Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 08, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 211
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium nt the Oreiron
State Fnir 18.-'8t-&-'8.'87 and at the Cali
fornia State fair, 1337, ana Ban Joaquin
County Fair, 1837.
Manufactured In stxlslzos. For circular
and price list nddros
H. 8. JORY & SON,
I'. O. Box 286. Salem, Oregon
W-DryorFurnacoa furnished flvo sizes
. JCilneton Tenor GUirornln real estate. For
lETormatlon address usnt either of the fol
lowing elllces: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
Mo.; bnlcm. Or.;' Portland, Or. fcialom office
at Bellinger's machinery deiiot, near tho
clly hall, Liberty street; Portland offlcoln
the rooms ofthoStato Immigration Board,
corner of Front and Ash streeU. I73tf
L. S. SKIK1T & CO.,
warns rs.
Otllco near tho
Opera House.
Teeth extracted
by tho painless pro-
D. C. .Howard, .Proprietor.
7-AU kinds of fresh and cured meats
nlwavson hundj full welghtnndnsquare
deal all ariund; "
For Sale.
A stood Iron frame Horse Power. Good
for all ' uses, from one to full, capacity.
All for the low price of $30. Citll attho Pa
clno Cider, Vinegar & Fruit Preserving
Company's office. Salem, Oregon.- .
For tho treatment of all diseases of men
and women
Medicated vapor baths, oxygen inhala
tions electro magnetism, medicated
flnravs etc? Office and sanitarium in the
Xnlc block. Consultation free. 103dw
m tasi To.tAr ncArftlocobGH;
uli. . i l . n n ua i 'm ui'
lADirriMT UrflLranRfllIIlT fAL.
AU L Nf "'iJ ---
SNELL, HEITSHU &W00DARD, Wholesale DeDot
Proposals for StationervZZZ
8ALKM, Or, Sept. 27th, 1&8. f
Sealed proposals will bo received nt this
office until noon November 27th, 1S8S, to
furnish tho following articles for the state
of Oregen:
SO reams legal cap, 14 lb, No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carow, Charter Oak or Scotch
so reams letter paper, 12", lb. No. 8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
Linen. JCS.TlM-,'" ' iH
80 reams Ant-class Congress nolo, 7JR
packages, No. 8 ruling, white lald. sia
15MNo.5w' ' eenvelopes.OOlb.No.lnig,
IS M No. 9 white envelopes, 60 ft, No, 1
12 gross railroad steel pens No 149.
IS gross anion's stcol pens, Mo. 401.
3 gross Easterbmok "J" pens.
6 gross Faber's pun holrteni. No. 1878.
4 ao7.cn Tower Manufacturing Co's. bar
ometer and brass bucked Inkstands.
12 dozen Ivory folders, 0 Inch, Standard.
3 dozen ivory folders, 10 Inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mucilage stands, reservoir, No.
6, Morgan's patent.
3 reams Parker's treasury blotting paper,
140 lb, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eagle Recorder lead pencils,
style 66.
4 dozen Arnold's writing fluid, quarts.
2 dozen David A Sons writing fluid,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Sanford's premium fluid, quarts.
15 dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Faber's rubber rulers, 14 inch,
12 dozen steel erasers, Uogcrs', No. 18140, H.
3 dozen steel erasers, Rogers', No. 18 Hit, E.
20 boxes Faber's No. 300 rubber bands, as
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber s lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
hexagon, cllt.
'aber's lead pencils, round, gilt,
10 gross F
No. 2.
6 dozen Fabers
tent Ink and pencil
rubber erasers, small.
lOOOMcGIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 2.
1000 McGIU's patent paper fasteners, No. 4.
18 dozen gummed stub flics, No. 21, 11x15
In., 230 pages. .,
12 dozen table pads for paper, 10x21,
lu dozen waste paper boskets, cross bar,
No. 4. ,
20 lbs homp twine, No. 12.
At tho same time separate bids will be
received for 12dozen Wostenholm congress
knives to be described by trade Nos. Sam
ples to be exhibited.
Bids should be marked "Proposals for
Stationery." None but best quality of
goods received, .
Tho right to reject any or all bids is re
served. All goods to bo delivered bolbro January
1st. 18&i. Paymcat to be inndo by warrant
on stnto treasury. .
utu. w. .iicimiui-j,
0-2S-td Sccrotary of State.
lj,?al Estate Bargains.
31,000 100 acres, 6 miles from O A C do-
lHt. Good , house, . barn and
orchard. Fenced, and K In cul
tivation. $2,000 SO acres, 4 miles from Salem.
Good rond to town. Improve
ments fair. Fine fruit land.
$5,490 Ho acres 2 miles from Salem.
No bulldlmrs. Splendid land.
all fenced. Make a desirable
(W acres 4 miles from Rnlem. Im-
provements good. Flno young
orchard, and garden land.
,1U0 acres. 7 miles from Snlom. I
Hill land, flnely watered. Hell :
In lots of 40-ucro tracts at 825 per
-.o " o .. , o ',
$10,800-. W5 ocres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass and fruit land,
adjoining Willamette river.
Will sell in tracts.
$1,375 51acres,4 miles ofSalcm. House,
barn ond orchard. Largesprlng
at tho door. Good soli, una
ntiintv rf tlmlipr.
$2,400. 120 acres, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well
i tv W. Wg
runnlnir throuir
;li tuo place.
fGO.OO 400 ncres (4 miles west sldo O A
orchard, 120 In cultivation, bal
niin.nnlr irriih nasttire land.
$800 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad-
inintnr. fnir frmtind. Good land: I
no Improvements.
$1,200- 40 acres, 5 miles Salem; ull In
cultivation; no buildings; near
school house. Excellent fruit
$4,000 370acres,amllpsfroinOCBR;
all fenced; well watered House,
acres'ln cultivation.
Wtntm onn hiiiiiii iiri'iuini: '
32,750 s lots, wlthgoodhouseandbarn,
..-. .diiiAni i Mvinii.iii iihiiiiiii.
and farm property, lluyeni woinn ao wen
we nave oesiues mm u iuiK i v -'v.
to call ana examine our iiuiuiugs uujiuo
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St.,
Salem, Or.
Land of Discoveries.
IhosewnQnaveuseq 11
. .I i
dies are giving satisfaction, ond a cus
"omer with llronchitls says ft Is the only
wmedv that gives Instant relief.
Hi the pleasure to Inform
aVe you that your Preparations are
meltin'g with large !. r . We bear
Nothing but Praise &"
That It will accomplish the end .desired
health Is In tho nnnulnra Ynll
,bJ,nl" Z dollar mi purchase
trifllngsumoionr u wm, you
an'dontonhmStded of human
"circutarisent free,eonUlnlnf detailed
I. prepared only by the ABIBTINE
IjIEfalCAL CO., OrevMK Cal.
" -
BUrtllus; Statement
rl IoUrt,
' iJ
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, oa
being naked when the training- of ,
child should begin, replied, "A hun
dred yours before it is bom." .
Are we to infer from this, that this
generation is responsible for tho con-i
ditfon of the raco a hundred years
from nott T
Is this wonderful generation tho nat
ural result of the, proper diet and rued
icinos of a hundred years ago ?
It is conceded in other lands that
most of the wonderful discoveries
of the world in this century have
como from this country. Our ances
tors were reared in log cabins, and
Buffered hardships and trials.
But they lived and enjoyed health
to a ripe old age. Tho women of
those days would endure hardships
without apparent fatigue that woud
startle those of the present age.
Why was it?
Ono of the proprietors of the pop
ular remedy known as Warner's sale
cure, has been faithfully investigating .
me cause, and has caned to his aid
scientists as well as medical men, im
pressing upon thorn ,the fact that
there cannot bo an effect without a
cause. This investigation disclosed
the. fact that in tho olden time
Bimplo romodies wore adminlstotol
compounded of herbs and roots, which
wore gathered and stored in tho lone
of the log cabins, and when sicklier
came on, these remedies from naturoV
laboratory were used with .the be-t
What were theso remedies? What
were they usod for? After untiring
and diligent search they have ob
tained tho formulas so generally used
for various disorders.
Now the i question is, how will the
olden time preparations affect the
people of this age, who have ho n
treated, under modern medical
schools and codes, with poisonous
and injurious drugs. This test has
been carefully pursued, until tlmy
are convinced that the preparations
they now call Warner's Log Cabin
remedies are what our much abused
systems required.
Amonf them is what Is known nS
Warner's Log Cabin sarsaparillu, uixl
they frankly, announce that they do
not coneider tho sarsaparilla of io
much value in itself us it is in tin
combination of the various inurcdi
ents which together work marvelously
upon the system, They also hue
e I preparations for other diseases, unci
i ag warnor'fl
- .... . .-. . . i ,
" Warners JX)g canin eougii hi u
consumption remedy," Log Cabin
,opB nmi DuChu remedy," "Warner's
r ' ,-, .. . . .: j. ti, i..,..
Lc-tf Cabin hair tonic." They have
great confluence that they have n
cure for the common disoase of catarrh.
I ,i.y, ., i i,n ,, f ! ,,
"Inch tnov EVe the name OI Log
Cabin rose cream." Also a "Log
Cabin plaster," which they aro con-
'! j t 'in .nm,in. nii others and a
udont wm supplant nil otners, nnun
liver pill, to be used separately or in
' HnnnnnllnM willi 4linfliai rnmnillnu
connection with the other romedios,
We hope that tho public will not
be disappointed in theso remedies,
but will reap a bencGt from tho in
vestigations, and that tho poprietors
will not bo embarrased. in their in
troduction by dealers trying to sub
stitute remedies that liavo been so
familiar to the shelves of our drug
gists. ThiB lino of remedies will be
used instead of others. Insist upon
your druggist getting them for you if
ne nft8n.tthemyet in stock, and wo
. . fl,,nnt txf.t .,.. ' romo.
riBaaawaw .- . v.va -.
dies will receive approbation at our
reader's hands, as the founders liave
. .. ... i n. . ..n n
National Surglral Inttltutr.
Two or more surgeons representing this
Inxtltute will be at the ChemekeUi hotel,
Salem, November 10th, 18.
They come fully prepared with ull the
apparatus necessary for tho sucvewifii
treatment of their specialties, curvature of
the spluo, diseases of-the hip and knee
Joint, crooked limbs, club feet ond all
Iwdlly deformities. Their success In treaU
In; these tniubies as well as all chronic
ond sexual disease has made for the In
stitute a national Jeputatlon.
lliioniiorlieatlou.referenwswlll bo lur-
nlshed from patients In nil parts uf tl' i
United State. j
Allpurkons who are sutferlng frpm any (
of !uee complaints, should not fall to taks
advantage oftul opportunity for relief.
OTM JJU X JSittJ' uu
lasasd March and Sept.,
atch year. It U an eooy
olopadia of iiMfol Infor
jnitlon for aU who pur.
cbxso lba JuxurJaa or tha
LacasjlUaa of We. We
em' elotba rou and fumUh you wlto
all the naeeasary and nnnaoaaaary
appliances to ride, walk, danoe. sleep,
eat. tUh. hunt, work, go to church.
r Ity at home, and bx vrloua UV
,t,li7and quaoUUes.Vuat fljture out
whTt U rwTO to dp aU the . ibteit j
CO0nTBI.T,nd yea ean J.
stlmata of the value of the upreun
-. M. VWYSV. ,-
receipt of iu onw v-i -rrrzw
JiA-X iwiii '
Subscribe for the Capital Jochnai. , I
Plucky College CSIrU.
A recent writer on college girls
tells nu Interesting story of tho trials
and difncultles of llvo plucky young
women who had llttlo money but
plenty of pluck and determination
to get mi education. "A large-eyed
brunette," snya the Writer, "not
sturdy, but fragile-looking, graduat
ed from Boston University n few
years ago by finding n situation ns
waitress inarestaunint, wearing the
apron duriugrush hours nt morn
ing and night, uud in vacation sen
soa tno day through. One group
pf four giris, two from Boston Uni
versity and two at Harvard Annex,
engaged two ndjolniug rooms in a
quiet house in Boston and boarded
themselves on nu average of&l.TO
D. weok. Tholr ronma onat. SR. nr
?15 each. They took breakfast at
-.- .. . . .- . v...u . -V, w.
a small reBtaiinuitv-wuero oatmeal
aud steak cost 20 cents. They ate
an apple and u slice of bread for
lunch, and nt night they pooled re-
Bourees, spreading napkins on the
top of a trunk uud feasting on bread
Jitut milk, or bread and a taste f
rumiml meats..' Onco n neighbor
surreptltimisly inserted six glasses
of Jelly In the bureau drawer which
served at commissary tlepartmcnt,
aud then tlmy dlnod royally for
days. The food cost them each 115
cents per day, and not ono of them
HuUered in health by the experi
ment, and their expenses for
clothiiigfwero no greater in propor
tion." If your buck aches or If you aro sutuning
rromiutlumiimtioit ofthu Kidneys, seminal
weakness, brlelt duM Uewlt In the urine,
or In fact iiny kidney, miliary iirlivo.'cmn
litntlit. do not waate monevon worlhlcs
llntint'iits or plasters, but stilko Mo stmt of
the illseiise at iiin-e by Using the greater of
all known remedies, Oregon Kidney Tea.
It Is pleasant to take, Is purely vegetablu
and has never laled to give entire eatls-
; Sold by D. W. MaUhews A Co.
. A Worasn'i Dlsrotrry.
"Another wonderful disi'overy
has been made and that loo by a
lady in this county. Disease- fast
ened ts clutches upon her and for
seven yenrs she withstood its sever
est tests, but her vital organs were
undermined aud deaths seemed im
minent. For three months she
coughed Incessantly and could not
sleep. She bought of us ti bottle of
Dr. King's Now Discovery for con
sumption and was so much relieved
on taking first dose that she slept all
night nnd by one bottle 1ms been
uilnii'iilously cured. Her uamu is
Mrs. Luther Lut.'.' Thus write W.
C. Illtimick & Co., ofSholhy, N. C.
Get ft freo trial bottle nt II. W.
Cox's drug store.
SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 1st, 1888.
Salem, Oregon,
Gentlemen; Wo had the pleasure re
cently of making shipment to you of our
new " White Cross" Kxtrncts, and send
you by mall to-day n very neat show card
which wo would like you to place promi
nently In your store, and which will cull
thoattention of your tmde to the good.
It hus been our Intention for some llmo
past to place tioii tho market the llnest
line of flavoring extracts manufactured In
this country, and niter months of study
mid experimenting with the prominent
brands now before tho public we have at
lust siKxcdcd In placing before you u qual
ity which beyond doubt has no sucrlor.
Wo can not lis) strongly Impress tixm
you that you can unhesitatingly reeoui-
mend them to your customer as the flnest
that can poMilbly be manufactured. The
iNU'kugu und style generally Is such us to
attract attention, uud we predict that when
your trade have tested the ijuallly of the
BxU your sale for" White t'ro" extract
will Ixj large.
Jlj" complying with our n-'iuest you will
confer n f.i. 'or ujxm yours truly,
ll ifsKHVilMI
Free teie To Innocu
ous Deseutudc.
Hare More Electoral
Than They Need.
Chairman Ilriro Mukr-.s The Official
Tcxuh nnd the Solid South Stay With
Go Wot I
Go Groterl
The Orders
Washington, 1). C, Nov. 8.--At
tho Wlilto IIoubo tho prmhlunt nnd
Hiunll piirty nsNuiuhled in tho
llbntry timl rocclvctl ulcotlon howh
furnished by tho nssoclntoil pretw
over it siieclul wire. DIsnnteheH
wore nlso received from ncrnoiml
frlendrtof tho iiroslilcut, but it vib
wild by ono of tho executive
cltirk, whom Col. Lumoiit dentited
to sou nowHimncr men, tlmt nothing
wlmtover hud been received from
tlio demncrntlo lmtlomil committee.
An uir of gloom provuded the
Wlilto house. Tho liro.sldont und
Trlvnto Secretary Ltimont denied
thcniHelved to ull cnllern. Tho latter
80011)8 to feel tho defeat more keenly
than tho president. Lainont ro
ru.scd to enter ills IhihIiiohh ollico un
til very lato. overywliuro wordH of
Hympatliy for Mre. Ciovoland were
Becretary Whitney In euiivermi
tion wild: "Well, wo are whipped
and badly at that. There In no
uof holding out any hopcH of lato
returiiH. Thoy tan only lncreiwe
thq defeat. I luivo no oxcuho to
oiler, Now York city nnd Urooklyn
fulled to give uh their promised mip
port, L went homo and wont to
Bleep when I heard from ilrookynr"
Iteturin From tho Dlffurrut Slates-
fllher XcWH-SacresH.
TIih Hours of KtrlteiiiMit und Doubt
INDIANAI'OMH, Nov. 8. Ooll.
IJiirriHon i very eoiiHerviitlve
about cougratulatloiiH, ami wiiiiIh
to feel Hiiro that ho Id out of tho
wooiIh Iniforo ho ptirmllii hlniBclf to
p.irticlpnti In hucIi proceedlngM.
There were a groat many citUer) nt
tho hotiHo ; In fuct tiio iieiglibora
liiiiiu iu und took apparent posoen
blun. On tho ouUIde u crowd wan
Mtaiidltiguud gazing at the hoimc,
looking to catch, u gllmiiso of tho
general iw ho occuHlonnlly pitted tho
windowM. Tlio ileiuniiHtrntlOH , In
the city wiw of t ho iikmi enthiiHliwtlo
charucter. I-nrgo crowd collected
about tho Jounml building und tho
new Deiilfton, chterlng for "Jkrn"
Mm Ii.ies Nobly by Her llonorixl liar
rl.ou. INDIANAI'OMH, NOV. 8, NllHI
hundred ami ilfteen preeluotH In
IndlMnaglvo Hurrlon 148,011, Clovo
lund 198,809. The Mime In 1881 jfave
lllfllne l:,671, Clevuluud 131,.'iOS.
Kt-cretary Hherln of the dtmioerutlo
! national commute wild that itlooK.
txl like Geu. Hnrrlttoii had carrlwl
11 the state.
i Hubw-rlbo for the Capital Jovkscal
8h Falls Into the I.lue AVItli flooilM
jorltlvs. Nkw Yoiik, Nov. 8. Tho Sun of
this morning tya thntllitrriHon hn
11,762 plurality iu Now York state,
and that Hill has 18,052. lta llgure.x
show that Indinna gives Ilnrrlson a
plurality of about 2000. Connecti
cut Ib denioenttlo by 494.
Tho Trlbuno says: Rovised re
turns of tho voto for president, with
careful estlniateji where authentic
tlgures aro lacking, give Harrison
ll.lXXi plurality lu this state.
Tho unolllclal voto of nil counties
lu tho state, as far as returns go,
how it plurality for Clovelnnd of
78,050, and for Harrison of 00,147,
giving Harrison n plurality In the
stnto of 11,101.
Jlnrrlsnn I Tb. Mnn.
Nkw .Yohk, Nov, S. Senator
Quay,, chairman of tho republican
national committee, issues tlio fol
lowing statement: "Tho republicans
on Tuesday carried, uy Increased
majorities, all tho states that were
carried for lllulno iu '84, and lu
addition have New York by n
plurality of 15,000 aud Indinna by u
plurality of from 4000 to 0000. West
Virginia Is lu doubt. Gen. Hurrl
sou's election is assured."
Ohio Is Solid Ton.
Coi.ij.muus, Nov. 8. Chairman
Cappoll claims tho stato by 21,000 for
Harrison. Tho democratic- com
mittee makes no claim but says tho
voto on tho national ticket is close.
There seems no doubt but tho state
Is republican and that tho republi
cans mndo a not gain of one con
gressman. A Sul Death.
Tho remains of Ellis Hall were
brought hero this afternoon from
l'omeroy, where ho died very ro
contly. Ho is but twenty years old
audsou of Ex-Sherlir llall of In
dependence nnd u cousin ofSlierltr
Crolsan. Ho will bo Interred nt
Dueua Vista.
Illinois lulls III.
Chicago, Nov. 8.- Tho associated
press has Just completed u count on
the Illinois gubernatorial voto, aud
thoy say l-'lfor Is elected y 7000
majority. It is safe to say, that
Harrison's plurality will bo about
HrltKi Gives It Ui.
Nnw Yoitic, Nuv. 8, Chairman
Hrlco of tho democratic national
committee Is.sues a bulletin conced
ing the election of Harrison and
tying thorn is no ohnuco of gaining
flufllclout maorltls In tho districts
not yet heard from.
Tlmy Get Uounnotleiit.
IlAiiTFQiti), Nov. 8, Connecticut
glyeH Cleveland for president u
plurality of 420, with two towns to
hear, from, which will icduoj It to
about fCO.
Oregon gives Harrison about 8,0(M)
Missouri Is close, aud probably will
give majorities for Harrison.
There is no doubt In Minnesota
she gives a good republican majority.
Tho republicans carry Washlngtou
Territory by about 5,000. Allen
goes In over Voorheos by a good
Tim lottery of I.Ht.
When (hollrst baby born lu Deli
ver was announced by her father,
I.ImIi Harvey, twenty-eight yuan
ago, a public meeting was hold hi
tho town, and among tho other
prcHoiits a lot of laud was donated.
Tho ihjIco went out of Harvey's
hands by his refusal to pay Uh taxes
To-day the girl sings lu a concert
garden at Denver, aud the lot that
was given her Is worth 2,000,000.
Flour In those days was worth f 100
jHir barrel.
Walking Is tho favorite aud al
most the only recreation of Cardin
al Gibbons. Ho Is an Indefatigable
pedestrian, and unless, ho Lu not sit
ting In tho reception roopi of his res
Iduncv he may usualy bo found
walking up and down (ho narrow
hrliik pavement luUia roar pf hi