iwrfir T hr anrmyii jw wrrmivisji m; EVENING CAPITAL JOURNAL f ' i'Uhmsheh EVERY EVENING EXCEPT SUNDAY. IIV TJIR Canltal Journal Publishing Company.1! t I.NCOWOIIATKD OWrr, Corner '.fnort nndH'Hirrtf Strtftr, TKII.MM OK KITltHCItirriOM " DAII-Y. One yrnr. Iiv iirnll iBVi Six tnnnUiH. by nmll . . . . 2 m Thrre innnttm hy inr.ll, 1 2.1 Per wrclc delivered hy currier...... . 16 ' - OTEKI.Y One yriir SI 0 Hlx month" "r One jrnr. If nnld for In advnnce, 1 00 Hlx month, CO pztTH'ostmnMprs nro nutlinmed to re ceive pulieeilpllmiK. a-Kntprid nBRi'oonil-clnKKmnllcrnt the Hnlcni.OrcKon.l'nstolllce.JunoEI. lf&s. W. H. ISYAItS -CIjAUB H.'IRVINK Editor Lornl Editor TJIUHSDAY, DEU. 0. 1888. KASTKUN HTOItMS. Tlio following from an eastern journnl describes some of the pleas ures of whiter in that hind The hiime severity of the storm was felt nt Halifax, Nova Seotla, where the galo was bo heavy that the steam ships refused to leave port. The weekly mail steamer Vancouver imd tho steamers Worcester from Boston and Alpha from Western ports aro delayed. Montreal had a particularly exciting time of it. The, wind blew at the rate of 72 inik'Hitn hour, the minimum belnir 42 miles. The streets and country roads were banked with snow-drifts and all homo car trallic has been stopped. Tho galo last night blew in a window in Aldermen Koscau's house and upset u lump, whieh exploded, Witting (ire to the dwell ing and fatally burning Mrs. Jtos scau. Forty-four persons were picked up In tho streets unable to make their way ngalnst tho storm. The steamer Pomeranian, bound for Liverpool, which was stuck at Sorelby the aid of four tugs made an attempt to reach Quebec Sunday. Blio got as far as Ratiscan, 85 miles this side of Quebec, where she an chored for tho night. On Monday morning not only tho steamship but tho tugH too were frozen In. She will not get through tills season. Ilorbows aro badly cut by the ice and she may become a total lo?s. Tho Allen Rteainshlp Company, who own her, will looso more than $:ioo,ooo. At Quebec tho iron ferryboats that ply between that point and Point Lewis were caught in the ice, which threatened to crush them. Tho steamship l'oliua, bound from Capo Hreton to Quebec, was seen struggling against tho gale and ice In the Gulf on Famo Point, !20 miles below Quebec, at daylight Monday morning. She suddenly disappeared, and has not been seen since. There are fears that she has been lost. She had forty passen gers, a crew of !(0, and a general car go. Liulct reports blinding snow storm, easterly gales, and tho Gulf packed with lee. A similar report comes from Itlver l)u Loup, 85 miles below Quebec. A telegram says that a schooner commanded by Cnpt. Ovlugton, bound up the Sag ueuay, was caught hi the Ice and tho crow would loose their lives. The schooner It. Treinbluy, Ixiund for Mille Vaches, Is ashore, and If not cut to pieces by tho leo will bo smashed by tho rock, Point Mag- uerean Signal Station reported a brig caught in tho leo, powerless in tho gale, and Hying signals of distress. Telegraph wires aro down everywhere and all railroads aro badly blocked. At Newcastle six schooners were caught and crushed in the Ice, am) a similar fate over took ten vessels at Chatham. Five vessels wore caught opposite Quebec. They are exacted to le crushed be fore morning. Tho steamer Powerful, while on liur way from llouchervllle, Satur day, was caught In the gale near Molson's Island and was driven ashore. Tho night was piercingly will, and uuui and horsea wore nearly froxeu. Sunday was also unoiit on board, and It was only yesterday forenoon that their plight was discovered. Tho steamer Lougiieull ran out from tho south shoiv, hut the men, more than half dead, hud to jwy an extra fare lie fore tho Captain would tako (hum ashore. When the Longiiuull was returning to tho south shore she, too, was eaujht In the leo and sev eral of the blades of her propeller ftn friunshed. TtllLIWWMHtJJli3BClJgttlra33gra It was no .small distinction for the wife of such a man ns General Sherman to make her mark upon her time in entire independence of her husbnnd's fame. Tills the late Mrs. Sherman achieved. She wos an intense, energetic individuality. Her viol's, whether upon religious or social matters, were all her own, nnd in her own sphere she ruled ns vigorously ns the General did in his. Her loss will be irreparable to the church and the causes she loved. Aktek the retirement of President Cleveland there will bo but two ex presidents living, the other being Mr Hayes. Jt is proposed by one sot of theorists that eaen shall re ceive n pension for life. Others de shc that they shall be made ex-of-lieio senators of tlio United States without votes, hut with advisory powers. There are numerous other propositions advanced. Tin: entile national Guard of the State of Pennsylvania, comprising 8,000 men, will attend the inaugura tion ceremonies of President Hnrrl sou at Washington next March. Governor Beaver will probably lie grand marshal of the parade, and in that event Adjustant Genera Hastings will bo chief of stall'. Thk agreement among the millers of the Northwestern Association may not be a trust, but it might as well be. It is an agreement to leave wheat? ungrountl and so advance the price of Hour. That will be its effect, and in eUect it is a criminal conspiracy that ought to be punish ed with imprisonment. Gi:xkkal Hakkison is rapidly acquiring the reputation of "the sil ent man " It indicates a line qual ity for the high place to which he has been called. Mjih.Ci!:vi:i.ani is said to have written a cordial letter to Mrs Har rison, congratulating her upon the tho general's election. A IIUNTiNdTON, Connecticut, woman only .'15 yea is old, has hnd nine husbands. A Ilei'Mon nnd Sjllabus' Stato of Oregon, upon relation of P. A. Davis et al, resps. vs. Adolph Wolf etui, apps.; appeal from Ma ion county ; judgment of the court below atllrnied. Opinion by Struhan J. This is tho much talked Sllverton election ease of last May. At tho May election tinted ballot paper was used hy the prohibitionists which bad been furnished by the secretary of stato for a previous contest. The canvassing board refused to count the ballots so cast and a suit was commenced in tlio circuit court. Judge Poise decided that the votes were legal and should have been counted. The ouso was appealed to tho supremo court with the decision above. Counting tho "citizens" or tinted ballots several prohis were elected. The following is the syl labus in the case: Ballot Paper Duty of Secretary of State Section 7507, Hills Code, has shifted tlio duty of selecting the suitable ballot paper from tho indi vlilual voter to the Secretary of State. Ballot Paper Use of surplus nt succeeding election. Under section 2507, supra, a political committee may purchase of tho secretary of State "such quantity or amount of paper as may be necessary or con venieut," and Its use Is not limited to n pending election, or tho next ensuing. The surplus, If any, may bo used at any subsequent election. Tinted Paper Secretary of Stato. If tinted paper bo selected by the secretary of state and furnished for ballot pater, ballots printed upon It are lawful, and must bo counted. iui:i. EDDY. In North Salem, Wednes day morning, Dee, 6, 18SS. Hiram Eddy, in his 85th year. HoIh one of the old pioneers of Oregon, having crossed -the plains lu 1852 and (eitleil lu Oregon. The Amoral occurred this morning at ten o'clock. TO CONSUMIT1VRS. The undersigned having ben re stored to health by simple means, after sull'erlng several years with a Nivero lung atllvtlon, and that dread disease i-onsuniptlon, Is anx ious to make known to his fellow siitleiers the means of cure. To those who detdre It, ho will cheer fully Mnit (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they win iiiki a siuv euro lor consump tion, catarrh, itMiiatha, bronchitis1 and all thnmt ami lung maladies. He hojK all siillbrera will try his renuily, as It Is Invaluable. Tliox ilwlrliig the proKTljitlon, which will coat them nothing, and may prove a blotting, will please nddre&i, Itov. i i.iiiii j. iiMju, ivius v.uuuiy, New York. I CoDffrnlrp Contagious Diseases. The dnnger every person runs each day of catching a malignant diseaso is very little known. "Tho linpd ling of money or a book (which hnve been in the hands of a person with a cotititgious disease) have been known to communicate di sease," said a doctor recently to an exchange. "In some diseases It is wonderful the extent to which the communicating particles can be carried. Persons linv taken the smallpox a mile distant from the hospital. Scarlet fever Is very con tagious. A tires folded up "at the bed of a dying patient and placed in a trunk has conveyed the poison to a family of four children four miles distant when the dres3 was unfolded In their presence after three months time has elapsed. Whooping-cough and diphtheria aiv probably never conveyed excopt b the breath of tho patient. Mcusles is communicated a great distance and is communicated by the cltith ing and carried about by peisonn visiting the sick room. It is certain that many diseases have been con tracted by attending the funeral m some person who has died of somi contagious disease. Too much cue cannot be taken in disposing of tin. clothing, or disinfecting everything that has been near a person sufl'ei ing with a communicable disease. ! After tho patient has shown the first symptom" of scarlet fever It takes forty-nine days before the pa tient is Ire from infection, smallp x fifty-six days, measles twenty-eeveu j days, dlptherla twenty-eight days, , mumps twenty-one days and ty- j phold fever twenty-eight days." I For weak anil delicate women nothing ' builds up tlu cntlie n.vMein moio tlior ouglily mill elleetimlly than Ore con Kid-' .ley Ten. It Is cwlully mlnplctl lu dlrciiK-s i fecnllnr to tlio sex, Is ploiiwint to tnlo uiitl 8 pleasant tutuko uiul li. every Instance nrnvos of cient vnlue. OiCL'on Kldnt v ten is composed of lieiui found In Oregon, is put up in neni iin ioes, unu can lie pu'piircd fre-ili u.Vhlmply bleeping In 1ml mild. It contains no intnrinl Milistfincc whutover, Is pleiiMUU to take and never fal's to curr kidney and urinary tioub!e Sold lv IX W.;Mnthem ,M Co. NEW TO-DAY. WANTfc.D-A HOY TO WORK ON A l farm. Addrohs o mil at ("Ai'iTAi. i Joiinai, oftlee. dlwwl. SMALLPOX A P1IKVK.NTIVK. Till: ! mcvcntlvo for smiillnox or any oilier , eiileliliiKillKeusolstho OHKGON l'KAl'II lUTTKlls. It cleanses your Dlood and strengthens your system. Kveiy Inmllv ' should have a liottle In their house. To prevent trentlni; diseases call at your1 drucs'st or address II. KI.AS. No. 21 KSt., lth.nd. Or. POWDE Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies, . marvel ot purity, HtnniBtli nnd whi)Ieonieneis. Mow trouomlcal tluin the ordinary "Onils, anil run not ho sold In competition with tho multitude of low test, short ueVht iilumor phosphate powder. Sold only In can. Hoyai. IIakino l'owi)KHt'o..l0ur Wnll.N.Y. I. SCllNEIDEU, DKAI.KU;iN WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY'. STAYTON, OllKOON. Kccpiton handn lame nssortment of Jew elry, Wutche-i Clocks, etc, llepalrlus promptly ilono and warranted. I w m e e the best Ixinpilns la watch e of any dealo Intho Willamette valley. T:0:3in.w HOWARD BU0T1IEK8 IK) General House Moving, liaising and Ilrpairiof. Work promptly doneat reasonable niti. Ontem left at Tamtai. Journal offlco will receive ntlenllon. MMf 1 PRINTING. ANK OK THK UAIU1KKT KSTA1II 1811 Umenu in the Ktat. turner nue'ilmn jWOauil. Larf et took Iul HUnll. 1 the btute, n-d blgxMt illMVunt. Send far prlrelWtnr Job prlnUn(f. and mtaLvrue tlt Slwm lrinter. HalMn, Oresi'u. ! akiH6 !Jy,f.,r,1CjFTPjjU1.,li-WWJtlJgJafJJJWJJ'Ml""MM SAN FRANCISCO CHRONICLE 13 THE Leading Newspaper OP THE PACIFIC COAST., THE CHRONICLE BUILDING. THE SAN FRANCISCO CHUOMCLE la th first paper on the Coast In ability and In the fresh ness and reliability ot Its NEWS. Nothing that the world desires to know is omitted from its columns. It alms to fill overy requirement of a first-class paper. Its Tclcffraphlo Reports aro the latest and most re liable. Its Local News tho fullest and spiciest, and Its Editorials from tho ablest pens In the country. THE CnrtOMCLE has always been and always will be, the friend and champion of the people as against combinations, cliques, corporations, or op pressions of any kind. It will bo Independent In everything, neutral In nothing fair and Impartial to all parties, yet exposing corruption wherever found. and working with fearless endeavor to promote and protect every interest of the great publlo whom It serves, and on whom It depends for support. DAILY CHRONICLE (Including Sunday Quad ruple Sheet), by mail, $6 70 one year. THE SAN FRANCISCO WEEKLY CHRON ICLE, the most brilliant and complete Weekly Newspaper In tho World, prints regularly72 columns, or eight pages of News, Literature, and General In ormatlon; also, a magnificent Agricultural Dtpart ment. $1.50 for One Year, Including postage, to any part of the United State. SAMPLE COPIES SENT FREE. THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE, one year, and Premium Map of the United States, Canada, British Columbia and Northern Mexico, $2. t3L All orders must be accompanied by the coin. Address all orders to M. H. de YOUNG, Proprietor S. F. Chronicle. Bend for Premium List. ASK FOR IT! THE SELF-THREADING In it are com bined the fin est mechanic al skill, the most useful and practical elements, nnd all known iul. vantages that make a sew ing machine desirable to sell or use. ELDREDGE MFC. CO. Factory and Wholesale OSes, Bolvldere, 111. SOS Wabash Ave., Chicago. 89 Broad Strttt, Jfav York. FOR THE MILLION. AmbodTWMUn prlTite medical aid. or thow tui! juAlm tmxftl Uon, or aor cant which but hare brosiht ?tur 45f " ioul1 nl r th. roclit o prematura i vmpnion. tm married and eioeeuiiv ihu - . - . W Ull "jj:-j5rjsr-" .-: tv.- " a . rmtmnl.lln n.M.-..-V-"T;" Scnlxl Mr .. A.bn AUUICH OLITETTC I1TIT1 MMWrt . 118 North Seventh 8t., fit. Louis. Mo. THB OLt DOCTOR'S &f. The United 8ute. In the Old Doctor's nrtrate nail yr thouaandaof women n nr .K practice, forM rr, ami not a lnglo bad remit. .. UlUUrSnUABLE IO 1-&SICS. Jfoner ntoraedtf not aa represented. Send I NU (Uap) tor sealed particular, and rccdre rt only neter knetra to fall remedr by ""II. DOJISPENSAJBLE TO LADIES. mown io rau rcmetir nrt. TPAitn a cta 111 KotUi Scream 8U St. LoaU. U ELD "B" 1 shs J matt NEW ADVEKTISEMENT8. Admirers of Cleveland nnd Harrison, wo believe In Protection. V -t '. We'protect our customers from paying ruinous prices for their goods bv tin. them on n very smjill profit. "rei -Free 1 1. - . U our:motto ns every person Is free to trade with us nnd take ndvnntneeof t!,-irnr'nrir-oa. f Wn lin n llio most comnleto assortment of lue BrsYflGopds, Underwea'r, ' :-;' 'U J pi.otriing, I Hats ,ai?id Caps Boots- and Slides .i- ' ' Notions,..-; v, " To be found In the city. "Iluy ns you vote" with your eyes open. CalJ, nnd we will lllilUU J J14 ClUWliH- lit LlIU 1fjfi;it.b I1UUOC The Cavil CARPETS, RUGS, ROLLING AND LACE CURTAINS . V 'l H.VO i;.ll bJIIVIJ 1W1 X'llll DlllLIt 111 1 -j -.i-irfi -ii u r iw x irr. x GOODS innlldepurtments. MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS LUNN & BROWN'S, i!0 Corner State nnd Commerclnlfstrects. An excellent stock of I THE BEST STOCK OF STOVES IN THE R. M..WA.DB & CO'S 282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM. fiH,Sfe AND MANY OTHER Also a Complete Stock of Hardware and ivioney to Loan ! We have several sums of money to Loan on good Real Estate. .Security for a series Of years To- wit, ONE PURSE OF $1200 J ONK RURSE OF $1000 ! TWO PURSES OF $SO0 faoh! ONE PtTRE OF $400! Apply soon to Willis & Cliainlerlin, 13-l,dwliu- titra Ilouw. Court St Trade Cigar sa,nd fc .iSTooaGco UlIJJVI. Adventure Co. FILL SEASON OF Special nttentlon Is called to ntir splendid display of fashionable girments from, tho well kno vn manufacturers I Springer Bros., OF BOSTON. They need no recommendation from us, being the finest line ever placed before the public. Each garment has a label at collar band bearing the manufacturer's name, oun Is unusually large nnd vnried, repre senting The Latest Novelties. Agents for tho new Mather patent LACE KID GLOVE CITY IS AT Garland Stoves, Charter Oak Stoves, Brighton Range LEADING STYLES. Farm Machinery, Wagons and Ca.riag SHEEP FOR SAE' 300 head of ptock sheep for sale. For prices and particulars, address A. care Capital Journal ofllce. dwtf. FARMERS. r PAY TUB HIQHKST CASH l'BJ1 I 'tar butter, egM and PO"1'1, lave n teed store, 2H Cominerlal s'Tt.1-10-llMllm W. UATlr i