gpw v " ; mw P n .f OVER THE CAPITA, CITY. Complete Hecilal ur the Ihilj.'.Jhing t'oin pilcd From Yarfou Soiiivm. Happenings Over tho City and NYws From the Country lioinihboiil. At the I'tnUmiUry. At the penitentiary Superintend ent Downing linovr 3000 bushels of potatoes Btorcd n't .iy. "fur use nt the prlnoii. Tlioy were nil raised on Htute ground, and it is calculated will more than supply the demand. Flour, bentm and pulntocs form a good part of the prison tare. Of the former four hundred jnunds in con sumed each day. TJnj Hour they ue 1b of the second H grado, hut from It in made a t:i"l ij.iulity of bread, though of a yellowish cist. lit Wmtrd I NgU. Home people can't realize defeat when they feel It descending over them. Thus it was that Jasper Minto becamo entangled in a quar rel on the eve of election day with itobt. Ford. The Jap appeared be fore the recorder yesterday, and left Vt and cost. His oll'ence was dls- Tke New OOcens. January first will find new faces occupying the Salem city' offices. The council will then bo republican with one exception, and ,wiil be as follews: First Ward Edward Hirsch and Squire Farrar. Second Ward George Collins and E. Lafore. Third Ward A. E. Strung and W. W. Skinner. Fourth Ward A. N. Bush and O. D. Hutton. Republicans Edward Hirsch, Squire Farrrar, George Collins, E. Lafore, A. E. Strang, W. W. Skin ner, O. D. Hutton. Democrat A. N. Bush. W. C. T. U. COLUMN. LOCAL SUMMARY. Vlfftrenre of Dispositions. Warden McMillan says in all his experience he lias heen no two prisoners whose dispositions were nearly the same. Of all places for studying diameter he thinks the the penitentiary decidedly the best. There you have men of all classes and convicted of all crimes. Among the rest are, uo doubt, some men who, though they have committed a crime, did so In the heat of passion or without premeditation. Again there may" bo some entirely innocent. orderly conduct. Retaliating he Each man throws about him an in had Ford arrested on the same charge, and the hitter's examina tion occurs this afternoon. Wombd'h lCrllr rj Of Sedgwick Po t No. 10, at their hall last evening, the Woman's Re lief Corps elected the following olll cors for the ensuing years Mrs. .M. Baker, president; Mrs. Ellen Bag ley, senior vice-president; Mrs. M. Jones, Junior vice-president ; Mrs. Eme Wright, treasurer; Mis. M. A. I'cttingill, chaplain; Mr.. S. Houser, conductor; Mrs. S. SMt, Guard. dlvidtutllty which furnishes u study. The HutTc Completed. The directors of the Salem street railway company yesterday con cluded the work of locating the track from State street to the depot. It will run u little to the east of the present roadway, crossing tho city bridges across both tho creek and the ditch. The street commissioner was viewing the ground this morn ing and the railway company tell us they will bo permitted to cross these bridges. More Street Urullng. Huving completed their grade on State street as far as tho r.illway, the street railway force was tills morning set to work on Commer cial. Beginning at a point Imme diately in front of the Insurance building, this grade will bo com pleted as far down as the Cliemekete. A New law Fit in. IimiH Bros., late of Kansas, have this week opened up a real estate, law and collection olllce up stairs in the Insurance building. These young gentlemen are energetic, and come highly recommended and full of business, and already are meeting with good success. tlailty or ARaanlt. . The case of state vs. T. L. Pretty man, charged withauassaultagainst O. 1 Beardsley at Eola last May, on trial at Dallas yesterday, resulted in his conviction. The ollense is a Unable one, and up to a late hour last night Judge Boise had not assessed punishment. -- Evlileare of Inn'casr. Evidences tiro on every hand that Snleni is increasing rapidly in popu lation. If you don't believe it just note the increase in the vote polled in that fourth ward at Monday's election An Insane Young Han. Willis A. Fisher of Portland was brought to tho asylum yesterduy. Sinco his recovery from a severe- at tack of typhoid fever ids mind has not been right, but a few months treatment it Is thought will perma nently cure him. ZZ-. ' on the Santlara. Work for tho winter has ceased ut the Capital mine. Tho minors have returned to the city for the winter, and will not return until early spring, when, If dirt shows well, work will be prosecuted tho summer through. Wheat Down Again. Wheat has now dropped to 7o wnts. No reason can bo ottered, yet the niurkot is not very llim at this low llgure. With two mills running this cereal should com mand u better price. Kayh an undertaker: "Tho dally death lists in tho newspapers ars consulted by more people than those who have an idle curiosity to know who is dead. During a campaign candidates for ollleo are anxious to attend funerals that aro liable to congregate men of intluuiice. A certain class of lawyers are on the lookout for damage suit". Tomb stone dealers tako notes with a view to business in the future. 1 nsur.utce agent h make u memorandum to call upon tho surviving relatives in duo time. Tho keepers of tho beer houses out near the cemeteries guuge their orders according to the outlook for the (jay. The class who want free carriage rides scan tills columns attentively." practiced modi ought to know read what he T.... in ice? f, IV. , .Jtlll. lJt AUDI. Cheney & Co. Geu- A man who has cine for 40 years, salt from sugar; says: Toledo, o Messrs. F. J tleinen: I have been in the general practice of medicine for most 40 5'oars, and would say that In till my practice and experience, have never seen a preporutton that I could pre scribe with as much conlldenco of success as I can Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have pre scribed it a great many times and Its etl'ect Is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that I have yet to find a case of catarrli that it would not cure, If they would tako it according to directions. Yours Trul v, L. L. GORSUCH, M. D. Ollloc, i15 Summit St. We will glvo $100 for any case of catarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken Inter nally. F. J. CHENFY & CO. Toledo, O. CeiySold by druggists, 75c., Or. July '.M, M kidneys wore In it vnry Ixiil oonitl lloi, Tlio urlno hum llku brick ihut, iitul I suffered n gniit deal with my buck. All nuiUHlU wertMiimviillluif imlfl I trliM tho OUKOON KIDNEY TEA, which gine me almost immediate rvlli'f- II. Hamilton. Hold by 1). W. Mathews Co, Krmoral Xitlre Mcssors Rridgvtt& Boxorth doslro to Inform their customers that they have removed their stock of mlllln try faiioy goods and notions, etc, from the Bank block to IHI State trvut,(ii the Pat ton block t where they will take pleasure In wulcom ing all old friends and us uiauv new ours tt can call. Thqy nro Just mow eugagMl In rv.vl vine; and open ing uti elegant new lino of goods for thr w inter and holiday trade. 1 ur il ii i Don't Experlmrnt. You cannot afl'ord to waste timo In experimenting whon your lungs aro in danger. Do not permit any dealer to Impose upon you with some Imitation of Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption, Coughs and Colds, but be sure you got the genuine. Because ho can make more profit he may toll you ho has some thing Just as good, orjust thosaine. Don't bo deceived, but Insist upon getting Dr. King's New Discovery, which Is guaranteed to glvo relief In all Throat, Lung and Chest allee tlons. Trial bottles free at Dr. H. W. Cox's drug store. Large hot t Ira L I haven't the courage to die sir, Hardly the courage to live; Can't drink enough to forget, sir, Ain't Christian enough to forgive. Tills was the wall of a man who had endured the tortures of " liver complaint" and dyspepsia for years; Hid lie might have endured them for life, hud he not hoard that Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery would make him a well man. He gave It a trial and was cured. Once lie was hollow eyed, emaciated, and slowly tottering toward the tomb; out now no is vigorous, robust una healthy. There is nothing that can conipnro with tho "Discovery" as a I curative agent for sour stomach, constipation, Impure blood and bill lousuce. The worst cumm of nasal catarrh iHwltlvely ami permanently- cured ny Dr. Sago's Catarrh remedy. P. R. Baglcy of Newport Is In the city to-day! Chorles Calvert is recovering nicely, from his recent spell of sick ness. Prof. Rork's mental philosophy class meets at Liberal hall at three p. in. Sunday. You willjalways find No. 1 gro ceries at L. S. Winters, the popular Court street Grocer. 1 in d w Geo. Hubbard.the California hop buyer, returns home this eve, having about cleared up the output here. Plush 00c per yard at Bridges & Bozoth's. No charges for stamping where materials are purchased of them. MaJ. S. L. Lovell returned lost night from Westport, where ho left his family, much Improved in health. Misses Nettle and Ina Nies of Dallas are in the city for a few days, taking in the sights of the capital city. For.hollduy candles, nuts, cigars, notions, etc, goand see what Speight & Souder, Court street, offer you. Prices low. lmdf Two Chinamen wero arrested in Albany. They aro supposed to have been implicated In the Sunday Chi nese riot In Portland. Follow the crowd and you will turn up at Squire Farrar's, where groceries are pure and cheap. , Join tho' procession. tf. H. W. Prettyman and wife of East Portland returned to-day to their home, after' a few days visit hero with relatives. Frank Gorman, for the stabbing of Bill Hiatt, waived examination and gave bond in sum of $250 for his appearance before grand jury. Miss Katio Scholl of Walla Walla, after a. pleasant visit of a mouth, with her cousin, Miss Carrie Haas, returned to her homo yester day. To-night at the university chapel occurs the elocutionary en tertainment. It will be a pleasant affair and It well worth your atten dance. A revival was commenced yes terday evening at the M. E. church in Sllvorton. It will continue for some days and it is promised much interest will be aroused. St. John usks tho question, "Are you for the saloon or the home?" TheaiiBwer given is, "you bet your life." But wheiii you are asked where you can get the best goods and price on tea, cofl'ee, groceries, etc., tho answer is, at Squlro Far rar's. tr. Tho Brownsville Woolen manu facturing Co. of North Brownsville Linn county, to-day filed articles of incorporation with tho secretary of state. The amount of stock is $25, 000, divided Into fifty shares. J. P. Galbreath, F. F. Craft and M. Moyer nro the Incorporators. The La Graudolcroamery, with capital stock of $10, 000 also tiled articles to day. Only a small uudienco greeted "A Chip O' tho Old Block" at the opor.i house last night. The play is not stai tllug, being of that "razzle dazzle" stylo which has become so popular of late among a certain class. Tho company was. bettor than the play. Scott and Mills are cadi good In their specialties, but It would not be diillcult to find a superior lady aid. Catch tho shadowero the sub stance fades, is good advice, aud especially Is the truth of this demon strated when you speak of the frequency with which one dear friend or another Is hurried away. You'll regret too late that you did not have your friend or relative visit Sperry tho Artist and have a per fect likeness taken. Heed tho moral go now boforo It Is forever too late. tf. The-pVorld'n TV. C. T. V. White light includes all the prismatic colors, so the white ribbon stands for all phrases of reform aud there is no phrase which tho drink curso has not rendered necessary. This wo did not see at first, when Margaret E. Winslow of Now York proposed this ribbon as our badge. My own urgent desire was then that the home women should wear and finally redeem from association with tho liquor power, the colors of the nation, and at that Chicago con vention of 1877 wo wero all wearing the red, white and blue ribbons I had furnished, when the wiser vote of tho majority made whlto our badge. I now eeo how much wider was the reach of this pure emblem that holds within Itself the colors of all nations and stands for universal purity and patriotism, universal prohibition and phiantrophy, and universal peace. "Hearts are near though hands are dear," aud wom en' j hands and hearts all round the world will be united by our white emblem ere another generation passes out of sight. As president of the World's W. C. T. U., I have al ready sent out to every nation the purposes and plans of that society, and there is now no speech or language where Its voice is not heard. With Mrs. Leavltt on her way to Africa, after planting the W. C. T. U. in India, Australia, China, and Japan, Mary B. Willard and Mrs. Dr. Stuckenburg devoted to our cause at the capital of Germauy, in Madame Mejorheim and Char lotte Gray in Scandinavia, and a W. C. T. U. organized in the world's wine centre and metropolis, the city of Paris itself; with Alaska ex plored, thanks to tho enterprise of Miss Ackerman; Great Britain, Canada, Australia and the United States thickly planted with our White Ribbon Societies, we may well wonder at what God hath wrought in fourteen years from tho whirlwind of tho Women's Temper ance Crusade. Miss Willard. Fruit Farms of Ten to Forty Aemi CONVENIENT TO TWO RAILROADS. These lands are not offered at enhanced prices. The soil and W ., I -r fii J iA in.ili DTADC nnillir-r, . .. 1UCUI rRDITQ fnr Mhinninir preen to the Mlnlmr ll,t.i-i. u"il , ..u..- rro o o "" and Farther East, whilo tho mutual cooperation in Shipping, storing and selling fruits will Be no small consideration. The Very Best Land For Fruit ONE HOURS DRIVE FROM SALEM. The canneries of SALEM, WOODBUBN and ALBANY aro J oi access, none put. uni eiuss miuiiira uesireu. yjn mee. Parties with team. Correspondence solicited. Gfitj Address J. J. HARDEN, Stajlon, AMUSEMENTS. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. GRAND CONCERT, Saturday Evening, Dec. 8th., By tho Celebrated Quiutette John F. Rhodes, Solo violin. PtUi;Mende, violin, Oscar Hentscbcl, solo flu to and viola. Paul Stoevlg, solo viol and violin. XjOuIs Blumcnbcrg, solo vlollnccllo. MISS ANNIE CARPENTER, prima dona soprano. Reserved sorts SI; general admission 75c. Sale of seats will begin at Pattern's Wed nesday the Sth, at tf o'clock a. m. Doors open at 7. Concert will begin at 8 15. td. TOfAMCIAt. ISTATlLISItl'.D ny HATIOSAL ACTO TlieCapitalNalilS OK SALEM, - - - OREGON, Capital Paid op, - . Surplus, ..... K. 8. WAUiACK, - . UraUentl W. W. MARTIN, - Vlce-Prcjldtntl J. H. ALBERT, .... rtl DIRECTORS) W.T.Gray, W.W, Martin. J. M. Martin, R. 8. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Culck. J. H. Albert, T. WcK. Patton. Mayor Hewitt declared that never had so pleasant a duty devolved upon him as that of bidding the ladies of tho W. O. T. U. welcome to die City of New York. SUl'ItEMK C0UKT. Salem, Dec. 5, '88. State of Oregon, upon relation of P. A. Davis et al, rcsps. vs. Adolph Wolf et al, apps.; appeal from Ma ion county ; judgment of the court below affirmed. Opinion hy Strahan J. A. C. Deupreo was admitted upon certificate from the supreme court of Indiana, to practice in all the courts of this state. I. W. Case rcsp. vs. E. A. Noyes, app.j appeal from Clatsop county. Argued and submitted. May Davis,resp. vs.S. P. Sladden app.; appeal from Linn county; ar gued and submitted. onirers Elected. At tho regular meeting of Sedg wick Post No. 10 Department of Oregon G. A. It., the following offi cers were elected for tho ensuing year : A. W. Drager, Post commander; Heury Rogers, vice Post Command er; Sherman, Junior Post Com mander; G. Stolz, Quartermaster ; J. Bachelor, Officer of tho day ; L. A. Port, Surgeon ; T. M. Parvin, Chaplain; S. B. Waitress, Officer of the Guard ; Messrs. Leo Willis, S. Bachelor, H. Rogers aud S. How ard, delegates to Department Encampment. REEDS OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, Dec. 17, '88. Grand Concert Will de given under tho aus pices of the .Conservatory of Music, assisted by ."Misallttllip Parish ,3Iiss Ftankie P. Jones, Jind a choral society of forty voices. Admission foments. Reserved seats at Patton's book storo after December 11th, wiinoni extra cnorge. td, LOANS MADE To formers on wheat and other mm able produce, consigned or m itml either In private gmuarlesor I ipuDiic wnrenouscs. State and County Warrants Bonjltilj COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rate, fcl drawn direct on jsew York.uhlci t ranrisco, l-oriianu, ivonuon, n Hong Kong und Calcutta. -ATV- WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Wednesday Evening, Dec, 5tli, Under Direction of MISS SHUART pupils. And "her elocution mission 25 cents. Acl-d3t. LKTTEK LIST. Tho following letters remain uu? culled for In tho postoftlco in Salem, Dee. 5, 18S8. Brown Tom Clark Sam'l A Duututr Wm Fisher J Grants Carv Gray Joseph Htuntlton S W Hudson J W Humphrey C H Jtilsan K MyllonMok L A McGeo J K MpMaoktn James Parrott Alex Beyuolds H V Bold Miss M C Hoborteou B K Bounds Miss Allie Sllkot Mrs Nettle Sheldon Mra Let- Crowder Mra S J Gilliam Alice Howe Zach Humphrey Mrs Maggie y :li mi their toilet utatut n bottle of Dutard'a SHolrt(v. Tliwv U uothlng like It Air rv iuuvIuk blemUhtM from tho kUi, ourimx tuwtl wUnrrh, pulton oHk. wnru Htid tu. iiicrtHM growth and running mitc Ten dr fit from uneomAu-tnblo hM are lu Ktantly rvlloxodby iMturd' Hptvlrli-. Hold by D. v. Mutuew a Cu. Stewart Cynw Smith C TullcntJ H ! Utter W II Vlokors P O Wallace TM Smith Marlon Thompson Milton Vogvl V WheatonMUsE It The Tax LeTjr. The hoard, consisting of Gov. Pennoyer, Secretary of State Mc- Brido and Treasurer Webb, are in session to-day and will this even hic complete tho tax lev The total levy, although not yet made, including tax for militia and uni versity, will bo between three and a half aud four mills, but not over four mills. FOR BARGAINS IN FURNITURE GO TO ROTAN A WHITNEY, 102 Court Street, Salem, Oregon Having bought out the remainder ot tne chair factory's stock, we are prepared to sell chairs lower than any house In Oregon First National 6i SALEM. OREGON. WM. N. l,ADrE, -DK. J. HEYNOLDS, JOHN MOIK, - - . - l'resite VIco Preside - - UiUM GENERAL BANKING. KxrnnTipo on Portland. H in Knindr Nftw Ynrfc. Lntidtm nnd Ifonz Koj bought and sold. State, County nndOi warrants Dotignt. MirmeM are euruixj Invited to detxtilt nnd traimM, buiiM with ua. r.l hiini I iiilviim-es nl'lde tq wheat, wool, hops anil other properjlil reiifconaDie ratCH. inuranif minumj curlty can be' obtulnoil at the bankb most reliable companion. NEW BOOK. DEEDS OF DARINi BY BLUE & GRAI Btrktea'i Arilt Salrt. The beat salve In the world f. outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, saltrheuiu fever sores, tetter, chapped haniN, chilblains, corns, and all akin erujw tions, and poaltivrty cures plies, ot no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale - Dr. H. W. Cox. Take 'ota of Thli. TCOR 83.500 WE WILL SELLOo acre X1 well Improved garden land, within 3 mile of Salem. Quod road to town thn rear around. Uulldlngs good. FINE YOUNG ORCHARD and excellent gnu land. ThU fs a bargain, and will be held only a ahort time at thmte rUmre. Call, and vrs win how you the property. WlLLw CHAMHKIILIN. Opera House, Kalein. Or. tfdw-u rpHE QUESTION OF THE DAY. PROTECTION OR FREE TRADE? An Examlnttlon of thi Tariff Question with Es pecial Regard to Die Interest! of Labor. BY HENRY GEORGE. CLOTH, f ua PAPEIt, 35 CENTS. This Is the clearest, falreat, moat Interest ing and most complete examination of the tariff question yet made, and will prove Invaluable to all who wish to understand the subject. The most thorough Investigation of the subject that has yet been put in type No w York News. The appearance of this book marks a new erjocn in the world-wide strunls for free trade. Henry Ueorge has a power of mttlng economic truths in such a dear and Immd language that any child can under. stand him. while the most learned man can enjoy the accuracy of hU statements and the suggestiveneea of his thoughts. inomas u. Buearmau in isew York Htar, Tlin vltn.ftnn if Hip. IrtOst I perxonul adventured on both sides da 1 111. fTllMlT (i VI ll'lll f Illl'IlhJ.IV iiii.iv. accounts of exploits of scouts andspj fkin.n i.nn.-.,. iw.K.ij. i.M...f.v ltiicrm merits tuul hulr-bmidth escapes, roma incldentH. hand-to-hnnd strugsles, numji ous and trnglo ovents, perilous Jo": uniaansncs, oriiiimii nt - natilmnnu ..ll.ii.u fin nnfll t-ltlO Ino I ) chnpters. Profu-M-ly illtmtmted tot llle. No other hook at all like it. ai wanted. Outsells everything. Time fortvivmi'iiti allowed agents I of funds and trclght prepaid. VLANET HOOK CO., lloxHSW. iKiyw. Whoever wants to nee the strongest ar um, out here. gument not only against protection, but HiaiiuBi an wnua win una 11 "ST.LiOrU15l IV.sflUSCl! Klre and rlne. JOH. ALDEUT. Agent, - .Halom,Orl Christian Union. The slngularsuccess ot Mr. George Is that no uas maue political economy interesting. Unitarian llevlew. A book which every workingman In tho land can read with Interest and ought to 1 1 .fwifl V.Vii.lf IVavmIA 'I HtnrjlGeorirt's 0w Works. Frogreasand Poverty, cloth, !tl Spaper, Social Problems, cloth.ll; paper, 33 centi. The Land Question, paper, 10'cenU. I Property In Landjraper, 15 cents. Aaare iub HTANUAUD, 13 Union Square, New York, ezssH rt'VAWlWUl