TU JK3Li i ) )JL1 mill inn i ii wnwi win i i ii mi mi ii i mm CAPITAIi JOURNAL THrRSDAY, NOV. 29, 18S8. Overland to California VIA M utficrn Pacific Company's Lines. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. ekly Capita THE BEST L between Salem ami San Francisco frlae """"jmny-su Hours. PBIHG WiGONS, BUG6IES IrtT.ironyrA ExntEss tkaix daili outfi "I-North. fciop m Ev. 'Portland Ar. 10:45 a."m. AND- Slip m. ! i in. i An San Fran. Lv. Lv. Svilem l.v, i.)IR. m. .00 p. in. R.Ol3D CARTS FCAI. rASsAKOXB TKAIJ. ( DAILY 1.X- L,ri i ou.ii'.vi;. e5ilM- I flTJJ.JAMiilLU-'l'.MJL.'J'! it ' i ii i, i..... rjocrme'w-T.rj ww tmmwwn I i HMBtll"MM,M,,ir' HOOTS ANDJSHOES. fe i Journal! LPjn!BWijQ in ni i i liuuu. rv. i .- i i, in, 0,i m IiV. iem i.v. i.oj p. m. 5pm Ar. jsugcne ijy.jv.uu n.m. "PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. OURIST SLEEPING CARS, ir nccommodhtlpn of second clas pass ers attnelied to express train1! ii.nii .t l'. liaiiru-iu leru imiKra cou- Jetton with nil tho regular trains on the hg, MlUC Ulilftluii 11U111 IWWfc Ji i' BIIWI, brtland. k Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallis: II I,Y (EXCEPT SUKDAY). siSTm. uv. rorunna ax. or.-u p. in. Boj p. m. I Ar. Oorvallls Lv. 1:30 p. m. UMVII.I.1S KXrUESS- TBAIX"(DAII.Y except suwday). ) p. m. Cv". Portland" ATT Ar.McMlnn.vHlc Lv. TOO a. in. 545a. m. )p.m. t Albany and Corvallis connect with liln of Oregon Pacific Railroad, through tickets to rll points boutb. and .tilnliillfornln. i.v,r full Information rceardlnz rates. ids. etc., apply! to the Conip.ui'ft necnt, lem. Orceon. E. P. ROHhRg, KOE1ILEK, Asst. Q. V. and Pass. Ag'U .Manager. THE YAnUINA ROUTE. IREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Bid Oregon Development company's .unMilp line, su nines Biioncr, u mure ..imin thiin hv nnv other route. First js through paivcnccr and freight line L Pnrtl.md mid nil nolnts In the'Wil- (metto valley to and from S.in Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Sundays): BVmn Alli.inv 1:00 P SI B.in PnrvnUla -1:40 P SI 5T0PSI - b-iit A St 10:15 A SI Errlo Yaquinn. pao x annum -Bl ti t. n ("Yirvn Ills rrle Albany 11:10 A SI io. & C. trains connect at Albany and sprvaius. BThe above trains connect at YAQUINA lith the Oregon Development Co's Line Si.,nn...dl,lvM, linlii'imn nnlllmi lllld Sftl"i ClUI l.llllj" UWH? .. ..j..... UUUUISUU. SUU.NU DATES. STEAMERS. FROM SAN FKAXCISCO I'lllametto Valley, Thursday Dec B. I rillametto Valley Slonday " 17. ,'lll.unette Valley Sunday " .0. STEAMERS. FROM YAQUINA. i'lllametto Valley Wednesday Dec. 12 nilametto Valley Slonday " 21 inis company reM:ru3 mc w,,u. grnifn Kiilllnir rintes Without notice. N. B. Passengers from Poitland and all HUIIICUIIUH Willi lilU n. ...... . l .1 I.I. l.n 4n.1no nf thP AUU1JSA KUUTU at AlO.iny raxuruu", nd if destined to San Francisco, should n . .. ....... .1... a..a.ii. rr rrungo to arrive at luiiuum i" .-ib iefore date of sailing. i I'Assencer ami rreigm uair. aik " lowest. T-'or Information apply to Slcsjrs PLliSAJi iE IO., l-reigui mm ik leents 200 nnd 202 Front St.. Portland, Or. Br to . . . C. C. HOGUK, Ac't Gcn'l Frt, X Pass. Agt., Oregon Pacific It. K. Co., C II. HASWELL, Jr. Gen'l Frt; &. l uss. Agl. urcgon uevi-iupmtu.. Co., S04 Montgomery St.; San Francisco, CalJ TIME TABLE-RIVER DIVISION. Theoleeantlv eouinned steamboaU, AV m II. Hoag, Capt. Geo. Itaabe; the N. s. (emiey, uapu a..i: louuuii im xu.. Isters.Uapt. W. I. Short; are In service r mJun.i.nH frolirlit truffle betWCCn loruUllsand Portland nnd intermediate olnts, making three rouna trips kku keek us follow r: , ,, ! N'iirtti nilWT.Taves Corvallis Slon- lay, Weduesday and Friday at 8 n. m. iirrives ni saiem Aionaay, t cuucuj - I'rWnvolln n. fj-lVOfl RnllTIl TUCSaaV, rhliKlnv nnA Kntnrrlnv nt. ft a. HI. ArriVeS It Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- iaysi.a:aup.ni. ., . IsnilTir liniTVi-.Tiiea Portland Slon- Say. Wednesday nnd Friday at 6 a. m. Arrives ut Salem Slonday, Wednesday and rnaayatviia p. in. i,e.ives dhusiu mw- mij, inursany ana oiiiurunj " ". Irrivcs at Corvallis Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at 3:30 p. m. , , I For freight and passenger rates apply to ho captulnii nnd pursers of the respectn.e fcaU, or to W. M. Darling, agent, SW I and kenu. Kalem; I.' SI. Adair, "Bent, Albany . a tm -I . i- .iii..ti.fnlnA tTta Iral freight and passenger agent, Corvallis. IU.S u. trains connect at aiu" " Corvallis. . . . . L F. W. BOwEN, Supenntenucuu rt'm. IIOAG, General Manager. regon Railway and Navigation ICOMPANY, "Columbia River Route.' IVnln. fnmiUm An, IcrflWA TnHl&nd at l&U ln.ni19nniJ.lli. T1it1r1 t1 &nd frtWO irinclDal Minn ln'tha United States, Can- Ida and Lurope. ELEGANT PULHANN PALACE CARS Emigrant Sleeping Cars run throoghlion express iniiui iu Rmaha COUNCIL BLUFFS and ST. PAUL Fre of Charge and Without Change. Connections atrortlandf or San Fraa eisco.andil'uget Sound point. i For further nartleuufa Inquire of. i lannlnc, agent of the owni?' Miun.r. lai street, naimn, 'f3I,3 U Slaxwell. G. P. T. A., ftrtUnd, fregon. . The Clcapost Newspaper in OrcgoiH THE BEST FAMILY. NEWSPAPER IN MARION t . . .,-. . Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, $1.50. Now Read Our Discount for Cash ! WEEKLY, onelyear, J1.00. 1 WAS THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IK THEP? AMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR AJ ONE-HIRD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers reurced to toko advauUigo of our big discount, by set In nrrears joinjng the graud throng of one dollur subsoribers. Sing old accounta TO ONE AND ALL , ,.iir namw. If vou want to take advantage of our "one Wesay.MndiiBJOU tnoroou can got M nottw or other third off for caeV , ?remittInK, send us your name and tttata that you lul. " tonr method Of rewJuSLI,,,. ,..nrOT1lri, vmir l,ln.. nlanxl on the Sui remit at fin opi dollar ii rtuniii. rf o i THIS IS NOT A SrKCIAL OFFBRj COUNTY. WEEKLY, six months,- --W.75J WEEKLY, six months, .?0.o0 Send for Catalogue and Price List. Josh Bros. Wagon Co., EDUCATIONAL. ST: PAUL'S SAIL Boys and Girls. Tho M-hool will open on the 2ltli of Septeinber. 'lliornugh Instrue- lion In the prlimity mid aiu need English JBranches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -in eouiiie.- TUItSIS nnd further Informittlon nuij be l'nd on application to lU'.V. F. II. POST, Cor. Chcinckcta and State Sis. 8-20-tf WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduates Students In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Kusincss, L;nv, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It Utile oldest, largest nnd IiMift (xpn slvc Institution of leiirnlng In the North wont. School opens first Slomlti) I" Septeinber Send for eataloguo to TIIOM. VAN SOOY, President. 17: Salem, Oregon. rT wnm u.i, J, j Ut Miss Knox Will continue Her School for the en suing year at the LITTLE CENTRAL SCHOOL BUILDING, Cor. Church and Marion Stt.. beginning SEPTEMUEIl 10. 194-d2w CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC! Willamette University. Stost successful school of muslo on the uorthwest coast. About 150 STUDENTS LAST YEAR. Courses In Piano, Orgiin Slnulntr, Violin, Hurmony, und Counter point. Dlolomas on completion ot courts. Teaeherw . M. l'arvln. Krankle P. Jos. Hvat'oz. Auintant.Lulu SI. Hmltli. Flrt term begins Monday, Hptinber Sd, 1NA bend for catalogue. Vor lurthsr partleulan address Z.. M. PJVRVIN, Slutleal Director, Halem. Or. S-17-dtr-wlt PRACTICAL CUTLER Flftflg Sawt a Specialty. S II ki Mlauft UT- n FARM IN raoinel wis MISCELLANEOUS. -rou Tiiu HOIVIELES II! in 12oo ACRES E -rou- ale or Rent. Quantity and Quality to Suit Purchaser. Lands near It. II Facilities. A GOOD CHANCE -von a- Renter or Purchaser TEAMS AND STOCK ON TUB FAHM WILL, BIS SOLO T those buying benns, If dslrwl. For Particulars call at This Office. VAR LAID THE BEST- IjlGOI THE MARKET- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. V K. STRANG, No. :t Oominerclnl Htrcet, SALKM, - - OREGON. DKAI.Kll IS STOVES and RANGES l'lumliini, (las anil Steam Filling "S- Tinware and Artistic Motal Work a Specialty. Ai-AKent for tho UKMIAUUKON A 110YNTON COMPANY'H rmiuieo. talillHhed In Hit) H. NEUGEBAUER, South S:loin Family Giwr, KKKIW ('iiiiHtniitlv mi hand a choleo neleclloii or Ftapileiuid liiinlly griHorli", which hu lm fur Milo lit tlu hmoht IIvIiik prleeH. Ho iiImi Buys Farm Produce. THKCHKAM of all HOOKS of ADVKNTIillK CiiiiiIiiikoiI lulu Oiin Volume. PIONEER HEROES DARING DEEDS. Thiithrllllimuitw'iitiirtwor nil tho hero oplorurH i''1 Imntler HkIiUtk with In (lliiiiK,oiilliiHiuid wild IihihIh. owr our wholoeoiiiitrj, from tho enrllit tlnii-a to thii nrwiiiil lUi-H and huiioim exploits ot DiiHiilo, IjiWalh'.HIiimllKh. IIimiiik.KpiiUiii llnidy.t'rookett. Iltiwle, IIiiiihIhii, V."1".'' ("usIur.CiiUforiiHi .l"-. Wll.llllll. Ilumilo lllll. (ImieruU Sllles ami Cnxilt, (IreiH Indian i:iilefii,iiml)roHiilotlii'r. Hiilen dl.lly IlliiktriiU'd with 'JiU linn eiiKnivliiits. AkciUh wiiiiliil. I.ow-prlied, anil bW ""y,"",K,A.Hi"i.ANoiurrAco., 1 K.' Post Ht HAN 1'llANOIMfo, CA I- ll-o lyw, -Cull iil(i Sue T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, i 'i' ittM NKW OIIAHTKItH IN THK A. HI"!" Insiiriinrn llulldliiu, (r. (Jira- mvrcliil and t'liemekete streeU C-1U One Dollar a Year WEEKLY CAPITAL JOURNAL (Halem, Oregon.) la universally conceded to be Tho Best Family Newspaper Kver published at the state capital. ITIHTHKOHKArHHT. IT 1H THK IIIUHHT. itihtiik H mr. It ennslaU of lght vM lllled and unttly printed jes. It suits alike the Mrmer, the mwelisiit, the lawyer, the gardener. Hvery family el rate slwiulU have It. It contains aliMilut4y A I.I. THK NKWH as well as otry, story. eorrMpoudeore, tumi, luimv, ami uunty othw nwotul feature. See Our Cath Dltcoiwtt! WHHKl.Y. Om Yar0NK DOI.UMt lny sdHNw -l liwysar Address alt Hmulitlms und make all uxmiUm paysW t THU avi'lTAb JQUIWAU 8uli, Ortu. miM. puBt rediwtlau. We have iie to ay. A. L MAy'VELL O. P. H H0LC0HB, Oe-1. Managw. JDt