Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, November 02, 1888, Image 1

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VOL. 1.
NO. 2O0.
Is Simple of Construction,
Awarded first premium at the Oregon
State Fulr ISSS-'St-SS-'SB.'ST and at the Call
fornla State Fulr, 18S7, and San Joaquin
County Fair, 1887.
Manufactured In sixlslzes. For circular
and price list address
P. O. Box 280. Salem, Oregon
3-Dryer Furnaces furnished Ave sizes
Islington Ter.orCalitornia real estate. For
lutormatton address us at either of the fill.
lowing effices: Palestine, 111.; Kansas City,
the rooms of the State Immigration Hoard,
corner of Front and Ash streets. lTJtf
L. S S
Office near tho
Opera House.'
Teeth extracted
by the painless pio-
0. C. Howard, Proprietor.
49-A11 kinds of frosh and cured meats
always on hand, 'full weight and a square
deal all arlund.
'Tor Sale.
A irood Iron frame Horse Power.
for all ,'uses, from one to full capacity.
Alt for the low.prlco of STO. Call ut tho Pa
ciflQ'Clder, Vinegar & Fruit Frese.-vlng
Company's blllee. Salem, Oregon.
For tho treatment of all diseases of men
and women
Medicated vapor baths, oxygen inhala-
tlons, electro magnetism, medicated
sprays, etc. umee ana suuiuirium m mo
Bank block. Consultation free.
Ti . .
TREV)Nr v-
(1 MUJ..
112 BY WU.j,,
m m frt iir iirnt
. ... ,. ,r m,r. irpin
mahs iuu A iajuu i.' i". "'.. k. ..uii tvihui7es? Are you irouuieu uy
H, cewlve secretion of mucus matter ln .SaTot the Tllroat, ringing or
symptoms, others only a part. n1iro
California Cat-R-Oure
Restores the sense of ta.te and.mell. remows M?1.
Ing from Catarrh. Easy and pleasant to use. Follow direction,
teed by D. W. MATTHEWS A Co.
I'hoenlx and Home Injuranoe Company '? X'jn woodland. Cal.recom.
troubled with Chrqnlo Ctareh for twenty years. A men J mt mtIexaitti In Its
mended your Callfdrn CAT-K-CURE- t, FiSVSIj a r, J ain eured of that disgusting
who are sufferers."
Proposals for Stationery.
OKFICKOr theSkcrktauy opStatk.)
o i .. Sam,m. Or., Sept, 27th, lSSS.f
Sl0(1 P"Pwl Jrtll be received nt this
office until noon November 27th, ISSS, to
nirntsh the following articles for the state
of Oregen:
J?!."?"!8 JesnI raP' u ft No- 8 ruling,
white laid, drew, Charter Oak or Scotch
. 2i.rcf?i1S,ttcrPnP!r' 12:f,"o.8 ruling,
white laid, Carew, Charter Oak or Scotch
30 reams tlrst-closs Congress note. 7 lb
Packages, No. 8 ruling, white laid.
v No. 6 wulteemclopcseOB), No. I rag,
15 M No. 9 white envelopes, GO ft. No. 1
rag XXX.
12grossrallroadstcelpens No W.
15 gross Glllott's steel pons, No. 401.
5 gross Fnber's pen holders, No. 1R70.
. kiuss jusieruroois "j pens.
t uozen lower .Muuuracturluir Go's.
ometerand brass backed Inkstand.
12 dozen Ivory folders, 9 Inch, Stnndnrd.
A dozen Ivory folders, 10 inch, Congress.
10 dozen mucilage cups, No. 8, Morgan's
1 dozen mUPiiaro stands, rpsprvnlr Vr
6, Morgan's patent.
j reams r.irKers treasury blotting paper,
140 ft, assorted colors.
2 gross No. 2 Eaglo Kccorder lead pencils,
style 683.
4 uozen Arnold's writing Muld, quarts.
2 dozen Dm id & Sons writing lluld,
quarts, black.
2 dozen Stanford's premium fluid, quarts,
lo dozen duplex cap board letter clips.
12 dozen Faber'a ruhher rulers M lnMv
sorted sizes.
4 gross Faber's lead pencils, Nos. 2 and 3,
hexagon, gilt.
ui gross Faber's lead pencils, round, gilt.
No. 2.
6 dozen Faber's
atcnt Ink and pencil
rubber erasers, small.
lOOOMcGlll's patent paper fasteners, No. 2.
1000 McQIU's paten j paper fasteners, No. 4.
18 dozen gummed stub flics, No. 21, 11x15
In., 2.V) pages.
12 dozen table rinds for miner. 1Bt2I
lo dozen waste paper baskets, cross bar,
No. 4.
20 lbs hemp twine. No. 12.
At the same time separate bids will be
received forl2dozcn Wostcnholm congress
Kni es to De aescriocu Dy trade Nos. Sam
pies to be exhibited.
Bids should be marked "Proposals for
Stationery." Nouo but best quality of
guims receive"..
The right to reject any or all bids Is re
served. All goods to bo delivered beforo January
1st, 1889. Payment to bo mado by m arrant
on state treasury.
0-2S-td Secretary of State.
'Heal Estate Bargains.
51,000 100 ucics, 0 miles from O A C de
pot, (loud house, barn nnd
orchard. Fenced, and In cul
tivation. 52,000 so acres, 4 miles from Halem,
Good load to town. Improve
ments fair. Fine fruit land.
$5,490 8a acres 2i miles from Salem.
No buildings. Splendid land,
all fenced. Mako a desirable
$2,509. 00 acres 4 miles from Salem. Im
provements good. Fine young
orchard, and garden land.
$1,180 100 acres, 7 miles from Snlem.
Hill laud, finely watered. Sell
In lots of 40-acro tracts at $25 per
810,600 075 acres, 8 miles from Salem.
Excellent grass and fruit land,
adjoining 'Willamette rlcr.
Will sell In tracts.
$1,375 51 acres, 4 miles of Salem. House,
barn und orchard. Large spring
at the door. Good holl, and
plenty of timber.
$2,400 120 acres, 5 miles of Salem; good
road; well Improved; stream
rtinhlne through the place.
SG0.00 400 acres 4 miles west side O it
C It 11 ) good house, barn and
orchard, 1J0 In cultivation, bal
ance oak grub pasturo land.
$800 10 acres, 1 mile from Salem, ad
joining fair grouud. Good land;
no implements.
i "fin -in nrrpK. 5 miles Salem: all In
cultivation; no buildings; near
school house. Excellent fruit
$1 O00 370 acres, 6 miles from O A C R R;
' all fenced; well watered. House,
barn, and small orchard; 150
acres in cultivation.
go 750 3 lots, with good house and barn,
East Salem. Desirable location.
Wo have besides this n largo list or city
andiarm property. Buyers would do well
to can ana exummw " uuiumsa .v.w
making their purchases.
Opera House, Court St.,
n,o;tf Salem, Or.
'cure ron
Mrh does not get better? Have you an ox-
il M
Some Startling Statement
rml Interest.
of Gen.
Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, on
being asked when the training of a
child should begin, replied, "A hun
dred years before it is born."
Are wo to infer from this that this
generation is responsible for the con
dition of tho race a hundred years
from now ?
Is this wonderful generation tho nat
ural result of the proper diet and med
icines of a hundred years ago?
It is conceded in other lands jthat
most of tho wonderful discoveries
of the world in this century havo
come from this country. Our ances
tors were reared in log cabins, and
suffered hardshfDs and trials.
But they lived and enjoyed health
to a ripe old ago. The women of
those days would endure hardships
without apparent fatigue that would
startle those of tho presont ago.
Why was it?
Ono of the proprietors of tho pop
ular remedy known as Warner's Bafe
cure, has been faithfully investigating
mo cause, ana has caned to his aid
scientists as well as medical men, im
pressing upon them tho fact thnt
there cannot be an effect without u
cause. This investigation disclosed
thfc fact that in tho olden timo.s
simple remedies wore administeio.l
compounded of herbs and roots, which
were gathered and stored in the lot la
of the log cabins, and wheu sickness
came on, these remedies from naturo'n
laboratory were used with tho bet
What were theso remedies? What
were thoy usod for? After untiring
and diligent search thev havo ob
tained tho formulns so generally used
for various disorders.
Now the question is, how will tho
olden time preparations affect the
people of this age, who havo benn
treated, under modern nicdii'al
schools and codes, with poisonous
and injurious drugs. This test has
boen carefully pursued, until they
aro convinced that the preparations
thoy now call Warnor'o Log Cabin
remedies aro what our muoli abused
systems required.
Among them is what is known u
Warner's Log Cabin sarsnparilln, and
thoy frankly announco that thoy do
not consider tho sarsaparilla of ho
much value in itself as it is in the
combination of tho various ingredi
ants which together work marvelouxly
upon tho system. They also have
preparations for other diseases, such
ss Warner's Log Cabin cough and
consumption remedy," "Log Cabin
hops and buchu romedy," "Warner's
Log Cabin hair tonic." They have
great confidence that they have u
euro for tho common disease of catarrh,
which thoy give the name of "Jog
Cabin rose cream." Also a "Log
Cabin plaster," which they aro con
fident will supplant all others, and a
liver pill, to bo used separately or in
connection with the othor romodiea.
We hope that the public will not
be disappointed in these remodies,
but will reap a benefit from tho in
vestigations, and that tho proprietors
will not be embarrasod in their in
troduction by dealers trying to sub
stitute remedies that havo been so
familiar to the shelves of our drug
gists. This line of remedies will be
used instead of others. Insist upon
your druggist getting them for you if
he hasn't them yet in stock, and wo
feel confident that theso now remo
dies will receivo approbation at our
reader's hands, ns tho founders have
used every care in their preparation.
Proposal for Wood.
riif f 1.'
I rirnw.ii Mtiitit riiriimo AmvIiiiii hereby
Invite mmUhI projiowils lor woodas follows;
Four hundred (400) colds dry ikiIhoiiIc.
Two hundred (200) cords dry body ouk.
Fourteen hundred (1100) cords dry bod)
llr out of large tree.
Tho polo oak must not bolewt than three
inche In diameter. Tlirw;. hundred to
nvo hundred cords of llr, and two hundred
to three hundred orinU of oak are to be ile
llverod by June 1, IK), nnd thd remainder
by October 1. lhW. ... . ,
lllds Mill lie received In amounts fnun
nnv cords up. The wood must he four feet
in length and of the best quality, Mibject
to te approval of the medical superin
tendent of the asylum, and to bedelUered
at any point on the aayluin grounds desig
nated by him. ,,. i .
The right to reject uny aud all bids Is re
served Hid will be oned at 2 o'clock Tufday,
Hoard of Trustees.
Wm. A.'MUNLY,ClerKof Uourd.
isttfek. rr-h,x
Suod.M:eh.al Sept.,
ih -mtttr., it Is sa ency-
udopwik of efoI, Ituwt
jiuPWiiw U.WO ur-
..T-'.(7i.. nf Ufa. We
.,, f.rntv.s von ad.lUTijrptt Irttn
an the wwm JSS3E!.
V Hmm, -. v m.-
rMFtK IHQS-V. W- 4-"9 W- -Zl ... mi
mmaK.mm i SSL id
The fclreter d Cvumjnghwn ,
riIwltrropOrejMn tfre J- FIIendrlx
ff w,irk h toaaimond.
Sub-trribofortheCAi-rrAlJoUKNALitliem always. Bold by it. w. u
Hohsks in Oregon. Ono horse
company operating In Oregon nnd
Idaho has 8,000 native mares on tho
High Piucks. Not only cash
wheat but till futures aro quoted nt
from forty to fifty cents per bushel
higher than n year ago.
"Watch thk Details. In thq
management of a furm, as well ns
with all other pursuits, nttondlng to
details has done more to uh.su ro suc
cess than anything else.
Do Odd Jobs Now. "Farm
tinkering," ought to be well done up
this season, If the oft-repeated advice
of the average gricultuml paper to
do such work on rnlny days has
been heeded.
Taki:s Head Work. No farmer
need sit down aud expect some ono
to furnish him n ready-made system
or plan of conducting his farm; he
must make it himself Is tho opin
ion of nn acute agriculturist.
Caui: of Machinery. Every
lost or broken or worn-out screw
bolt should bo replaced with a new
ono before the Implement Is stored
In the tool house or barn, so that
when spring comes everything will
be ready for work.
Have no Vulgar Help. Tho
farmer who will hire wicked, foul
mouthed men to become his
children's overy-day associates can
expect them to grow up with their
speech tinged with vulgarity nnd
profanity. -
Little jiy Little If n llttlo
clcnring, ti little ditching, it llttlo
enriching, or n llttlo picking up is
done each year, tho farm will steadi
ly improve. But if the farm siiflcrH
a llttlo neglect eich year It will
soon run down.
Quality of Milk. The quality
of a cow's milk Is not allected by
tho quantity of water she drinkH.
In other words you cannot dilute
her milk by making or letting her
ill ink water. Mr. Lhwch, how over,
is of the opinion that thin und slop
py feedn may have the ell'ect of
reducing tho quality of tho milk.
Doctor Vaelcker N of tho wimo
opinion hi regard to tho witter sup
ply, nnd ho agrees with Mr. Lawes
in rogurd to the ell'ect of tho jioor,
sloppy food on the quality of tho
Grass for Pasture. In rowing
grass for pasture, tho best results aro
reached by rowing a mixture for
Instanco, of rod top, timothy, Ken
tucky blUegrnfw, meadow fescue, atld
meadow oat grat-s bearing In mind
that mixture of several HortH Is more
likely to all'ord herbugo through tho
whole stinimcr, und to bo more per
manent. In seeding for meadows,
though, It is bettor to sow only ono
kind of heed, as the (II Mi' rent kinds
will Vt'ry eldom bo ready to'harvest
at thoHnmo time.
Trellis for Grave, It U sur
piislng what growth grajK) vinos
will nuike ovor mi evergreen, If
given a chalice to run. With only
a modurutely rich roil tho vino will
cover tho tree, killing It ufter u
few years, Its tendrils cling to the
Blender stems of tho ovurgreon fol
iage, und will Jiot relax their hold.
The higher tho vino runs the finer
the grapes and tho harder thoy uni
to gut. It Is not u good way to give
grape vlnw their will over any kind
oftretm. A low, neat trollU will
cost but llttlo, und be uvory way
more satisfactory.
Wsslcrfsl Csrr.
Cj., wholoMulo and
Itome. Oa., Ny:
llimr Dr. KIdu'm
Clectrlc lllttors uud
Arnloa Balvo for four
ears. Havo never uanuieu rcuio-
dles tluit wll an wull, or give such
universal wiiHraction. liuim nuvo
leen romo wonderful curen effected
by theso mwllcineH In this eity.
Several cbmm of nronounood con-
gU,pUon have been entirely cured
,y una of a fow bottle of Dr. ICIng'i
Now DIco-ery, taken In connection
Kiectrlo lllttow. WetJ.uarauU-0
Important Events of (he Whole World
for Tunlv-four Hours.
War at tho Crossjlng Jloro of West
Tho Wreck Nuggets of News.
Yellow Vever Report.
Decatur, Ala., Nov. 1. There
has been n sudden Increase In yellow
fevor. In tho lost twenty-four hours
eight new cases havo been reported
IHtaairuits Pnlrle Fire.
Minneapolis, Nov. 1. A siicclal
from Garj'i Dak., saysi A disastrous
prairie fire swept tho country east of
here last night, destroylngthousands
of dollars' worth of property, Includ
ing houses, barns, grain and buy.
No loss of life is yet reported.
A Foolish Strike.
Los AncIeles, Nov. 1. Tho brnke
men nnd switchmen of tho Califor
nia Central & California Southern
went on a strike to-day. The
trouble Is about tho ordor of promo
tion, tho preference having been
given to a number or Eastern men
brought hero as moiv experienced
A Coreuu Appropriation.
San Francisco, Nov, 1. The
steamer San Bias, which arrived
from Panama this afternoon, reports
that tho Chilean Congress has ap
propriated half a million dollars for
tho relief of tho Hiiilerers by tho
recent Hoods In tho vicinity of Val
paraiso. TJio country has Ihjcii
terribly dovastated, and loss of llfo
Is very large.
Ilajard nnd the Sunl FUhurlea,
San Francisco, Nov. 1. Ameri
can private sealers who havo their
headquarters In this city will one
aud all lit every available schooner
for service in Uchrlug sea next slim
mer. Onu owner said to-day: "I"
Uayard would act fairly with its',
San Franciscans would lit out ilfly
or sixty vessels annually, each giv
ing employment to twcnty-llvo men.
This trade Is bound to bo handed
over to lirltlsh Columbia by the
discrimination of tho administration
against us."
A Itruiaikable lift.
This afternoon ono of Salum's
popular furniture dealers, and by
tho way a good democrat, initdu a
peculiar bet with a traveling furni
ture salesman. Tho Salem man
put up tho coin to back his state
ment that "Walla "Walla county,
Washington Territory, would give
fifteen or more votes for Cleveland
electors. Tho Portland man can
take tho money, forlt is his. When
a man buts that a certain county lu
any territory will give ho many
presidential votes you may con
clude ho Is a democrat th'jy can't
read, you know.
H.ukvllln Write, a Lttr.
Wahhinoton, Nov. 1. No new
devvlupiiiunts hi tho Lord Suckvlllo
matter havo lMen mudo public to
day, Loid Saokvillo's resiwiiHo,
formally acknowledging the receipt
ofKociotury Bayard's letter of ex
pulsion, ha l)cuii received at tho
state department. It Is as brief ami
formal as possible, but thu depart
ment will uot make known Its
luiigiiage. Nothing definite can be
learned art to tho date of Lord Sack
vlllc's departure, und ltlsu matter
of doubt whether tho department
will receive any announcement of
(he fact when he leaves.
Tim Tillamook Wreck.
Port Townhh.ni, W. T., Nov. 1.
The information received utl'ort
lattfl concerning tho wreck of the
barkontlnoMaknh, near Tillamook,
Is l(elleved herd to bo erroneous. The
Makuh sailed from Port Discovery
the 5th ult. luuilier-ladun for Aus
tralia. Large quantities of the deck
load of lumber would havo washed
ashore at Tillamook. And the
Mnkah hi so built that sho can not
upset. There Is home mystery about
the occurrence. There Is no other
vessel on the const named Makuh,
atld the scene of the dUnstcr Is fur
out of the course of a vessel destined
for Melbourne.
Tho agents of tho Mulne Coutral
Itoad have Iwon ordered to discon
tinue tho sale of tickets to Chinese.
Uaron Newborough Is dead.
was 8o years of age.
The illness of Cardinal Newman Is
reported to bo very serious.
Tho condition of tho King of tho
Netherlands has grown critical.
Tho festivities at Athens yesterday
hi honor of tho twenty-fifth anni
versary of King George's accession
to tho throne wore on n grand scale.
Mrs. John A. Logan, beforo sail
ing for Europe yesterday announced
her engagement to edit a magazine
for women while abroad. Sho will
bo In Europe about one year.
A number of whalers of San Fran
cisco when soon oxpressojil In
dignation at tho government's
failure thus far to send relief to tho
500 whalers Ice-bound In tho Arctic
region. As tho season advances tho
loo tloes will Ihj frozen together, and
If aid Is not soon sent It will bo Im
possible to reaoh them at all.
Oyoliinu out of Hcuixin.
La Porte, Iowa, Nov. 1. A
oyclouo struck this place at 0 o'clock
to-night, coming from tho north
west. Union hnll was demolished,
nnd a largo nuinbor of houses wcro
unroofed and blown down, a Acotlou
of building being carried many
blocks away. Great loss has boon
occasioned to merchants. Tho resi
dence of Banders "Walker was blown
to atoms and children rolled about
on tho ground. Tho mother was
setlously hurt. No other Injuries
aro reported. The loss on property
Is $75,000. ltoports of damages aro
coming from all sections of tho
Women lu Holland.
A correspondent of the Now York
Tribune, writing about Holland, says:
"You cross a railroad track, nnd casting a
glance along the iron pith, a woman,
vaving a wlnto signal Mag, catches your
eye, blic is the watch wumsn at the cross
'ng. At every railroad In Holland lliis
portion is filled by woiuun, und ruilroad
officials have, aasificil u tlmt no accident
lias over been oautud by a WAtohwuinsn't
u.irolessuess, Tlitiy icculvu 20 gulldets
$$) per month. A man would require
double that salary uud lie might got id
toxicated once in u while. Distinctions
in privilege botwieu married and unglo
women ate so t lioroiilily ostahlisliod hero
by social customs as to be observed In tbe
overy-day associations of tho soxes. A
native will readily ditcover whether the
couple walking on tho street in front of
him are married or uot, this diicuvery
being, made easy by thu strict adherence
oftlic populacu to the ancient custom
uompulsoiily introduced into thu country
when uudur the iron rulu of "Alva tho
Illoody." An unmarried lady always
takes ihe right arm of her escort, vthilo the
married onu selects the loft side of her
husband. So deeply has this custom
entered Into tho life of Hollanders liat
at a church wedding the bride caters tho
edifice on the tl(;ht side of the groom, tho
young wifu returning on tliu left tide of
her husband when the ceremony has been
NoHiuutterm WuulvtL
Vandorbllt pays his cook $10,000 a
year, uiy boy, which is a great deal more
than you and I earn or at least it it a
great deal moru than wo get bioauiu he
caii cook. That is all. Presumably be
cause lie can cook better than any other
tnau in America. That is all. If Mon
sieur Bjuceangravl could covk tolerably
well, and shoot a little, and. speak three
iaiiKUsgss tolerably well, aud keep books
fairly, and ling some, aud understood
gardening pretty well, and couldpreaoha
fair sort ol a sermon, and knew something
about horses, and could telegraph a little,
and could do Ihdit porter's work, aud
could read proof loUrsbly, and could do
ptsiu house aud ijju-pintlng, and could
help on threshing-machine, and kuevr
enough law to practice In the justices
courts of Klokapoo township, and bad
once run for thu legislature, and knew how
to weigh hay, be wouldn't get 8l0,00I a
year for it. Ho get this uit because ha
knows how to cook, and it wouldn't
make a owl's differenoe In hU salary if he
thought the World was tUt and that it
went around Its orlut on wheels. There's
nothing like knowing your butlnes olesr
through, my boy, from withers to book,
whether you know anything else or not.
Wbat's the good of knowicg everything?
Only the Sophomtrci tre omnlioeot.
' ,!fj
O. u-aiJ6jBufe