Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 08, 1888, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Company.
OJIce, Corntr Court and Ubtrtjr Street,
One year, by mnll.-........ .ii W)
Hlx months, by nnill . 2 OT
Three month by msll 1 25
Per week delivered by carrier ....... 10
One year
Oqo year, If paid for In advance,...
oix iiiunwn,
1 00
iHi-lwtmaslern aro
eclvo huIwcrlptloiiK.
authorized to re-
W. H. It YAKS -CfiAFtE
It. nsvixi:
(Cincinnati and Baltimore are at
this moment owned and conducted
by men who began their career In
poverte, and whose prospects dur
ing their youth and early manhood
were quite as dlsheurtonliig aK thoe
of any of our love-lorn correspon
dent.". And with regard to that
delusive dream of emigrating to
homo other state or country, we caa
nsure our young friends that the
conditions of prosperity in, every
laud arc the same. The one source
of prosperity, at a'l times and In all
places, is this: Industry directed by
Intelligence. ,
Tin- nsil c:init:il of n iricat business
'WKBKI.Y. , , .... ,i . mi i .
i 14 not, money, iiui iiiiuneei. .iuiiis
I""" TSitho corner-stone of our politic.il
economy. Tlie degree of Intelligence
with which a business Is conducted
is the measure of its permanent
prosperity. Millions of capital can
not save it if there is a fool in the
counting-room who oxereNe.s con
trol. This fundamental business
truth is not often acknowledged in
so many words, burklt is constantly
acted upon in the sure and rapid
promotion of young men who show
that they pos-ss a decided talent
for business. The best head tends
upward by a law as sure as gravita
tion. The best head may be, to-day,
in the basement, olilclatlug as
water-bearer and errand boy to the
packers. AVe look in next year, and
llud him the foreman of tliat depart
ment; and so he marches upward
through all the gradations, until he
lands safe and sound iu the counting-room
as junior partner. Though
appearances aro sometimes against
tho remark, it is nevertheless true
that a man generally gets on in life
as fast as he becomes tit to be en
trusted with the more dillicult
duties that belong to a superior
station. And nowhere is this so
generally true as In the business
thr rownit of wnitni.
3-Knlered a kecond-clnurt nmtlerat tho
Snlcm, Oregon, I'oitollh.-e,. J line, 21, lbW.
I.ncal Kilitor
No Cliarges
A J)vkhtihkmi:nts i'suku thk
head of WANTKIi, KOIl HAI.K,
Poll HUNT. K()t'NJ),I.tvr,..'..oriinao
centulilenHtuie, not tiiexieejl tluee Hiich,
will bo frro for one v-'tt imly ono nd. for
iaeli Individual. This does not Include
If answer fall to eoim- the first llini we
Invito ax many leiietltiouHiisiire neees-yiry
tonecuie what) on advertise for. We wish
tlirmlxcrtlMTH to feel th.it I hey aro not Im
jhwIiik on UK by iihIiij; oar free eolnmnx.
Tho Capita I. Jouiin.w. Is the medium
through which the Kcncnil nubile mit al
wajK haw (heir umilH supplied.
AdveitlserH Nhoald remember that let
ter directed to INITIALS ONLY aie not
delleied thiouuh the poMolHiv. If till
1 lulu are used they fchould bu dlieeted to
thocatuof M)ine person, (Inn, or ixistolllcc
AdvoitlMimentHean he left at our ollleo
or Kent through llm inall to
The eirect an advertisement Has ; ' Mftrioncottnty'.iB situated in th.
upon the reader is -v.af well'llVi heart of eiUnOVillamett
'. ,. ,, , ,, ,, -. , . , valley, the central 'gem .in the clui
tratedhythe following ;h relattd, ta of 'rich counties that form that
in the Mechanical New: J ' ' princely domain, .and is the bannei
QA wealthy man who"!ow'ia a commonwealth of tho great north
country residence recently became ' wcaVn,t,!nfi!Mhatte0iit)'
. , ... ,t ii. , , wards making it aprofltableabtdini.'
dissatisfied with it, and determined laCG( and ab.0me for the thrift
to have another. Ho he instructed farmer, the cunning artisan and the
a real estate agent, famous for his Industrious mechanic,
descriptive power-, to advertise it in , E'cu In jts agricultural resources
' J. . . , , . . . . In its cultivated and uncultivated
the paper for private dale, but to landSi ln Ita water powers, and
ouncetil the location, 5. telling the minerals; rich in its colleges and
purchaser to apply afhis olllce. In schools of learning, and with a
a few days the gentleman happened " fY? TT. !
to see the advertisement, was pleased tl overcrowded states, where cold
with the account of the place, : winters and hot summers, with
allowed it to his wife, and the two terrible cyclones, provail,
concluded that it wasvjuat what comes J, fi,
., . , ,.,.,, ..means, advantages that no
they wanted and that they would i count J jn Oregon possesses.
secure it at .nice. 8o he went to ' Much has Been written of this
theofliceof the agent and told him' western country that requires a
that the place he hud adverted , ,trf KC",:"1'
, , , . , ' prehend, and numerous complaints
was such a one as lie desired and he ire hcMa fronl tho class who have
would purchase it. The agent been misled by them, so in this
burst into a laugh and told him . brief sketch the writer desires to
thutu-.K.'iiliM.Ttnilftn-or'Mii nwii avoid exngeratlon as to its present
that .as.i description o..,ii s n Rnd cUve advantages, asking
house wlicre he was thenUving. those in the east into whose hand
He read the advertisement again, this may fall particularly those
cogitated over the " grassy slopes, " who have their eyes directed towards
"ln..tir..l vlahu. . "amnnrl. I.n. Uui?. COa?t-. PeIUSe I. Carefully,
' ' reeling tnat IMS not written to Jure
etc., and broke out, "Is it possible? immigrants within its borders, but
Well, make out my bill for adver- only as a truthful discription of a
tiainir anil fviwiiso for. l.v Dwinn 1 latlU WU1CU, II It OOeS not "IIQW
i O millr nnd linna
I wouldn't sell the jtlace now for
Admirers of Cleveland and Harrison, m believe In
"We protect our customers from paying ruinous prices for their coo d tiT-..i
them on-a very smill profit. -. B "yteiiijg
Free TTrade
three times what It cost me."
WGGS-CU1J'. At tho reildeuee of l-M).
l'retlyman of Viola, Idaho, by Hev. T. I..
Chllders, Mr. Samcul .1. HlK2,of Watei
vllle, Douglas county, and Mrs. Sylvia J.
Culp, of Iullman. lioth of Washington
Sr.vrK oi-Oiii'.doN,
or Oiikoon, 1
Ai,I:m, NllVKMIIKIt 7, IStiS. )
I his year now dniulML' to a close has
been one of unexampled peace, plenty
and prosperity within tho borderH of tho
state. It In proper that publlo uclinoul
tdKiiienl should ho niado to tho Great
Killer of tho UiiInciso for Ills luniimenible
blesslncs. 1 ilo, tlni I'foi c, (leslKiintoTlnirs
tlny, tholMh day of November, as a day of
TliaulCHtlvlui; to AlmlKhty (iod, to bo
observed by the whole people nfthlH Com
monwealth In token of their (,'mtltmle
for IIIh (treat merclei.
Ill wltuexH thereof, I have set my hand
and caused tho seal of tho state to bo nf-
lUed, this, tho seventh day of November,
A. I)., IttaH.
lly tlivMvrrimr:
(lK(l. V. McllllllIK,
Heerelary ofmale.
Itrul anil liiiaglmiry S'orrourt
four Yoiiiii; .'Men,
Young men who aro employed in
groat establishments, at moderate
salaries, often feel discouraged by
tho seeming Impossibility of their
ever getting into business. They
argue thus with themselves and
'with us.says the York Ledger, some
times in dolorous letters "To car
ry on this business with ell'ect re
quires a capital of one hundred
thousand dollars ; how Is it possible
for a young fellow, with a salary of
llvo or six hundred dollars a year,
to save a tenth part of that sum?"
They answer that It Is iiuiKwslble,
and heuee conclude that It is tiioun
altemblodeeiveof fatethat thoy must
remain hireling drudgoa all the days
of their lives.
This reasoning apiiears to come
homuwlth withering power to tho
minds of young gentlemen who
have had tho luck to fall desperately
in lovo with pretty girls. Out at
every hundred letters we receive, at
least ten aro from young men of
ardent feellugs. and small Incomes,
wiio aro uetui tu love and liavu no
proajKHits of an advance, and who
would like to bo informed whether
it is the part of wisdom to go .to
South America and niako a rapid
fortune in tho cotleo trade, or marry
at home and live ln a garret, or lay
thumbolve and their borrows at tho
bottom of their native river, having
previously tied a brlck-lmt to each
wrist j and If nope of theo are wise,
thou what do wo recommend"
Tliwo ardent youths overlook u
fact with which they are iwrfoutly
familiar, namely, that tho very men
whom UiiiyKtrvu, and wlus fortune
hoouiH so unattainable, begun Ufa
Just as they aro beginning It, at the
bottom of the ladder. With a few
-wall known exceptions, all the groat
fttutorltM, commercial tlrnw, news
yapore. private UHnUlng.hotUH, re
tall stored In the rltlm of New York.
jKwiou, l'jiiwuelpliln,
hen some young men take
strong drink thoy don't hesitate to
lie, to deceive their best friends and
be dishonest with them, linaucially
and otherwise. The tics of home
and kindred have no restraint upon
them. When they know this, their
only safeguard for maintaining their
honor is total abstinence from all
intoxicants. A young man's way
ward conduct in this respect, tho'
he may imagine he is not
known, and that his friends and
kindred can shield him from the
punishment his dishonesty merits,
It will bo but a short time before
the truth will dawn upon his
drunken understanding and he will
be lo.ttlied and desniscd bv all
respectable men and women of his
acquaintance, and find his only
companions among the law breakers
and vile of the earth.
Kgs&iiuTUY rSa
mm . rfifiy
The result of the election in tills
state will probably convince thoso
political leaders, who inclined to
free trade measures, that the June
election was a faithful Indication of
how the people felt upon the subject,
and really did mean something. It
simply meant that the peoplo of
Oregon liellevo in fostering homo
institutions and markets, and the
Increased majority at this election
speaks louder than words could upon
that part of tho political discussion.
Albany Herald.
A physician giving a bit of his
own personal experience, and hav
ing a constitutional tendency to
sleeplessness, says that nothing
has ever given such decided relief as
eating heartily Just before going to
bed. Ho objects to tho use of the
uiu vusioinury mgni-cap as a
remedy against sleeplessness, both
because alcohol Is Injurious to an
empty stomach, and because it
does not Induce a natural sleep.
Hut ho thinks that adults should
be like babies, who sleep best with a
Ml stomach, without nlght-maro
or other unpleasant results.
Absolutely Pme.
Till powder never varies. nimwM of
punt, strength and wnolosomcncui. Moro
economical than tho ouli i.ir uuKmul
ill ii not be sold In competition with tho
multitude oflow test, short weluht ulumnr
nhosphaio (lowiier. Sold onh in cans.
Hoyai. llAictNo lvm:itu., KIV. n,N Y.
Dtllrate MtrhinUui Disordered and Ittghtoi.
Tho inokt dellnttoaiid Intricate piece of
inechmiUm in tho huiuiiu stnu-turu Is tho
no.es. As the telegraphic wires, transmit
tho electric force, so do theo nensatlon,
thofiH-al jwlnt belnu the brain, where sm
satlou centres. Mental anxiety weakens
this mechanism, sudden shocks paralyse
It. but d) siHpi.la Is Its inuM obduruto foe.
This ftw Is utterly defeatetl by tho Irresisti
ble tonic, Hostetter's Htomuoli Hitters,
and the cessation of disorder iu tho
stomach Is reflected In brain and nerves
by rvstortd tranquility, and trHiuiulllty of
iiiv iivnm iiiitiu,n, 111 mis insiaiuv, renew
ed lKir. A dlstlUKUlshed iiUHllcal author
ity says. 'The victim of nervous dUuuiet
uile who llud ehlonil ut iiIl-IU and
bromides by iUy neetsltles, shourd know
tliatn euro nnuLLw souKhtamonsriu-cncleo
whlehstreimttieu Ihe uervus." mui nxiih
edly Ilostttier's Btoui.ieh Hitters lias
provcatq bo the liest.of ihoke. Malaria
complaints, caiutlintlon, bllUounes, in
Hctlvltvof tho kidmun unit rli.i..wi(lan
oftwn Involve nervous troubles by sympa
thy, nnd all are eradicated, by tho ifltterf.
Illinois lias rvcuntly ikism.hI a'
law making It an otlenso sublet to 025MKL JASfEftBHSt
a lluo of fa) to Mil or give tobacco In fS.iSWSSa.'XViS
any form to minors under sixteen lwiifihtof job inunir. and rHtaionie dt
A imiykician practicing iu Urar.ll
says that a man about to marry Is
required to furnish a certilleato
from one or moro physicians, that
he Is freo from dhasoof certain
charaeterj and that ho is free also
from all signs of any of tho diseases
which are liable to bo transmitted
to tho offspring. This is not re
quired by thegovornniont but it is
a sort of family law or custom
recognlied among thohlgherclasses. i
" Her Age I'Auniit Wltlarr Her."
lleniarkcd an old gentleman, as he
gazed fondly upon the comely little
woman by his side; "but frankly,"
ho continued, "at one timo I
thought cosmetics would." Tho
silly littlo woman, iu order to appear
youthful, plasteretl her faee with
diflerent varieties of whitewash,
yclept, "blams," "creams," "lo
tion," fcc. "Yes" interrupted the
littlo woman, "I did, until my skin
became like parchment, and so
pimply and coarse." " Well," said
the listener, "what do you use now?"
" Use," was;tho reply, " nothing but
common sense, and Dr. Pierce's
Golden Medical Discoveiv. Com
mon sense told me if my blood was
pure, liver regulated, appetite good,
that tho outward woman would
take on the hue of health. The
1 l)lsenvirv ' iliil nil lluwo ililmru
and actually rejuvenated me."
its thousands or cures are the best
advertisement for Dr. Sago's Catarrh
years or age, unlehsupoii written
order of tho parent or guardian.
Thk Medical Hmuxl Is authority
for the statement that the celebrated
surgeon Abornetliy was a regular
Cliieago, advertiser In the Time of his day.
i,i mmklv cv,w- ;.":rrjRV '
Steam looter, SmIui, UreKoa.
oar oh gritAYE
Ore-tfou Laud iviupon)'.
milk and honey,'' contains within
its bosom wealtli and resources equal
to any other country on the Pacllic
Bide of the Eocky mountains.
Marlon county is bounded1 on tin
north by the Willamette river ain
Butte crtjek which separates it frol..
Clackamas county; on the 'cast b
Clackamas county and the Cascad
mountains, which separate it iron.
Wasco county; on tho south by lib
Santiam river and the north fori-:
the Santiam, separating it fivn.
Linn county.andon thewest by tl
Willamette river.
The county contains, inclutlm
valley, prairie and mountain laiuo
about 0tX),000 acres.
There aro two main divisions, lb
mountain and tho valley. Tl.
lattei" extends from the Willameti
river to the foot of the Cascj.u
mountains, a distance of about l
teen miles.
i The mountainous portion contain
some fourteen townships of mowi
unsurveyed land; lying in a str
twelve miles north and south I
frtW-' mll.ui nncf. nnrl wnf tirwl ......
IU..J A...a VM?V MUM ..V, MUV. w..
nrisoa nil el n spa nf lnnd. from i-.i ,
narrow vnllevs in tho nnssct.. t .
.. ... . A..- .-, .,
1 flw.i.1. nil tl.n nPoHnil rf rnl 1 1 1.
hilly and broken, to that of rocs
bound canyons and inaccessi. i
craggy peaks. It is generally hea i (.
tinibcrcd, and in the near futi i
will be valuable for its lumber -s
plies. These hills and mountu
afford a wonderful summer ran.
for stock, and many of the more i
terprislng farmers are availing tin. j.
selves of this opportunity, and win i
the cold frosts or autumn appruaci
tho stock aro brought out to frehi
pastures, thus enabling them to si i
vive tho winter storms with litt''
A decided advantage Marion coun
ty lias over many others is the di
versified farming Interest that cai
be carried on throught the ent..v.
year; notwithstanding thisisavi
climate during the winter niontb
tho uplands are seldom, too wet
work, and long before the rjm'r
farmers are through wjth their wip
ing, the hill fanner iu preparing f-:
his sununer work. And yet, tin
low lands aro much preferred b;
many; the yield per acre Is gcnentlij
greater, and perliaps less laoor Is iv
tpiired to place the soil in propci
condition for crops; and then shpuli'
the season prove dry the botUn
lauds aro sure to bring .the, lx.ii
crops. No better farming land can
be round in tho United States, t.hun
that on tho noted Howell prairie.
French prairie, Santiam prairie and
"Nilcm prairie. The soil of these are
wonderfully productive. With good
cultivation, forty bushels of wheat
tnd sixty of oata per aero can be
icadlly secured.
The Willamette river, with two
incsof railroad running the entire
length of the county from north to
-rfitilh, with the Oregon Pacific road
crossing the southeast corner of the
inanity, affords ample facilities to
reach a market ln any direction.
Is tho capital of the state and
county scat of Marlon county, situ
ated on tho Willamette river and
on tho O. & C. railroad. Costly
buildings have been erected, among
which the state capltol building,
county court house, Chemcketc hotel,
opent house, new publlo school
building. Catholic school building,
Methodist church, Willamette Uni
verslty, and many privato residences
and business blocks, which will
compare favorably with older and
larger cities.
All tilings considered, the Willam
ette valley has the beat country In
the -world, and Marlon, county is
about ccnterally located therein.
Tu thoso seeking homes la the west,
no better .opportunities can be
otl'erod, than arefound here. Persom
desiring Information regarding
Marion cotrnty or the "Willamette
valley, those "wanting farming
lands, stock farms, business property
or city residences, will be promptly
and reliably informed by addressing
tho well known firm of Willis a
Chamberlln, real estate agents,
nitcra house block. Balem Oroum
I our motto as every person Is freo to trade with us and take advantage nf ...
low prices. Wclinve the mot complete assortment of ""tv.ui uese
Dry Goods,
Underwear, ;
HatSjjgnd Caps,
Boots and Shoes.
Cigars and
, - . . ..
To be found In the city. "Buy ns you vote" with your eyes open,
make you welcome at the Opera House Corner.
Cnll, and wo win
The Capitol i
An Excellent stock of
Adventure Co.
Special nttcntlon Is called to our splendla
dUplay of 1'uslilonnble garment
from the well known
Springer Bros.,
They need
no recommendation
from ns, being the finest line
ever placed before tho public.
Each garment has a label at collar
band bearing the manufacturer's name.
Is unusually large
and varied, repre
senting , . . . ,
. W-M . " ifc
S he Latest Novelties.
Agents for tho now Mather patent
At prices extremely low. Full stock of
GOODS In nil densirtmcntb. I
S19 Corner 8tnte and Commercial (streets.
282 to 286 Commercial Street, SALEM.
' 1
Garland Stoves,
Charter 'Oak Stoves,
"Brighton ftange
1 1 .
'so a Complete Stock of Hardware and Farm Machinery, Wagons anil Carriag
Plenty of clean, frvsh, Oregon
raised clover seel for sale at the
Grange utore.
. Oren, hIso a ceoond band Piano at a,
bargain nnd on easy terms. Call on
aMCommwolal Su, Satan, Or.
rr-iuonRiErons om .
MeaU, 0) cent; board, pr wek.
CblBfM employed.
319 Commercial Ht.
mixture of Lincoln nnd ilesqulte
inrte or small quantities. For term
Ureas T. O.JORV,
174-lm Balen,0'.
t' PAY THE tmtillEST CASH piub
JL for butter, eggs and poultry, a"
Bare a feed itore, aH Oommerctol tr-IB-lMla
W. U YATfcfr